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Some good clean fun?!

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Stacy, my 20-year-old son wants to know why your dd would want a creeper afghan. He says creepers are scarey, and they explode. He says zombies are better, because they hug you. :think


Marisa, how is your weekend going?


Joanne, are you getting any R&R this weekend? Will things slow down when the new system goes live, or will there be an adjustment period before things slow down?


LeeAnn, are you getting lots of last-minute Christmas orders? Are you doing any fun things with the kiddoes for Christmas?


I finished my octagonal afghan yesterday. I am SO happy. I only have one WIP now, and it's that laceweight shawl I've been working on for so long. I will be starting a sweater for me next. I fell in love with a pattern in one of my old magazines, and I have lots of this yarn that needs a purpose. I'm going to try to combine the two, see if they get along. Today I am going to a card-making party at my son's girlfriend's house.

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Good morning!


Beth- The card making party sounds like a lot of fun! Enjoy! to answer your question- no it won't slow down, because we broke up the project into a phase 1 and phase 2. So phase 2 work begins as soon as we go live with phase 1. I'm anticipating another 3 mos or so till we go live with phase 2.


I had a good day yesterday, except I didn't get the cleaning done that I wanted to. Oh, well, the dust bunnies will still be here. I went to the Outlets and scored some very good deals, so I'm pretty much done with Christmas shopping- just a few little odds/ends to get. Treated myself to a manicure and then went to DD's house. We went out with Ryan and when I came home, I did another round on the RR. Today is laundry, and then one of my co-workers has an annual Christmas party which is this afternoon.


The art show was great. It featured works by both my DD and her BF. They are both quite talented if I do say so myself!


Hope you are all having a good weekend. Off to refill my coffee and get the day started!

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awwww I have a super long post, then my computer froze up...grrr..


Hope all of you enjoy a relaxing Sunday filled with great company and :crocheting.


Off to fill orders, they keep coming in, faster than I can create.


hugs n squishes!

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:hi friends!!


Beth, the card-making party sounds so fun! Glad to hear you had a fun time shopping with your dd and friend. My dd did not ask for the afghan- she actually asked for Minecraft Legos, but they are sold out everywhere and are being sold on Ebay and Amazon for $100+ (when the original price is $35.) :eek:eek:eek I am not jumping on that bandwagon! So I chose the creeper afghan- her favorites are actually zombies and endermen.


Marisa, love your FB pic! My BIL is a Steelers fan, my niece even has a little pink Steelers jersey. So cute. Are you tailgating today?


Leeann, the lemon pound cake soapie sounds delish! I swear, sometimes I can actually smell the things you make! :rofl How are the chickens? Any fun Christmas plans? When are they off for break?


Joanne, sounds like you had a wonderful day! I love that Ryan only loves that one hat. :manyheart And I bet you just love Christmas shopping for him. :yes My mom always calls so excited when she is shopping for the girls. LoL


Well, I finished my paper early this morning. Sounds bad, but I do my best work when the deadline is so close. :blush Really wish that wasn't the case, but if I sit down weeks beforehand, nothing comes to me. :think Anyhow...Eva and Isabella are with MIL this weekend, and I promised Mia that if I finished my paper early enough, we would do something fun. Now to figure out what that will be! LoL Dh left early for a run, and he has some homework to do today, so I'm thinking of taking Mia to a museum. We shall see.

I better scoot and take a shower. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Joanne, the art show sounds unbelieveable. It must be so cool to see art displayed by people who you know and love.

LeeAnn, I hate it when I lose a post like that! Can't wait to hear what you are up to.

Stacy, Is it exam week for you? Today my dd is done. My oldest had an on-line exam, I'm not sure it's finished or not. My other son has one Tuesday, one Thursday.

Marisa, will you be closing your practice for a Christmas break? When would you do that?


Well, I tried to follow my son's directions to the card party, and just couldn't figure out which house his girlfriend lives in, so we turned around, and came home. Felt bad, but with my son at his volunteer activity, I couldn't reach her. When he got home, we talked, he texted her and he asked if we could come over. He took us. We had a GREAT time!!! Nice family.

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Good Monday morning!


Beth- Glad you were able to finally make it to DS GF's! And that she has a nice family! That is sooo important!


We put up our 'big' Christmas tree up yesterday morning- it was the first time in a couple of years. It was fun to pull out the ornaments again- and bring back some memories! The Christmas party was lots of fun and then watched the 2nd half of the Giants win! Had a great weekend and now it's back to reality and lots of work!


Stacy- What did you and Mia end up doing yesterday? I was always like that with papers- I produced my best work when under pressure at the last minute! Hey, whatever works as along as it gets done!!


LeeAnn- So happy for you that you have so many orders! Hope it's not stressing you out too much- but seems that you have really found your niche!


Marisa- Hope you had a good weekend- were you at the Steelers game? I see your Eagles finally won a game so all wasn't a waste on the football front!


Off I go to the land of paradise! Hugs!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!!


I read through the posts, but did not take notes since I'm a bit short on time right now. The weekend was mostly busy, but I did get some downtime. Sat morning I had 2 patients, and then went to the Children's Museum to teach kids how to knit/crochet. I couldn't stay long though because we did the christmas Victorian House Tour that afternoon. After that I had the evening to myself and work on Steph's texting gloves, which haven't been picked up in at least a week :eek


Sunday we all slept late and then was running around to get ready for the tailgate and game. I ran to the bread store and coffee shop, Steph got dinner together in the crock pot for after the game and Bean did the miscellaneous things. We were out the door heading down to the tailgate about 10:30 (we woke up just after 9:30)! I got to go to the game because our group had a couple extra tickets and couldn't sell them :clap Unfortunately, we lost :(


I was lazy the rest of the night then. I napped and then I watched xmas movies on Hallmark until I went back to sleep :lol


Today I had a patient at 10 and planned to meet my attorney for lunch, nothing's wrong, just to catch up since I haven't seen or talked to him all year....I didn't need any advising :shrug:lol


Ingrid text me to see if I can pick the kids up for school so she can go for a job interview, they get out about 3. So I'll leave in a few and stop at the post office on the way since I didn't get there on Friday :sigh I have a patient scheduled at 4 and 2 more coming, but I'm not sure on a time. I have to be somewhere for 7 for a showing of a new movie called 'Doctored' coming out.




See y'all tomorrow I guess :hug

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Good morning! Or, what's left of it, anyway. :lol


Marisa, sounds like a fun weekend, as always! Woohoo for 3 patients coming in!! :woo That's nice of you to pick up Ingrid's kiddos...good luck to her for the interview. :cheer


Leeann, how was your weekend? Saw on FB that you had a great time at the show. :clap


Joanne, glad to hear you had fun at the Christmas party. The art show sounds wonderful, too! How nice to put up your big tree again. :yes Good luck in Paradise this week. :hug:hug


Beth, sorry you missed the card party but glad you finally met his g/f's family. :yes And that she has a nice family. I agree with Joanne- that is so important. :manyheart Good luck to your inventions with their finals. This is finals week and it is quite crazy- had a philosophy paper due yesterday (which I got an 80% on, not happy about that), philosophy final due by Thursday, in-class stats final on Thursday, nutrition final due by Friday, nutrition report due by Saturday. Then I will be DONE! I can probably have everything finished by Thursday except for the report, which requires me to record everything I eat until Friday night. I am SO looking forward to being finished....our apartment is in desperate need of straightening up, and of course I have gifts to finish! :rofl


Speaking of gifts...the afghan is about half-finished already! :cheer It's really easy and actually turning out to need less squares than I originally thought. :yes I have some gloves to finish for my mom, then possibly making my dad a hat/mittens set. :think


I need to scoot and read over a paper for dh. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug



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Good evening friends!


Joanne-oh my! You sure are going to be super busy for the next few weeks. Hope that it ends sooner. Your dd and her bf's art show sounds just wonderful. How fun!


Stacy-you are doing it! I am amazed at all that you do! Finals will be over and done with and then you can concentrate on the holidays.


Marisa-yippee for new patients! How many does that bring you up to? So happy for you. Your weekend sounded like a good combination of rest and fun.


Beth-did you get to make cards at all? So glad that your ds's gf is super sweet and has a great family.


I have been working my tail feather off..I have jumped from 200 sales on etsy to 222..woohoo! I have also had lots of phone in orders...I am exhausted, excited and a bit stressed. My family has been helping out A LOT. They have been helping with laundry, dishes and picking up. I am grateful.


The craft show was so much fun! I met lots of new folks. I am lucky to be seated next to such wonderful folks each and every time.


I did a teeny tiny bit of shopping while I was there..still have a bit to go, but it's a start.


off to start dinner..finished making 7 Gingerbread Sugar scrubs, Sun & Sand Perfume Balms and lots of soapies.


The new soapy idea I had was for snow globes made out of soap..I have all of the material just can't seem to get to them..guess next holiday season..what other kinds of snow globes are there? Valentine ones?


hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, what type of shelf life does soap have? Could you make the snow globes now for next year?


Joanne, busy busy! but a break is near. Do you get much time off for Christmas?


Marisa, How are things in the Pitt?


Stacy, How are things in California?


Last night, I met with my irl crochet buddy. While we were talking and looking at the crochet magazine I had with me, I decided to try to make a Mickey Mouse hat for my friend's son with downe syndrome. He's a BIG Mickey mouse fan.

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Heya besties!


Leeann, you are the one who is doing it, my dear! :nworthy WTG on 222 sales! :woo That is awesome! The snow globe soapies sound awesome. I think people like snow globes any time, not just holidays. :yes


Beth, glad to hear you had fun with your IRL crochet friend. :cheer The Mickey Mouse hat sounds adorable. :manyheart


Joanne, what's shakin? Hope Paradise is being nice to you.


Marisa, did your patients make it in yesterday afternoon?


Today, I took my nutrition final- 84%. It took 2-1/2 hours! :eek Then I had to deal with dh's ortho stuffs- he will be starting treatment in the next couple weeks, but there was some confusion as to which type it was (accelerated or normal time length).

Tomorrow is the girls' holiday program at school. There are 3 performances, and parents are assigned to a time based on grade levels...but I was assigned all 3 times! :eek I might go to the 10:30 show because that is designated for kinder parents only. Hopefully that means less people will be there! There is also a stats tutoring session in the morning, though, so I will have to check that time first. I really need to go over a few things before that exam!


It's only 8 p.m. and I am pooped. Off to take a shower and head to bed. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug


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Hello everybody,


Stacy, Enjoy the holiday program. What fun!!! Good luck with your last final. Soon it will all be over. My son has his last final today. The other two were done by Monday. Now to see if they will help me clean the house!


LeeAnn, it's good to hear that your business is growing and doing so well. I think the snow globe soaps sound amazing.


Marisa, Congrats on all the patients. did you have fun with Ingrid's kids? How are your parents doing?


Joanne, I hope Paradise is going well. Waiting to hear how the system works when it goes live. You've certainly been working on it for a long time.


I am making tow Mickey Mouse hats, one for a toddler, one for a 12-year-old. I am having trouble getting the ears to sit on the hear right. Any suggestions?

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Oh boy, when was I even here last :think:shrug Well, I breezed through some posts and I mean I really breezed because I have stuff to get done. So I didn't take notes and don't know what I've retained :think It's been a super busy week. I think I was here on Monday, so I picked up Averie and Sloan from school, came back here and had 3 patients to treat and then went to a showing of the new movie Doctored coming out, which was hosted by a couple different local chiro offices.


Tuesday I had a new patient, caught up the previous days paperwork and in the afternoon went to Steph's office until 6. I am her xmas gift to her employees :lol Which they all loved, I just stretched people out and worked out the neck/stress muscles. Then back to my office for my Knit the Bridge group 7-9.


Wed I had another new patient and a regular patient and then back to Stephs office again for the afternoon until 6 and then we had haircuts last night at 7.


Today....guess what....another new patient!! :clap So that's 3 new ones this week :bounce I spent more time with him than I usually do just due to his complaints, which he's had for about 6 years and in and out of many doc's of all types, including 3 chiros. So, I was able to do some extra stuff that he hasn't had before and I'm hoping he'll get some results :xfin I have PYP's christmas party tonight, so have to stop to pick up a couple gift cards to donate (the this one they take the cards to donate to a local home for challenged/disabled kids). So I want to get today and yesterdays :blush paperwork done before I leave here today :sigh


Tomorrow I have a patient in the morning and then Sloan's christmas padgent in the afternoon and then I think I get the day to myself :think I'm hoping to get in some serious crocheting :xfin


I have yet another new patient scheduled Sat morning, but I'm half expecting her to cancel :shrug And this is the last weekend for the Children't Museum thing so I'm headed there on Saturday as well. Then Saturday evening we're having christmas dinner with Bean's family at his other sister's house (then they all spend the holdays with in-laws). Sunday Steph's having a game day party at the house since the Steelers are away.


:sigh Looking forward to some downtime :lol

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Hi friends!


It's terribly quiet in here...hope you all are having a great week. :hug:hug:hug


Marisa, woohoo for 3 new patients! :woo That is awesome! Good luck and have fun with all of your weekend events.


Leeann, how's it going with all of the soapie-making? Are the kiddos out of school now?


Joanne, TGIF! Any plans with dd and Ryan this weekend?


Beth, how's it going? Did you ever get the ceiling drywalled?


I've taken all of my finals. The philosophy prof already graded them and I got an A in the class! :woo That is actually pretty surprising.

I've been a day behind on the date all week...I thought today was the 13th, and when I went to give Eva's teacher money for their party (each parent was asked to donate $3) she told me it was yesterday! :eek:blush

Let's see...the tub guy never showed up. I ran to school early this morning to drop off a library book, and sold another book. The girls have early release today, and I need to run to the grocery store before picking them up.

Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Not much going on now for the rest of the day. I had a patient this morning and then Sloan's christmas padgent, which was super cute :manyheart I did some running around and treated myself to Wendy's for lunch. That means I can't skip my workout this afternoon :lol For tonight though, that's all I have to do :clap:yay So hoping to get some serious crochet in :xfin


Stacy - WTG on your exams, sorry you missed the party :hug

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Good afternoon friends!

I can’t believe how fast the week has flown by. Wow!


Stacy-I am so proud of you! Another semester down, good job on the wonderful grades. I know how exhausting it can be. I sure do not miss college. How was your dd’s school program?


Beth-how has your week gone? Any more fun outings?


Joanne-TGIF friend! The weekend is almost here. What will you do with yourself?


Marisa-congratulations on the new patients! I am soo happy for you. What will you be doing this week?


My ds has been sick all week long. He missed Tuesday-Thursday from school. I finally took him to see the dr. yesterday. He just has a terrible cold. He did make it back to school today. He has a lot of homework to make up.


I have been plugging away on orders, today is the first day in a long time that I am not working on soapies. I should as I have one more order to fill but I am taking a break and crocheting instead. I finished two scarves one is for an order and the other will be a Christmas gift.


Feeling a bit icky today..my tummy is just not feeling well. I got up and ready to deliver orders but we have been hit by a huge snow storm. Dh took our 4wheel vehicle which leaves me with the car. Since they do not plow the roads here, it is pretty risky for me to drive. So I am stuck at home..not a problem i can crochet the day away. I called all of my customers and they were ok with me delivering tomorrow..whew!


Back to a bit of hooky time. Dh is taking the afternoon and bringing the kiddos home from school..so wonderful! Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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HI all,

I survived go live- after working an ungodly amount of hours! Seriously- I worked about 70 hours this week!


So saddened by the senseless shooting in CT----my heart is heavy.....


I'll try and catch up over the weekend!

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What a wonderful day yesterday- did some errands, minimal cleaning- the bare minimum and then spent the afternoon /evening with DD and Ryan. Just what I needed after the very long workweek and the horrific tragedy that unfolded in CT.


today is laundry day, then off to TJ's, then off to DD's to watch the Giants at 1- and hopefully get a few quick cowls made for gifts. My crocheting really took a back seat this past week- and I've got a few things that I have to get done before Christmas, including my DD's RR!!!


Have a great Sunday!

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Wishing everybody a great Sunday. I started a sweater for me. If it turns out well, I have some more of the same yarn in blue, I will make one for my dd. I am supposed to meet an IRL craft friend (she recently became addicted to quilting, so she doesn't crochet so much any more, but she started me on Crochetville.)

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Hi friends~


Joanne, I'm so happy to hear that you are having lots of dd and Ryan time after such a long week. :hug:hug:hug


Beth, can't wait to see how the sweater turns out! Are you using a pattern from a book or online? Have fun with your craft friend. :hug:hug


Leeann, glad to hear your son is feeling better. Hope you are, too. :hug:hug


Yesterday, my girlies went to a Christmas party at the Directors Guild, with dh's uncle and cousin. They had so much fun. He is a member, and every year, there is a big Christmas party for the kiddos, with lots of food, snacks, a bouncy house, gifts from Santa, and also a movie viewing. Yesterday they watched Rise of the Guardians. Dh and I had some much-needed adult time- we met a friend for lunch and had lots of laughs. Felt nice after hearing so much coverage of the Connecticut tragedy. All of those sweet babies were around my Eva's age. :(


Today, dh is running- his first 10-mile run. He is nervous, but I know he can do it. :yes We are supposed to take the girls to Universal Studios afterward, for their Grinchmas celebration. We will have to see how that turns out, though. I'm betting my poor dh won't want to walk once he comes home. :ohdear

Oh! I got my grades...A's in philosophy and nutrition, B in statistics. I did really poorly on the final for stats- which is surprising because I thought I did rather well. :think Oh well.

Gotta scoot. I went to Michael's yesterday for the rest of the the yarn I need for Isabella's 'ghan, so I want to work on that some. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Stacy- How did DH do on his first 10K run? Is he still walking? WTG on your grades!!! Don't be too hard on yourself over the stats grade- Hey- a B is awesome!!!!! Enjoy the time off from classes!!!


LeeAnn- Hope that DS is continuing to feel better! And that you are feeling ok!!You've been running at a non-stop pace--


Beth- Hope you had a wonderful time with your IRL crochet (now quilting) buddy!!!!


I went to TJ's in the morning, then DD's to watch the Giants abysmal game. I did have fun with Ryan, though! It was so good for the soul to spend so much time with him this weekend!!! I also finished 2 cowls and got another round done on DD's RR---three more rows and I think I'll call it done!!!!!


Off I go to get ready for Paradise--another long week, I'm afraid, but shouldn't be has bad as last week- -------I hope!!!

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joanne, hope your week is a lot easier than last week. Hooray for time with Ryan.


Stacy, your grades are enviable. I'd be happy if my kids got all A's with one B -- who wouldn't? Great job! Enjoy your break. How is Hubby after the race? Did you make it to Grinchmas? Sounds like a hoot.


LeeAnn, I hope you aren't working too hard. I'm so glad your business is doing so well. How is your son doing? Are the kids off for Christmas yet?


Marisa, what's up in the Pitt?


My mom is having cataract surgery today, and it's kiilling me to be 3 states away. My friend who was supposed to meet with me yesterday had a sick child, and family always comes first, so we didn't meet. The sweater I'm making is from Crochet today! magazine January/February 2011. I loved it from the first time I saw it, but didn't have time to make it.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I didn't have time yet to catch up on the posts, but will later on :hug


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


It was a long weekend Well, Friday night my brother started with his crap again. Sent out a message to me, Steph, and my parents. I was taken aback and text back to ask if I said anything to receive that and his response was that everyone got it To make a long story short, Me and Steph will not get to see the kids, but to say good bye to them before we come back to Pitt because they'll be up at SIL's parents house the WHOLE time we're in town So after his message I said something about it and then SIL sent a text that she made the itinerary and if I had a problem with it to talk to her My mom told her before she made it when we'd be home...... Anyhow, everything has definitely escaladed beyond belief! Friday was the only night last week I wasn't busy and was so looking forward to my evening home alone to relax and crochet Well, that started just after I sat down to eat my dinner....which then went in the fridge because I was soooo mad, frustrated, disappointed, disgusted, etc. My parents said they feel like bad and inadequate grandparents I never text either one back then, and decided that every time i hear from them I get this influx of bad energy and undue stress that I have no control over. So, I've officially blocked both of their numbers from my phone (the first 2 people ever might I add, and I've had my cell for about 16 years!). My dad even told SIL that we are starting to truely think that me and Steph are just not wanted around the kids at all My aunt got some info out of the oldest about how everything really started to change and become weird since they started this new church As I said, I'm so disgusted and it's nothing I can change and so now if they call or text, I just won't get it I couldn't even sleep, was still wide awake at 4am with all sorts of nasty thoughts that I could not evict from my head


BUT, Saturday morning I went to the children's museum again for teaching kids to knit/crochet and is was a GREAT stress reliever!!!! The kids are so cute and make me smile We had a 9 year old boy stop by and after a minute he says "now I know how women in the 1800's felt.....this is hard labor" A pretty wise comment I thought


Then we went to Bridget's house for christmas dinner with Bean's family which was also a wonderful evening. Yesterday we had friends over for the Steelers game and again had a great time. I'm waiting for a patient now and then I might run some errands with Ingrid. She has some shopping to finish up, but Averie was feeling so hot this weekend so we'll see


I still need to finish Steph's gloves for christmas, which hopefully will happen by tomorrow at the latest


Alright, I gotta run, but will be back a bit later


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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, I just finally caught up on the posts and feel like I've been a bad online friend last week :hug Sorry, sometimes life just doesn't slow down for a while :lol


BUT, here I am :clap I didn't do anything last night. I worked on Steph's 2nd glove, which I still have a thumb and 3 fingers to complete, which I'm hoping to get done today. After I finish up here, I have a few things to check and then I'm going to get hooking. I have a mom and daughter coming in around 2-2:30 and then another patient at 4. The Knit the Bridge knit/crochet group is coming here tonight, but I'll be working on the gloves instead of my bridge panel this time :shrug I have a feeling I won't be alone in that thought process.


Ingrid stopped by to bring me my holiday shirt she made for me and it's my first Ingrid shirt :clap She uses the Swarovski crystals to make them and does an awesome job. Me and Steph will have the same shirt on xmas day :D Basically, because she already had the pattern made and we asked for something without Santa to avoid any issues with the kids :sigh


I took a pic to share.....next post....and figured I may as well get a pic of the finished glove to share too :yay


LeeAnn - Sometimes that nasty weather is a blessing in disguise :wink At least you got to spend a day hooking :lol Did you finish up that other soapie order?


Joanne - :yay for making it through the work week. I just know that your time with Ryan was a great stress reliever :yes WTG on your crocheting over the weekend!


Beth - What sweater are you making? I have a subscription on my nook to Crochet Today, so I want to go check it out :yes I hope your mom's surgery went well :hug I know it's horrible to not be right there for her. My mom's had both her eyes done more than once, not always the same thing. But her eyes are horrible, and always have been. After she had my brother they told her not to have any more kids because the strain could cause her to go blind :eek But here I am....an accident of course :rofl (you know what I mean :wink ) I hope she's doing great :hug


Stacy - How nice to get that adult time :clap Glad to hear the girls loved the xmas party. How did dh do in the race? I think you did awesome with your classes :clap:cheer

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