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Evening friends!


Marisa-boy your weekends are sure fun and busy! I have never hung out to watch any type of game, so wish that I could get into them. My dad, dh or ds are not into sports, ...:think Glad that you had a bit of hooky time in. And oh so happy that your mom was adjusted and ready to go back to work if even for mental stability. I bet she misses the day to day interaction and feeling useful.


Beth-thank you for being my number one customer! It means the world to me to have your support. I can't believe how much my little dream has grown. :c9


Joanne-how was Paradise? Did you get to go to craft club? Sure hope your day went well.


Stacy-Disneyland? woohooo! Double woohooo! Have fun! I bet you will get all of your homework done. :hug


off to tweak listings. hugs n squishes!

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Good morning. The good news is that Monday is over. I crawled back into bed this morning, but my husband couldn't find his keys (did I mention that the whole family is organizationally challenged?) so i had to get up and help him look. Now I'm up, but I won't claim awake.


I hope you all have a great day.

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Good morning all!!!


I didn't make it to craft club last night. I left work late and then spent over an hour in traffic due to the rain and an accident that blocked one of the lanes. By the time I got home at 7 all I wanted to do was stay in.


I've got a lot to get done in the next couple of days at work, so off I go---want to get an early start when I'm most productive!!!


Have a good Tuesday!!!

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Good morning. The good news is that Monday is over. I crawled back into bed this morning, but my husband couldn't find his keys (did I mention that the whole family is organizationally challenged?) so i had to get up and help him look. Now I'm up, but I won't claim awake.


I hope you all have a great day.

:lol Sorry, don't mean to laugh- but I'm glad my DH isn't the only one who does that!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste!!!


Well, my mom realized that 4 hours might be much yet. Her boss even sent her home just a bit early. Today she's trying 3 hours. She also had a follow up with the colon doc yesterday who said she's really not getting any better. We had her keep a log of her bathroom trips as far as how often and description (not to be too gross here :eek ) The doc was impressed with her documentation. He's changing all her meds and having his office contact her insurance to see if a mixture of something would be approved for her since it's a couple thousand dollars! :eek Now if we didn't have her keep track like that, she would have went in and said that she thought she was getting a bit better. Really, the only way she's better is that she can get to the toilet and keep control until she gets there, which wasn't necessarily the case before she went to the hospital :sigh


My friend is having Delany's baptism on Nov 11, but I'm not going to get to go BUT, I am stopping at her house on my way back from NJ after my seminar so I will get to meet Delany :bounce She is now 6.5 pounds, so she is growing and putting on some weight. She just had a check up yesterday. They were told to be really careful with her now at this time of year with all the colds and virus' and trying to keep her out of contact as much as is possible in regards to RSV as a concern. Just some preventative measures to be on the safe side after all the pregnancy difficulties


I went to the gym for class last night, but missed this morning My battery was completely dead on my phone last night and I couldn't set my alarm for this morning I practiced a few rows of my tunisian and have decided that I need to do it looser because I seem to have a death grip on the hook It made my hands tired!


I breezed through the posts, but need to get a move on it to meet Ingrid out in a bit and I want to get my paperwork done before I go. So, I'll be back later :hug

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Happy Hump Day!


Last day of work before heading down to AL for stepdaughter's wedding on Saturday! Lots to get done at work before leaving today. Then I'm going to stop at DD's on the way home-then come home to pack!


My Yankees are down 3-0 in the series- so I think they are just about done for the season- it will be hard to win 4 in a row especially the way they've been hitting (which is basically non-existent).


LeeAnn- thinking of you- only 2 more days to go after today!!


Marisa- Prayers continue for your Mom!!! Great news about Delany!


Stacy and Beth- Hope you have a good Wednesday!!!!


Off I go to get ready for an early start!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - of course another cut and paste :blush


Last night I had a Knit the Bridge meeting, which went well. They did a little presentation and all, but I already knew everything from last weeks meeting. I did meet some new people though and learned more about the fiber guild here.


I did a little hooking while watching the debate :sigh I must say that I still have no clue who I'm voting for and seem not to be leaning one way vs the other :eek Every time I think I'm swaying one way, the wind keeps blowing me back and forth :lol I'm really just not happy with either I think and it really puts me off when they all keep talking about the other one and their plans instead of focusing on telling me what they're own views are :think Oh well, I guess I have a few weeks yet to work it out :shrug


I have a lunch with a community group today 11:30-1, but have a patient at 12:30 so will only be able to stay a bit. And, I have a new patient at 2 :clap


Joanne - Have a great weekend away and at the wedding!!

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Good (tired) evening!


Joanne, have a great time at your step-dd's wedding! How fun! I hope you got everything finished that you needed to.


Marisa, I'm with you- I'm not really thrilled with either candidate. I'm actually thinking of voting either libertarian or green party, just to say I voted...I know that's not really the way to go, but I think that the candidates are telling us what we want to hear. Gosh, I hate politics! How did your mom do with working for 3 hours today? It's great that you are having your mom keep track of her bathroom visits. Sorry to hear you have to miss Delany's baptism...sounds like she is really growing, though! :cheer And double :woo for a new patient!


Leeann and Beth, hope your Hump Day was swell! :hug:hug:hug


This morning I woke up at 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. :think All of the girls were up by 6. I ran to get a coffee then did the laundry. Oh, and I had to make a trip out to the Time-Warner store because they are trying to say we never paid the set-up fees for our internet. :angry I have this problem with them about every 6 months or so...but this time they shut off my internet. :eek anyway...I got that all straightened out and went to pick up the girls, only to find Eva with a high fever and possibly pinkeye. I guess she didn't tell the teacher she was feeling crummy, so the teacher didn't send her to the office. Onto the dentist for Mia, who chipped her tooth on Monday. She ended up getting a baby root canal, so we were there (with Eva passed out on a chair) for over 2 hours. :whew I am :xfin that this fever clears up and no one else gets it before Saturday!

I have to scoot and get some homework done. One assignment is due tonight but with the internet problems, I haven't had a chance to work on it.

Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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I made the gluten free pie -- guess what I had for breakfast? It is not bad. With a little practice, it may become downright good.


Stacy, so sorry to hear about your sick dd and your internet woes. Doesn't make it easy to do homework. I hope you got your assignment done.


Joanne, have a good time at the wedding. How nice to do a little traveling with the dh.


LeeAnn, Only a few more days of work for you. What will you do when it's over?


Marisa, If your mom isn't actually getting better, what do they intend to do next?


My hubster had another dental appointment today -- got the permanent crown put in -- so he's home. I miss my "ME" time already. Horrible, isn't it? I am working on the scarf for my other sister's Christmas present. It's all front and back posts, so it will take a while.


Have a great Thursday!

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Good (tired) evening!


Marisa, I'm with you- I'm not really thrilled with either candidate. I'm actually thinking of voting either libertarian or green party, just to say I voted...I know that's not really the way to go, but I think that the candidates are telling us what we want to hear. Gosh, I hate politics! How did your mom do with working for 3 hours today? It's great that you are having your mom keep track of her bathroom visits. Sorry to hear you have to miss Delany's baptism...sounds like she is really growing, though! :cheer And double :woo for a new patient!


This morning I woke up at 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. :think All of the girls were up by 6. I ran to get a coffee then did the laundry. Oh, and I had to make a trip out to the Time-Warner store because they are trying to say we never paid the set-up fees for our internet. :angry I have this problem with them about every 6 months or so...but this time they shut off my internet. :eek anyway...I got that all straightened out and went to pick up the girls, only to find Eva with a high fever and possibly pinkeye. I guess she didn't tell the teacher she was feeling crummy, so the teacher didn't send her to the office. Onto the dentist for Mia, who chipped her tooth on Monday. She ended up getting a baby root canal, so we were there (with Eva passed out on a chair) for over 2 hours. :whew I am :xfin that this fever clears up and no one else gets it before Saturday!

I have to scoot and get some homework done. One assignment is due tonight but with the internet problems, I haven't had a chance to work on it.

Love and hugs!! :hug:hug:hug:hug


I was thinking the exact same thing about voting :blush:lol My mom did ok, but she recognizes that even 3 hours straight is difficult :( I hope the girls are feeling better :hug :hug Glad you got TW worked out.


I made the gluten free pie -- guess what I had for breakfast? It is not bad. With a little practice, it may become downright good.


Marisa, If your mom isn't actually getting better, what do they intend to do next?


My hubster had another dental appointment today -- got the permanent crown put in -- so he's home. I miss my "ME" time already. Horrible, isn't it? I am working on the scarf for my other sister's Christmas present. It's all front and back posts, so it will take a while.


Have a great Thursday!


Well, she started these new meds, which she's only on her 2nd day with so it's hard to know just yet if they will do the trick or not. She had blood work today, but I didn't get the results yet (she always has them fax it to me :) ) I don't really know the next step yet, but I do know that when they find the right combo of meds, she'll still need a good 2-3 weeks from there. It doesn't help that the infection was there festering for a couple weeks. The first dr said the c-diff test was negative (I already didn't like the dr, so maybe I'm biased but with that test it's much more common to get a false positive than a false negative :shrug ) So you figure it had that long to flare up and get worse meanwhile inflamming and aggravating all her other bowel issues that were under control :sigh My sister and I are waiting for these results because we think she's getting dehydrated again and will probably end up back in the hospital at this rate and if these meds don't help, if for nothing else then just for fluids. But she literally just can't keep anything in long enough to absorb nutrients from either liquid or solids :sigh:think


On the upside, glad your gluten free pie turned out good :drool And don't feel bad about missing your 'me' time, after all.....absence makes the heart grow fonder :devil


Joanne - Have fun at the wedding this weekend! I'm not sure when you're leaving, you may already be en route.....but have a safe trip :hug


LeeAnn - Hope your week is going well....only one day left after today :clap

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We flew down today. Connecting flight from nj to Atlanta to Columbus GA. We r staying about 20 min from there in AL


Weather is warm. We r chilling in the room mow. Well actuallydhbis sleeping and I'm on my iPad. I started a Shelly scarf on the flight and it's almost done. Grout some yarn for the sunny spread with me do will work on that tonight


Hugs to you ALL!!!!

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Evening friends!


Joanne-glad that you trip is going well. How fun! Crocheting always makes traveling better.


Marisa-your poor mom, hope she will be feeling better by the holidays. They are right around the corner.


Stacy-how's your dd? is she feeling better? How's that homework coming along?


Beth-I miss "me time" too..perhaps you can send your hubby out on an errand that requires the whole family to go? :-)))


Dd had a choir concert this evening, adorable! Tomorrow is the last day with kiddos and Wed is my last day period...woohoo! We have to finish inventory, files, cleaning and paperwork next week. But I think it will not be that bad.


Been working like a busy bee on my "tags" for my etsy shop, seems like I was doing them all wrong..what a chore!


Guess I had better work on them before calling it a night. Hugs n squishes!

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We flew down today. Connecting flight from nj to Atlanta to Columbus GA. We r staying about 20 min from there in AL


Weather is warm. We r chilling in the room now Well actually DH is sleeping and I'm on my iPad. I started a Shelly scarf on the flight and it's almost done. Brought some yarn for the sunny spread with me and will work on that tonight


Hugs to you ALL!!!!


Just saying happy Friday. And also corrected the typos from last night lol. Off to get breakfast.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Last night we went to our event which was really nice. They had nonfried appetizers which was a special treat because they're always fried :sigh I got a pumpkin stout and the bartender sprinkled cinnamon sugar on top to make a smiley face :lol Did I mention I'm easily amused?! Stacy may have seen it since I posted a pic on four square and she's on there.


Today I'm trying to get to the afternoon gym class that they moved from thursday morning on me and I never get to :( I also have to run to the market, bank, and the mall to return 2 pair of pants I got on Tuesday. After I tried them on again when I got home, I'm just not in love with them.


Joanne - You'll probably have the Shelly scarf finished by the time you read this :lol It's great to have some downtime too while you're there in between all the fun wedding activities. I also love hooking on the plane....people are always interested :yes And as for the typos, I wouldn't worry about it, I find the auto correct to not be very helpful on there :sigh


LeeAnn - How fun going to the choir concert :clap Hopefully today flys by and you'll only have a few days left next week sans kids :woohoo Good luck with your etsy tags :hug


Beth and Stacy - Hope you're having a great day :hug

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happy Saturday

I hope everybody is getting some nice relaxation in today.


Joanne, Enjoy the wedding.

Marisa, I hope your mom is feeling a little better. The event with the non-fried appetizers sounds like fun. How is a pumpkin stout?

Stacy, Are the girls getting excited for Halloween? Did they pick out their costumes yet?

LeeAnn, I hope you are relaxing. What will you be doing with all your free time now that school is over?

Lots of excitement going on here -- the carpet tiles I put down didn't stay down. They slide a bit too much, so my hubby is taping them together and giving them a non-slip pad.

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-did you get a teeny tiny bit of time in for yourself this weekend? Sure hope so! We have to work till Wed, closing down files, classrooms, inventory and all that fun stuff. But after that I plan on working on deep cleaning and my business. I only have 3 craft fairs set up, kinda worried as I would like to attend more, but they all seem to be going on at the same time.


Joanne-how was the wedding? I am sure you had the best of times, will you be headed home soon?


Stacy-Halloween is right around the corner, bet you are preparing for it.


Marisa-how was your weekend? Any sporting events?


Yesterday we had a funeral to go to. One of dh's cousin had a major heart attack and didn't make it. Feel so sorry for the family as they were close. After that we spent the afternoon at the in-laws and the evening at my parents house..whew! Today ds is going swimming with a friend, have to take him and drop him off for that. Also need to start working on cleaning and in between dd's costume. This year she is going to be a "Hershey Kiss" we bought the fabric last night, now to get sewing. I am going to crochet her a kiss hat that I hope comes out ok. Have to go hunting for the pattern.


Dh is working on our patio, he has it completely torn apart and is rebuilding it bigger. The wind and sand out here had really torn it apart.


guess I had better get my chores started, doesn't look like my cleaning lady showed up. :devil:devil:devil:devil


hugs n squishes~

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LeeAnn, you always make me smile. I love the cleaning lady comment. Just the other day, I told my husband that we need to fire our maid and get a new one. It's good to hear that your son went swimming with a friend. It sounds like this school year is going much better than last year. Is he happier? The kiss costume sounds adorable. I hope you will take lots of pictures!


Joanne, Please no snide comments about my Redskins. It was a close game, and you didn't trounce us. Congrats on the win.


Stacy, How is school going? Are midterms over yet? What is up with the continuing saga of Olive? Are the girls still taking swimming lessons?


Marisa, Did you have a fun weekend? What's up in the Pitt?

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I'm a little late checking in because I had my family of patients this morning :clap So that was 3 and I have 1 coming in later :woo


I'll be heading home on Wed morning after the patient I scheduled at 10. I wish I could just go now. Mom's still having a rough go of it. She's been on this new medication for a week now and I don't know that it's showing any progress :think She had blood work this morning, which I'm waiting for the results and has a dr visit this afternoon.


Over the weekend, I finished my mystery ghan....I'll gets pics up just a bit later :xfin Went running with Steph on Sat and while we were in the car she asked where I usually buy my pants at because she knows I need some (I'm down to 2 pair of slacks now, but bringing my mom about 5 pair :lol ) I said usually NY & Co, but that I went earlier in the week since I had a coupon and didn't find anything to fit nice. The problem right now seems to be that the 12's are a smidge small and the 14s are a smidge big :shrug So she was going in Express and I tried on pants there (I don't shop there because it's just too expensive) and it was the same result :sigh BUT, she tried on a top that was super cute...it didn't look very flattering on her because she has a small bust and didn't really fill out the style of the shirt. So she made me try it on and loved it so much that she bought it for me and it wasn't even on sale :bounce I tried on some more pants after that in Sears and Macy's but still no luck :shrug


Yesterday was a relaxing day and then the neighbors came over for the Steelers game and we made some stromboli's :drool Steph made a Jewish Apple Cake since we had a bag of apples and was super frustrated that it fell apart coming out of the pan.....so depressing, but on the upside....it tastes wonderful!!!!! She wanted to throw it away so she wouldn't have to look at it, but I wouldn't let her :no


Beth - The pumpkin stout was very good :drool Sorry your tiles are moving :( Did dh finish fixing them up?


LeeAnn - The cleaning lady DID show up.....just go look in the mirror and I guarantee you'll find her :devil :devil :devil:rofl Only 2 more days of work by the time you read this :clap Can't wait to see pics of your kiss hat.


Joanne - Have a safe trip. Oh, also...my seminar on Saturday goes until 5 and is at a hotel by the airport. So when and where would you like to meet?


Stacy - Hope all is well :hug

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Quick stop in---I'm "home sweet NJ" LOL Wedding was beautiful- the bride was radiant (as was proud DH). Weather spectacular!


BBL since I want to get to the grocery store and take care of errands in the morning so I have the afternoon to crochet. DD wants a warm ghan like DHs which is a flannelghan so I started one last night for her. Her birthday is Nov 1, but with the double strands of yarn I have to pace myself. She just might have to wait for Christmas for this one. We'll see.



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Joanne, welcome home! It's good to hear that the wedding was beautiful. How are you feeling after the trip? What colors for the dd's flannelghan?


Marisa, I'm glad you are going home to check on your mom in person. I hope the new medicine is working for her. Some times it just takes a while to feel better. Four patients yesterday: that sounds like a good day.


LeeAnn, you're almost done. Do you have anything planned to celebrate more time for you?


Stacy, What's up in Sunny California? The weather has been so beautiful here. I hope you are enjoying something nice, too.


Yesterday, my middle child went to court for his first ever speeing ticket. He said he watched the judge fine everyone before him, even if they weren't speeding as much as he was. Then he came up, the police officer looked through his papers, and said he had to dismiss this one, so my son got off with no points, no fines, no smear on his record, no probation. He is ecstatic, but also more aware of the consequences. I found out that he'd have to retake the knowledge part of the driver's license test when he renews his license at age 20.


That was my good news for the week.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, yesterday was a long day. My mom had blood work in the morning, actually looks a bit worse than last week. She had an appt in the afternoon with the specialist and she's down another 7 pounds since last week, but that's not a surprise considering everything she eats and drinks is coming right out and not being in long enough for the body to process, so a total of 30 in about 4 weeks. So since she's not showing improvement, he's doing a colonoscopy today to confirm or deny the c. diff infection. At this point he's wondering if this is all still due to that or if the meds resolved that and the infection flared something else up. So hopefully we'll have a bit of a better understanding this afternoon :xfin I think they'll admit her to the hospital while she's there, she definitely needs more fluids again :sigh I called tomorrow mornings patient to see if she could come in today, but she has another appt so she can't but will come a bit earlier tomorrow than originally planned.


So I spent last night packing and doing laundry, just getting everything together. Not much going on here today though :shrug


Joanne - Glad to hear you're home safely and the wedding was wonderful :manyheart Hope you have a great and relaxing day today


Beth - :yay for ds getting his ticket dismissed, did he find out why?


LeeAnn and Stacy - Hope you both have a great day

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Good morning!


Beth- That's great news about your DS getting his ticket dismissed!! Lesson learned I'm sure!!! (without the hefty price tag, points, etc). I'm making her afghan in Caron Pounder "cape cod blue" and in Bernat Super Value 'lavender".


LeeAnn- Only 2 more days to go and you're done with the job- you must be counting down the hours till you can focus more on your Etsy and craft shows, and crafting


Stacy- How's the semester going? And the girls and dh? I went to TJ's and of course thought of you- I do every time I go there- and think- wouldn't it be fun to go to TJ's WITH Stacy?


Marisa- Hope they are able to solve your Mom's problems. I'm keeping her in my prayers!!!


Yesterday, I ended up doing all my errands, laundry and then stopped by to visit with my son-in-law & Ryan for a bit. I had bought him a winter coat in my travels and wanted to try it on him. (DD was working, and I had sent her a pic and she liked it so I bought it) As soon as I put it on him, he headed right for the door. So cute- he knows if you put a coat on, it's time to go outside. So outside we went- and put him on the swing and then he played for a bit in the leaves and in his little playhouse. All in all, a nice day off. Not too much crocheting done, but I did read some and I also took a nap!!!


Time to get ready for the return to Paradise (and the gazillion emails that await me) LOL

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:hi besties!!


Just a quick stop-in to say hello and I miss you! The girls started their Y classes again on Monday, I had another stats exam on Tuesday, dh has class tonight...it never ends! :lol We had a blast at Disneyland...there were way too many people for my liking, though. We only went on a handful of rides (and none of the adult ones, like Pirates of the Caribbean or the Haunted Mansion, which I was really looking forward to) but we saw lots of shows, along with the fireworks and pyrotechnics show. The girls want to make it an annual trip. We'll see.


Joanne, I think of you every time I go to TJ's too. :lol Today I stocked up on Joe's Dark. I really regret buying the container of pumpkin spice. It's good, but not as an everyday coffee. Glad to hear you had a great time at step-dd's wedding.


Beth, how awesome that your ds's ticket was dismissed. I hope he learned a lesson from it. :yes Oh, I bought a g/f mix to make cinnamon rolls yesterday...was planning to make it today but time got away from me. It's my first experience actually making g/f baked goods from scratch...usually I just buy them.


Marisa, sorry to hear your mom isn't doing as well as you'd hoped. :xfin that the colonoscopy will show something! I did see the smiley face on your pumpkin stout- so cute! Good luck finding pants that fit- I have pants problems too. My rear end is kinda big for my size, I guess, and pants are usually too narrow around the hips. :shrug


Let's see...as for Halloween...Eva is going as Scooby-Doo- it is her costume from last year that she refused to wear at the last minute, so that's what she wanted to be this year. :cheer Mia is going as Katy Perry, and we went shopping the other day to make her outfit. She picked out an oversized pink shirt, black lace gloves, a toy headphone/microphone set, and some sparkly glitter for her face. She has sparkly black leggings and boots already. So I think she's set. I'm thinking of loading her songs onto my iPod and letting her use my armband to play it while trick-or-treating, so people know that's who she is supposed to be. :think

Isabella is having technical difficulties...she wanted to be a Minecraft enderman, which is easy enough to make with boxes and black spray paint. But then she watched a video on YouTube where this kid cut all the boxes apart, taped them back together, painted it by hand, etc...and decided it is too overwhelming. :thair So now we are not sure.


Well, enough :blah...I'm taking a break from cleaning out the girls' closet, but I should probably get back to that and finish it before they come home (so they can't see everything I'm giving away. :devil:blush). Love and hugs!

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Howdy friends!


Sorry I have been MIA, finishing up work for the season.


Joanne-so glad that you had an awesome time at the wedding. How was Paradise? Did the emails drown you? I sure hope not, it's so difficult to be away, seems like one day puts you several days behind. Your new flannel ghan sounds beautiful!


Beth-oh my gosh! You ds is one lucky duck! I am positive that he learned his lesson. Whatcha been up to?


Marisa-how's your mom feeling? 30 pounds in a month is extreme, she must feel so drained. :hug


Stacy-can't believe that Halloween is right around the corner, hopefully your dd will find a costume that she really wants before the actual day.


I finished crocheting the hershey kiss hat for dd, will take pics as soon as I get home. Just finishing up here at work. Will post more later.


hugs n squishes!

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Hello everybody,


I hope everyone is doing well.


Marisa, I am praying for your mom.


Joanne, it sounds like you had about the best day off! Ryan sounds like such a big boy already.


LeeAnn, hooray for the end of the school yezr! I am sure you are itching to get back to crafting closer to full-time.


Stacy, the girls' costumes will be adorable. Will you be posting FB pics?


My dd is buying a new computer. She had a little extra money come to her, so she's very excited (so am I) to get her own computer. It should come next week.


I got the laundry caught up and folded, and there are cookies in the oven. Time to relax!:hook

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