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Some good clean fun?!

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Evening all!


Beth-so sorry to hear about the sweater..no fun. But at least its warm and cuddly. Is there any way to fix it? Glad to hear that your inventions were able to get their books. What's next on the hooky agenda?


Stacy-I LOVE egg drop soup. Is it difficult to make? I have been craving beef lo maen..sp? Do you know what kind of noodles I could use? I have tried several but they never taste the same. Your cupcake party sounds delish!


Marisa-I like the scrub pants too..but since I am soo short like barely 5ft short...they are usually longer than me by a few feet. Then I look like a chubby little button-that's what my ds says anyway. :lol


Joanne-how's your lil handsome guy? Happy TGIF!


For some reason, Crochetville is not letting me upload photos..I wonder if this is something because of the malware misfunction..hmmm:think:think:think


I blogged about it here:




Back to my little bit of hooky time..finally started the Shelly scarf..I don't know why but I thought it was called "Shelby"


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- that's so cool that your DD is now crocheting too!!!! Checked out your blog- she must be so proud of herself (and you of her) Nice dresser scarf!!!


I've been busy this morning un-decorating and really going through the totes- there were things I didn't put out this year (or the past several years) so I'm boxing them up to donate. It's silly that I keep storing them! Also as I put things away, I'm cleaning at the same time. Just taking a quick coffee break and then back to getting this done!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Just a quick stop since I'm at the office. I had a new patient this morning, followed by a regular one that was supposed to come yesterday, but ended up at the dentist longer than expected :eek


Love the dresser scarf LeeAnn :manyheart


I'll be back Monday afternoon. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend :hug

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Just a quick fly-by to say hi. LeeAnn, love the scarf, and so proud of your dd for crocheting. Stacy, i LOVE the birthday party for the purple bear. How sweet! Marisa, congrats on yet another client. Seems like your business is growing nicely! And Joanne, you could teach me a thing or two about organization. Good idea, getting rid of the decorations you aren't using any more as you put things up.

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:hi friends!!


Leeann, I love your blog and soapies and the dresser scarf! Oh, and :woo for dd crocheting! You both must be over the moon- how exciting. Now you will have twice the stash. :devil Just sayin'. :rofl I wish one of my girlies would pick it up. I actually found a Knook for kids at Michael's and bought one for Mia. She wants to learn but is easily distracted. Maybe in a couple years. :shrug


Marisa, good luck making your own scrubs. :cheer It kind of sounds like fun. :yes Any plans for football watching tomorrow?


Joanne, good for you, cleaning out and organizing your Christmas decorations. I could also use a tip or two on organizing. :blush The girls' room is still a train wreck, but I'm hoping to get it sorted out once they go back to school on Monday. Have you stopped at TJ's lately?


Beth, how's it going? Sorry if I missed it, but is the ceiling all put back together?


Oh, Leeann, the egg drop soup was super-easy and tasty! Here's the link to the recipe I used. (I also added a bit of grated ginger, since other recipes seemed to call for it.) It didn't take long at all, and was kind of fun to swirl the eggs around. :lol But I don't know how "authentic" it tasted, since this was my first time having it! :eek


Today we had an awesome family day. :c9 We started off taking the doggies to the dog park. Brought them home, then took the girls to Griffith Park, where they rode ponies, we all took a ride on the miniature train, then went to the park and the Autry museum. And topped off the afternoon by going out for lunch. It was so wonderful to spend that time together. :yes

We had wanted to visit the San Fernando Mission for Isabella's project, but she was absolutely against the idea. :blush To be honest, I'm a little put off by her aversion to this project. :think:eek Thank goodness the written part is almost finished. :whew


Well, I need to find something to make the girlies for dinner. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning,

Stacy, your family day sounds like so much fun. You are an awesome mom. i want you to adopt me. LOL My ceiling is not done. I have a cold (just a little one) but I get dizzy if I turn my head, and don't want to get dizzy on the ladder, so I'm using that as my excuse. That and needing to pay for 6 months of auto insurance this month -- we need to wait a bit before buying the paint.


LeeAnn, Joanne, and Marisa, I hope your Sunday is peaceful and fun!

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Good morning!


Stacy- Your family day sounds like a lot of fun!!!! I haven't been to TJ's since a week ago- I usually stock up when I go since I have to drive about 18 miles to get there. I'll probably be going again next weekend! We had the butternut squash ravioli last night- YUM!!!


Love the way your girls have re-purposed their sleds!!! Great pic on FB!!!!


Beth- I'm not all that organized- it comes and goes in spurts, but when I get the urge to organize, I go all out! LOL I was able to free up two totes (which can be re-purposed to house some of my yarn stash!!!


LeeAnn- How's Celine doing with her crocheting? Is she making something?


Marisa- I can't remember if you like hockey- I think you do--well anyway, I just read that the lockout may be over very soon!!! I'm excited. My DD was going to get basketball tix for our Christmas present, but I told her to hold off just in case hockey comes back! We had so much fun going to the Ironbound section of Newark for portugese food and then the Devils hockey game last year.


I started the baby blanket for my 2nd grandson last night. I'm using the Ocean Waves baby blanket pattern from Lion Brand and using Vanna Baby Sweet Pea, Lamb and taupe which will match the nursery!


Hoping to work on that today- plus I'm going to start another infinity scarf--with some more yarn I had bought on Small Business Saturday!

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Good morning,

Stacy, your family day sounds like so much fun. You are an awesome mom. i want you to adopt me. LOL My ceiling is not done. I have a cold (just a little one) but I get dizzy if I turn my head, and don't want to get dizzy on the ladder, so I'm using that as my excuse. That and needing to pay for 6 months of auto insurance this month -- we need to wait a bit before buying the paint.


LeeAnn, Joanne, and Marisa, I hope your Sunday is peaceful and fun!

:hug Feel better- and good idea NOT to go on a ladder if you get dizzy turning your head!!! We just had to pay our auto insurance (6 mos too) plus with my new car, the policy went up $100.00! :eek Luckily, though there are only 2 of us on the policy.

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Good Morning and Happy Sunday Friends!


Sunday is my favorite day of the week. :cheer:clap


:hugBeth-feel better soon, Joann is right-you could fall and seriously hurt yourself up there..perhaps your inventions and wonderful hubby will help you out when the time comes. Remodeling is super pricey..yikes! Cristopher would like his room painted-when he was little I had stenciled his name across one wall. Now that he is older, he said it makes him look childish:lol I told him, have at it boy! I think we have left over paint under the house. Painting is not my style. :D


Joanne-the new baby ghan sounds so cute and cuddly and yet oh so wonderful! I can't wait to see pics.


Stacy-yes mam, you are a wonderful mommy! How fun to have an afternoon out with the girlies. What's on the agenda for the day?


Yesterday, the men in our house went to go pick up a load of wood for our Uncle-he has polio and can't get around much. He uses his wood stove to warm up his house. He was running pretty low. Dh has a major wood pile/stash at his parents house.


While they were gone, Celine and I crochet the day away. What bliss! She is working on a sc and seems to have it down. I shared Lucy's website with her-of course she loves loves loves all of the bright colors. Her project is 2 two rows of sc in different bright colors. She is thinking of sewing up the sides to create a bag, then she wants to make a belt. I hope that she continues with it now that school starts back up, her attention may turn to something else..but I am keeping my fingers crossed.


It's amazing how fast our children grow..I can't believe it. Last night we had a popcorn/movie night. We watched Hugo. We all sat like sardines squished together cuddling under one blanket..skippity skip went my little heart.


Today Cristopher has a Confirmation retreat at 3:30 but other than that, nothing new..yippee!


I added a few more soapy goodies to my shop, I think this is it for awhile as my shelves are full.


BBL! Hugs n squishes!





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Good morning!


Leeann, your popcorn/movie night sounds delightful! :c9:manyheart How fun that you and dd had a crochet day, too. Your HK soapies are adorable!


Beth, hope you feel better soon! Good idea to take a break from the ceiling if you're dizzy! 6 months of car insurance at once? Ouch! Ours is debited monthly from our checking account...I'd probably have panic attacks if we had to pay all at once. :eek


Marisa, happy Sunday! :hug


Joanne, yikes @ your insurance going up! Ours did, too, when we moved...I guess it depends on the area, which is dumb because we only moved about 5 miles away. The baby blanket sounds pretty! I :manyheart Vanna's. Oh! I thought of you the other day...have you tried an infinity scarf with Homespun? I don't normally use it, but my mom sent a ton a few months ago (because she didn't know.) I was thinking the pattern will be quick, but the scarf may be kind of heavy? :think


Not much planned for today. Dh is going to watch his Hawks play at a friend's house, so I may take the girls to the park. Apparently it rained this morning, though (which I didn't find out until I took the dogs out this morning.) So it might be kind of wet. We'll see. Mia is dying to do something on their last day of break. I pointed out all of the fun things we did yesterday, and she said, "But that wasn't the last day!" :lol Goofy kid.

Oh, also? I've started a new project every day since New Year. :blush I'm afraid I will have to pick just one and see it through...*sigh* So many patterns, so little time. :lol

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Stacy- I did make an infinity out of the Homespun. I had made a red 'potato chip scarf' for a Christmas gift and ran out on the last row. So I had to buy another skein. I then decided to make an infinity and gave it to my youngest DD since her "maternity coat" is black/white/grey. She loves it- it's not too heavy and is nice and soft! The pattern I used was the one I made with the Patons Shetland Chunky yarn,http://crochetincolor.blogspot.com/2012/01/accidental-cowl.html


The one I'm making now is also from the same web site and is called the Soft Stitch Cowl. http://crochetincolor.blogspot.com/2011/10/soft-stitch-cowl-pattern.html


You are so right---so many projects---so LITTLE TIME!!!!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi




Joanne - cut and paste alert!


Just a quick check in again. I was over this way to go out a bum around a bit so of course I headed to JoAnn's and picked up yarn for the next set of texting gloves. I did get quite a bit done on mine yesterday and have 4 fingers left to the pair :clap Considering I only sat with it 2 days (and not even full days) I'd say I'm on a roll :lol


Steph and Bean are heading out for the afternoon so when I get home I'll have the house to myself so am suspecting getting in some more 'good' hook time :lol


Then I stopped at Wendy's (it's the same parking lot :sigh ) because I have this book of coupons for a free jr. frosty that my dad bought at halloween and they expire feb 1st. I think I still have 5 to go. So I got some food too, gotta love the value menu....just the right amount :yes So I decided to stop by the office to eat while I check in with you :manyheart


Now I'm going to head right out and back to the house. I'll see y'all tomorrow afternoon :hug I'll catch up on the posts I've missed then.

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Marisa, I feel your pain about the coupons that will expire. My son received a set of twelve "gift tags" from Krispy kreme donuts; 6 for free coffee, 6 for a free donut. They expire the end of this month. He gave them to me. I've taken my hubby out for coffee (for me) and donuts (for him) then my dd another day when her guinea pig died. I am not sure we'll get them used. Particularly since school is starting back up, and the car will not be home very much.

Stacy, so what projects are you working on? Did you finish any of them? Your girls are adorable. Of course, you have to do something special on the last day of break! LOL

Joanne, Freeing up 2 totes is awesome! That could hold a nice bit of yarn. How are you progressing on the baby blankets? The one for your grandson sounds beautiful. Can't wait to see pics. I still have the baby blankets my aunt and a coworker made for my babies, twenty years later.

LeeAnn, the new soapies are adorable, as is all your stuff. How lovely to sit and crochet with your dd. Don't be discouraged if she finds other interests -- look at her mama -- multi-talented with many hobbies.

I need to get moving. Have a great day everybody!:hug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, This weekend was a pretty relaxing one. I finished my gloves yesterday, still need to take a pic. They're the same as the last I posted, just a different color and a bit thicker since I used a heavier yarn than the sock yarn. This morning I walked into the city and met with an owner at a wellness salon/spa about possibly working there a few days a week :think He's going to send me over his rough draft of a contract, which he said is definitely negotiable. It would be more like having a satellite office for my practice instead of being an employee of theirs. So, we'll see. It would definitely help to raise awareness for myself and then give me 2 locations to see my patients at.


Beth - I only worry about the coupons since they were the ones that you pay for as a fundraiser :yes I hope you're feeling better :hug Stay off that ladder until you do! :soap


Stacy - Your family fun day sounds great, what did you decide for the official last day of break? :lol There are always too many projects and too little time :sigh I wonder why Isabella is so against this project :think


Joanne - Yes, my dad just told me that there will be hockey! :clap I do enjoy it, but am not 'hard core' with it :think WTG with your progress on the baby blanket :cheer


LeeAnn - Awesome Hello Kitty soaps! :manyheart Your family movie night sounds super cozy.

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Good evening friends!


Marisa-that is pretty cool that you can hit two birds with one stone. Will this take you away from your office? Good luck getting all of the paper work straightened out. I can't wait to see your new gloves.


Stacy-seems like you and I are on the same crocheting page. I have 4 projects started, 3 finished but needing ends tucked in, flower sewn on..and the last one half way done. How was your day without the girls?


Beth-I love Krispie Kreams..sp? We do not have one here in Alamosa, but when we visit my sister, sometimes we stop..delish! how was your day?


Joanne-craft group tonight? Hope Paradise flew by!


It was another busy day..I had a post of FB for a free item. One of the gals that I have know since 6th grade guessed correctly. I am creating Super Bouncy Ball Glycerin soaps..I wasn't going to create any more goodies but my new supply order came in..I ordered it almost a month ago..they were behind..anyhow..I just had to play. Picture coming soon!


Best get to promoting, the kiddos and dh all go back tomorrow.. I will miss them but have lots to do to keep me busy. Have a wonderful night!


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


No craft club last night- I got home about 6:50- but there's always next Monday!


LeeAnn- Hope you had fun making your new soaps! You sure have plenty to keep you busy while DH is at work, and kiddos at school!!!


Marisa-Well, as far as hockey- the deal is for 10 years, so that's good! We are planning to go to a Devils game- it'll be our Christmas present from youngest DD and SIL.Now to pick some dates- once the schedule comes out.


Beth- I can't tell you how many coupons that have expired on me! Sometimes, they just get so overwhelming!


Stacy- How did the girls do going back to school--and more importantly- how did you do, having the house to yourself?


Well, time for this gal to get a move on- Paradise awaits! LOL

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Got up, made the hubster's breakfast and lunch, fed the cats, drove dh to work, put dinner in the crock pot, made a batch of peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (Thanks, Stacy!) made my coffee, and here I sit!


Joanne, sorry you missed your craft club. Are you going to be working on your knitting next week? How are the baby blankets coming along? How are things going since the new system went live?


LeeAnn, your new soaps sound amazing. I can't wait to see them. Are they super bouncy? Not that I would play with soap or anything.. OK, yes I would. How is your day going since everybody went back to work or school?


Stacy, how was the girl's last day?


Marisa, the wellness salon/spa sounds like a good idea. I'd be very careful about what's in the contract, though.

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-oh my gosh! you are on the ball! Wowza! You have been running on high speed. It's only 7:30 here:lol:) Your cookies sound delish..yummy actually! I think you can definitely play with the Super Bouncy Soapies! I would. :devil:devil I think that is one of my favorite part of the creative process..the playing and making messes..the cleaning up...errr that is simply not all that fun.


Joanne-super long Monday for you. Hoping that you get out on time this evening. So happy that you get to a Devils game. How fun!


I used to be very good at the whole coupon thing, but it seems to have gotten away from me..our local grocery stores are only allowing the use of 3 like coupons..:think:think sometimes you have to buy such a big quantity that its not really saving.


got the family out the door, they were all excited and sad at the same time. Me too! But they left me with lots of little presents-laundry, dishes...household chores.


Guess I had better get with the program. I would much rather be hooking but will have to wait until later.


Have a wonderful day friends! Hugs n squishes!


p.s. do any of you Tweet? I have started-to promote my shop..but not really sure what I am doing. Just thought I would ask. :hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not too much going on here this morning and nothing new from yesterday. Tonight I'm having dinner with a group of chiros that meet the first tuesday of the month and this will be my second time going. It's this week since last tuesday was new year's day.


LeeAnn - It would pull me away from my physical address of my office, but my understanding is that this would be my practice in another location, so I'd have to split up my time. Also, I think it would raise more awareness and hit a lot of the business people who work in the city from different suburbs than mine and kind of open up my possibilities :think I forgot my camera again so hoping to get the pics for tomorrow :xfin The bouncey ball soap sounds awesome!!!! I would totally play with it :devil I don't use twitter at all, so can't offer up any advice there :shrug Do you have a separate page for you business on FB? I know we're friends, but I'll have to see if you have a page too :think As for the coupons, that's interesting that your markets limit you to 3 :eek I use them, but I only cut for the products I use.


Joanne - Sorry you weren't able to make it to craft club last night :hug Hockey is definitely much more exciting for me to be at the game :yes I am excited though and can't wait for the 'season' to start :lol


Beth - Wow!!!! You've had a crazy busy morning :eek Now if you did all those things in the order listed, I'm just wondering how you waited so long to make the coffee???? :lol Yes, the contract is what he's supposed to email me but I haven't received yet. That's the part that always concerns me. When I was in Philly, I didn't even have a contract with my boss at all :eek But I know that a lot of people really get into trouble with these situations. So, I would also ask my attorney to look it over as well :yes

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Good morning!


Marisa, good luck working out a contract with the other office. Sounds like it would be good for exposure to a different "market." :yes


Leeann, bouncy ball soaps sound awesome! Can't wait to see your latest creation. You are farther ahead of me in your :hook hooky-ness, though. I have started a bunch, but finished none. :blush So far, I have going two afghans, a pullover sweater (for me!), and a hat/scarf set that I could finish quickly if I would just concentrate on that. :lol Oh, also my mom has asked me to make a few kitchen sets, as well as some solo scrubbies, for a fundraising crop night she is holding. My half-cousin passed away the day after Christmas, and her family is holding a couple fundraisers for her DD, who is 7. This items need to be finished by late Feb., though, so I am making one per day (cotton is very rough on my hands.)


Beth, you are on a roll! Sounds like you didn't really need the coffee very early. :wink Glad to hear you like the pb/oatmeal/choco. chop cookie recipe. It is yummy! Are you feeling better today?


Joanne, sorry to hear you didn't make it to craft club. How fun to actually go to a hockey game! I've never been, but have heard that it is much more enjoyable to actually be there.


Well, I actually enjoyed my day yesterday, even though it was full of mundane chore-type stuff. I have to say it was difficult to drop the girls off in the morning, because right when we drove up to the school, there was a police car sitting outside. :( Our elementary schools will be patrolled daily for the foreseeable future. After that, I was very nervous about leaving them. Eva was not happy to go back, and cried all the way to her classroom, as she did today, also. The older girls were thrilled to see their friends.

This morning I realized I was fed up with the meager meals they have been eating, and sat down to write out a meal plan. My poor kiddos are in for a shock, but I am not buying unhealthy foods with refined flour and sugar anymore. I made 2 batches of apple-carrot-flax muffins, a batch of banana muffins, and oatmeal pancakes that can go in the freezer and be heated up in the mornings. :yes I need to figure out other healthy foods that they will actually eat. Dinners have become a struggle, as well, and it is frustrating...especially now with dh's braces. He cannot eat anything with tomato or citrus, high sugar, and of course the foods have to be soft. In addition to that, though, he refuses to eat carbs, because of the marathon training. :eek Fun.

I also exchanged one of Isabella's Christmas gifts from my mom- it is a make-your-own snow globes set, but the baggie of plaster powder broke open and ended up everywhere! I also need to make an appointment with the Apple store, because the rear camera on Mia's iPad isn't working. Since it is engraved, I have a feeling we will need to send it in to be repaired.

Well, enough :blah :blah, I better get going and clean up my kitchen! Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug



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Happy Hump Day


LeeAnn- Love the bouncy balls soaps! They are just too cute!!!


Stacy- WTG on healthy meals! Did you get an appt at the apple store?


Beth- I could never be that ambitious without my cup of coffee first!!!


Marisa- Hope you enjoyed the dinner with other chiros. It's a great way to network and get good tips from others in the field! Good luck with the decision regarding the wellness center


My bro had hip surgery on Monday and i'm happy to report he is doing well. He goes home today and will be using a walker for a few weeks, then advance to a cane. I'm hoping that I can get to see him next weekend- he lives in PA about 2 hrs from me.


Off I go for another busy, fun-filled day in Paradise! (don't be jealous now):lol:lol

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Joanne, Enjoy your day in Paradise. I hope it isn't a long one.


Stacy, saw the pic on FB of the new fur-baby. I'll bet Isabella is so happy. She may play with her own more than she would a family pet, or her sisters' pets. Cutting out sugar and carbs is a big challenge with a young family. Please pass on any good ideas you have.


LeeAnn, As always, I love your soaps. They are too cute. Where did you get the idea? I love the swirled colors. Was it hard to create that effect?


Marisa, how was the meeting with other chiros? Yeah, I did the coffee last, but not by choice. I did not have time or brain cells functioning enough to do coffee any earlier.


Ooops. Gotta go wake up the 20-year-old child.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Dinner was good last night and we tossed around different topics of conversation from marketing to office procedures that we each use. It's nice having a group of likeminded people to network with. Of course my class from school started a group by invitation only on FB that we do this with, but most of the people I'm meeting here are from other schools and it's interesting to see some differences in our education and philosophy although all of our end results remain constant :think


Stacy - Sorry to hear about your half cousin :hug Great idea with the food and it will be difficult. I'd say you probably won't cut it out completely, but you can get fairly close. I'm sure you'll be very creative. I know my sil and bro use honey ALOT! I personally don't like honey, but if you do it's very good for you with a lot of beneficial qualities in addition to adding the sweetness you may be missing from the sugars :yes Obviously pure would be the way to go from a health standpoint.


Joanne - Prayers for your brother and his recovery. Where in PA is he?


Beth - :rofl at waking up the 20 yo child! Not that I can talk because when I'm at my parents, I don't set an alarm.....I leave a note for my dad what time I want to get up :blush

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-prayers for a speedy recovery for your brother. Did you get any hook time in last night? Will Paradise be slowing down for you anytime soon?


Beth-my ds can act like a 2 year old at times.:lol He's actually grounded..not that I like being strict. But he asked to go somewhere after school yesterday. I said of course, but decided to stop and give him some spending cash..well he wasn't where he was supposed to be and lied about it...so...he's upset with me today..but I knew he was lying and let him hang himself...so to speak. When I couldn't find him, I knew he wasn't telling the truth but I let him go on and on..little stinker! Are you tired today from all your business yesterday?


Stacy-no carbs? yikes! I don't know if I could do that..I love bread. What is your dh eating? Meats, veggies? Congratulations on the new furry friend. What is her/his name?


Marisa-how fun to network and meet others in your field. What's on the agenda for the day? How sweet that your dad wakes you up. :manyheart Any new patients? I wish you lived closer, my dh can use a good chiro..he has "locked shoulder syndrome" poor guy, some days he can not raise his arm at all.


Thank you all for the compliments on the Super Bouncy Balls. They were so much fun to create. The first thing I did was make lots of tinier balls in different colors. Then I mixed 4 different colors of soap separately. Glitter, clear, white pearl, and copper. After that, it was a matter of layering and pouring. I have a sphere soap mold that I put the little balls into, then layered soap. I am going to create more today..want to blog about the process. I really find that I want to toss one..sounds silly but they look so realistic.


I have a new Valentine mold that came in, do you think it's too late to create Valentine soapies?


Best get my chores done, since I did lots of cleaning yesterday I just have morning dishes and dusting. Hugs n squishes!

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