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Hello friends!


Marisa-love the mittens, gloves and the panels. Great work! How did your lunch go? Hope it was relaxing and yummy at the same time.


Joann-so glad that you were able to make it to craft night. So happy that you can knit and purl ?


Beth-how's it going? I am sure you are working on something wonderful.


Stacy-your dd did an amazing job on her project☺


I'm still keeping busy, trying to get all if my tax info ready for an accountant it's just too much for me to handle. Will try to post more this evening seems like I always have something going on. Hugs n squishes!

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:hi friends!


Leeann, good luck getting all of your tax stuff together! I did ours last year (but of course, it was rather easy since we don't have a business :lol) and was so proud of myself! How are the kiddos doing?


Marisa, :hug:hug:hug I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt's brother. He was young- hope they can find out what happened. I love your mittens, gloves, and panel! The panel is so cheery. :yes How was the luncheon?


Joanne, glad to hear you made it to craft club, and that you can knit and purl! That is exciting!


Beth, what's shakin' in VA? :hug:hug:hug Hope you are feeling better by now!


The marathon is on March 6 or sometime close to that date. Dh is feeling a bit better, he can at least walk without holding onto something for support. I think he will be ready to run again by this weekend. :yes

Mia had an appointment with the doctor today because her ear has been hurting. Well, the doctor took one look and said that her ear tube had fallen out- it was lying in her lower ear canal. :eek So the doctor scraped it out and prescribed antibiotics. We need to set an appointment now with the ENT, to see if he will replace it. Based on how quickly she got an infection once it fell out, though, the chances are good that he will want to set another one. :sigh My poor girl. I thought she was sounding congested again, but figured it was just with all the crud going around.

I'm going to scoot and work on the afghan. I should make some scrubbies, too...but just want to do some mindless :hook tonight. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,

Well, returned to work Tuesday and we are going to be super busy for the next 2 wks. Didn't get home till 7:15-7:30 Tues/Wed and more of the same tonight. Oh, well.....


I got the flu shot at work yesterday- they offer it free every year in Oct/Nov and I was off the day they did it then. They were having them yesterday again so I got mine. I went to sleep last night at 9:30- I was so tired- probably a combo of working long hours and the flu shot. But I feel better this morning- just a little arm soreness to be expected.


Marisa- so sorry to hear about your godmother's brother!:hug On the lighter side, though I love all your projects and the Knit-A Bridge is going to be so cool. Can't wait to see pics of it all put together when it's time!


Stacy- Oh, poor Mia!!!:hug Good thing you took her to the doctor and I wouldn't be surprised if the ENT wants to put the tubes back in since she got an ear infection so soon after the tube fell out:hug Glad to hear that DH's pink eye is under control and that he may be able to start running this weekend! I know that not being able to do much physically is hard on my bro- and I keep telling him- all in good time- you'll be better than new! Loved the mission proj you posted on FB- she did a great job!!!!


LeeAnn- Good luck with gathering all the tax stuff. We are using an accountant for the first time this year. DH usually did it, but decided this year to use an accountant. He likes the one he found through a mutual friend. Love your 'sweet' soaps!


Beth- How's things going this semester with your inventions? Are they enjoying their classes? One of my younger co-workers returned to school this week to get her master's and she said she loves being back at school Curious to see how she feels when the workload kicks in and she's working full time ;)


Off I go to get ready for another long day! Hugs to all!:hug



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Top of the morning friends!


Stacy-oh my gosh! your poor dd, ear infections are so painful. Hope she feels relief soon. And your dh, he's had a rough time. Did you get your hooky time in?


Joanne-thank you for the compliment on the soapies, I was trying this new Instagram app, I'm not sure what I am doing, but am learning. There is soo much in terms of media that I am learning more and more..the promoting of my shop is never done. Yikes! Those are late hours. Wish it would slow down for you. Staying extra adds up as far as hours wise.


Beth-missing you!


Marisa-what's on the agenda for the day? I worked out yesterday. Thought of you. :D


Dh used to do our taxes but with the bus, it's a lot of itemizing..I wish I would have been better at keeping receipts..I am in a world of frantic..having to dig up lots of paper work.


Best get to work, I have lots to do today. here's a sneak peak at the new Green Bay Packers Football soapies that I made for a dear friend. I will be staring the new soapies today, while they are setting, orders to fill, paperwork...Oh but the joys of being home!


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here today, but I do have the PYP event tonight.


Thanks for all your compliments and condolances :hug


LeeAnn - Lunch was great and I still have to round up my tax stuff too. I used to do my own...pre-business as well :lol I think you forgot the attachment for the Packers soapies :oops


Stacy - :eek Oh wow, poor Mia :hug Good thing you took her to the doc! Prayers for dh to get up and running soon :xfin


Joanne - I've never gotten a flu shot, but good idea to get it :yes Hopefully work isn't too hectic for you today :xfin


Beth - Hope you're having a great day :wink

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Leeann, your soapies are so cute!! :manyheart You make such beautiful things. :yes Good luck getting your tax stuff in order!


Joanne, sorry to hear about all of the late nights. How is your brother doing? It must be frustrating to not be up and walking around as he is used to. But like you said, all in good time. Hope your arm soreness clears up soon. My SIL (the nurse) had to get the flu shot, and she actually had an allergic reaction this year! So I'm not sure what she will do in the future, as she works in the ICU.


Beth, how is the new semester going?


Marisa, have fun at the PYP event.


Mia is on Augmentin, and it makes me gag when I have to give it to her (bad memories from childhood) and she begged to get some juice today for after she takes it. So I have to run out to the store a little later. I spoke with her teacher this morning, who did say that Mia seemed to have difficulty hearing in class. She was appreciative about keeping her informed. It's funny- I didn't really like her in the beginning of the year, but after the conference we kind of clicked. :yes

My dh is walking much more normally today! :clap He is going to see his brother this weekend with my IL's (they are dropping off their old car to him, since SIL takes the truck to work) and I was worried about him driving. But I think he will be fine. Mia is also going, she is super-excited. I am planning to take the other two skating on Saturday, to keep them occupied.

Well, I think that's all the news from here. I had planned to clean up the girls' room today, but now I don't know. So many things that need to be done, and I feel overwhelmed just thinking about it! :eek

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HI all and Happy FRIDAY!!!! TGIF!!!!


I may have to work sometime this weekend. Last night I worked on the baby blanket and tonight hope to practice a little knitting.


I won a giveaway that was hosted by the Ville and Annies' crochet and the package was waiting for me yesterday- a lovely skein of Noro yarn and a pattern book, Fashions to flaunt with some really pretty patterns. It was such a nice surprise to come home to!


Hope you all have a great day!

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Leeann, your soapies are so cute!! :manyheart You make such beautiful things. :yes Good luck getting your tax stuff in order!


Joanne, sorry to hear about all of the late nights. How is your brother doing? It must be frustrating to not be up and walking around as he is used to. But like you said, all in good time. Hope your arm soreness clears up soon. My SIL (the nurse) had to get the flu shot, and she actually had an allergic reaction this year! So I'm not sure what she will do in the future, as she works in the ICU.


Beth, how is the new semester going?


Marisa, have fun at the PYP event.


Mia is on Augmentin, and it makes me gag when I have to give it to her (bad memories from childhood) and she begged to get some juice today for after she takes it. So I have to run out to the store a little later. I spoke with her teacher this morning, who did say that Mia seemed to have difficulty hearing in class. She was appreciative about keeping her informed. It's funny- I didn't really like her in the beginning of the year, but after the conference we kind of clicked. :yes

My dh is walking much more normally today! :clap He is going to see his brother this weekend with my IL's (they are dropping off their old car to him, since SIL takes the truck to work) and I was worried about him driving. But I think he will be fine. Mia is also going, she is super-excited. I am planning to take the other two skating on Saturday, to keep them occupied.

Well, I think that's all the news from here. I had planned to clean up the girls' room today, but now I don't know. So many things that need to be done, and I feel overwhelmed just thinking about it! :eek

Glad to hear everyone is on the mend :hug

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HI all and Happy FRIDAY!!!! TGIF!!!!


I may have to work sometime this weekend. Last night I worked on the baby blanket and tonight hope to practice a little knitting.


I won a giveaway that was hosted by the Ville and Annies' crochet and the package was waiting for me yesterday- a lovely skein of Noro yarn and a pattern book, Fashions to flaunt with some really pretty patterns. It was such a nice surprise to come home to!


Hope you all have a great day!



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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I read through the posts, but didn't jot down notes. My Quick Books stopped working and I spent yesterday uninstalling and reinstalling several times but to no avail :( Oh well, now I need a new financing/accounting software. I didn't like Quick Books to start with and their customer services surely doesn't leave much to be desired, so :shrug I'm spending today searching online for other programs, preferably not owned by the same company that runs Quick Books :xfin I do have a patient scheduled this afternoon that works with computers, so I'll ask her opinion on the issue.

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Good morning!


Joanne, congrats on winning the giveaway! How fun to come home to a package waiting for you. :yes Enjoy your knitting.


Marisa, Leeann, Beth, :hug:hug:hug Happy Friday!


Eva was sick with tummy troubles last night, so I kept her home today, even though she seems to feel better. After we dropped off the other two, we ran to Target to return a movie (duplicate from Christmas) and get a few groceries. I made peanut butter brownies for dessert tonight. Of course, I had to taste one, to make sure they were up to par for everyone else. :lol

Yesterday, I cleaned the girls' room and sorted all of the toys/dress-up clothes/miscellaneous stuff in their closet. Got rid of 4 bags of stuff! And 1 bag of trash. There is still lots more to do, but I figure maybe that can be done over the weekend. :think We have been sucked into the show Whale Wars, and watched that for an hour last night while working on my newest 'ghan. It is pretty mindless once you get used to the repeats.


I'm going to scoot. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi, sorry I've been missing. I've been sick, trying to keep things going in the house, but just so tired. My friend convinced me to get to the doc... I went today. I'm on antibiotics, steroids, and a really good cough medicine.


I took my first dose, so I'm feeling a little inebriated.


Joanne, you certainly work a lot of hours. I'm so proud of you, knitting and purling. How are the baby afghans coming along, with all those hours you're working? Congrats on winning. How nice to come home to a package.


Stacy, I hope everyone is doing better in your house. I'm glad your hubby is mending so well. It is nice to be young.


Marisa, I'm so sorry about the death in your family. He was so young. I can't imagine how his mother must feel. I'm also sorry to hear about your accounting program. I hope you find something that just clicks for you. Your projects are all great. I love the gloves and mittens, and the bridge panels are amazing. What a lot of effort from a lot of people.


LeeAnn, love your soaps. I think it's a great idea to get someone to help with the taxes. It must be very confusing with the business -- so many rules.


Sorry if I forgot anything. I'm going to cuddle up under something I crocheted and take a nap, with or without a cat.

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I am liking this cough medicine but I sure can't drive after I've taken it. I dozed from 6 (when I took it) til 10:30 when I went to bed, then slept soundly until the dog woke me up getting sick on the carpet.


Well, I hope you are all well, and have a fun weekend. :hug to you all!

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Beth - So glad you went to the doc and are on meds. You start feeling better soon! Many hugs!!!! Lots of people at work have been getting sick- and I'm trying to steer clear of them! Lots of hand sanitizer and hand washing being done!!!


Stacy- Hope that Eva is feeling better. Is DH going to attempt running today? Good for you getting the girls closets done- that is always such a project--speaking from someone who also had 3 girls- been there, done that- LOL


Marisa- Hope you are able to find an alternative to Quicken! How frustrating!


LeeAnn- It must be so nice to be able to stay home and craft!! Sure beats going out to work every day---will you still be doing the migrant program?


I have to go into work this afternoon for a few hours, so I"ve been getting a jump on my cleaning and laundry so that Sunday is a day of relaxation---football, crocheting/knitting! Tonight I'm babysitting for Ryan so looking forward to that. Have a good day everyone!

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I am liking this cough medicine but I sure can't drive after I've taken it. I dozed from 6 (when I took it) til 10:30 when I went to bed, then slept soundly until the dog woke me up getting sick on the carpet.


Well, I hope you are all well, and have a fun weekend. :hug to you all!

Sleep and rest will help you heal quicker....sorry that the dog got sick though!:hugLast week when I was babysitting Ryan and we were outside a few hours, the dog must have eaten something she shouldn't have outside because a few hours later, she got sick a few times. Thankfully, DD had gotten home so I tended to Ryan while she tended to the dog!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I had a patient this morning. And one last night, who fixed my Quick Books for me :clap:yay She works with computers so I 'casually' mentioned my problem and she offered to look at it. It wasn't necessarily a quick fix and she was able to locate the issue doing some things that I've never seen before....but she talked me through what she was doing so next time I might be able to find where the problem is coming from. So, her next treatment is on me :yes I wasn't going to let her pay for yesterday, but then she asked to pay and then the next one would be on me so I said sure :yes


Tonight we're going out to the casino for Ingrid's birthday, which was yesterday :clap Looking forward to it and it's nearby to Steph's house. And she has one of her co-workers coming to the house to babysit Averie and Sloan and 2 other kids of another couple that are coming with us. So there will be 5 kids running Steph's house tonight :eek:lol (The 5th belongs to the babysitter) But they are all good kids and generally play very well together, so I don't foresee any problems :no


Beth - My mom said they're listing the death as a heart attack, although the family opted not to have an autopsy done. She also said that his mother is confused....she already has Alzeihmer's going on and that might actually be a little blessing in this situation for her :think:shrug But the father is blaming himself because he was yelling at him to get up to come eat and hadn't gone to check on him sooner. He's been staying with his parents for the past 2 years helping out and such, but I think was working overnights so usually slept during the day :think And he really was an absolute sweetheart :manyheart My parents said the viewing was PACKED last night. My dad drove to the airport in Philly yesterday to pick up my cousin (the one that's currently stationed in Kuwait) to help out so the immediate family wouldn't have to worry about it since it's a 2 hour trip each way. Oh boy, now I'm rambling :blush I do hope you're feeling better now :hug :hug

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Happy Sunday friends!


Beth-feel better soon friend:hug:hug:hug is anyone else in your house sick? Seems like it runs its course but it sure is the pits.


Joanne-oh my! You had to work on Saturday, hope that it flew by for you and that you were home before you knew it. How's the knitting coming along? I have such a hard time with it, just seems so foreign to me.


Marisa-so sorry to hear about your cousin, :hug:hugSounds like you had a fabulous time out! wooohooo!


Stacy-how are things in your neck of the woods? how's the ghan coming along?


I have been busy cleaning. We bought a new mattress for our bed-hopefully that will help dh with his shoulder. Yesterday we shampooed the carpet, dusted, rearranged and washed the walls..whew! Next weekend we will start on dd's room.


Today I am crocheting. My mom wants 2 bag ladies..so I am slowly whipping them up. Haven't worked on the bizz but know that I should. I have a few orders to package up, some to make and new lotions that I need to create. I have a friend that asked if I could take some of my goodies to her work-a coffee shop on Tuesday...:devil coffee and sharing my products, I am THERE!


off to help dd with her room. Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! hugs n squishes!

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Hi there-

Busy day yesterday at work--oh my---today was spent grocery shopping, catching up on cleaning, changing sheets, and finally sitting down to knit and watch football. Finished the first dishcloth and although it's got mistakes, I know what the mistakes are and I'm getting better. And really, it IS ONLY a dishcloth! :lol


Sorry about the poor picture quality- the lighting is awful and I was trying to turn off the flash and use micro digital and couldn't figure out how to turn off the flash- :think


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Joanne, congrats on finishing your first knitting project! Great work. I am really proud of you.


LeeAnn, you are welcome to come to my house and clean, when you are done with yours. I hope the new matress helps your hubby. The coffee shop "gig" sounds great. I hope you have a lot of fun with it.


Marisa, I'm so glad you got your quick books fixed! How nice of the patient to do that for you. The pics on FaceBook look like you had a great time at Ingrid's birthday. I feel sorry for the father who lost his son, and feels guilty about it. That is such a burden to bear.


Stacy, How is your hubby doing? Are the girls off school today? Everybody is off here today, except my son the lifeguard.


I am feeling a lot better. I have been working on the sleeved poncho I am trying to make forr my dd. It is coming along.

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