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Beautiful handmade card that your DD made you, LeeAnn!! I can see the love that was put into it!!! It was meant that the furniture would not be delivered on time- and then you had to move the loveseat into the living room!!! Now you get the craft space you want. Have you taken your house off the market?


I would love to turn the 'office'  into a craft space and may propose that idea to DH. Or just get more shelves for the family room and turn that into the craft space which may make more sense since it's where I keep lots of my yarn anyway.


Had a good day at work- but a long commute home- about an hour--because it was raining! But home, safe and sound and ready to eat dinner and then work on the ripple.


Hope you all had a good day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I didn't get to post yesterday.  I went back to my friend for another adjustment and then we went for lunch and while we were there her dh called and he stopped in to have lunch with us.  We sat for a while reminiscing from our chiro school days and ran down most of the class and where they are today :lol  Today I have a networking lunch and am going to dinner with a friend later on.  The painters are moving along and I'll take pictures when it's done and the house is back in order :yes


I love your card LeeAnn,  you are so creative :yes


I hope you're all having a wonderful hump day and I'll check back later on :hug

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LeeAnn, your dd is incredible!  I love the card she made -- so cool she made it herself!  And I didn't realize your son is learning to drive on a manual.  That seems like so much to remember all at once.  I know that's how I learned, 250 years ago, but I was just thinking today about how glad i am my son has the basics down so he can concentrate on shifting.  It's what he is doing right now, matter of fact. 


Joanne, wow.  An hour commute -- I'll bet you were exhausted when you got home.  How is your ripple progressing?


Marisa, I'm glad you had another adjustment.  Are you headaches staying gone now?  How nice to spend time with someone from school. 


Stacy, I hope school is going well for you.  Do the girls have anything fun going on?


Well, I took my dd to the doctor today, and I had to leave.  They had some very strong "air freshener" that set off an asthma attack.  I had to wait in the car while my dd talked to the doctor alone.  (And she forgot something she was supposed to ask...)   I did get a few more rows done on my basketweave afghan.  It's a mossy green, called Tapestry.  It's Bernat yarn -- harmony.  Last night, I finished the first sleeve of my sweater.  I started the second one.  When I'm done with it, I will still have to make the rest of the body of the sweater.  (I ran out of a skein, and moved to the sleeves instead of continuing on it.) 

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Quick stop in to say hi---I just realized that it's almost 6:10!!!! But wanted to let you know I finished a knitted project- a cover for my Nook- I'll get pics after work. So happy to say I knit something!


The ripple took a back seat last night- knitting was calling to me! :lol


Have a great day--BBL!

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Good morning friends!


Joanne-yippee for finishing a knit project.  WTG!  I'm so happy for you. :manyheart :manyheart
  :manyheart   hope Paradise is not too long today. 


Beth-my ds tried learning on stick shift but went back to automatic.  It's just too much for him. :manyheart   Are you feeling better?  My mother inlaw has asthma and perfumes really get to her.  It must be tough.  Can you use scented lotions and laundry detergent?  She can not have anything scented, it all makes her sick.


Yesterday I met with my accountant friend, she fixed me all up.  Poor thing, she really had her work cut out for her.  But I am so happy that it is done, now I can move on to business creating.


I have a few orders for perfume balms today that I simply must get done, I am so excited as they are new fragrances with neat color combinations.


Marisa-hope your feeling well and that the painters are almost finished.


Stacy-hoping classes and family isn't too stressful.


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning, my friends (I still have 45 minutes before it's not morning any more!) 


LeeAnn, Forgive my ignorance, but what is a perfume balm?  It sounds delightful.  What colors and scents are you using?   My son is coming along with adjusting to the manual.  I am glad he is taking his time and wants to be confindent with it before drivingn it in a busy situation.  You should see the parking lot at the college when classes let out!  it is frightening.  And some of those college kids think they alway have the right of way, or that they are invincible or something.  Stalling out amid that chaos would be very bad.  It's nice to have the taxes done.  Enjoy your time creating. I find that floral scents and dirty smells (like smoke or diesel fumes) set off my asthma the most. 

Joanne, I hope your almost-Friday goes well.  Soon it will be another weekend.  Do you have any plans?


Marisa, what do you have going on this weekend?  How goes the painting? 


Stacy, Is this semester going well for you?  How is everybody?  Is Jorge healing well?  Is he running again?

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Good morning, well it will be afternoon by the time I finish typing this post :lol   :hi


Not too much going on.  I met my friend for dinner last night.  I went to the gym this morning and when I got back to get ready for the work the painters were getting started.  They are moving right along and I'm loving the colors :yes


I have a couple patients today and the knit/crochet group here tonight.


Joanne - I can't wait to see your new nook cover...KNIT :clap


LeeAnn - WTG on your taxes!  I'm still organizing and getting my stuff together :eek  And I'm supposed to have already brought a prospective new accountant a copy of the quick books backup for them to take a look at my stuff :shrug  Perfume balms sound pretty cool...forgive my ignorance along with Beth's but I don't know what they are either :blush 


Beth - Glad to hear ds is moving along with the manual adjusting :clap  Let's see, this weekend.....Saturday is a knit the bridge group so will head over there during the day, but before that I'll run out to Sam's and the market.  I'm making lasagna on Sunday for after picking them up from the airport (Steph, Bean, and the neighbors) so that they all won't have to worry about cooking after they get back and have to be unpacking and all.  Sunday there is a leader meeting for Knit the Bridge and I'll have to leave early to get to the airport.  In between I have laundry to do and I guess I'll have to clean the house...at least dust and vacuum after the painters are done :shrug 


I'll check back in a bit later :hug

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Hiya friends!


Just popping in before calling it a night.  I'm officially tuckered out but I had a good day of creating.  A perfume balm is similar to lip balm/chapstick.  You rub it on your wrists, behind your ears, wherever you would normally add perfume.  It is wonderful for those that like the smell of perfume but can not handle the actual spray.  I make mine with mostly organic ingredients-Organic Shea Butter, Organic Beeswax, Coconut Oil and Mica colorant.  Depending on whether I use a fragrance oil or essential oil that changes them to either all organic or partly organic/natural.  It is also good for your skin-no harsh chemicals. 


One of my wonderful customers has COPD and loves to smell good but can not breathe in the perfume smells..so she uses my perfume balms.  She is a wonderful person, I wish I could do something to alleviate her breathing issues, but she is so optimistic. 


Marisa-sounds like another busy weekend, lasagna sounds just delish!


Beth-the college kids and high school kids here are just dangerous..oh my gosh!  Walking into the school when the bell rings at the high school is seriously scary..they are like a herd of cattle..they just keep moving. 


Joanne and Stacy-hope you are both doing well. 


back to sitting and veggin.  hugs n squishers!

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Good evening dearies!


We came back on Tuesday- stayed an extra day- and we are ALL sick (because the air quality there is terrible!)  Of course, dh is the worst, and that is all I will say about that.  :wink:sigh

Classes are going well.  Last week I did not have English, due to holiday.  The syllabus also says we are not supposed to have it tomorrow, but I received an email this afternoon saying the instructor made a mistake, that we do have class, and our first paper is due!  I hurried to finish it up, only to receive another email that she cancelled class anyway.  So tomorrow I will have some free time.  :yes

Gotta scoot- Eva wants me to read a bedtime story.  Will be back tomorrow and read through everything!  :hug

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Stacy, sorry to hear everybody is sick.  I hope you all feel better soon. How nice to have an extra day off!  I know you didn't want to rush through the paper, but at least it is done.  Enjoy the bedtime stories.  How very sweet!


LeeAnn, thanks for explaining the perfume balm.  Sounds lovely.  So the pigment doesn't show up on the skin?  How is your son's driving?  Do you think he will want to go back to the stick shift once he gets the rest of it down?  It is a lot to learn all at once.


Joanne and Marisa, Happy Friday to you!


I am going to make pizza dough, walk on my treadmill, and hopefully do some errands once my van gets back from  college.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I have some things I'd like to cross off my 'to do' list today.  The painters are finishing up today :clap  I went to the gym this morning and washed my sheets and towels :D 


LeeAnn - The perfume balms sounds awesome!  I can only put perfume on my clothes and not my skin or I pay dearly :(  But you have me wondering if it's the fragrance or something else :think :think  My skin is insanely sensitive :sigh


Stacy - Sorry to hear you're all sick :hug  Your English class teacher sounds confused :think


Beth - Yummy pizza dough! :drool I chuckled at the way you phrased the van coming home from college :lol

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Hiya friends!


Beth-did your van make it home?  you are too cute!  The  mica colorant is mainly for looks, I don't put enough in there to actually color your skin.


Marisa-yeah for laundry day..seems like it never ends.


Not much going on this evening, worked on orders all day.. I had 5 of them to ship out.  whew!   I am tired tired tired.  Going to sit and relax for the rest of the evening. Be back in the morning.


hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,

Sorry didn't get pics of the knit nook cover- it's been so dark when I'm home- hopefully tomorrow- even though it's supposed to rain, at least it won't be as dark as at night or early morning!


Beth- I chuckled imagining the van coming home from college!!! Thanks for the laugh! Your pizza is probably better than mine- being homemade and all. Pizza man just delivered our dinner!!! But, it was nice that DH wanted pizza tonight- no cooking for me!!!


Marisa- How do you like the paint colors? Have fun at Knit a Bridge- and lasagne sounds like the perfect thing to make!


LeeAnn- I was also wondering what the perfume balm was so I'm glad you explained it. Sounds great! I have sensitive skin and don't wear perfume but I do love the smell of them- that part doesn't bother me.I hope you are relaxing now after the busy day of creating and packing up orders!


Stacy- Sorry to hear you ALL got sick!!! I love that your kiddos like bedtime stories. Ryan LOVES books- DD has been reading to him every night since he's been born. He's so cute when he brings me a book and then wants to sit down in my lap--I love reading, and am so glad that he loves books too!!! I missed my little guy all week- didn't get to stop after work at all, so I'm hoping to go visit him tomorrow!


Off to crochet some more on the ripple-it's been sitting on the ottomon calling my name!

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Happy Saturday!

Raining here, so it's the perfect day to get to the cleaning that has been slacking! Plan to get on that as soon as I finish my coffee.  I took a pic of the Nook cover that I knit! It's got some mistakes, but I'm learning from them. I 'm enjoying the process of learning to knit and at least now I have something functional to use!!!

Hope you all have a great day!!!


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Joanne, I am so proud of you!  You did a great job on the knook cover -- very cool beginning project!  I hope you get your housework done so you can get some Ryan time in.  Soon there will be two grandsons to love!  Won't that be awesome!!!


LeeAnn, thank you for explaining so patiently about the perfume balms.  I am so happy your customer with COPD can wear fragrances thanks to you.


Marisa, has your headache stayed away?  Is the painting done? 


Stacy, i hope everyone is feeling better.  


Well, I am getting my first cup of coffee.  My hubby is starting to install the new kitchen faucet.  I need to take a cat to the vet for vaccines.  I hope you all have a good day.  Stay dry!

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Happy Saturday friends!


Quick fly by, I am on my way to my sewing class.  About a year ago I had bought the fabric and pattern to sew a diaper bag for my sister..ran out of time..then when I looked at the instructions..yikes!  So am taking a class today..I may keep the bag for me :yes


Beth-Have a great day!  I'm positive that your pizza was delish..so wish I lived closer.  :lol


Joanne-you did an amazing job!  knitting is very difficult imho. :clap :clap   Your Nook cover looks fabulous!  Hope you get some Ryan time in.  I love reading as well. 


Marisa & Stacy-hope your weekend is going well.


Hugs n squishes!

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 We spent mid afternoon till about 8:15 with DD and Ryan and had a blast. DD spent time washing/putting away newborn-3mos size clothes, while DH and I played with Ryan.! Shemade dinner for us wheich is always a bonus!!!


Hope you all had a great Saturday!

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My hubby finished the kitchen sink shortly after lunch on Saturday, and it looks so sparkly and new...  Now I want a new sink, and new cabinets, and new paint, and ...  sigh.  But it is great not to have that annoying drip all the time!  Should save on the water bill, too.


Joanne, so happy you had some good Ryan time!  I'll bet your dd was glad to have someone watching him so she could get all that laundry and clothes sorting done without distraction.  Nice to have someone cook for you!  Sounds like a great day.  I hope today is as good for you.


LeeAnn, I made a multi-pocketed tote that could be a diaper bag, and it is a great project bag!  Good luck with the class.  Can't wait to see pics of the finished project.


Stacy and Marisa, I hope you are having a great weekend.

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Good morning friends!


You all have been busy!  And hey- did you all notice on the CAL page that we are "hot?"  :lol


Joanne, sounds like a fun night with Ryan and dd!  :woo for dinner!  That was nice of her.  Is she mostly prepared for Robbie's arrival?  Is Paradise still crazy busy?


Marisa, good luck getting your books together for the accountant.  How much longer until you actually put the bridge decorations together?


Leeann, have fun at sewing class!  The card Celine made is so cute.  :yes  What is your ds up to these days?  :h5 on all of the orders!  The perfume balms sound wonderful.  You are so creative!


Beth, :woo for a few faucet!  I hear you about college driving- it is scary!  Thankfully this semester I've avoided it mostly. Speech is in the music department, at the top of a hill (the sheriffs don't even check up there for parking passes!   :clap )  And English is on Fridays,  when no one really wants to take classes anyway, so it's usually deserted.  :yes 


For belated-Christmas, BIL gave all of my kids toy bow-and-arrow sets (my niece has one and I guess Mia really loved it when she visited with dh a few weeks ago.)  Well, dh found out that there is an archery range nearby that offers free lessons on Saturday mornings.  So we took the older girls yesterday (their cut-off age is 7) while Eva and I went to the park.  Then Isabella's class had a field trip to the San Fernando Mission.  It is gorgeous!  I forgot my camera (of course!) but am hoping to go back with the whole fam.  Afterward, we all met at Pizza Hut and had fun just relaxing and chatting.  We stayed for almost 2 hours!  It was so nice to chat with adults.   :lol  The mom of Isabella's bestie came, too.  We haven't talked in a while, so it was wonderful to catch up.  :yes  After THAT, we met dh's parents for dinner.  :whew  Long day, and I was in bed by 9! :rofl

This morning, dh went hiking with Isabella.  I have some homework to do, then finish up a couple scrubbers to ship out to my mom.  Her scrapbook event is in 2 weeks.  She really pulled it together and I am so proud of her!  I wish I could fly out to help her, but air fare is SO expensive these days. 

Well, enough :blah :blah...I'm going to scoot and get some homework done.  Love and hugs! 

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Hi all,

We all went to breakfast this morning at I-hop- YUM!!! This afternoon, after my son-in-law goes to work, DD and Ryan are coming over and we're going to the Carter's outlet- she wants a special 'bring me home' outfit for Robbie. She's been 'nesting' these last couple of days- so you can tell the time is getting near!


I ordered a little tikes slide for Ryan as his 'big brother' gift. It's so cute.http://www.littletikes.com/kids-toys/school-bus-activity-gym I got it for 79.00 w/free shipping!  His favorite song and book is "wheels on the bus'


I've been rippling as I have free moments- and just put it down to check in here.


Beth- It must be wonderful not to hear the drip/drip/drip of the faucet!!  And it will save on your water bill!!! Those little drips add up to a lot of water!!!


Stacy- Sounds like you all had a good day yesterday and the mission sounds great! How's DH feeling? Is he back to running yet?  Kudos to your mom!!! You arent' kidding about the cost of air fare! My oldest and her roomie lucked out and are flying down to New Orleans for a long weekend St. Patrick's day weekend. Her roomie's Dad had a gazillion freq flyer miles and the airline he has them with is merging, so he was afraid of losing some of them once the merger was final so he bought the tickets for them. Lucky girls!!!


Can't wait to hear how the sewing class went yesterday, LeeAnn!!!


Marisa Hope your sis and Bean had a great vacation away and are happy with the paint job and colors!!!





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Joanne, I love the little tykes bus!  That is a most amazing gift.  I am glad you will be making a bit of a fuss over Ryan.  I am glad you are getting lots of Ryan time in.  Must be good therapy after the long hours at work.


Stacy, I am still open for adoption.  Your days always sound so nice.  You are smart to avoid most of the college traffic.  My oldest son parks really far from his and my dd's classes to avoid the worst of the traffic.


LeeAnn, and Marisa, have a good day!

I did some more work on my sweater.  It is slow and boring, but I can work on it when my husband is playing Skyrim (we are addicted to that video game) and it goes by mindlessly.

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Happy Monday friends!


:coffeeI'm a bit tired today but am hoping that the coffee with kick in.


Joanne-oh my gosh!  The time is getting closer for your new arrival, how exciting!  That is so sweet of you and your dh to help your dd with Ryan, what a blessing you all are to each other.  And dinner out of the deal sounds just fantastic. 


Beth-we have a drippy faucet too..it sure does add up to a lot of water, so glad that your dh was able to fix it and that your sweater is coming along nicely.


Stacy-oh my!  you are always so busy and have so much fun with your kiddos.  :yay   I am so glad that your classes are going well and are not too stressful.  I love the crochet scrubbies, I have a couple that I bought from a lady but will need to order more.  They really work wonderfully.


Marisa-how was your weekend?  Did the painters finish up?  Any plans for St. Patrick's day?


This weekend was super busy.  I attended my sewing class on Saturday, I am so glad that I signed up for the class and didn't try to wing it..it was a LOT of work!  I cut myself on my finger putting in the grommets..those were the hardest part of the whole project.  I really wanted to give up yesterday as I just couldn't get them installed..but my friend talked me off the roof so to speak.  My sister is begging for this bag as it would make the perfect diaper bag.  It has 6 pockets on both the inside and outside and is super heavy duty.  I am sure that I will end of giving it to her..I had promised her I would make a diaper bag when she was preggers...but never got around to it.  Today I have lots of items to add to my etsy shop and early release as well.


Ds is doing well, he has not been driving as much, Scouts are keeping him really busy and of course his social life.  He has made quite a few friends and is enjoying spending time with them after school.  I am really proud of him, he has come a long way.  He even danced with a girl at his school dance. :yes


Best get my tush in gear.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, Friday night I cleaned up behind the painters and it took me 4 hours :eek  I didn't do the master bath or 2 of the 3 bedrooms that weren't painted.  It was kind of a mess :eek  Anyways, then on Saturday I had a couple patients in the morning and then I ran to Sams and the market to get stuff to make lasagna on Sunday so they wouldn't have to worry about dinner with unpacking and all.  After that I went to a knit the bridge group until about 4 and then back home to eat.  I made some banana bread.  Did my laundry and decided to make the sauce for the lasagna and brown the meat....then I decided I may as well just finish it all and get it assembled so I can relax in the morning.  So I got it all layered up so when we got back from the airport we just had to put it in the oven :yes  Sunday I had a leader meeting for knit the bridge and left for the airport from there.  They all had a great vacation :yes  Last night was finally relaxing and then I slept in just a bit and went to the gym this morning and got here around 11ish.  Nothing on the agenda for tonight :yay


Friday I have to pick up my aunt from the airport at 8:45 and we'll get breakfast....she lives in my hometown, but her son (the one in Kuwait right now) and his ex wife with 2 kids live out here and she's taking the boys to Boston for a few days.  So I'll take them all to the airport again in the afternoon.  She thought her DIL would be able to (they all get along just fine) but she's a nurse and picks up extra hours when she can.  So I guess Friday will be a play day for me :clap  Ooooo....and HL is in that direction :bounce


A few of you asked and yep, the painters finished on Friday.  I love it all and will try to remember to take pictures to share.  The kitchen in jalepeno orange (deep color) and is my favorite.  The living and dining area is mocha.  The powder room is a darker salmony color, which is my least favorite.  The hallways and stairwells are beige, 2 colors back from the mocha, and is the same in the office.  Their master bath is grape mist, which is more purpley than we thought it would be....it looked a bit grayer on the strip :think  So now we're working on ideas to make it a bit more masculine :think


LeeAnn - WTG on the orders :clap  Glad you learned alot at the sewing class, I saw your pic on FB and the bag is beautiful :manyheart  St Patty's day we go drinking in town :shrug  This year they are having the PIttsburgh knit and crochet festival that weekend :(  (it's usually in Feb) so I'll only be able to go over on Friday for a bit :shrug  So glad to hear ds is doing so well :clap:hug


Joanne - Awesome job on the nook cover :manyheart  I love the school bus you got  for Ryan and I can't wait to see pics of him on it :devil


Beth - I have been headache free since that last Saturday that I saw my friend :clap  Even through the painting :yes  Work on your sweater for a while and then 'reward' yourself by allowing so long on a more fun project :think


Stacy - Of course we're HOT!  :rofl  We'll  have the bridge in August, just not sure yet on a specific date and the installment should be up for 4 weeks.  How did the girls like the archery range?  I'd love to give it a try :yes

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Hi all,


Quick stop in and will try and catch up tonight. I finally made it craft club last night and had a great time!!! Just what I needed!!! Didn't realize how much I missed it till I went last night. The time just flew by!


Hope you all have a good Tuesday! Clock is ticking so I've got to get ready!

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