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Good morning!


I just wanted to pop in before class.  Today is going to be busy, busy.  I have to stop at the student library to copy some things before class starts.  After class, I have to go and turn in the add slip for the online class, then to the public library to rent a book for English.  Luckily, dh has another one I need, and then tomorrow once my FA shows up, I will have to head to the bookstore before class to pick up the last one.  My English prof. emailed to say we will start on our first paper immediately!  Yikes!  Every semester the counselors tell you, take two tough and two fluff.  Well, I took two tough and one fluff, and they're all turning out to be tough!  Well, at least a lot of work anyway!


Marisa, sorry to hear you're having problems with the MS office.  Hope you can get it straightened out.  How nice that Bean figured out a place for you to put your turtles! 


Gotta scoot.  Love and hugs! 

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Hiya friends, thought I would pop in to see how everyone is doing.


Beth-hope your headache feels better soon..my laptop is doing the same thing?? just shuts down after it gets hot..scared of loosing everything but I have it backed up..


Marisa-love the gloves, good work my friend!


Stacy-hoping today isn't too busy for you.  good luck with classes!


Joanne-hugs n extra squishes, know that you are putting in long hours.


off to run errands.  hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


We went out for wings last night and they were surely yummy :drool  Not much on today's agenda.  MS support should be calling me at noon.  Meanwhile, my IT patient was here last night and looked at it a bit and got the 3 programs I use working, but some others still are not although we didn't try all of them.  We had some time constraints.  Tonight I have Knit the Bridge coming :yay  I made it to the gym this morning, but am still feeling sluggish :(  I hope I'm not getting sick :xfin:no


Beth - I hope you're feeling better :hug  Make sure you save anything on your computer that you wouldn't be comfortable losing :eek  Just in case!


Stacy - I often found that the classes I expected to be the stupid easy ones, weren't always that way :no  And sometimes the ones I thought would be crazy hard, weren't so bad :shrug  Good luck with yours :hug


Thanks LeeAnn, have fun with your errands today :lol


Joanne - I see you didn't make it in this morning, I hope you have an uneventful day with some time to spare for hooking when you get home :xfin

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Good evening, dearies!


Well, the speech class went really well today.  The teacher worked us up to talking in front of the class...first we had to answer some questions with a small group, then two groups combined, then we had to sit in a circle and comment on the questions.  It was actually kind of fun.  I finished up everything else, and dh even came home early.  We took the girls out for frozen yogurt. 


Marisa, WTG on making it to the gym.  How nice of your IT patient to help you fix some of your programs.  Hope you had fun at Knit the Bridge!


Leeann, what are you up to? 


Beth,  :hug sorry to hear about your computer.  They can be so frustrating sometimes.


Joanne, hope you got out at a decent hour today.  I thought about you this morning in class- my instructor is from Jersey and graduated from Rutgers!  :yes


My battery light is blinking so I have to scoot.  Love and hugs! 

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Good morning!

 I'm here- and ready for it to be the weekend already! LOL


We're getting a Nor'Easter starting later today-into tomorrow- may get about a foot of snow. DD in Boston told me they are forecasting 2 ft of snow by her-and that her office is closing at noon today, and the T (subway system) is closing at 3:30 pm today. yikes!  That only happens when they are pretty sure it's going to be a doozy of a storm. She told me she and her roommie went to the grocery store Wed after work- she said it was busy, but surely not as busy as it would have been last night!!!


I stopped for bread /milk on the way home at the convenience store- only because we had 2 slices of bread left and about 1/2 container of milk. There was no way I was venturing to the grocery store!!! We have plenty of food and now that we have bread, we can always live on pb&J should we lose power. :smile  I have a feeling I won't be getting my hair cut/colored tomorrow with the impending storm. Oh, well, I guess there is always next Saturday! (or maybe I can get there Wed after work???)


Stacy- Hope that your prof from RU turns out to be a good one! I found that some of the 'fluff' classes I took weren't always that way--and like Marisa said, the 'hard' ones weren't so hard. I think a lot depends on the professor. Good luck this semester and hope you get to take the girls to Knott's ===you all seem to enjoy it so much! Your speech prof seems to know how scary getting up in front of a group can be--and went through babysteps to get you all there! I think you'll find speech class will give you lots of confidence. It did for me, anyway!



LeeAnn- I'm sure you'll figure out the permit/license thing. It's changed here in NJ since my DD's got theirs. I think now you can get the permit at 16- it used to be 17. I hope that you had fun with your crafting!. I keep my laptop on a cooling pad so that it doesn't get too hot. I bought one for my DD's too---it helps. And I back up my laptop every week to an external hard drive.


Beth- Agree with all that make sure you back up your computer to an external drive- it sounds like your computer may be getting tired adn that the hard drive may be on it 's way out. Hope that the headache is going away


Marisa- Hope you had fun at Knit a Bridge!!! Sounds like soooo much fun!!!!! I am planning to leave work early today- already told my boss yesterday- I dont' want to be on the road with everyone else during "rush hour" at the end of the day in the snow storm!


Wishing you all a happy friday!!!! Off to get ready for Paradise!!!!

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Happy Friday, my friends,

We're getting lots of rain.  So far, no flooding, which is a good thing, since I drove the hubster to work, need to drive the dd to a doc appt a town over, and my son is driving to college and back by himself.  Oh, and I need to take the hubster's car to a garage for the state inspection.  That's my Valentine's present to him.  I asked him to fix a leaky faucet for my present.  Aren't we SO romantic! :heart 

Joanne - please be careful!  I hope you get some fun in the snow with your little man!  I imagine he is growing so fast.  Does he understand that he will be a big brother soon?


LeeAnn, in Virginia, kids can get their learner's at 15 1/2, but have to hold it for 9 months and drive for 45 hours before they can get their license.  15 hours has to be driving after the sun sets.  That is the part that is keeping my dd from getting her license.  Since she turns 19 next month, the requirements may change -- I need to do some research, too.  Don't they grow up too fast?  How does it feel for your baby boy to be driving?


Marisa, Did you get the Office problem fixed?  I've heard that Microsoft costumer service is pretty bad. 


Stacy, your speech instructor sounds like a gem.  It's great to hear that you are enjoying that class.  My twins are trying to get their non-major course out of the way this year, so they can enjoy next year.  Since they are in two-year programs, that works.

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Good morning housemates :hi


Well, I started reading posts probably over an hour ago now and keep getting sidetracked by remembering something that I need to do, ie. send an email, print an email, make a phone call. :sigh


My 1:00 new patient got called in to work so we rescheduled him for later today at 6:00, so it'll be a late night. But I don't have anyone scheduled for tomorrow.


We had a good group last night and a new face :D Always love when new people come! One lady is having a Knit In at her house tomorrow (usually every other weekend she does) and so I'll head over there if nothing is going on. But, I think Averie has a dance competition tomorrow not too far. I have to text Ingrid to see if they know what time she's on. It's her first solo competition number :bounce


Stacy - Glad to hear your speech class went so well :clap:yay  I remember in undergrad I wanted to take a Shakespeare class as an elective and my counselor really tried to talk me out of it telling me it was a super hard class and I didn't need it and blah, blah, blah.  I've always enjoyed Shakespeare though and I took the class anyways and was glad I did :yes  I really enjoyed the class and although it was a lot of work, it wasn't as hard as the counselor and previous students had made it sound.  I really enjoyed it :yes


Joanne - Good idea to beat the weather home today, it'll only get worse as the day goes on.  We're only supposed to get a snow/rain mix and maybe an inch out here.  My parents are supposed to get about a foot I thing though.  Keep safe :hug


Beth - MS support did call me back  yesterday and it turns out that everything he tried worked, so whatever my patient did it fixed all the programs :think  Anyways, he was very helpful still and asked if I used Outlook...he was going to set it up for me.  I did previously, but never used it because I couldn't get my yahoo mail acct to link and still had to check it elsewhere.  He got that connected for me. :yes  I can't say that they were poor or bad.  A little frustrating that the first person I spoke with couldn't correct the situation, but the guy that called me the next day was more advanced/experienced.  And, my patient said that in the first girl's defense...she did disable a lot of things that needed to be and such, which helped her to figure it out so quickly at that point. :shrug


I hope you all have a great weekend! :hug

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I'm home safe and sound and looking forward to a nice weekend of no work!!!  It is sleeting/ice/raining now and was when I left work. Temps are dropping and the snow will be here this evening. I'm enjoying being home at this time of the day. I could so get used to working 7-1:30 every day!!! :lol


Beth- I don't think Ryan truly understands he is going to be a big brother- but he knows that there is a baby brother in his Mommy's tummy and sees the room getting ready and such. I plan to do a lot of Ryan spoiling when Robbie arrives--


Marisa- Glad that the office stuff is all figured out and that the guy you talked to was able to assist you- even if your patient did most of the 'heavy lifting"


Stacy and LeeAnn- Hope you are having a good Friday


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Good morning!


We got about 7 inches if snow. Heavy snow. But the good news? The guy who mows our lawn in the summer was here and plowed our driveway and shoveled the steps and sidewalks! Woot!! Doing the happy dance!!!!



The hair salon is closed as I figured so think I'll stay in my pjs until this afternoon when I'm hoping to go over to my DD's house to play in the snow with Ryan!!!


Hope you all have a good Saturday.




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Joanne, love the pic.  I am glad you are staying safe.  I'm sorry you missed another hair appointment. 


Marisa, I'm glad your computer is working again. 


Stacy, I hope your weekend is going well, and you are getting some rest.  Do you have much homework?


LeeAnn, how are things in your neck fo the woods?  What are your kiddoes doing?


My hubby and I went shopping today for some new plumbing fixtures.  Our old house with the old plumbing has been having problems with the shower and the kitchen sink.  He is fixing the shower tomorrow.  I am SO happy!!!

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Good morning!

Beth- Glad that your DH is going to fix the shower!! YAY!!!- that's something my DH can't do- so it would involve calling a plumber! 


I had a really nice day yesterday- went to play with my GS and we had so much fun in the snow! He liked it and had fun when we were building a small snowman. He thought it was a great game to put the eyes on the snowman, take them off, put them back on and take them off.......etc.....my DD had a really neat "snowman kit' that included top hat, scarf, carrot nose, button eyes, corncob pipe. Needless to say the only thing on the snowman is the scarf, since Ryan liked taking off all the other pieces! We met DH for dinner last night. It was our Valentine's gift from him---which was perfect---I don't need flowers- just time spent together!


Today, DD is coming over for breakfast with Ryan since my SIL got stuck working a second shift last night and is sleeping. Then we are going to head to Trader Joe's.


My Boston DD is doing good- she never lost power- and the big clean up from the 28 inches of snow has begun. The MBTA is closed until Monday- so she's been hunkered down all weekend. My cousin in NH has 30 inches and my bro in CT got a little over 2 feet- We really lucked out here where I am- it was the perfect amount of snow for the kids to go sledding and have fun!


Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

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Since we knew we were going to turn off the water today, I got up and got busy, catching up on cleaning the kitchen, doing a load of laundry, cleaning cat boxes, refilling water bowls and bottles for our menagerie.  I've been to a grocery store (came home with no running water) and have a pot of chili bubbling away on the stove.  Now I am tired. 


Joanne, your Saturday sounds ideal.  I think the Valentine's dinner is a great gift.  It's good to hear that everybody is OK, even if they aren't going very far with all the snow. 


I hope everybody has a good day. 

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-I am so glad that you had a day off and were able to spend it with your GS.  How awesome!  He is growing up so fast, I bet you are amazed to see all the new things he can do.  How cute that he kept taking everything off the snowman.  Adorable!  Glad that neither you or your dd lost power.  And super happy that someone was able to clear out the snow.


Beth-keeping my fingers and toes crossed that everything goes well with the plumbing.  Home projects are never done.  How's the sweater coming along?


Stacy-how ya doing?  how's the family?  And the homework? I am sure you are running.


Marisa-that is so awesome that you get to mingle with new folks, it can only bring you customers.  :yay   What sport is on next that you enjoy?


I have been keeping myself busy.  I had a request for Body Butter..so..whipped some up yesterday.  I was a little worried because I have never tried making butter before, but it came out!  :clap   Over the moon happy about that.  This morning I got up early determined to finish a few crochet projects that had been WIPS for way tooo long.  Want to see pics?  Celine's baby hat, she's so cute!








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Marisa (cut and paste alert)


Had a nice breakfast and outing to TJ's with DD and Ryan- We both stocked up! IThis afternoon, DH and I went out for a bit and I stopped at Michael's while he was in B&N--and Vannas Choice is on sale for $1.89---so even though I vowed not to buy yarn, for that price, I absolutely could not resist. When I told DH that this yarn is normally over $3.00 now, he understood why I felt compelled to buy some. I like the yarn and the blankets I made for Ryan with it  have been holding up really well and they've been washed a lot.


I did crochet some today-- I did a few rows on the baby blanket and then started a ruffle scarf with Homespun for my step granddaughter whose birthday get together is Sat. I totally forgot about it coming up so soon. For some reason, I can believe it's already the 10th of Feb!!!


Love all the crochet goodness, LeeAnn and I'm glad that the lotion turned out well!!!!


Hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend!

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Joanne, glad you got some crochet time in this weekend.  It seems like work doesn't slow down for you.  I love the pics of Ryan in the snow.


LeeAnn, love the crocheted goodness.  I wish I had some of your energy.  So what is the new body butter like?  Will you be adding that to your available goodies?


Stacy, I hope homework isn't keeping you too busy.  How are your classes so far?  How are the girls adjusting to you being back at school?


Marisa, Did you have a fun weekend?  I love to hear about your adventures. 


We have our annual termite inspection today.  I will be staying home without a car pretty much all day any way, so it's not a big deal.  I hope you all have a fun one! 

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Good evening ladies :hi


I had a good and relaxing weekend.  I got up and went to a crochet/knit group on Saturday for the bridge.  Then crocheted more at home :lol  Bean grilled some steak for dinner and boy was it yummy :drool  Sunday I helped Steph 'spring' clean the kitchen a bit early since they are having some painters come in next week while they are on vacation.  Figured we may as well get those rooms done :yes  And then I crocheted the day away with the Hallmark channel :lol


This morning I had an oil change and checkup.  I needed some things replaced, nothing major but at the end still cost me $166 :eek  Oh well though, left undone could've become a big problem :shrug  I didn't have any patients scheduled for today so catching up on some paperwork from Friday since Highmark's NaviNet was offline then and I needed to submit a registration for a new patient :yes


I breezed through the posts and didn't take notes since I still have more to get done and it's getting late.  I didn't make it to the gym this morning, I woke up with a headache :(  And I don't  think I'm going tonight either because I just can't shake it off :sigh  Oh well, at least I'm already planning a visit with my chiro tomorrow followed by lunch :wink


Catch y'all on the flip side

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Hi all,

Marisa- hope the headache goes away--but at least you'll get your adjustment tomorrow---followed by lunch! What's on your hooks? Were you working on stuff for Knit a Bridge?


Beth- I was wondering if DH was able to fix the shower as well. How'd the termite inspection go?


Stacy and LeeAnn- Hope you had a great Monday!


I was going to go to craft club- but it's really getting foggy and will be worse by the time CC would be over, so I'm going to stay home, put on my pj's and craft for a bit right here!

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The termite inspection was more of a cricket inspection.  There weren't any termites to inspect...  LOL  The shower is working great.  The new faucet is so pretty and shiny it is inspiring me to clean more. 


Joanne, a pj evening sounds really good to me.  I am sorry you missed craft club, but it sounds like a good idea.


Marisa, I hope your headache feels better.  We got our grill out this weekend -- I made burgers for the guys and chicken for my dd and me.  I enjoyed it, even though I was pretty chilly.


LeeAnn, I got my packag!!!  Thank you for making those awesome Pittsburgh Steelers football soaps for my sister.  She will squeal when she sees them.  They turned out so well.  And everything smells great, even through the packaging.  The strawberries are better than I thought.  My other sister will be very happy with those.  She loves your soaps.  I am so excited.  I don't think I can wait a month to mail them to my sisters. 


Stacy, I'm thinking about you.  I hope things are going well, and you aren't being swamped with homework. 

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Good evening ladies!


Joanne-a night in PJ's sounds just wonderful :yes   I'm glad that you are home and able to enjoy a bit of relaxation.


Beth-I am so happy that you liked everything and that they all smell wonderful.  I have to admit, I am addicted to creating the football soapies.  I have had a few requests for certain teams, and it is soo much fun!  Even though I am not much of a football fan, I love to research the exact colors.  Also glad that your plumbing is fixed, :clap   and a good inspection?  Awesome! 


Marisa-the Hallmark channel is addicting, glad that you were able to get hook time in.  Ouch for the car expense. 


Stacy-missing you and hoping that you are ok. 



Thank you all for the compliments, I sure miss crocheting but my wrists are super sore today.  I have been busy filling orders, going to add the new body butter to my etsy shop also have a few new soapy ideas.


hugs n squishes! :ghug :ghug :ghug :ghug

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Good evening!


Looks like everyone has been busy, busy, as usual! 


Joanne, that deal on Vanna's is awesome!  Playing in the snow with Ryan sounds like so much fun.  :yes


Marisa, sorry to hear about your headache.  Hopefully the adjustment with your chiro will help.  :hug


Beth, :woo for a great inspection! 


Leeann, WTG on creating the body butter!  :cheer   Your soapie business has come so far- I am proud of you!  The eye candy is wonderful- and Celine is really doing great on those caps, too.  :yes


I haven't been too swamped with homework yet.  I have to deliver my first speech tomorrow, a little nervous but will probably be more once I am actually in class!  Public speaking really freaks me out.  :eek   My English class has a paper due every two weeks, but the first one isn't due for 3 weeks, due to having off the next two Fridays. 

This weekend, we are going to visit BIL for his birthday.  I'm not really looking forward to it...have been fighting something for a few days.  My throat and ears are itchy, which ultimately means a cold is coming on.  I've been talking Emergen-C with vitamin D, but ran out yesterday and forgot to pick up more today.  Hopefully it doesn't escalate before I can get back to the store tomorrow. 


I'm going to scoot and try to get to bed early.  Love and hugs!

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I am not awake yet, but I want to stop by and say 'hello!' 




Stacy, it's good to hear from you.  I'm glad you aren't swamped  with homework yet.  Let us know how you do with your speech.  I liked what you told us about the teacher helping you ease into it.  I hope you feel better soon, and enjoy the birthday get-together for your BIL.


Joanne, I hope work isn't too busy.  Are you still working tons of overtime?


Marisa, How is your headache?  Did you get your adjustment, and did it help?


LeeAnn, I have the box of goodies sitting next to me, and I am still so excited.  Every time one of my kids walks by, I show them everything, even though they've seen it already.  I need to get them wrapped and mailed for my sisters. 


Oh, happy news for my middle sister.  She was having problems with her job not giving her enough hours, and they messed up her schedule, not giving her any hours for a whole week, so she quit.  She went home, and had a message on her machine for a house cleaning job.  She loves to clean (I think she got my share of those genes in addition to her own share.)  She is making more money per hour . The first place she worked called her boss and complimented her.  The second job she had left her a huge tip.  She is so happy.  I am happy for her.  She's the one who had brain surgery, so she doesn't learn new things easily.  I hope this lasts.  She has a histlry of changing jobs pretty quickly, but she has been supporting herself and her son for years.

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Good morning!


Beth- I'm happy for your sister- like they say, when one door closes, another one opens!!! Hope that this one continues to work out. Glad to hear that the plumbing job was a success and you have a nice new shiny shower head!! 


Stacy--hugs that you are able to get some more emegen-c and that you can ward off the cold. Good luck at class today- I've got confidence that you will ace the speech!


LeeAnn- Hope your wrist pain eases up! i was thinking about your soaps- do you make baseball soaps? You could do those in the baseball team colors--and pitchers and catchers reported for spring training- so baseball season is just around the corner!


Marisa- Enjoy your lunch today!


Oh, Beth- the OT is not as intense right now- it depends on the day and actually really depends on how many meetings (which to me are a great time suck) there are ---


Have a great Fat Tuesday!!!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I started checking in this morning and now here it is....3:30 :eek  I have no clue where the day went :think


I missed the gym yesterday and today due to my headache.  I keep taking motrin which helps it subside, but doesn't completely 'hide' it so it's still nagging :(  I ended up have a guy come in about merchant services at noon, right when I was going to leave to see my friend....which now is rescheduled for Thursday :sigh


I had a regular patient scheduled for this morning, but he canceled due to being sick for a couple days now and rescheduled for next week.  He sounded horrible on my machine :(  I hope he feels better soon :xfin  I have a new patient coming at 5 whose wife is working on Knit the Bridge :clap:yay  And my group is coming tonight 7-9 :D


A lady called to drop off some materials for Knit the Bridge and will be coming by on Thursday morning with some needles and such that belonged to one of her family who passed away... complete with, she said a 40 pound garbage bag of yarn :eek


Today is donut day in my hometown, instead of Mardi Gras.....so I just got back from Dunkin Donuts and had my donut :lol  It's actually the only day of the year that I crave one :shrug  I guess it's embedded in my brain.


Joanne - I have a ripple in the progress, started myself another set of texting gloves, and my knit the bridge project.


Beth - Glad you enjoy your new faucet :clap  Are you cricket free?  Good news for your sister :clap


LeeAnn - Awesome job with Etsy and all your soapies :clap


Stacy - I hope your speech went well today, what was it about?  I hope you're not coming down with something :hug

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