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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi all,


Beth- DD and I did a little shopping on Black Friday- but not at the mad rush hours!!! Got a few things and had a great day spending it with them!!!

Yesterday I supported small business saturday by going to a LYS and buying some yarn! It was DH's birthday yesterday so we went out to dinner


Today I'm hoping to get out the Christmas decorations and relax in the afternoon with hook and yarn and football!!! Giants play tonight- (I hate Sunday night games) and since I work tomorrow, don't think I'll stay up until the end! (unless of course I take a nap this afternoon)


Stacy, Marisa and LeeAnn--Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! Safe travels home Marisa!

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Good morning!


Joanne, glad to see you supported Small Business Saturday! Sounds like a nice day out with dd. Happy birthday to your dh!


Beth, did you do any shopping this weekend?


Marisa, hope you had a blast with your parents!


Leeann, can't wait to hear about your fun-filled family weekend. :manyheart


We've had a busy past few days...dh's brother and fam were here for Thanksgiving. It was a nice meal, full of laughs. I only got photos of those who were outside, though...dh's mother and aunt don't like photos so really didn't want any taken inside. :think So the photos on FB kind of look like we are partying. LoL Anyway, it was a great way to start the long weekend.

Friday, dh and the guys went to the shooting range and had some male-bonding time. I took the girls to Barnes and Noble- there was almost no line! I got the Nook Simple Touch for $59, and a light for $7. Can't beat that! Then we just hung out at home so I could do laundry and homework. The guys came home in the evening and we hung out until 10 or so. It was really fun, too. The girls love to see their cousins!!

Yesterday we went to the science center to see the Endeavour shuttle. That was awesome! And so awe-inspiring...to see the wear and tear on it, and to think of all the scientists who flew up to space in it. There were plaques along the walls which explained every mission from every shuttle. Two of them had tributes to the crews of Challenger and Columbia..the one I took of Columbia's didn't turn out, though. There was a kiosk with an awesome experiment to show what happens in space when the Earth's air pressure is non-existent. :yes Eva ended up getting sick about 20 minutes after eating lunch...so I suspect food poisoning. She slept most of the night but has kept water down for the past couple hours...huge improvement from yesterday. I might keep her home tomorrow, just to be on the safe side.

Well, that's all the news from here!

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Joanne, no, I didn't shop, but so many people do their shopping on the day after Thanksgiving, I thought I'd ask. Way to go, supporting your local small business LYS! What did you get? And :bday to your dh.


Stacy, I hope your baby girl is feeling better now. No fun, getting sick on a special day. Sounds like you had a fun weekend. Wasn't it nice to have a long one?


LeeAnn, how are your holiday sales going? Did you have a good time babysitting the nieces? I'll bet your sister enjoyed a bit of a break.


Marisa, I hope you had a fun visit home. How is everybody? Did you drive through snow on your way home? Mom and Dad had a dusting of the white stuff.


I got a relatively inexpensive treadmill from WalMart. I've used it once, got a huge blister on the bottom of my foot, decided I needed to wear proper footwear, even if I am inside. So I'm already breaking in my Christmas present. I don't think I"ll be able to "tread" and crochet at the same time. I do want to try, though.

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Good evening friends!


Joanne-that is soo neat that you were able to go yarn shopping, what'd ya get? Spending the day with your dd and then going out to din din with your dh had to have been fantastic! So happy for you. :manyheart:hug


Beth-Congratulations on the new treadmill, I really gave a little chuckle thinking of you walking and crocheting..so funny! Hope your blister feels better soon.


Stacy-you sure have had a busy weekend, glad to hear that your dd is feeling somewhat better. My mother in-law doesn't like to take photos either..hmm?


Marisa-are you headed home? How was your holiday?


I wanted to share all the juicy details from my weekend. We drove up Wednesday, we were stuck in Denver traffic for over an hour..yikes! But since we weren't in a huge hurry we all just chatted, sang songs and had a good time.


My baby nieces have grown soo much! It was wonderful to spend time with them. On Wednesday evening, we just hung out. Celine spent all of her time with my two younger nephews. Jonathon age 9 and Lucas age 4...they adore Celine and had her busy busy. She was thrilled to spend time with them crafting, and playing games. My oldest nephew Sean was home from college, he's 19. He and Cristopher had an awesome time playing pool, basketball and video games. He also took Cristopher to get his ears pierced..not exactly sure how I feel about that, but I figure it's only a stage and he will outgrow it.


On turkey day we got up and took turns cooking in shifts..it was funny. Two of us in the kitchen at a time, two watching the babies. It worked out wonderfully. It was only my sister's family and mine, it was perfect! We relaxed after lunch and just chatted. On Friday morning Lu and I took the babies in for pictures while the rest of the family laid around. The pics came out soo cute! I can't seem to upload pics here but will post them on fb-I asked my sissy first.


Then we went to get our nails done, I had the acrylic glitter tips put on..so pretty! Silver glittery and just fun, then we went shopping at Joann's..I had to check out the new yarn that is all the rave. The Sashay yarn, oh my! I started a scarf-had to YouTube to figure out how to work with it, it works up fast! I also finished 4 dishcloths/washcloths on the trip.


After our nails and shopping were done we stopped at "The" tortilla factory..yummy! The kiddos all love fresh tortillas. Then it was back home to cook and spoil those babies some more. Yesterday we got up, had breakfast, packed up and headed home. We took Sean out for lunch then dropped him off. He attends CSU in Pueblo, it's only two hours away from us. Then it was on to Joann's for a teeny tiny bit, had to pick up a few more skiens of that yummy yarn and then Sam's Club and finally home...whew! what a fantastic trip!


Today we have been lazy...it is nice. I received a few orders over the weekend, tomorrow I will fill, package up and mail off..and so our week will begin.


Gosh,..that sure was a book that I shared..hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - Total cut and paste alert!!! :rofl


Hopefully back to a routine :xfin I think I was last here on the holiday, which of course was wonderful. It was just my parents and my aunt & uncle (mom's sister & dh) for dinner. My mom is improving and was VERY excited to start getting some formation to her stools (sorry if that's TMI :lol But, when you're ill, those are the things that matter). And although she's improving, she still gets worn out quickly but she still wanted to cook her thanksgiving dinner. Then we just lounged around watching mostly the Hallmark channel and I worked on a pair of texting gloves that I came across in the help section when someone had a question. This is the first year in many that I didn't get up early and go shopping on Friday and that's just because while there wasn't anything I wanted/needed at those times I also couldn't drag my mom with me. Usually I just go to go because I like to and I'm the idiot in line buying regular everyday things. I think last year I got wax paper and some baking stuff :rofl


So, we spent Friday decorating. Me and dad brought everything down from the attic while mom started going through boxes and pulling things out. Mom and I did the house stuff while dad put together the tree and put the lights on. By the time we finished mom was tired, so we left the ornaments for the tree til Saturday. Then we went shopping Friday afternoon. We ran to Walmart for a couple odds and ends, they saw a plastic train set for $30 so my dad wanted to get it and then the kids can play it into the ground and it won't matter. Whereas, his good trains we left in the attic....they are the old Lionel metal ones about 60 years old and the kids will just want to keep running them. Plus, my sil and bro kinda let them touch and play with whatever they want so they don't have much of that understanding that they can't always touch everything when they go other places :think So, better off leaving the good ones away :yes Oh, so anyways, they ended up not having the train they previously saw at a different Wal mart in a neighboring town (you see where this is going).


We trucked through the mall (our mall is quite small and not elaborate by any means) and I found a pair of cozy boots that should be good for walking in when we go out around here for only $15, originally $60 :clap I got the only pair they had in my size and although Steph wasn't with us, we had to call her and she got the 2 colors they had in her size :lol And we got our xmas pj's in Kmart.


We lounged the rest of the night and I worked more on the gloves. Then Saturday we finished up the tree (well, as much as we were doing....they left the whole front bottom empty for the kids to finish when they get here). I finished the gloves (and of course I forgot to take a pic, but no worries because I think I have 3 more pair to make before xmas for me, my mom, and Steph....then I feel bad not making a pair for my aunt so I'll find something else since she barely uses her cell phone she doesn't need texting gloves :think ) We were getting ready and then were going to eat before leaving the house and the power went out while I was in the shower. So, we had lunch at Arby's instead and then ran to the other wal mart and also went to Sam's while we were there.


Stopped by the cemetary on the way back to put a cross on my grandparents grave and then a friend of mine stopped by to kill time while her daughter was at a birthday party on her dad's side....then she had a sleep over party that night so my friend had to pick her back up after about 2 hours. This is the friend from chiro school that I had stop by to adjust my mom. It was nice hanging out for a bit. After she left my aunt and uncle stopped by to visit (dad's bro and sil). Well, she loved the gloves so much that I let her have them, which is why I still need to make 3 pair :eek:rofl And she was just super excited when she realized I wasn't kidding around. Then we were able to relax with more xmas movies and crocheting....of course I started the next pair of gloves :lol


Sunday we had a late breakfast at the Cracker Barrel and then I left. It took me about 6.5 hours to get home and should've been 4.5 :eek The traffic was crazy. I hit some before I even got to the turnpike, but it was expected for a holiday weekend because it was where another interstate joined in and 4 lanes go down to 2. But then on the turnpike about half way there was a sign that there was an accident after the next exit. Well, it took me 50 minutes to go 3 miles :eek Then it was weird after that. It kept openning up for a few miles and then would back up for a few miles. I never did see any remnants of the accident anywhere :think But then it was like that all the to Pitt. At one rest stop I pulled over and just drove through it was so packed. Then I stopped at the next, I really just wanted a snack so it wasn't a dire emergency that I stop :lol


Last night Steph had stew in the crock pot when I got home which was super yummy, esp that I was starving. I unpacked and watched tv, but didn't craft at all. I did a couple sudoku puzzles instead. I didn't get to the gym this morning because I decided to sleep in. So, I'll workout here after my patient later on before I head home. I ran to the market and leisurely checked out the new discount store. I got a lot of stuff for $10! But I had a $10 off of $20 coupon for the store. It's amazing how hard it was to reach $20 since I really only NEEDED eggs :lol


Now I'm here and need to do some paperwork and such now that I've written you all a book!

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Uh oh, where is everyone :think :lurk


Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on :whew Last night I watched the Eagles game and they played surprisingly decent for their situation, but of course they still lost :shrug It was definitely anticipated, but they put up a fight until the last quarter anyway.


I went to the gym this morning, first time since last week and I felt the difference in my ability to do everything in the class :lol I ran up to Big Lots to see what kind of windows clingy things they have for the holidays to put something on my front windows. No luck there. I'm running to HL this afternoon to get holiday yarn to make a new tree skirt, mine is super old and it shows :sigh So, I'll run into wal mart while I'm over there and see what kind of decorations they have.


I have a lady coming in a bit from living social trying to get me to put out a holiday deal....we'll see what she has to say :think And tonight is another knit/crochet group for the bridge thing here, so it'll be a long day. And, I even have a patient in there :clap

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Good morning,

Marisa, sounds like you had a great time with your parents. I'm so glad your mom is feeling better. The energy will come. Texting gloves, eh? How cool that your aunt liked them enough to want a pair. So glad you made it home safe. Sounds like you have a whole weekend worth of running around to do in one evening.

LeeAnn, What a great Thanksgiving you had! So nice that everybody had someone to spend time with. I'll bet Celine enjoyed the cousins' company. Did Christopher get his ears pierced or was that his cousin? I've been trying to talk my boys into getting earrings since they were little. I think it's cool.

Joanne, how are things in New Jersey? What is Ryan up to these days? How is his mom doing?

Stacy, when does the semester end for you? I think my kids are done on the 18th.

Well, I didn't use the treadmill yesterday (Bad me!) I had some dental work done, and had a bad time of it, as in crying hysterically while that poor doctor was trying to fix my mouth. It didn't hurt, I just hate the vibration and noise and people in my face and the smell and ... It's literally torture for me. I even took Valium before I went in. I don't think it helped.

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Happy Hump Day!


Sorry I've been scarce around here lately- I'm just really busy between work and crocheting. I finished up a baby blanket (bubble baby pattern) for my DD's friend whose shower is Sun. My DD asked me to make one so of course I said yes. Work is super busy- and not getting home till about 7 or so every night- this too shall pass.


Beth- I hate the dentist too----and yay for getting a treadmill!! I need to get myself back to the gym!


Marisa- Sorry about your Eagles! I'm looking forward to next Mon night when my Giants play Beth's Redskins! Giants played superbly last Sunday!! Happy that your mom is feeling better- and sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.


LeeAnn- Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful--bet it was fun being with the twins! And yay for getting nails done and pampering yourself- you deserve it after all the work you've been doing on your crafting!! I didn't enjoy working with the new ruffly yarn- but love how they turn out- I have one half done that has been languishing for months in my wip pile!


Stacy- You must be on the home stretch of your semester! Love all the pics you posted on FB--your girls are so so cute--just like you! (and DH isn't a bad looking guy either- LOL)


I've made 3 more scarves for our dept craft/bake sale to benefit Hurricane Sandy relief efforts--they are flying off my hook!


Oh, and the yarn I bought at the LYS? It's Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted DK wool yarn http://www.universalyarn.com/quality_color.php?quality=58


Green meadow, purple sky and harvest are the colorways I bought--now to figure out what they want to become!!


Off to get ready- time is flying by so quickly and no more time to 'chat'

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Happy Hump Day Friends!


My! Can't believe that it is Wed.:eek:eek:eek Lots to do ......lots to do.


Beth-you poor thing. Going to the dentist is no fun and scary too. :hug:hug:hug:hug How do you feel today? Are you in pain? I sure hope not. :flowerMy mother in law has panic attacks going when she goes to the dentist/doctor. It's very traumatic for her. I am hoping that you had a nice patient dentist and staff. ON another topic, Cristopher has both of his ears pierced-they are healing up well, no infection. Silly guy!


Marisa-how was your meeting with the living social lady? Hope she was able to help you out. You are just soo busy! I am positive that you love being your own boss, I love it! Your texting mitts reminds me that I need to make some..oh goodness! Something else to add to my ever growing list.


Joanne-you are right, the Sashay yarn is difficult to work with, I find that I have to work in excellent lighting or at least have the lamp next to me on. I need to tie off the second scarf and start on the third. I am working on them whilst I wait for wax to melt. Those are extremely long days for you, hopefully you can flex out your time at a later date.


Stacy-how's it going? Miss you!


Yesterday I worked on candle tarts..improved my recipe just a tad for a long scent throw. I made 26 of them. All labeled and packaged up..ready to go.


I have another event this weekend. Today I will be working on a gift basket order, an order for Peanut Butter Chocolate lotion bar/sugar scrub. The fragrance smells like a Reese Peanut Butter Candy..delish but so realistic. One of my customers put in a custom order for the fragrance. I am wanting to make Soap Brownies with it..hmmmm...that may have to wait until next week when I have more time.


other than that, trying to keep up with everything. We decorated for Christmas Monday evening, since I have events for the next two weekends, I wanted to get it done early.


hi ho hi ho! It's off to work I go. Hugs n squishes drear friends!

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Good morning,

Marisa, sounds like you had a great time with your parents. I'm so glad your mom is feeling better. The energy will come. Texting gloves, eh? How cool that your aunt liked them enough to want a pair. So glad you made it home safe. Sounds like you have a whole weekend worth of running around to do in one evening.

Well, I didn't use the treadmill yesterday (Bad me!) I had some dental work done, and had a bad time of it, as in crying hysterically while that poor doctor was trying to fix my mouth. It didn't hurt, I just hate the vibration and noise and people in my face and the smell and ... It's literally torture for me. I even took Valium before I went in. I don't think it helped.


What else is new?!?! :lol Sorry you had to go to the dentist, but at least you did get throug it :hug


Happy Hump Day!


Sorry I've been scarce around here lately- I'm just really busy between work and crocheting. I finished up a baby blanket (bubble baby pattern) for my DD's friend whose shower is Sun. My DD asked me to make one so of course I said yes. Work is super busy- and not getting home till about 7 or so every night- this too shall pass.


Marisa- Sorry about your Eagles! I'm looking forward to next Mon night when my Giants play Beth's Redskins! Giants played superbly last Sunday!! Happy that your mom is feeling better- and sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.


I've made 3 more scarves for our dept craft/bake sale to benefit Hurricane Sandy relief efforts--they are flying off my hook!


Oh, and the yarn I bought at the LYS? It's Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted DK wool yarn http://www.universalyarn.com/quality_color.php?quality=58


Green meadow, purple sky and harvest are the colorways I bought--now to figure out what they want to become!!


Off to get ready- time is flying by so quickly and no more time to 'chat'


:yay for new yarn, something to cheer you up with your hectic work schedule right now. Be careful what you wish for, the Redskins looked really good the last 2 weeks and are on a roll....not sure where it came from, but it is what it is :shrug


Happy Hump Day Friends!


My! Can't believe that it is Wed.:eek:eek:eek Lots to do ......lots to do.


Marisa-how was your meeting with the living social lady? Hope she was able to help you out. You are just soo busy! I am positive that you love being your own boss, I love it! Your texting mitts reminds me that I need to make some..oh goodness! Something else to add to my ever growing list.


Yesterday I worked on candle tarts..improved my recipe just a tad for a long scent throw. I made 26 of them. All labeled and packaged up..ready to go.


I have another event this weekend. Today I will be working on a gift basket order, an order for Peanut Butter Chocolate lotion bar/sugar scrub. The fragrance smells like a Reese Peanut Butter Candy..delish but so realistic. One of my customers put in a custom order for the fragrance. I am wanting to make Soap Brownies with it..hmmmm...that may have to wait until next week when I have more time.


other than that, trying to keep up with everything. We decorated for Christmas Monday evening, since I have events for the next two weekends, I wanted to get it done early.


hi ho hi ho! It's off to work I go. Hugs n squishes drear friends!


Sounds like you're doing great :clap I am going to have a living social deal, so we'll see how it goes :xfin It will go up in Jan or Feb.

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:hi friends!


That's all I have for now. :lol A wisdom tooth is cutting in, and I have a headache on the left side of my head. But I wanted to stop in because I haven't been here for a few days! :eek:eek:eek

Sounds like you all had a blast over the long weekend...

Marisa, I'm glad to hear your mom is doing better. :yes Good idea to get the cheapie train if the kiddos don't know to not touch. :think And :h5 on the living social deal! Wish I lived closer- I keep telling dh I need a good chiro! LoL


Beth, WTG on the treadmill! So sorry you had such an experience at the dentist. :hug I used to have all kinds of anxiety, but Mia had a bunch of dental work when she was only 4, so now I figure, if she can get through it at that young age, so can I. Still don't enjoy it, but at least no more panic attacks. Oh! A friend from VA posted earlier that her neighborhood was having blackouts...she is near Roanoke, I think...is that near you? Also...I read about the kitties on FB! I'm so sorry to hear that! Is your dd very sad about not volunteering with them?


Joanne, sorry to hear you've been working so much! :eek That is crazy-ness. WTG on finishing up the baby blanket with how busy you are! I ran to TJ's the other day and they have the Christmas goodies out now. So of course I had to pick up a box of the dark chocolate stars- and Friday I'll probably get 2 or 3 more to stash. LoL!! :devil


Leeann, look at you go!! You are such an inspiration with how much you do, truly. :yes The Reese's order sounds :drool!! I don't know how I feel about earrings on guys. Are they growing on you?


Well, I need to scoot and pick up dh from school. I hope the girls aren't all sleeping! :eek Love and hugs!


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Oh, those dark choc stars from TJ's sound delish! I'll be treking there on Sat and will look for them.


DD invited us for dinner last night - she made lasagna with chicken sausage and it was really delicious- and it was great to spend some time with Ryan---and when I got home, I made a chapstick holder for a friend at work who has been bugging me to make one for her.


Work IS crazy busy- but it is what it is--and I'm still unwinding with a little crochet at night so it's ok. I can't change it so I'm dealing with it.


Oops- just looked at the clock---I've got to get ready!


Oh, Marisa- I'm a little concerned about the Giants vs Redskins game--they have been playing well---but then again, the Giants this past Sunday played like the Giants are supposed to play--it should be a good game!


Tonight is Rutgers vs Louisville- home game sold out- so I'll watch on Espn---if Rutgers wins, they will be the Big East Champs!


Have a good day!

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Top of the morning ladies!


Stacy-saw your posts on FB about the girls playing chess..:manyheart:manyheart too cute! I am still not sure about the ear piercing thing, but am hoping that ds will change his mind as he gets older and let them close. I guess its better than something permanent.


Beth-what's on the agenda for the day? Anything juicy?


Joanne-the work week is almost over, I am sure you are ready for the weekend. I have never heard of chicken sausage before..hmmm:think I will have to look into that.


Marisa-I worked out yesterday and Tuesday, trying to get at least 3 days in a week, last week I didn't work out at all. I felt a teeny tiny bit guilty but baby sitting helped because I walked what felt like miles with the babies.


Yesterday I was like a whirlwind, made homemade pizza..it sure was delish! I snuck in spinach:devil between the layers, the family ate it and didn't even notice.


I forgot to tell ya all, the Italian Sausage Soup was a hit! I am going to put that on my list of recipes that our family loves. If ya all want the recipe give me a holler.


I was so excited, I found Borax and Washing Soda at one of our local supermarkets. I made my first batch of homemade laundry soap and fabric softener..so excited! I am washing laundry as we speak. I even added my own fragrance oil..Cottage Breeze..I will let ya know how it works.


Have a few more orders to fill..almost to the 200 mark. I am at 199 sales.:clap:cheer Lots to do today.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Hoping for a fairly quiet day of crocheting at the office :lol No patients scheduled as of now. Of course, I'd be super excited if someone called to come in :yes


Stacy - You're in LA, right? I'll put a shout out to my group and see if I know anyone out there that I can recommend for you. I hope you tooth and headache are feeling better :hug


Joanne - Oooo, lasagna sounds wonderful and coupled with Ryan time :bounce Hope your day isn't too stressful :hug


LeeAnn - I went to the gym this morning so am only at 2 days this week. I usually get 4-5 during the week, pushing myself because I take the weekends off :lol Last week I also didn't workout at all while at my parents. I did get in 2 short walks with my aunt though. Not sure they count since they were both after eating at a buffet :think:shrug WTG on your sales and laundry detergent :h5 I have to go see what you have on your site, I forgot last week :blush


Beth - Hope your having a good day :hug

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Marisa, I LOVE the window!!! Your office looks so awesome, so inviting. I hope you get a patient today.


Joanne, sounds like work is crazy busy. At least you have a weekend coming up. I'm glad crochet helps you unwind. Are you still working on your knitting?


LeeAnn, I think guys with earrings are very attractive. I am odd, though. Hey, men with earrings make great boyfriends -- they know how to buy jewelry, and they can take a little pain. (I read that somewhere.) I made the homemade laundry detergent before. It didn't get things as clean as I'd like.


Stacy, big hugs. I hope your tooth feels better soon.

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Marisa, your display is so cute!! It does look inviting. :yes The issue with a chiro here is my insurance- it's not the best, so we pretty much can only go with someone in our network. :think Why can't everything just run on a barter system? LoL! :xfin that someone calls in!


Joanne, that lasagna sounds yummy! And may have given me an idea for dinner. :yes


Beth, what's shakin'?


Leeann, can't wait to hear how the detergent works! I made my own a while back, using borax and fels naptha- did not like it! But I don't think I've ever heard of washing soda. :think The Italian Sausage soup sounds :drool, also! So many yummy dinners in here! How did the Reese's soaps turn out?


Well, now that I have a little more time to :blah...

As I mentioned, Eva has the tummy bug on Saturday. It lasted until late Sunday night, and by the next morning she was fine. Well...early Tuesday morning (around 2:30) dh and Mia both woke up with it. :( I'm still convinced it was the food from the weekend, though- they all shared chicken nuggets. Anyway...so dh missed work on Tuesday, and Mia missed school Tuesday and Wednesday. I had an exam on Tuesday, which I *think* went pretty well. My grades aren't as stellar this semester as I'd like them to be...:shrug But no sense dwelling on it now. Only 2 more weeks left! :woo :woo

It's raining here...which might explain the headache. :think The past few times it rained, I have gotten headaches. This is new.

Yesterday we went to the library after school. Mia saw one of her besties there, so that was exciting. You would think they hadn't seen each other for months! LoL

Well, that is all the news from here, I think. I better run out and get some cheese before I pick up the girls. (Oh, and Leeann, I would love that soup recipe! Sounds perfect to make when the girls are with the IL's. :lol) Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug

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Oh, Marisa! I Googled "texting gloves" and found the most adorable pattern for a 'medieval' style! So thank you for mentioning them in a previous post. LoL I'm thinking of making a couple pair for Christmas gifts...:think Maybe as a set with a scarf? Don't know yet. But I wanted to say thanks for mentioning texting gloves. LoL

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Had a very busy day- but left by 5 to be home in time to unwind and get ready for the big game tonight. Had a nice surprise- DH made homemade chicken soup- so yummy. He was home today since the pool cover and the soffit that were damaged in the Hurricane were getting replaced/repaired.


the soup was wonderful and now it's almost time for the game!


Beth- I haven't picked up the knitting but plan to once again after the holidays. Too many things I want to crochet before Christmas! We'll see how that pans out!


Hugs- gotta run- get a cup of coffee and crochet so I'm ready for the start of the game!

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Joanne-your homemade chicken soup sounds :drool:droolmmmm...I love soup! Especially on cold days or after a long day. Yummy! Did your team win? Wasn't sure if you had posted yet. TGIF my friend! Have a great day in Paradise.


Beth-how's it going? Are all of your inventions ready for winter break? Whatcha working on? Did your sister love her mittens/scarf set?


Stacy-so far the new laundry detergent is working well. Washing Soda is different than Baking Soda..much more difficult to find. The recipe was fairly easy, I shredded a bar of Laundry Soap, boiled 8 cups of water, added 1 cup Borax and 1 cup Washing Soda to that and the shredded soap. Let it all boil, added fragrance oil then let cool. I poured it right into an old laundry detergent bottle with a spout and viola!


For the fabric softener:



2 Cups White Vinegar

2 Cups Baking Soda

4 Cups Water

Combine slowly and carefully over sink. The baking soda and vinegar will fizz. Pour into plastic bottle, cover, and shake. *Hint - Reuse your "Downy" bottle.




Marisa-your windows look fabulous! I love your skeleton with a Santa Hat..adorable! Sure to catch your eye as you are walking by. What's on the agenda for the weekend?



I made it! 200 sales:cheer:clap This last one is a custom order for 160 Ollie Octopus Soaps in Gardenia..my house smells like a flower shop. A little overwhelming but nice. I have until Monday to get them all made..yikes! I am having a soap marathon..every hour I pour a new batch. I only have one mold for 8 Ollies so it is going to take a while. It's kinda funny because when I bought the mold, I was going to buy a few but thought I would see how well they sold..guess I should have bought more.




Here is the recipe for the soup:




Hearty Italian Sausage Soup



1 lb. Italian Sausage, sliced

1 onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 tsp. olive oil

2 can s (14 oz. each) 25%-less sodium chicken broth

1 soup can water

1 can (15 oz) cannellini beans, rinsed

1 can (14.5 oz) stewed tomatoes, undrained

1 cup rotini pasta, uncooked

1 1.2 cups baby spinach leaves

½ cup Kraft 2 % Milk Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

Saltine Crackers


Make it!

COOK sausage, onions and garlic in oil in large saucepan 10-min., stirring frequently.

ADD next 4 ingredients. Bring to a boil. Stir in pasta, cook 8 min. or until tender. Remove from heat.

STIR in spinach; cover. Let stand 5 min. Top with cheese. Serve with crackers.




Lots to do today, inbetween soaping have to clean up and pack for the bazaar tomorrow. Talk to you all soon! Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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LeeAnn, good luck with all the Ollies and the bazaar tomorrow. Congrats on 200 sales! Your business is taking off. Any chance that you will quit the job with the school and concentrate on the crafting eventually?


Stacy, good luck with the end of the semester. What are you taking next term?


Joanne, Happy Friday to you, my friend. I hope you have a good weekend.


Marisa, any fun plans for this weekend? You stay so busy, but I guess that's the life of a young single woman. Will you be going to visit when your brother and his family come to your parents' house?


Off to make the pizza dough then walk on my treadmill. Crocheting while walking only works at very slow speeds. I will just listen to my music.

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