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Some good clean fun?!

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I love a frosty with french fries- as do my DD's (I guess they inherited that from me) LOL


Feels so good to come home after a long day in Paradise and be in my own house with light and heat. I cleaned out the refrigerator since I'll have to go shopping tomorrow. Actually we threw out all the food after 48 hours of no power. I figured this is a good time to scrub it all down so it's like new--I won't buy lots of food though!!


Tomorrow I'm going to go to DD's to watch the Rutgers football game at noon and pick up my suitcase and laundry that I did while staying there. Trying to get back to 'normal' around here- although when you have friends that still don't have power and know people that lost everything it's kind of hard. Mixed emotions- if that makes sense.


Going to finish another scarf- This makes 7 made during the power outage and I'm donating them to my DD's friend who teaches in a town where many of the families lost their homes. She's making another trip this weekend with donations of blankets, cleaning supplies, toys for kids and scarves and hats.

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Good morning! I'm up early as is the norm-and putting a list together of food that we need- not stocking up by any means, but we had to throw everything out that was in the fridge/freezer. Also need to do some cleaning, because somehow the house doesn't look as clean as it did living by candle light LOL


Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!


Hugs to you ALL!

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Joanne, hope you had fun at the Rutger's game!


Marisa, that is the absolute best way to have frosty. :drool


Leeann and Beth, :hug:hug:hug!!!


Dh and Isabella were supposed to have a Star Wars marathon today. Isabella was out after the second one; dh and I stopped watching after the third. Eva wants to be a Sith now. The caramel popcorn was super-yummy. Mia helped me make cookies, also. Afterward, I realized that it is hailing on one side of our apartment, but not on the other...so the girls went out to play in it. :lol It is super-small and melting as soon as it hits the ground.


Oh, Beth! I just remembered...here is the recipe for the cookies. The package says they're gf, but I understand there is some controversy about whether oats are or not. :think


Trader Joe's gf Oatmeal Cookies:


1/4 c. butter

1-1/4 tsp baking soda

3/4 c. each brown sugar and white sugar

6 oz chocolate chips

2 eggs

3 c rolled oats

1/2 c walnuts (I don't add them)

1 tsp vanilla

1 c peanut butter


Mix butter, sugars, eggs, vanilla, and pb until smooth. Add oats and chocolate chips and drop teaspoons-ful onto lightly greased cookie sheets. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. Yum!

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Stacy, thanks for the recipe! I really appreciate it. I plan to try it this week. What I understand, oats themselves are gluten free, but often get mixed with other grains during the planting/harvesting/processing in a farm that rotates crops. So oats grown in special farms are OK. Several companies sell them: Jules gluten free, and Bobs Red Mill to name two.


Joanne, it is rough to see a lot of devastation around you. I've been through that here several times. I'm glad you have your house with heat and lights. My thoughts go to those who lost everything.


LeeAnn, did you have a bazaar this weekend? How are things going in craftland? Is your wrist feeling OK?


Marisa, how's your mom? What are you up to?

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Hi all,

Laundry is all done, and floors clean. Now we are heading out to my DDs bro and sis in laws twins christening.


The devastation is amazing- saw a house not too far from me yesterday that was cut in half by a tree. So so sad. I'm so lucky with the minimal damage we sustained.


Hope you all have a good day---and Go Giants (LOL)

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Hiya friends!


Remember me? I feel like I have been gone a looong time.


Joanne-I am sure it is devastating to see all of the damage after Sandy as well as the folks that have lost so much. :hug Huge to all of them and you as well! That is awful nice of you to crochet scarves.


Beth-how was the Friday pizza? I always think of you on Fridays and wish that someone besides me would make home made pizza. Sounds delish! My wrists are still hurting, seems like they will never get better.


Stacy-I have never watched Star Wars..can you believe that? I know..it's terrible. :lol Thank you for sharing your recipe, the cookies sound fantastic!


Marisa-did you make it home to see your mom? Is she feeling better? How's the new project coming along?


I have been a busy little bee. On Friday my mom set up a sale for me at her work. I hauled a few things over and sold my little heart out. It was nice to sell some of the new goodies that I have been working so hard on. Yesterday was my first bazaar of the season..whew! What a long day..I didn't get home until 6:00 p.m. and had left the house at 6:00 a.m.


My etsy sales have increased, I had a sale for Hemp Lotion. I wanted to make a new batch..it took forever as I was extra careful to follow the directions to a T as last time I ruined a whole batch. Very expensive lesson.


The family is going to town for groceries, I have a few odds and ends to tie up on Etsy and then going to clean the bathrooms. Got the kitchen done..and then maybe I can relax.


Hi ho hi ho! Off to work I go. Talk to you all soon. hugs n squishes!


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Good morning

LeeAnn- Wow - your business is really taking off- so happy for you!!!!


Running a tad behind here- so just stopping in to wish everyone a fantabulous Monday (well as good as a Monday can be- LOL)

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Good morning!


We are also running behind. I got busy crocheting a scarf (Joanne, I am starting some for the craftalong :yes) and lost track of time. We have plans to visit a friend this morning- my old man friend. We had planned to visit with the kiddos on Halloween, but he ended up in bed with what he thought was the flu- it turned out to be an allergic reaction. I worry, because his sons live about 3 hours away, and he seems to be ill quite a bit lately. Dh suggested I should stop and get some groceries for him, so I need to call first and see what he needs.


Yesterday we just puttered around the house, then went out for early dinner at our new favorite Mexican restaurant. Yum!


Leeann, I had never seen a Star Wars movie all the way through- just bits and pieces. Not really my type of movie...but dh really loves them. :yes I'm so happy that your sales are increasing! :cheer:cheer


Beth, the TJ's oats are advertised as g/f, also. Mia rarely eats oatmeal, so I only buy these for cookies. How is everything over there? Did your dd's new computer arrive already? Is your dryer working now?


Joanne, the amount of devastation must be so overwhelming over there. :( I read an article this morning that tourists are stopping to take photos, etc...:angry It would be so much more helpful to stop and ask what you can do to help.


Marisa, how was your weekend? You always seem to find something fun to do!


Well, I better scoot. Love and hugs!

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Good evening friends!


Just a quick fly by to see how everyone is doing. Stacy-a new favorite Mexican restaurant sounds delish!


Joanne-hope your day in Paradise wasn't too stressful.


Beth-how's the beginning of your week going?


Marisa-are you back home yet? How was your weekend?


Today was busy, had a few orders to deliver and more to fill...woohoo! Also started part of a set of new soapy goodies, can't wait to finish and share with all of you, so excited! hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


I went to Craft Club last night!! It was nice to spend a couple of hours with fellow crafters- all weathered Sandy ok, but heard about some folks that lost their houses- friends of friends, etc. Agree with Stacy about tourists taking pictures! Really????People need help!


Oh, well, a long day ahead in paradise- not getting out till at least 6 - so I'd better skoot and get ready


have a good day!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I didn't catch up on posts yet so if I don't reply to something, it's because I haven't seen it :lol Hoping to catch up after posting :xfin


I had a new patient yesterday and then the Steelers played at home last night. So I left the office early to go tailgate and of course hung out at the bar while they went to the game. I'm in rough shape today and feel like I'm moving in slow motion and quite sluggish :sigh


I have the knit the bridge group here tonight 7-9. I'll check back in a bit.

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Hello everybody,

I have to scoot soon, but wanted to pop in quickly.


Joanne, that's a long day! I am glad you had your craft group on Monday. Mine was cancelled because of Veterans day. Even though we are down to two people, it's still a goup, right?

Marisa, hooray for new patients. Keep on growing!

LeeAnn, can"t wait to see the new soaps.

Stacy, how is school going? It's getting close to the end of the semester, it seems.

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Good morning,

My alarm cat went off two minutes before the alarm clock did. Sweet pretty girl was where she isn't allowed, and knocked everything off the entertainment center and tipped over the trash can, which hadn't been emptied. And I couldn't find my keys, which I keep on top of the entertainment center. So I got to go sifting through the trash can first thing in the morning. (Found the keys at the very bottom.) At least I was awake enough to realize what happened, and didn't have to try to find them while the kids were rushing to go to college. We only have one key to the van.


I hope you all have a good Wednesday, or Hump Day.

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Good morning!!


Beth- Oh, what a way to start the morning.....I think you should make another copy of the key to the van....just sayin....LOL Glad you found it! I definitely think even if the 'group' is down to two' yes, it's still a group!


Stacy- I got an email this morning from Starbucks- Nov 15-18, between 2-5, it is buy one get one for the 'seasonal' drinks- peppermint mocha, gingerbread latte and caramel brulee! Guess where I'll be going this weekend?


Marisa- Hope that your Mom is doing ok- and glad to hear that you are getting new patients- oh, and BTW, saw your finished mysteryghan- it's beautiful!


LeeAnn- You seem to have really found your niche with your crafts- so happy for you!


Well, it's time to get ready and I'll echo Beth and say Happy Hump Day!

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Good morning friends!:morcoffee


I'm barely functioning...all the running has worn me out. But no time for exhaustion, must push past as the holidays are quickly approching. :devil


Joanne-I am so glad that you were able to attend craft night. Have you picked up your knitting? Hope today flies by for you.:hug


Beth-not such a good way to start the day, but great news that you found your keys. :hug I have a bad habit of leaving mine in the door knob. Dh gets so worried when I do that, I also forget to lock doors, car doors, house..it's crazy. Hoping your day is wonderful in spite of the early morning chaos.


Marisa-you finished a blankie? wow! You are super duper fast! What will you be working on next?:hug


Stacy-is college almost finished for Thanksgiving break?:hug:hug


I have another craft event this weekend. Friday and Saturday. This one is a big one..hoping that I sell sell sell..I am also getting ready for the Black Friday sale..going to be creating lots and lots of lip balms today and tomorrow..it's going to be scary.


Without further ado...here's a pic of one of the new goodies that I have been working on..I still need to upload the other doughnuts with espresso coffee...please tell me what you all think. And the little acorns with a cinnamon stick..so cute! I couldn't resist..had to make them too.


hugs n squishes!



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You are so creative LeeAnn!! Love the donuts and coffee!! And the acorn and cinnamon sticks are so cute!!!


Had a long day- but just had to stop and tell LeeAnn how great I think her things are--good luck at the sale this weekend!!!! And don't wear yourself down too much!



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Heya ladies!


It's just a whole bunch of ugly over here today...had a whole post typed out but then it disappeared...:think

Leeann's goodies are so pretty! LOVE the coffee one. :yes

Joanne, I did see the buy one, get one free holiday drinks @ the Bux. And of course I will partake. :lol

Marisa, the tailgating sounds fun! :woo for a new patient!

Beth, sorry to hear your alarm cat woke you early. WTG thinking quickly, though. :yes


Cliff's notes version of today- Olive did her business in the living room, in the 2 minutes I was in my bathroom. Our steam cleaner started smoking when I turned it on :eek so had to rent a Rug Doctor. Carpets look nice now, though. :yes Had a meltdown when I thought we left Eva's favorite lovey at Walgreens. (some of you may know our beloved Purple Bear from FB pics.) Realized it about 4 hours later and went back to search frantically, only to come home and find that she had hid him inside Isabella's backpack. :think:whew The girls have early release for the rest of the week due to parent conferences. I've already had 2, with the 3rd one tomorrow. Eva got all 4's (the equivalent of an A) and is receiving a Super Star award in 2 weeks. Hmm, I think that is all.


Gotta go study for a philosophy exam. Lots of love and hugs all around! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Not much going on here. I had my family of patients today, the ballet ones. Then met Ingrid and another friend for lunch and now I'm back here. I have a PYP event tonight that I'm just not up for, but will go anyways. I think I'm getting sick and just need some rest. My throat is super sore and now I'm starting to feel beat :sigh


Great projects LeeAnn :manyheart

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Good evening friends!


This week sure has flown by!


Joanne-thank you for the compliment on my soapies, I hope others like them as well. How was your day?


Beth-what's a happening? Are your inventions keeping you busy?


Stacy-oh my! Shampooing carpets is hard work. It must be hard having Olive on top of everything else. I am afraid I am not much of an in door pet person...while I love love love animals, indoors they are alot of work.


Marisa-woohoo! For a family of patients. Hope tonight flies by for you and that you are home before you know it. :lol


Tomorrow is the BIG sale...scary voice..:devil I am not sure if I am ready but will finish packing up after dinner. Then I am calling it done. I have a few lip balms that I need to shrink wrap as well..gosh..will have to get to those too.


I am trying a new recipe for dinner called Hearty Italian Sausage Soup. It was on the back of the Saltine Cracker box..hope the family likes it.


hugs n squishes!

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Good luck today LeeAnn---I'm sure you'll do well---that soup sounds yummy- you must let us know what the family thought!


Marisa- Rest up---your body is telling you it need rest!:hug


Stacy- How did you do on the Philosophy exam? I won't get to the Bux till tomorrow- I don't like the 2-5 hours (since I can't get there during the work week at that time)---but Saturday and Sunday---I'll be there!:)


Beth- How's things going? Are all the electronics/cars fixed? I'd be lost without my electronics---and really lost w/out my car---don't know how I'd get to work (oh wouldn't that be a shame if I couldn't get to work- :lol)


Off to get ready----TGIF!!!!!!!!!:clap

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Joanne, Happy Saturday! Enjoy your Bux visit. Funny you should ask about cars. On Wednesday, when my son was driving his sister to their English class, someone cut them off. His old car doesn't have ABS brakes, and he locked the tires, went into a skid, and smashed the guard rail at 60 mph. His car doesn't look too good. He is very sad, very depressed. His sister's neck hurts. Wish I could bring her to Marisa. So we are down to 2 again. I feel so bad for my son. He asks so politely if he can schedule use of one of the cars. He enjoyed his freedom with his car so much. The insurance aduster hasn't called or shown up yet. I hope he will very soon, though, so we can decide our next course of action.


LeeAnn, best of luck with the BIG SALE!:eek Your soaps are adorable. I love how realistic they look. How was the Italian sausage soup?


Stacy, so sorry that Olive is giving you so much trouble. I'm glad you found the purple bear. good luck with your exam.


Marisa, I hope you feel better, sweetie. Are you drinking hot tea with honey?

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Still have a sore throat :sigh I can feel it all the way in my ears when I swallow :eek Well, I had 2 patients this morning and then met a girl for lunch that I met at the Chamber of Commerce meeting a couple weeks ago. Ingrid's bringing Averie by after school because she's been complaining about her back this week. Then I have 2 more patients tonight and going out for Light up Night tonight. The city will officially be decorated for the holiday season :bounce Still drinking lots of tea, even when I went out last night I only had tea. I have a patient tomorrow morning and then a Knit the Bridge event to show my face at for a couple hours. Then hopefully I can rest the evening away :xfin Steelers play Sunday night at home, so I'll be tailgating again. I thought about passing on this one, but I actually have a grade school friend that's coming out with her bf for the game, so feel obligated.....such a hardship to tailgate :rofl


Joanne - I know my body wants rest....it's just probably not coming until I go to my parents next week :sigh


LeeAnn - How was your Italian Sausage Soup? Sounds right up my alley :drool


Beth - No honey for me, I don't like the sweetness. Just give me the tea bag and hot water and I'm a happy camper :lol I wish I could help out the kids :hug I can see if any of my classmates are in your area that I could recommend if you'd like???

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Heya ladies,


Marisa, sorry to hear you're still feeling under the weather. :hug:hug:hug I hope you can rest after your meeting tomorrow.


Joanne, I don't really care for the 2-5 timing, either...it seems really inconvenient for those who work a "normal" day. A couple years ago, the promo was from 9-noon or something around there, and I liked that much better.


Leeann, good luck with your big sale!! :cheer:clap:woo How did the fam like the sausage soup?


Beth, the accident sounds scary!! Hope you can find a place to have your dd's neck checked, and :xfin that the insurance adjustor shows up soon.


Last night, we all went exercising as a family. It was pretty fun- dh ran, I took my rollerblades, and the girls biked. Today I woke up feeling like I was hit by a truck- my nose is stuffy, and I have a sinus headache with congestion. I'm sure it's because we turned on the heater last night. Did all of the grocery shopping and random errands before picking up the girls for their last early day. We are planning to decorate for Thanks-mas this weekend. The girls wanted to make construction-paper turkeys, so I suggested that since there's almost no point to decorating just for Thanksgiving, we should add Santa hats and boots. :lol They thought that was pretty funny.


Gotta scoot. It's sandwich night here...easy-peasy and no complaining. :cheer

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