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Some good clean fun?!

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Joanne, I can't imagine how much joy you have with two grandsons to love!!!  How is everybody doing?  Is your dd giving herself time to rest?  I am not sure (I only had 2 children for 9 minutes) but I think the second pregnancy can be more tiring than the first.  I hope she is recuperating well. 

Marisa, your knit the bridge group is on a roll!  What a fun, exciting project.  Did you have a good dinner out with your friend?  Where did you go?  What type of food did you have?
LeeAnn, waiting to hear about your trip to the consignment store. 

Stacy, how is Eva?


I am nervously waiting for my son to come home.  We had snow...  Unheard of this time of year in this area.  He went to his friend's house about 20 minutes away (before it started snowing.)  Now he is crawling home in his new car.  I won't be able to sleep until he gets here.


Hopefully, the kids won't have school tomorrow, and my day will be alot easier than it is currently scheduled to be.

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Good evening friends!


Beth-hoping that your son makes it home soon.  It's scary driving out there on icy roads. :hug


Joanne-woohoo!  For gs time and dd time as well.  Can't believe that Easter is coming up.  yikes! :hug


Stacy-how's everyone feeling in your neck of the woods?  Better I hope. :hug


Marisa-can't wait to hear about your weekend. :hug  Congratulations on your success! 


The last 3 days have been super busy and yet oh so enjoyable.  The trip to Salida was fun!  We stopped at the consignment shop as soon as we got there.  The owner is very nice and asked a ton of questions, she seemed genuinely interested in my product.  Salida is a tourist town to say the least.  We did a bit of window shopping and stopped to eat at this restaurant called the "Boathouse".  The kiddos had fun..mostly.  Ds is at the age where he's not easily impressed..but he did fairly well.  Then on Saturday we got up early to drive to the inlaws.  We dropped the kiddos off as they are on Spring Break.  :clap   After visiting and lunch it was back to more driving..we have spent a lot of time in our car.  :yes   We ran a few errands last night then came home.  Today has been a bit of relaxing, crocheting and Etsy promotion.  Over the weekend I had signed up for a treasury promotion..talk about working my tail feathers off.  I crashed my FireFox...lots of treasuries..I lost count after 16. 


Going to finally log off the computer and go to bed.  Night all!  hugs n squishes! :ghug :ghug

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LeeAnn, my son made it home shortly before midnight.  I got up so I could drive my hubby to work today.  Oldest son has a job interview today -- same store chain, different store.  I'm glad your trip to Salida was mostly fun.  It gets harder and harder to please the kiddoes.  I'm sure you will miss your kids while they are at their grandparents'.  It's good that the manager of the consignment store is so interested in your products.


Joanne, I hope your grandsons are doing well.  How is Ryan adjusting to the new addition?  How is your ds enjoying his time off, and extra time with his growing family?  Is your dd ok?  How is grandma holding up?  Are you excited for baseball season to start?


Marisa, Do you have many patients scheduled for today?  Do you have any fun plans for Easter?


Stacy, are midterms over yet?  How goes all the paper and speech writing?  Is Eva feeling any better?  Is everybody else staying healthy?


Yesterday, I restuffed and recovered a desk chair, well, just the seat.  It doesn't match at all, but the fabric was shredded and a lot of the foam was missing, so I figure it looks better than it did, and I didn't buy anything, so it was quite affordable.  It's also much more comfortable.  I am planning on taking it easy today.  It's a sniffly, snuffly, rest and drink liquids day.  coffee is a liquid, right?

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Good morning ladies :hi


Sorry I didn't make it in  yesterday.  I stayed home in the morning to be there while the cleaning people were there since Bean went back to work last week.  Then I went to the gym and by the time I got here and did some paperwork to catch up from Saturday, I had some patients coming in :yay  I had 2 scheduled and then 2 more called to come in, so of course I got them in at a good time.  Now I have paperwork to catch up on again :lol  Waiting on a patient to come right now actually too.


Friday we went to a local bar/grille type place for their fish and it was yummy :D  Saturday I had my patients in the morning, ran with Steph in the afternoon to a couple places and then she dropped me back here and I did some of that paperwork before heading out.  I didn't do much Saturday night.  Sunday I crafted working on the drawsting bags for the baby shower gift.  So, a pretty low key weekend :yes  Sloan's birthday was yesterday and he had a sleepover on the weekend with a few friends from school and we're celebrating this weekend with the family.  We'll have cake on Easter since we'll all be together already :devil  He's 8 now :eek  And I have to remember to pick him and Averie up from school tomorrow because they have early dismissal and Ingrid will be working.


Beth - Glad to hear that ds made it home alright, yes a Mustang is definitely not the car of choice with snow; however, I always preferred the manual in the snow to an automatic :think


Joanne - Glad to hear you got to spend time with the gs' this weekend and that you'll finally be celebrating dd's birthday soon :yes


LeeAnn - Sounds like a wonderful trip to Salida,  good luck with ds and the teen years :eek


Stacy - Hope all is well!

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Good Morning friends!


Beth-so glad that your ds made it home safe and sound.  That's awesome that you prettied up your chair, I love when a project like that come to mind and executed for FREE.  :yes


Marisa-you are always so busy, are you loving the freedom that having your own business provides?


Stacy-hoping your week isn't too stressful.


Joanne-how did your dd's interview go?  I am sure that she was wonderful. :yay 


I have been working at a slow but steady pace with a few breaks in between.  :manyheart   this morning I watched a Lifetime movie while working on chores, made it so much more enjoyable..now why haven't I done that before? 


Today is Chill Pill Day!  I had an order a while back for 30 of them but she wanted them mailed closer to April.  I thought I would get them whipped up and in the mail this week to allow for delivery and hopefully no mishaps.  The kiddos are coming home today, it has been nice not having a zillion places to go every day.  Seems like I am constantly driving somewhere.  I am not planning on going anywhere today..not even to work out..going to just enjoy  my day of crafting.  Back to soaping..I also whipped up 2 new Body Butter's last night.  Pink Grapefruit and Blackberry Amber..love both of them but the Pink Grapefruit will always remain my favorite.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning,

I never made it back on here last night. Didn't get home till 7!! Once dinner was done, we watched The Voice and I worked on the RR.  I think I'll do one more round tonight and call it finished!


Marisa- Sounds like you had a nice weekend- low key is sometimes nice!!! Funny that you'll all be celebrating a birthday on Easter as well!! Looking forward to the weekend since my oldest is coming down from Boston so we'll all be together- first Easter in a long time that has happened!


LeeAnn- The post you put on FB about the letter you received from one of your customers was very heartwarming-and also heartbreaking. I'm glad you are enjoying your time at home without all the driving around, but I'll bet you'll be happy to have the kiddos back home too!  Did you get all the Chill Pill's done and mailed?


Beth- Oh, I forgot your DS had the Mustang! Definitely not the car of choice in the snow, but agree with Marisa- I always felt like I have much more control with a manual transmission then automatic--even now that I have an AWD vehicle!! Has spring started to arrive in VA yet? We had nice blue skies yesterday with warming temps and it felt so good--maybe spring IS actually going to come after all!! LOL


Stacy- How's things in Cali? Are you on spring break now? Is your Dad in town?


Happy Hump Day!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, I came in this morning and saw a patient.  Then got a few things together and went to pick up Averie and Sloan from school for early dismissal at 11:15.  Ingrid just picked them up a little bit ago.  They didn't have lunch in school before leaving for the day and Ingrid packed snacks, but we ordered a pizza :drool  We had a great turnout at the KtB group last night and we're having a small meeting of just the core people tonight that was rescheduled from last Friday.  I still have more things to get done here though, I feel like I've been backed up for a couple days :eek


LeeAnn - I saw your chill pills on FB, they are so cute!  Glad you had a 'go at your own pace' kind of day yesterday, you need those every once in a while.


Joanne - Sorry you worked late AGAIN!  WTG on your RR.


Hope everyone's having a great day :hug

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Love the chill pills you posted on FB, LeeAnn


Marisa- The Knit Bridge group sounds like so much fun. Hope the meeting goes well tonight!


Beth and Stacy- Hope you had a good 'hump day'


I worked late again---sigh!

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Happy Almost Friday! 

Marisa, sounds like the KtB group is getting a lot done.  Is everything on schedule?


Joanne, the weekend is coming, the weekend is coming!  Do you get any extra time off for Easter?


LeeAnn, How did you like the day at your own pace?  The chill pills were very cute.  Any fun plans for today?


Stacy, how is school?  My kids have registration this week, already.  I am trying to talk my oldest into taking a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) class this summer, then finishing his pre-nursing next year while working.  (He needs 2 more biology classes.)  Then he can go into the nursing program with some field experience and a little $$$ saved up.  Is Eva feeling better?  Is everyone else OK?

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Good morning ladies :hi


The meeting last night was super informative and I realize that I'm in the core group of this whole project.  We went over a lot of details and got an overview of the database that is current in progress being developed....it astounds me what some people can do with a computer :eek  Anyways, I'll have access to that when it's all set to go so that I can help the 2 ladies that are currently entering info about panels and participants since it's only going to become more overwhelming the closer we get.  It's a bit time consuming and since I'm here anyways and am a drop off point it only makes sense.  Instead of them rushing to get it taken care of, I can work on it in my downtime and do it here and there, it won't be so bad than having to do a huge pile at once.  We still don't have definites, but it continues to look good for August.  We've made out panel deadline to be June 1st.  Because then we'll still need to map it all out as to what's where on the bridge and get them prepped and piled appropriately for a little less chaos at installation time :eek


I have a nice to-do list today that needs to be tended to and already crossed off 2 items.  I do need to run to the bank and the market, then be back by 2 for my walk in hours and I have a new patient coming at 5.  Then I'm cooking tonight and am trying a recipe I came across online, so hoping it's good.


Joanne - WTG on your RR, I saw in our other thread that you did in fact finish it up last night....now waiting for pics :devil


Beth, LeeAnn, Stacy....hope you're all having a good day so far.

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Good day friends!


Beth-wow!  Your son is on the road to completion.  How awesome to have an end goal in sight and working hard towards it.  You must be very proud and so happy for him. :cheer   How's the hooking coming along?  What projects are you currently working on?


Joanne-the weekend is almost here and that means gs time.  :clap   Can't wait to see your rr.  Did you finish it?


Marisa-oh my!  Sounds like the knit group is going full force.  I bet all of you will miss it when it is done, but I bet you all having something else that will be fantastic on the horizon.  :manyheart


I finished the Chill Pill soaps,..had a few rejects.  :cry   but dh wants them, he loves giving them away at the pharmacy where he works.  Dh took the day off to spend time with us on Spring Break...so far we have done absolutely nothing.  :yes  :yay   But I must work on a new order..lotion bars to make and sugar scrubs to whip up.  Nothing too exciting. 


Stacy-miss you but know how busy you must be.


hugs n squishes dear friends! :ghug :ghug
  :ghug :ghug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I just got in after running to Sam's and Target.  Got gas while at Sam's because it was 20 cent cheaper than the going rate around here :eek  Kitty is coming over for a bit this afternoon to help me out with the database for the bridge.  I have 2 patients later this afternoon.  And tonight we're going out to the Elk's for the last lenten fish fry of the season :drool


Monday is opening day for the Pirates....Let's go Bucs! :cheer


So, on that note, when I leave here tonight I won't be back until Tuesday.  But I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a very happy Easter!  May the easter bunny bring you many tastey goodies :lol

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Happy Weekend!


DD is coming today- can't wait till later on today when she'll be here! Then we'll head over to see the boys and she can meet her new nephew!


The RR and stroller blanket were a hit- and my co-worker loved them-

Here are pics! Have a wonderful day everyone!



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Joanne, love the blankets you made!  No wonder your co-worker loved them!  Enjoy your time with your dd.  I hope she has a happy belated birthday celebration.


Marisa, sounds like the Knit the Bridge group is quite the organization!  How cool to be a part of something like that!  Good luck with the software for it.


Stacy, Do you and the kids get any time off?  I hope you have a fun weekend.


LeeAnn, when do your kiddoes go back to school?  Do you have anything fun planned?


I met with my whole group yesterday!  One woman has been so busy with work, she had to cut back some where, and family comes first (and we all are moms, so we all understand.) But she had yesterday off, and we all rearranged our schedules to get together.  It was wonderful, but entirely too short!  We are going to try to juggle schedules to find a time to meet again.  I finished my sweater, and am starting a granny blanket.  I have so much of this Amore yarn left, I am trying to use it up now.

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:ducky:1sheep:rabbit Happy Easter!


Hope you all have a wonderful day. Had a great time with my oldest and my youngest and her family. It was beautiful out yesterday so we got to spend some time outdoors!


My middle DD will be coming down today and we'll have a joint Easter/birthday celebration


Beth- I saw your sweater on FB- great job on it!


Stacy- Love the pics of your girls at Knott's!! They are getting so big! Time sure flies!


LeeAnn and Marisa- Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!



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Hello and Happy Easter!

Marisa and Joanne, enjoy your Easter/birthday celebrations.  We had a good dinner out for my twins' birthday. 


Stacy and LeeAnn, I hope you are having a good Easter weekend.



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Hi friends!


I've missed you all!  We had a crazy-busy week, with a birthday party, movie, trip to the science center, and of course Knott's.  :whew  Yesterday we went to dh's aunt's house.  Today we met some friends at the park.  The girls have had a blast, and I am sorry to see their spring break end.  :(  Can't wait until summer for sure!

My dad is here, he has mostly just sat around and slept though....don't know what that's about.  :think  :shrug


The girls want to watch Wreck-it Ralph, which Mia got for her birthday, so I will scoot and do individual posts tomorrow. Love and hugs! 

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Happy Tuesday.  I stayed up last night until my son got home from his first night on the job.  He said it was hard work, but it was a good night.  Then he told me that the hotdogs that we buy (because they are gluten free) are now gluten free!  OK, so he is bright, just not very observant.  At least he is looking out for things for his mom.


Stacy, your weekend sounds great.  Is your dad's health OK?  I had a houseguest like that -- my hubby's step-mother.  To get her to do something, I had her teach me to crochet.  :manyheart  :manyheart   So do you need to rest up after all those activities?


LeeAnn, congrats on your chill pills making the front page of Etsy!  That is quite an accomplishment.  You go, girl!


Joanne, did you have a great weekend with all the daughters and grandchildren?  How was the birthday celebration?  Is this the first time one of your daughters got to meet Robbie?


Marisa, I know you are a busy girl.  How did your weekend go?  How was your birthday celebration? 


Well, I am going to do laundry, maybe put some paint on the new doors for the crawlspace, and have an easy day today.  Enjoy!

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Top of the morning friends!


Seems like the days just whizz by...yesterday was super jam packed. :yes


Beth-I love your ds observation.  :yay   what a  ham.  :manyheart   That's wonderful that he likes the new job.  And a day for taking it easy sounds just great.  Your sweater is stunning!  You did an amazing job and you look wonderful wearing it.  How exciting! :hug


Joanne-did you have a good weekend with your dd's?  I am sure you had lots of grandson time with both of your little angels.  What did your dd think of Robbie?  I'm sure she fell in love with him instantly.  :manyheart   Your afghans are beeeeaaautiiiful!  Good work my friend, what an honor and privilege it is to receive one.  What's on your hook nowadays? :hug


Marisa-can't wait to hear about your fun jam packed weekend.   :hug


Stacy-oh my!  your spring break sounds wonderful.  Perhaps your dad is not feeling well?  We missed you. :hug


Easter Sunday we drove to the inlaws and had a nice lunch and movie.  It was wonderful to spend time with them.  And then it was back to reality. 


Since I started the new "Fragrance of the month" I have had lots to do.  I created goodies in my Flower Shop fragrance for the month of April, moved the Easter goodies that were left over to my Clearance section and am now starting on Mother's Day Gift Sets.


The Chill Pill Soaps have taken off!  I had another order for 3 sets.  They have been keeping me busy as well as a few other orders.  It's wonderful to see how much my shop has taken off.  I can't believe it most days.


The letter that I received from my customer that bought the Bird Nest Soaps is one that I will treasure forever.  It makes me tear up each and every time. :manyheart


The kiddos started swimming lessons yesterday.  Dd had a tough time, they had originally put her in with the older kids in the deep water..but she was terrified.  My poor baby.  I can't figure out why she is all of a sudden scared of the water.   They have both had swimming lessons before but now she is super nervous.  Anyhow, the instructor moved her to the level below her.  She started crying the minute she got in the car..I'm hoping that today is a teeny tiny bit better.


Guess I had better get my tush in gear.  Lots to do today.  Hugs n squishes dear friends :ghug

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Good morning ladies :hi


It was a great weekend!  Let's see, Saturday I ran errands with Steph and then we met our friends out in the late afternoon....George was surely surprised when we walked in, his reaction was priceless :rofl


Sunday was a great Easter and we had about 12-13 for dinner.  Sunday we did breakfast at the house and then headed down to the ballpark where the Priates lost :(  But we hung out until about 9:30.


Joanne - Beautiful ghans :manyheart


Beth - I saw your sweater, great job :yay  Glad to hear ds liked his job and too cute about the hot dogs.


Stacy - I hope this week goes a bit better for you.  How much longer is your dad in for?


LeeAnn - WTG with all your goodies :clap  Hmmm, I wonder why dd is suddenly afraid of the water :think  Sending positive thoughts for swimming to go better :hug

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Good morning!


School drop-off went really well this morning!  :woo I was worried that Eva would revert back to her crying phase, but she was raring to go!  Afterward, some ladies invited me to take a walk with them. So we walked about 2 miles, and of course then I went to get coffee.  :rofl 


Joanne, how wonderful it must be to have all of your dd's together!  :manyheart   I'm so happy that everyone was able to celebrate together.  The afghans are super-cute and colorful- great work!


Beth, your sweater is wonderful, too!  We sure have some talented ladies in here.  :yes How funny that your ds just found out the hot dogs are gf.  Men!  :lol  We have not registered for next semester yet- not until mid-April, I believe.  To be honest, I don't know what to take, because next semester is when I get serious about job-hunting.  So will most likely be taking online classes only.   Did you talk your ds into the pre-nursing program?


Leeann, WTG on your Chill Pills being front-page!!  How exciting!  :woo :woo  Sorry to hear dd is scared of the water.  I hope you can get that figured out.  :think  So sweet of your dh to take time off to spend with the fam for spring break. 


Marisa, sounds like you have been busy as always!  The Knit the Bridge organization sounds like quite the project!  Good luck with your end of it.  How was the birthday celebration?


I don't know what my dad's deal is, really.  His health is just fine, as far as I know.  But then he's very secretive, so I really don't know much.  :think It's just odd and probably way too wierd to try and explain.  Anyway...the girls and I went to the park yesterday and he stayed here.  This morning I dropped off the girls and went on a walk with some friends, then came home and walked the dogs, and he is still asleep.  (I did check on him.) He brought school books and his bowling equipment, but hasn't used either one, so I really have no clue what's going on. 

Today I am just going to have a chill day, probably work on the afghan I started back in January.  It's a little more than halfway finished.  The girls have early release today (which I just remembered, thank goodness!) and I think we might do pizza for dinner. There is a recipe for cauliflower crust I am dying to try.  Dh is meeting a friend for dinner. 


I'm going to scoot and get a few things done so I can sit on my badorkus and :hook .  Love and hugs!  (BTW, did you know there is now a limit on the number of emoticons we can use?  Boo!) 

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Hi all,


Had a wonderful Easter- It was wonderful to see all three daughters together!!! My oldest came down from Beantown on Saturday afternoon and then we headed over to DD and SIL's and she got to meet her new nephew for the first time! We all ate dinner together and stayed till about 9:30. The two sisters made homemade brownies that were so good!!!! On Sunday, my middle DD and BF came over around 11 after they were finished having breakfast out with BF's family. We then headed over early afternoon to my DD's MIL's and had a wonderful time. Robbie was very cooperative and slept through dinner. Ryan got lots of loving from his aunts!!!

The weekend just flew by! I dropped DD at the train early Monday morning and she arrived home in time to watch the Red Sox/Yankees game.


I worked late again last night- after getting to work super early since the train is about 10 minutes from work. Tonight I got home at a reasonable hour! I'm working on a shawl - a very easy pattern and I'm almost done.


LeeAnn- Congrats on the chill pills!!! That's so awesome! I hope that DD can overcome her fear of the water. I bought my two GS speedo swim diaper trunks for the summer. My DD loved them!


Stacy- WTG on the 2 mile walk--and of course love the finish- a stop at the Bux! Hope all is well with your Dad. Could he be depressed? I'm happy that the girls went back to school without any difficulty. Loved the pics of the girls that you posted on FB. They are getting so big!!! And they are getting prettier and prettier!!!!


Beth- Glad to hear that your DS likes his new job. And I chuckled when I read about how observant he is (n't). LOL Typical man!!! Any plans to look for a job for you? Or have you decided not to? Love the sweater--it's awesome!!! I'm duly impressed!!!!


Marisa- If it makes you feel any better, the Yankees lost their home opener too!!! I don't think they are going to have a very good year. The only thing that made it ok, was the fact that my oldest was off work on Monday and made it home in time from here to enjoy watching her team win.


Off to get dinner out of the oven. Hugs to all!

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