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Good evening!


It has been a busy, busy day, but one of those where it's just constant running and not doing much.  If that makes sense?

The speech went well.  It was just an introductory talk about myself.  :lol  I was very nervous up until my time to talk, but once I was in front of the class, I was fine.  It was really odd.  The instructor had us do an exercise beforehand, where we all stood in a big circle and played an imaginary game of Hot Potato.  We had to make these "swoosh, boom, zing!" noises every time we passed the "potato."  I thought that was pretty neat, and it lightened the mood a lot.  :yes


Joanne, I'm glad to see you're not too swamped right now.  Will you work on your newest GS blankets this weekend?  How is dd feeling?  Has your dd is Boston shoveled out yet?


Marisa, sorry to hear you had to reschedule your appointment, and that you still have the headache.  :hug  A 40-pound bag of yarn?!!  :clap  Woohoo!  That will surely make a lot of panels.  Today is Paczki Day in my hometown- I haven't had one since I moved out here, but my mom called this morning and said there is a craze for them this year- $10 per dozen!  Insane! 


Leeann, hope your wrist pain is gone by now.  :hug


Beth, :clap  for a great inspection and no termites!  Glad to see that your faucet is fixed.  How wonderful for your sister that she got the cleaning job.  :yes


Not much news from here.  Dh is at class tonight, the only one he's taking this semester.  Tomorrow I need to call dh's friend and see if he is willing to hamster-sit.  He adores my kids so I'm hoping he will say yes, for them!  LoL  Dh said absolutely NO WAY can they go with us...and travel cages are around $30 for one anyway- we need 3.   :eek  Normally I wouldn't worry about leaving them here, but it is supposed to be in the 40's-50's at night, and if the temps inside drop below 50, they can freeze to death.  :ohdear 


I finished a beret for my mom- she asked for one in light pink, with baby yarn, so she can wear it all day to the scrapbooking event that she is hosting.  I still need to finish up the scrubbies, and mail everything out.  MIL asked last weekend if I could make a shawl for the teacher she works with (she is a T.A.)  Of course I said yes, but she had wanted it for the end of Feb.!  :eek   I wasn't sure I could get it finished that quickly, so she said maybe for the end of the school year.  :whew 


Well, I should scoot....I did get the Emergen-C today and that helped, but I still feel run-down.

Love and hugs! 

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Good morning!


Stacy- It sure sounds like you have a great speech instructor. That was a great way to 'break the tension' of having to get up and speak- and glad to hear that you did well. (I knew you would). Good luck with getting your DH's friend to watch the hamsters. I chuckled at the temps you are going to get- at this time of year where I am, that is considered warm!


Marisa- Wow 40 lbs of yarn! How fun!! And that will go a long way for the Knit a bridge project!!! What kind of ripple- colors? I'm thinking of making a ripple next-


I did work on the baby blanket- I figure about 8-10 more rows and then border and then it'll be done. Should be finished by the weekend. I may just make a RR next since I did give Ryan two blankets when he was born (and have since given him 2 more) LOL


I need to whip something up for my middle DD whose birthday is in a few weeks as well. Not sure what to make her this year. Maybe a shawl? Any suggestions?


Beth and LeeAnn- Hope you had a good 'fat Tuesday"


Happy Hump Day- one and all!

Supposed to get snow tonight into tomorrow morning=- anywhere from 1-4 inches- so not alot, but if its closer to 4, maybe I'll go into work late tomorrow.

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Hi friends!


Guess what?  Thanks to Joanne, I stopped at Michael's today for Vanna's yarn.  :devil   Well- on the clearance rack, there were bags full of yarn without labels, so I asked an employee how much they were- she said $5 per bag!  So I got 4 balls of Charisma, 2 balls of (I think) LB Thick and Quick, and a ball of Wool-Ease T&Q for $5!  :woo Such a steal.  I am so excited!  I only got one bag because I liked the colors (reds, pinks, and cream, which will be perfect for a rr.)  The other colors were a weird green and orange-ish red.  Anywho- that's my excitement for the day.  :lol

I got the hamster situation straightened out- dh's friend agreed to watch them.  Then dh called and said SIL doesn't want us to bring the dogs. So now we may not even go...My girls will be so sad, they were looking forward to seeing my niece.  But with the added expense of a kennel, plus I think one of them needs a vaccination (which is supposed to be administered within 2 weeks of boarding) it is just not worth it.  :shrug  

I also received an email this morning that Mia's iPad is scheduled to be delivered on Friday morning, which is when we are supposed to leave.  :eek   So I secretly hope we stay home anyway.  LoL


Joanne, happy hump day and Ash Wednesday!  Are you giving up anything for Lent?  Sounds like you are making great progress on the blanket.  :yes 


Marisa, hope you're feeling better today! 


Leeann, Beth- :hug to you!

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Good afternoon ladies!


Happy Ash Wednesday to you all! 


Beth-that is so sweet that you keep taking all of the soapy goodies and showing them to your family.  Makes me so happy and proud.  Thank you!  What is on the agenda for the day? 


Joanne-oh my!  You sure are whipping those ghans up fast.  How exciting to be near the end of your ripple.  Thank you for the new soapy idea.  I looked into baseball soap molds just have to decide which one I like more.


Marisa-glad that your puter problem is fixed.  Has your headache eased up? I hope so.


Stacy-a weekend away sounds heavenly but yes soo many things to get straightened up.  Glad to hear that your speech went well.  That is definitely not a strong character point of mine.


I have spent the day watching lifetime and hallmark. It has been sheer bliss.  :c9  Tomorrow I will start up St. Patrick's day soapies, I have clovers already done, but wanted to create a pot of gold to go with them. :yes   Other than that, just trying to keep up.  Tonight is Fiber Floozies-(craft club), dd and I are planning on going, before that we are stopping at our local fabric store to make machine sewn Valentine cards..super excited for that!


guess I had better get my tush in gear, laundry just isn't going to fold itself . :no   hugs n squishes!

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HI all,

What a great deal you got Stacy!!! I stopped at Michael's on my home since I had a coupon in my email for 20% off total purchase including sale items -(it was only valid in some states, NJ included) Well, long story short, I was on line having my Vanna's (and some Homespun) rung up, when all of a sudden there is a big spark and bang and the power went out in the store!!! They ended up bagging up my order and will hold it until Friday when I can get there and tacked my coupon onto the bags. So i came home empty handed--but have yarn waiting for me on Friday after work. I didn't see any clearance yarn but will have to look when I go back Friday


It sounds like the trip may not be worth it with the added expense of having to board the dogs. Have fun working with your new yarn


LeeAnn- A day of lifetime and hallmark does sound like bliss. My day was spent in back to back to back meetings-LOL


Off to go crochet for a bit- and the blanket I'm working on isn't a ripple (that would have been finished already if it was- LOL) I'm making Ocean Waves and it is taking longer than I thought it would- it's easy, but every other stitch is a 5 stitch shell!!!


Oh, and didn't give up anything for Lent---but my goal for Lent is to try and remain upbeat and positive despite my frustrations with this project at work!

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Happy Valentine's Day!!!


Joanne, That baby blanket is coming along!  I do hope you will be able to post pictures when it is done.  A RR sounds like a good choice for your next one.  It's hard to get work done when you are in meetings all day.


LeeAnn, the sewn valentines sound very interesting.  I'd love to see how they come out!


Stacy, Sorry the plans for your trip are not working out smoothly.  It is expensive to board animals, and not always possible.  Can you get someone to dog sit for you?


Marisa, I hope your headache is gone by now. 


I started another afghan.  It is going to have some basketweave pattern in it, interspersed with just plan dc.  I haven't gotten as far as the basketweave yet.  I am just trying to use up yarn that's been sitting in my stash for a long time.  Still working on the sweater, but it is really boring now, so I like to work on it while I'm watching something on TV.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Sorry I didn't get in yesterday to post.  I did log in and was reading up on posts though.  I really seem to be having some difficulty lately keeping focused and am constantly being super easily side tracked :(:shrug  I'm going to see my friend in a bit for my adjustment :clap  We went out for lunch yesterday and then walked around the mall a bit catching up and she picked up a really nice watch for her dh :yes


Stacy - Glad the speech went well, sounds like you have a great teacher :yes  You really  made out at Michael's with all that yarn :clap  I hope you get your trip figured out.


LeeAnn - I'm right there with ya, love the Hallmark channel :manyheart


Beth - I always like to have a couple projects to switch between :yes


Joanne - What a trip to Michael's you had :eek  WTG on the baby ghan/s and I'm sure you'll come up with something great for dd!  The ripple I'm working on is a free RH pattern, but I can't remember the name of it.  I started it a bit ago when someone needed help with it, I liked it :lol  I just pulled out some stash to work the area the other girl was having difficulty with and so it's reddish/maroonish, gray, and a vareigated from Bernat that's got a similar red, tan, blue, and green in it....they look nice together.

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Good evening!


Happy Valentine's Day!  Busy day here, again.  Seems like they don't slow down lately.  Eva had asked a couple months ago if we could have cheddar cheese scones for Valentine's Day, so after class, I ran to the store for ingredients, then came home to make them before the girls got out.  Afterward we came home to pick up the hamsters and took them to dh's friend's house.  Almost an hour there AND an hour back, because the traffic was so bad.  :eek   We stopped at FedEx because Mia's iPad arrived- she is  :c9   right now.  :yes  And a quick stop to Taco Bell (don't judge!  LoL)  I had planned to make meatballs, but after so long in the car, I just wanted to go home and not cook.  :whew

FIL found a hotel that allows dogs, so we are leaving Saturday and returning Monday morning. 


Marisa, did the adjustment help?  :woohoo for lunch time with your chiro friend. 


Beth, your 'ghan pattern sounds interesting.  :yes  How are your inventions doing in their classes?


Leeann, any fun activities with the kiddos today?  How was the Fiber Floozies meeting?  Did the sewn V-day cards turn out well?


Gonna scoot and watch a movie with dh.  Love and hugs!

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Good morning and TGIF!!!


Beth- The basketweave with DC sounds interesting. I like the way basketweave looks!!! I did 3 more rows on the blanket last night- it's almost there!!! Definitely doing a ripple for the next one!


Marisa- Funny you said that the ripple is a pattern from Red Heart. A gal at work is working on a ripple and she gave me the pattern- from Red Heart site! LOL. Another gal who hasn't crocheted since her kids were young as picked up the hook again. She is expecting a grandchild and was inspired by all the crocheting I do and I helped her get started again. She is becoming addicted! She made the 'calm cowl' for her DD and working on a baby blanket. I told her about Michael's sale- and she bought 50.00 worth of Vanna's! LOL. I saw the pic of the yarn you got donated- what a haul!


Stacy- Love the pic of the flowers you got for V-Day- but I couldn't read the last word on the vase that your DH so lovingly wrote on for you! Enjoy the weekend and glad that the ipad arrived!!!!!


LeeAnn-Hope you had a wonderful V-day- and that you got to spend another day of bliss with Lifetime and Hallmark!


I got my haircut and colored last night! Finally! Feels so much better now that it has 'style' again!


I woke up earlier than usual today- and am wide awake- figured if I went back to sleep for another hour Id feel worse. Tonight after work, I'll go pick up my yarn!! And hopefully not have the same experience I had the other night at Michaels

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Happy Friday, Joanne!  I love that you helped someone pick up her hook again.  I'll bet you feel great with your 'do all prettified. 


Stacy, how sweet of your hubby to get you flowers.  I'm glad you are still going to be able to take your trip. How were the scones?


Marisa, did you get adjusted?  Is your headache better? 


LeeAnn, How did those sewn valentines turn out?


I am going car shopping with my son today.  That thunk you heard was me fainting.  He wants to buy a manual transmission, but doesn't know how to drive one yet.  He says it will help him with his chosen career - mechanic - if he can drive a manual as well as an automatic.  So he needs someone who can shift for the test drive, and his friend (who is infinitely more cool than I am) isn't available, so he's stuck with Mom.  Poor kid.  I may be able to shift the car he's looking at, but who is going to get me out of the thing?  A minivan is much easier to exit than a Mustang.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I did my laundry last night so got that done.  I slept really well, first night I got more than 5 hours all week :eek  Went to the gym around 10 and then on my way here I stopped by a nearby tavern for their fish sandwich, which I got to go.....it was crazy busy, I guess it was lunch time and their fish sandwich seems to be somewhat famous around here :think  But of course, I got mine broiled instead of fried although I secretly do enjoy the fried from time to time :lol  We're heading over to Ingrid's tonight to hang out so I'll head there from the office :yes


My adjustment surely did help and I'm going back again on Tuesday :yes


Stacy - No judgement here, I'll admit I stop at Taco Bell once in a blue moon :lol  I like whatever that food substance is that they serve :rofl  :blush


Joanne - The lady that dropped all that yarn off had it from her grandma who passed away and because of arthritis in her hands, she just can't knit anymore so she couldn't use and loved the idea of our project :yes  What RH ripple pattern did she give you?  Funny if it's the same one.


Beth - Have fun car shopping, I think everyone should know how to drive a manual :yes:lol  I learned at 16, my parents made us all.  And, I still miss mine.  I drove a manual from then until I got my first Rogue in 2009 and I STILL find myself occasionally looking for a clutch :eek:lol  He'll have to help pull you out, even I have trouble getting out of a low car!

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We got the car.  It is SO pretty -- a dark green with metal flakes in the paint.  It looks a lot newer than it is (1999) and if it wasn't  cared for in its previous life, the dealership worked magic on it to make it look like it was.  My son is over the moon, and already took it up and down the driveway a couple of times.  I think he'll be driving it in traffic with no problem very soon. 


I posted a picture on Facebook. 

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Good morning!


Love the Mustang your DS got Beth!!! I'll bet he'll get the hang of driving a manual transmission very quickly! My siblings and I had to learn on a manual transmission if we wanted to get a drivers license. My Dad said you need to be able to drive a manual transmission, because you never know if you would be in a situation that would require it. WE didn't have to take our driver's test on one though! Phew- I was nervous enough! I'll never forget the first time my Dad took me up the road in our town with a traffic light on the top of the hill and it was a red light!!! Oh my, trying to coordinate the clutch with the gas pedal and not roll backwards into the car behind me! Dad really had the patience of a saint--as I was saying I can't do this--he remained very calm and said yes you can....and I did!


My first car that I bought myself (cost me 500) was a Chevy Nova that had a manual transmission (3 speed on the column). My first  new car that I bought was a Toyota Corolla with 4 speed. I drove many a car with manual transmission and love them. The only thing I don't like is being in stop and go traffic with a manual transmission- which seems to be the bulk of my driving back and forth to work. My DD's all know how to drive a 'stick shift' as well and each one of them at one point had a manual transmission car. 


Stacy- Hope you have a wonderful weekend away!


Marisa- The ripple pattern is upstairs in my 'project bag' --I'll have to go look later and let you know which RH pattern it is- it would be funny if it was the same one! Hope you had fun at Ingrid's last night.


LeeAnn- Anything special on the agenda for the weekend? I'm heading over to DD's to watch Ryan so she can get a pedicure. She said that her DH might get stuck working overnight last night and he would have to sleep and she said she really, really wants to get a pedicure . If it turns out he didn't get stuck, then he'll watch Ryan and she'll go for her pedi and I'll go for my mani.


Tonight we are going to my step grandaughter's 10th birthday party. My DH asked me to make her something so I made her a ruffle scarf out of Homespun- so nice and soft! The rest of her gift will be cold hard cash so she can whatever she wants!


Have a great Saturday!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I did have a good night last night :yes  Now I'm waiting for a patient and then I get to go home and help clean :eek  My headache was good for a couple days and I woke up with it again today :(  I think my friend is in her office today, I may see if I can run over there before heading home :think


On that note, I need to go get my paperwork done for my patients that just left (yes, I started this post before they got here) so I can get to her place before noon.


See y'all Monday

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Hello everybody,

I hope you are having a good weekend. 


Joanne, did you end up getting some Ryan time?  I know you need "me" time, too, with work being so busy, but do you need a "Ryan fix" from time to time?


Marisa, did you get to see your friend?  Is your headache better?  I certainly hope so.  Any plans for the weekend?


Stacy, I hope you are having a good trip.  I'm glad you found a hotel that would take the dogs. 


LeeAnn, how is everybody?  What's going on in your world?  Have you had any time to crochet?

I was enjoying my morning, sitting on the bed wrapped in blankets with a cat on my lap, crocheting that sweater.  I am hoping to get back to that after lunch, which I am cooking now.  (Well, it's cooking, I"m typing.  LOL) 


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Hello there ladies! 

So sorry that I have been MIA..my afternoon of Hallmark and LIfetime came to an abrupt halt about 1ish.  I had several last minute orders for gift baskets, the new lip soapies and such..so I spent the rest of the evening working, after we made our hand sewn cards that is.  I will share pics, they came out soo cool.  and the next morning I worked on getting the last of the orders filled and then of course my kiddos had tons to of stuff to keep me busy.  My dd had a Valentine dance during her school hours..so had to get up extra early to get her hair combed just perfecto..then it was back to creating for me..delivering orders and then it was time to do the school run.  My ds decided that he wanted to go to his school dance..so..rushed home..ironed his clothing, gave him a quick hair cut touch up and then drove him back to his school..back home and then and then and then..


Dropped the kiddos off at the inlaws yesterday, catching up on Etsy..Easter goodies and St. Patrick day goodies are slowly being added.


Will catch up with you all more in a bit, must get my tush in gear.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!  Happy late Valentine's Day to all of you! 

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Good morning!


Beth- Yes, I did get my Ryan fix- went over to DD's early and had breakfast with her and Ryan and then she got ready and headed out for her pedicure, while Ryan and I stayed behind and played- he is getting more fun each time- so much more interraction- I'm loving it. Couldn't believe how fast the time sped by.


I then got 'me' time and got my manicure and then ran some overdue errands--and came home, did some laundry and worked on the baby blanket a bit. Had a nice time at step GD's birthday and she liked the scarf. (and of course the cold hard cash that went with it) LOL


LeeAnn- I love the St Patrick's day items you posted on FB--you just keep going, going, going. I had to chuckle when you wrote and then and then and then...........


Stacy- Hope you guys are having a great time.


Marisa- Enjoy your weekend- and hope that it's headache free!


Off to re-fill my coffee and get the day started.


EDIT- Finished the blanket for my 2nd grandson!!!


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top of the morning friends!


Joanne-your ghan is beautiful!  I am sure that it will be well loved and is oh so soft and cuddly.  Do you have to work today?  Your weekend sounds just fantastic!  I'm glad that you were able to get your hair done, what a relief I am sure and spending time with your little Ryan..simply wonderful!


Beth-Congratulations to your son on his new car..woohooo!  I am sure that he is over the moon happy with it.  Your new hooky project sounds wonderful, I haven't used the basket weave in so long, but I like it.


Stacy-hope you had an excellent weekend. 


Marisa-did your headache go away?  Great haul on the yarn for your project.


The weekend seemed to fly by..I did get a few soapies made and listed..whew!  I am in the process of cleaning out my craft stash..gasp!  I posted on here a LOT of dolls that I hope to sell so that I can buy a small shelving unit to organize my crafting ribbon and such...


off to start the day.  BBL!  Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Let's see, I couldn't copy and paste again and I doubt I'll remember everything again.....


Saturday after I left here, I went to my friend's and so far have been headache free since.  I'l going to see her again tomorrow for good measure and then she leaves for Puerto Rico Wed-Mon.  Helped Steph and Bean finish cleaning, which wasn't much left at that point.  We went to dinner that night and called it an early night since we were up early Sat to leave the house about 5 for the airport.  We woke up to snow and the roads weren't so great, but we took our time and they made their flight :yes


I stopped at Wal Mart and then had breakfast at the Cracker Barrel and was of course upset that Hobby Lobby's not open on Sunday's :(  Came home and showered, ran to Sam's and Target and then went to a Knit the Bridge group until 5.  Came home and cooked up some honey mustard chicken with rice and veggies then lounged on the couch playing games, watching tv and crocheting.  The painters came this morning to start that and so I didn't go to the gym because of timing.  I hung around chatting with them until I saw the color that's going in the kitchen and then left them to do their job without worrying about me being there :yes  I can't wait to get home tonight to see it!!! :bounce


Beth - The headache is still subsided (knock on wood) :xfin  Sounds like you had a great morning the other day lounging in bed :yes


LeeAnn - WTG with your orders and I'm glad to hear ds went to the dance.....now the big question, did he dance?! :lol


Joanne - :yay for Ryan time  and a manicure.  Your ghan is beautiful :manyheart


Stacy - Hope all is well :hug

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Had a good day at work- well as good as work can be. The great thing was since so many people had off for the holiday- the traffic (or lack thereof) was great both going to and coming home from work. Wish it was like that every day!


Off to eat dinner and then crochet some more on the ripple!

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Good morning, and Happy Tuesday!


Joanne, light traffic can really make a difference in a commute.  I'm glad you got to enjoy that on Monday. 


Marisa, so glad you have been headache free.  Are you sleeping better?  How did the paint come out?


LeeAnn, you are such a busy bee.  I hope you get the dolls sold, so you can get your organizer.


Stacy, I hope classes are fun and interesting for you.  How are all the writing assignments coming along?


My son is not comfortable with shfting his car, so he is still driving mine.  But when he has time, he practices on the new car . He will get there.  In his defense, it is hard to shift.  I am keeping the basketweave afghan in my van.  I got 2 hours on it yesterday, waiting for my dd.  I should get more time on it Wednesday. 

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Good Morning friends!


Beth-that is soo awesome that you were able to get hooky time in.  Thank you for the idea, I have crochet orders to fill. I am going to pack a bag so that I can work on them during waiting time.  THANK YOU!  I learned how to drive on a stick shift as well..but it was not an easy task.  My ds scares me to death...he's actually a pretty good driver but I think he is not comfortable with changing gears and such.  A few years ago I made the switch to an automatic vehicle and will not go back.  Because I am so soo short..like  under 5' shifting is difficult...I have to push the seat all the way up to the front to reach the pedals..such work!  :yes


Joanne-so happy that your travel time was cut in half, wish every day was like that for you.


I finally finished the re-organization of my craft studio..it all started because we ordered a sectional for our living room..well it was supposed to be here by Valentines' day..I sold our old one..long story short,..it's not coming in until the end of March..the kiddos had no where to sit..the living room was pretty empty..we moved the love seat from my craft studio into the living room..a pain in the tush.had to remove doors and all that fun stuff..so I decided it is not coming back.  I will donate it when we get the new furniture.   Dh bought me new shelves and I pitched in and bought the little shelving units that I wanted. :clap 


Here's a picture of the card that my dd made, she sewed it all by herself.   :manyheart  



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