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Good morning!


Joanne, your dishcloth looks fabulous! WTG on finishing your first knitting project. :h5


Leeann, you tire me out with all you do! :lol The coffee shop sales sound wonderful. What kind of new lotions are you working on?


Marisa, looks like you had a great time for Ingrid's birthday! How wonderful of your client to help fix your Quick Books- you made a great exchange of services. :yes


Beth, good luck with the poncho. How are classes going for your inventions? My kidlets are off today. There is usually a parade in downtown LA, and since Mia is bugging to celebrate today, I thought we could make the trip down there. Well, since the inauguration was moved to today, the parade was held this past Saturday, so as not to draw attention away. :eek So we will probably just take a picnic to the park.


We had a rather relaxed weekend. On Saturday, we went to a friend's house. The mother and I watched a movie while the girls played. We watched Won't Back Down, which is about parents who try to take over a failing elementary school. It's interesting because the same thing is going on right now at a school here. Afterward, we went to McD's for dinner, which I don't eat, but the girls had gift cards. They were super excited. Yesterday, we puttered around all morning and went to the park in the afternoon. Dh and Mia returned around 7 p.m. Dh is walking much better. I think he may go out with his training group tomorrow night, too! (They have a group for walkers, also.)

Well, that's all the news from here. Going to clean up a little before deciding on plans for the day. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much here today. I slept in just a bit and then got up to the gym and am now at work. But, I don't have any patients today :lol Ingrid has an appointment in the city tonight at 5:30 so I said I'd go with her since she wasn't feeling up to going alone.


We had fun on Saturday and as for the pic on FB (well, it wasn't exactly her 25th :lol ) Yesterday was a lazy day and I didn't do much of anything. I finished up laundry and crocheted and watched the Hallmark channel in between flipping with the football games. BUT, found myself a little disinterested since I have very strong feeling against both Baltimore and NE (and they both couldn't lose). Meanwhile I don't have a particular love or hate for either SF or Atlanta. So, obviously now for the super bowl....I'll be rooting for SF :lol


LeeAnn - Did you end up getting your orders packaged? And what exactly are you making for your mom?


Joanne - Great job on your first knit project....you'll get a lot of miles out of your new dishcloth :clap


Beth - So glad to hear that you are finally feeling better :hug Can't wait to see pics of the poncho :yes

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Good morning!


Joanne, your dishcloth looks fabulous! WTG on finishing your first knitting project. :h5


Leeann, you tire me out with all you do! :lol The coffee shop sales sound wonderful. What kind of new lotions are you working on?


Marisa, looks like you had a great time for Ingrid's birthday! How wonderful of your client to help fix your Quick Books- you made a great exchange of services. :yes


Beth, good luck with the poncho. How are classes going for your inventions? My kidlets are off today. There is usually a parade in downtown LA, and since Mia is bugging to celebrate today, I thought we could make the trip down there. Well, since the inauguration was moved to today, the parade was held this past Saturday, so as not to draw attention away. :eek So we will probably just take a picnic to the park.


We had a rather relaxed weekend. On Saturday, we went to a friend's house. The mother and I watched a movie while the girls played. We watched Won't Back Down, which is about parents who try to take over a failing elementary school. It's interesting because the same thing is going on right now at a school here. Afterward, we went to McD's for dinner, which I don't eat, but the girls had gift cards. They were super excited. Yesterday, we puttered around all morning and went to the park in the afternoon. Dh and Mia returned around 7 p.m. Dh is walking much better. I think he may go out with his training group tomorrow night, too! (They have a group for walkers, also.)

Well, that's all the news from here. Going to clean up a little before deciding on plans for the day. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug


Good morning, we were posting at the same time :lol Glad you had a nice and relaxing weekend :yes Hoping dh does well with his training group :xfin

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HI all,


quick stop in this morning, before the Ville goes down and undergoes it's move to a new and improved forum.


Stacy- Sounds like you all had a wonderful weekend and glad to hear that hubby is feeling better. Love the term 'kidlets'!!!!


Marisa- Sounds like a nice Sunday- Hallmark and football! Love it! I'm torn- between Baltimore- with Ray Rice, a RU alum who I loved watching play- he brought such fun and prominence to RU football and the Niners who also has an RU alum. Friend at work is a Niners fan- Just glad I'm not the parents of the coaches!!! Couldn't bear to watch both sons coaching knowing one has to lose!


LeeAnn- Sounds like you have been quite busy with the house! Are you still trying to sell it?


Beth- So happy that you are starting to feel better! Looking forward to seeing pics of the finished poncho!


Will see you all when the new and improved Ville is back up in a couple of days!



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HI there friends!


Beth-thank you so very much for sending me the link, I still can't figure out how to get here.  But yes, change is good..I just don't like it. :blush


I have missed all of you terribly!  It was a rough week not being able to log on here and see what you all are up to.  I am glad that we are up and running.


How was everyone's week?


Joanne-has worked slowed down for you?  How's the knitting coming along?


Beth-did you start a new project?  what is it?


Stacy-how's everything going in your neck of the woods?  the family?


Marisa-Happy late Birthday my friend!  I bet you are 25..me too!  How did you spend your special day?


Still plugging away on those orders, the coffee shop was a hit!  I was invited to go back next week so that the other workers can see/buy some of my goodies.


I am thinking of creating a beeswax lotion..I have the supplies just haven't gotten around to it.  The family is doing well.  We are still trying to sell but are thinking of taking  it off the market..seems like we may just be stuck here for forever.  Oh, I finished a bag lady for my mom.  here's a pic if I can figure out how to upload it.


Hugs n squishes!  Missed all of you bunchers!

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Good morning!!!


Lots to learn here at the new and improved ville. Just found out that you can't use smileys or change font or color of text if you are in an iPad. Oh well. Donna is looking into the smileys. It's hard to find them the way they are in one long group without any rhyme or reason for order




LeeAnn. Work is still busy long hours. We are going through lots of testing right now and I worked again yesterday. Off today. And then back at it again tomorrow. You wot be at that house forever. We had ours listed a while ago maybe it was 2years ago? Took it off the market after a while. The time will be right I hope within the next couple of years to try again. The beeswax lotion sounds great and glad u had success at the coffee shop


Beth,Marisa and Stacy. Hope u are all doing well. I'm off to get some coffee. Will try to BBL

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Morning or should I say afternooon..ok..being honest here..I am not 100% liking these changes..I am a creature of habit..stll can't seem to navigate around here like I used to...How does one find things?  Hope you are all doing well!  Working on the bizz..the new lotions.


hugs n squishes!

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Hi ladies!!


I'm so happy to see you all again!  Although I have to say, I really don't like this new format.  :no   Oh, well.  It is what it is, and it will take some time to get used to.  :yes


Joanne, sorry to hear you are so busy in Paradise!  Yikes!  Have you had time to work on your knitting again?


Marisa, :birthday   Happy 25th birthday!  :wink  Any big plans?


Beth, how's it going?  What are the inventions up to?


Leeann, the beeswax lotion sounds wonderful!  I meant to ask you, have you made anything with coconut oil?  I have several friends who swear by it, but I wondered if it would be very greasy. WTG with the coffee shop success!  How are the kidlets?  Good luck with your decision about your home.  It must be a tough one to make. 


Let's see...dh went running one day last week and ended up hurting his knee, as well.  So the marathon is pretty much a no-go, but there is one happening in San Diego in June that they might run instead.  Dh is VERY disappointed...I think he mostly feels like he let down those who donated to the charity.  But the money all goes to a wonderful cause, no matter if he runs or not.  :shrug

This week has been rather uneventful.  We received the ENT referral, so tomorrow I will set an appointment. Mia is still complaining of ear pain, this time from both ears. So she will need more antibiotics before the ENT will do anything.  We were supposed to have a playdate on Friday, but both Isabella and her friend were sick.  The friend's mother texted me on Thursday night to ask if we can reschedule. 

Still no news on the job front.  I start classes next Monday.  I am scheduled for 4, but most of the times are not normally ones I would take, so I am going to speak with the professors to see if they have a different class I may be able to attend instead.  Most are usually accomodating, as long as they see that you actually are registered for one of their classes. 


Well, I think that's all the news from here.  I've just been cleaning and crocheting...trying to get a blanket finished up, and the scrubbies for my mom, before school starts back up. 

Love and hugs! 

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Hi Stacy!


I didn't know you were looking for a job? Did I miss something?- which of course is very possible! I've been trying to practice knitting 30 min a night- and so far so good. I'm enjoying the process, but the blanket that I started for my new grandson to be is sitting in the project bag untouched!! I did work on the Sunny Spread and may have that one done first! Who knows?


Did all my cleaning that is going to get done- just the absolute bare essentials---we still have dust bunnies and all that but it is what it is. I need some 'me' time, since it will be a busy week again.


I'm getting used to the new look- and I guess with all the change we've had at work with new systems and stuff, it really doesn't bother me.


Off to crochet for a bit---and of course do a few rows of knitting! LOL



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Hi.  I finally got on to the new 'ville, and I'm with LeeAnn, not my favorite.  I am sure we will adjust to it, and there are probably great changes in the background that will make it a much more enjoyable experience. 


I am still not 100% healthy.


My daughter wears the poncho/sweater that I made her all the time under a jacket (I keep the house cold, and her room is the worst.)  So I can't get any pictures.  I am happy with it, though, happy enough that I may be making my mom one for her birthday.  I don't know if I can finish it by Feb. 12, but I can try!


Joanne, so happy you are working on the knitting.  You will be flying through it in no time. 

LeeAnn, the new lotion sounds great.  Where do you get all your ideas?

Stacy, so sorry the hubby hurt his knee.  I hope the ENT appointment goes well, and your baby doesn't hurt any more.

Marisa, Happy Birthday (late.)  I hope you had a great time.


Oh, Stacy, I need another type of cookie.  I have made so many of the oatmeal peanut butter cookies for my son (just finished another batch.)  I hope you can help me think of something else he'll like as well.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I forgot to cut and paste the post I just wrote, so I'll do it again :lol


I did breeze through the posts but no notes since I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with the new look and changes.  It will take some getting used to, but by next week we won't even remember the old version :no  And hopefully after this initial check in my 'last unread post' button will not take me to 2010 posts :eek  I still need to read through the changes that Amy posted. 


Thank you all for the birthday wishes :ghug  It was a great weekend.  Saturday I went to a crochet group for the bridge project and then we had people over for Mexican night.  Everyone brought something different.  So we had tacos, tortilla soup, chips with guac, salsa, and con queso, margharitas and pina coladas :drool  My sister didn't tell them ahead of time it was my birthday (except the couple across the street) and just after midnight she told our one friend to have Ed start singing :lol  (he's the one I made the Harley ghan for last year) and then we had a shot :yes  We went through a whole bottle of Patron, plus some other good stuff :lol


Then yesterday I slept in, made some breakfast, walked to the coffee shop, and spent about 2 hours on the iPad with my nephews and niece....they are just sooo stinking cute :manyheart  The oldest and I had a little crochet session as well and he finally got the turning right to start the next row....he was so excited when it looked like mine he kept yelling YES and pumping his fists :lol  It was difficult getting him to do it right considering I could only tell him verbally and couldn't point to his work for him and although he was watching me, he was having trouble.


Went to the gym this morning and here I sit.  I don't have any patients scheduled for today but I have some things to get done....as always :lol


I hope you're all having a wonderful Monday :hug

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Ok, LeeAnn, this is what I did.  On the bottom of the page, there's the "More Reply Options" box.  I clicked it, and it took me to a different screen with a lot more options.  At the bottom of that box is a big paper clip with "Attach files" next to it.  I clicked the browse button, found the picture on my computer, clicked it twice, and this the "Attach this file" button.  Then I hit "Add Reply" and it posted.  I think.  At least on my computer.


Hugs to everybody!

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Good morning ladies :hi


It's early, but I have a patient either today or tomorrow and I couldn't remember which day because I somehow forgot to put the appt in my schedule! :eek:blush:oops  I can't believe it! I'm going to see my chiro later and then we'll have lunch.  We're going to Mad Mex since I still have my bday coupon to use that they sent me :yes  So it's a burrito for me today and they have great black bean soup :drool (oh Joanne, that's drool :lol )  I have the crochet group tonight here for the bridge project.  So it'll be a long day :yes  But Steph was in a crappy mood yesterday so I'm happy to keep out of the way :lol  There's a leak that we can't yet locate exactly, she's calling the builders today.  I don't know how long the warranty is on that sort of thing, but they've been there just over 3 years :think


Joanne - Hope the rest of the week flies by for you :xfin  (oh, that's xfin )


Beth - Great job on the sweater and of course dd is gorgeous, but where's her smile!? :wink

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Good afternoon ladies!  Lots of running today..went to the coffee shop to sell goodies, they are a great bunch of folks, it is right on main street..I have had tons of sales!  wooohoo!  I am scheduled to go back on Friday as they put in a few custom orders...must remember to take more product.


Beth-your sweater is lovely!  You did an amazing job on it.  Wooohooo!  My ds is not smiley in the morning either.  How are you feeling?


Marisa-hope your patient made it in today so that it will free up your time tomorrow.  A lunch burrito sounds delish. 


Joanne-I may just try knitting, do you think it is easier on the wrists?


Stacy-what kind of job are you looking for?  Hope your dd feels better soon.


Oh goodness!  Just noticed the time, gotta dash.  BBL!  Hugs n squishes!


Thank you dear Beth-attached are pictures of the bag lady that I had finished, the new clover soapies and the Baltimore Ravens soaps..still need to add them all to etsy..yikes!




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LeeAnn - I love the soaps and the bag lady :manyheart  My patient was today :clap  I really thought it was today.  My friend and I ended up going somewhere else to eat because she was craving their soup.  But, we're going to get our burrito tomorrow instead.  Which works well because all my patients are early in the day so I'll be done by then and can have an afternoon margherita :clap:lol


Beth - That made me chuckle about dd in the morning :lol

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Good morning!


Beth- Love the sweater!!! You did a great job on it :yay


Marisa- Have a great day---and a margarita in the afternoon sounds wonderful! Of course I'll be slaving away in Paradise--but will be thinking of you- have a few sips for me!


LeeAnn- Your soapies are so cute! And I love the bag lady. I can't really comment on whether knitting is easier on the wrists, because my wrists don't bother me when I crochet. It's different movements, though, so if your wrists do bother you, I think switching between the two crafts would be good. But then again, when will you have time to knit? You seem very, very busy (which is a good thing) with your soapies, lotions and potions!!!


Stacy- Have you started the new semester yet? How's DH feeling? How did the ENT apptointment go? Are they going to put tubes back in her?


Off to get ready ---it's very foggy out this morning-wierd weather - 9 degrees last week, today supposed to be almost 60 I think- then cold front moves in with wind/thunderstorms...crazy......


Have a good day :hug

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It is so pretty outside today.  I am loving the sunshine and the spring temperatures.  Too bad that won't last, but it is still January. 


Joanne, How are the baby blankets coming along?

Marisa, Very cool that you get to go two places.  Enjoy your margherita. 

LeeAnn, your pics are awesome.  Great job as always.  So glad I could help with posting pictures.

Stacy, I hope things are going well for you.  Does school start back soon?  How many classes are you taking this semester? 


Well, I got on-line to check out the recipe I'm making for dinner, and got side-tracked.  I hope you all have a good day.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here.  I'm waiting for a paitent to get here now.  We had a couple new people at our bridge group last night and tonight is the community leaders meeting so will be there later on.


Joanne - Our weather is like yours....single digits last week, 66 on my way to work this morning and supposed to drop through the day and night with snow for tomorrow :eek  I just wish it'd make up it's mind and just go in one direction whatever that may be.  All this up and down is why everyone is sick and unable to get rid of it :(  I'll be thinking of you while I'm in 'my paradise' this afternoon with my margarita :wink:devil


Beth - Oooo, what recipe were you looking for??  Enjoy the temps while you can :yes

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Good afternoon!


Leeann, your soapies and bag lady all look wonderful!  I was secretly wondering what  bag lady was...so I'm glad you shared the pic.  LoL  What are the kiddos up to these days?


Marisa, is today's patient the one you were sure of for the day?  Enjoy that margarita!  I haven't had one in ages.  Have fun at your group tonight.


Beth, cookies ideas, hmm?  Well, I do make a peanut butter one that is 1 c. each of peanut butter and sugar, and 1 egg.  Mix together, shape into balls, press down with a fork, and bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes.  They're kind of fun because you can add chocolate chips, M&M's, raisins, chopped pb cups...Oh!  I don't know how your ds feels about cereal treats, but here's a good one...I used honey, dried cranberries, and peanuts (but only about 1 cup.)  They're pretty yummy.  Oh, and if you use cocoa powder, no-bake cookies are one of our favorites, too.
You did a great job on dd's sweater.  Her never taking it off is a testament to that, I'd say.  LoL 


Joanne, I'm happy to hear you are getting some "me" time, despite your hectic work weeks!  What a great idea to practice knitting 30 minutes per day.  :yes  Can't wait to see those blankets once they are finished!


I start back to school on Tuesday.  Right now, I am registered for 4 classes, which is full-time.  I will probably drop one (history, which I don't really need) and see about switching one to an online course.  Regarding the work situation...I'm secretly not looking *too* hard.  :reyes   Mostly because trying to give a potential employer an availablility which works around a spouse's work schedule, 2 college schedules, and the girls' school schedule is never really a popular selling point.  Eva is still too young for the before- and after-school programs (so no dropping off early or picking up late) and working part-time will basically only pay for daycare...which is kind of pointless.  I've applied to out-of-the-way jobs, such as dog walker/pet sitter, tutor, and an assistant crochet instructor for a local shop.  None of them pay that well, but they are all things I can do with the time I have. 


Let's see...as for Mia...her ENT scheduled another hearing evaluation, and based on those results, we will schedule an appointment to schedule the surgery.  He told me, "Well, depending on what it shows, we will take her adenoids out this time."  I was like- ummm...you did that last time.  He actually looked confused, which is never a good sign on a surgeon.  So I asked him to check her chart.  And sure enough, they have already been removed.  So probably we won't have an idea about surgery for another month or so. 


Dh went cycling the other day and says he now has zero knee pain, but the muscle in the back of his leg is still in pain.  He was offered a position on the half-marathon relay team, which I don't think he should take.  But he is considering it.  we will know more about that by the end of the week, which is the last day to register.


Well, I need to go pick up the girls.  Love and hugs!

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Good morning,

Stacy, thanks for the ideas for the cookies.  I will definitely try them out. I've actually made the peanut butter cookies for wedding rehearsal dinners and a funeral that I attended (mostly so there'd be something I could eat at them.)  I haven't had the no-bake cookies turn out with the gluten free oats ever.  I think they need quick-cooking oats.  I will most definitely check out the other recipe!  I doubt that there is anything out there that my son will like as much as the oatmeal peanut butter cookies, though. 


I'm so glad your hubby's knee is better.  I hope the back of the leg heals quickly, too.  I hope Mia's ENT figures out what needs done, and takes care of your baby girl soon.  I understand what you feel about job hunting with busy schedules to coordinate. 


Marisa, yesterday I made a clone of P.F. Chang's Mongolian Beef.  http://www.food.com/recipe/p-f-changs-mongolian-beef-66121 It was easy, and quite good.  Probably not overly healthy.  I didn't realize it was fried until I was actually making it.  Today I am trying something my boys should love.  http://www.food.com/recipe/bacon-explosion-353308


Joanne, happy Almost Friday to you!  Will you have to work this weekend?  Will you get to see Ryan?  How is your dd doing with her pregnancy?  How are the baby blankets coming along?


LeeAnn, What's going on?  How is your weather?  Are you busy with Valentine sales yet?

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