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Some good clean fun?!

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:ghug:stocking:rud:2snowman:fruitcakeGood evening friends!


Joanne-I am so happy for you! your new car sounds wonderful :c9:c9:c9 Congratulations! I bet it is fun to drive. :lol WTG finishing the rr and a hat and a cowl..oh my gosh! You hook must be smoking. Thank you for the lovely compliment on my family, they are the best.


Beth-smart idea to finish the ceiling later. Will you be cooking tomorrow? :fruitcakeHow are your inventions enjoying their time off?


Stacy-so glad that you were able to shop and take some well deserved "me time" that is adorable how your kiddos miss each other. So do mine. Since they only have each other, they are close as can be but can be naughty with each other too.



Marisa-great pics on fb! You all look so very happy. Made me smile. Will you be staying for the rest of the week?


Yesterday we all were naughty..dh is sick. He caught the cold that has been flowing thru our house. We stayed in pj and watched Hallmark movies. I finished a scarf for me in RH..no sashay..:D


Today we woke up on a mission. I got all of my soldiers ready this morning, we made a plan of attack and went to work. :lol together we cleaned out the kitchen cupboards, the refrigerator and tidied the entire house..whew! Dh bought me a new set of dishes in cranberry..my favorite! We got rid of all the old and chipped dishes to make room for the new. We have this running joke in the house. When each child graduates from high school he/she is buying me a set of dishes. Since their chore is to load/unload the dishwasher..they have broke, chipped, lost...damaged at least a set of dishes each.


I made the mashed potatoes for tomorrow, the pies, 2 cobblers and am going to make the stuffing in just a few..all that is left is the gravy and the ham..dh will make the ham..and VIOLA! We are ready.


off to check on my Etsy shop, I had forgotten to mail out an order..yikes! Dh took it to the post office..hopefully my customer will not be upset..


hugs n squishes!:sheepxmas:ctree

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LeeAnn, wow! When do you have time to do anything else? I am really impressed with wat you get done.


Joanne, congrats on the new car. I hope it is a good car for you. What fun, though! How did Ryan enjoy the presents?


Marisa, I hope you are having a blast with your family.


Stacy, I'll bet your girls were excited today. Did you have a lot of fun?


Well, I want to be very lazy today. I didn't plan a big meal. I am about half done with the first front panel of my sweater. I'd like to finish it today.

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:ctreeGood morning and Merry Christmas!:sheepxmas:gift:smiling:santa:wreath :hbulb


Had a lovely time last night! Ryan had a ball and the hats I made for the twins were a big hit! :manyheart


This morning, I'll be heading over for breakfast with Ryan (and will bring him the gifts that Santa left at my house for him and my DD and SIL). Then back home to relax, make the lasagne and crochet for a bit. Later on will go back over for dinner!


Beth-I do love my car and on top of DH giving me some $ towards the down payment, he bought me a new watch-my old watch had gone kaput and he replaced it with a new one very similar!:)


Stacy- Hope the kiddos are having a ball opening their pressies!!!


Marisa- Merry Christmas to you and your family!


LeeAnn- :hug I was so sorry to read about Sparky on FB- I'm sure your family is heartbroken:hug How is your son doing?

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Good evening!


Sounds like everyone had a wonderful holiday.


Beth, were you able to be lazy today? Did you finish the panel of your sweater?


Joanne, how sweet of DH to replace your watch, along with the downpayment. I'm sure you had a blast with Ryan, opening his gifts. Christmas is so much more fun with children! :yes


Marisa, hope you had a great time with your parents. I loved the photos you posted on FB.


Leeann, I was so sorry to read about your pup on FB. How is your ds? I love the joke you have about your dishes. We bought a new set several months ago; 3 of the dessert plates broke within the first two weeks. And that line has now been discontinued. :eek


Last night, we went to dh's aunt's house for dinner and gifts. The girls had a ton of fun as usual, but were eager to get home and go to bed! :lol Dh woke me at 3 a.m. to ask if I had remembered to eat the cookies the girls left for Santa. :eek Well, they left about a dozen, so I wrapped them up and put them in dh's lunchbox for tomorrow. :lol Went back to sleep but the girls woke up at 5:30! Dh pretended to sleep until about 6, when the girls finally won and we opened gifts. We went to the IL's house around noon, came home by 3, and now the girls are playing with their gifts and dh is passed out on the sofa. :lol

I'm off to take a shower and put on some jammies. Hoping to get to bed early, but something about the giggling going on, tells me that may not happen.

Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Merry Christmas friends!

Today has been a little bit of everything in one. We are all still sad about Sparky. Cristopher buried him last night-he made a cross out of wood. It was so sad, my heart broke for him. He is still sad but has been trying to distract himself. Celine cried herself to sleep and woke up crying. She seems to be a little bit better because my brother is spending the night- he's been an angel in getting them to think of other things. Our meal was great except for my mother in law- she loved Sparky as much as us and was so heartbroken she could barely eat.


I worked on a new soap idea but felt tired so thought I would leave it for tomorrow.


Hope you all had the bestest day ever! Hugs n squishes :-))

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Good morning!

Stacy, LeeAnn, Marisa, and Beth!! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas- I did!!!


LeeAnn- So sorry about Sparky again. It sounds like your DS is quite the young man- you've raised him well. My heartfelt sympathy to your family.


Debating on whether to leave for Boston today or tomorrow due to weather concerns. Will discuss with middle DD when she wakes up , but in the meantime, I'd better pack in case we decide to leave today! My oldest is working today anyway, so it may make sense to leave tomorrow. We'll see. Then instead of heading back to NJ Sat, we could head back on Sunday.

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-snow? Oh my! Please be safe. :hug How fun to get to go see one dd while taking the other with you. :manyheart Have you :hooknow that all your deadlines were met? :D Thank you for the lovely compliment on my son, he really is maturing into quite a gentleman. :heart


Beth-how's it going? How's the sweater coming along? Did you have a good laid back Christmas with your wonderful family?:hug


Stacy-that is soo cute!:hug I can remember staying up late on Christmas playing with all of my new toys...my sister and I could entertain ourselves for hours. We only came out of our room to potty and eat..but usually we snuck (sp?) food into our room. :manyheart


Marisa-bet you have lots of fun things planned for today, enjoy!:hug


Dh had to return to the land of work. He had been off Friday and Monday. It's quiet. The kiddos are all sleeping. They have stayed up late the last few nights. I am sure they are exhausted.


Going to package up an order..thankfully! They are still coming in. I am having an After Christmas Sale using Etsy's Powered Sale..hope this will bring folks in as I am scared that my shop will lose steam now that the holiday is over.


Also going to go make myself work out...yikes! I haven't been that good at it..I have only been averaging 2 days a week. My new soapie idea is coming together nicely, going to make the Soap Frosting for them. I am making Whoopie Pies-White Chocolate Raspberry with Vanilla Frosting and a bit of chocolate drizzle..sounds and smells good enough to eat!


Valentine's is right around the corner, according to etsy you have to be at least 6 weeks ahead of the holiday..gosh! I think I missed New Years...I don't how folks keep up.


best get my tush in gear. Have a wonderful Wednesday friends! Hugs n extra squishes.

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hi all,

LeeAnn, I hope your shop doesn't lose steam. I am glad your brother helped distract the kids. It takes time to get over the loss of a dear pet. I think it's a good idea to have the Valentine items ready now.


Joanne, the watch and the downpayment -- I think your dh likes you! Whenever you leave for Boston, please be careful! Enjoy your trip.


Stacy, I kind of miss the days when my kids were little, but they've been playing with their presents nonstop since Christmas morning. I guess teens can still have that air of excitement for Christmas day.


Marisa, I hope you are having a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear about it.


I did finish the front of the sweater. I have to make the sleeves, assemble it, add the collar and pockets, and TADA! My goal is to finish it this year. We'll see. I also made banana bread, took down the Christmas decorations (so I can work on the ceiling again) and walked 2 miles out of the cold, pouring rain. Loving the treadmill!

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Good morning,


Beth- WTG on the sweater!!! I won't take my Christmas decs down for another week or so- I love putting them up and try to enjoy as long as I can (plus it is definitely not as fun putting them all away)


LeeAnn--Good luck with your After Christmas sales!!!


Marisa- Hope you are having a ball--which I'm sure you are!


Stacy- Loved your post on FB on getting all the compliments on your DD's behavior! You ARE doing an awesome job raising them!!!


Rain here as stopped, but tracking the trek to Boston the weather doesn't look great- thinking about what we are going to do



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Good evening ladies :hi


I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!! I had a wonderful time at home with the family. We went out to watch the Steelers game on Sunday and then had family over to the house in the evening, which of course was a blast. On Christmas eve we ran some errands and helped around the house a bit, went to mass for 4:00 and then back home for dinner and hanging with the family. After dinner we opened up our xmas pj's, put them on and headed down my Aunt's house to hang out for a while. We did our gifts on Christmas day and had dinner at 1. Nikki got there with the kids shortly after 1 and so we got to hang out with them all day. Yesterday, we ran out in the morning and planned to leave around noon, which we did....well, it was a bit after. We started out great, but hit snow fairly quickly although the roads were not bad. But as we got down nearing Hershey, the traffic was just insane and mixed with the bad weather we decided to turn around. My only deciding factor was to see the kids a bit more. But, we weren't happy with the decision to turn around and wish we would have just stuck it out and kept going. Anyways, we all went to pizza hut for dinner then, they have the dinner buffet on Wednesdays and I have no clue where those kids put all the food they ate. The 8 and 6 year olds both had 4 plates of salad!!!!!! And that's not the pizza, noodles, bread sticks, or dessert pizza :eek


Last night my dad, sister, her bf, and the 8 year old were outside trying to "fix" a piece of sheet metal hanging off the house next to us that kept banging our house! It sounded like fireworks :lol It didn't stop until the thing just fell completely :sigh


So then I was up at 5 this morning for the trek back to Pitt. The roads and traffic were much better. And, I had 5 patients scheduled today....2 were canceled because of my delayed return and they 3rd effected by that just came later in the day. An afternoon one canceled and the other rescheduled for tomorrow. But 2 others came in, so overall not a bad day at 3.


I'm exhausted and feel my eyes keep closing. I'd head home now, but I need to keep myself awake or I'll be trouble sleeping for the night.


Well, you know I don't often post much on FB. We did the first pic (the nice one) of my mom, sister, and my mom's cousins husband (Al) So his wife went to Florida to spend the holiday with her kids (my cousins) and grandkids, but it was too late notice for Al to get off work because he didn't leave days to use. Anyways, he was going to her sisters houses for the holiday so he wouldn't be alone. We invited him over Sunday night, which was funny....he was over in about 5 minutes! Anyways, we posted the pic so they could see he was hanging out with us. Well, then their crew in Fl posted a pic of them with drinks in each hand. So we did the next one with bottles in each hand. Then they started texting and told us my cousin was lying on the floor or something. So Al layed down and we got him looking all disheveled (and he doesn't really drink :lol ) and it was my sister who put the snack tray on his back. After that we got another from them!!!! It was hysterical, we were doing a little FB battle :rofl Oh boy, we are so easily amused :yes


Joanne - congrats on the new car :yay:cheer


LeeAnn - Sorry to hear about your dog :hug I hope your sales continue :xfin


Stacy - I saw your post about getting complimented on your kids :clap


Beth - How's your sweater coming along?

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Marisa, the FB pictures sound like a hoot! It's so sweet of your family to invite him over. :yes Scary about the roads being so bad, but it sounds like you had a wonderful time after you turned around.


Leeann, good luck with your sales! How is Christopher? Is your brother still visiting?


Joanne, did you decide on going to Boston?


Beth, have you started working on the ceiling again?


I need to correct myself- my children are playing with their iPads and shunning the rest of their toys. LoL We bought iPad minis for the younger two, and Isabella is so thrilled to not have to share hers anymore. :lol Today, however, I had them put their "toys" away, we went to the park and library, and did some homework. They were not happy...but needed fresh air, and to work on the mounds of homework that were sent home. Isabella is so unenthusiastic about this mission project (which I secretly think is kind of cool) but tough cookies- it must be finished by Jan. 16.


Oh, guess what?! Last night, dh fell asleep really early, and the girls were doing their things, so I poked around on FB a bit and found two of my dearest friends from high school! I am excited. I only keep in touch with a few others through FB, but wasn't really close to any of them. So this is really neat. i can't wait to find out what they have been up to. :clap


Well, I need to scoot and get ready for dinner. Love and hugs!

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Hi all,


Stacy, you are such a good mom. It isn't easy to take the tough stand and make the kids do what is good for them. And your dd may not appreciate the mission project now, but she may think better of it when she is older.


Marisa, welcome home! I'm glad you got to spend time with the kids. It is amazing how much they can eat when they are young. I'm so glad you had that many patients today, and got home safely.


Joanne, be safe with your trip to Boston. I hope you have a great time.


LeeAnn, how are the after-Christmas specials going?


I hit a snag with my sweater. I am making the 2x size. I love the way the body is shaped, but the sleeves are HUGE!!! The wrist side is big enough to go around my thigh, and it keeps getting bigger. So I frogged it, decided to sew the body pieces together, and crochet the sleeves into the arm holes. I prefer less sewing any way. So i'm tossing the pattern for that part. I think the designers only made it for tiny people, and guesstimated on the increases for the larger sizes.

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Hi all,

Ended up not going to Boston! When I tracked the trip up- it was ice pellets /snow in parts of CT I would have to drive through- decided it wasn't worth driving through ice!!!! I was kind of bummed as was my oldest and middle DD- but Mother Nature does what Mother Nature wants.


The good news is that my oldest was able to get off work tomorrow- and she'll take the train down and spend the weekend here in NJ!!! Woo-hoo!!!! She'll arrive early afternoon tomorrow and we'll spend the rest of the day together. I'm really happy she is coming down- I was kind of bummed that I wasn't getting up to Boston!


Marisa- Glad you made it home safely and that you got to see the kids!!!!


Beth- Good luck getting the sweater finished!!!


Stacy--How cool that your DD's got iPad Mini's from Santa! I've been contemplating getting one- or one of the newer iPad's- I have the first generation and they've made so many improvements to the newer ones. Have you tried the Ipad mini's? Do you like it?

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on today. Last night I unpacked and got all that taken care of. Santa brought me a new Garmin so I charged that overnight. I'll get that set up today. I have some errands to run today. A patient this afternoon and then I'm going to see the Nutcracker tonight. I have a familiy of patients whose 16yo twin daughters take classes at the Pitt Ballet Company and so they're in it a bit. Their parents asked if I wanted to go with them, so I said yes :yes


Not sure what's going on this weekend yet, but we're calling for more snow. I think the Steelers game is home Sunday and will be the last tailgating of the football season.....and it'll be a cold one


Stacy - Wow, santa sure was good to the kids :yes I've also connected with old friends with FB, it is wonderful to catch up with people you otherwise probably wouldn't have had the change to run into again


Beth - I've had that problem with sweaters before too :yes Good idea to do the sleeves on your own and by now, I'm sure you've got the pattern down to make it happen :yes


Joanne - So glad to hear that your dd is able to come down. Have fun together as I know you will :hug

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We're getting snow tomorrow as well- I'm so glad that DD will be here this afternoon!! So far no calls, so I am anticipating that the train is on or close to schedule!!! Rutgers Bowl game is this evening, so we'll watch that. Youngest works today so today will just be DH, oldest and I hanging out.


Marisa- It is supposed to be very cold this weekend. Have fun at the last tailgating party! Giants play the Eagles so there is still hope that my Giants get in to the playoffs as the wildcard, although I'm not hedging any bets on it! LOL

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Good afternoon friends!


Where oh where has the day gone? Seems like I am busy but not really accomplishing all that I want.


Joanne-hoping and praying for the safe arrival of your daughter. I have only been on the train as a sightseeing event. Does it take long? Do folks travel by train alot in your neck of the woods?


Beth-how are the sleeves coming along? I bet you will be finished soon.


Marisa-it is going to be cold for your last tail gate party. My ds is doing better, our other dog Bleu is lonely-they were best of buds. But the kiddos have been giving them lots of attention.


Stacy-your girlies are just adorable! I bet they are lots of fun to be around. How's it going for you? Are you getting lots of hook time in?


I have been working on my whoopie pies, here's a sneak peak as well as some of my valentine Legos. I am currently creating coffee soap-it smells soo good! It will be in a set with a whoopie pie.


off to the land of soaping, oh what fun! Hugs n squishes!



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Joanne, Your team is playing my team -- i went to Virginia Tech. I think your team will win. I hope you have a good time with your daughters -- do you have any ideas what you'll do while your dd is visiting?


LeeAnn, LOVE LOVE LOVe your new soapies! They look delicious! Do you think you may get another pooch eventually?


Marisa, how was the Nutcracker?


Stacy, I saw on FB that your brain cells were assaulted by mindless television. Have you recuperated from that yet?

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Joanne, Your team is playing my team -- i went to Virginia Tech. I think your team will win. I hope you have a good time with your daughters -- do you have any ideas what you'll do while your dd is visiting?


LeeAnn, LOVE LOVE LOVe your new soapies! They look delicious! Do you think you may get another pooch eventually?


Marisa, how was the Nutcracker?


Stacy, I saw on FB that your brain cells were assaulted by mindless television. Have you recuperated from that yet?


Hi Beth!! DD, DH and I are watching the Rutgers/VT game aka the Russell Athletic Bowl! And Yes, my RU Knights are winning--but still lots of game left! Didn't know you went to VT! Tonight will be a quiet night- probably just watch a movie after the game. Tomorrow we are planning to visit with DD and Ryan and middle DD and BF are coming over as well. Not sure what we'll do- and it's supposed to snow- so maybe play outside in it? :lol


Marisa- What kind of yarn did you get and do you have a project in mind for it?


Stacy- Saw your post on Fb- hope Jorge won't be too sore after getting a full mouth of braces. What scarf pattern did you use? Would it be good for a guy? My DH told me that both of his grandsons want a scarf- one wants black and one wants blue.


LeeAnn- Love your new soapies- you are very, very creative!!!


My DD bought me a wonderful Crock Pot cook book so I think we'll make something from that -there's a wonderful recipe for a Shepherd's Pie so may try that. She also brought me some homemade apple butter and vanilla! She is turning into quite the cook. She sure didn't inherit that from me-:lol We also may do some cookie baking since all 3 DD's love to do that! I'll probably take Ryan duty while they are busy baking. It's a rough job but someone has to do it.;)


She is going back on New Years Eve -leaving in the morning. So we'll have all day Sat and Sunday together! :manyheart

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Hi all,

We're supposed to get snow today! Hopefully just enough to have a little fun with- like make a snowman!


Here's a pic of the RR that I gave my DD for Christmas. I used Charisma yarn and it's nice and soft- she loved the colors! (Giants blue of course)


Beth- Well, your alma mater beat mine last night! Rutgers had good defense, but no offense!!! Congrats to VT!


LeeAnn- You asked about the train. Normally DD takes the bus down from Boston since it's much cheaper, but she got a very nice Christmas bonus and she loves traveling by train so decided to treat herself. She hates to drive and that was one of the reasons she moved to Boston. You don't need a car to get around at all!! She keeps up her driver's license, though and has rented a car when she has needed to (maybe twice in the 7 years she's been living there)


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Marisa, how was the Nutcracker?


It was wonderful and the girls danced great! :yay:clap As students they don't have long parts, but what they had they did very well. We went to dinner after, which was also wonderful :lol



Marisa- What kind of yarn did you get and do you have a project in mind for it?


My DD bought me a wonderful Crock Pot cook book so I think we'll make something from that -there's a wonderful recipe for a Shepherd's Pie so may try that. She also brought me some homemade apple butter and vanilla! She is turning into quite the cook. She sure didn't inherit that from me-:lol We also may do some cookie baking since all 3 DD's love to do that! I'll probably take Ryan duty while they are busy baking. It's a rough job but someone has to do it.;)


She is going back on New Years Eve -leaving in the morning. So we'll have all day Sat and Sunday together! :manyheart


I picked up some super bulky for a pair of mittens to test for someone. And a light boucle that I have no clue what I'm going to do with :think


So exciting to have the girls all together :clap Have fun with the baking :drool


Hi all,

We're supposed to get snow today! Hopefully just enough to have a little fun with- like make a snowman!


Here's a pic of the RR that I gave my DD for Christmas. I used Charisma yarn and it's nice and soft- she loved the colors! (Giants blue of course)


Gorgeous RR :manyheart


We're getting snow as well :yes

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Hi all. We've had an adventursome day involving a water faucet breaking off. Gotta love an old house. So glad my hubby could fix it. So my day will be looking up starting now. I hope you all have a great weekend.

Joanne, enjoy your daughters.

Marisa, super bulky mittens -- that sounds so warm!

LeeAnn, I hope your dd has a great birthday! Any fun plans to celebrate?

Stacy, how is your hubby feeling?

Stay warm and dry, my friends!

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