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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-your new recipes sound delish!  It's always challenging to find something to fix for dinner.  I have been using my tried and true recipes for so long that I think we are all tired of them, but can't seem to squeeze any more time out of my day.  If I were your daughter, I would sleep in my sweater..I love soft cuddly crochet items. 


Joanne-I should heed your advice and take 30 minutes a day for relaxing with hook in hand.  I bet you are looking forward to the weekend.


Stacy-Job hunting is always challenging.  I hope you get the crocheting job, wouldn't that be soo cool?


Marisa-how was the margarita?  So jealous..mmm mmmmm Any big plans for the weekend?


Thank you all for the lovely compliments.  I have been working 16 hours a day on the bizz..seems like I will never ever catch up.  I have been selling lots too..I went back to the coffee shop on Tuesday and was asked to go back this Friday.  They are awesome!  They let all their friends and family know when I will be there and them I am kinda just swamped.  It gets a little crazy because they all start talking at once..I'm afraid that I can't kee up with all their questions.


We have this fb page called SLV crafters, classifieds, and yard sale..I have been posting new soapies and they are selling..oh my gosh!  Some days I feel like closing up shop..but I still love it, just seems like I may need to close down for at least 3 days to recuperate.


The sale of the Month is going well, not as much on line but in person..so much work but yet so much fun.  Back to work.  Hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I feel like I have a lot of things to take care of and not getting anywhere :eek  I ended up with 4 patients yesterday, but the one I didn't expect to show as a new patient didnt, BUT he called later in the day to reschedule and that he had a work emergency in the morning :shrug


I'm making stuffed peppers tonight for dinner :drool  But Beth's pictures look great too :drool


Stacy - I hope Mia's appt goes well and that you get your class schedule taken care of.  And you're right, working to pay for daycare defeats its purpose :yes


LeeAnn - WTG on all your goodies :claps  The margarita was sooo yummy!!!

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Hmmm,  nobody since I was here last?  Beth did say she had trouble getting on earlier today, but it seems to be working now :think


I wonder what was going on.  Anyhow, not much going on.  I just had a new patient :clap  and she was a sweetheart :yes  Now I have a couple errands to run.


Be back later :hug

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Good morning, besties!


Leeann, 16 hours a day!  Oh my gosh, girl...I'm so happy for you that business is really taking off!  But you must be worn out.  :hug  Please remember to take time for yourself, even if it's just for 15 minutes. 


Joanne, TGIF! Do you have to work tomorrow?  Will you have Ryan time this weekend?


Beth, what's shakin'?  I know my hubby would love that bbq recipe, too!  How was it?  Oh, I'm sure you probably know, but Bob's Red Mill sells GF quick-cooking oats.  I'm with your son, though- that peanut butter oatmeal recipe can't be beat.  :wink 


Marisa, 4 patients!  Woohoo!!  That is awesome.  How many patients do you have now?  Any fun plans for the Super Bowl?


Well...I ended up getting the tutoring job.  Supposedly it's through a federal program, have to go through fingerprinting, etc.  But, I checked them out with the Better Business Bureau last night, and there were 23 complaints logged against them in the past 12 months, for withholding checks or lack of children available after work was promised.  Dh is really, really excited and relieved that I found a job, but I'm almost afraid to even go for the orientation.  :reyes  I just don't have a good feeling about it.


The girls have pajama day today, then Isabella's friend is possibly coming over after chess club this afternoon. I'm going to run to the store and get some pitas so they can make individual pizzas.  And maybe make some cookies.  This is my last free weekend before school starts!  I have to make the most of it.  LoL

Have a great day, besties!  Love and hugs!  :hug :hug :hug

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:waving Morning Ladies!


Beth-where oh where are you?  We miss you, hope that you can log on.  Is it pizza night?  If so, I would hop on my broom and fly over.  :hi


Stacy-that is so funny that you mention your intuition or bad feeling about the job, I have been talking to my kiddos alot about going with your intuition, if something or someone doesn't feel right, do not ignore it.  Good luck with your decision.


Joanne-happy TGIF and hoping that you do not have to go in tomorrow.


Marisa-ohh laaa laaaa..you get to run errands so early in the morning, I love getting everything done early.


I stayed up late last night adding all of the new goodies for February's fragrance of the month-green aloe & clover.  I must admit, it is a pretty clean yummy scent.  Hoping that folks like it as well.


best get orders ready to deliver and my basket of goodies..I carry it with me pretty much all the time, I have been called the Soap Lady...so cute!


hugs n squishes! :lol

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Good morning!

I have logged too many hours at work this week----and didn't knit OR crochet the last 3 nights! Today I go at 8 for hair cut/color and then to work for a few hours.


Tomorrow morning, may need to log into work for a couple hours and then going to DD's and SIL's for their Super Bowl Party so finally I'll get to see Ryan!


I have a few things to do before heading out this morning- but just wanted to say Hi---and hope to be back to posting more often soon.


Oh, and Stacy- that job sounds a little sketchy with all those complaints.....

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm waiting for a patient scheduled at 9, husband and wife, so figured I'd check in.  We went out to dinner last night, which was super yummy and then for some drinks.  I have some running to do this afternoon.  Steph and I are going to color hair today.  And we're going out with friends tonight.  Super bowl?  I think we're just staying home and having a few people over....nothing crazy :lol


So yesterday I went to Staples and picked up 5 jump drives.  My external hard drive is on its last leg so I want to get everything saved elsewhere before it's too late.  This way was cheaper, plus I should have backups for my professional software on a few different ones....just in case :yes  Anyways, they only charged me for 4, which was completely an accident in the midst of having so many.  And since I can't just let it go and look at as being 'lucky' I'll stop back up there today to remedy that and pay for it :yes  I already called them yesterday.


Stacy - I love pajama day :manyheart  I agree with Joanne, that does sound sketchy....but at the same time if dh is that excited about it, maybe just deal with it for a short time to check it out.  Just keep your eyes open to any problems and then if dh sees them too he won't feel like your not trying or something :think  (I'm not sure if I executed that thought right, but you know what I mean :lol )


LeeAnn - I do like getting my errands done earlier rather than later :yes  I haven't been on your Etsy site in a while and checked it out yesterday....you sure have grown young lady :clap:yay:cheer


Joanne - Oh boy, working all weekend.....and yes, work from home counts :sigh  How much longer for this project?  Have fun with Ryan tomorrow :hug

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Morning friends! 


Joanne-you sure are busy, hoping that your few hours in Paradise fly by so that you can enjoy your weekend.


Marisa-I didn't realize that Super Bowl was this weekend, yikes!  I have been working my tail feathers off on my Etsy shop, I think I have come a long way. 


the trip to the coffee shop was wonderful, what an awesome group of folks..not to mention the delicious coffee...have a few more orders to fill this weekend but going to try to take it easy.


Beth-were you ever able to log on?


Stacy-how's your weekend going?


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!!!!



Posting from my iPad so there will be extra lines between paragraphs because if you don't return three times between them it all posts as one long paragraph. Another little glitch with the new forum, I guess




My hair appt got cancelled. Got a call that my hairdresser was sick. So I have an appt next Saturday and a week of scraggly hair LOL




Worked on and off yesterday. Will do the same today but once I go to DD's there will be no more of that. I do need some free time. If i didn't need the money i would quit. But that's not an option so it is what it..DH is starting to get annoyed with the amt of hours which only adds to the stress. I don't like it either. Seriously if you divide my salary by the number hours I work I'm probably making min wage. Lol. Don't really want to figure it out though since that will just upset me.




Off to pour coffee and enjoy some crochet timel. I did knit about 5 rows last night. I have to work on the blanket for my new GS who is due to arrive next month!!!!!




Happy Super Bowl Sunday !!!!!



ETA. Even though I returned extra times it still posted as one long paragraph so I just went back and added another. This is frustrating.

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Hello everybody,

I started posting yesterday, and got interrupted...  Didn't get back on.  Not much going on here besides school for the kids, work for the hubby and middle child.  I haven't crocheted much lately.  I was working on a sweater like my dd's for my mom for her birthday, but ran out of time to get it done, so I am now making one for me.  Easier to try it on for size that way, too. 


LeeAnn, wow!  your business is really taking off.  Congratulations on being a multi-national supplier of fine products.  That is really exciting.  I hope you are taking some time for yourself.


Joanne, speaking of taking some time for yourself, I am glad you decided to leave the work sitting while you enjoy your family today.  You need a true break once in a while.  Will this surge of work end soon?


Stacy, are you ready to go back to classes? Did  the girls enjoy pajama day and individual pizzas?  That sounds like so much fun.  My kids make a pizza that would feed a family of 4 for their individual pizzas...  Good luck with the tutoring job.  It sounds very fishy. 


Marisa, It sounds like your business is taking off, too.  The individual drives for backing up everything sounds very smart. 


Well, the coffee is done, and I need to plan the week's menu.  Wish me luck.

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Good luck with the menu planning Beth !!!



No work today. Ther will be nothing ready for testing till later this afternoon and I had already told them weeks ago of my plans for this afternoon. I did 4 rows on the ocean waves blanket. I love how it looks but I really will have to of plan my spare time to get it done.


I probably should go to the grocery store or tj's but staying in my pj's this morning and crocheting sounds like more fun so that is what I'm going to do.



Have a great Sunday everyone.

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Joanne, did you enjoy the football game?   Do you feel refreshed after a day of relaxation?  You certainly needed it.  I don't blame you at all for a pj's and crochet hook day.  


LeeAnn, Did you take a break from your shop this weekend, or have you been non-stop busy busy busy?  How are the kids doing?  What are they up to?  They certainly are growing fast, tell them to slow down a bit! 


Stacy, how is your hubby's knee and leg feeling now?  Did you enjoy your last weekend without homework for a while?  What fun things did you do?  Have you considered adopting me?  You even know the gluten free diet, so you could feed me and keep me entertained! 


Marisa, what is on your hook these days?  Did you enjoy the Super Bowl?  Are you making another panel for the bridge?  How many patients will you see today?


Well, I get to leave the house today.  It' may be a dentist visit, but at least I get out. 

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Good Morning friends!


Peek A Boo!  Here I am.. :yay   I made it out on the other side..finally caught up on orders and am slowly adding new goodies to my shop.  Yesterday I whipped up something new...Face cream with White Tea Extract...so far so good.  I am testing it out on my skin for a few days and also have other folks testing it.  I am hoping to list them by the end of the week.


Beth- :clap Yippee you get out of the house.  I bet it gets a little difficult balancing all of your wonderful inventions schedules and such.  What color is your new sweater?


Joanne-did you enjoy the game?  I watched half time but that was it.  Back to Paradise today, I bet you will not be able to go to craft night this evening..hang in there.  Hopefully the business will end soon.


Marisa-did you have an awesome weekend?  Any big plans for the week?


Stacy-how are your kiddos?  How was your last weekend off?  And the job?


I am super excited to be shipping to Australia, it's sooo awesome.  I have a few orders lined up but they do not need to be mailed out until the end of March-the Chill Pill Soaps.


The kiddos are keeping busy, my ds is almost 6 feet tall.  :lol   He has a Valentine dance coming up but is too shy to ask a girl to go with..poor guy..he really has a hard time with those things.  I am hoping that he goes anyway, so that he can enjoy being out with his friends.


Celine is keeping herself pretty busy too..she is making baby hats for the newborns at our local hospital using her Knitty Knifter.  I'm glad, because for some reason it just doesn't appeal to me as much. 


Back to work I go.  Hugs n squishes friends!  May your Monday be wonderful :yes

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Not much going on here today :no  There were some good commercials during the superbowl, but some that were just horrible :eek


Joanne - Sorry your hair appointment had to be rescheduled for next week, but glad you didn't have to work yesterday :yes


Beth - I hope you got your menu planned out for the week :xfin  I just finished the neighbors texting gloves last night.  I am making a second panel for the bridge :yes And I don't have any patients scheduled for today :shrug


LeeAnn - Oh boy, ds will have fun with his friends and who knows, maybe he'll get up some courage to dance with someone once there :xfin  Great news that dd is making baby hats for the local hospital :clap

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Good morning,


My sweater is a dusty rose color.  I bought the yarn a long time ago on a very good sale, and want to use it.  It's TLC Amore (don't think they even make it any more.)  The color name is rose.  It has a terry cloth texture.  I made my cardigan out of it, and still have plenty for another sweater, and probably a baby blanket after that.  i also have enough of the blue that I used for my dd's sweater for a nice-sized blanket.


Marisa, I didn't watch any of the commercials.  I find it funny that the main topic of conversation is the half-time performance.  What a February Beyonce has had, eh?


LeeAnn, your dd rocks!  It is so neat that she is not only crafting, but giving her projects to such a noble cause.  You must be one proud mama.  She's not my kiddo, and I'm proud of her!  I hope your son gets up the nerve to ask a girl to the dance.  That must be a challenge for a shy guy.  Hmmm, my hubby never asked me out.  His sister set us up on our first date, and I invited him to a home-cooked meal for the second, and we just kept doing things together after that.  He is a shy one.  It can work out for them.  I think my middle son is in the same type of boat, only she asked him out first.  Now she tells him when they are going out and what they are doing.  It amuses me to no end.


Joanne, how was your Ryan time on Sunday?  How is everybody doing?


Stacy, how are your classes?  Did you drop any, or are you sticking to the full-time work load?


Boring day scheduled here.  I am looking forward to it.  I am going back to bed, once I feed the cats (so I can get some peace.)

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here right now.  Yesterday I started my file saving project and got through pretty  much all the office stuff :clap  On today's list is pictures and patterns :lol  I know that's a big chore in itself :yes  I do have a patient coming in a little later this morning.  Then there's a happy hour business mixer today followed by dinner with a group of chiros.  Busy day for socializing :lol:shrug  I can't say I feel particularly social today, so hopefully that will change by later today :xfin


I forgot to tell you yesterday.  So I went back up to Staples on Saturday after they forgot to scan one of my jump drives on Friday and the manager thanked me for being honest.  He went to the back and then brought me over to a cashier to fix me up and gave him a $5 coupon to use towards my drive for being honest.  Well, he was having trouble ringing in the coupon and when the manager passed by again he asked him to help and he was having trouble too and then remember that the computer doesn't 'like' those coupons for some reason.  When he saw that my drive was only $6.99 he rang up the coupon for the full price and so I ended up not paying anyways :shrug:lol:clap  I'm ok with them knowingly and properly letting me leave without paying for something, but am not ok with knowing it was an accident :lol  They were surely surprised that I went back because of it and I know a lot of people wouldn't have, but what can I say.....my parents were always amazing role models :yes:manyheart


Beth - Boring is good here and there....it's when it's too often that it becomes an issue :lol  Enjoy your day!

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Morning friends!


Beth-I love your idea of going back to bed..I want to and am fighting the urge..I may just sit and do nothing today.. :yes  after I package up a Green Bay Packer soapie that is..your dust rose sounds lovey.  I think I have seen the color before, stunning. I bet you are excited to work on something for yourself.  that is soo cute that your dh is shy. :manyheart   and your middle son too.  I am hoping that Cristopher can gain a little confidence, he is such a charming young man.  I am taking him out driving every day after school..he's so cute!  he turns off the music, not too much talking mom is what he says..I have to concentrate.  I am very proud of him and Celine as well.  Thank you for the lovely compliment.


Marisa-I heard all about the commercials for the game but didn't see any of them..patients today?


Joanne-hope your week has started off slowly and as pain free as possible.


Stacy-how are things in your neck of the woods?


Going to grab something to munch on then figure out what I am going to do today..loving that I can choose.  hugs n squishes!

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Hi friends!!


Looks like lots of busy stuff going on in here!


Joanne, so sorry to hear how busy you are at work.  I'm happy that you took the time off yesterday, though- you needed a break!  How is Ryan?  I bet he is so big now!  How is your dd feeling?


Marisa, I wasn't impressed by most of the commercials last night.  :no  Especially the GoDaddy one where the guy and girl were making out.  Nope.  Absolutely loved the Taco Bell one with the old folks, though- that one was so cute!  Did you get a pic of the texting gloves?


Leeann, I can't believe your ds is almost 6 ft tall!  :eek  WTG on getting all of your orders caught up.  The facial cream sounds wonderful. 

Beth, I would LOVE to adopt you!  We could cook and crochet and shop for yarn together... :2rock   How are your inventions doing in school this semester? 


This weekend, we did nothing.  And it was nice.  :yes  On Saturday, dh went paint-balling with his coworkers, and came home in even more pain.  :sigh  So he is now thinking he won't be able to run at all, not even in the half-marathon.  Poor guy, he is super-bummed. 

I started classes today. The teacher seems really nice, and from what I've heard so far, she really tries to help people overcome their fears of public speaking (which means me!  LoL)   I also added an online class this morning- American government- so this is the semester that I take all of my serious and boring classes- English, speech, and government.   :rofl

I spoke with dh about the tutoring position and he said whatever I decide is fine- so I decided against it.  It just sounded really fishy, and I thought that Leeann's comment about trusting intuition was right on time.  :wink  The crochet teaching position requires me to be certified by the Craft Yarn Council.  :think   But I figure if I do the certification and the job falls through, maybe it's something I can carry over to a crochet teaching position elsewhere.  :shrug  That would be so fun. 


Well...since I actually started this post yesterday and forgot to send... :eek   I'll probably have to more to reply to after it posts.  LoL  Love and hugs!

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Happy Hump Day!


Beth- Great idea to make yourself a sweater --can't wait to see when it's done!


Stacy- I think you made the right choice with the tutoring position- there is something to be said for 'listening to your gut' I think being a crochet instructor would be neat!  Your weekend of doing nothing sounds like heaven!!!! Don't have to to work this weekend- so although I won't have a 'weekend' of doing nothing- I am planning a Sunday of doing nothing- hopefully it pans out. Saturday, I need to get to TJ's, and have my re-scheduled hair appointment- and have to catch up on cleaning around this place! But Sunday, I'd love to be a stay inside in pajama kind of day!


LeeAnn- Wow- how cool that you got an order from 'down under' When does your DS go for his driving test?


Marisa- They say 'what goes around, comes around" Good for you and your honesty- and I would have done the exact same thing. It would bother me too if I knew that I didn't pay for something I was supposed to. I hope that I instilled those same morals/values in my DD's---


Off to get ready for Paradise-----hugs to you all!

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Good morning!


Marisa, I think it was really great of you to return to the store with the item you didn't pay for.  There aren't many people who would do that. 


Leeann, how exciting to take your ds out driving!  I love that your dd is making the baby caps for the hospital.  Your kidlets sound like such wonderful individuals.  :yes 


Joanne, hope you get to enjoy your weekend, even if Saturday isn't such a rest day.  This weekend, I think we are going to surprise the girls and take them to Knott's.  We haven't been there since October or so. 


Beth, the sweater color sounds so pretty!  Can't wait to see the finished product.  :yes


Well, I only popped onto the computer to find out which book I need for the English class.  :lol   I also checked the Rate My Professor website, and found that the instructor I have assigns weekly essays and reports.  Gah!  So I think I will be busy this semester. 

I need to scoot and get everything ready for the girls.  Love and hugs! 

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Top of the morning friends!


Can't believe that it is already Wednesday :eek   where oh where does the week go? 


Joanne-I am so happy for you that you get the weekend off, perhaps you can enlist Mr. Joanne to help clean that way you get done super early and will have the rest of the day for relaxation.


Beth-how's it going today?  Do get to run your inventions to and from today?  how's the sweater coming along?  Thank you for your order, so excited.


Stacy-oh my gosh!  You are going to be a busy gal, good luck with all that writing.  I like English but sure do not miss college.


Marisa-I'm so happy that the manager gave you your item for free.  That's amazing!  That happened to us when we were doing our Christmas shopping.  As we were walking out of the store I noticed that they had rang up my calculator twice, so went to the service desk to get a refund, then walked away and looked at the receipt and noticed that they didn't charge me for a movie that I had bought, so it was back again to pay for it.  The gentleman at the front desk was surprised, but I really wanted to show the kiddos that you must be honest.  it comes back to you. 


I need to read the drivers manual to see when my ds can take his driving test or permit..I'm kinda lost on the whole thing, but I will sure find out.


Off to get cleaned up, new soapy molds arrived yesterday..can't wait to play.  hugs n squishes!

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Hi friends!!


Marisa, I wasn't impressed by most of the commercials last night.  :no  Especially the GoDaddy one where the guy and girl were making out.  Nope.  Absolutely loved the Taco Bell one with the old folks, though- that one was so cute!  Did you get a pic of the texting gloves?


This weekend, we did nothing.  And it was nice.  :yes  On Saturday, dh went paint-balling with his coworkers, and came home in even more pain.  :sigh  So he is now thinking he won't be able to run at all, not even in the half-marathon.  Poor guy, he is super-bummed. 

I started classes today. The teacher seems really nice, and from what I've heard so far, she really tries to help people overcome their fears of public speaking (which means me!  LoL)   I also added an online class this morning- American government- so this is the semester that I take all of my serious and boring classes- English, speech, and government.   :rofl

I spoke with dh about the tutoring position and he said whatever I decide is fine- so I decided against it.  It just sounded really fishy, and I thought that Leeann's comment about trusting intuition was right on time.  :wink  The crochet teaching position requires me to be certified by the Craft Yarn Council.  :think   But I figure if I do the certification and the job falls through, maybe it's something I can carry over to a crochet teaching position elsewhere.  :shrug  That would be so fun. 


Well...since I actually started this post yesterday and forgot to send... :eek   I'll probably have to more to reply to after it posts.  LoL  Love and hugs!


Oh boy, poor DH!  Paintball will do that to you though :lol  Such fun though :yes  I'm glad you talked to him about it and was fine with what you decided and I agree it's the right decision :yes  What is involved with getting a craft yarn council certification?  I didn't even know it existed :think


Happy Hump Day!


Marisa- They say 'what goes around, comes around" Good for you and your honesty- and I would have done the exact same thing. It would bother me too if I knew that I didn't pay for something I was supposed to. I hope that I instilled those same morals/values in my DD's---


Off to get ready for Paradise-----hugs to you all!



Thanks!  And I'm sure you did the same with your dd's :yes  Hope you're having a great hump day in paradise :wink


Good morning!


Marisa, I think it was really great of you to return to the store with the item you didn't pay for.  There aren't many people who would do that. 


Well, I only popped onto the computer to find out which book I need for the English class.  :lol   I also checked the Rate My Professor website, and found that the instructor I have assigns weekly essays and reports.  Gah!  So I think I will be busy this semester. 

I need to scoot and get everything ready for the girls.  Love and hugs! 


:rofl  :rofl  :rofl  OK, so I just sat here laughing my badorkus off for 5 minutes because I was reading quickly and didn't see the work 'popped'  but  'pooped'!!!!!  :rofl


Good luck with all the school work.  :hug



Top of the morning friends!


Can't believe that it is already Wednesday :eek   where oh where does the week go? 


Marisa-I'm so happy that the manager gave you your item for free.  That's amazing!  That happened to us when we were doing our Christmas shopping.  As we were walking out of the store I noticed that they had rang up my calculator twice, so went to the service desk to get a refund, then walked away and looked at the receipt and noticed that they didn't charge me for a movie that I had bought, so it was back again to pay for it.  The gentleman at the front desk was surprised, but I really wanted to show the kiddos that you must be honest.  it comes back to you. 


I need to read the drivers manual to see when my ds can take his driving test or permit..I'm kinda lost on the whole thing, but I will sure find out.


Off to get cleaned up, new soapy molds arrived yesterday..can't wait to play.  hugs n squishes!

I know here you used to be able to get your permit before you 16th birthday.  But, now you have to be 16 and you have the permit for at least 6 months!  Boy am I glad it wasn't like that then :lol  Have fun playing with your soap!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Cut and paste Joanne....I got it to work today :clap  It just didn't keep the green letters :think


Oh boy, I can't believe it's so late in the day already :eek Well, yesterday's networking and social events went well. There were only 3 of us at dinner and one guy stopped in for just a couple minutes and we had some great conversations about various topics :yes I didn't get home until 10:30! Then I couldn't sleep last night and was still up at 2, needless to say, I didn't make it to the gym this morning and am still feeling sluggish :(


I didn't have any patients scheduled for today, but now have one coming in the next hour ish when she's done with work. Bean came and put in an outlet for me up front near my desk so I can put my turtles there :clap My mom's kinda sick of having them :lol She's been stuck with them for about a year and a half! But there was no good place for them here as the outlets are kinda far and few between with just bad placements for a turtle tank :lol


My dad's job was offering MS Office 2013 for $10 so I got we did that over the phone. Since he doesn't have much use for it, he lets me get it :D Anyways, I downloaded it from the link it emails you and it's not working properly :eek So, I end up on the phone with MS customer support for 2 hours....without it fixed! Someone else will call me back tomorrow :sigh So I'm guessing that's the next level up the ladder :think In the meantime, the other girl removed my 2010 version so now I have none. I do still have the code for 2010 in my papers and can look it up if they can't fix it tomorrow to get that one back. When I asked her about it she was going to do it, but after 2 hours I just wanted to be done with it and I know that one works so I shouldn't have a problem to reinstall that. Anyways, the patient coming in tonight now is the one that works in IT :devil


During all of our downtime on the phone though I got a lot of papers/receipts filtered through for taxes :clap Not done yet and have some installment type financing payments to look up online for my account printouts.

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Stacy, thanks for reminding me to post a pic of the most recent gloves :yay It's not the best quality because I took it with my phone the other night :)  I think the pic makes her hands look oddly large for some reason, but they're not! :lol




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Hi, Sorry I haven't been on much.  My computer is overheating for some reason, so we don't keep it on all the time, like we used to. 


Got a headache, so I just want to say hi to everybody.  :hi 
Happy Thursday!

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