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Some good clean fun?!

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Yes, Santa was very nice to my kiddos- Isabella got a skateboard, since she already has an iPad.

Joanne, Isabella has the 2nd gen. The minis are cute, but they have all of the same features of a full-size one. :shrug I still love my iPod touch, so maybe I'm not the best one to ask. :lol have fun with your dds! Watching movies and baking sounds like the perfect weekend. :yes:manyheart


Beth, so glad to hear your hubby fixed the faucet! Not a fun thing to deal with at all. Can't wait to see your improvised sweater. I'm sure it looks fabulous!


Marisa, have fun tailgating! The ballet sounds fun, also. How fun that you all went out to dinner afterward. You always have the best adventures. :yes


Leeann, I love your soapie goodies!! The coffee and whoopie pie combo is so creative. :birthday to your dd! Any fun plans today?


My dh is in lots of pain. To be honest, I'm a bit irritated that he scheduled it so close to Isabella's birthday. We were supposed to go snow tubing, and of course now he is in too much pain to go. :ohdear And there is no way I can take them by myself. I have offered other celebration ideas, but Isabella is very disappointed and has refused all of them. :sigh


Anywho...the scarf I made with waffle stitch is for my dad. Here is the link. I made mine a bit thinner (using only 18 stitches) so it really doesn't look too manly. It might, if the original 26 stitches are used. :yes

Today, I need to finish up Isabella's afghan. All it needs is a border and ends weaved (woven?) I also need to run to the store to pick up her other gifts. She wants a hamster and an origami book. I'm still on the fence about the hamster, because she doesn't really interact with our other ones.


Have a great weekend! Love and hugs!


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Beth - I hope your day calmed down after the faucet ordeal :hug


Stacy - I hope Isabella decides on something for her birthday and hopefully she'll still get to go snow tubing....just a little late :hug


I'm heading home now, I just finished syncing up my Garmin, the site was down yesterday and a bit sluggish today. But it's done. And while it was going and waiting for pages to load, I made a cover for it. When I get to the house I'm going to line it and sew up the sides so it's a little pouch :yes


'See' y'all on Monday

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Good evening friends!


Joanne-how are the cookies? Delicious I am sure! And Ryan? I bet you had a blast playing with him. Your RR is beautiful! Oh my gosh! It is lovely! Was your dd excited to receive it?


Beth-what an adventurous morning! So glad that your dh could fix it. How are your inventions?


Marisa-a play is always so much fun, and dinner aftward..well just like a cherry on top. New yarn is so much fun! woohoo!


Stacy-your dh had braces put on? Yikes! Both my sis and her hubby had braces..they sure were an extensive kind of treatment...like every few weeks dental appts. My nephew had them too..now they are all wearing retainers..oh my gosh! Hopefully your dh will feel better soon so that you can take your dd tubing. I am sure she is super excited to go.


Whew! It's been a busy day. :lol Today is Celine's 12th Birthday. She has kept us on our toes. The morning started off with homemade pancakes-made by dh as I am just not patient enough:devil then it was off to get a manicure-her first ever. She was so excited! The nail tech painted a teeny tiny flower on each ring finger nail and put a little stone..Celine was over the moon. She's soo cute! Then it was window shopping. We found a little store called Accessories---oh my gosh! What a perfect little shop for my accessory lil gal...I bought her these cute little high heel earrings. Of course she had to put them on in the car..they matched her purple nails. :D Then it was off to meet up with dh and ds for our lunch date. Then...off to wal-mart so that she could buy a game for her wii (sp?) After she played her game, we had cake-chocolate cake..yummy! Dh baked it up while we were in town this morning-bless him...he makes the best cakes ever.


I have been doing a major renovation on my Etsy shop-after lots of struggling and searching, cropping..etc I have finally changed my entire shop page. I am revamping all of my listings, I now ship to Canada-for the most part, still a few more listings to change. I am staring a new venture into On Line Sales...A friend of mine came up with a Fragrance of The Month Sale-so...starting January 1, 2013-all items in my Goji Berry Bliss will be on sale no coupon necessary. I am so excited! Just need to whip up one of everything to place under my Sale of The Month Tab, yikes!


back to work I go. Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!

Had a lovely day yesterday- but no baking! LOL We watched Netflix- a show called Inspector Louis. It's a British show that is on PBS but I'd never seen it. We watched two of the episodes! We didn't get much snow- which was a little disappointing since we were hoping to play in the snow with Ryan. Other parts of NJ got much more than we did. Good news though was that it didn't interfere with our day!


LeeAnn- Your DD's birthday celebration sounds perfect for an almost teen!! She MUST have been over the moon getting purple nails with nail art and a stone! And the earrings sound adorable!! Choc cake is my favorite!!! Will have to wander on over to your Etsy to see the changes you've made. I think you've found your little niche!!!


Marisa- Have a nice Sunday- glad you were able to sync the Garmin. Can't wait to see the little pouch you made for it!


Stacy- About the hamster- do you think Isabella will pay more attention if it's her own hamster? Sorry that Jorge is in so much pain and that it will interfere with Isabella's plans to go snow tubing! Hopefully you can schedule for another time? Thanks for the link to the scarf- I laughed out loud because I had found the same one and started it using Bernat Super Value yarn in black- I did the 26 ch and did about 12 rows- and DH is said it looked too thick for a scarf. It may be the yarn. So I frogged it. I like the stitch though. I'm just making a simple sc in one stitch/ dc in the next - I think it's called granite stitch?


Beth- Oh no- a broken faucet on a yucky day! TG your DH was able to fix it! How's the sweater coming along? I picked up the knitting I started back last winter and did about 5 rows. I'm determined that this is the year (2013) that I actually learn how to knit by learning purling and then putting the stitches together and following a simple pattern. All good plans at this point- and so many crochet things I have to make already- like 2 baby blankets for March for grandson-to-be!


We are heading to Dd's for breakfast this morning. DD and her BF are also coming over- so I'd better get off here and start getting ready!


Happy Sunday!

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Hello Everybody,


The BIG excitement here today is the Redskins/Cowboys game. We are hoping to make it to the playoffs. First time in a long time the last game of the season actually meant anything, and here it is for all the bananas.


Joanne, Sounds like a great time with your family. You'll get to play in the snow with Ryan soon, but it would be nice if your dd who is visiting could share in the fun. Good luck with the two baby blankets. They won't take you long. Do you have anything in mind for them yet? Your rr is just lovely. I'll bet your dd is thrilled.


LeeAnn, Sounds like a great birthday celebration. You certainly have a girlie girl. I'll bet she enjoyed it. I can't wait to see the changes in your website. The fragrance of the month idea sounds golden!


Stacy, I hope Jorge feels better soon. I'm so sorry the brithday plans fell through. It is hard to determine if a child really wants a pet, and all the mess and fuss associated with one. Let us know what you decide.


Marisa, have a fun weekend! What color is the Garmin cover? How nice that you can sew linings. I would like to see it.


Well, yesterday did get a lot better when we got our water turned back on around lunch time, but I didn't get the laundry done, and just fell way behind on everything. So now I need to play catchup today.

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Evening friends! Seems I just can't make it on here during the day.


Just got home, we took the kiddos to the inlaws for a few days..had lunch with them, visited awhile then back for a quick stop at JCPenney's. They had these little buttons they were giving along with your purchase..we won $25.00. We were able to get ds a t-shirt, socks and slacks for dh.


off to relax. will post more in the a.m. Hugs n squishes!:hug:hug

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Hello Everybody,


The BIG excitement here today is the Redskins/Cowboys game. We are hoping to make it to the playoffs. First time in a long time the last game of the season actually meant anything, and here it is for all the bananas. Very happy that your Redskins have made it into the playoff's. :clapMy favorite great aunt was a huge Redskins fan and she would have truly loved seeing this. I think of her every time the Redskins are playing. My cousin in Boston and my cousin in New Hampshire are her children!


Joanne, Sounds like a great time with your family. You'll get to play in the snow with Ryan soon, but it would be nice if your dd who is visiting could share in the fun. Good luck with the two baby blankets. They won't take you long. Do you have anything in mind for them yet? Your rr is just lovely. I'll bet your dd is thrilled. She loves the blanket! It would have been fun to play in the snow with my DD--but it wasn't meant to be. If we lived further north in the state, we would have been making snowmen! I will probably make a RR and I may do a variation of the bubbles baby blanket like I did for Ryan. I'm going to try and incorporate the colors of his bedding and the room is going to be green. Not 100% decided yet.

LeeAnn, Sounds like a great birthday celebration. You certainly have a girlie girl. I'll bet she enjoyed it. I can't wait to see the changes in your website. The fragrance of the month idea sounds golden!


Stacy, I hope Jorge feels better soon. I'm so sorry the brithday plans fell through. It is hard to determine if a child really wants a pet, and all the mess and fuss associated with one. Let us know what you decide.


Marisa, have a fun weekend! What color is the Garmin cover? How nice that you can sew linings. I would like to see it.


Well, yesterday did get a lot better when we got our water turned back on around lunch time, but I didn't get the laundry done, and just fell way behind on everything. So now I need to play catchup today.


Hope you got all caught up yesterday!!!


Stacy- I saw the pic on FB and it looks like Isabella got to have her snow birthday celebration after all!:clap BTW, I love the hat you were wearing!


LeeAnn- Great deals at JCP!!! Enjoy your time without the kiddos- although I know you'll miss them, your In-laws will appreciate the time with them!


Marisa- Well, my Giants beat the Eagles--and are still in the same place-out of the playoff picture:(. Oh, well, maybe next year they will play like every game means something! Did you finish the Garmin pouch lining? Can't wait to see a pic!


I take DD to the train this morning- her train leaves at 10. It was so nice having her here for a couple of days!!! Yesterday, we went to DD's for breakfast and then spent the entire day there. The three girls wanted to go to the movies so I babysit Ryan so they could have a 'sister-sister' day! I am so happy that they are so close and such good friends:manyheart


Wishing you all a very blessed and healthy 2013! Thank you all for the wonderful gift of your friendship!:hug

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Happy Hump Day!!!


Back to paradise today and so glad it's a short week! There's going to be lots to catch up on. Had a great day yesterday- almost finished my cowl for me. We went to a surprise party for my son-in-laws father's 60th. We had lots of fun and it was a nice way to start the new year.


Off I go to get ready- have a fab day everyone!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Happy New Year!!! We had an enjoyable evening at the neighbors on the snowy night that it was. I thought I stopped in here on New Years Eve while at the office, but apparently I didn't :eek I do have pics of my Garmin case and the bulky mittens, which reminds me that I need to email the pattern creator with my notes :eek So I'll post the pics after I do that first. I spend yesterday watching tv and alternating between crocheting and playing games on the ipad :lol I'm working on my own set of texting gloves :yes And I'm using a bit thicker yarn than sock yarn, so am having to make some adjustments as I go :sigh


Beth - The cover is blue/brown/white variegated with a beige lining....I just used what I had and this yarn was left over from the knit sweater I did :yes


LeeAnn - Happy belated birthday to Celine :yay:cheer:clap:bounce I think a fragrance of the month sale is a great idea :yes Awesome deal at JCP :clap


Joanne - So glad you got to enjoy being with all 3 dd's :clap:yay Sorry the Giants are still out the playoffs anyways....the Eagles surely had no hope :eek

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Good evening friends!


Beth-how's it going? I bet your inventions will be starting class soon. What will they be taking? I had forgotten to answer your question, I don't think we will be getting any more pets for the quite awhile. Our kiddos are still pretty sad. We have giving lots of attention to Bleu and are thinking of moving her from the backyard to the front yard.


Marisa-love your Garmin cover! Great work! I haven't sewn in forever but am thinking of new curtains...:think Your New Years Eve sounded relaxing.


Joanne-how was the first day back to Paradise? Hopefully not too stressful. Thank you for sharing the link for the cowl...that sounds like a perfect project.


Stacy-how's it going? Are you finding activities to keep your girls entertained? Did you finish your ghan?


We have been spending quite a bit of time together. I missed the kiddos like crazy..sounds weird, but the house felt so lonely with out them. We went to bed early on New Years Eve..I was feeling a bit bored so just went to bed.


I started a dresser scarf for ds dresser and finished it..:clap:cheer:cheer felt like forever since I had hooky time. It has been super cold here..today was only 14F...brrr...not much we can do outdoors without turning into a popsicle.


Thank you all for the Birthday wishes, Celine was so happy. Off to work on promoting ...I have a few more new sugar scrubs to add as well.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning. Happy Thursday!


Joanne, I hope Paradise isn't being too demanding, letting you adjust to going back to work gradually. A surprise party sounds like fun. I love that you are so close to your dd's in-laws.


LeeAnn, You can whip out the crocheted items, when you get time to work on them. Will we get to see the dresser scarf you made? I miss my children terribly when they aren't here. I don't understand parents who complain about school breaks when their kids are home all day. I love having mine here! They start school next week. Today we are all going to the college bookstore to buy texts. The twins are both taking a class or two in their majors, but mostly getting the required courses out of the way My oldest is finishing up his pre-nursing with biology and more biology.


Marisa, Thank you for posting the pictures of the cover you made. You did an amazing job. The lining looks fantastic.


Stacy, when do your classes start up again? Are the girls back in school yet?


Have fun!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Thanks for your compliments on my Garmin cover :manyheart


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


We had a nice time out last night. One of our good friends (the one I made the Harley Davidson afghan for last year)....his sister and her family were in town for the holidays from Alaska and their birthday is today (twins) so her and her dh came out and another couple that rarely comes out anymore :think Everyone loved Steph's texting gloves and I think I'll now be making another 3 pair :eek One for the Amy, the one from Alaska...at least she'll really get good use of them :lol One for the neighbor across the street. And her dh wants a camo pair for hunting....he said that to him, they are shooting gloves :lol But since hunting season is over next week, his will be on the agenda for next years hunting season :yes And his birthday is in August. I guess I'll have to measure his hands though to make sure they're big enough because I don't think the pattern as written will cut it :no


Nothing on the agenda today. I already took down my window decorations, except the lights, I think I'll leave them up a while yet :think So today I'll take down everything else inside the office, which isn't much. A stocking, a small tree, and a lamp :lol And the tree, I'll probably just carry into the storage room the way it is, maybe toss a trash bag over the top :lol:think


LeeAnn - I didn't actually sew up the lining at all, I just folded up the fabric and then hand stitched it into place on the yarn :lol How fun to make curtains :bounce I picked up a pattern for scrubs and I'm going to attempt to make my own, I don't usually do another other than mending or making linings for bags :lol So we'll see. I'm going to do a practice run on a pair that are way to big for me. So I'll take the seams out and follow the pattern from there :xfin (Before buying fabric for them, I want to know I can do it and do it nicely :yes )


Beth - Thanks, I'll get pics of the mittens up when I have clearence for the pattern designer to share them since it's a tested pattern :yes

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Good Day friends!


Beth-this week is whizzing by. I sure will take a pic to share with all of you wonderful ladies. Good luck at the bookstore today, Biology? Yikes! I am so not good at Science or Math actually. :lol Does your oldest enjoy the math/science classes? My sister that is in the pharmacy program thinks they are so fun..:devil Did you get to work on the sweater?


Marisa-I have made quite a few of the scrubs. When I was teaching preschool that was my uniform...a scrub top and jeans. Doesn't sound very professional but I am a hand on teacher-lots of messy art activities. I found that they are pretty easy to make. I found my pattern at walmart then just tweaked it to my size. Since I am pretty short but like them wide enough so that I can wear a t-shirt underneath, be careful..once you start making them..the fabric in all different designs, holidays, colors starts calling your name. I think I had priced them at about $2.00 to make. I still use them to clean and paint.


Nothing exciting on the agenda for today, perhaps I will look up a scarf pattern..I was thinking of the Shelby scarf..now if I could just find where I put the pattern.


hugs n squishes!



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Good morning lovelies!


I've been getting this malware message that the site is blocked...Today is the first day I haven't gotten it! :cheer So hopefully everything is fixed.


Marisa, your Garmin case is cute! Your night out sounds wonderful...I'm sure it was fantastic to see your friends again! Good luck with the shooting gloves...I think it's always nice when a man asks for something. :yes I find that most women appreciate handmade things, but men, not so much.


Leeann, what is a dresser scarf? :think I was going to ask on FB what you were making...so I'm glad you shared here. :lol Can't wait to see a pic. How long will the kiddos be gone? I'm with you on missing them- I love to have a few hours to myself sometimes, but hate when they are away for too long. So many people post on FB how they can't wait for their kids to go back to school...but since I have been out of school, I am absolutely bored and checking the clock until they come home. :blush:yes


Beth, good luck getting the textbooks! I can't believe your inventions are going back so soon. We don't start until the first week of Feb. I'm enrolled in 2 classes, but may have to switch them if I can find a job between now and then.


Joanne, hope Paradise on Hump Day wasn't too bad! I'm happy that you had such a wonderful time with your dd's, even if there wasn't enough snow to play in.


Well, as you all saw on FB, we did make it to the snow. A 3-hour drive! :eek But it was so worth it. The town is so small and cozy, and we found a roadside shop on the way that sold sleds. Even dh took a few rides, despite the mouth pain. I'm trying to think of a way to convince dh that we should take a family vacation up there next winter...:think but he hates the snow so that's probably a no-go.

Anyway, afterward we went for dinner and came home. On New Year's Eve, we had cake and ice cream with a dear friend, and he brought more presents for all the kiddos. I made Thai food using the cookbook that we received for Christmas, and we played Beatles Rock Band until it was time for the ball drop. Eva knocked out at 11:30, but the older girls hung on until almost 2. :eek:eek:eek And they still woke at 7 the next morning. :lol

On New Years morning, we cleaned and cleaned...then found out the IL's were coming to visit in the afternoon. They brought lunch and we watched a movie. I started an afghan from a Deborah Norville yarn wrapper...it's going pretty quickly. I received Joann's gift card, so probably will stop there for more yarn after dropping off the girls on Monday.

Hmmm...I think that is all for now. Dh just went back to work today (he has been off since Christmas Eve) and already called to stay he's waiting to come home. :manyheart He is still in a bit of pain, but eating much more than before. :yes


Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert yet again :wink


I didn't do anything last night. Sat downstairs with Steph and Bean until about 8:30, played a game on the ipad for a bit and then read before bed. Went to the gym this morning....first time since before Christmas :eek I was surprised it was empty, with New Year resolutions and all :think Anyways, my back's been telling me about myself...missing exercising and yesterday it really started to act up like it was a few years ago when I was still in Philly. That means, back to the rehab exercises! :yes


Then I went to Sheetz and got a tastey mocha treat :drool I usually just drink black coffee, but was feeling like something a little extra today :think:shrug I have a patient this afternoon at 1, but may come earlier depending upon when he's done at his dentist appt. I told him to let me know. I'm re-organizing the office since I put the Christmas stuff away yesterday. I now need to filter out some magazines, they're getting unruly :think Looks cluttered because there are too many. So things like ESPN or more current type things, I'll get rid of.....but others, like the fitness, parenting, or housekeeping ones I'll keep around :yes


LeeAnn - Thanks for the heads up on the scrubs, considering I can really use to replace all of mine it'd be good for a little while at least :think I don't dress to professionally either, if I'm not in scrubs sometimes I'm in jeans or yoga pants and a sweatshirt :eek My patients laugh at me and seem to like seeing me as a 'regular person' :shrug If I know I have a new patient coming though I'll stick to the scrubs. One day I was just here doing paperwork so just had on workout clothes and someone called to come in so on the phone I said "I'll warn you though that I'm not dressed appropriately since I was just doing paperwork today" He said "that's ok, I'm not coming to see your clothes" :rofl


Stacy - Glad you guys made it to the snow, I was surprised when I saw the pics on FB :eek Good luck talking dh into a family vaca up there :xfin Glad to hear that he's feeling better though :yes


Joanne - :yay for babysitting Ryan tonight after a long day of work, perfect stress reliever (ok, I'm having issues today, not sure I spelled that right but tried with an 'ei' as well and both just looked like another language! :eek )

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Hello Everybody,

Marisa, Scrubs seems like they'd be fairly easy to make. I wish you luck on that. Do you wear the tops and bottoms, or just the tops, like LeeAnn?

Joanne, Happy TGIF to you! Enjoy your time with your grandson.

LeeAnn, I finished the sweater, and I'm unhappy with it. I should have tried it on more while making it. It is not shaped for me at all. But i will still wear it at home. It is toasty and cozy. There will be no pics, that's how unhappy I am. My son hasn't had much science as a homeschooler, with a mom who doesn't enjoy science. He wants to be a nurse, though so he needs it. I think he'll do well with it.

Stacy, I'm glad your dd got her birthday wish. I hope Jorge enjoyed it, even with the tooth pain. Good luck looking for a job.

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Hello Everybody,

Marisa, Scrubs seems like they'd be fairly easy to make. I wish you luck on that. Do you wear the tops and bottoms, or just the tops, like LeeAnn?

Joanne, Happy TGIF to you! Enjoy your time with your grandson.

LeeAnn, I finished the sweater, and I'm unhappy with it. I should have tried it on more while making it. It is not shaped for me at all. But i will still wear it at home. It is toasty and cozy. There will be no pics, that's how unhappy I am. My son hasn't had much science as a homeschooler, with a mom who doesn't enjoy science. He wants to be a nurse, though so he needs it. I think he'll do well with it.

Stacy, I'm glad your dd got her birthday wish. I hope Jorge enjoyed it, even with the tooth pain. Good luck looking for a job.


Sometimes I'll just do a top with regular pants/jeans, but mostly I do the tops and bottoms.


That's how I felt with the knit sweater I made :eek


I have a bachelor's in Biology so may be able to help if needed. I love science, which I guess is a good thing considering my career :lol

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Quick fly by..have to take dh to walmart to get new glasses. They fell into the truck engine when he was working on the truck..yikes! Shredded them. He only needs them to drive and read but he is going back to work on Tuesday..want him to be able to see.


Here's a pic of my son's dresser scarf. It's like a coverlet:think Or "mantel" in Spanish as we call it. I had made him a flannelghan in black and white..it matches.


And a pic of my dd, she learned how to crochet :cheer:clap So happy I can hardly stand it.


BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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Beth, So sorry to hear your sweater didn't turn out as you had hoped. That is always disappointing. :( Good luck to your son in biology. That actually reminded me that I have to take it, but when I went to check, they are all full. :blush Did everyone get the textbooks they needed?


Marisa, how cool that you have a degree in biology! I love science, but it doesn't love me. :ohdear There are just some things I cannot wrap my mind around, like cell structure. :think Oh, I also had a good giggle at what the client said on the phone. Cute.


Leeann, yikes @ your dh's glasses! Hope he found something he likes. How exciting that your dd learned to crochet! :clap:cheer


Joanne, how goes Paradise? I know you're having a blast babysitting tonight! :manyheart


I have been on such an Asian food kick. :think I've made paad thai about 4 times in the past week, last night made bean thread noodles with ground chicken (can't think of the proper name), and tonight I ended up making egg drop soup. Dh called earlier to say that 2 of his brackets came off already. :eek:eek:eek So I wanted to make something that would be easy on his teeth, until they can be fixed. :blush

Let's see...we went to the library and park today, then to the grocery store for a few items. I'm running low on easy-to-eat meal ideas, which do not contain citrus, tomato, or calcium. :think I also scrubbed the shower today :yuck and cleaned up our bedroom a bit. There are piles of the girls' clothes all over, but I need to clean out their dressers before any of that can be put away.

I guess I'd better go make dinner for them. :lol Today is Eva's beloved Purple Bear's birthday...only about the 5th in the past year...so we are having cupcakes later, to celebrate. :wink Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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