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Some good clean fun?!

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Happy Sunday! Did everyone remember to change their clocks? I woke up at 5, and didn't realize my phone had automatically reset, so I was a bit ticked about being up so early. LoL

Last night we had so much fun. We took the girls to see Wreck-it Ralph, then out to dinner. There is a turtle pond near the movie theater, so we went to see that, too. The movie was really cute, and actually even dh liked it.


Beth, how was your dinner date with dh?


Marisa, any word on your mom? Hope she's continuing to feel better. :hug:hug


Leeann, your holiday soapies are so cute! I took a peek at your Etsy shop this morning- I love all of your creations!





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Stacy, That movie looks really cute. I'm glad the whole family liked it. I will have to recommend it for my son and his sweetie -- they tend to like the animated films. My date with my hubby was just about perfect! We laughed, and talked, and made plans -- we might go visit my parents for Christmas, if we can pull it off. I would love that.


I am in a crochet slump -- can't get this mitten done, and I doubt I can match another one to it -- I started off writing the instructions, but kind of let it slide after a while. I guess I should just finish it, get the next one going, and see if i can't figure out what I did.


Marisa, Joanne, and LeeAnn, I hope you are all having wonderful weekends! Joanne, I hope you have electricity.

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:cheer for a perfect date with dh! :xfin that you can get out to see your parents for Christmas. That would be awesome! My mom is supposed to come out for Thanksgiving, but the plans are still up in the air.

Sorry to hear the mittens still aren't working out. Can you just go with the usual pattern? They won't match the stitch of the scarf, but it will save you a headache, I'm sure. Oh! Have you seen Bev's Marvelous Mitten pattern? That may match a bit more, even though it's not fpdc and bpdc. :think

I was really surprised that my dh liked the movie so much- he normally cannot stand animated films.

I cleaned out the hamsters' cages and made oatmeal peanut butter cookies. So my day feels productive. I will just casually ignore the 2 IKEA bags-full of laundry on my bedroom floor until tomorrow. :devil

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Stacy, I didn't do my laundry today, either. I usually do it every day, but didn't get around to it.


My sister posted on facebook that she was working in the yard in 35 degree weather with no gloves or mittens, so I responded that I was making her some. That got me moving, and I finished the mittens, except the working in of ends, and there are lots of those.... But I can do that tonight, wash them tomorrow, and get them shipped off. SO happy to get that done!!!


I hope your mom gets to come for Thanksgiving. I'll bet she misses those beautiful granddaughters, and her lovely daughter.


Oatmeal peanut butter cookies -- YUMMY!!! Can you share the recipe, please?

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Quickly checking in- still no power!!! Luckily my youngest and SIL got there's back today so DH and I are sleeping here tonight. It was COLD last night at home!!!


Hope you are all doing well and hope to catch up when I get power back

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Joanne, so glad your dd and sil got their power back. I have :xfin that you get yours on today. Has it been an adventure?


Well, I got the mittens finished. They are in the washing machine right now. I will post pics before I pack them up for their trip to Ohio. Now I'm ready for the next project - towel toppers. Wish me luck. This is going to be another first for me.

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Finished! Washed, dried, and packaged up to mail off to my sister in frigid Ohio. I go past FedEx on my way home from dropping off my dd at college, so I can get that done first thing this morning. Happy Dance!:dance


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Good afternoon ladies :hi


It was a busy weekend! I stayed in Friday night when Steph and Bean went out because I had to be up early to drive to Cleveland. The seminar was very good and informative. On the way back I went to our friend's house where everyone was watching the Pitt football game. Then yesterday I went to a knit group for the bridge project and then in the early afternoon one of my new groups was having a PA representative speaking, so I went there. Stopped by Ingrid's on the way back and was back home in time for the Steelers game, we had just the neighbors over. Found out they are pregnant :clap:yay


The Steelers ended up beating Joanne's Giants (sorry :wink ) However, they started the game with the refs making horrible calls against the Steelers for things that weren't even happening and then not making calls against the Giants when they should have. Even the commentators were confused as to the calls (and they never actually give their 2 cents) Then they changed their story a bit into it so we figured they got a call from higher ups telling them to cut it out :lol


Stacy - Delany's mom is doing great :yes My mom is kind of at a stand still, but not getting worse still so I think just needs time :think Glad the girls had a great halloween. Did you get a chance to sort things out at school for Mia, that whole situation seems odd and I can't believe they just dismissed it and let it go. If they couldn't get a solid story then they need to take further action. Sorry she then had food poisoning to deal with :hug Glad to hear the movie was great.


Beth - We didn't get any snow around me, but there were some areas that got a bit :yes Your set is great and I think the thumbs are done well :yes Happy anniversary :woo


I saw on FB that Joanne's job has power today so she was going in :yes

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Good morning ladies :hi


I feel like I'm moving in slow motion today :think I didn't vote yet, but will later. I though I knew where to go, but I ended up in the middle of a not so friendly seeming section 8 housing area on a dead end. Didn't see any kind of activity going on and didn't feel comfortable getting out to walk around and look closer :shrug So, I texted the neighbors to see if I could head over with them later. My sister is out of town until tomorrow so I guess she did what she needed to do and I'm not sure about Bean.


I started an afghan last night. Someone in the help thread was having difficulties with it and has tried several times and there seemed to be mixed reviews about the stitch counts being off. I've been offering my 2 cents for a few days along with others, and just when she gets one row....she has trouble with the next. So I pulled out some yarn to actually do it and as I had already said to them, the numbers matched up and were correct. I took pics to put up for her to hopefully help her see whatever she's missing :xfin Anyways, it's a cute ghan so I think I'm gonna keep going with it :lol:shrug


Joanne - I can't believe you still don't have power :hug At least you get to at dd's now since she does :yes


LeeAnn, Stacy, and Beth - Hope you all have a great day :hug

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Hi all,

Real quick note here;

Joanne, hope you get your power today.

Marisa, hope you got to vote.

LeeAnn, how's business?

Stacy, how is school going?

I went to the dentist today for a broken tooth. I need a crown, which I guess is good news. I am not sure I'm woman enough to sit in a chair for a root canal.

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Aww, Beth...you haven't lived until you've had a root canal without anethesia! LoL! Sorry to hear you need work, though...the dentist is the pits. Oh, and your sister' scarf/mittens/hat set is gorgeous! :yes


Joanne, still no word on the power? still :xfin that it comes back soon!


Leeann, how's it going with the crafty goodies?


Marisa, it's nice of you to help out the person with the afghan difficulties. Can't wait to see pics, too. :devil Did you end up voting? I don't blame you for not wanting to walk around. You just never know. Do you have any patients lined up this week?


I went to the principal earlier in the week and she basically said it's too late to do anything about it now, but to keep her informed. Then Mia came home saying her teacher told her that she is going to talk to the principal, also. :think I have a conference with her teacher in the morning, so will find out more then. It's odd that her teacher had planned to speak with the principal herself. :shrug


Off to get the girls ready for bed. We have to be at school at 7:30 in the morning. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-any luck with the electricity company? How many days have you been without? I can't imagine how tough that is.


Beth-your scarf/mitten set is fantastic! Gives me a bad case of the "wantsies" I really do need to start crocheting more. My wrists are down for the count again...to much crafting I am sure. I try to take it easy but seems like they are destined to hurt. Sorry to hear about the tooth situation, is it scheduled soon?


Marisa-that is awesome of you to try the new afghan, I know how frustrating a new pattern can be. Are you seeing lots of patients this week? I love that you are so motivated to work out, it keeps me motivated. Thank you!


Stacy-visiting with the school folks can be so irritating and frustrating. I know they are out to do their best but sometimes I feel as parents our voices are just not heard or taken seriously. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.


I have been crafting up a storm, I created new Massage Candles. They are currently in the testing period, but so far so good. I have a gentleman that owns two Haircutting/Massage shops testing one out. He is going to give me his results tomorrow. We tried it last night, I had all of the family lined up...so funny! It worked tho!:clap:cheer I also made new lip slidey tin balms. They are adorable! I have a bunch of new lip balm fragrances that I had ordered. Did I mention that I am having a Black Friday Sale? BOGO FREE on all lip balms/slideys, reduced shipping, free surprise gift on orders of $75.00 and more.


This weekend I am attending my first Winter Bazaar...every time I think I am ready I think of something new to add..I really need to stop myself.


off to create labels and get the family out the door. Hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,

Real quick note here;

Joanne, hope you get your power today.

Marisa, hope you got to vote.

LeeAnn, how's business?

Stacy, how is school going?

I went to the dentist today for a broken tooth. I need a crown, which I guess is good news. I am not sure I'm woman enough to sit in a chair for a root canal.


Sorry to hear about the dental work, but glad you don't need the root canal :whew I haven't had much of any dental work done, but absolutely dread the thought of it :eek


Marisa, it's nice of you to help out the person with the afghan difficulties. Can't wait to see pics, too. :devil Did you end up voting? I don't blame you for not wanting to walk around. You just never know. Do you have any patients lined up this week?


I went to the principal earlier in the week and she basically said it's too late to do anything about it now, but to keep her informed. Then Mia came home saying her teacher told her that she is going to talk to the principal, also. :think I have a conference with her teacher in the morning, so will find out more then. It's odd that her teacher had planned to speak with the principal herself. :shrug


Off to get the girls ready for bed. We have to be at school at 7:30 in the morning. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug


Hmmm, that is a bit odd :think How did it all turn out? I'll share some pics of the new ghan when it starts to amount to something.


Top of the morning friends!


Marisa-that is awesome of you to try the new afghan, I know how frustrating a new pattern can be. Are you seeing lots of patients this week? I love that you are so motivated to work out, it keeps me motivated. Thank you!


I have been crafting up a storm, I created new Massage Candles. They are currently in the testing period, but so far so good. I have a gentleman that owns two Haircutting/Massage shops testing one out. He is going to give me his results tomorrow. We tried it last night, I had all of the family lined up...so funny! It worked tho!:clap:cheer I also made new lip slidey tin balms. They are adorable! I have a bunch of new lip balm fragrances that I had ordered. Did I mention that I am having a Black Friday Sale? BOGO FREE on all lip balms/slideys, reduced shipping, free surprise gift on orders of $75.00 and more.


This weekend I am attending my first Winter Bazaar...every time I think I am ready I think of something new to add..I really need to stop myself.


off to create labels and get the family out the door. Hugs n squishes!


Well then, I consider it my duty to let you know I went to the gym this morning :wink I did skip yesterday and slept in. Today I was up bright and early, which is odd because I fell asleep super late watching all the election stuff. Great idea with the sale and I hope the winter bazaar goes well :xfin

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Good morning ladies :hi


I do have a patient coming in about an hour and a new one at 2 :clap That's all that's currently scheduled for the week right now :sigh


Bean and I went to vote last night and it turns out I was in the right place earlier in the day, and still there was nobody around :think In Philly, there used to be several people outside still campaigning on the candidates behalf :think I worked a couple more rows of the ghan I started while watching the election.


Joanne - Hoping for your power today :xfin


Oh LeeAnn, all the talk on our radio today was about Colorodo legalizing marijuana!!! :rofl

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Good morning!


Gosh, I have wasted so much time already! :blush I did have Mia's conference this morning- all wonderful news on the classroom end. Then the teacher wanted to know the history of problems between Mia and this boy...well I let her know everything that happened last year and she mentioned that she does hear him crying almost daily from the class next door, so he may have some issues. Apparently the mother went to the principal the day of the incident, and the principal ordered a meeting with both teachers. Mia's teacher made sure to tell me that she let the principal know there are no discipline issues on our end. :manyheart She seemed to really understand that Mia is a good child and not an instigator, which is a HUGE relief...because last year I felt like I spent most of my time on the defense.


Afterward I stopped by Trader Joe's and took the dogs for a walk. I have another exam tomorrow so I should be studying, but I also have a ton of laundry and cleaning to do. :think Thankfully dh's class was cancelled tonight so :xfin that I can get to the Bux for some studying later.


Marisa, :cheer for getting out to vote. How odd that the polling place was so empty, though. :think Which pattern are you using for the afghan?


Leeann, you are on a creative roll, woman! :lol Good luck on your winter bazaar- how exciting! The massage candles sound really interesting. :yes


I better scoot. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Gosh, I have wasted so much time already! :blush I did have Mia's conference this morning- all wonderful news on the classroom end. Then the teacher wanted to know the history of problems between Mia and this boy...well I let her know everything that happened last year and she mentioned that she does hear him crying almost daily from the class next door, so he may have some issues. Apparently the mother went to the principal the day of the incident, and the principal ordered a meeting with both teachers. Mia's teacher made sure to tell me that she let the principal know there are no discipline issues on our end. :manyheart She seemed to really understand that Mia is a good child and not an instigator, which is a HUGE relief...because last year I felt like I spent most of my time on the defense.


Afterward I stopped by Trader Joe's and took the dogs for a walk. I have another exam tomorrow so I should be studying, but I also have a ton of laundry and cleaning to do. :think Thankfully dh's class was cancelled tonight so :xfin that I can get to the Bux for some studying later.


Marisa, :cheer for getting out to vote. How odd that the polling place was so empty, though. :think Which pattern are you using for the afghan?


Leeann, you are on a creative roll, woman! :lol Good luck on your winter bazaar- how exciting! The massage candles sound really interesting. :yes


I better scoot. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug


Glad to hear the good reports on Mia :manyheart It's a red heart pattern and it's a ripple. I don't have it with me, so I'll have to check tonight to see which one it is :think:lol

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:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap I HAVE POWER---and we are in the middle of a Nor'Easter---6-8 inches of heavy wet snow---sure hope that we keep the power on--already some lines down and limbs in areas with more power outages. I don't know how much more NJ can take right now- so many people who have lost everything!


I'll try and catch up on what's been going on tomorrow night!


Hugs to you all!!!

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:cheer:clap Joanne has power! :xfin that it stays on!


Marisa, Beth, Leeann, what's shakin'?


I had ANOTHER stats exam today. :eek The teacher "eased up" on some of the questions, because this unit is so difficult! And it is right on the heels of the previous exam. :xfin that I got over 78...that's my only expectation for the rest of the semester! LoL

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Hi all,


I'm sitting here with a big cat sleeping on my lap, so typing is challenging.


Joanne - so happy your power is on. l hope it stays.


Stacy - so happy your dds teacher is standing up for your dd. good luck on the exam.


Marissa - it is good to hear about a new patient. I hope your week gets busier than first scheduled.


LeeAnn - cant wait to hear about the winter bazaar.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Just a quick check in for me right now. Not much going on. I haven't hooked for a few days now. I went to the gym this morning and then had a patient at 11. After she left, I ate breakfast since I was running late earlier and didn't have time :sigh Now I'm going to run up to the bank and going to get a tastey treat at Wendy's on my way back :devil I have some coupons for a free frosty. They were selling a book of 10 coupons for a dollar or two for charity. They're only junior size so enough to satisfy the craving, but not enough to make you feel crappy or guilty about it :rofl

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Marisa, enjoy the frosty! I haven't had one of those in years...but my favorite way to eat it is with fries. :blush


Beth, how are the mice? Is the cat still entertained by them?


Joanne and Leeann, lots of :hug:hug:hug!


I headed out to the grocery store early, and it was nearly empty. Love it! :manyheart I am making dh's favorite soup tonight (chipotle con albondigas) and it already smells so good! I'm happy that it is finally cooling off. Yesterday it rained and it is projected to return over the weekend. :cheer Dh and Isabella are having a Star Wars marathon tomorrow, so I also bought stuff to make caramel popcorn. :drool Can't wait to make that, too. Cold weather always makes me feel more domestic. :lol


Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug

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Marisa, enjoy the frosty! I haven't had one of those in years...but my favorite way to eat it is with fries. :blush


Beth, how are the mice? Is the cat still entertained by them?


Joanne and Leeann, lots of :hug:hug:hug!


I headed out to the grocery store early, and it was nearly empty. Love it! :manyheart I am making dh's favorite soup tonight (chipotle con albondigas) and it already smells so good! I'm happy that it is finally cooling off. Yesterday it rained and it is projected to return over the weekend. :cheer Dh and Isabella are having a Star Wars marathon tomorrow, so I also bought stuff to make caramel popcorn. :drool Can't wait to make that, too. Cold weather always makes me feel more domestic. :lol


Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug


Well then I should tell you that I also got a value fry to go with my frosty :rofl:yes


Your soup and the popcorn sound great! I'm guessing you might feel more domestic because you have more time inside to do the things that there aren't time for when it's nice and you want to be outdoors :think

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