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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste again!


So let's start with the chatter.....the birthday dinner was a lot of fun last night! Catching up with this group is always full of laughter. The minute I got in the car to leave it was a DOWNPOUR! Like wipers on full blast and still only being able to go 20mph because it's hard to see. I just took my time and was fine though. I stopped by Ingrid's to pick up hoagies from a fundraiser for one of the kids that were delivered yesterday. I wanted to have them because her (and Bean's) other sister came by our house this morning to pick her order up since she works really close to our house. I didn't work out today as I'm feeling tired....but more on that later....


I did have a lazy morning at the house and watched the last Hell's Kitchen and half of a Chopped. On my way here, I stopped by the tax office to sign and pick up my return (where Ingrid's working) and then up to JoAnn's to pick up a new needle for the sewing machine. I got universal ones since none of the specialty ones seemed to fit with what I was doing. Is that good for scrub-type fabrics? Or should I have gotten something else? Obviously, I've never done serious sewing before :lol Usually just the usual mending.


Stacy - WTG on your exams and I also think you made the right choice about the English class.  Take it with a different prof and the class will be completely different.  It's definitely unfair that this one wanted to throw so much extra into the mix without warning.


Joanne - Our weekend is supposed to cool off into the 40's and after 80's, it's going to feel really cold.  But then it should kick right back up again :shrug  Enjoy it when you can!


LeeAnn - Great job to the kids for the swimming!  How fun for dd to play volleyball and ds having confirmation coming up.  Sloan gets his 1st holy communion this sunday.  My parents are coming out tomorrow :)


OK, so now for the somber portion of today's post. I got a call from Maryann at 2:30 am last night and her bf passed away! I'm still baffled and in shock. When I answered I knew it wasn't going to be good news just because of the hour it was when I saw the caller ID. So of course she couldn't even talk, so I only asked who it was....because remember she had him in one hospital and her mom in another, so I knew it was one of the two. I just kept talking nonsense to her to help calm her down a bit although she was doing a phenomenal job keeping her composure I must say. I think mostly because she was at the other hospital with her mom (she's been sleeping there every night) although her mom was asleep through all of this so she left the room and all. I had her talking a bit and calmed down somewhat. She had said her cousin was on her way up there so I wouldn't let her hang up with me until her cousin arrived, which was about an hour (hence being tired and drained today). She said something about work today and I told her not to worry about that and don't go in today, she wouldn't be useful to anyone and she needs to allow herself the time she needs. She's been dating probably for about 3 years and he's young. When I talked to her earlier in the week they still hadn't diagnosed him, but were doing dialysis that day to clean the blood was what they said. So when I talked to her last night, they had determined that he had Lupus.


It really reminds you that we really just don't know what can happen from one day to the next and life is short! :sigh

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I had two good nights of sleep in a row, and feel pretty good!  Loving this cool early-morning weather.


I guess I never said, but I finished my dining room before I went to Ohio in early March.  It is nice to have that done. 


LeeAnn, Congrats to your kids doing so well in swimming.  It is such a great skill to have.  Wonderful exercise!  How cool that your dd is joining volleyball.  Sounds like your son is staying busy.  The dolphins and alligators sound cute, can't wait to see them. 


Joanne, I hope you get to see your grandsons tonight..  Robbie must be growing so fast.  How is Ryan adjusting to the newcomer?


Stacy, you are doing great in those two classes.  It sounds like your English professor is not very reasonable.  That is so much work for anybody taking other classes, much less someone working or with children.  The open house sounds like a lot of fun. 


Marisa, congrats on the new patients.  It is a shame when you miss the great weather.  It will be hot and sticky before you know it.  I know you have several months, but I can't wait to see pics of the bridge when it is yarn bombed!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I didn't sleep well at all last night :(  I was here late last night and need to figure something out in my computer program today for the office for something new that came up yesterday that I haven't had to do yet.  I have a patient coming at 10 then another at 4 and possible another in between.  We are going out tonight to celebrate our friend's 40th bday and my parents are driving in tonight as well :clap


Beth - That's great about the dining room...I'd love to see it :devil 

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-I hope that you were able to get a bit of R & R this weekend, you work so hard and a ton of hours.  What is on your hooky these days?  I bet a baby ghan?


Beth-so happy to hear that the dining room renovation is all done. whew!  We need to paint our living room and ds bedroom but I dislike painting...I can't seem to bring myself to do it.  I am hoping to get to it before I head back to work..but I am betting that I will have to enlist dh to help. 


Stacy-how's your weekend going?  Homework?  and you dh?


Marisa-I love that you network so much!  How was the new patients?  And I am sure you all are working like  busy bees on your KTB project.


This weekend has been pretty relaxed. For my dd and I only.  Ds and dh had a scout event yesterday that lasted all day.  They helped one of our local churches with yard work.  They spent about 7 hours workings...poor guys.


While they were gone, I was busy soaping and visiting with my dd.  I made tons of new soapies..the alligators and dolphins finally.  My customer loved them and ordered 15 goody bags with an alligator and a few dolphins in each bag.  Finally added the flip flop soaps to my etsy shop.  Today I plan on whipping up more gaters and dolphins..hopefully I can finish her order by tomorrow.  I do not have to mail them until Saturday..but I like being ahead of the game.


Can't wait to share all of the new soapies, I'm so excited!  I have a few new marketing ideas that I still need to work on but will share just as soon as I get the kinks out.


hugs n squishes dear friends!







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LeeAnn, the soapies are so cool.  I think it's funny that you made all that soap, and still say you had a relaxing weekend.  I really do dislike painting. 


Joanne, I hope you got some more R&R this weekend.  Did you get any grandson time in?  How is the latest babyghan going?


Marisa, what a shock to hear that Maryann lost her BF.   Poor thing, she is certainly going through a lot right now.  How is her mother doing? 


Stacy, is school keeping you busy?  I can't believe the kids have just a few more weeks in this semester.  It sure seems to go fast (when I'm not the one listening to the lectures.) 

Well, I went to the doctor Monday for a weird rash on one finger of my left hand:  the finger the yarn goes over when I crochet.  It is (pulls out cheat sheet) Dyshidrotic Eczema.  I haven't crocheted since my diagnosis, since I have to put a very strong steroid cream on it, and I'd rather not get that on the yarn.  It is much better now.  But I have had to find another hobby.  I am going to try another vegetable garden.  I am starting with one 4x4 foot square this year, with room for 2 more if I actually have any success.  We are going to expand the herb garden from last year, too, and grow sage along with the basil.  Maybe some chives?  Any way I cleaned out the side yard where the garden is, and dug up the first plot.  I need to add some compost.  We decided to plant cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers (green and jalapeno) and green onions.  I can't believe how much fun I had digging and weeding. 

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LeeAnn, the soapies are so cool.  I totally agree--they are adorable.  think it's funny that you made all that soap, and still say you had a relaxing weekend.  I really do dislike painting. Me too


Joanne, I hope you got some more R&R this weekend.  Did you get any grandson time in?  I chuckled at this. My R&R time is visiting with my grandsons- Ryan and Robbie!!! How is the latest babyghan going? I had finished that and gave it to my co-worker 2 wks ago- it was the RR. I haven't started another yet. I did start and finish a summer wrap though- for me, using Debbie Bliss Rialto DK yarn I got on sale at a LYS in NH last summer on vacation- my souvenir!!!


Marisa, what a shock to hear that Maryann lost her BF.   Poor thing, she is certainly going through a lot right now.  How is her mother doing? 


Stacy, is school keeping you busy?  I can't believe the kids have just a few more weeks in this semester.  It sure seems to go fast (when I'm not the one listening to the lectures.) 


Well, I went to the doctor Monday for a weird rash on one finger of my left hand:  the finger the yarn goes over when I crochet.  It is (pulls out cheat sheet) Dyshidrotic Eczema.  I haven't crocheted since my diagnosis, since I have to put a very strong steroid cream on it, and I'd rather not get that on the yarn.  It is much better now.  Glad to hear it is responding to the steroid cream. Could it be related to a particular yarn you were using? (scurries off to look up dyschidrotic eczema--I know what eczema is, but not the dyschidrotic part)But I have had to find another hobby.  I am going to try another vegetable garden. What a great idea!!! I am starting with one 4x4 foot square this year, with room for 2 more if I actually have any success.  We are going to expand the herb garden from last year, too, and grow sage along with the basil.  Maybe some chives?  Any way I cleaned out the side yard where the garden is, and dug up the first plot.  I need to add some compost.  We decided to plant cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers (green and jalapeno) and green onions.  I can't believe how much fun I had digging and weeding.  My middle DD loves gardening- she did a roof garden last year in the city! Me, not so much!

Here's a picture of the shawl- not the best, but you get the idea


Hope you ALL had a wonderful weekend. It's that time of the weekend, where the clock is ticking and it's getting closer to Monday! UGH!


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Joanne, your shawl is just beautiful!  I love everything about it, the color, the pattern, and the great job you did on it!  What a lovely souvenir!  And if you had fun making it, so much better!!!


I love that R&R is Ryan and Robbie.  You know you make being a grandma look good!

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My DD was downtown today- She was at the Red Sox game (game at 11 on Patriots Day) and she and her friend were walking towards the finish line of the Marathon. They were planning to go see some of the runners pass the finish line and cheer them on. They stopped about 2 blocks away to get coffee and thankfully there was a line. She missed the explosion by about 4 minutes! And if there hadn't been a  line, she may have been right by it. Angels were looking out for her! She told me she is never going to give up coffee!!  She and her friend ended up walking home- and I'm guessing it's about 5-6 miles to her home from downtown. I could hear in her voice that she was a little shaken up, but thankfully she is ok.


Such a senseless tragedy!


Now, off to maybe eat something. I'm still shaking and I wasn't even there- just the thought that she was so close ---

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HI all!


My mind is all over the place today, but wanted to say I'm so glad and relieved that your dd was not hurt Joanne.


Thoughts and prayers for those affected..back to trying to put one foot in front of the other.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


We had a good weekend and Sloan's communion party was a lot of fun.  We also had a cake to celebrate Bean and Averie's birthdays coming up since the family was all together already and Bean's father was leaving for Florida the next day for a few weeks and wouldn't be here.  It was great to have my parents visiting and they just left this morning after we went to breakfast.  We went shopping yesterday and I got 2 tops, one light sweater and a cute tee from Express on sale, about $26 for both! 


My dad got a call this morning from the son of a guy he works with (they've worked together for 35-40 years) that he passed away overnight.  My dad talked to his wife on the way home and I guess he had some chest pain last night and went to bed, ended up having a heart attack at home.  My dad called the other guy in his dept that has also been with them forever and they didn't know anything yet (he was at work yesterday) and were asking around if anyone has seen him since he's not one to be late.  He just turned 65 and had started talking about retirement :(  Again, I'm in shock.


Joanne - I was glad to see your post on FB yesterday that your dd was safe :hug  I know you must've been a wreck until you heard from her!  I feel like between Maryann's bf last week, the marathon yesterday, and my dad's coworker today I'm recently in a constant state of disbelief!  On a lighter note, your shawl is beautiful!


LeeAnn - Great soapies, you are so creative and come up with the cutest things :yes  How wonderful to have some quality time with dd and the boys volunteering their help :hug


Beth - Maryann's mom was just being moved from the hospital to a rehab facility today.  I think she had the surgery on Friday, which went well.  I enjoy keeping a garden of herbs and some veggies, but I don't do it here at Steph's.  The caterpillars always came and ate my parsley and dill though :shrug  Like Joanne, I'm thinking your reaction might be a particular yarn (or a changed composition of a regular one if they've been changed at all) since it looks like it's a genetic type thing from the website I checked out (also had to look up the dyshidrotic part).

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Marisa, I hope your bad news is done for a long time.  They say it comes in threes, and I'm counting three here -- so you are DONE with the bad. 


Gotta scoot, so this will be super quick.  I broke a tooth on a corn chip yesterday, so to the dentist I go.  Hooray for my new dentist that will see me the next day.  My old one would schedule me for.... mid July or so?

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well let's see, last night I finished the drawstring bags for my baby shower gift for Saturday.  Steph of course didn't get the baby blanket done (didn't even start and I was giving her one I already had started from trying out a pattern, which is an easy one) so my gift will be from us both now.  I still needed diapers and a basket so she bought those.  It's a nice lined basket too, can be used for baby's laundry or toys, etc.  We got size 2 diapers and will probably pick up a package of size 3 for this basket now and maybe some onesie's or wash cloths or something to help fill up the bottom a bit.


We got some crazy thunderstoms last night and a flood warning.  So, they got rained out at the Pirates game.  They hung around until about 9, then called for a ride (I told them to so they wouldn't have to walk in that mess) because they decided at that point if they did start to play again they'd have to leave anyways. 


I had a patient this morning at 8 and another coming at 10.  This afternoon I have some errands to run.  Otherwise, a pretty uneventful day on tap.


Beth - I hope your dentist visit goes well and it's great they could get you right in.  I was thinking the same thing about things happening in 3's :eek


Joanne, LeeAnn, and Stacy - Hope you're all having a great day :hug

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Hi all,

Hope everything went well at the dentist, Beth! Good think he would see you right away. The old dentist definitely had to go with that timeline!!!!


Marisa- I often wonder why they take so long to call baseball games, especially when it's quite evident the rain/thunder is not going to let up anytime soon!


Stacy- Are you winding down with your semester? How are the girls?


LeeAnn- Are the swimming lessons over? When do you return to work?


Got home late, and I'm finding less and less time to come and visit the ville. I've been getting up WITH the alarm lately- usually I got up about 15 minutes before, which made a lot of difference in the morning as far as getting time to go on the internet.


DD is doing well- and Boston is recovering- although the increased military and police presence downtown is a constant reminder of what happened on Monday!

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-I don't think that I mentioned, but your shawl is beautiful!  Very nice indeed.  Work will be starting later for me this year..I'm actually relieved.  I have two training days in May but officially start June 3.  :yay   This gives me more time to work on my business.


Beth-goodness, it sure does take a super long time to get into the dentist.  So glad that you were able to get in and get your tooth fixed.  How's your finger doing?


Marisa-I am so very sorry to hear about your fathers friend and your friends boyfriend.  That is a lot of emotional stress.  Hope that you can find a bit of de-stressing and relaxation. 


Stacy-miss you but know that you are super busy.


Swimming lessons are finished..whew!  now on to volleyball for dd on Monday and Thur. evenings.  Ds still has scouts on Tues and Confirmation on Wed..they are keeping me hopping.


I have had several large orders..I finished all of the dolphins and gaters, they are packaged up and ready to go.  Had a Deluxe Mother's Day gift basket that I finished yesterday and a few smaller orders.  Now it's on to a huge order with lots of different goodies.  I am about 1/3 way into it.  This one may take a while to get done, but it sure is nice being caught up and only having to worry about the one order.


Other than that, nothing juicy.  Guess I should hop in the shower so that I can get to work.  I was being a tad bit lazy this morning.   Hugs n squishes!

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Good evening ladies :hi


I did laundry this morning and went to the gym.  Had a patient, went to breakfast, and then did some paperwork.  Catching up on some other things here and have the ktb piecing group here tonight.


Joanne - I'm glad your dd did well working.  I hope your days start getting shorter soon.  I volunteered to help at the Pitt marathon on May 5th and I'll be at the finish line medical area.  I can't say I won't be nervous there.


Beth - Not much going on around here today.  Did you get cleaned up?


LeeAnn - Glad to hear that the swimming lessons are done.  WTG on all your orders.


Stacy - I saw of fb that your done with your individual speeches for the semester :clap

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Good evening ladies!


Marisa, I'm so sorry to hear about Maryann's bf.  That must have been such a shock to her.  How is her mom doing?  How is Maryann? 


Joanne, the shrug is beautiful! I've seen that pattern somewhere, I think- is it one of Dot's?  I love that your R&R means "Ryan and Robbie."  Will you have any of that this weekend?


Leeann, your sandal soapies are just too cute!  Glad to hear the kiddos did well with swimming.  All of your other activities will certainly be keeping your family on the go!  Is this your ds' last year of confirmation classes? 


Beth, how was the dentist?  They sure got you in quickly! Your inventions' semester must be winding to a close right about now.  We still have a month to go.  I cannot wait!  The girls only go for one more week after I'm done, then we will be free for the summer!  :woo


As Marisa mentioned, I delivered my last individual speech of the semester.  It was about the importance of good nutrition, and guess what?  I froze!!!  About a quarter of the way through, I panicked and read straight from my notecards.  :sigh  Not good.

Tomorrow I am free, since dropping the English class.  I feel relieved.  There is so much stuff to catch up on around here- grocery shopping, laundry, etc...that I really need that extra time.


I guess it's time to scoot and make dinner.  Love and hugs!

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Happy TGIF to everybody! 


Stacy, my kids have one more week of classes, then exams.  Seems like it flew by.  Congrats on finishing your speeches.  Sorry you froze in the last one.  And nutrition -- you know a lot about that topic. 


LeeAnn, hooray for a break from work!  Seems like your business is keeping you pretty busy.  Congrats on all the big orders.


Marisa, I will certainly be thinking about you on May 5th.  It is so cool that you volunteered to help. 


Joanne, thinking of you.  Are you getting some R&R this weekend?


On Monday, I go in for the first step of getting a crown for the broken tooth.  My friend says I'm queen of crochet, because I'll have two crowns!  I am trying to do some gardening every day.  Today I rescued my front flower bed from drowning in weeds.  My tiny garden plot is looking good!  Nothing died yet.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Not too much going on here right now.  I had a couple patients this morning.  Ran to Target.  Had a new friend stop by to adjust me.  My regular chiro that I went to school with never text me back earlier in the week, so I'm thinking she might be in Puerto Rico this week.  Anyways, I met this guy at the chiro dinners I go to and his office isn't too far from mine and he seems to have my same philosophy of thinking.  So I sent him a message on fb to see if he'd mind and he was coming down this was anyways with his daughter and he came here.  I woke up with a headache again today, but also with actual neck pain too :( 


At Target I got some extra diapers and wipes to put in our baby shower basket.  FYI the wipes are on sale for $2 and then buy a second at $1 if any of you have a need or know someone who does.  The sale runs through tomorrow.


Stacy - Sorry you froze on this last speeck :hug  Hoping you get everything done today.


Beth - Sounds like your on a roll with the gardening :clap  Are you having pizzas today?

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Good morning!  Well, I suppose it's afternoon for all of us, but anyway...


Marisa, I think it's really cool that you're volunteering in the medical area at the finish line!  I'm sure you will be nervous, but I think that is something which will be looked at much more closely from now on.  :yes  How nice of the new chiro to adjust you.  I also think it's pretty cool that you all adjust each other.  :lol   But who else would you go to?  LoL


Beth, good luck with the crowns!  How fun that your gardening plot is coming along.  My mom told me yesterday that they are getting so much rain, her flower gardens are drowning.  :(   Good luck to your inventions with their exams.  How is your dd doing with driving?


Leeann, :woo for not starting until June!  I'm sure it's a nice break.  I am so proud of you for how far your soapie business has come!  :hug


Joanne, how's it going?  I hope your dd in Boston is doing well- I heard this morning that the whole city is on lockdown right now.  How nerve-wracking.  Sure hope they catch this guy soon!


I did some running for dh this morning, then stopped by the Cuban bakery, even though it was pretty much out of the way.  :blush:devil   I feel a cold coming on...my throat is sore and I have a headache.  My kiddos want to hit up the beach tomorrow, so I'm hoping a little Emergen-C will keep it at bay.  Afterward, I stopped at Ross for new pants- every single pair I own (with the exception of yoga pants) has ripped in the thighs.  :sigh  I guess they are trying to tell me something...

I need to get the table cleared off and living room cleaned up- dh called and said his co-worker is selling her dining set and it is the exact color and style I was looking for!  So gotta make room. 

Love and hugs! 

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I've had a very emotional week- between Boston and my oldest and my middle DD just found out Wed night around midnight that her BF was cheating on her. She is devastated She stayed with me last night and I took her to work (she just started the teaching job she got) I left work early and picked her up when she got out of school. We spent a bit of time in the park talking and then went to her place and then went to get something to eat. She is devastated, but she's also strong! I came home tonight,and she stayed at her place (ex BF is staying at his dad's)- she had told him that since he's the one that messed things up, he had to leave, not her (even though he had the apt and she moved in with him from Philly). she needs time to figure out her next steps and said she needs to be able to focus now that she got a real teaching job. She won't stay there long term I don't think, but for now, she needs time to plan things when she is less emotional.

Keep her in your thoughts and prayers. It'll be a long time before she will trust anyone.

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Joanne, What a week!  I hate that your daughter is going through this.  I am glad she is being strong.  I think it is appropriate that he leaves, since he messed up. 


Marisa, we did have pizza, well, the rest of the family had pizza. I don't feel like it's Friday if I don't make the dough.  I hope your neck and head are feeling better.


Stacy, the end is near!  My kids have been busy writing papers and studying. 


LeeAnn, I'll bet you are all soapy.  How is the big order coming along?


I don't have much to say.  I think I'm going to run away for a bit today, maybe stop at some yarn and craft stores.  Don't have any money to spend in them, but my crochet mojo seems to be gone -- I need a little inspiration.

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