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Good evening!


Leeann, sorry to hear about your great uncle.  :hug Good luck with the house showing tomorrow!


Joanne, I had to laugh about your dh wanting new furniture now!  When we got our tv last year, dh wanted new furniture, but I said no because I really liked the style of ours.  Then MIL bought a chair for the living room and afterward I wanted everything else to match!  :lol  there was no good reason to get rid of it, though.  Lately the couch has been smelling funky- I think Olive was sleeping on it at night.   :yuck  I can't stand animals on furniture.  Anyway...dh ended up tossing it today!  Actually he put it out by the curb and someone picked it up about half an hour later.  :rofl 


Took Isabella to get her hair cut, which most of you probably saw on FB.  The cut looks great on her, IMO- and she seems VERY confident about it!  :yes  So I am happy for her.

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Stacy, I missed the picture of the new haircut -- I will pop over to facebook to see it as soon as i am done here.  Your children are adorable.  I find that things we put on the curb disappear very quickly, no matter how they smell.  I'm glad you are getting new furniture.


LeeAnn, I am so sorry for your loss.  I hope you have lots of luck with the house showing.


Joanne and Marisa, I hope your weeks go well. 


I was checking the weather forecasts to see if I will have bad weather to drive through on my way to Ohio.  Now i want to leave today, but I am not ready. 

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Good morning


LeeAnn- Sorry about your great uncle's passing! Sounds like you had a long, exhausting weekend. Good luck with the house showing today!


Stacy- I LOVE Isabella's new look!! She looks adorable in that cut! Glad she feels confident about it. Things around here get picked up on the curb as well. One man's junk is another man's treasure!!!


Beth- Safe travels. Storm here on Wed is what they are saying- more updates on that later on today. I'm more than ready for spring! Have a wonderful time in Ohio!!!!


Marisa- Hope you had a good weekend!


I went to see Ryan and DD yesterday for a few hours- fun times! Last night I picked up some knitting. And did a few rows on the blanket for my co-worker.

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Good morning ladies!


Beth-have a safe and happy trip to Ohio, I am so excited for you. 


Joanne-new furniture is wonderful, I'm so happy for you.  And your knitting?  well you are officially a knitter and getting better and better at it.  Woot woot!  For Ryan time, I am sure that you dd is feeling more and more uncomfortable.   Hope you make it to craft night.


Stacy-the new hair cut for Isabella is stunning, She is adorable!  I bet it will be so easy to upkeep.


Marisa-how was your weekend?  Get any hooky time in?


I tuckered out last night about 8, I cleaned and then just gave in and went to bed.  Thank you all for your condolences, my Uncle Alex was quite the character.  He always had us all laughing and really knew how to tell a joke. 


The showing is today at 9:45, we were really just thinking of taking it off the market, but I am trying to be optimistic that one day we will sell so that I can live in town..country life is great but the commuting...well I'm just tired of it.  We have been out here 15 years, I think that I have done my fair share of compromising since dh is the only one that likes it out here. 


back to printing labels, got up early to fill a lotion bar order.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I had a good 3 day weekend :D  It was nice to spend a bit of time with my aunt on Friday.  After I took them back to the airport in the afternoon I went to HL and only picked up one skein that was on sale as an odd lot :clap  When I got home, my stomach was bugging me so I layed down for a nap.  We were supposed to go out for fish at the Elk's and when I woke up Steph and Bean had already gone.  She came to get me and when I didn't budge they went anyways.  So they brought me good home, I ate and went back to sleep through the night :eek  I ran errands with Steph on Saturday and we went to a friend's house in the evening.  I spent yesterday hanging out alternating between hooking and playing candy crush :blush:lol


Joanne - How nice of dh to bring Chinese last week, and now I want some :drool  How exciting to have the LYS open up :yes  Love the ripple :manyheart  Your dh sounds like Bean :lol


Beth - Safe travels to Ohio :hug  WTG with the primer/paint :yay


Stacy - WTG on your speech!  I saw Isabella's haircut and I love it :manyheart  She wears it well.


LeeAnn - How did the showing go?  Sorry to hear about your great uncle :hug

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Good afternoon!


Marisa, glad to hear you had a fun bit of time with your aunt.  Sorry your stomach was feeling funny but it sure was nice of Steph to bring food home for you.  I've heard Candy Crush is addictive.  I downloaded it for my phone but for some reason, it won't work.  :think   Do you have many patients lined up this week?


Joanne, how nice that you got more Ryan/dd time in.  I'm sure she really appreciates how often you visit!


Leeann, how did the showing go?  :hug


Well, this morning did not start out too well.  We were running late, and Eva forgot her lunchbox.  Luckily I was still in the driveway, so I parked and ran upstairs, in time to find Olive leaving a little "gift" on the carpet.  :rant:bang  So I put her in the bathroom, but I guess when I grabbed her collar, my house keys fell off my clip ring, and I locked myself out.  So after dropping off the girls, I had to drive over to dh's shop (about half an hour each way) to pick up his keys.  On the way home, I stopped at Michael's for some retail therapy, but ended up not buying anything.  I also received an email that my dad will be here for 17 days at the end of the month.  Don't quite know how to break the news to dh.  :ohdear

On a good note, everyone loved Isabella's cut.  :whew  I overheard some 5th grade girls talking loudly about why a boy would be in the girls' bathroom, so I was really worried this morning.  The girls have early release all week due to parent conferences.  I have one on Tuesday and on Wednesday...but am thinking of taking off to the beach on Thursday, as long as the rain holds off. 

I suppose it's time to find dinner.  Love and hugs! 

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Oh Stacy!  You did have a rough morning yesterday :hug :hug  I hope today's going better and I think the beach is just what you need :yes  Glad to hear that Isabella's cut was a hit and yes, candy crush IS addicting :eek


I didn't do any hooking last night and just relaxed since I got home late.  Made it to the gym this morning and here I am.  My mom's cousin lives only 2 blocks from the 2nd sink hole that appeared in Florida! :eek  Not sure what's going on there!!!  The first one appeared under someones house and the guys room fell right him with him sleeping, my mom said they ended up just burying him there in it because they couldn't find him and didn't want to risk any further tragedy since it was continuing to collapse further and I guess they're not sure exactly the 'depths' of what they're dealing with? :think


I hope you're all having a wonderful Tuesday :hug

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Good morning!


Marisa, I hadn't heard about the second sinkhole!  :eek :eek :eek   The poor guy in his bedroom, though.  I was so sad to hear about that.  The news out here is saying it's 100 feet deep!  I really feel for that family.  :ohdear  Hope your mom's cousin is not affected by the second one (or if more open up!) 

Leeann, your bug soapies are just adorable!  I can't get over your creativity. 


Joanne, did you make it to craft club last night? 


Today started out much better.  :whew  Although we were late for school.  I am not happy about that- the girls have really been dragging their feet in the mornings lately, maybe 2 or 3 weeks.  I've decided that if we don't leave by 7:30 in the morning (with a timer set) then no iPad/tv/computers for the rest of the day.  :yes  That should work.  :devil

Also, my beach plans are put on hold- I neglected to check the weather, and it is supposed to rain for the rest of the week, starting tomorrow!  Oh, well....at least I didn't mention it to the girls, or they would probably want to go anyway.  :lol

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Hi all,


I didn't go to craft club- I spent the evening doing some additional cleaning around here. And then some knitting and crocheting. I didn't feel like rushing dinner which is what I would have had to do- that or go without dinner which I often do, and then end up getting a headache from not eating! 


We are supposed to get a nor'easter again tomorrow- heavy rains, winds, maybe snow? Who knows? Just hope DD holds on and doesn't go into labor!  I'm doing laundry tonight and packing a bag to keep in my car. Never know when the call will come for me to go stay with Ryan! She had her appointment today- baby is low, but she's not dilated. I think he is going to be born on my middle DD's birthday- the 11th- we'll see!!!


Hope you all have a good night!

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Oooh, it's almost time!  How exciting!!  Fingers crossed that she does not go into labor during the storm.  Yikes! Good idea to not skip dinner- I frequently skip lunch and get the shakes.  :eek  Did you make anything exciting?


We had a quick dinner and then dh was out the door to class.  We called my mom after he left- Mia has been asking to speak with her, and I think it made her day.  :yes

I made chocolate chip cookies with chickpeas tonight- they are interesting.  Definitely chocolate-y, but the beans didn't puree like they were supposed to, so they're kind of gritty, I guess.  The girls all really like them, though, so I can't complain.  :devil

Going to get the girls ready for bed and finish up some homework.  Love and hugs! 

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Good morning ladies :hi


Thought I'd try out a new color today :lol  Quiet day planned for me today so I think I'm going to try to sneak some crafting in (just don't tell my boss :lol )  Dinner with the chiros was good last night and we had some great discussions.  We got snow last night, but not nearly what they thought we would get.  There was a couple inches on the car and it was heavy!  The roads were fine and the trees are just gorgeous with all the white snow outlining them :manyheart


Stacy - How did your 7:30 out the door policy or no electronics work out today?  Just be sure to stick to your guns or it won't work :no  Sorry your beach plans won't work out this week.  And the cookies.....I'm intrigued.  I read choc chip cookies and I was thinking :drool and then I saw chick peas and then I was like :eek  But then the girls like them and I'm now :think  So, would you like to share that recipe???? :lol


Joanne - Sorry you didn't make it to craft club, but that you were able to enjoy dinner and crafting.  That's one of the reason I always keep snacks on me, just in case I'm running and just don't have the time.  I figure something is better than nothing and my body surely lets me know it :yes  Hoping dd holds off until after the storm passes :yes 


LeeAnn - I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.  How did your house showing go?


Beth - I hope you're having a great trip....did you see me waving to you when you were passing Pitt?

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Good morning friends!


Beth-hoping you are having the bestest of times!


Marisa-wow!   you all have had lots more snow than us, we have had a really dry weather. I'm not complaining but know that we need the moisture especially during the summer months with the forest fires.  I try to have snacks on me too..you never know when you might need a little pick me up.


Joanne-ohh I am soo excited!  Oh my gosh!  It's getting closer.  I bet you are all so super duper excited. 


Stacy-I made chocolate chip cookies too..but I kinda burnt them..the kids ate them anyway.  :yes   My ds and dh take forever..usually my dd and I are sitting in the car waiting for them.  My dd sits and waits for them for at least 20 minutes every morning, it drives me crazy. 


The showing was cancelled at the last minute :reyes   I was so bummed, I really am tired of all of it...really just wears a person out.  Great news tho!  I was asked to consign with this neat little shop here in CO called The Junque Drawer...they hand selected vendors, I was asked to be one.. :clap  I had gotten away from consigning as much but I really need to get my products out there more. I will be busy for the next month or so creating goodies for them.  I have quite a bit of product on hand, I am going to drain it out but this will help me to breathe in new life to my line..more products with different fragrances.  I tend to get stuck on the fragrances, .. I find some that I love and then forget about some. 


off to work I go...the Love Bugs are really fun to create..I have an order for a few :cheer :cheer
   hugs n squishes dear friends!

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hi all,


DD is still hanging in there- which is a good thing !Winds are howling, and overnight we are supposed to get wet heavy snow- so fingers crossed that the little guy decides to stay nice and cozy inside for a few more days!


We had breakfast for dinner tonight. DH said he felt like dinner- so off I went to make that! Love breakfast for dinner so I made waffles (with the waffle iron) and turkey sausage. YUM


LeeAnn- I remember when our house was on the market- and how frustrating it is when you think you have a showing- and clean and straighten everything up and then it gets cancelled. But on a brighter note- that's wonderful about the consignment shop!!!


Stacy- I'll be you made your mom's day with the phone call!!!!


Marisa- Did you get any crafting done today? I won't tell your boss! :lol

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Leeann, the bug soaps are just adorable!  As are the little booties.  So sorry to hear the showing was cancelled.  That must be so frustrating.  :hug


Joanne, glad to hear dd is hanging in there.  :xfin that your storm passes quickly.  Breakfast for dinner sounds yummy!  Dh bought a waffle iron for me a couple years ago, and within 2 weeks, the coating started flaking.  :(   Might have to look into another one. 


Marisa, I had a :lol  at not telling your boss.  I won't tell if you don't!  Glad to hear you had fun at the chiro dinner yesterday.  Here is the link to the cookies.  They really do need to be made in a food processor- I was a rebel and used the blender even though the recipe warns not to, and they were a bit gritty.  Also, I used Peanut Butter and Co's Dark Chocolate Dream. :yes My kids are still asking for them today. 


Today I finished a novel for English.  It took almost 3 hours, and I sure felt lazy not doing housework or laundry.  But it had to be done.  Then I finished the assignments for Poly Sci.  I had Mia's conference today- as expected, she talks too much.  :sigh  She is a consistent B student, which is okay with me as long as she tries her best.  Also, she is reading at a 3rd grade level rather than 2nd.  We did have a little chat about doing less talking during class, though.  That's just disrespectful to her teacher.  After dh came home, we took the girls to Baskin Robbins to celebrate because they all did well. 

Well, I need to go make dinner.  I'm hoping to work on my blanket some tonight.  Love and hugs!

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Top of the morning friends!


Marisa-how's it going?  did the boss yell at your for playing while working?  :manyheart :manyheart :hug


Joanne-I bet you are all just waiting by the phone for the call from your dd and her hubby.  Is she feeling ok?  How's lil Ryan doing?


Stacy-so cute that your dd talks a lot in class.  Both of my kiddos are not chatty but I sure was.  :yes   That is what all of my teachers said about me.  :lol Still holds true. 


Been working like a busy bee...I'm a little worried as I am depleting my stock pile of products..I worry that I may tie so much of it up in one shop.  I have talked to several folks, and the Junque Drawer is a pretty happenin place..crossing my fingers that product moves fast so that I can get the funds to purchase more supplies. 


The house selling is extremely frustrating,..dh really wants to take it off the market as he's just tired of the stress of making sure that everything is tip top.  I'm still on the fence about it...but I'm leaning more towards taking it off. 


best get my tush in gear, have lots of soapy goodies to create..(bugs, lips, cora the cow-she's new, sugar scrubs..tons of candles and perfume balms for a new order)


hugs n squishes! :hug :hug :hug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, last night I didn't do any hooking.  Finished up the book I was reading though, time to start a new one.  I was running a bit behind this morning so worked out at home instead of going to the gym.....well, I did drive over to the gym, but there was just no where to park and decided I'd just be wasting time to try to find somewhere :shrug  I had a patient this morning and a few later on just before the bridge group comes at 7.


Oh!  So I ended up not crafting at all yesterday!  I started doing some busy paperwork and shuffling through things.  Then a new patient came in the afternoon and poof, the day was gone :shrug 


Joanne - I love homemade waffles, I have a belgium waffle iron :drool  Although it's packed away right now :sigh 


Stacy - Thanks for the link to the cookies, I'll have to give them a try :yes  I'm kind of excited to try them out.  WTG finishing up your novel, was it good?  I hope the girls enjoyed their ice cream, they really are doing a great job :clap


LeeAnn - Sorry about all the frustration with the house :(  Praying that the goods at the consignment shop move quickly :xfin

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Quick stop in to wish you all a Happy Friday!!!


It's snowing- but the roads seem ok- it's the heavy wet snow- but hopefully this is the end of it since the weekend is supposed to be in the 50's!!!! :clap


Good luck with the consignment shop LeeAnn!


Marisa- Great excuse about the gym! :yes  It made me chuckle!!!


Stacy- Those cookies sound very interesting- thanks for the link!


Beth- Hoping you are having a blast in OH!!!


Off to get ready---and did I say TGIF?

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It's me again- :lol


The snow stopped yesterday afternoon- and today is supposed to be in the 50's :clap  Looking forward to a nice weekend! I did some of my usual Saturday cleaning last night so I can go early to get my nails done! I'm thinking of getting them done in blue (to celebrate the anticipated arrival of my new GS)


Stacy- that pic of the rainbow you posted on FB was amazing and so beautiful! Have you tried the new Hazlenut Macchiato at the Bux? I think I'm going to give it a try this weekend- I earned a free drink on my rewards and I think this will be what I choose!


LeeAnn- How did your flash sale go? You have really become quite the entrepreneur!! So happy for you!


Marisa- Hope you had a good Friday- and prayers for your Mom!


Beth- thinking of you  and hoping that your time in Ohio is going well and that you are having a great time!


Enjoy the weekend everyone!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I didn't make it in to post yesterday, but see that I didn't miss much :lol  It was one of those busy days that by the end of it you're not really sure you did anything :think  I have a new patient this morning who is now on the therapy table and so I figured I'd get my check in done before I get side tracked :eek  We went to a fish fry last night at the Elk's :drool  Bean's sister and her dh joined us, not Ingrid but the other one we don't see as often.


Joanne - Glad to hear the snow wasn't so bad :whew  Good idea getting the cleaning done early and I think blue is a great nail color :yes


Stacy, LeeAnn, and Beth - :hug  Have a great weekend

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-crossing my fingers for a speedy delivery for your dd...I bet the days are just filled with happy anxiety, waiting for the wonderful news.  How exciting!  And polishing your nails blue?  too cute!  Have you tried the shellac nail polish?  I have seen it and hear that it last forever..thought about trying it..hmmm??


Marisa-woohoo!  For a new patient!  I am sure that you have lots of fun things to do this weekend?


I am officially FLASHING!  :yes :yes  my sale is anyway...it is to celebrate my two years selling on Etsy.  So far, I have had a few sales and lots of views to my shop :clap  been working my tail feathers off..still can not see the finish line but I will keep plugging away.


The kiddos had the day off yesterday, they helped me get the weekly blessing out of the way, dd and I went grocery shopping as well..Today ds and dh are delivering a load of wood to our uncle..I think dd and I are going out to lunch to spend girl time together.


In between I shall be soaping and lots of it!  best get to work.  Hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon!


Joanne, the blue polish sounds fun!  How is dd?  I did see the sign for the hazelnut macchiato but haven't tried it.  Dh and I are going to the 'Bux today to study, so maybe that's what I will get! 


Leeann, how was your flash sale?  I've heard of the shellac polish, also...it seems a bit pricey for polish but it IS supposed to last for a long time.  Have you decided yet what to do with the house?


Marisa, how's it going?  Woohoo for a new patient!  :h5  Is the therapy table the one with the rollers?  That was always my favorite part!  :lol


Yesterday, dh went paintballing with some guys from work, he was gone most of the day.  Isabella had her final field trip for Marathon Kids.  I had planned to drive myself over there, but at the last minute she kind of hinted that she wanted to go by herself.  So, the littles and I went to play mini-golf, then to the teaching store for free arts-and-crafts days.  :yes  I think they had fun.  After we picked up Isabella, we headed to the park and TJ's. 

Today the girls are going to see Oz with dh's uncle and Isabella's godfather.  They are going to the Director's Guild since dh's uncle is a member.  I'm jealous!  :lol 

Dh just got home from dropping them off, so I suppose it's time to pack up the books and go study.  Love and hugs! 

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Good morning!!


Another Monday- and it seems like I lost an hour of sleep somewhere!!! I guess that is because I did with the switch to daylight's savings time :lol


Stacy- I never did make it to the Bux this weekend to try the hazlenut macchiato. Hope you and DH got in lots of quality study time yesterday while your DD's were off having fun at the Director's Guild!  Has DH been back to running?


Beth- Welcome home!!! Glad you had a good time in OH!!!


LeeAnn- Did you make any decision on whether to keep the house on the market? Did you guys get all the snow I was reading about that hit CO?


Marisa- Hope you had a good weekend!


My weekend flew on by- spent alot of time with DD and Ryan- and she is still hanging in there. We went for a nice long walk yesterday afternoon and Ryan fell asleep in the stroller- so when we got back we sat outside -she was reading her Nook and I was crocheting ---it seems like forever that I was able to sit outside and crochet. Spring was definitely in the air this weekend!!!


Today is my  middle DD's birthday- she and her BF are coming over on Saturday so we'll celebrate then!  Well, off to get ready for Paradise--have a good Monday!

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I posted yesterday, and my computer ate it.  I probably should stop using Internet Explorer -- it plays havoc with my e-mails, too, but I have all my shortcuts saved on it, and don't want to start over.  Lazy me. 


Joanne, I hope things go very well for your dd when Robbie comes.  Hopefully, you will be holding a healthy baby boy soon.  I don't do well if I skip meals, either. 


Stacy, sorry your trip to the beach didn't work out.  Seems we have some of that weather here.  It is quite wet.  I feel bad for my dd.  She hates the rain, and has to walk pretty far between classes today, and it is acting like spring out there.


LeeAnn, did you get some fun soaps made?  Is the consignment going to be a permanent thing, or do they have rotating vendors? 


Marisa, I hope that sinkhole doesn't affect your mom's cousin. 


Well, I am really glad to be home.  I love my family, but small doses are best.  I got a little bit of crocheting done on the sweater, but it will be a while before I'm finished.  I can work on it for half an hour without noticing any growth.  My dd did a pretty good job keeping up the house, and my dh did some of the home improvements that needed to get done.  I have some more painting to do -- yuck -- but can't complain, since I'm painting a replacement piece that we've needed for years, and it's finally made.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, my mom is on her way back home....my aunt came with her so at least she doesn't have to do the long drive alone.  We had a wonderful weekend and went out for breakfast today before they hit the road :yes


LeeAnn - My mom has tried the shellac and it does stay on really long, my neighbor uses it in her salon :yes  I bet you and dd had some really good quality 'girls time'


Stacy - It is the roller bed and yep, everyone just loves it and gets mad at me when it's time to get up :sigh 


Joanne - Maybe today will be the day since it's middle dd's birthday, wouldn't that be something else :lol  The weather sure was beautiful this weekend :yes


Beth - Glad you're home and how nice to come home to having some things fixed and an upkept house :manyheart 

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Hi all,

Beth- I haven't used IE in YEARS!!! Firefox user for many years after my oldest told me about it. Never have had any issues with it. I would take the time to download it- and resave bookmarks- but that's me.  Good luck with your painting. I am not a fan of walking from my car to the office in the rain -and it was pouring today! Luckily I get to work early, so my car is not usually too far away.


Marisa- Happy you had a good time with your Mom and aunt. And yesterday was my middle DD's birthday- so my GS definitely won't be sharing a birthday with her. She had her appointment with the MD today, but she's working so I won't find out what he had to say until tomorrow!


LeeAnn- When you say shellac- do you mean "gel' manicure? I get a gel manicure when I go and sometimes it lasts up to 3 weeks. I like that it is on your own nails.


Stacy- Love the pic of Isabella in the pool outside you posted on FB---with the 40 degree evenings, I would think the water is pretty cold---so I see what you meant when you said 'crazy kids"   But somehow, those temps don't seem to bother kids like they bother us!!!

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