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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi all,

Had a good day -although busy--got my errands done (including TJ's where I spent too much time looking at all the new things they have in stock for the holidays) and was home by noon! Even picked up a pair of pants for myself at Ann Taylor Loft for 4.99 final sale---I tried them on and they fit perfectly!!!

Came home and cleaned and then headed over to DD's and spent time with her and Ryan and her MIL. We went to the diner for dinner and then I came home and made Ryan a new hat- similar to the one I made last year with Charisma yarn just a larger size. Also started a snowman hat that I saw on Repeat Crafter Me. http://www.repeatcrafterme.com/2012/...t-pattern.html


Today, I've got the laundry going and then go to babysit while DD goes to a baby shower- I washed the blanket I made and it's all ready to go!


Beth- Woo-hoo for meeting the GF!!! Sounds like your kind of gal for sure! So happy that you like her-that always makes things better!


LeeAnn- Thanks for the recipe- that sounds like a soup DH would like! Congrats on sale #200--you really have found your niche with the soap making, lotion making etc! Good luck completing that order and at the bazaar!!!


Marisa- How's your Mom doing? Hopefully showing improvement every day. Love those texting gloves- but I've been busy making other things- definitely on my to try list though! Love them!


Stacy- Countdown to another semester in the books!!! I can't believe it's 4 years already since i finished my Bachelors degree! You'll see- it's hard now, but before you know it is a distant memory and you'll have something to show for the hard work!


Rutgers lost- and it was some silly things that cost them the game! Like scoring a TD but having too many players on the field! Close game, though and fun to watch--but would have been better if they won.


Off to begin my Sunday- hugs to you all!

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Good morning friends!


Joanne-you are up early! I like getting up before the rest of the family, I find that I get more done in an unhurried manner. Thank you so very much for sharing the link to your snowman hat, I loved the owl hats! Gosh, if only I had more time to crochet.:devil


Beth-how sweet of your ds to bring home his girlfriend. So glad that you like her..:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart I am sure she loved meeting you right away, what's not to love.:hug


Stacy-how's your weekend going?


Marisa-are you attending any sporting events this weekend?


Yesterdays bazaar was so much fun! It flew by, I had pretty good sales too. :clap:cheer The new Sashay scarves sold instantly, have orders for a few more..also received an order from a grandma for a set of Mary Jane Slippers for her granddaughter. The little girl has a disability and also has clubbed feet..she is adorable! She has never worn shoes as she can't get them to stay on her feet. I was literally choked up meeting her and hearing her story. What an amazing child. I took her measurements but have to figure out how to make them..any suggestions? I posted a request for help her on the Ville with her exact measurements but think I am going to have to wing it..yikes! Not sure if I they will turn out but I will sure do my best.


The Ollie marathon is almost over..woohoo! I have 5 more batches to make, going to pack them up this evening and drop them off at the Post Office tomorrow.


The kiddos went to my in-laws Friday night, they are returning home today..I'm sure they were spoiled all weekend long. :lol


guess I had better get to work, lots to do today. I enlisted dh to re-arrange my craft studio as it was just not working. Since it was a new addition we had moved into half of the room a few years ago and made our old bedroom the "t.v. room" but now that my business has grown, I kicked us out! :D He moved all of the furniture while I was gone, have to put everything away and figure out where to put some things. I am wanting to create a packing station..hmm:think:think:think


hugs n squishes!

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Heya besties!


It's been an interesting weekend over here. We were supposed to go out to dinner with a friend for his birthday on Friday. On the way to drop off the girls with my IL's, we were rear-ended on the freeway. Everyone is okay, and there is no damage to my car because the other car hit the tow hitch. :whew The girls wanted to spend the night with the IL's anyway, so we dropped them off and went to dinner ourselves (by that time we were about 2 hours late for the birthday dinner.)

Saturday I ran to Toys R Us because they had one thing Isabella wanted for $20 off regular price. :cheer The girls called around 5 to see if we could pick them up. :think MIL was kind of sad but they really wanted to come home. Today we just chilled. I ran to Trader Joe's, and did a load of laundry. I also worked on a hat/mittens set for my mom. I had planned to finish up that snowflake afghan once and for all to give her, but it's only halfway done. Oh, and dh's Xbox finally fried- it's well over 5 years old. He's really bummed, and we don't have the funds to replace it with Christmas and Isabella's birthday being so close. I feel bad for him.


Joanne, sounds like a fun weekend with lots of Ryan time! :manyheart The snowman hat is so cute- I also took a peek at her other patterns and they are adorable! Did you get any of the Christmas goodies from TJ's? Thank you for the encouragement- I am still a bit discouraged about how much longer I have to go...but need to just suck it up and figure out what I am doing! LoL


Leeann, sounds like a busy weekend there, too! I'm so happy for you that your soapie business is taking off. :cheer Good luck figuring out the Mary Janes. There are some cute patterns on Ravelry- maybe something that has the strap a little closer to the ankle, rather than the middle of the foot? :think


Beth, how sweet of your ds to bring his gf home to meet you! :manyheart I'm happy to hear that you like her- I'm sure your ds is happy about that, too. :wink


Well, my battery is about to die. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug


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Mornin. Not good morning, since I have to go back to the dentist. :eek


Joanne, I hope Paradise doesn't have those long, crazy hours this week.


Stacy, I'm so glad nobody was hurt on the freeway. I am sorry for your husband's loss. Our X-box is so used and loved. We would be pretty devastated without it.


LeeAnn, It's so nice to hear how well your soapy business is doing. And your items are just adorable.


Marisa, Anything new and exciting going on in the PItt?


The official end date for this semester is Dec. 18th, but this is the last week for most of the classes.

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Quick good morning!


Good luck at the dentist, Beth! I'd much rather be going to paradise than the dentist! We are going 'live' with phase 1 of our project on 12/13, so i am anticipating long days until then. It is what it is! Just hoping I get to craft club--at least for a bit--cause then I want to watch the Giants/Redskins game!!!


Stacy- Whew- glad no one was hurt in the accident. Thank goodness for the trailer hitch. Maybe I should get one, even though I don't tow anything!

I did get some little TJ's goodies for my DD's- they had a bar of dark chocolate and then a roll of cookies with non-pareills (sp?) on them- so cute and festive! I didn't want to buy too much for fear that I would open them --but plan to go back next weekend to get some more things.


Marisa- I was watching the Boys vs Eagles and fell asleep sorry to see the boys won--I don't like them more than I don't like the Eagles- LOL---of course tonight's game may see Beth's Redskins beating the G-Men. Hope you had a good weekend!


LeeAnn- Hope you were able to get the order completed yesterday!


Off I go--just checked the clock---where does the time go?????

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


Saturday morning I went down to the Children's Museum to teach knitting and crocheting with the bridge group. Then when I was walking home Steph, Bean, Averie, and Sloan were going for a walk to the park so I joined them. Ingrid had a vendor fair. The kids were coming for soup and to help decorate the tree. Well, then we ran over to Max's, which is a German restaurant/tavern because they had to use the restroom. Well, they give free popcorn, so the kids had some popcorn and lemonade and played some video games (old machine with Atari games :lol ) and well, us grown ups had a beer :shrug They have a piano that plays by itself too when you put a quarter in so they got to do that just before leaving. They had a wonderful day. Well, Ingrid got back to the house first and then they still stayed. Her dh worked during the day so we went to pick him up and we all hung out, they ended up staying overnight.


Yesterday I went to a Knit-In group, again with the bridge people. I figured I was only going to sit home and crochet so why not go sit with others :lol I came home in time for the Steelers game in the afternoon and they managed to pull out the win, but played poorly IMO. The Eagles lost to the Cowboys :( And of course that's what they do best.....losing at the end :shrug


Today I have a patient coming at 10:30. I have to run errands for Steph and then I have another patient at 4. I'm hoping in between I can finish up my tree skirt :xfin I already went to the gym this morning, so that's done and out of the way. I have to push myself this week because I didn't workout at all over thanksgiving week and last week wasn't too much better :lol


LeeAnn - All of my sporting events this weekend were on tv :lol


Beth - :yay for the new gf :cheer My mom is still improving but definitely doing much better :whew I think she has her second opinion visit next week, but I don't think her dr is missing anything. I think the strain of infection she had was just resistent to the first 2 meds and that gave the infection time to grow more virulent :think But, always good to double check :yes


Joanne - The Eagles actually played a reasonable game for the most part. I'm liking this Noles guy :think Of course, they often give it up at the end.....the life of an Eagles fan :sigh Dallas is one of the teams that you love or hate, there's not much in between with them :lol


Stacy - So glad to hear that nobody was injured, including the car :hug


I guess that's it for now :think


I hope you all have a wonderful Monday :hug

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Joanne, you crack me up! The goodies are meant to be opened. :yes:devil Hope you make it to craft club tonight! Oh, and the tow hitch was just part of my car- we didn't add it, but it's come in handy, with being rear-ended twice. :blush


Beth, good luck at the dentist! Lots of :hug:hug:hug. Now that I think of it, the Xbox is actually more like 6 or 7 years old. :think We had it in our first apartment, too. I feel terrible because it's really my dh's only hobby.


Marisa, sounds like a fun weekend! That tavern sounds really cool, too. Old Atari games and a piano that plays by itself- what's not to love? :yes Glad to hear your mom is doing much better. :clap Good luck finishing your tree skirt. I need to go dig around to find mine- dh said that our tree may be coming home today or tomorrow. His company provides power for a tree lot in the area, so we get a free tree every year. :cheer


Leeann, did you finish the Ollies and get everything figured out for your craft room? :hug:hug:hug


We ran late this morning. :blush No one's fault, just a bunch of small mishaps. Oh well. The girls' school is having a Kids' Christmas Shop this week- little toys and trinkets for around $1-2, so the kiddos have a chance to pick out gifts on their own. The kinder classes go today, so I sent Eva with $10. She is SO excited to pick out gifts for her sisters! I clearly remember doing this when I was in elementary, and it was such an awesome feeling to know I picked something out by myself. I hope my kiddos have that same feeling. :manyheart

I am supposed to volunteer in Isabella's class at 11. I am nervous, which is silly. Her teacher is fun and friendly but she seems VERY particular about how things work in her classroom. :blush

Let's see...our semester officially ends on the 15th, but this is the last week of instruction. I won't miss the online classes, but I will miss stats. The professor is just awesome. :yes And I really enjoy being in an actual classroom.

Okay, enough :blah...I need to take a shower and clean up some before I leave! Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug Extra hugs for Beth, too! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - Cut and paste alert!


I was up late sewing together the inner and outer rings of my xmas tree skirt and today will border and finish up :clap:yay That being said, I missed the gym this morning and stopped at McDonald's on my way to work for bfast! :eek Not my food of choice, but I don't find their bfast as revolting as the rest and I figure the egg mcmuffin is just an english muffin, fried egg, slice of cheese, and ham....shouldn't be detrimental :lol But, I had a coupon for a B1G1 free so I take my deals where I can get them for now. So, I'm going to work out in a bit after it digests :lol


I have my annual woman's appt this afternoon at 2 so I'll go home to shower before that and it's just a block away from the house.

Steph and Bean are going to NYC the Thursday before xmas for a couple days, just because....so I have to take them to the airport that morning and then my mom really wants me to come straight home from there :lol So, I'll see if I can divert patients around that time and go from there. We're then driving out to pick them up on Saturday (they were going to take the bus, but quite frankly, my parents just like little road trips and it's only 2 hours) and of course I'll definitely be home by then. They would love to bring the kids, but I don't think they'll be allowed to go... only time will tell :shrug And then they'll drive back with me the day after xmas.



Marisa, sounds like a fun weekend! That tavern sounds really cool, too. Old Atari games and a piano that plays by itself- what's not to love? :yes Glad to hear your mom is doing much better. :clap Good luck finishing your tree skirt. I need to go dig around to find mine- dh said that our tree may be coming home today or tomorrow. His company provides power for a tree lot in the area, so we get a free tree every year. :cheer


We ran late this morning. :blush No one's fault, just a bunch of small mishaps. Oh well. The girls' school is having a Kids' Christmas Shop this week- little toys and trinkets for around $1-2, so the kiddos have a chance to pick out gifts on their own. The kinder classes go today, so I sent Eva with $10. She is SO excited to pick out gifts for her sisters! I clearly remember doing this when I was in elementary, and it was such an awesome feeling to know I picked something out by myself. I hope my kiddos have that same feeling. :manyheart

I am supposed to volunteer in Isabella's class at 11. I am nervous, which is silly. Her teacher is fun and friendly but she seems VERY particular about how things work in her classroom. :blush

Let's see...our semester officially ends on the 15th, but this is the last week of instruction. I won't miss the online classes, but I will miss stats. The professor is just awesome. :yes And I really enjoy being in an actual classroom.

Okay, enough :blah...I need to take a shower and clean up some before I leave! Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug Extra hugs for Beth, too! :hug:hug:hug


How exciting that you'll be getting your tree :clap


Averie and Sloan have the xmas shop at their school too (I don't remember ever doing that :think ) And last year I got a black beaded bracelet....it's cute. When Averie gave me the bag she said about the school thing and that she picked it out and didn't know what it was :lol She was trying to give me a disclaimer for whatever was in there. :lol

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I went back to bed today after I sent the hubby on his "merry" way. Can't do that tomorrow; my son has his court appointment for the accident, so he needs a car, and my daughter has a class during the same time, so I get to resume my taxi-driving routine. So please :xfin for my son tomorrow. It wasn't his fault, but he will be blamed. I hope the judge realizes what happened, and reduces the charges.


I finished the scarves for Christmas presents, and worked in all the ends. Now I need to wash everything, wrap it, pack it, and send it. Hmmmm, I will have a car tomorrow -- that seems like motivation to get everything ready tonight.


Marisa, trying to keep up with your schedule makes my head spin! I am so impressed with everything you get done all the time. I hope you'll post pics of the tree skirt. I'm quite anxious to see it.


Stacy, I can understand being nervous when volunteering. I'm sure you'll be wonderful, and the teacher will be so happy you are there. You are super mom, after all. I don't understand my kids' exam schedules. Some classes are over, some have another full week... How is that determined?


LeeAnn, How difficult is it to whip up special orders? Is any product more time consuming than others? I love your website. I had so much fun looking through it today.


Joanne, Since Tuesday is over, I'm going to wish you a Happy Hump Day now! I hope this week is going well. Will things be easier when the new system is being used?


Well, I am not doing a lot of anything. I am trying to walk several times a week. I did a little organizing under the bathroom sink today, cleaned the bathrooms. Today I'm making curry chicken for the first time.

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Marisa, sounds like you have a busy holiday planned, as always! Hope your patients can be diverted so you can head right to your parents' house. I had to chuckle at Avery's disclaimer. Yesterday, Eva came home so excited that she blurted out, "I went shopping and got you earrings!" But since they were only a dollar, I'm wondering if they are stick-on. :think:lol


Leeann and Joanne, :hug:hug:hug:hug Hope your week is off to a good start.


Beth, :xfin (and legs and toes and eyes) for your son! How did the dentist go? I'm not sure about your kiddos' exam schedules. It seems weird that some of them would end this week and some next week. :think For us, this is the last week of school, then exams are scheduled for next week. Our school does have some that are 13 weeks rather than 16, but that is always stated in the schedule when registering.


Speaking of registering...my date was yesterday, and when I tried to register, the system shows I have a $60 library fine!! :eek:eek So I need to get that straightened out tomorrow.


Our tree arrived yesterday. I put on the lights (which I hate but dh refuses to do it) and we will decorate it after dinner. The girls already put their gifts underneath, but I am afraid the dogs will chew them when we are not home. :blush


I better scoot and get dinner ready. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Top of the morning friends! I need lots and lots of coffee...I think I need it in a drip. :lol:lol


Beth-Crossing as Stacy said and hoping and praying that all goes well for your ds. I bet he is pretty freaked out. :hug:hugCustom orders can be dfficult. If I have more than one mold for the particular item/items, it's not that hard but if I have to wait for things to set and repour..it can be pretty time consuming. I am slowly buying more of the more popular molds. I think I will order more olllie molds. I have 6 sets of the lego molds, they are the easiest to create.


Stacy-that is so sweet of your dd's to buy x-mas gifts for each other. I haven't bought a lot this year, I have in mind what I need to purchase just need to get with it.


Marisa-your holiday is going to be so much fun! I bet it will all work out with the re-scheduling.


Joanne-miss you! I know that you are working long hours.:hug:hughope you can crochet when you get home.


I packaged up and sent out all of my orders, crocheted the two scarves for another order, made the Mary Janes last night (need to tuck in ends) Have 2 more big orders that I will start on today. Last night my ds had a Boy Scouts event, he has moved up to 2nd Class..one more step closer to becoming an Eagle Scout. I am so proud of him!


oh my...I really feel like I am running on empty. I have my last event ths Fri and Sat...hoping I have enough of a variety of product as I am filling as fast as I can create.


best get to work..the soapies aren't going to make themselves :devil

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Leeann, I get tired just reading your posts! :lol Don't know how you do it. Congrats to your ds! How exciting to move up in Scouts. :yes


Beth, what's shakin'?


Joanne, happy Hump Day! Hope Paradise isn't being too difficult.


Marisa, how's it goin? Any patients today?


I am a wee bit frustrated. Our tub is peeling...and I've been going back and forth with the manager for almost 2 months already. :angry She schedules the maintenance people to fix it, they don't show up or she cancels...and on and on. Well, today the person was supposed to come and re-glaze it. He showed up, took one look at the tub and said it has to be dry for 2 days before he can fix it. I told him it's been dry for over 2 months, because I've been waiting for THEM. Then he said I needed to take the animals and leave for the day (due to the fumes.) I have nowhere to take them. :ohdear If the manager had told me that in the first place, maybe I could have made arrangements to go to my IL's for the day...I feel like I am getting the run-around...seems like he just wanted some excuse not to do it. :shrug We have been waiting so long for this to be fixed. And I am getting irritated that we only have one functioning shower, when we are paying for 2.

Now I guess I am off to do my grocery shopping and get some quarters for laundry. Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, I just had a post ready and then the internet browser decided to 'stop working' and so I lost it :(


Last night I met for dinner with a group of chiro's, which was nice. It was the first time I've gone to this but they get together once a month. Not much going on today. I skipped the gym this morning and slept an extra 2 hours. I had a new patient this morning :clap:yay but since he left I haven't done anything, so I still have to enter all his info into the computer....do you see me still procrastinating :think:lol


Tonight is dinner and a workshop with PYP, hopefully I'll get some good info out of this presentation. :xfin


Beth - Thoughts and prayers for ds's court date :hug I hope your taxi service is running smoothly :lol


Stacy - The girls are just to cute, and I love seeing their pics on fb :manyheart I much prefer putting lights on a tree to actually decorating the tree :lol


LeeAnn - I hope you feeling better after your coffee :hug WTG to ds and his scouts progression :clap


Joanne - Hope you're having an uneventful day :wink


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Marisa, your tree is so cute. :manyheart Love the tree skirt, also. :yes and :woo for a new patient!!! I took a gazillion photos last night while the girls decorated. The bottom left side of the tree looks like it's about to have an ornament avalanche- no clue why they decided to pile the ornaments on that area. :think I'll have to rearrange when they're not home.


Beth, hope your chauffeuring job went well today. Did everyone make it to where they had to go? What kind of project are you working on right now?


I'm super-excited because I was looking at Minecraft items online...and found a photo of a Creeper afghan! :yes Isabella is by far my most difficult child to shop for, but this is one thing I know she will love! Just hope I can finish it in time...I did the math and will need 130 squares. :eek





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Hi all,


I've been super busy at work- which I expected to be, and by the time I get home at night, have dinner and sit down it's usually past 8--and I'm trying to finish the afghan for my youngest for Christmas. Remember I had started a flannel'ghan for her? Well that's in the WIP pile! I am doing a RR instead since it's easier on the hands. I'm using Charisma yarn- and it's coming out great and I've made really good progress on it!


That leaves very little time for the computer! Thinking of all of you--


Love the tree skirt, Marisa!


What is a creeper afghan, Stacy? Good luck getting that tub fixed- sure sounds like the royal round around to me!


Hope the court date went ok for your son, Beth!


Good luck with getting everything ready, LeeAnn---and kudos to your DS on his getting closer to Eagle Scout! That's awesome!


Off I go to get ready---

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Top of the morning!


Joanne-today and tomorrow. I bet you are just plum exhausted. :hug:hug:hug Thinking of you and missing you as well.


Marisa-your tree skirt is awesome! I love it! It pops. How was your dinner and workshop? I hope well. :hug


Stacy-that is terrible that you only get to use one bathroom, how frustrating. Hopefully they will fix it some time soon. What is a creeper ghan?


Beth-how are you dear friend? Whatcha working on?


Yesterday I made all of the sugar scrubs that I needed...well except for 2..but those will just have to be made if they sell on line. I really like having everything made ahead of time, then I can just package and ship. Towards the afternoon I felt just icky..after I picked up the kiddos from school I went straight to bed. I feel much more rested today. I still have a few lotion bars to create and a few more soapies but nothing too strenuous..so thankful!


Off I go to get those lotions whipped up so that I can create a new soapy goody that has been floating around in my head.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Just finished my breakfast. Not much going on here today. The presentation last night was very good and quite informative :yes It was about effective speaking and presenting, which is a weakness of mine :yes Of course they have a course for this and it's about $2000!!!! :eek So, won't be taking that :no


Not much on today's agenda. I don't have any patient's scheduled today, so I have to work on the christmas calendar that me and Steph do every year as gifts for everyone. With all pics of us and the kids. She's got alot going on and, like Joanne, will be keeping long hours at work and we have to have this submitted by Monday.


Stacy - Looks like I'm not alone on this one, what is a Creeper ghan? :eek Too funny that the girls put most of the ornaments in one spot :lol


Joanne - I hope they don't drive you too crazy at work, but I'm sure that RR is keeping you sane :wink


LeeAnn - WTG on your sugar scrubs :clap Glad you're feeling better today :hug

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hi All,

Joanne, happy TGIF! I'm glad this week is almost over for you. Those long hours must be killer! I hope we'll get to see a pic of the RR when it's done.

Marisa, love your tree skirt. I think $2000 for that class sounds a bit much. I hope you get the calendar all together in time. I love that idea, and the pictures you've posted on FB -- you have beautiful models to work with!

LeeAnn, I can see why you'd like to have everything done ahead of time. I think you are so organized! Congrats on finishing all those scrubs.

Stacy, I hope you get the bathroom straightened out finally.

Well, I got off my lazy backside, and took down the bad plaster in the dining room, so I can put up nice, clean drywall. I am not a fan of working over my head, but this is a pretty small area, so I have hopes that it won't be too bad. Maybe I will finish this weekend. Let's all pretend I will finish this weekend.

Oh, my son's court day went fairly well. He had a fine to pay (less than $100) and he has to take a driver safety course, and he is on probation for 6 months, but after that, he won't get charged. Since it wasn't his fault, that's a good thing.

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Good morning, and Happy Friday to everybody. I hope you have a good day and a fun weekend.


Not much to report here, except I'm on the last stripe of the octagonal afghan. It will be a biggie, though -- one of those really big balls of yarn. The wrapper is missing, so I can't tell you how big,though.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I had a patient in already this morning, but she's the only one on the schedule for today. I have some errands to run for Steph and then I hope to get some hooking done on her gloves that will go in the stocking. I also have to make a stop at the post office as well. Oh, and I want to send out christmas cards to my patients, I think I'm passing on all the regular ones I usually send though :shrug


Catch y'all later


Oh Beth, glad to hear ds's court date wasn't too bad :hug

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Good morning!


Beth, that still sounds like a stiff penalty for your ds not being at fault. :( Poor kid. Good luck with the drywall-ing!


Marisa, have fun working on the mittens. Any plans for the weekend? The Christmas calendar sounds really neat. That just reminded me...I have two $20 coupons for Shutterfly that expire at the end of the month...had planned to use them for Christmas gifts but I suppose it might be too late by now, to order anything custom. :think Glad to hear the presentation went well. $2000 for one course?! That is insane! :eek


Joanne, sounds like you have busy busy!! Can't wait to see how the rr turns out- Charisma is such a wonderful yarn to work with. :manyheart


Leeann, glad to hear you are feeling better. What is the new soapie idea you have? You can't keep us hanging! :lol Are your kidlets almost out for winter break?


Today...well...I have a ton of things to do! But haven't started any of them. It is my dad's birthday, so I had planned to send some photos of the girlies to Wally World for him. For some reason, they are not uploading properly. :think

I spoke with the manager yesterday and she said it seemed like the maintenance guy didn't want to fix the tub. He is supposed to return next Friday, but she warned that she will not be available. So if he cancels or doesn't show, I will just be cooling my heels here, waiting.

A Creeper is a character from Isabella's favorite game, Minecraft. I'll see if I can attach a picture...basically it's a game where you just use blocks to build your own little world. So the afghan is made from granny squares, with black for the face, and various shades of green for the rest of it. It's turning out pretty cute, if I may say so. :yes I'm using join-as-you-go and already have about 30 blocks joined already.


Well, I need to scoot and figure out what is going on with these pictures. (Oh, and probably do some housework. :blush) Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Stacy, my 20-year-old plays minecraft a LOT. I think he would love a Creeper afghan. My 18-year-old son's gf was talking about a graph-ghan of a pixalated video game character. I looked at my dd and we kind of plan on making something soon. She will design, I will do the hooking. If I can get the connect-as-you-go thing working, I will enjoy it!


Marisa, hooray for an early patient. Did you leave work early? Sounds like you have a lot going on. What color are the gloves you are making for your sister?


Joanne, HAPPY FRIDAY!!! I hope you are having a good day. Got any fun going on this weekend?


LeeAnn, Got any more orders? I hope so.


I had a WONDERFUL day!!! My good friend and her dd picked me and my dd up in the morning, and the four of us spent 4 hours shopping. It was a lot of fun. We didn't buy much, but had a good time, and got to look at some nice yarn.

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Hi all,

It's the weekend!!! Lots and lots of work next week=- it's crunch time- and hoping all goes well with the project go live on Thurs! I left on time even though I could have worked for a few more hours. But, my DD and BF are having an art show reception tonight- so i'm just waiting for DH to get home and then we are heading to that!


Thanks for the explanation on the Creeper ghan, Stacy! I hope that the tub gets fixed next Friday!!! I do like Charisma- I used it to make Ryan's hat last year and a new one this year. It's the only hat he likes. I started a snowman hat and tried it on him (before putting on the face ) and he yanked it right off! I'll finish it up and put it on our giving tree at work. The RR is up to 25 rounds so it's getting there.


Beth- Glad you had a fun day today! After the dentist, the traffic court and drywalling, sounds like you really needed it!


LeeAnn- Did you get all the soapies and scrubs done?


Off to eat something quick and then heading out to the art show.

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