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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, it could be better.....I missed my patient this morning!  :eek:angry  I overslept and woke up minutes before 8, which was when she was scheduled :(  I ran out of the house and called her from the car, but she had already left since her time was tight this morning.  I severely appologized for running late as did she for not being able to wait.  I feel just absolutely horrible about it, but at least she didn't seem mad :think  If she finds a window of time today, she'll try to come back but otherwise I have her on the schedule for Thursday at the same time and will set a couple alarms to make sure I don't turn it off without realizing it :eek


Joanne - I'm so glad you finally made it to craft club :yay:clap


OK, well I think I'm gonna run back home to shower, since I'm a dirty girl right now :sigh  And grab some food for a few meals throughout the day :yes  I could live without the shower for the day, but I'll need food since I have the knit the bridge group here tonight I'll be here until 9ish and I don't feel the need to buy a few meals out in one day :no  Plus I really want a chunk of the banana bread I made :lol

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Marisa, mmmmmmm, banana bread!  I can't blame you for wanting some of it.  I am sorry you missed your patient.  I'm glad she wasn't mad. 


Joanne, so glad you made it to craft club.  My crafting buddies pretty much quit getting together, and I miss it a lot.  hope today in Paradise flies by.


LeeAnn. your bag is gorgeous.  If you give it to your sister, would you make yourself another one?  I'll bet it would be so handy for projects.


Stacy, I hope your day is going well.  My kids are busy studying for midterms.  Their spring break is next week already.  Does your college and your daughters' school have the same break schedule?


Well, I cleaned the litter boxes, did 2 loads of laundry, washed the piled up dishes, and now it's time for my walk!

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Top of the morning friends!


Marisa-so sorry that you woke up late and missed your patient, but so happy that she was understanding.  I am sure that she will return.  And your knit a bridge group just sounds like so much fun!  It's always nice to be with others that enjoy your craft as much as you do. :yay I would love a chunk of banana bread as well..delish!


Beth-you are on the ball today!  Are you walking on your treadmill every day?  I bet you love it.  :clap


Joanne-woot woot!  You made it to craft night!  I am sure that this will brighten up your week.  I'm so happy that you were able to go.


Stacy-hope your day is going well.


Yesterday I had my 300th sale. :clap   I was soo excited, it is so unreal.  But I am enjoying it.  I can't believe how fast the orders are coming in...seems like I am turning and burning. 


Have a couple of lego sets to put together today.  On another note, my sis is going to use the bag as her diaper bag,..she has a bad case of the "wantsies" now I can't just torture her.. :manyheart :manyheart .I found some Betty Boop fabric in my stash to make one for me.  I am not sure if I will have enough of the printed fabric, I may have to use other coordinating fabric.


guess I had better get to work.  hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, I cannot fault your sister for wanting that bag.  You did a fantastic job on it.  I think it is great that you are making yourself one.  Be careful with those grommets!!!  What color is the Betty Boop fabric?  Congrats on your 300th sale.  It really hasn't been that long since we were counting down to 100 -- seems like it was just a couple of months ago.  I am SO proud of your success!!!

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 Congrats LeeAnn on 300 sales!!! And I surely can't blame your sis for wanting that bag--it's awesome. Good luck with the Betty Boop one!


Marisa- Don't be too hard on yourself- stuff happens- and I'm sure it won't happen again!! Glad you were able to reschedule her. Have fun at Knit a bridge


Beth- That's too bad that the ladies stopped meeting up - I do enjoy craft club and am going to really try hard to make sure I get out of work on time on Monday's


Stacy- Bet you are busy with school and the kiddos- loved the pic of the girls at the archery place!!


Off to eat dinner. I made Butternut squash risotto (from Trader Joe's) just microwave and eat. My kind of cooking! Plus DH is not home for dinner tonight and he doesn't like butternut squash. It made enough for me to have some tonight- and then have the rest for lunch tomorrow!!!

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happy dance, happy dance.  I'm going to Ohio.  One week before I leave!!!  So excited.  I get to see my sisters' faces when they see the great products LeeAnn made for them for their birthdays.  I am particularly excited about seeing Carol react to the Pittsburgh Steelers soaps.    And there is this gluten free bakery in the town where I was born.  I will have cherry pie.  Whoo hoo!!! 


Joanne, microwaved dinners are the best.  Nice to have lunch left over, too.  One less thing to worry about in the morning.


Marisa, how is the Knit the Bridge coming along?  Have you met any neat people through it?  You are so good at social networking.  Very cool.


LeeAnn, Did you decide what coordinating fabric to use with your betty boop on the bag for you, or have you been busy with other things?


Stacy, saw the pic of your dd at bowling on facebook.  Poor thing not winning -- lol.  I hope you had fun!

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Good morning ladies :hi


My landlord just walked through with some appraisers for his property taxes he's appealing.  I saw him a couple weeks ago too....they really are a sweet family :manyheart  I totally hit the jackpot with them IMO! :yes  Not much on my agenda today, I have a patient later in the day.  And of course the one I rescheduled for tomorrow morning, which I'll set 2 alarms!  It would totally be bad news to have that happen twice in a row :eek  And I think I have a new patient coming after her, but I'm not sure how definite it sounded to me :think  He's a older guy from The Chamber meetings, real sweetheart!  But he lives a little bit aways, so I expect he'll be here assuming nothing happens to keep him from attending the Chamber meeting in the morning that's just up the road from my office :think


Joanne - Sounds like the perfect night for the butternut squash :yes:drool


Beth - I'll be waving to you as you pass by Pitt :waving  We're moving along well and have over 400 people signed up on the blog for helping out in one way or another.  Some are making full size panels, others are not as experienced and are just doing squares and turning those in to be pieced together with others (I have the Bits and Pieces Assembly team here every other Thursday specifically for that :lol ) Others are donating supplies and such and some have done multiple panels.  We're now trying to get people to work on railings to be covered in all black, we thought that would almost make the panels look framed and 'pop' out a bit more :think:yes  We need around 580 panels of the same size and several off sizes that we're not advertising since those are limited numbers.  Those of us that are part of the 'in crowd' volunteered for those.  So while the bulk of the panels are 34"x72" I'm working on a 34"x90"....they are all 34" and then the length varies over a pretty wide range for the 'special' sizes :lol  I try to get out there to the groups and whatnot for networking since it doesn't really cost much :yes  I can't do anything expensive because I just don't have it :shrug  But, I just had a guy from a local pizza shop that's been around looking for advertisers for the flyer the put on the pizza boxes along with their coupons.  So it's $95 for 5000 sheets going out, which isn't bad figuring they'll make it into many different households :yes  The ad will be business card sized.

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Hello hello!


Beth-oh my gosh!  I am so excited for you and your trip to Ohio..I'm also pumped to hear what your sisters think about their goodies, crossing my fingers and toes that they like it.  :yay   The Betty Boop Fabric is black, with hints of red, silver and blue.  Going to have to search thru all of my fabric stash, I am pretty sure I have most of the colors, isn't that crazy? 


Joanne-I am so sorry that I forgot to tell ya, your new gift to Ryan is wonderful!  I am sure that both of your gs will get lots of use out of it.  What a joy!


Marisa-advertising is always tricky.  Wow!  You all are going all out, when will it happen?  How awesome is that!


Stacy-your pic of your dd on fb reminded me of my ds, when he's not happy..no one is happy.  He can bring everyone down quickly, but thankfully he is growing out of it a little bit.


The realtor just came over to do a walk thru, she wanted to take updated pics of my new and improved craft room..which reminds me..I never shared.  Will take pics and upload them now that it's all spiffy to show ya all the happenings.


back to work.  Hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn - the bridge should get covered sometime in August, so while we have the month we don't know exactly when yet.  I believe they will be closing down the bridge on a Friday and Saturday for us :think


Oh and ladies, I forgot to tell you my great news!


So, I was sitting here doing my finances for the month to see how much I need from my mom to help with bills and it's officially the first month that my income (slightly) exceeded my office bills :clap  So that doesn't include the personal credit cards and expenses that I still need help with, but it's the first month that the business is technically self sufficient :bounce:yay

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Good morning, friends! 


You all are so busy, I hate when I can't pop in for a few days to keep up!  :lol


Marisa, all of the rooms sound pretty.  And this newest announcement sure is something to celebrate!  WTG!  How many patients are you up to now?


Beth, have fun in Ohio!  :woo  How exciting that you will be visiting your family! 


Leeann, WTG on 300 orders!  Beth is right- seems like just last month we were celebrating 100.  Your business sure is taking off!  That picture I posted on FB doesn't even begin to show her misery.  It really made me upset, because she begged to go. Dh thinks she would pay us back but it was a fundraiser for school, so I didn't really mind paying. I just really didn't like her attitude.  The thing is...she and my dh are SO much alike in that area- they want to be perfect at something the first couple times they try it.  And when they aren't, well, watch out!  Of course, dh doesn't see that he is like that.  :wink


Joanne, the slide for Ryan is absolutely adorable!  He will love it I'm sure...and it is wonderful that you are planning to spoil him once the new baby arrives.  :yes  And :yay for making it to craft club!  I'm sure it was nice to unwind with your crafty friends after that craziness of Paradise.


Well, I have been overcome with homework in the past week.  I have a special occasion speech due tomorrow.  It will be about Read Across America and honoring Dr. Seuss.  I just hope I do it the right way- the teacher really didn't give much instruction on it.  :reyes   Then an essay due for poly sci by 10 p.m. tomorrow, and another 3-page paper due for English on Friday.  The instructor ended up cancelling class last week anyway, but added another paper in addition to the one that was already due.  :angry 

Oh, and I came home today to a HUGE mess from Olive- she pulled all of the couch cushions off, dug a hole into the base of the couch, got into the trash, and left a *mess* on the floor (thankfully I had laid a piece of plastic down before I left.)  And this was all in about half an hour it took to get the girls to school.  Dh doesn't want to crate her because he's afraid she will start howling again, but I don't know what else to do.  We have plenty of toys, leave food and water for them, and leave the radio on so they have noise.  We had planned to buy a new couch once our taxes come in, but I can't take the chance of her ruining it. 


Anyway...I better get going.  These papers aren't going to write themselves!  Love and hugs! 

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Great news, Beth! Have an awesome time in Ohio--I'm so happy for you!!!!


Marisa- Great news from you too!!! That's great that your business is officially self-sufficient this month!!!! Keep it up- and before you know it, you'll be totally self sufficient!!!!


LeeAnn- Can't wait to see the pics of your new craft room!!!!


Stacy- Good luck tomorrow with the speech!! You'll do great, I'm sure!!!


Sorry for the short post- I didn't get home till 9:15!! I worked till 6:45~ then decided I needed a little Ryan time so stopped on the way home- poor kid is getting a runny nose--hope it doesn't amount to much. The nursery is all ready for the baby and looks adorable.

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Good morning friends!


Stacy-oh no!  That was certainly not nice of Olive to leave you a present, and make messes while you are gone.  Sounds like a LOT of homework, extra hugs for you, I'm sure it is a little overwhelming. :hug  :hug  


Joanne-so glad that you were able to spend time with your lil Ryan, I am sure he is loving all of the love and hugs and time spent with his grandma.  :manyheart :manyheart

Beth-woohooo!  :clap   a trip to Ohio sounds just perfecto!  I'm so excited for you.  :clap

Marisa- :clap :cheer  WTG my friend!  High Five and hugs n squishes!  you are on your way!  So so proud of you.  :cheer


I have lots to do today, the new fragrance for the month of March is Bunny Basket...must get to creating and listing.


Here are a few pics of my improved craft studio.  Thank you all for everything, have an awesome day!




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Good morning ladies :hi


I was here early for my pateint :whew  And she's a cash patient so I gave her a discount since I missed her appointment on Tues :yes  After she left I made myself some breakfast and placed a supply order and then my new patient came :yay  Just for a heads up, I might not be in at all tomorrow and will possibly not 'see' you until Monday :think  I have an airport run.  My aunt gets in around 8:45 and then leaves with her grandsons at about 2:30, so I'll spend the time with her.  She wants to come check out the office, but I won't check in at that point.  And I'm figuring no sense coming in later in the day :think  And of course there's no reason not to go to HL after taking them back to the airport :devil


Stacy - Oh boy, I know people who didn't want to crate their dogs either but instead kinda locked them in the bathroom when they left :think  Maybe something to think about.  Good luck with your speech, I'm sure you'll do wonderful :yes


Joanne - I hope Ryan feels better quickly :hug  Sorry it was such a late day for you :eek


LeeAnn - Awesome craft room :yay  I want one :lol

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I want a craft room too!!!!! It's a great space, LeeAnn


Have a good weekend, Marisa!!!! Glad you made it on time for your patient today- that was nice to give her a discount!


Didn't get home till about 7- but DH had ordered Chinese food- so no cooking!  Tonight i think I'm just going to read for a bit and call it an early night!


Tomorrow is my favorite day of the work week--Friday!!!!

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hi all,

Joanne, Happy Friday to you!  I'm glad you take Ryan time when you need it!  I hope he is not getting sick.  It's allergy season here.  Could he have a touch of that himself?


Marisa, I think it is sweet that you gave your patient a discount.  Good luck with the airport runs.  We will "see" you later!


LeeAnn, love the craft room.  That's the only reason I am looking forward to my kids moving out -- I have already claimed my dd's room for my craft room.  You did a great job decorating it.  So what does the fragrance of the month smell like?  I've smelled bunny cages before, and I don't think smells like that... 


Stacy, I hope school isn't too hectic.  My kids are taking midterms this week.  Their spring break starts , well, actually today after my son's morning class. 


I finally figured out what to do with the dining room, as far as decorating goes.  I am going to try to paint over the ruby red with a creamy off-white called "Creme Brulee."  That's the color of the majority of the walls and the ceiling.  I have material to make curtains with the ruby red in them.  If I ever get them done (you know how much I like sewing - hah!) I will have a lot of that color on that particular wall, since it's half windows.  I was going to paint yesterday, but decided I needed to do more mudding.  I hope I can sand that today, and put on the first coat of primer.  I also need to take the dog in for a nail trim, make myself a winter hat, and make pizza dough.

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Good evening!


Beth, the dining room will look awesome when it is finished, I'm sure.  We will cheer you on lots!  :cheer :cheer :cheer


Leeann, love your pics!  Everything looks nice and organized.  Great idea to use those closet hangers for yarn!  :yes


Joanne, :xfin that Ryan doesn't get worse.  How exciting that the nursery is all ready!  :woo for dh ordering Chinese! 


Marisa, have fun with your aunt!  It was nice of you to give the patient a discount.  :yes  We've tried keeping her in the bathroom, with the baby gate up so she could still see out.  She tore it up!  There is a huge hole in the linoleum and the paint is all scratched off two of the walls as high as she could reach.  :sigh 


The speech went well.  There was a round-table discussion for all of the speakers afterward, and several people said I sounded very calm.  :whew  Got both of my papers done in time, too, but forgot about the post I needed to make in the poly sci class.  So there goes 20 points.  :eek   On a happier note, the dogs did not leave a mess AT ALL today.  :woo  That is really exciting! 

I had class until noon, then did some shopping for our trip to Knott's tomorrow.  Picked up the girls, paid some bills, and now am home doing laundry.  Keeping it simple for dinner- meatballs, snap peas, and maybe some pasta- and hoping for an early bedtime.  Tomorrow is going to be a long day! 

Love and hugs! 

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Hi everyone and happy Saturday!!! Got all my 'need to do' cleaning done already- had a burst of energy when I woke up and decided to just grab a cup of coffee and tackle it!!! Now I 'm ready to head out and get some errands done. I like to get that out of the way early before the Saturday crowds.


I hope you all have a great Saturday!

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Hello everybody!

Hooray for primer that covers well!  I put two coats over the Ruby Red paint, and it is perfect.  The room looks a lot airier, too.  I went shopping at home improvement stores with the hubster today to get everything i need to finish the dining room, and what he needs to start the bedroom (he put a bit of a hole in the wall to get to the shower plumbing.)  I am very excited that we are getting everything done. I am planning to paint the wall and ceiling in the dining room today.  I'm hoping one coat will do it, since we have everything primed in the correct color.  Then I'll have my dining room back!


Stacy, I'm glad you did so well on your speech.  It's good that you seemed calm.  Some times, you have to fake it.  Maybe your dogs have to get used to the new schedule, and they'll be fine.  Have fun at Knotts today!


Joanne, good job getting all the "have to" work done early.  Enjoy the rest of your Saturday and your weekend.  Any good plans?


Marisa, I hope you are enjoying your time with your aunt.  We miss hearing from you, but family comes first. 


LeeAnn, How are your kiddos?  Anything exciting going on in your house?  How is your son's driving coming along?


I guess I should get busy.  I'd love to get this painting done so I can crochet without guilt all after noon!

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Beth Hope that one coat of paint does the trick!!! It'll be great to have your dining room back--and some guilt free crocheting to boot!!


Stacy- Hope you and the fam had a great time at Knott's! I loved the pic of your DD vacuuming- she can come here and do that for me too!


Got my errands done and stopped in a new LYS that opened up right next to Delicious Orchards! It's a lovely shop - very friendly and I treated myself to a couple skeins of Cascade 220 Superwash. It as a pretty color called summer sky heather- 1910. I really love the color! I've made things with this brand of yarn before- it's what I used for DD in Boston when I made her a green scarf two Christmas's ok and then made a hat to match. I liked working with. Not sure what this yarn will become, but they were having 20% off yarn for their grand opening so I wanted to get it now.


Ryan and DD came over this afternoon and stayed for dinner. His nose is still running but he was ok until about 7 when he started getting cranky so DD went home. Ah, the joys of grand parenting- all the fun and none of the work!!! DD looks like she dropped a bit- so who knows when the little guy will make his appearance. Tomororw is my godmother's birthday- she'll be 83!! She's such a special person so I'll be calling her tomorrow- and we'll probably talk for a while. Every time I call her, she tells me how much she loves the afghan I made her for her 80th birthday! It really makes me feel good and I'm glad she is getting lots of use out of it!

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Happy Sunday!


I finished the baby ripple last night- and started another baby blanket this morning. This one is going to be for a co-worker- we're having her shower on the 29th. Once that is done I don't think I have any more "have to makes" on my list!


We went to BJ's early this morning- and DH bought a TV! He's crazy sometimes- nothing wrong with the one we have- but he wanted bigger and has been saving and they had a good price so it came home with us. He's enjoying it as we speak! He's giving the 'old' tv to his oldest grandson.


Maybe he could call me crazy with my yarn obsession, though! :lol


I may go and see Ryan this afternoon- later on- and want to drop off the slide that we picked up at Walmart this morning. This way my son-in-law can put it together tomorrow or Tuesday (his days off). Hoping that DD has Robbie soon! I'm getting anxious (probably at least as much as she is)


Hope you are all having a nice relaxing day!

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Good morning!


Joanne, sounds like you're having lots of fun spoiling Ryan.  :wink  The ripple is beautiful!  I love the colors- very cheerful.  Hope your dh gets much enjoyment from his tv- what is it with men and their electronics? But like you said, the same could be said about women with yarn.  :lol


Beth, great work on getting your dining room all primered!  Tell ya what...I'll send my dd over to vacuum if you come here and do some home improvement stuff!  :wink 


Leeann, what are you up to this weekend?


Marisa, hope you're enjoying the time with your aunt!


We had a blast at Knott's yesterday!  The weather was absolutely perfect- around 75 with a very slight breeze.  Many of our favorite rides were closed for renovations, but we went on some things that we haven't before as a family (usually one of the kids doesn't want to go, or Eva is too small) but she's grown since we last went, so that was fun. We also watched a saloon show, and dh was chosen from the audience to go on stage.  :rofl  My kids were so embarrassed because the woman who was singing put a black boa around his neck and asked him to sing with her.  :lol  

This morning we decided we are getting a new couch- I can't wait!  Dh is going to call his dad to see if he can help get rid of the other one (we live on the second floor) and I told him the sooner the better.  :yes  I don't even care if we don't have one for a while, I just can't wait until that thing is gone!

Isabella wants to get her hair cut today- like Charlize Theron's Oscar 'do- but dh is still on the fence about it.   :reyes   I said it's just hair- it will grow back if she doesn't like it, but he is worried she will be teased.  So we have to wait for the go-ahead, but I'm sure it will be done.  :wink:devil 

I have some homework that needs to be finished, so I will scoot for now.  Love and hugs!    :hug  :hug

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Good morning!


Joanne, sounds like you're having lots of fun spoiling Ryan.  :wink  The ripple is beautiful!  I love the colors- very cheerful.  Hope your dh gets much enjoyment from his tv- what is it with men and their electronics? But like you said, the same could be said about women with yarn.  :lol


Beth, great work on getting your dining room all primered!  Tell ya what...I'll send my dd over to vacuum if you come here and do some home improvement stuff!  :wink 


Leeann, what are you up to this weekend?


Marisa, hope you're enjoying the time with your aunt!


We had a blast at Knott's yesterday!  The weather was absolutely perfect- around 75 with a very slight breeze.  Many of our favorite rides were closed for renovations, but we went on some things that we haven't before as a family (usually one of the kids doesn't want to go, or Eva is too small) but she's grown since we last went, so that was fun. We also watched a saloon show, and dh was chosen from the audience to go on stage.  :rofl  My kids were so embarrassed because the woman who was singing put a black boa around his neck and asked him to sing with her.  :lol  

This morning we decided we are getting a new couch- I can't wait!  Dh is going to call his dad to see if he can help get rid of the other one (we live on the second floor) and I told him the sooner the better.  :yes  I don't even care if we don't have one for a while, I just can't wait until that thing is gone!

Isabella wants to get her hair cut today- like Charlize Theron's Oscar 'do- but dh is still on the fence about it.   :reyes   I said it's just hair- it will grow back if she doesn't like it, but he is worried she will be teased.  So we have to wait for the go-ahead, but I'm sure it will be done.  :wink:devil 

I have some homework that needs to be finished, so I will scoot for now.  Love and hugs!    :hug  :hug

I had to laugh- now that DH has the new tv--he wants a new couch and recliners :lol


I wouldn't mind- the chairs we have in the living room are not comfortable so I usually end up sitting downstairs (and it's cold, but the chair and ottomon are very comfortable. He wants to get leather- I told him it's fine with me- but list the furniture first and sell it so we know what we are dealing with $ wise- We did get a nice amount back from taxes, so I'm ok with it. Plus- you only live once!!! I think he feels that I'll sit upstairs to crochet more often if I have a comfortable spot to sit......and you what? He's right! :lol

My oldest wears her hair in that style- and then it grows out--and then she ends up having it cut again. She has fine straight hair and I think the style looks great on her!


I love that hairstyle- and if she wants to give it a go- I say go for it---like you said- it's hair---and grows back. I usually let my DD's decide how they wanted their hair- as long as they would take care of it. My middle Dd had hair to her waist for quite a few years!

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Hi Ladies!


So sorry I have been MIA-life has been super busy here.  On Friday I had a funeral to go to, one of my great Uncle's passed away, it was a super duper long day. 


Then yesterday we drove to New Mexico to pick up my dad and bring him back home, just got home awhile ago..burnt out tired.  Going to rest a bit then work on orders..we also have a showing for the house tomorrow morning...must make sure it is prettied up.


BBL!  hugs n squishes dear friends!

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