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Top of the day friends!


Marisa-no worries, life does get a bit hectic at times. I am so sorry to hear about all that is going on with your brother. It is difficult to deal with folks. Hopefully in time you and your sister will get to see your nieces and nephews. I am sure they will miss you all this holiday season. Your new shirt sounds interesting, will you be sharing a pic?


Beth-I am so happy that you are making something for yourself. Often times we get caught up making something for others. What color is your new sweater going to be?


Joanne-I bet you are super duper happy to not be working as many hours this week. Those long work weeks have a way of sucking up your social life. :lol Your little Ryan must be having so much fun, is he excited to be a big brother? how is your dd feeling?


Stacy-what have you been doing with yourself? I hope that you have had a chance to relax with yarn and hook. How's your dh feeling?


I have still been busy with orders..they are really keeping me busy. I have gotten faster and packaging order up. It's a good thing, cuz I really need to work on other stuff.


I just finished the last scarf for another order. I had forgotten to tell you all, I finished the Mary Janes and the grandma loved them! She was soo cute! She really wanted to pay for them, but I told her it was a gift. I am honored to create them for her baby girl. She ordered another set. I will work on those later this week as she doesn't need them for awhile.


The sashay scarves are selling like hotcakes! I have sold about 10 of them. Thankfully my friend picked up some of the yarn for me while she was in Pueblo.


Last night my dd had her first Winter Formal. It had originally been scheduled for Friday but because of the snow storm it was rescheduled. She was so excited and happy to go. Her friend Luis asked her to go, they met there but only danced one dance. He was shy, so instead she danced with her friends.


off to fold laundry, I am almost finished wrapping presents..whew! I didn't think I was ever going to get caught up and ready for Christmas.


hugs n squishes!

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Top of the day friends!


Marisa-no worries, life does get a bit hectic at times. I am so sorry to hear about all that is going on with your brother. It is difficult to deal with folks. Hopefully in time you and your sister will get to see your nieces and nephews. I am sure they will miss you all this holiday season. Your new shirt sounds interesting, will you be sharing a pic?


I have still been busy with orders..they are really keeping me busy. I have gotten faster and packaging order up. It's a good thing, cuz I really need to work on other stuff.


I just finished the last scarf for another order. I had forgotten to tell you all, I finished the Mary Janes and the grandma loved them! She was soo cute! She really wanted to pay for them, but I told her it was a gift. I am honored to create them for her baby girl. She ordered another set. I will work on those later this week as she doesn't need them for awhile.


The sashay scarves are selling like hotcakes! I have sold about 10 of them. Thankfully my friend picked up some of the yarn for me while she was in Pueblo.


Last night my dd had her first Winter Formal. It had originally been scheduled for Friday but because of the snow storm it was rescheduled. She was so excited and happy to go. Her friend Luis asked her to go, they met there but only danced one dance. He was shy, so instead she danced with her friends.


off to fold laundry, I am almost finished wrapping presents..whew! I didn't think I was ever going to get caught up and ready for Christmas.


hugs n squishes!


Well, the pic of the xmas tree is the shirt :lol You can't tell because I wanted to get a good shot of the design :yes


WTG on getting your orders caught up and presents wrapped :clap:yay


How cute about dd and the dance :manyheart

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Hi all-Happy Hump Day!


Marisa--Love the texting gloves and the shirt is so festive- just enough bling- but not overpowering! Tell Ingrid she did a good job!


LeeAnn- I saw the pic of your DD all dolled up for her winter formal- she looked beautiful!!! Just like her Mama!!! WTG on all those sashay scarf orders--you sure have been busy.

Ryan has no clue he's getting a little brother--well he knows---but I don't think he understands---LOL He's 17 mos in a few days--the time has flown by.


Stacy- How's DD's afghan coming along? I fear that I will be finishing up my DD's RR on Christmas Eve!! (or maybe it will be a New Years gift????LOL) She'll understand if it isn't finished--but I'd really like to try and get it done. I found some Paton's Shetland chunky in purple on clearance this past weekend at ACMoore- so I made an infinity scarf for my 'secret santa' at work- since her fav color is purple! I'm also giving her a pair of earrings since she LOVES jewelry! Now back to the RR tonight!


Beth- Hope all went well with your Mom's cataract surgery! Oh, I thought of you when my DD and SIL told me what they are going to name their baby- Robert!!


Time to get ready! Another busy day-----

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Morning friends!


I can't believe that it is Wed. already..my oh my! Where did the week go?


Joanne-wonderful name for you next grandson to be. I love it! New yarn sounds delish! I bet that rr is calling your name during the day. When I have something in the back of my mind that I want to finish, it's hard to think of something else.


Marisa-I love love love love love the gloves! Good work! I am sure your sister will love them. The shirt is perfect! Just the right amount of decoration. She did an excellent job.


Beth-how's your mama doing? I hope that she is on her way to a speedy recovery. :hug


Stacy-what's a shakin?


Last night my dd had her Christmas Choir concert, fast and lovely. It was so sweet. Makes you feel more like the holidays.


Today I can honestly say that I do not have any orders to fill:eek:eek:eek I know...that hasn't happened in a long time. I am going to make my mother in law a sashay scarf for one of her presents. I had made her the a few of these no sew crochet towel toppers. They worked up super fast! I think I will make a few for my mom and sister. You can switch out your dish towel. What a nifty idea.


NO SEW TOWEL TOPPER Crochet Pattern - Free Crochet Pattern Courtesy of Crochetnmore.com


let me think what else is new..going to start my holiday baking this week as well. The kiddos are done with school on Thursday. Dh took Fri-Tue. off..yippeee!


guess I had better get the family out the door. hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm feeling a bit sluggish :eek Maybe it's this rainy weather that we can't shake :think I finished the 2nd glove yesterday :clap


I have some paperwork to get done here and then I'm going to start on my mom's gloves :lol


Thanks ladies, Ingrid really does do an awesome job :manyheart


LeeAnn - Enjoy your order-free day :lol Great idea with the towel toppers.

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Hi all,


I'm running behind today, but I had to stop by to see what's up. Mom is doing OK, just a little frustrated because she didn't realize there would be a recuperation period, and assumed she'd leave the doc's office in perfect shape. She seems very chipper and cheery though. I am taking a break from working on the ceiling -- sanded down the last coat of joint compound, and am waiting for the dust to settle before I put up the next one. It is looking... Ok. I have hopes it will look good by the time I'm done. I get the permanent crown put on my tooth today.


LeeAnn, congrats on a day off from orders. I hope you enjoy your time. Your dd is beautiful, but growing up way too fast.


Stacy, I hope you are done with school for a while. My kids got their grades yesterday. All A's, and B's.


Joanne, Of course I love the name Robert. When is the new baby expected? I'll bet you will get a lot done on the RR when you have more time to dedicate to it.


Marisa, Congrats on finishing the gloves -- they are awesome. I love the shirt, too. How long did it take you to make a pair of those gloves? They are most excellent -- what a great gift!


Gotta take the dog out, then climb back up that ladder again... See you later!

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Hi all,


I'm running behind today, but I had to stop by to see what's up. Mom is doing OK, just a little frustrated because she didn't realize there would be a recuperation period, and assumed she'd leave the doc's office in perfect shape. She seems very chipper and cheery though. I am taking a break from working on the ceiling -- sanded down the last coat of joint compound, and am waiting for the dust to settle before I put up the next one. It is looking... Ok. I have hopes it will look good by the time I'm done. I get the permanent crown put on my tooth today.


Marisa, Congrats on finishing the gloves -- they are awesome. I love the shirt, too. How long did it take you to make a pair of those gloves? They are most excellent -- what a great gift!


Gotta take the dog out, then climb back up that ladder again... See you later!


Glad to hear your mom is coming along :hug Good luck with your appt today. This pair of gloves took a while, but only because I didn't have the time. But over Thanksgiving at my parents I worked on the first pair and finished in 3 days! And we'll say I worked on them in the 2nd half of the day, so it wasn't ALL day that I sat with them. :)

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Hi friends!


Beth, good luck finishing the ceiling. I hope the dentist appointment went well. :hug:hug:hug WTG to your inventions for getting A's and B's. Glad to hear that your mom is okay, even if the recuperation period is longer than she thought.


Joanne, I love the name your DD and SIL chose. :yes Good luck finishing your DD's 'ghan. Isabella's is about half-finished, but I am planning to give it for her birthday, so I still have a few days.


Marisa, the glove looks great! And the shirt is very pretty. Ingrid is talented. :yes Sorry to hear of all the drama with your brother and SIL. It stinks that they are holding the kids over your heads. :ohdear Have fun with your parents. :hug:hug:hug


Leeann, :woo for a day off from orders. I'm sure it was much-needed. :hug:hug:hug Your DD looked absolutely beautiful for her dance. Glad to hear she had a great time.


The girls and I are having a rather relaxing vacation. :devil Yesterday, I crafted ALL day- I finished 2 scarves, a pair of mittens, 2 hats, and weaved ends on a shawl. Today I have to finish a scarf, and tomorrow I need to mail out my mom's package. It probably won't arrive before Christmas. :( I don't know what's going on with my dad, so I haven't sent his out yet. When I inquired, he may or may not be here for Christmas, and if that doesn't pan out, he may or may not be here for Isabella's birthday. :blush:thair I hate when his plans are about as solid as mud, because it puts the rest of our plans on hold.

Anyway...today we also made a trip the UPS store to pick up a package, then to the library. Isabella has a project that is due the week after break, so she needed some books for research. Came home and started dinner, and now have cookies in the oven. I have baked every single day already this week. :lol

I better scoot and get that scarf finished. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,

Beth- hope the dental appt went well! Glad to hear your Mom's surgery went well. My grandson Robert is due March 14- we'll see- My middle DD's birthday is Mar 11 and she will be his godmother.

WTG to your DD and DS on the grades! How's the ceiling coming along?


LeeAnn- I'm sure you enjoyed your day without having to fill any orders--did you finish the scarf?


Marisa= Safe travels home!!


Stacy- You have been very , very busy with hook and yarn!! How are your hands holding up?


I need to get off the computer because the gifts I need to finish won't crochet themselves!!!

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Hi all,

Joanne, From my experience, a Robert born in March is a very good thing. That certainly is getting closer. After Christmas, do you have any plans to make more baby things?


Stacy, It is frustrating when you are supposed to plan around someone else's lack of planning. I am glad you had a nice, relaxing day yesterday. And baking every day... What have you been making?


Marisa, Still loving the texting gloves. Oh, you asked which pattern I am using for my sweater. It's "Hot-to-trot cardigan" in the Jan/Feb 2011 Crochet today! magazine. I haven't made much progress on it lately, though. I took it to the dentist with me, and while I was holding my project bag, I smelled cat, so I put it in the car. When I got home, I took everything out, and found out the BAG smelled. So I washed the bag, and heaved a big sigh of relief. I will get back to it. Should have a lot of time to work on it during my hubby's Christmas vacation.


LeeAnn, have your orders slowed down, since it's so close to Christmas now?


The dental drama is over for a while. The ceiling drama will be ongoing. I am not good at this, and my husband did not do a good job putting in the patch. It is hard to smooth the transition when the patch doesn't line up with the rest of the ceiling.

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-you are too cute! I love reading your posts. :hug Sanding and compounding all sounds like hard work. I remember those days...when we built my craft studio that was my job to do all the tape/texture/prime/paint/molding...uggghhh! I am too much of a perfectionist, I drove myself crazy. My father in law had to make me stop sanding...:lol:lol will you have to paint when you are done?


Marisa-did you get hook time in yesterday?


Stacy-a day full of crafting sounds marvelous! Did you finish your Sashay scarf? They sure can be a pain.


Joanne-TGIF almost! Any plans for the weekend?


Today I have my dd home sick...she caught the cold that Cristopher had. Poor babes. I have her back in bed.


I have a few more orders to deliver and package up, I think the holiday rush is over..whew! Finished the blue sashay scarf for my mother in law. I really want to make one for my sister..but not sure if I am up to playing with the yarn today..you have to be extremely patient (not in my vocab sometimes) :devil:devil


I am almost caught up on laundry..sounds like an easy task but with the kiddos being sick. I have been washing and washing. I made another batch of my homemade laundry detergent yesterday. I prefer the powder version compared to the liquid...it seems to be working wonderfully. I also changed up my fabric softener method. I mixed 2 cups white vinegar with about 3 ml of fragrance oil. Then I spray the clothing before putting it in the dryer..works great! Smells clean and purrrttyy!


best get to work, ds has finals today and will get out early.


hugs n squishes!

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Hi all!


Leeann, I love your fabric softener method! That sounds wonderful. Glad to hear that your laundry soap is working well, also. I hope the kiddos feel better soon.


Joanne, my wrists are sore! LoL How is your DD feeling? Are you going to visit your DD in Boston after Christmas? I thought you mentioned something about that a while ago.


Beth, :clap for no more dental drama. Sorry to hear the ceiling is giving you a headache. It does sound like a ton of work! :eek


The Sashay scarf has taken a backseat to the rest of my projects. It is pretty and I love how ruffly it is, but I am just not up to dealing with it. It would be the perfect gift for dh's aunt, though...so hopefully I will have some time to fiddle with it before Christmas.

Today I need to do laundry. Oh, and I said I was going to clean the girls' room, but I don't think that's going to happen. I really need to get motivated sometime before 11 a.m., or else the day is shot. :blush (Have I mentioned how much I enjoy being off school? :rofl)

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Good morning!


Can't believe I'm the first to post today. :eek:lol TGIF! And we are all still here. :rofl


I found a tip online last night, to roll the Sashay onto a toilet paper tube first. So I did, and it worked much better- except somewhere along the line, I messed up because the scarf is only about 3 ft. long. :think So I may look for the other ball I bought, and see if I can figure that one out. :lol


Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug

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Stacy, you're all the way on the west coast, and you were still first -- I think gravity was extra strong on the East Coast today. I ended up in bed until after all 3 kids were up! :faint


I decided this morning that I needed to change my attitude, or everybody in the family would have a bad Christmas. So I got up, went shopping with the dd for the gifts from the kids for the in-laws, (They are required to buy $1 gifts for everybody.) Then I helped a son bring down the Christmas decorations. Our tree is getting old, and isn't looking so hot any more. The prelit lights are out, well 2/3 of them any way. We checked our other lights, strung them on the tree, plugged them in, and they didn't work any more... Took them off the tree, and half the strand lit up. :think I don't know what to think.

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:hug:hug:hug:hugBeth!!!:hug:hug:hug Sounds like you need lots of those. All of our lights still work, thank goodness...however, my dh- the electrician- wants to replace them with LED lights. That would be a nice idea, if lights were in the budget. I say, if they still work, we should count ourselves lucky. :yes

I love that your kiddos are required to buy $1 gifts for everyone. :yes MIL is taking my older two this weekend, so we can finish shopping. *I* would have been done by now, but dh always complains that he doesn't get to help, so I waited. Well...this is why. That, and he always overspends. *sigh* I probably need to turn my Grinch-y attitude around, too. :blush:lol

Anyway...today is just laundry and cleaning the girls' room, then dropping off the older two. But I guess those things aren't getting done while I'm sitting here. :lol

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Thanks for the hugs, Stacy. I am really happy with our final product, even if it is totally off-the-wall. Heck, maybe I'm very happy because it is totally off-the-wall, and suits my personality. We decorated the dining room table with a ceramic Christmas tree. I think it's cute and fun.

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I love it! Santa Scooby rocks! :cheer:clap:manyheart


We ended up having a busy day. Did most of the laundry and cleaned part of the girls' room. Then received calls from dh, MIL, dh's friend, and my old man friend all within about 20 minutes! :eek So I hopped in the shower and we got dressed, just in time for dh's friend to stop by with gifts for the girls. After he left, we took Mia to MIL's to spend a few days, then stopped by to visit with my old man friend, who also had gifts for the girls. A quick stop to Trader Joe's, and now we are home. :whew This mama is ready for bed! LoL

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Good morning!

Finally it's here! Vacation time- no work till next year!


Beth- Love your table! Happy to hear you are in the spirit. My oldest DD has a 'charlie brown' tree- seriously- and keeps it up year round. Love the idea of required $1.00 gifts.


Stacy- Sounds like quite the busy day, but that you are enjoying the time off school! What you should tell DH to do re: the LED lights- buy lights AFTER Christmas for next year-when they are all on sale! How's the creeper afghan coming along?


LeeAnn- By the looks of the pics on FB, it seems that your family had a wonderful day creating memories by going out to lunch and baking together! You have a great looking family! Hugs!!


Marisa- Hope you had an uneventful trek back home and that your Mom is feeling better.


The scarves that I gave as gifts were a huge hit! One of my co-workers wants to start a little craft club to be held after work- a few of my co-workers really want to learn to crochet- and a few of them already do crochet or knit. We'll see if this pans out or not. In any event, I'm glad that homemade was so well received! I have a hair cut appt today- and guess what I'm giving my hairdresser? Yup- a scarf!! LOL


I'm hoping to get all my cleaning/laundry done after my hair appt, wrap presents and then bake some cookies! I still need to make 2 hats for the twins and finish my Dd's RR- I have 2 days to get it done.


Off to get some coffee and start the day!



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Good evening ladies!


I am sorry I have been MIA-had a post typed this morning but somehow my puter froze and restarted and I lost it.:(


Beth-what a fantastic idea to have $1.00 gifts. What a neat idea! Did your dd find lots of goodies? How's the ceiling coming along? Perhaps you cuold get one of your wonderful inventions to help do some of it. Are you working on any hooky projects?


Joanne-happy Vacation to you dear friend! you have been working so hard, that I am sure it feels wonderful. Did you get to work on your rr today?


Stacy-how's your crochet project coming along? Are you getting lots of squares done? I think that wrapping the sashay yarn around something would definitely help. I thought if someone sat next you unraveling it would make the process fly by..haven't found someone to sit next to me long enough:lol


Marisa-did you make it back to your parents house? How's your mom feeling?


Yesterday was a super busy but fun day. After we tidied up the house, we went out to lunch, did a bit of window shopping, delivered a soapy order then came home to bake. We made a batch of chocolate chip cookies. It was so much fun! My in-laws stopped over for coffee and cookies-it was nice to visit with them. ds had a Confirmation event, so while he was at that, we took dd to a Parade of Lights event downtown. It was super cold but soo pretty! Then it was back to pick up ds, and a quick visit to our great aunt. Then back home to rest..whew! This morning, I got up early to bake again. We had made the dough for peanut butter cookies yesterday-it had to be chilled. My mom also came over to help me bake. Together we made 2 pies and 2 cobblers, a new batch of Biscochitos (a mexican cookie) dd helped too.. it was great! We ordered pizza for lunch. :D The guys were out on top of the roof cleaning out the chimney...we are all done with the dishes and baking..sipping a cup of coffee contemplating what hooky project I am going to work on..:think


going to look and see what my yarn wants to become. I have a few more orders for scarves but am not really wanting to fight with the sashay yarn.


hi ho hi ho~ hugs n squishes!


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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I'm at my parents house and got here safely on Thursday night :clap Friday we didn't do much of anything, a couple errands and crocheting. Last night I finished up a second set of gloves for my mom for christmas, which I started Thursday night when I got home :clap Yesterday we went to NYC and puttzed around for a while then left around 2. We went to eat when we got back to town and then just lounged for the eveing. Maryann came up to visit Friday night and came to NYC with us, she just left this morning. Now my mom is coloring our hair since we didn't get to it last week. We're going out during the afternoon for the Steelers game with my aunt and then her family is coming over to our house for the evening. It's her grandson's birthday today.


That's about it for now, but I'll try to get back later on or tomorrow!


Merry Christmas Eve Eve :wink


Oh, my mom is doing much better now! :yay:bounce Thank you all for you thoughts and prayers for her :hug

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Hi all,


Glad to hear that your Mom is feeling better Marisa- love the pic of you guys in NYC!!!! Next time to talk to Mary- tell her hi from me!


went out to the store early this morning to pick up the last 3 gifts- one for stepdaughter, one for son-in-law and one for grand-dog Belle! So I'm done--just have to wrap them right after I log off of here


Forgot to tell you all that I got a new car- a small SUV, the 2013 Honda CR-V in silver. I LOVE it and it has everything I wanted. I'm looking forward to driving it up to Boston. I didn't tell my DD's yet--except for youngest who I met at the nail salon yesterday and she saw it.


Off to wrap the last 3 presents and then I can move all the wrapping stuff out of the family room.


Football afternoon, with hook in hand is the plan--I'll head over to DD's for the 4PM Giants game!

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Hi friends!!


Marisa, sounds like you're having a great time. I'm so happy that your mom is doing better! :cheer


Joanne, woohoo for a new car! How exciting. Have fun with your dd and football buddy, Ryan. :clap


Beth, hope you're having a great weekend.


Leeann, you have been busy, too! How nice that your IL's stopped by. :yes


Yesterday I shopped for most of the day. :whew I didn't even buy much- just some groceries and two gifts...but it was nice to be out by myself for a while, so *maybe* took my time. :lol Last night, I worked on Isabella's 'ghan, and it is coming along nicely. Although I need about 40 more squares...so will have to work on it daily to be sure it is done in time for her birthday on the 30th.

Today we are making cookies. Mia is still with my IL's, and the girls keep going on about how they miss her. She is supposed to be back today, but not sure what time. Tomorrow afternoon, we are going to dh's aunt's house for dinner.

If I'm not back before, Merry Christmas, besties! :hug:hug:hug

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HI everybody.

Sounds like everybody is having a great weekend. I'm really happy to hear that. Today was a good day for me.

Marisa, I am so glad to hear your mom is feeling better. I hope you have a wonderful time at their house.

Joanne, Did you get all the presents wrapped, and everything cleaned up before the game?

Stacy, Good luck finishing the afghan for the birthday. It is nice to be out by yourself.

Oh, I am not working on the ceiling until we clean up the Christmas decorations, since they are in that room. I am happy enough with how it looks.

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Got all my presents wrapped and had fun with Ryan! What wasn't fun was watching the Ravens beat the Giants! They are really on a downhill slide. Glad I had Ryan as a nice diversion!!!


I finished the RR- took a pic but haven't uploaded it to my computer yet. I also got one of the twins hats done. Will start a cowl tonight for my oldest, ad then tomorrow before the Christmas Eve festivities will finish the other twins hat.


Stacy- I don't blame you for taking your time shopping since you were alone. That's sweet that the girls miss Mia!!! I'll be cheering you on that you finish Isabella's ghan by the 30th! Have a wonderful time tomorrow and Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!!


Beth- Glad to hear you had a good day and that you have decided to leave the ceiling alone till the decorations are down! What are your plans for Christmas? We go to my DD's MIL's every Christmas Eve. DD told me today that she wants us to come to their house instead of them coming here on Christmas...but she still wants me to make the lasagne. It's fine by me!


Off to start one of the remaining Christmas projects!

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