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Some good clean fun?!

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Stacy- Love the idea of turkeys with Santa hats and boots! How cute!!! Next weekend I'll decorate for Christmas- We are not having Thanksgiving here, and being without power for so long- there was no way I was going to the attic to bring down Thanksgiving decorations, so at this point...what's the point? I do have some 'fall' decorations though. Just like Christmas, lots of my decorations are snowmen so I can leave them up in the winter!

We are going to DD's MIL's house for Thanksgiving. My middle DD and BF are coming as well. The only one who won't be there is my oldest- she stopped coming a couple of years ago- she hates traveling over the Thanksgiving weekend. So usually either she comes down or more often than not, I head up to Boston the day after Christmas which is what I'm doing this year!!


Marisa- Take it easy- and enjoy the weekend- and the tailgating--i know what a hardship that is- LOL


Beth- Oh, so sorry to hear about DS's car and the accident. Glad no one was hurt badly- and hopefully the adjuster shows up soon- and you can decide what to do. Hope that DD's neck starts feeling better-Hugs to her


LeeAnn- Thinking of you and the BIG sale!!!


Didn't get home till 7:45 tonight- so glad it's the weekend- and tomorrow is get rid of the gray and hair cut morning!!! YAY!

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Evening Friends!


Beth-oh your poor son. That is just terrible! So glad that he is ok and not seriously hurt, and your dd..that has to be just tough as a parent to know that your babies could have been injured. hugs n squishes!


Joanne-the sale went well..lip balms are the rave. lol sold a lot of them as well as the lip scrubs..now just to sell the rest.


Stacy-mmmm SB sounds delish! I could use one right about now.


Marisa-feel better my friend!


going to take the night off, isn't that just great? I haven't had a night off in forever. Tomorrow is another day of sales.


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Happy Saturday!!!!!


LeeAnn- Hope you enjoyed your night off!!!!!


Today is a 'pampering day' for me--hair cut/color and nails!! Then I'm going to BJ's- since DH signed up this week, I have to go pick up my membership--he hinted that he saw a few things that he liked there--and with his birthday coming up next Sat, I'll do a little shopping!


Of course, sometime between 2 and 5, I'll be making a stop at the Bux for a treat!!!


I've already been "up and at em and got all the 'necessary' cleaning out of the way!!! Laundry is on- and that's the only thing that still is left to be finished!


Hugs to you all!

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Good morning ladies :hi


We went out for light up night and had fun with our group. One of our friends birthday is today so they did a shot at about midnight for the birthday. I passed since I had patients this morning and my neighbor was happy because she didn't really tell everyone she's pregnant yet and so she didn't stand out as much then since I said no as well. She just wants to wait until this weeks appointment to make sure all is going well and I think she's closing in on the end of the first trimester.


A patient brought me a homemade pumpkin pie today, I can't wait to taste it :drool Now I'm on my way to a Knit the Bridge meeting and then hoping to rest later for the afternoon and evening. Found out today that my nephews and neice and SIL will be home for christmas :clap But that means not much resting this week either since I'll have to help my parents decorate and with mom being weak yet I just won't get to rest well. When the kids aren't around, they just do the tree, which isn't too bad. BUT now, it will be the whole shebang!!! Platforms, trains, the whole house will be decorated and probably 2 trees :whew Oh well, tis the season :shrug


I gotta run, but I'll 'see' y'all on Monday :hug

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My Dear Friends,


Happy Saturday to you!

Joanne, how lovely to have a pamper day. I hope you made it to Bux to get your treat.

Stacy, did your family do something wonderful together again today?

LeeAnn, how was the sale?

Marisa, I hope you have a good weekend with your parents. It's so good that you are helping them decorate for Christmas. Are they excited to be seeing the grandchildren?

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Beth, I've done that before, too! LoL Is your dd feeling better? Has the adjustor showed up yet?


Marisa, sounds like another fun night! How awesome that you will see your nephews and niece for Christmas! :manyheart


Joanne, :cheer for a pampering day! Sounds like you will have a nice Thanksgiving...I love that you have a good relationship with your dd's MIL. :yes How is Ryan? He must be very active by now!


Leeann, I am so proud of you for taking the night off!! I'm sure it wasn't easy, but much-needed. :yes How are the chickens?


Well, yesterday morning, I woke up with a nasty head cold. :think It came out of nowhere because I was absolutely fine on Friday night. :shrug Dh has been making me tea and Mia just brought "breakfast" in bed...2 pieces of toast and a glass of milk. :manyheart We were supposed to go swimming today but that was put on hold. We decorated for Thanks-mas yesterday and it didn't turn out as planned- looks kind of hodge-podgeish. Dh doesn't like it but the kiddos sure do. I'm going shopping later for more decorations, maybe I can find something to er, ease the transition? LoL

Well I have to scoot. I guess we are going out for breakfast also. Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug

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Had another wonderful day. DD and I went to Trader Joe's today and stocked up again. i was reluctant to considering we lost everything that was in the fridge and freezer during the hurricane. Since it's about a 1/2 hour away, we decided to just stock up on the things we like from there while we were there. After that we 'treated ourselves' to the buy-one get one at the Bux. Played with Ryan for a bit and then had dinner with them. We had frozen butternut ravioli we bought at TJ's- it was very good

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Good morning,

Joanne, I envy your daughter, that she is lucky enough to live close to you, so her son gets lots of time with you. How is she doing?

Stacy, I hope you are feeling better. How are the Turkey-mas decorations now?

LeeAnn, I hope you got your much-needed rest. Did you have any more sales this weekend?

Marisa, How is your mom? Did you get their house decorated?


I met with the friend who can't be in our Monday night craft club yesterday. When I got home, I kept working on the projects, and finished two more towel toppers for my mom.


My dh and I are asking Santa to bring us a treadmill for Christmas. We don't have a lot of money in the budget or a lot of room for one in our house. Does anybody have any recommendations or advice?

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Good Morning Friends!


Sounds like you all have been busy. :D


Beth-do you like to walk outdoors? Perhaps you and dh can buy pedometers and have a race to see who walks the most steps in a week, you can start off with a reward (perhaps a skein of yarn for you, something that your dh likes for him) I have a NordickTrack at my in-laws it is just too big for our small house. I found that I used it only for a short period of time.


Joanne-your weekend sounded just perfect! Glad that you got your BUX fix in too.:manyheart


Stacy-will you be cooking the holiday? How did the decoration hunting go?


Marisa-how are you feeling? Are you at your parents house for the week?


We haven't decorated for the holidays..my dd is anxious but we will have to get to it this weekend. We are driving up to my sister's house on Wed and will be back on Sat. I have a million things to do before then.


I am having my first BLACK Friday sale and Cyber Monday Sale,..nervous. I finally finished adding/removing all new/sold items except for the newest lip balms. I will get to that in just a few. Then it will be a matter of tweaking the listings for the sale.


The weekend sale went well, sold a LOT of lip goodies...now that I mention it, have to make the lip scrubs..oh gosh! Guess I had better quit playing on the computer and get to work.


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


Well, I think I was here on Saturday :think So I left and went to a craft sale of indie shops (it was small) and we had a room for Knit the Bridge where people can come in and craft for a bit. Then I did have a relaxing evening at Ingrid's. I brought them half of the pumpkin pie since a whole one would be too much for the 3 of us, esp with the holiday this week and more goodies are on the horizon :yes


Sunday I was going to join a knit in group, but decided to do laundry instead so I wouldn't have to worry about it today since I'm heading to my parents tomorrow :bounce So it was fairly relaxing as well. Then we had dinner and headed down to the tailgate, Steelers had the late game again :sigh One of my friends from back home was in town for the game, so her and her bf came to hang out at the tailgate a bit. I haven't seen her in forever!!! It was great to catch up.


I didn't set an alarm this morning, but woke up just after 8. I tried to get back to sleep, but realized I was just awake and so I got up and went to the gym. I only made it 2 days last week since I just wasn't feeling myself :shrug I still have a very slight sore throat and it never amounted to anything :think Which of course is a good thing :yes


Beth - My parents are definitely excited to see the kids, as am I :bounce I'll be headed home tomorrow through Sunday and we'll decorate while I'm home. You can find reasonable prices on a treadmill. If you don't have a lot of space, look for one you can fold up when you're not using it. I got my eliptical at Dick's on sale and was able to get a good price. Also look on Craig's list to see if anyone's selling one.


Joanne - So glad you had a 'me' day, it was definitely deserved and needed :yes The butternut ravioli sounds wonderful :drool


Stacy - Oh, thanks-mas decorations sound so fun :bounce I hope you're feeling better :hug


LeeAnn - I'll be heading out tomorrow and stay at my parents until Sunday :bounce Maybe I'll have to check out your black friday sale :think (I just have to remember :lol ) But some little candles would make great stocking stuffers :yes

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Marisa, thanks for your input on the treadmill. I hope you have a great trip, and enjoy the decorating. What fun to see the children at Christmas time!

LeeAnn, can't wait to pop over to your website, see all the goodies. I think I will walk a lot more if I can do it while it's still dark, preferably still in my pj's (then shower and get dressed for the day.) and if I can crochet while walking -- OH BOY! Would that be awesome!! I like a treadmill so I can get an incline. This part of Virginia is very flat. I can't jog or run due to my asthma, so the incline is about the only way I can get a better workout.

Joanne, do you get any time off for the Holiday this week?

Stacy, how go the plans for Thanks-mas?

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:hi friends!!


Beth, if you can crochet while walking on a treadmill, I :nworthy to you!! I can barely watch tv and walk on one. :rofl I hope you find what you're looking for at a good price. I agree with Marisa that Craigslist might be a good place to try.


Marisa, sounds like you have a whirlwind of a weekend, as always! I so enjoy hearing about your adventures. :yes How is your mom?


Joanne, sounds like you had quite the weekend! :cheer The butternut squash ravioli are so tasty! My kids don't like them, so I buy them as a lunch treat for myself. :devil I did not make it to the Bux for the buy one, get one free event! :( So sad about that but maybe there will be another one with the holidays coming up.


Leeann, :clap so glad to hear you had a wonderful sale! Those lip scrubs sound really interesting. :yes How are the chickens? Sounds like you will have a busy weekend with being at your sister's for quite a few days. Is she less mean now that she's had the babies? How are they doing?


We did not make it out to find more decorations- I am still feeling under the weather and could barely hold my head up this morning. So I lounged around a bit, then decided I *had* to get the laundry whittled down to 1 hamper. :xfin that tomorrow we will find some. At this point, I just really want a tablecloth and maybe some snowflakes to hang around. I love anything with snowflakes or snowmen. :manyheart The girls had their Y classes today, and I really didn't feel like going, but they're off school all week so it was good for them to get out and move around a bit. :yes Tomorrow I am going to clean, and get some homework done. It is supposed to be a lab day for my stats class, but dh isn't able to take the girls with him as he had planned. So I will have to miss it and do some work here on my own.


Hmm...well, I think that's all the news from here. Going to get to bed early and hopefully sleep off whatever is left of this cold. Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug



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Hello all,

Can you smell it? I am making the vegie broth for brining my turkey, and my house smells like rosemary, garlic, and onion. I think this is my favorite part of the meal, and we don't really eat it.


Happy Tuesday to all of you. I spent yesterday on other people's drama. Let's see if I can tackle two days worth of pre-holiday "to do" list in one day!

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Beth - I do, I do....smell it :manyheart


Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here. I saw my patient this morning, cleaned up behind her, ate breakfast, and finished up her paperwork in the computer :clap I have a few odds and ends to take care of here and pack up, then I'll be on my way. My dad and I are making our pumpkin rolls tonight :drool


I'll try to check in later at my parents :hug

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Good morning!


Marisa, pumpkin rolls sound :drool!! Have a great time!


Beth, sorry to hear about the drama. Your veggie broth smells awesome, btw! :D


Joanne, hope Paradise flies by today! :hug:hug


Leeann, have a great time with your fam this weekend! :hug:hug


This morning we puttered around and I did some cleaning. We ran to Target and the dollar store, and over to school to get some exam books. Oh, we also went to Michael's to get some scrapbook paper- my girlies wanted to decorate composition books for drawing. :yes They turned out pretty cute, but we ran out of Mod Podge while making the one for my niece. I'm going to run back tomorrow to get more- I had planned to have them all finished for Thanksgiving. They will be perfect for the girls to draw in at dh's aunt's house.

That's all the news from here. Love and hugs!

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Good morning!


Beth- How's that Firebird doing? Saw on FB that the 68 has made it out of the garage and out onto the streets of VA!! How exciting!!


Stacy- What a cute idea to decorate some composition books for the girls to take to draw in. Gotta love creativity!!!


Marisa- Hope you had a safe trip to your parents. How'd the pumpkin rolls turn out?


LeeAnn- I think you had posted that you were headed out of town for the holidays- enjoy!


Last day of work, then 4 days off! Can't wait. I made a cowl last night to give to one of my co-workers who has been a real asset to the project- we begin training part of the staff next week for 'go live' on Dec 13...then on to phase 2 of the project...The cowl pattern is called 'accidental cowl' and can be found here- easy peasy and it works up quick. I had some Paton's Shetland Chunky in my stash which is the yarn she recommended--and it does have a nice drape- I used an M hook


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Joanne, what a nice present! Love that cowl. Enjoy your long holiday.


Marisa, I hope your trip went well. Have fun with the pumpkin rolls. I actually bought some pumpkin to make one, but didn't get around to it yet. I am inspired to cook today. Maybe I'll get it done.


Stacy, your daughters are adorable! I love the idea of decorating their art books! You are such an awesome mom.


LeeAnn, I hope your visit with your sister goes well. How are the babies doing? What do your big kids think of the little ones?


Well, my husband is so happy that I got the tags for his antique car that he took me shopping! I had to replace my cooling racks, and we were in the vicinity of Bed Bath & Beyond, so he bought me two of the biggest ones they have. So funny, while we were at the mall, my dd and Shrimp Boy were there on a date, so we got to chat with them a bit.


Off to get some cooking done before I run to a couple of stores.

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Hiya friends!


Quick fly by as I am babysitting the twin gallies..so much work but so much fun! All is well, just trying to keep up.


Have a Happy Thanksgiving friends, I am thankful for all of you! hugs n squishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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