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Some good clean fun?!

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Gee, Marisa, way to make me feel bad that my Cubbies won their season opener...  LOL.  Sounds like you had a fun Easter.


Joanne, your weekend sounds great.  They sure are keeping you busy at Paradise.  Do you see a break anytime in the future?


Stacy, Way to go, walking with other adults!  I don't know what to say about your dad.  It could be depression, or it could be that he is doing what he considers taking a vacation. 


LeeAnn, fingers crossed that your dd does better with the swimming.  She may just need to get her confidence back.  Congrats on all the sales. 


It sounds like everybody has been super busy, but good things have been happening. 


I am not going to look for a job for now.  I am concentrating on getting my dd to get her license.  She is not enthusiastic about it, but it would make me more available for work. 


I washed the shrug my dd wears to yoga, and it got caught in the agitator.   It is stretched too much to be worn, so there's my current project:   She wantss it for yoga class tomorrow.  I have the first sleeve about 3/4 done. 

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Good morning!


Beth, you have such a way with words.  :wink  Good luck getting your dd's shrug finished.  It is surprising that she is not enthusiastic about getting her license. 


Joanne, your weekend with your girls and family sound wonderful.  :manyheart   Is Ryan coming around to his baby brother yet? 


Marisa and Leeann, hope all is well!


This morning Mia stayed home.  She was complaining of ear pain earlier, and we haven't heard anything back from the ENT regarding her hearing test, so I will call them as soon as the office opens.  After dropping off the other two, I got a coffee and made  quick trip to the store that has double-ad Wednesdays.  We are trying a new recipe tonight- beef and Guinness stew- the girls aren't too excited but I think it sounds pretty good.  :yes 

I need to wash my bedding today- Eva had an accident last night.  And dh is supposed to help Isabella with her science project when he comes home from work.  I plan to work on more of the afghan today, it would be really nice to finish it by the end of my break, but since I have a midterm on the day we go back, I should probably carve out some study time too.


Love and hugs!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


It's a fairly relaxing day.  I had a couple patients earlier and then I ran over to take my tax info over to the place that Ingrid is working at.  Now I'm catching up with you and then I'm going to work on entering some KtB panels into the database.  I need to update my phone, but my computer is having issue with the driver needed and I don't feel like dealing with that now :shrug


Joanne - So glad to hear you had a great Easter with the girls there.  I feel like the Yankees don't usually start out very well, but always pick up towards the middle of the season......interestingly enough, opposite the Red Sox who usually start out pretty good and then fall off later :think


Beth - Well, congrats to your Cubs...you should be excited!  But today's a new game :lol    I hope dd's yoga work out!


Stacy - I hope Mia is feeling better :hug  Hope you get time to work on your ghan and also study :xfin


LeeAnn - I'm sure you're a busy bee working on your goodies :yes

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Good morning!


Stacy-How did the guiness beef stew turn out? It sounds like something that my DH would like--anything with the word stew in it and he's all over it! :lol  My DD sent a pic to me on Tuesday of Ryan bending over kissing his brother on the cheek -it was the sweetest picture :manyheart  I told her to print it out and put it in a frame! Ryan seems to be doing ok since he is still getting his fair share of attention. SIL is also home now. He goes back to work on the 10th so we'll see how he does then! Hope that Mia is feeling better today!


Marisa- How'd it go with the taxes?  Well, another Yankee loss in the books ---and another Red Sox win! I think this year is going to be interesting to say the least. DH already said he's not watching---but I'll continue to watch. I'm not a fair weather fan like he is!  You gotta stick with your team in the good times and bad!


Beth- Hope that your DD warms up to the idea of getting her license. I can relate- my middle DD had no interest in driving- and didn't get her license till she was 18 (I think your DD is 19 now?) The other two girls got it as soon as they were able to. Funny thing though, my oldest really dislikes driving- and that's one of the reasons she moved to Boston- she wanted to live somewhere where she didn't have to rely on driving- and she's been up there about 8 years already! Wow-- it seems like yesterday we were driving her and her belongings up there!


LeeAnn- How did DD do with the swimming lessons?


Well, off I go to get ready for another fun-filled day in Paradise!

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Good morning,

Joanne, that picture sounds absolutely adorable! 


Stacy, how is Mia's ear?  Did you hear back from the ENT yet?


Marisa, a relaxing day sounds so nice!   Seems like you still have lots to keep you busy.  Did you get your phone updated?


LeeAnn, congratulations on your shop keeping you so busy.  How often are the swim lessons?  How is dd doing?


Well, I was working away on the shrug when I realized I didn't have enough of the yarn, so I frogged it, started playing with some other yarn that I had, but didn't feel like it was quite right, so I stopped that one.  Got my dd to pick a color - dark blue - found 2 skeins of navy yarn, and managed to get the shrug made with minimal problems.  I am glad it's done.  I have to concentrate on housework today, yuck!

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Good morning!


Joanne, that sounds like such a sweet photo!  :manyheart   I didn't make the stew yesterday after all.  Isabella has a science project due next week, and she and her partner worked on it after school until about 6.   So it was a fast-food night.  My dh doesn't normally like stews or soups, but he is the one who sent me the link to the recipe.  I will let you know how it turns out when I do make it.  :yes


Beth, good luck getting your housework finished.  I can't believe how fast you whipped up that shrug!  Was the dark blue in the Amore also?  Still no word from the ENT, so I will make another call today.  Usually they are good about returning calls within 24 hours. 


Marisa, good luck with your tax info and updating your phone.


Leeann, what's shakin?  Has your dd been to more swim lessons? 


Yesterday was laundry day...The owner of my favorite laundromat (the one that had the fire/flood) decided not to re-open, so I have been doing it at home.  I only did 3 loads and there are 2 more left but I ran out of quarters.  Isabella met with a friend after school to work on their science project.  They tested the reactions between soda and different candies.  They were actually hoping to do the Mentos/diet soda fountain, but the teacher said NO to fountains/volcanoes of any sort. 


I think that's all the news from here.  I am planning to spend one of my last days of break with my :hook .  Love and hugs!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I feel like the day has gotten away from me :eek  I stayed home this morning doing laundry, which seems to take forever.  I've mentioned to Steph a couple times in the past that her dryer takes FOREVER, but she's not concerned and thinks it's normal :shrug  I started laundry at 8:45 and it finished at 1 and I only did 2 loads!


I had a patient just a little while ago and I have another 2 this afternoon before the KtB group tonight.


I read through the posts, but didn't take notes to save on some time.  I'll try to check back in later :hug  Hope you're all having a great day!

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It's almost Friday! My middle DD texted me today- she got the teaching job!!! She's so excited. It's only till the end of the school year, but it's a great step in the right direction. She's getting her foot in the door in a school district and she's getting experience. I'm thrilled for her!


Found out today that my stepdaughter is having another boy!!! Her oldest son will be 2 in June and she's due end of Sept. Looks like another baby blanket in my not to distant future! LOL

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Top of the day friends!   TGIF :clap :clap


Joanne-what a sweet sweet memorable photo of your gs's.  So happy that your dd got the job, how exciting. And another baby ghan, you are on a roll.  I love it!


Beth-I haven't looked into driving for my ds, need to..but time kinda gets away from me.  His schedule is super busy. But I am sure that he would be excited to start driving more.


Marisa-that sounds like an awful long time to wash and dry laundry.  Maybe the heating element is going out.  :yes


Stacy-is your dd's ear feeling better?  Is your dad still with you?


Swimming lessons are EVERY day..between that and filling orders and of course all of the household stuff..I am running on full speed.  I have new products on the horizon...Mother's Day Gift Sets..will post pictures as soon as I get them labeled and such.  It's been a crazy busy week, but I am managing to hold on by my pinkie. :manyheart   Dd is doing better, she practiced jumping into the deep end yesterday..with a noodle of course...I am so proud of her!  Ds is doing wonderfully as well. 


off to color my hair..it's pretty bad...but I just haven't felt like doing it myself..no choice.   Hugs n squishes dear friends! :ghug :ghug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


We were quite productive at KtB last night working with attaching smaller pieces to make panels and the database developer came by to help teach his wife how to add the panels into the system.  He already showed me and another lady and had gone over it earlier in the day with the 'head honcho' :lol


I woke up feeling sluggish yet again, I feel like this has been going on for a while now and wish that if I was fighting a cold that I just get it and be done with it at this point :sigh  Instead of having those in between feelings of it that are just annoying!  Anyhoo, I came to treat my patient and then was going to the gym, but why start now!  I only worked out one day this week and quite frankly, I'm just not feeling up to it so will go home and shower.  I have another patient this afternoon and have some errands to run.  Then I'm going to the GAGI festival (I think it's Geek, Artists, and Green Innovators) to represent KtB at the organizers shop.  So I'm excited to have some set time for hooking tonight!


Tomorrow Averie has a dance competition, but I'm waiting from Ingrid about her dance times.  I'm going to try to get there since it's nearby and I haven't been to any yet this season.


Joanne - Congrats to DD for getting the job and this will surely help her push her way in if she impresses them as I suspect she will :yes  And :yay for another boy!!!!


LeeAnn - Her dryer has been that way since I moved in so I just don't say anything to her about it anymore :shrug  It's only a couple years old, I think she moved into the house about 3 1/2 years ago and it was brand new then!  How is dd doing with the swimming?  Good luck with your mother's day goodies!

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Good morning!  Well, afternoon for all of you. 


Joanne, you are full of good news!  Congrats to your dd on the job, and to your stepdaughter for another boy!  How exciting!  (That's a lot of exclamation points!  LoL)  I stopped at the Bux this morning, and the barista told me that if I had a registered gift card, I would get points for all of the drinks I buy.  No one has ever told me that before.  :eek:think  So of course I bought one.  :lol   I figured, I'm going to spend the money anyway, might as well just get the card and points for free drinks along with it.  :yes


Marisa, is her dryer vent blocked maybe?  That happened when we lived with dh's parents, and it took forever to dry.  :shrug  Have fun at Avery's dance competition- it is so sweet of you to go and support Ingrid's kiddos! 


Leeann, WTG to dd for jumping into the deep end!  That is a huge step up from not even wanting to go.  :yes  Good luck getting everything finished.  Can't wait to see your Mother's Day soapies.  And yes, my dad is still here.  I am trying to be patient and understanding, but he keeps asking questions that are, quite frankly, none of his beeswax.  :ohdear


Beth, hope all is well on your end of the country!  :hug


Well, guess what?  I have a wrinkle!!!!!!!!  Yes...right on my forehead.  I noticed it last week and didn't think much about it.  But last night, dh casually mentioned it right before bedtime.  Ugh...so I ran right out and bought some cream this morning. :rofl  I also worked on the afghan, and have about 10 rows left, then the border.  Dh was very excited when I told him this one is finally for US.  LoL

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Good morning!!


Stacy- One wrinkle? :lol  Sorry not laughing at you but laughing that I wish I only had ONE wrinkle :lol  You can download the app to have the card on your phone--I wish I knew that you weren't doing that when you go to the Bux- I've been doing that with the card for the last several years. I have a free drink on my card (phone) and this weekend I'm going to use it for a VENTI Skinny Hazlenut macchiato!!! Can't wait to see pics of the afghan!!!!


LeeAnn- Sounds like you are in need of spa treatment with all your glorious creations! Can't wait to see what you've come up with for Mother's Day!! How'd the hair coloring go? I am afraid to do my own, hence the reason I go to the hair salon. I imagine myself ending up leaving it on too long- and/or a crazy color!


Marisa- Sorry that you are feeling so sluggish!  Wonder if you have a vitamin deficiency? I agree that sometimes it's better to have a cold and let it run its course and be done. The lingering blah-ness is the pits. I'm hoping to go for a nice long walk today or tomorrow- I need to get my badorkus in gear! I've gained 6 lbs over the winter and it's time to get serious about taking it off!!


Beth- How was your meet up yesterday?


I ended up stuck at work till 7 last night- and was supposed to meet friends for dinner at 6! I was a tad annoyed to say the least. I didn't have a choice but to finish what had to be done. My friends told me to come when I was done and that not coming wasn't an option! I got there at 7:10 and had  great time. Glad they didn't let me bow out!


Tonight I'll be watching the 2 little ones so DD and SIL can go to a friends' 30th--It's been a long time since I've watched 2 kids that young--I'm hoping for the best!


Off to get this Saturday rolling- with the usual cleaning (yuck) and then some pamper time with a manicure!


Have a great day!

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Joanne! I am SO proud of you, getting your afghan on the Lion Brand facebook page!  How exciting!  It is a beautiful afghan.  I hope you enjoyed your time with the two little fellas.  It may be a lot of work, but what a lot of rewards!  I am glad your friends insisted you join them for dinner.  You need time away from work with adults.  Congrats to your daughter for the teaching job. That will look great on her resume!  Not to mention getting her foot in the door at a school. 


Stacy, it makes sense to have a card if you can get points towards freebies.  Particularly if you go to Bux a lot.  i can't wait to see the finished afghan.  I'll bet your hubby is thrilled that he gets to keep one! 


Marisa, how was the dance recital?  I always loved watching the little ones dance.  I do miss that part.  Enjoy your trime at the GAGI festival (Hope I got that right.)  What will you be crocheting?


LeeAnn, It sounds like your dd is coming along with the swimming.   It sounds like she needed to go a little slower to rebuild her confidence.  Looking forward to checking out your Mother's Day goodies. 


Yesterday, I took my mother-in-law to a dental appointment, to a farmer's market, then out to lunch.  She claims she talked the whole time, but I thought it was a great time.  My sister-in-law who usually takes her everywhere is in Florida on Spring Break.  We are going to try to arrange a day out once a month. 

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Beth, how wonderful that you are planning an outing with your MIL once a month.  :yes  My dh already has a blanket of his own (checkerboard pattern flannel-ghan)  but was excited that we will have one for our home.  I'm planning to leave this one in the living room on the back of a chair.  Hopefully it brightens up the room a little.  How goes the dining room situation?  Did you ever finish the ceiling?


Joanne, can you believe I never knew about the card?  I was pretty surprised, because the baristas at my regular Bux usually keep me in the loop. :lol   Have fun watching the boys today!  How exciting.  :manyheart   I'm glad you went to the dinner after all- you sure needed the time with adults after all that fun in Paradise. 


Leeann and Marisa, anything planned for the weekend?  :hug


Yesterday, I took Isabella to her friend's house so they could finish their project board.  Well, the girl didn't do much besides cut out construction paper shapes...we ended up staying for 3 hours!  :eek   The older sister printed some things for them, but the mom pretty much disappeared and didn't return for 2 hours.  Hmmm....anyway, it turned out really cute, and by the time we got home, BIL and his fam were here, so we couldn't go to McD's after all.  They stayed for a couple hours, and by the time they left, I was worn out and pretty much passed out.  :lol
 Today is laundry day- AGAIN!  How do these children go through so many clothes?  LoL  Dh, BIL, and FIL went hiking for the day, and SIL is supposed to come over later.  I'm planning to take the kiddos to the park, though, because she doesn't usually show up on time.


Love and hugs! 

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Good morning!


I had a most wonderful time with the boys! And it worked out perfectly that Robbie slept while Ryan was up and I got to play with him for about 2 hours before putting him to bed. Robbie woke up about 15 min after that so I got some one on one time with him! I'm so glad that DD and SIL got to have a well-deserved night out with friends!  It was definitely a win-win- for them and for me!!!


I started a shawl yesterday- I had some Debbie Bliss Rialto DK in my stash and figured I'd use it. Not sure how I feel about the yarn- and maybe this isn't the right project for it- we'll see.


Stacy- I used my 'reward' and DID get my skinny hazlenut macchiato yesterday- and boy was it ever good- of course since I didn't have to pay for it made it taste even better! LOL Laundry IS never ending with three children--especially girls!  Wait till they are all teenagers!!! Ask me how I know :lol


Beth-- A day out once/month with your MIL sounds wonderful :manyheart  I'm sure she will really appreciate it. Can't wait till the Farmer's markets open up around here.  And I'll definitely go to one when I'm visiting Boston in May. They have some wonderful ones up there!


Marisa- Hope you are having a nice weekend and that some of your slugishness is letting up.


LeeAnn- I forgot to comment on DD's swimming- each day she goes, she'll improve. I bet you are so happy that she actually jumped into the deep end. That is a huge step!!!


Off to get breakfast and start this day. Hoping the sun comes out and it warms up a bit. I'd like to trek down by the bay or ocean if that happens--haven't been since the hurricane.

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Joanne, sounds like a perfect day with the two boys.  I'm glad you got one-on-one time with them, particularly with Ryan.  It has to be a huge adjustment for him.  Babies are gorgeous and sweet and wonderful, but not a lot of fun for the bigger brothers and sisters until they get a bit older. 


Stacy, can't believe the mom disappeared for 2 hours and left you supervising the girls working on their project.  Laundry is so much easier when you have your own machines.  Every time I do a load, and am grateful that we have modern appliances.  I remember how my mom used to do laundry, with three big tubs full of water, and a machine with a big wringer on top...  That was WORK!  Then there was grandma with her washboard and 12 kids... 


LeeAnn and Marisa, I hope you are having a great weekend. 

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Top of the morning friends!


Busy busy busy!  yuppers...seems like one can barely catch a rest.


Joanne-that is so so so wonderful of your to grandsit your babies.  I am sure they loved all of the attention and love.  And your dd and sil were probably so happy to get a little break.  Congratulations on your round ripple making it to the Lion Brand FB page.  I showed dd, he loved it!  What talented friend you have, is what he said...of course I totally agree.  You all are the BEST!


Beth-that is soo sweet to spend time with your mil.  :manyheart   I simply adore mine, she is so wonderful with my kiddos that I can't ever complain.  And she loves crocheting..what's not to love :yes   How's your dd's driving coming along?


Stacy-wow!  your dad is staying for quite a bit of time, does he not go out to run errands with you?  It would be so nice if he did.  That is so very sad that the mom left you alone, I am amazed at folks at times.


Marisa-oooh laaaa laaa the date is getting closer for the big DATE KTB.  :yay   I am positive that you all are getting more and more excited.


Hair color came out nice.thank goodness!  It was really scary.  Yesterday we drove to the inlaws.  They were making a lunch for a relative that had lost her husband six months ago.  They had originally cremated him but she decided to bury him...so they had a small ceremony.  I made the Frog Eye Salad and the inlaws made huge pots of Chile for Frito Pie.    We spent the entire day there, stopped to check on my dad..just when we were headed home I had an emergency call for Hemp Lotion.  One of my wonderful customers needed 3 bottles in a hurry as she wanted to give some to her sister that was here from out of town..I was delivering lotion at 9 p.m.   It was a loooong day.  I am slowly adding the new goodies and creating more.  Cuticle cream is here!  I have a "Pamper my hands" gift set that is coming together.


must get to work, no rest...laundry too...hugs n squishes dear friends! :ghug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I had a great weekend.  I went to see Averie dance her solo on Saturday morning and then she wasn't on again until 3:30 so I didn't hang around.  I went with Steph to meet a couple friends for a late lunch at 2 and then we didn't get home until about 7!  I crashed early and slept through the night.  Yesterday I spent with my sewing maching making the drawsting bags for the shower gift I'm doing and now only have 2 left.  I feel like my machine needs some help, but not sure what.  It will work fine for a while and then it seems to not pull the tension enough although I haven't changed anything :shrug


This morning I had to be at the house while the cleaning people were there, so I didn't get to the gym.  Then I had a dentist appt for my checkup and cleaning.  Then I was super bad and stopped at Sonic for lunch since it's near the dentist's office and I don't go that way often and wouldn't go up there just for Sonic so take my opening when it's available :lol  So on that note, I will workout while here today!  I have a patient later on, but that's about it for the day.


Stacy - I use my bux card all the time and when it's getting low I'll make them load it up before I pay for my order :lol  I hope you get your wrinkle under control and how nice of dh to casually mention it.  How rude of Isabella's friends mother to disappear and leave you to babysit!


Joanne - So glad you met up with your friends after getting stuck at work late...you surely needed the dose of sanity!  Oooo, a shawl :clap


Beth - Great idea to make plans with MIL regularly!  Well, at the GAGI festival we worked on some pieces to yarn bomb an art piece across the street from where we were (with the artists blessing of course).


LeeAnn - I had to giggle at your emergency lotion delivery, that's awesome!  Sounds like a nice day with your in laws.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!  Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I was thinking vitamin deficiency as well....considering that I realized I've been really bad at taking them lately.  Even when I slack off, my protein shake is loaded so it's not usually a problem, but since I wasn't having either :eek  So, I'm trying really hard to remember to take them diligently and I should see a change fairly quickly :xfin


Looks like a slow morning here. Last night I relaxed and didn't do anything, well, I did an extra large sudoku puzzle :lol Went to the gym this morning and boy was it hard pushing myself to go, and to keep going once I was there. I had a new patient call and is coming later on and then I have KtB here tonight working on our panels this week! Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday, I started the ruffle scarf with the sashay yarn at Averie's dance competiton while I was there and got the first few rows knitted, it should turn out cute but I anticipate it will take me quite a while :think


I talked to Maryann and she's having a rough time right now. Her bf is sick and in the hospital for 2 weeks now and they do not know what's going on! They keep running tests to rule stuff out, but they are not making progress on determining what's wrong. Then yesterday, her mom fell down the steps again and this time broke her arm and her hip! Not good since she's elderly, but she is a fighter and takes pain very well. But, when she got there they immediately started IV's and have been giving fluids since. When the nurse said something to Maryann about her mom and a file or not being there before Maryann told them that she see's her regular heart doctor there and was admitted a few years ago for the first fall to check again. Well, lets just say that they found her file and low and behold should only get limited fluids due to her heart condition or it will accumulate there and the lungs! So now they have to run xrays to check the fluid situation before knowing if they can proceed with surgery today :sigh Prayers would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi all,


Went to craft club last night and had a great time.


Today was super busy at work- didn't get home till 7 again. Oh, well. Of course it was a gorgeous day outside 83 degrees and sunny- and I had to spend most of it inside!!!


Going to watch The Voice and will try and stop back in the AM!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I had a new patient last night and then KtB, which was a little low key with just about 5 of us so easy to chat and catch up...probably because the weather was super nice for the first time.  I had a patient this morning, have another coming in less than an hour and then a haircut at 1:15.  Tonight we're going to dinner to celebrate on of Steph's coworkers birthdays.


Joanne - Glad you made it to craft club this week :clap  It's gorgeous here too and I spent my day inside as well.....minus the 20 minutes that I ran to the market to pick something up for the house.


Beth - Maybe you'll have time to sneak in a nap today :xfin

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Good morning!


I'm feeling rather zombie-ish today.  Dropped off my dad at the bus terminal at 3:30, came home and stayed up for an hour, then got up 15 minutes later with dh.  :tired   I thought maybe I could go back to sleep after dropping the girls off, but ended up staying and chatting with a couple moms for an hour or so. By then I wasn't tired, so ran through the Bux drive-thru.  Now I am tired again.  :reyes


Joanne, glad to you made it to craft club!  I don't think I ever said congrats to dd on her new gig.  That sounds like a fantastic opportunity for her.  :yes


Beth, :hug :hug


Leeann, your goodies all look wonderful.  The 7-rose soapies are so pretty.  I don't know where you get your ideas, but they sure are great ones!  How are the kiddos doing?


Marisa, sounds like a busy day!  Have fun at dinner.  And another new patient?  Wonderful!


Let's see, what's the hot gossip from here?  :lol We went to Open House at the girls' school last night.  It was fun; they each had special projects just for the night, so we got to see those.  We also toured a 1st grade classroom to see what Eva will be up to next year (even though we kind of already know, since Mia was just there last year.  :lol )  Isabella's class had a million different things going on, so we spent the majority of the time there.

I took the poly sci midterm on Monday and got 57 out of 60.  Also got my speech midterm back, with a 92%!  :woo  I decided to drop the English class, though.  I'm feeling a bit down about it, as I hate giving up and will have a W until I take it again.  But the prof. emailed on Monday to say we have to give a 20-minute presentation on one of the readings, spontaneously with no notes or presentation aids.  :eek   On top of the 8 papers, 2 essay exams, and 10-page research paper, I didn't feel it was something I was prepared to do.  So I will have to re-take English next semester, just will have to remember not to take this prof again.  :blink


Guess I'd better scoot and get something done!  Love and hugs! 

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Good morning!


We had some pretty intense thunderstorms here last evening- so I ended up going to bed early- and it's probably just what I needed. I feel so much more energized. I was hoping to see the boys last night but the clouds were rolling in on my way home, so decided to forgo the stop and just get home. Hoping I get a chance to stop tonight- we'll see what the weather is doing. I need some R & R time!


Stacy- Open house sounds like it was good. Can't believe your baby is going to be in first grade already! Just think, pretty soon you'll have three teenagers!!  :lol  I must say those years will be challenging-but I'm here if you need to commiserate!  :)  I think you probably made the right choice with the English class. A professor can definitely make ALL the difference. Don't be too hard on yourself. I did that once with one of my classes and then took the class the next semester and had a different prof and aced the class!  Congrats on the scores on your Speech and your political sci exams!


Marisa- Doesn't it figure that the nicest day of the season so far was on a work day? They are promising nice weather for the weekend so I'm looking forward to it! Let it rain during the week!!!


LeeAnn- I agree with Stacy- you come up with some very creative ideas for your soapies and things! How are your wares doing at the consignment shop?


Beth- Did you get a chance to re-energize with a nap?


Off to get ready for Paradise. The clock is ticking! Have a great Thursday everyone!

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Good morning friends!


Seems like I always try to get in here but never quite make it to posting.  :yes


Joanne-I'm not sure if I told you, but so happy for your dd!  I bet she is excited with the new job, I know there was something else I was meaning to share with you...Oh!  how's your dd doing with both boys home?  Is she adjusting?  I had a difficult time going from one child to two..it was really hard for me.  :manyheart   The consignment shop is opening on the 20th, they are having a Grand Opening and have been really nice to chat with, I am hoping that they sell sell sell!


Beth-what's a happening in your neck of the woods?  How's the home projects coming along?  Crocheting?


Stacy-I bet it was a relief for you to drop your English class, I really think that that was the best choice for you.  Some professors can take a class and make it harder than it needs to be.  :hug   That is great that you get to chat with other moms.  I love that!
  Did you finish your ghan?


Marisa-wohoo!  For new patients!  :manyheart  How was your dinner out?  Delish I am sure?


Things have been going full speed here..today I am feeling a bit worn out..tonight is the last swimming class.  :clap   I am so proud of both kiddos, they have come a long way.  They are feeling more confident and have learned quite a bit.  I must say that the instructors are awesome!  They are all students from the swim team and have awesome teaching techniques and really know how to relate to the children.


My dd is joining volleyball.  She's so excited!  I took her in for her Sports Physical on Tuesday evening, she will start on the 22 and then it will be GO time again.  Ds is almost finished with Confirmation Classes for the school year,..we are on the countdown..2 more classes.  And of course he will still have Scouts..tons to do there..it never ends.  Our troop is one of the busiest troops in the state of CO. 


On the soapy front, I have finally added the new goodies to my etsy shop, still have a few more that I am hoping to add today..I am caught up on orders for the time being.  I am waiting for delivery for a new dolphin mold per a custom request.  She wants dolphins and alligators.  I have the gaters just need the dolphins..hoping that the mold arrives soon.


Thank you all for the lovely compliments, I have so many ideas floating in my crazy head that I know I can just never get to everything but I sure will TRY. 


hugs n squishes dear friends! :ghug

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