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Some good clean fun?!

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Good evening!


Joanne, sounds like a wonderful day with your DD!  Seems we skipped right over spring and are jumping right into summer- it's supposed to be 90 tomorrow!  :eek :eek  As for the pool...my kids tiptoed around it for a while, stuck their feet in, etc...before taking the plunge.  I kept telling them it was okay if it was too cold (I personally didn't want to let them go in but dh said they would learn their lesson :lol ) After they went in, they got out immediately to dry off. 


Marisa, glad to hear your mom had company for her drive.  I'm sure that helps a lot!


Beth, glad to have you back!  How nice that your dd kept up the house and that your dh did some repairs.  I'm sure they are just as happy to have you home! 


Leeann, are you a Flybaby?! I've tried on and off for years, but just can't seem to get the hang of it.  :sigh  How sweet that your kiddos helped.  Good luck with your goodies in the consignment shop!


Last night, dh came home late and suggested we go out for dinner- there is a place down the street that has $1 hot dogs on Monday nights.  Of course I said yes!  Even though I not-so-secretly hate hot dogs. 

Isabella is having problems at school.  Not with bullying or anything, but I guess she doesn't hang out much with anyone.  The teacher said she's extremely popular, but she doesn't have any really close friends...and she started crying today because she misses our old Roomie's dd.  :sigh There was a banner at the park yesterday for city-league soccer and basketball, maybe I'll try to get her into one of those- if she's on a team, she should make friends.  I hope. 

Tomorrow I have a boatload of homework to do.  Midterms are next week already.  (Yay!)  As much as I love school, this semester has just been too much. 

Yesterday after class, I made a stop at the local home-decorating store because they were having a sale- I walked out with 3 shelves, 2 pictures, and a set of sconces for $30! :woo Our  walls are mostly plain, except for the hallway with all the photos of the girls, so it will be nice to freshen up for spring! 


Well, I need to scoot. Completely forgot about the load of laundry in the washer!   Love and hugs! 

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OK, I'm trying this with Firefox, after IE wouldn't allow me to post again...


Stacy, good luck with the midterms.  I hope this semester flies by for you.  My kids are on the second half already.  They will be done in early May, I believe.  Do you get a spring break?  If so, when?  I used to swim in very cold water when I was in Ohio.  I like it cool, but not too cold now that I'm older (and have a nice protective layer of fat.)


Joanne, When will you find out what the doctor said to your dd?  Did you get to celebrate your other dd's birthday?  I can't blame you for not wanting to walk in the rain to work.  Is the weather clearing up there?  We have amazing temps right now -- it's about perfect.


Marisa, I hope you had a good visit with your mom.  It's nice when everyone is home safe and sound.  My trip to and from Ohio would have been much better with another passenger in the car.  I'm sure your mom enjoyed your aunt's company.


LeeAnn, How are those great kiddoes of yours?  Will your son be going to any more dances any time soon?  Will the consignment shop be a long term project?


Well, I have quite a to-do list for today.  My irl crochet buddy is coming to my house on Friday, and i need to clean the construction areas, straighten the house, and possibly sew curtains.  :yuck 

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Just a quick stop in to say Hi!


Stacy- Nice price on all those things you bought!!!! Hope that Isabella decides to join one of the teams- that should help with making friends. Good luck with your mid-terms!!! What is a flybaby?


Beth- Have fun with that sewing! :lol  I know how much you love it! :lol We are going to celebrate my middle DD's birthday on Saturday- and I'll talk to my DD tonight after work---or I may text her from work to find out what the doctor said!


LeeAnn- You must be busy as a beaver with all your soapy goodness making!


Marisa-  I chuckled about the taxes--you still have time! We filed already because we got $ back---hence, the new living room furniture! :lol


Off I go --Have a good day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


It was good to hit the gym this morning since I didn't go at all while my mom and aunt were here :sigh  I had a Knit the Bridge group last night, which went well.  We're going out tonight for drinks with the female neighbors, calling it WOFS for Women Of Federal Street :lol  We really do try to keep it like a little community :yes  This weekend will be a super busy one for me.  Friday starts the PIttsburgh Knit and Crochet Festival, which goes through Sunday and Knit the Bridge is having an area blocked off.  Saturday is St. Patty's Day festivities so that will be a long one :lol 


Joanne - I'm starting to get anxious about dd, so I can just imagine how you feel :eek:hug


Stacy - What is a flybaby?  Great find on the home items :h5  Maybe have Isabella invite a couple girls for a sleepover to help them bond a bit?  I know it's extra work for you of course, but it may help get her jumpstarted :think


Beth - I also use Firefox although I do use IE for some things (some of my insurance stuff is not  compatible with Firefox :( )  Good luck with your To-Do list :kick


LeeAnn - Hope all is well :hug

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I know what a Flybaby is!  I used to be one, but fell off the routine wagon.  There is a woman who calls herself Flylady, who helps those of us who are organizationally challenged to establish a routine for housecleaning.  She calls those who follow her system "Flybabies." 

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Hiya friends!


Remember me?  I have been lost in that land of SOAP and am trying to swim out.  :yes   Like seriously...haven't come up for air in a few days and boy am I exhausted.


Beth-missed you while you were gone!  Sounds like you had a wonderful time visiting.   I'm so very happy that your sister liked her football soapies.  :manyheart   my kiddos are doing well.  Cristopher has made a few new friends and is quite the social bug, I love that he's happy.  They have standard testing this week, but seem to be handling it well.  Tonight both of them have activities.  Celine and I are going to our Fiber Floozies meeting to craft and Cristopher has Confirmation Class.


Joanne-come on new gs!  I can't imagine the anticipation..I am anxiously waiting for news.  :hug   The shellac is a little different from what I hear the gel is..but to tell you the truth, I'm really not sure about it..it all seems a little confusing.  :yes


Marisa-I'm so glad that you had a wonderful weekend, this upcoming weekend is going to be booming for you..gosh!  Lots of fun things to do.


Stacy-what a score!  That is awesome that you are decorating, did you get everything put up?  How does it look?  How's Olive?


The consignment goodies were a ton of work..my shop is seriously low on product but I will get to working on it this week.  I am going to try the consignment thing out for a few months,..hoping that it all sells.  So that all of my hard work will pay off.


other than all that..just trying to keep my head above water..we haven't taken the house off the market,..we are going to..I just need to get around to doing that too.


I was a Flybaby at one time..but I fell off the wagon..I'm not good at scheduling everything down to the minute..I kinda like a little more freedom.


Best get my tush in gear and herd the kiddos out the door.  hugs n squishes!

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Quick stop in!

Beth- thanks for explaining what a flybaby is!! I don't think I'd be good at that. I get organized in spurts!!! Something will just hit me and it's like bam- time to organize!!!!


Marisa- Your weekend plans sound like so much fun!!!!! I'm hoping that I'll be spending my weekend with Ryan--which will mean DD is having the baby! Dr appt went well- she goes back Friday. Her due date is actually tomorrow and Dr said that if she doesn't go into labor by the 21st she'll induce. DD said she'll see how things are on Friday- and may tell the doc that if she isn't in labor by Tuesday to induce then. Fingers crossed that the baby just decides that he wants to join the family before then. She is tired, but other than that feels good.


I went over to DD's after work and fed Ryan his dinner then played with him for a bit- and got him ready for bed. All DD had to do was read him his bedtime story!


LeeAnn- You sure have been super busy- good luck with getting more product for the consignment shop- and I'll be you and Celine had a blast at your club tonight!


Stacy- Hope you had a great day- I like Marisa's idea about having a sleep-over! I used to do that with my girls- and often let them each have a friend over- so there were 6 girls in the house! What was I thinking? :lol

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Good evening!


Leeann, you are always on the go!  Have fun at your meeting- anything special you are hooking right now?  Will your ds be confirmed this year, or does he have one more year to go?  The reason I asked about being a Flybaby is because you mentioned your weekly blessing.  I absolutely cannot get the hang of everything there is to do on that program.


Beth, thanks for explaining.  :wink  Our spring break is the first week of April- and my kids' is the last week of March this year!  :eek   Thankfully MIL works in their district so she will be off also, and willing to watch them while I'm in class.  Good luck with the sewing!


Joanne, how exciting that her due date is SO close!  How sweet of you to go and help your dd get Ryan ready for bed.  :heart  


Marisa, your weekend plans sound like so much fun!  I would love to invite some friends over for a sleepover- I had them all the time when I was younger- but most parents at our school tend to not even want their kids going to anyone else's house.  :think  We've tried to organize that several times.  :shrug Maybe we will just try to start with a playdate.


Two of the girls had field trips today, and it appears that neither one had much fun.  It was HOT today and they were both outdoors.  We stayed after school to play for a bit, then got Popsicles on our way home.  Dh surprised me and rearranged the living room how I wanted it.   :tup    Oh, and no one wanted to go swimming again today.  :devil   When Isabella woke up this morning, she said her bones were still cold.  :lol

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


We had a good night out last night and met some new people from our neighborhood.  I was here early today because Steph had the builders coming to look at a leak.  It'll be a late night because my patients are scheduled later.


LeeAnn - Did you have fun at the fiber floozies meeting?  I hope everything goes well with the consignment shop :xfin


Joanne - Has dd started to dilate yet?  It's great to help dd with Ryan, praying for dd and Robbie :xfin


Stacy - That's weird that parents don't go for sleepovers :think  Hopefully the play date will work :xfin  How sweet of dh to rearrange the living room :manyheart

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Joanne, seems we are all anxiously waiting for news of the new grandson.  How wonderful to be close enough to help out (and enjoy the babies!)  I still think the job description for "Grandma" is about the best one out there.  I hope work is going well.  Are you done with the overtime for a while?


LeeAnn, glad you came up for air.  I hope the consignment shop does well.  It doesn't work if your product sits on a shelf where you can't sell it if anybody else wants it.  It is good to hear how well the kids are doing. 


Stacy, Your children say the most intelligent, interesting things.  I'm sorry your dd's bones are still cold, but what a thing to say!  It is rough to have different spring breaks.  My friend has a dd in college and two ds in high school with different breaks, so she isn't even getting a break from all the driving she does. 


Marisa, I don't know how I missed the post about the sleepover, but I did.  What fun!!!  I love hearing about your life -- sounds like you know how to enjoy yourself.  I hope your late day at the office doesn't put a wrinkle in your day. 


I made the panels for the curtains, and started the valence.  It is currently hanging up, but it is pinned, rather then hemmed.  I was working on it late last night, and didn't want to run the machine while the hubby was trying to sleep. 

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Top of the morning friends!


Fiber floozies was fun, I worked on a sashay scarf for an order, I am finally getting the hang of it.  Mailing it out today, not a moment too soon.  :yes   Plugging away on orders and restocking, but slowly I am getting there.


Joanne-keeping my fingers crossed that this weekend is THE weekend.  :clap :clap


Beth-oh my gosh, I am so proud of you!  Sewing, I bet your curtains and valence is awesome.  :cheer


Stacy-your girlies are so much fun!  They say and do the cutest things.  Hope your weekend is filled with fun.


Marisa-ohhh laaa laaaa....I am excited to hear about your weekend come Monday. :yay


My sister is coming for a visit but she is staying at her in laws..oh happy days!  I am cooking dinner for them tonight..so much to do.  Best get my tush in gear...have Two West Virginia University Football Soaps to make, will share pictures :manyheart


I tried looking for a baseball mold, found one that I wanted but wasn't able to get my order to go through..hmm??


hugs n squishes! 

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Robbie is here!!! :manyheart :yay :clap


I got home late last night around 7:30 from work (and to answer your question Beth- yes, late hours seem to be never ending- :lol ) DD called at 8- she was in labor! She called SIL and told him. We both arrived at their house about the same time and off they went to the hospital. GS arrived at 4:38 AM this morning and weighed 6lbs 1 oz- 19 inches- he's a peanut!! So cute- looks a lot like Ryan, but smaller- and DD is doing well. 


My DD's MIL and I took Ryan to Ihop for breakfast to celebrate his new "big brotherhood"  :)  My SIL's brother met us there and then he took Ryan so the two Grandmas could go meet Robbie!!!  Then I spent the day with Ryan. Needless to say I'm tired!!!! But wanted to share the happy news!!! :c9

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Good morning housemates :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I had a patient early this morning and another coming at 11, which will leave me time to put in some paperwork into the computer. I still have 2 notes to enter from the busy Thursday :blush But, that's because it was so late Thursday and yesterday I left early to head to the Knit and Crochet Festival :yes We did a presentation with Knit the Bridge last night and then played some games, did some trivia, and raffled off prizes that vendors donated :yes It was a lot of fun and the yarns that were donated were beautiful, I was sad that I didn't have a chance to win. We decided that we should reprieve ourselves from the raffle since we were the ones running it :shrug Oh well. I may head back over tomorrow, but we'll see how today pans out :think Today is the St. Patty's day festivities in town and we usually head over for early afternoon, but I think Steph said we might not be going over until later this year. So, I'll just wait to hear what the plan is :shrug I'd like to sew up a drawstring bag for my individual diaper changes on the go for my mommy to be across the street. I've never made them and it looks easy, but I want to do up the first one to make sure I have it before pinning them all up :yes I'm doing the baby shower gift that I think Cindy shared off pintrest a while back.


Have a great day, and I'll see y'all on Monday (probably a bit later in the day)


Beth - I had actually just suggested to Stacy that Isabella have a sleepover with a couple girls from school to help her bond with them :yes  WTG on your curtains!  Did you get the valence done?  Can't wait to see pics :devil


LeeAnn - WTG on the sashay scarf :clap  How was your dinner with your sister?  Hmmm, better luck with the baseball mold.  Are you making one for the Pirates?????


Stacy - Hope all is well in your neck of the woods :hug

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Hello everybody,


Joanne, congratulations on the new grandson.  I hope mom and son are both healthy.  How is Ryan doing?  So nice that he is getting extra special attention during this transition time. 


Marisa, I hope you get to go to the St. Patty festivities.  Sounds like so much fun.  I bought some corned beef today to cook tomorrow. 


LeeAnn, enjoy your visit with your sister.  What did you end up cooking?  Glad you are getting the sashay scarf figured out. 


Stacy, thinking of you.  have the girls contemplated the pool lately?

The big plans for renovations have been postponed due to the rain.

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Good morning ladies!


Joanne-Congratulations!  I am so happy for all of you.  :hug :hug :hug   So glad that everyone is doing well and are healthy.  :yes
  I bet you are all so excited and exhausted.


Beth-oh no rain!  Seems like that always happens when a person is wanting to do home renovations.  My sister arrived last night, had dinner and then moved on the road to her inlaws.  It was a wonderful visit.  All of my nieces and nephews are growing.  The twin girls are 9 months today.  They had 5 of their 6 kids. :yes   They have such a big family, but all of them are so sweet.  Dh made lasagna and I made an Italian Ham Salad to go with, it was super delicious!


Marisa-have fun today!


Stacy-any big plans for the weekend?


Today I am going to upload the pics for the West Virgina Soaps and cross my fingers that they colors match up.  I made two different sets of them.  :lol   And then hopefully later this afternoon, I can go and kidnap my sister to take her for a cup of coffee.


hugs n squishes!

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Had a good day---the two grandmas took Ryan for a haircut (at DD's request) and then this afternoon, I went to visit with DD and Robbie---got home around 6 and am trying to play catch up with the cleaning and laundry. My DD's MIL is staying with Ryan tonight.


Tomorrow they come home and I'm so curious to see what Ryan's reaction is going to be to his new little brother!


Well, I'd better get off the computer and get going doing what needs to get done!

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Good morning !!! Happy St. Patrick's Day---It's a great day for the Irish clan here!! Ryan will meet his new baby brother since they are coming home today!!! Can't wait to see his reaction!


I've got the last load of laundry in the dryer- and then will be heading over to DD's - We are going to take Ryan out for breakfast again!


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Good Monday Morning!


Wish I could go over to DD's instead of heading into Paradise. My SIL is off for 4 weeks so he will be a great help to DD. Ryan was very happy to see his mommy- and didn't pay too much attention to the baby. St. Patrick's Day was indeed a very special day!


LeeAnn- I saw on FB that you learned to knit and purl--isn't it fun to learn something new? What do you have on your needles? I started a  RR this weekend in my little amount of spare hours- mainly because it goes quick- it's going to be baby sized- for a co-worker. I did do a few rows of knitting- I miss it, but there's been all these baby blankets i have to make- LOL


Marisa- Hope you had a blast celebrating St. Patrick's Day!!


Stacy- I love that you made Mexican food for St. Patrick's Day- I made pasta!! We are not big corned beef and cabbage fans ! LOL


Off I go----Have a wonderful day

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Good morning, everybody,

Joanne, will you get to see your grandsons after work? 


Stacy, how is school going for you?  What are the girls up to?


Marisa,did you have a fun St. Patty's Day?


LeeAnn, congrats on the knitting and purling.  What are you making today?


Meeting with an irl crochet  buddy. The two of us decided to schedule a meeting time every week in hopes that we will actually get together from time to time.

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Happy Monday friends!


Sure feels like the weekend whizzed by.


Joanne-I'm so glad that your dd is going home and will get to rest and recover and enjoy her new baby and little Ryan, what an exciting and fun time.  And exhausting as well.  Have a good night at Paradise, will you get to go to craft club?


Beth-how was your weekend?  I bet you are starting the week off with home improvements?  Hope the rain let up.


Stacy-how were the green pancakes and enchiladas?  I thought that was super cute!


Marisa-I can't wait..to hear about your weekend :yay


The weekend flew by,  On Saturday we spent most of the day at my sister's mother in laws house.  It was so nice to get out and also to spend time with all of my nieces and nephews.  They are all so much fun, the babies are a lot of work. I was able to hold and play with them for hours. :manyheart :manyheart  My sister's mother in law was knitting, she made it look so easy..I sat and watched her for awhile too. Then yesterday I decided to pull out the beginner book and needles that I had been given from a friend and try..and wouldn't you know it..it just seriously clicked in my brain.  I couldn't believe that I understood it..but I did it!  I started a scarf..one row knit, one row purl..the purling was more difficult for me, but I think I got it.  I keep my book handy just in case I forget. It was more relaxing than when I first tried it..I have also loosened my death grip. :lol


This Friday I will be going on an adventure to Salida CO..where I will be dropping off my product at the consignment shop, I am super excited.  I think it will work out, if not..I will just move on. 


still working on orders..only behind on 2.  Must get those done today so that they will be ready for mailing and delivery.  Here's a picture of the West Virginia Soaps, my customer originally wanted 2 but when she saw them she ordered 3 instead.  :clap  Also enclosed a picture of Cora the Cow, she is made exclusively for The Junque Drawer-the new consignment shop.  


The last football soap was my first attempt at the West Virginia football soaps, but the color is too light, any ideas as to what football team has these colors?  I was researching and came across California Golden Bears, what do you all think?


have a good Monday friends!  Hugs n squishes!




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Good morning ladies :hi


I slept in this morning until almost 10 :eek  And I feel like I might be getting sick :(  Anyways we had a good weekend.  Saturday after I left here, I went home and lounged a bit and took a nap.  We went out about 4 and met up with our friends and a lot of the crowds in town had died down :yes  We then went over to the south side and it was still hopping over there, lines out of every door....even the dive bars :lol  We ended up heading home fairly early too, about 10 I think.  Yesterday was a purely couch potato day :lol  I was working on sewing up a little drawsting bag for my neighbors baby shower gift and my sewing machine is not stitching correctly :(  I'm going to try tonight with a different thread, that one might have been too thick, but my little sewing back was at the office and I didn't feel like coming to get it :shrug  Otherwise, I'll have to have my machine cleaned, which is a good possibility that it needs it since I really don't use it very often :think


Beth - We had corned beef yesterday with cabbage, potatoes, and carrots in the crock pot  :drool  I love it!  I'm not sure the weather will help you out with your renovations for a few days yet :think  I think there's some crappy weather coming up the coast :think  But I could be wrong :shrug


LeeAnn - How great of dh to make lasagna, that's no easy feat :clap  Glad you were able to enjoy time with your sister and her family :manyheart  WTG with the knit/purl, you'll be done with your scarf in no time.  Great job with your soaps,  I think I'd target that soap to either San Jose State or UCLA....check it out :D


Joanne - How sweet that you took Ryan for a haircut and breakfast :manyheart  He's probably a little confused by Robbie.  I'm so glad everyone is doing well and the lil peanut is now home!


Stacy - Hope you had a great weekend!

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Good morning, besties!


Leeann, your soapies are so cute!  Especially that cow!  I'm not sure about football team colors, but I do know that UCLA is blue and maize, so it probably wouldn't work for them.  :think  Hmm...are there any local (to you) football teams with those colors?  Glad to hear you had a great time with your sis and her fam.  The twins must be getting so big!  And :woo for learning how to knit!  How exciting!  Can't wait to see what you make.


Marisa, sounds like a fun, fun weekend on your end!  Minus the cabbage in a crock pot.  :lol   Not a cooked cabbage fan here.  Good luck with your sewing!


Beth, how fun to meet up with your IRL crochet buddy.  :xfin that you can meet up more often.  How are the home improvements going?


Joanne, :woo  Congratulations!  How exciting that Robbie has finally arrived!  It was so sweet of you and dd's MIL to shower Ryan with lots of extra attention.  It is wonderful that your SIL is off for 4 weeks- that will be a huge help to your dd, I'm sure! 


Not much going on here.  The weekend was kind of, well, blah.  :reyes  We took the girls to the park on Saturday.  On Sunday, Mia's friend had a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese.   The little problem boy was there (the one who hit her) but they seem to be getting along now.  :think   Which is fine with me, but the boy's mother did not seem happy about it.  We also saw one of Isabella's friends, and Mia's friend from her previous school.

I've been feeling rather anxious about my dad's visit, and have been pretty moody.  Dh helped with the housework this weekend- yesterday while we were gone, he cleaned the kitchen and living room, did dishes, took out the trash and vacuumed.  :eek:heart   It was so nice to come back to a clean home.  :yes


Well, I need to scoot, and write a speech for tomorrow.  I haven't even chosen a topic yet- procrastination at its worst!  :lol   Love and hugs!

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Stacy - How sweet of dh to help out with the housework :manyheart  Sounds to me like Mia has an admirer...isn't that how they act at that age :think  I hope all goes well with your dad's visit :xfin  Good luck getting your speech together :hug

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