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LoL Marisa! Kind of reminds me of that old saying, "With friends like that, who needs enemies?"  :rofl  But if they end up friends anyway, I really don't mind.  Did you have any patients today? 


The speech is together- well, as much as it can be.  It's about congenital heart defects.  My inspiration was my friend's daughter, who is 6 and will be undergoing her third open-heart surgery in a couple months. 

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Good morning!


Stacy- Great topic for your speech!!! My DD's friend recently had twin girls- and one of the twins needed to have heart surgery- I'm not sure what the issue was- it's been a tough go of it since one twin is home and the other is in Philly at CHOP which is about an hour to hour 1/2 away. She's doing well and should be coming home soon.  :h5  to DH for helping out with the housework!!! When is your Dad coming to visit? Hope it all goes smoothly!


LeeAnn- WTG on learning to knit! Are you knitting continental style or English (throwing) style? I couldn't get the continental style  even though they say crocheters usually have an easier time with that. Purling is definitely more awkward than the knit stitch, but soon enough it feels more natural. Great way to practice by making a scarf with knit one row, purl one row pattern! Good luck with the consignment shop!  I have no clue on that blue color--I like Marisa's idea of looking into local HS to see if that is one of their colors.


Marisa- Yay for new patients! Hope you are not getting sick. There are quite a few gals at work who have been sick /getting sick- I tell them to stay away from me!! Knock wood, I've been healthy all winter!  We had some yucky weather overnight- but hopefully the first day of Spring, which is tomorrow will start a trend of warmer weather!


Beth- How was your meet up with your IRL crochet friend? I didn't go to craft club last night because it was raining/sleeting/ icing outside when I got home from work, and wasnt sure what it would be doing by 9 when craft club is over. Opted to stay inside warm and safe instead.


Spoke to DD- She said Ryan is basically ignoring Robbie- which I guess is to be expected at his age! So far so good she said after their first full day at home.


Hope you all have a great Tuesday!

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Stacy, congrats on finishing your speech.  It is easier to compose when the topic is dear to your heart.  I am glad Mia's tormenter behaved at the party..  So what is the mom's problem?  Is she just worried that her son will do something wrong?  I am glad your hubby cleaned for you.  I hope your visit with your dad goes well.


LeeAnn, good luck with the soaps.  My monitor is off, so I can't really tell the colors.  It kind of looks like Louisville, Ohio's team colors, though.  i know that does you a lot of good.  LOL.


Marisa, How are you feeling today?  I hope you aren't coming down with anything.  I feel your pain about the sewing machine.  That is the story of my sewing career.  I think I need a class in basic sewing machine care and operation.  I can sew OK, just can't get the machine to do what I want it to do.


Joanne, I think staying out of the sleet and freezing rain sounds like a wise choice.  I had a great meetup with my friend, and we have the room at the library reserved for us for Monday mornings for the foreseeable future.  Well, one month.  We are taking April Fool's day off, since she has an appointment. 


Our home improvement projects are going really well.  I told my hubby on Sunday that I couldn't nag him about anything, since he took care of it all..  Then the new faucet fell off the bathtub while he was at work on Monday.  I called him to tell him.  It got under his skin so much he left work early to take care of it.  When I came back from my meetup, it was fixed, and he took care of another problem involving the wiring for the tv.  His next project is putting more insulation around the pipes under the house.  Maybe our gas bills will be a little smaller next winter!  I am having a slow start today.  It is a great day for sleeping.  Kind of like Spring or something!!!

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hi all,


Beth- That's great that your hubby is into fixing things. My DH on the hand, is not so handy!!! But he's good at hiring people to do things, so I won't complain! LOL!!! It's great that you will meet up every Monday- I'm really hoping to get to Craft Club next Monday night- I miss the gals!


My DD finally posted pics of Robbie and the family on FB so I shared them on my wall if any of you want to see them!

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This will be quick -- gotta get over to facebook and check out Joanne's page!   Congrats on the new grandson.  How is everybody doing?  What does your SIL think of two gorgeous sons?  What an exciting but exhausting time! 


Stacy, I can't believe there was a fire in the school library.  Not just inconvenient, but how frightening!  The stories you can tell.  You should write a book.


Marisa, any new patients?

LeeAnn, any new orders?


Off to Facebook to see the new baby! :heart

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Joanne, I saw the picture of you holding Robbie -- he is a very beautiful child!  Are there more pictures that I am missing?  I can't be a grandmother yet, so I have to live vicariously through my friends who have already been blessed. 

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My DD posted an album on FB and I 'shared' the album. I see them on my wall, but I'm thinking no one else can see them? :think  I don't know how to fix that, but found it odd that no one commented on those pictures.


I did 2 rounds on the RR for my co-worker's baby to be and found myself nodding so I went to bed before I did any damage-i.e. missed stitches, etc.


I feel much more refreshed this morning, so I guess I needed a good night's sleep!


Happy Hump Day everyone!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Wow, I read through the posts before noon and then I went to FB to see Joanne's pics before replying and of course I got sidetracked not even realizing I didn't post :sigh  :shrug  And, I realized at the end of the day yesterday that I never even came in here all day :eek  Oh well,  nothing going on today so it's a quiet one :)


Stacy - Glad to hear you got your speech together and that is a very interesting choice, wish I could've heard it :yes


Joanne - Great pic of you and Robbie :manyheart  I'm sure Ryan will come around in due time :xfin


Beth - The sewing definitely went much better with the thinner thread :whew  WTG to dh for being on a fixing spree :lol


A couple of you asked, I don't have any patients today.  But, I had a few on Mon and Tues, a couple tomorrow, one on Fri, and 3 Sat morning :clap:yay

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Good morning!

Happy Thursday!


I didn't get to stop last night to see my two GS-didn't leave work till 6:45. We'll see if I can tonight. I have a few gifts to deliver to them from a couple of co-workers!


I worked on the RR -another 2 rows done- and then started getting sleepy- it seems the rhythm of the ripple has been lulling me to sleep!


Hope you have a great day!!!

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Joanne, at least you are making progress on the ripple.  All those hours you work, and all the excitement of the new grandson probably left you pretty tuckered. 


Marisa, I'm glad your sewing went better with the thinner thread.  I would like a class that explains all that, and tension, and machine maintenance.  I would probably dislike sewing less if the machine didn't act up on me all the time, and I know machines well enough to know that it is probably operator error.  :embar   Good luck with your two patients today.  Any fun plans for the weekend (besides all those patients on Saturday?)


LeeAnn, I guess you've been a busy bee.  How are things going for the consignment shop?  Will you get updated on how your stock is holding out?   I'm very curious about how that works.


Stacy, I guess you are busy with midterms and lots of papers to write.  How often do you have to give speeches?


Well, the twins have an on-line test for their morning class today, so I "get" to take my dd to her yoga class at 9:15, and wait for an hour plus for it to finish -- no reason to burn twice the gas when I'd just be turning around when I get home and coming back to get her.  I guess I'll get some more crocheting done on my car project.  I think it will be a nice lap blanket size.

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Happy Thursday friends!


Beth-a sewing class would be wonderful, have you checked into one?  Our local fabric store has them every week, they are pretty reasonable $10.00 per class.  I have learned so much more that I would have never known.  It's wonderful being surrounded by folks that love what they do too.  I hear you about having a car project.  That is what I do every day, running my kiddos back and forth, it is exhausting. 


Joanne-I am sure you are tuckered out as well.  Your Robbie is adorable and just beautiful!  So happy for all of you.  I'm not sure what kind of knitting I learned, I think it's the one where you throw it..because you do kind of toss it over the needles.  I was telling one the ladies at Curves that I learned, she wants me to go knit with her, so that she can ensure that I "learned the right way and am not learning bad habits"  :rofl  She's a retired teacher, and so sweet but matter of fact as well.  I get a kick out of her. 


Stacy-speeches were never my favorite, I hope that this semester flies by and becomes a distant memory.  How are your girlies doing?  And Olive, is she behaving herself?


Marisa- :applause:2spin for new patients, you are growing.  I'm so happy happy happy for you.  glad that you were able to get your sewing project all figured out.  Will you get to rest this weekend?


As usual I have been working like a busy bee. I packaged and priced everything for the consignment shop and will deliver tomorrow.  The entire family and I are going on an "adventure".  The kiddos have never been to Salida before, we will not only get to drop off my goodies but go sight seeing.  I am crossing everything that product sells fast, a quick turnaround would work for me. 


Last night was "bring your Sweetie"  at Curves.  Dh went to work out with me, he was such a good sport.  We had fun, laughed alot and worked out a little.  :haha


I'm still replenishing my stock, it looks like I have finally turned a page and have moved forward.  I actually have goodies sitting on my shelves,..those empty shelves were scaring me.


Best get my tush in gear, have an order to fill and more goodies to make.  Have a wonderful day ladies!  hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I got a late start this morning just because I was being lazy :sigh  I didn't even go to the gym either.  Bean got called back to work Tues night, so started Wed.  I just enjoyed the house this morning a bit alone :lol  Not much going on here today.  I have the Knit the Bridge group coming tonight to work on joining smaller pieces into complete size panels.  We had a community leader meeting last night, which went well.


Joanne - WTG on making progress on your RR.  Sorry you had to work late and missed the boys :hug


Beth - Hmmm, my weekend :think  I have a few patients on Saturday morning and was then going to a KtB group, but she's cancelling this week due to not feeling well which has been lingering for a while and she really just needs to rest.  So aside from that, nothing else is going on that I know of.  I'll have to text Ingrid though because Monday is Sloan's birthday :yes  I hear you about the sewing,  I just wish I actually had the manual for my sewing machine that was given to me after my mom's Aunt passed away years ago :sigh


LeeAnn - WTG getting your orders filled and shelves restocked :clap  You are doing an amazing job there young lady :hug  How cute that Curves had the 'sweetie' night :lol

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Good afternoon!


Joanne, I love the photo on FB of you holding Robbie.  :manyheart   He is an adorable little guy.  :yes  Is Ryan still ignoring him?  :xfin you get out in time to stop and see them. 


Marisa, it must have been nice to relax a little in an empty house.  :yes  Good luck joining the smaller panels. 


Leeann, :woo for replenished stock!  :xfin that the consignment goes well!  I'm sure it will- your soapies are so adorable!


Beth, have fun working on the car project.  It reminds me of my laundromat afghan a few years ago.  :yes  Oh!  I made Larabars yesterday!  Have you or your inventions ever tried them?  They are super-simple and GF.  Here is the link.  I used cashews, TJ's dates, and dark chocolate nibs.  SO yummy, and my older two LOVED them.  (Of course, they don't know about the dates.  :wink)  Today I am making the fruit roll-ups, but your inventions are too old for them, I'm sure.  :lol


The teacher handed out the informative speech grades and I got an A.  :woo  So I stopped about bought myself a coffee as a reward.  :rofl  I think it was Beth who asked- we have 4 speeches (introductory, informative, special occasion, and persuasive) and a round-table discussion at the end of the semester.  I'm nervous about the midterm, though, because the teacher doesn't really lecture.  :think  

Let's see...I made a quick trip to Target this morning, for hand soap and cleaning supplies.  Mia has been asking for high-top sneakers for her birthday, and I haven't been able to find them anywhere.  But Target had Converse high-tops on clearance for $9!  :eek :clap  They are a size larger than she wears, but she should still like them.  :yes 

Well, I think that's all the news for now.  Love and hugs!

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Stacy, thanks for the recipe for the Larabars.  I may ask for a food processor for my birthday, just so I can make those.  They sound like a great treat, and something easy to grab and go.  Congrats on the A for your speech, and on the great find for Converse sneakers!  They may be a size too large now, but that won't last!


LeeAnn, I am glad you have your shelves stocked.  I'll bet it feels great.  Enjoy your adventure/trip to the consignment store.  So neat that it will be a fun family outing.  When are your children on Spring break?


Marisa, sounds like Knit the Bridge is quite a commitment.  I can't wait to see pics of the finished project. 


Joanne, I hope you get some grandson time today, or at least this weekend.  How nice for your dd and her hubby that there are two grandmothers closeby to give their sons lots of special attention!  I think it is great that your co-workers got baby presents for your dd.  You must be a close-knit team!


My oldest has a job interview tomorrow.  We went on a quest to find some nicer pants that fit him.  It isn't easy.  Our local Big and Tall stores don't carry anything with a waist smaller than a 40 inch.  We need a "Long and Lean" store.  And my dd had a test in her evening class, so I got MORE time with my car project. 

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quick stop in-I just read all the comings and goings- and will try and respond to you all tonight!


No visit last night- it was another late night- but i did talk to DD and the boys are doing well. Robbie is gaining weight so she is very happy- you always worry about that when breastfeeding!


LeeAnn- Have a super fun weekend---and fingers crossed for a quick turn around time for you at the consignment shop!

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Good morning!


Quick check-in before class (well, actually, it was more like I am putting finishing touches on a paper due today, and got distracted by the internet. :blush:lol )  I promised the girls that if they are ready by 7 a.m. we will stop to get doughnuts.  There is a local shop down the street which makes them gf, and they are actually really good!  


Joanne, :woo for Robbie gaining weight!  You're right, that is always a relief.  Hope Paradise goes by quickly for you- TGIF! 


Beth, did you find pants?  How did the interview go?


Marisa and Leeann, love and hugs! 

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Good morning ladies :hi  (Well afternoon by the time I hit the post button I'm sure :lol


We made some decent progress last night working on joining squares to make panels and we had 8 people here working :clap  We were supposed to have a meeting tonight of just the core people, but it was canceled because the one lady is not feeling well.  She hasn't been for a couple weeks now and really needs to take care of herself :yes  So, her Saturday Knit In is canceled as well.  I had 3 patients this moring, antoher this afternoon plus a new one.  And then I'm meeting a friend out for dinner tonight :D 


Stacy - WTG on your speech and the A!  I think the coffee reward was perfect :yay  Glad you found Mia some hightops, and at clearance :woo


Beth - How did ds' interview go?  And dd's exam?  Are you having pizza tonight?


Joanne - Sorry you've worked late all week, I'm sure you'll be spending your weekend with the boys :manyheart


LeeAnn - Hope your stock is continuing to grow :hug

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Wow, Marisa, business sure is hopping today!  :clap:yay:cheer   I hope your friend feels better soon- several weeks is a very long time for illness. 


I went to wake up the girls today and Eva was feverish and lethargic. So she stayed home, and ended up getting sick in the car.  I had to drop off my English paper and the professor said to just email her to find out what happened in class.  So here we sit, Eva watching cartoons, and me contemplating what to clean.  I had planned to wait until Sunday to clean out my bedroom (we are getting rid of my computer desk and getting a smaller "cart" style instead) but guess I have the time now.  Also need to figure out dinner.  I am fresh out of ideas.  Hmmm.


Love and hugs!

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Stacy- did you figure out dinner? Hope Eva feels better soon!!! Congrats on the A--awesome job by an awesome gal!! Love the reward of coffee--it's my reward too---speaking of coffee- I had the hazelnut macchiato last Sunday and I liked it!!! 


Marisa- Sounds like quite the busy day- which is a good thing when it involves all those patients! Enjoy  your dinner out!


Beth- How did DS interview go? Hope you were able to find pants for him!  Did you ever decide if you were going to continue looking for work?


Going to DD's tomorrow morning after my hair appointment at 7:30 AM--no cleaning tomorrow as is my normal routine-I'm stopping before hand to deliver bagels at my DDs request. In the afternoon, my middle DD is coming over and we're going to finally celebrate her birthday! Sunday will be a morning of cleaning, I'm afraid, and hopefully some more GS time(and some crochet time as well)

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Just a quick stop by -- husband stayed home from work sick on Friday, and I am feeling kind of down today -- possibly getting his cold, possibly just fighting spring allergies.


I hope you have a great weekend.  Hugs!

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Good morning!

Beth- I hope it's just allergies(not that allergies are any fun), but just meant I hope you are not getting sick! Hugs!


LeeAnn- Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday combining the trek to the consignment shop and an outing with family!!!


Stacy- LOL about cleaning the closets and getting half way done. It's a chore I never liked! (and still don't). Is Isabella still liking her adorable short hair? How are the other two doing? Did you find a new couch?


Marisa- Hope you are having a good weekend. Are you watching or following any of March Madness? The team I picked to win, lost last night-:-(


Had a nice visit with DD and GS--and took her to the store- today she wants to go to Kohl's. She was tired after the one stop yesterday- but she wants to take advantage of her 30% off coupon- and she wants to pick up new bedding for her bed. My middle DD didn't finish with her weekly Sat art mentoring till about 3:30 so she begged off coming down to go out to eat- and said we'll just celebrate her birthday along with Easter next weekend.! She had an interview on Fri for a teaching position for the rest of the year to cover the teacher who went out on leave. The school had called her university and asked the dean if there was anyone they could recommend--and my DD was who they recommended. That in itself is something she can be proud of and I'm hoping she gets it. It will be nice if she could get her foot in the door of a school district and get the experience. Like I told her, if it's meant to be it will be.


Hope you are all enjoying your weekend!!!

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Joanne, It is so cool that your dd's univeristy recommended your dd!  Enjoy your time with your family today!


Stacy, are you ready for Easter?  Did the cleaning ever get done?  Did you find the dining room table you wanted?


LeeAnn, how was the trip to the consignment shop?  What fun things did you do?


Marisa, Are you working on any more panels for knit the bridge?  Have you had a chance to do any crafting? 

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I had a wonderful day (that is AFTER the grocery shopping was done and all the groceries put away). Went to Kohl's with DD and then spent the afternoon with my two GS!!! :c9


Hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well!!


I sure hope DD gets the job- if the university recommended her and she doesn't get it, she'll be very hard on herself. She said "I hope I did ok on the interview" Interviews can be so nerve wracking!!!

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