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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-prayers for a speedy recovery for your brother. Did you get any hook time in last night? Will Paradise be slowing down for you anytime soon?


Beth-my ds can act like a 2 year old at times.:lol He's actually grounded..not that I like being strict. But he asked to go somewhere after school yesterday. I said of course, but decided to stop and give him some spending cash..well he wasn't where he was supposed to be and lied about it...so...he's upset with me today..but I knew he was lying and let him hang himself...so to speak. When I couldn't find him, I knew he wasn't telling the truth but I let him go on and on..little stinker! Are you tired today from all your business yesterday?


Stacy-no carbs? yikes! I don't know if I could do that..I love bread. What is your dh eating? Meats, veggies? Congratulations on the new furry friend. What is her/his name?


Marisa-how fun to network and meet others in your field. What's on the agenda for the day? How sweet that your dad wakes you up. :manyheart Any new patients? I wish you lived closer, my dh can use a good chiro..he has "locked shoulder syndrome" poor guy, some days he can not raise his arm at all.


Thank you all for the compliments on the Super Bouncy Balls. They were so much fun to create. The first thing I did was make lots of tinier balls in different colors. Then I mixed 4 different colors of soap separately. Glitter, clear, white pearl, and copper. After that, it was a matter of layering and pouring. I have a sphere soap mold that I put the little balls into, then layered soap. I am going to create more today..want to blog about the process. I really find that I want to toss one..sounds silly but they look so realistic.


I have a new Valentine mold that came in, do you think it's too late to create Valentine soapies?


Best get my chores done, since I did lots of cleaning yesterday I just have morning dishes and dusting. Hugs n squishes!


Oh boy, ds is getting to the age :eek


I know a good chiro in Golden and one in Colorado Springs....not sure where either of those are in relation to you. But if either spot works for you, let me know and I can give you their info if you're interested :yes

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Good morning!


Leeann, yikes @ your ds not being where he was supposed to. I'm sure it was a bit scary to find out he was not there. Your bouncy ball soaps are so cute and fun! I kinda thought it would be fun to throw one, too. :lol Valentine's goodies are still a nice idea. You still have time!


Marisa, glad your dinner went well. It must be interesting to hear what others learned from different schools. :yes


Joanne, :xfin that Paradise doesn't keep you too long. Are you working on a new project? Or a different phase of the previous project? Good luck getting to see your brother next weekend.


Beth, our fur-baby's name is Sky. It was supposed to be short for Skylar, but Mia kept saying it so Isabella just shortened it to Sky. :rolleyes The hamster was badly neglected. We got her from Mia's friend; the outside of the cage was caked with dirt, and the bedding was filthy. The mother admitted that she couldn't remember the last time she changed it. :eek She bites when we put our hands up to the cage, but not if I put my hand inside. :think We got the cage all cleaned up last night, with fresh bedding/food/water (well I did, I didn't want the girls to touch all that hamster poop.) I am working on hand-feeding/taming her while the girls are at school, so she is not overwhelmed. Hopefully, she will be ready to play soon.


Let's see...I made it to the Apple store this morning. But since Mia's iPad is engraved, I have to call Apple support and send it in anyway. We will be without it for a couple weeks. I had told her that may happen though; she was a good sport about it.

Eva had a fit this morning about eating pancakes. :thair Every day, it's something new, even foods she has eaten for most of her life. But she ended up eating 2 flax-apple-carrot muffins I had made yesterday! I almost :faint!! It is such a challenge to come up with meals for this crew. Leeann, I think you asked...last night, for example, I made chicken coconut curry, with cauliflower "rice." The rice turned out pretty good, if I may say so. :yes BUT since Mia is allergic to coconut, I just cooked up some seasoned chicken breast and carrots for the girls. There is no way I can live without my carbs, so they won't be cut out completely. :lol I'm just trying to replace the unhealthy "white" ones with whole grains (or veggies, when possible.)


Well, I think that's all for now. Dh is working late, so I still have some time to :hook before I actually HAVE to clean. :rofl Love and hugs!!

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Hi all,

Great soapies LeeAnn- you are truly very creative. The valentines soaps on FB are really cute!!!

Hope your DH feels better.

Stacy- Good luck with the new hamster, Sky- and I'm sure Isabella is over the moon excited! Good to know about engraved apple products having to go back to Apple. If it wasn't engraved, would they have just fixed it at the store?


Marisa- My brother lives in Exton- the exit past Valley Forge on the Pa Tpk! He's home now and is on strict restrictions- I know he is going to have a tough time being still!!! But in the long run- so worth it!


Beth- We are still working on the project- there were a few little glitches that we are tweaking now and then on to phase 2......projects always seem to drag on longer then the original schedule! UGH!


Here's to a good Thursday! Cheers!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I had a Chamber of Commerce meeting this morning, then stopped by the market on my way to the office from there. Now am waiting for a patient.


I just talked to my mom. SIL and the kids left yesterday to go back to Az. It did not end well!!! They did see them anymore since the Friday after we left to come back to Pitt. At least not until they drove them to the airport. Well, my dad left SIL have it and they both let my brother have it, my sister included. My dad also let him know that I blocked his # so if he tried to contact me, I just don't know and I've decided life is so much better and less stressful that way. Anyhow, their van got repo'd! So that's when the s*** hit the fan. It happened because he couldn't make the payment last week and he didn't think they'd take the van. So, last week it would cost my parents $300 to help with the van payment. This week it's costing my parents and sister $8000 to get it back. And the only reason they are is because he's supposed to start a new job Monday overnights with the Post Office and the buses there don't run all night. So, I'm pretty sure he knows I'm broke and didn't try to get me. But after my parents told him they don't have that much just lying around he texted my sister!!! So she really layed into him with all his shennanigans. And I'll just leave it there, otherwise it will be bad :(


On the upside, I'm close to finishing my Knit the Bridge panel and will make another. I'd like to do up 2 more yet, but we'll see if that's in the cards :think


I skimmed the posts while on the phone with my mom and of course did not retain anything I read :sigh So, I hope I didn't miss anything important. But, I'll go through it again a bit later on after my patients.

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Hiya friends!


Marisa-:hug:hug:hug I know how difficult it can be in situations with family members. Hope your brother knows how much you all love him and only want the best for him.


Beth-how's it going? Are you feeling better? Sure hope so.


Joanne-the weekend is almost here, any big plans?


Stacy-did you start classes? wasn't sure..:think


I have been busy as a bee. I had a custom order for 60 bottles of the champagne bubble bath in French Vanilla. I mixed and mixed and measure and mixed some more..they are all done...now have to seal them, create labels, label, and then the last step add the foil..but had to take a break.


Also have a few orders for the Sweet Heart Soaps..:cheer:clap


going to sit and do nothing..sshh don't tell anyone.


hugs n squishes!

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Marisa, :hug :hug :hug so sorry the brother and family are causing everyone such grief. Did you knit the panel for the bridge, or crochet?


Joanne, happy almost Friday to you. It makes sense that tweaking and debugging would go with a new system. Is Phase 2 close enough to Phase 1 that the improvements you are making on #1 will apply to #2?


LeeAnn, congrats on the big order. that is really cool. Nice that you can walk to work, too. LOL.


Stacy, how is life with Sky going? Is Eva adjusting to school any better? I'll bet she'd prefer to be home with her mama. Who wouldn't?


I am feeling better, but still coughing a lot. I've only felt "sick" a couple of days, so it hasn't been a bad cold, but I'd just like to get some energy back. The kids' schedules are resolving themselves rather nicely. I won't be doing most of the driving back and forth to college, but I will be spending most of my days with no car. Think I'd get more housework done, but I haven't seen that happeninng yet. It also makes running to the store for bread or milk a little more challenging. Oh well. I will adjust.

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Quick fly by---Happy FRIDAY!!!! Yipee!!!


to answer your question Beth- yes, phase 1 changes will apply to phase 2---but I'm starting to feel like this is the never ending project! LOL.....but I have a job- and great co-workers--so can't complain!


Hugs to ALL!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I slept in this morning and then went to the gym. Stopped at Sheetz on my way in for a lunchtime breakfast sandwich :lol because I was just being lazy and didn't feel like putting anything together, plus I had a coupon :yes


Nothing going on today and the patient I had scheduled for today popped in yesterday afternoon in the hopes that I wasn't busy to be seen then instead since there were computer problems at work and she left early knowing that she'd have to make it up today when the computers should be working well again.


I do have a patient scheduled tomorrow morning and then am going shopping with Steph.


LeeAnn - Who knows with my bro, but my mom told the oldest to remember that whatever happens that they do and will always love him very much and he very seriously answered her that he knows that. He's 8 so he's old enough to remember things weren't always like they are now, and also is able to pinpoint the change when things "started to get like this". It just breaks my heart. I'm already stressing about calling next week for the youngest ones 3rd birthday :eek I saw your pic on fb of the bottles, great job! :clap:yay


Beth - I'm crocheting my panels....if I knitted them, they surely wouldn't be done in time :eek:lol I'm a very slow knitter, I guess because I just don't do it often :think But even with this projects, we've swayed quite a few knitters into crocheting just because it does work up quickly :yes Glad the kids are working through their schedules, and I personally would think that you'd have more time to crochet and dismiss the housework idea :devil


Joanne - You've got the right mind frame. You work with great people and that can make or break any job in my opinion :yes Hope the days goes well for you :hug

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Good afternoon friends!


Marisa-before I tell forget to tell ya. Thank you for the offer for a chiro in Golden or Co. Springs. both are about 4 hours from us. Dh went in and had them give him a shot, he said the shot hurt but he is feeling a teeny tiny bit of relief. You are right, your nephews will remember what is going on, why they get older they may even hold a grudge against their parents for being so silly.


Joanne-Positive thinking! WTG! I bet it is almost over for you. woohoo!


Beth-more crocheting and less cleaning always sounds appealing, except for I can never crochet in peace when I know I am really behind on housework...well sometimes I can. :devil


Stacy-how's it going?


I am here at our local library. Dh invited me out to lunch, couldn't pass it up. I packaged up the bubble bath and am now praying and hoping that they get their safely. I have had issues with them being delivered in a state of messiness..oh my gosh! I insured them as well...but it still freaks me out a bit.


This morning I also packaged up another set of the Sweet Tart soaps-sold two of them on FB. I delivered them after lunch. whew!


I have 3 more soap orders to fill, I am taking a small break until this evening when I can pour and create without interruptions.


Dh had an idea to create football soaps in team colors, I don't know anything about football....so thought I would ask you all...what team colors are happening? I started a set in Denver Bronco colors but the blue wasn't bright enough, will re-do them and then share a pic.


best get to work promoting. Hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon friends!


Marisa-before I tell forget to tell ya. Thank you for the offer for a chiro in Golden or Co. Springs. both are about 4 hours from us. Dh went in and had them give him a shot, he said the shot hurt but he is feeling a teeny tiny bit of relief. You are right, your nephews will remember what is going on, why they get older they may even hold a grudge against their parents for being so silly.


I am here at our local library. Dh invited me out to lunch, couldn't pass it up. I packaged up the bubble bath and am now praying and hoping that they get their safely. I have had issues with them being delivered in a state of messiness..oh my gosh! I insured them as well...but it still freaks me out a bit.


This morning I also packaged up another set of the Sweet Tart soaps-sold two of them on FB. I delivered them after lunch. whew!


I have 3 more soap orders to fill, I am taking a small break until this evening when I can pour and create without interruptions.


Dh had an idea to create football soaps in team colors, I don't know anything about football....so thought I would ask you all...what team colors are happening? I started a set in Denver Bronco colors but the blue wasn't bright enough, will re-do them and then share a pic.


best get to work promoting. Hugs n squishes!


You're right about that. Well, if you ever do need a chiro, I can ask them if they know anyone in your area they might be able to recommend.


I love the football idea. Of course here in Pittsburgh, it's black and gold. Philadelphia is a greenish tealish color and silver. But if you were trying to do them up this season, I'd go with the teams that are still if the running so far. So, if Denver happens to beat Baltimore tomorrow...that could be great for you given your location. I will be rooting for Denver, but am not sure how high my hopes are :sigh There's also GreenBay/San Fran; Seatle/Atlanta; and Houston/New England But of course, after this weekend 4 of them will be eliminated :yes

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You're right about that. Well, if you ever do need a chiro, I can ask them if they know anyone in your area they might be able to recommend.


I love the football idea. Of course here in Pittsburgh, it's black and gold. Philadelphia is a greenish tealish color and silver. But if you were trying to do them up this season, I'd go with the teams that are still if the running so far. So, if Denver happens to beat Baltimore tomorrow...that could be great for you given your location. I will be rooting for Denver, but am not sure how high my hopes are :sigh There's also GreenBay/San Fran; Seatle/Atlanta; and Houston/New England But of course, after this weekend 4 of them will be eliminated :yes

:lol Marisa beat me to the answers- of course let's not forget the NY Giants (royal blue, red and white--but they are not in the running for anything this year. But it would be great to get a bunch of teams done for the start of football season next fall! I think DH is on to something!!!


Marisa- I was also wondering if you were knitting or crocheting. Makes more sense to crochet --it is definitely faster! Speaking of knitting- I knit a little last night- I really want to make different things- but first love will always be crochet!


Beth- Crochet always wins over cleaning (except tomorrow morning it won't because i really HAVE to clean)


Stacy- How's Sky doing? Do you go back next week? or is it Feb 1?

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Happy Weekend! I'm sitting listening to my coffee pot sing it's happy song, reading what you are up to.


Joanne, I'm sure cleaning will go by quickly for you, and you will get some r and r time. Will you get to see Ryan soon? How is your dd feeling with the new one on the way?


LeeAnn, my sister drowns herself in Pittsburgh Steeler colors all year round. You may want to check out the colors of the local universities, too. Maybe do basketballs as well as footballs for that. Don't know if you want to use many colors from teams on the East Coast, unless you think they'll sell better on Etsy than in person...


Marisa, Are you going to have another busy weekend? How are the texting gloves coming along?


Stacy, what fun things are the girls up to? Try any good recipes lately?

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Happy Weekend! I'm sitting listening to my coffee pot sing it's happy song, reading what you are up to.


Joanne, I'm sure cleaning will go by quickly for you, and you will get some r and r time. Will you get to see Ryan soon? How is your dd feeling with the new one on the way?


LeeAnn, my sister drowns herself in Pittsburgh Steeler colors all year round. You may want to check out the colors of the local universities, too. Maybe do basketballs as well as footballs for that. Don't know if you want to use many colors from teams on the East Coast, unless you think they'll sell better on Etsy than in person...


Marisa, Are you going to have another busy weekend? How are the texting gloves coming along?


Stacy, what fun things are the girls up to? Try any good recipes lately?

Good morning- Taking a coffee break while the 2nd load of laundry was put into the washer. I'm aiming to finish up this morning with what HAS to get done, not necessarily all of what SHOULD get done:lol


I will be seeing Ryan tomorrow- I'm babysitting:manyheart


Dryer just went off- so time to go fold! Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I have a patient this morning and just got to the office, I like the heat to have time to kick up since I turn it down when I leave at night. So sitting here with you and my bowl of cereal, then I'm going to have tea today :yes


Heading out with Steph around 11. Not sure where all she wants to go :shrug


Beth - I haven't worked on the texting gloves since I think Monday :eek So still only at the start of the next pair I started.


Joanne - Happy cleaning :devil

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Hi ladies!


Leeann, I love the football idea! Saw your first pic on FB- they are so cute. :manyheart My dh is a huge Seahawks fan and looks for stuff all year, especially since there's not much around for them. :lol The local team colors is also a good idea. :yes


Marisa, so sorry to hear all of the mess with your brother. Lots of :hug:hug for you, and especially for his kiddos. The oldest sounds wise for his age- I'm glad that he knows you all love him no matter what.


Beth, how's it going? Haven't tried any new recipes lately. Dh is sticking with familiar foods which cause minimal pain when chewing.


Joanne, what's happening? Will you have any Ryan time this weekend? Oh, guess what I heard? The Bux has the peppermint mocha year-round! :eek I had no idea...will have to check with ours next time. That certainly would be nice. :yes


Let's see...I do not start school again until Feb. 6. I've kind of been taking it really easy for the past few days. :blush But oh, it has been nice! :lol On Thursday, I read all day long. Seriously. I saw down with a book around 8:30 a.m., and didn't look up until the manager came by at 1 p.m.! :eek But it felt SO refreshing to do something just for ME. :yes Yesterday, I met a friend for breakfast, then went to Joann's to buy more yarn for a 'ghan, and ran to a couple sporting goods stores to look for something for dh. Then I met dh for lunch after his ortho appt. He agreed to let the ortho take photos of his progress, in exchange for upgrading to the accelerated treatment- which lasts only 2 years, rather than 4. So he has to go in every two weeks for the next 2 years, rather than monthly. :eek My poor hubby. But I told him, probably after 6 months or so, he will be used to the pain. :blush:devil Was that evil of me? LoL

Today, we had planned to go the the local mission, but dh woke up with pinkeye and we ended up at the urgent care instead. Afterward, we took the girls to the gardens next to the mission, but it was cold and windy, so we went home. We worked on Isabella's project- she is about 50% finished with both the paper and the model. I'm hoping we can get it all batted out tomorrow, so it will be DONE. :yes

That's all the news from here. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug


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Good morning!

Stacy- WOW-whirlwind of activity- sorry to hear DH has pinkeye! One of the baristas had told me that they would have peppermint mocha year round, but I was skeptical and not sure if I should believe him- LOL


quick post now since DH just called that breakfast is ready---but I wanted to share that I finally figured out the purl stitch so I'm able to knit AND purl. Have been playing with doing rows of stockinette! (knit one row, purl one row) and next I'm going to play with K1, P1 in the same row.


Going to DDs around 11 to babysit Ryan- can't wait!


Have a great day!

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Stacy, so sorry to hear about the pinkeye -- like your hubby wasn't miserable enough with the braces. Is he happy he'll get them off in 2 years? That seems like such a long time.


Joanne, enjoy your Ryan time. :heart I'll bet he is growing and learning so fast. What types of things is he into now? Congrats on learning to purl. I was taught to knit and purl when I was learning, but couldn't figure out how to do both on the same row without getting the yarn all tangled up. I need a very patient person to sit beside me and show me over and over.


LeeAnn and Marisa, I hope you are both having a great, fun Sunday.


It is crazy foggy here. We could here fog horns from the Chesapeake Bay all day yesterday, and it looks like today will be more of the same.

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Breakfast was delicious and finally we put the Christmas tree away- decorations were off, but needed DH to help disassemble the tree and pack it up!


It's warm here, and was foggy earlier- now it's just cloudy- but hey, it's not cold! The only thing is with this warm weather and the flu running rampant, I would prefer colder weather! But for today, it'll be nice that it's warm out so Ryan and I can go outside for a long time!


Ryan is loving everything now- he's really good at the wood puzzles (shapes) and loves being outside and I think his favorite thing is books. He got a Little Tykes bubble lawnmower for Christmas and DD had him out with it the other day and took a video- so cute. Hoping to play with that with him today. He walks backwards with it really good too! :lol

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert :blush


Wow, you ladies have been a chatty bunch since I stopped by Saturday morning :lol


In our shopping travels, Steph bought me 2 shirts and a pair of boots :clap:yay The shirts are from Express, her favorite store but I don't usually shop there. We got 4 shirts and a dress from the clearance and spent about $50! The dress alone was originally $80 :clap We went in Old Navy, but didn't find anything there. I got the boots at DSW and they were on sale for $25 and I had a $5 birthday coupon for this month and $10 rewards, which I'm sure was really Steph's anyways. I think one time we were out she didn't have her card so we swiped mine :think She got a pair of super cute sandals and a pair of heeled slingbacks that are zebra print with red accents. Adorable and only $12, she was going to pass but my mom talked her into them without even trying :lol Then typical stops at Target and the market.


Saturday night we went up to a friends for the football games, food, and fun :yay Yesterday I went to a crochet group in the morning and then back to the house. We made soup and baked up some chicken. During that time, even with the TV on and the whole downstairs open, we managed to miss Seattle's comeback on Atlanta. And I'm assuming this morning Seattle is kicking themselves for calling the timeout when the field goal was not good on Atlanta's part giving them that 2nd chance for the game :yes


Stacy - At least you have another couple weeks before classes start up again. How many will you have this semester? Hopefully dh's pinkeye clears right up and it doesn't get passed around :hug


Joanne - Oh boy, how exciting to finally get that purl stitch :clap And having a full day of fun with Ryan :bounce


Beth - It was really foggy here too, but no fog horns :think Hope you had a good weekend.

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Good evening friends!


So sorry I have been MIA-been working on orders, family and such..time just seems to be slipping away.


Beth-of my gosh! Fog is so dangerous to drive in. Have you been working on any hooky projects?


Joanne-your little Ryan is just at the funnest age. How exciting to be able to see his growth and development.


Marisa-shopping is always fun. woohoo! For new goodies.


Stacy-your poor dh..having braces as an adult is painful. My sis wore hers for 18 months-now's she's wearing a retainer. But it has been extremely painful..she said she would never do it again. Reading is :c9 So happy that you were able to relax.


Back to uploading pics, thank you all for the football ideas, you all are on to something great! I will have to experiment and see what other team colors I come up with but have two more orders to fill before I can play.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


I had a nice day off, went to visit my brother and then went to craft club last evening. Spent the time practicing knitting! It's a slow process, but one that I am enjoying!


LeeAnn- As far as football soaps- after this upcoming weekend, there will be two teams left who are going to the SuperBowl- which is on Feb 3. So it'll either be the Baltimore Ravens or New England Patriots vs San Francisco 49ers or Atlanta Falcons.


Will try and catch up tonight after work...but for now, I've got to get ready- I'm sure there'll be lots of emails to catch up on!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here for a change :lol This afternoon I'm heading out to see my chiro and then we'll get lunch :yay Tonight I have the Knit the Bridge group meeting here 7-9, which I always enjoy :yes


My mom had a follow up dr appt yesterday and had to take a stool sample again for another culture. She seems to be going to the bathroom a bit more again, just enough to notice a difference :( They've been trying to get her meds decreased and all so I guess they'll be playing around with them now. At least now she's being watched so it shouldn't amount to the mess it was before :xfin


LeeAnn - No worries, you're a busy bee!! You have a lot of orders to fill and that's awesome!


Joanne - :yay for craft club and the knitting. How's your brother doing?

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Hello friends!


I am so very :yawn, but had to stop in because I realized it has been a few days! :lol We just finished up the mission project :whew and will turn it in tomorrow. I am disappointed that she did not have a better time with it, but the actual model looks awesome! I will post a picture tomorrow.

Dh's pinkeye cleared up quickly once he started using the Rx drops. Unfortunately, on Sunday he hurt his leg while running and must rest for a week. He is so very discouraged right now...my father in law told him he should not count on running in the marathon now. :angry I'm a little irritated by that.


Well, I'm going to scoot. I will be back in the morning for proper postings. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


It's a sad day....my Aunt/Godmother's brother passed away yesterday at only 49 :eek I haven't gotten word yet on what happened :shrug It's so sad and they are 12 siblings with both their parents still living, although have been declining over the past few years. I think their mom just turned 90 last week!


On the upside I had the Knit the Bridge group last night and we had 3 new ladies show up :clap I started my 2nd panel. I'll share a pic of the first in a bit. (I also got permission to share the mittens that I tested so will get a pic up of those too). They are having a funding meeting tonight and since I don't have any plans figure I'll go. I don't want to do any fundraising, which I've already told them, but just like to know what's going on :lol


I have a networking luncheon at 11:30. Other than that, not much going on here today.


Oh Stacy :hug :hug :hug Glad to hear that the mission project is finally complete :yay Hopefully dh will be back on his feet in no time :xfin When is the marathon?

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