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Some good clean fun?!

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The Yankees won---in extra innings--- it was a tense game---they were losing till the 9th when Ibanez tied it with a Home run---and then he won it with a Home run in the 12th!!!:clap:clap:clap My birthday is now complete!;)


Morning will be here way sooner than I'd like, so I probably won't get on in the morning!


Have a good Thursday!

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Good evening!


Joanne, the card from Ryan sounds adorable! :manyheart I'm happy to hear your birthday was complete, with the Yankees winning! :cheer


Leeann, it's great to hear from you! Sending some :hug:hug:hug:hug to help you through the rest of your busy week.


Marisa, Knit the Bridge sounds really neat. Glad you found someone to co-chair your area.


Beth, thank you for the hat pattern link. I'm holding off for now because I emailed my cousin with a few questions and she has yet to respond. :think I'm not sure if we will get another fish- Isabella would like another one, but she is asking for a fancy-schmancy one, with the entire aquarium, etc. With dogs, hamsters, kids, and husband, I'm not sure I can handle an entire aquarium, as well. :shrug


Today after dropping off the girls, I went over to the tennis court/wall and hit some balls around for an hour! :cheer I am so proud of myself! I didn't want to leave, actually, but someone else came by to use the wall. I'm thinking of going every Mon/Wed/Fri, with roller blading on Tues/Thurs after class. :think

After I came home and showered, I prepared 3 freezer meals (which I have been wanting to do but kept putting off) with chicken in the fridge for 2 more. Then I got dinner ready and made an apple cobbler. It came out sort of cake-y, but the flavor was good. I still haven't bought a parking pass, so I had to drive dh to class tonight. He gets out at 10- all the girls are passed out, so it should be fun getting them into the car. :think

Isabella wants to show me some YouTube video, so I better scoot. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good afternoon (almost evening :eek ) ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert :sigh


Well, last night I went to the leader meeting for the bridge yarn bombing and met a good dozen people that either knit or crochet, or both BTW, if any of you are bored (:think Not so sure any of us know what that word means! ) and want to do a panel, feel free....you can still participate if you want to. Maryann is going to do a panel and send it out to me Or if a panel is too much and anyone would like to do a square, I can put them together for one larger panel????? Just an idea....we have a lot of square footage to cover with this :lol Oh, one of the ladies I met last night lives only a few blocks from me


Today was cleaning day at the house, so I cleaned and did laundry this morning. Had a patient this afternoon and here I am. Tonight I have a dinner meeting with the local Chamber of Commerce.


Joanne - Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday despite the funeral (they're always a bit easier to deal with when the person has lived a good life :yes )


LeeAnn - I remember you warning us that this was going to be a bad week for you :think Only 1 day left before the weekend :whew


Stacy - :yay for going to practice your tennis....and rollerblading! I don't think I can even stand on them :eek So inquiring minds would like to know.....what did Isabella have to show you on youtube??????


Beth - Hope you're having a good day and things are starting to look up :hug :hug :xfin

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Sounds like both Stacy and Marisa had busy and productive days!! I spent the day catching up from being off yesterday- and am so glad to be home and in my comfy chair waiting for the game to begin- and to do some crocheting!!!


Hugs to you ALL!

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Good day friends!


Joanne-:bdayWanted to give you a proper birthday late wish! The card that your little Ryan is precious and oh so sweet! Glad that your team won as well. woohoo! Double perfect!


Beth-your model is lovely as well as the goodies, nice work.


Stacy-I have never played tennis before, can ya tell that I am not much of a sport person. :lol But it sure sound fun. WTG getting meals frozen, I used to do that back in the day. It's wonderful.


Marisa-you sure are networking. Love it! Its great to meet new friends.


Work has been WORK. :lol glad that tomorrow is Friday..no events planned for the weekend, perhaps I can get a bit of relaxation in.


off to clean, I rested after I got home, but my craft room is screaming at me. hugs n squishes!

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Good morning, Happy Friday and Happy I Love :yarn Day!!! Wow- another late night last night- and I couldn't make it till the end. These extra inning games are crazy! Woke up to see the Yanks lost so it's on to a Game 5--either they win and move on, or the season is over for them!


Thanks for the "proper" birthday wish LeeAnn!:hug Hope you get your wish for a relaxing weekend!!


Beth, Stacy and Marisa- Hope you all have a great day and get some time for a little :crocheting to celebrate I Love Yarn Day!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise!!!

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Before 6 a.m., I had made my hubby's lunch and breakfast, fed the cats, taken my shower, taken the trash and recycling out to the curb, started my coffee, and made the pizza dough for today.


Now I'm planning my trip. We are going to follow the Colonial Pkwy part of the way to admire the fall colors, then stop at a newly renovated shopping area called the Williamsburg Pottery, then go to Richmond to the Hobby Lobby. I didn't realize this is I love yarn day -- how very appropriate!


Joanne, Happy TGIF and I love yarn day -- Double celebration! Calls for a pumpkin spice latte, I believe. Good luck with the game tonight.


LeeAnn, The week is almost over. I'm glad you are taking a weekend off, more or less. I think you are the Energizer Bunny, but try to relax some!


Stacy, how's school going for the girls? I'm glad you have a plan to get some fun exercise in. You amaze me -- so much to do, yet you seem so upbeat and positive, and raring to go!


Marisa, how is your mother feeling? I do hope she's getting back to herself. How is work? Got any fun plans for this weekend?

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, I missed my dinner meeting last night with the Chamber :eek I had it in my head all day it was 7-9, but it was 5-7 :oops I was sooo mad at myself for messing that up! There will be more opportunities, but I was really looking forward to meeting some new people and other local business owners :sigh


So at home I crocheted a little. Had a patient this morning that came in with her mom, although her mom treated yesterday.


Good day friends!


Marisa-you sure are networking. Love it! Its great to meet new friends.


Work has been WORK. :lol glad that tomorrow is Friday..no events planned for the weekend, perhaps I can get a bit of relaxation in.


off to clean, I rested after I got home, but my craft room is screaming at me. hugs n squishes!


I'm sure trying. I had a guy from the firefighters assn call today looking for donations and I told him that I'd love to help but really just can't and explained my situation to which he was quite receptive. He even said he'll tell some of the guys about me that are in this specific area of the city :yes I said great, then I'd have the money to help out :lol


Definitely plan some 'me' time for the weekend :hug



Good morning, Happy Friday and Happy I Love :yarn Day!!! Wow- another late night last night- and I couldn't make it till the end. These extra inning games are crazy! Woke up to see the Yanks lost so it's on to a Game 5--either they win and move on, or the season is over for them!


Beth, Stacy and Marisa- Hope you all have a great day and get some time for a little :crocheting to celebrate I Love Yarn Day!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise!!!


I brought my mysteryghan to work on at the office :eek:devil Hope you get out of work on time to catch the start of the game :xfin


Before 6 a.m., I had made my hubby's lunch and breakfast, fed the cats, taken my shower, taken the trash and recycling out to the curb, started my coffee, and made the pizza dough for today.


Now I'm planning my trip. We are going to follow the Colonial Pkwy part of the way to admire the fall colors, then stop at a newly renovated shopping area called the Williamsburg Pottery, then go to Richmond to the Hobby Lobby. I didn't realize this is I love yarn day -- how very appropriate!


Marisa, how is your mother feeling? I do hope she's getting back to herself. How is work? Got any fun plans for this weekend?


Wow, you've already done soo much! I almost forgot you were taking your trip today.....how fitting that you'll buy some I Love This Yarn on I Love Yarn Day :rofl Enjoy the ride....it should be beautiful with the leaves changing :yes


My mom is feeling a bit better and slowly regaining her strength. She had blood work yesterday and still has a few low minerals, but better than when she was in the hospital and that doen't build over night....so moving in the right direction. She does get worn out easily yet and really has to keep herself from doing too much. She's even been letting her sister (my aunt) do some things for her and for my mom to ask for help or even allow others to do stuff for her is just.....well, not like her :lol


Work is fine....still slow, but not bad. As for the weekend, we have the Pitt football game tomorrow.....not happy about the 11am kick off :eek But, not much the rest of the weekend :whew Hoping to get some good crochet time in :xfin The Steelers played last night. The Eagles play Sunday at 1, but not sure if I'll get the game or not :think I'll have to wait and see.

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I love this cotton was on sale. I didn't get much yarn, it isn't a great time for me to spend money, but I had a great trip, and love the way the store is laid out. I am planning my blue afghan now -- they had their colors arranged so nicely, it was fun to envision projects...


Happy Friday everyone!

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Before 6 a.m., I had made my hubby's lunch and breakfast, fed the cats, taken my shower, taken the trash and recycling out to the curb, started my coffee, and made the pizza dough for today.


Now I'm planning my trip. We are going to follow the Colonial Pkwy part of the way to admire the fall colors, then stop at a newly renovated shopping area called the Williamsburg Pottery, then go to Richmond to the Hobby Lobby. I didn't realize this is I love yarn day -- how very appropriate! When we got married 11 years ago, we went to Williamsburg and I loved Williamsburg Pottery--is that the same one you went to?- and then when we visited a couple of years ago- there was hardly anything left of it. If it is the same one, glad they have renovated it!


Joanne, Happy TGIF and I love yarn day -- Double celebration! Calls for a pumpkin spice latte, I believe. Good luck with the game tonight. I know and now it's a triple celebration because the Yankees won:clap Plus, DH surprised me and brought me home a pumpkin spice latte!!!!:clap Great day!!!


LeeAnn, The week is almost over. I'm glad you are taking a weekend off, more or less. I think you are the Energizer Bunny, but try to relax some!


Stacy, how's school going for the girls? I'm glad you have a plan to get some fun exercise in. You amaze me -- so much to do, yet you seem so upbeat and positive, and raring to go!


Marisa, how is your mother feeling? I do hope she's getting back to herself. How is work? Got any fun plans for this weekend?

Read your post on FB- and see you had a good trip- Have fun with the I love this Cotton!!!- it's great!

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Joanne, they completely renovated the Williamsburg Pottery. While it is a nice place to shop, it's overly priced, and lacks the character it had before. It isn't doing very well, but may do better if the economy turns around.

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Evening friends!


TGIf!:clap:cheer:clap:cheer Can I just say that I am a happy camper, nothing can get me down. :lol And best of all, it is I LOVE YARN DAY! Woohooo!


Joanne-what is on your agenda for the weekend? Hope you were able to get home in time to see that start of your game.


Beth-ohh laa laa! your fall day trip sounds :c9 I love walking around the craft stores, it's so much fun!


Marisa-so sorry to hear that you missed your event last night. :hug Glad to hear that your mom is on the mend, she must feel so relieved.


Stacy-hope you have a great weekend!


I have been home taking a break, had to wrap my wrist as it is swollen and really achy but I am still happy that it is FRIDAY! No work for 2 whole days...ok back down from the :c9 should be putting an order together, will get to that in the a.m. for right now, I am just going to veg.


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Joanne, they completely renovated the Williamsburg Pottery. While it is a nice place to shop, it's overly priced, and lacks the character it had before. It isn't doing very well, but may do better if the economy turns around.

They used to have a Pfaltzgraff outlet there- I got a set of plates there 11 years ago for a very very good price. I hope that they'll be able to turn The Pottery around when the economy improves! Sorry to hear it lacks it's original character though!

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Good morning and Happy Saturday!!


LeeAnn- What happened to your wrist? You may have mentioned, but I missed it. Hope the wrapping and some rest will have it feeling better in no time! Only 1 more week of work for you! You must be counting down the days!


Marisa- Sorry that you missed the event. I can't tell you how many times I've done that- had in my mind one time for something- and it actually was the wrong time!! Enjoy your weekend and prayers continue for your Mom- glad to hear she's on the mend!


Stacy- DH brought me home a pumpkin spice latte last night! I was so surprised and oh so happy!!! It tasted so good especially with the chill in the air that we've had.


One of the gals at work gave me a gift card for Starbucks and another gave me a gift card for Hobby Lobby---do they know me or what? :lol


I didn't leave work till 5:30 last night- but listened to the game in the car on the ride home and then watched the Yankees win!!! :clap They move on in the playoffs and face the Detroit Tigers tonight.


Today is my son-in-law's 30th birthday party--with all that's been going on this was the first Sat that my DD was able to plan it for. His birthday was actually in Sept. Looking forward to a happy occasion today with his family and their friends! So with that being said, it's time for me to get cleaning done and laundry is already on!


Hope you all have a wonderful day!:hug

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I slept in. It was really nice. I'm planning on doing some weeding today, and taking care of some kitties this afternoon, and relaxing and yarning in between the usual mom stuff for the rest of the day.


Joanne, you almost make me want to try to poumpkin spice latte, but the thought of pumpkin and coffee -- doesn't compute in my brain. I may get the stuff to make a pumpkin roll cake. I'm so glad your hubby surprised you with your favorite hot beverage! He sounds like a sweetie. Congrats on the Yankees win. It must be exciting to have your baseball team in the playoffs. Enjoy your SIL's birthday party.


LeeAnn, please rest up. I'm glad you took yesterday to veg. You certainly deserve it.


Marisa, so sorry you missed another networking opportunity. I'm glad the fireman was so receptive to you, when you had your conversation.


Stacy, happy weekend! Any fun plans? Any tennis games in your future?

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-a birthday party is the most awesome way to spend a Saturday. fun fun fun! Glad that you were able to listen to the game on your way home,.so incredibly sweet of your dh to bring home a tasty treat. :manyheart


Beth-is it cold in your neck of the woods? playing with kittens is much more fun than cleaning-which is on the agenda for today.


My wrist is aggravated with all the diaper changing that you have to do in the toddler rooms. Love the little guys but boy are they heavy! We have a few that weigh almost 40 lbs. lifting them up to the diaper changing table isn't bad, but the constant changing of the diapers and had washing for them in the teeny tiny sink did me in. I changed dippies one day for 3 hours:eek between 8 toddlers, it's work.


Fell asleep early, good thing now I can work on my website before the rest of the family gets up.


have a great day friends! hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


We had a wonderful fun-filled day celebrating my son-in-law's birthday- and the weather was the perfect fall day- lots of sunshine, blue skies and just the right amount of chill in the air (sweater weather)


Stayed up late watching the Yankees--they were losing 4-0 in the bottom of the 9th and miracle upon miracles, they ended up tying the game and forcing it to into extra innings. They ended up losing in the 12th inning (around 1AM), but the most devastating news was when Derek Jeter fractured his ankle and is now done for the rest of the season. Sure hope the team can start getting it done and win for their Captain!


LeeAnn- Hope that once you finish working and changing all those diapers that your wrist will calm down!--only one more week to go!! Did you get to work on your website before the family started their day?


Beth- A pumpkin roll cake sounds yummy!!! I love anything pumpkin- and it's so perfect in the fall!! I had a pumpkin muffin (laden with calories I'm sure) but I really enjoyed it!!!


Stacy- How are things in Cali this weekend?


Marisa- Hope you are having a good weekend- and that Mom is doing well!!


I need coffee---it was a very late night and of course my internal clock said wake up after almost 6 hours of sleep!!


Have a good Sunday!

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Good morning,


Joanne, it is good coffee and pumpkin weather! it's not as cool here as there, we make it up to the 60's most days, but I LOVE the chill in the air.


LeeAnn, Marisa, and Stacy, I hope you are all having a great weekend with lots of fun and relaxation thrown in.


I think I could weed for an hour a day for the rest of my life, and not get done with our yard. Spending time out in that gorgeous weather invigorated me, though, and I got a lot more done in the house yesterday. I need to do my grocery shopping today, and hope to go back out and do some weeding and stay invigorated. It's kind of nice to look around thinking "What can I do next?" rather than "What do I have to do next?"

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Howdy friends!


Beth-I am so glad that you are enjoying being outdoors. A chill in the air sounds just perfect! You have such a positive attitude, I love it. Thank you for sharing it with us. :hug What's on the agenda for the week as far as meals go? new recipes?


Joanne-that is wonderful that you had such a great time with your family yesterday. A pumpkin muffin would be :c9 especially with a cup of java. One of life's yummiest treats.


I enlisted the family to help clean yesterday..our house was in serious need of a deep clean. They were not exactly happy but together we cleaned and cleaned..we even cleaned the oven..that was a chore! I am so relieved as now I just have to focus on finishing the last 2 loads of laundry.


On Friday I stopped at two of the shops that I have my goodies consigned in. One was in the process of moving to another location and the other decided that she is not going to consign anymore. No prob, I was actually wanting to pick up my goodies but couldn't think of a nice way to do so. :lol I still have goodies consigned here in our town-much easier for me to drop off and deliver-except that I haven't gotten around to it. Oh well, it will happen when I can.


Adding more goodies to my etsy shop, looks like I may hit 200 items listed before the winter rush. So excited as I think I can increase my sales compared to last year.


off to work I go. hugs n squishes dear friends!


almost forgot, I finally got around to blogging, a new post...there was quite a break in between.

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LeeAnn, I'll bet it's great fun to work on your website. I am so glad your Etsy business is doing so well. I am your biggest fan! Um, nothing exciting or new for dinner this week. I am trying to stretch the grocery budget, so we are having sandwiches a few times, and vegie beef soup. Tis the season. I made a homemade pie yesterday -- just a chocolate pudding pie, but I made the crust (not gluten free.) Everyone seems to think it's good. I need to try it with my flour next.

Joanne, congrats on the Giants' win. Did you see any of the Redskin game? RGIII is an amazing young man -- made the game very exciting.

Marisa, I hope your Sunday is going great. How is your mom?

Stacy, How is your family? Did you have a good weekend?

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Beth- I didn't see the Redskins game- but I do like RGIII!!! I believe My Giants play the Redskins next week!! The Giants weren't supposed to beat the 49'ers and they sure did BEAT them!!!


On the other hand, Yankees lost- so they are down 2-0 in the series- not looking good at this point. Both the Giants game and the Yankees game were on at the same time- so spent time switching back and forth.


Two of my DD's came over for a belated birthday surprise. It was so nice- we went for a nice walk with Ryan- the weather was spectacular again today--then watched the two games and had cheesesteaks for dinner. DH had bought a delicious choc cake with whipped cream icing and strawberries. Delish!!!!


Have a good rest of the night everyone!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste :devil


The weekend seemed long, but quick at the same time :think Friday night I went to the gym and then did some hooking. We had the Pitt football game at 11AM Sat morning :eek So we went to the bar around 10 and didn't get home til about 8 :eek We hung out after since it was beautiful and had outside seating :manyheart But, it was a long day. We ordered pizza on the way home though and it was wonderful :drool


Yesterday I worked on lining the tote I won from Mary Jo this month :clap Then I ran some errands with Steph and when we got back sewed the lining into the bag. Then we all went over to Ingrid's for a bit to visit with her family. Bean and Steph haven't seen her in quite a while, but her and I are able to get together a bit more often. Came home a crocheted some more. So all in all it was a pretty good weekend :yes


My mom is home and was trying to go to work this morning, only 4 hours so I have to call her and see how she made out. IMO she's not ready to be back yet, but she's tired of just sitting around (that's very difficult for her and it's been about 9 days already). One of my friends from chiro school has an office out there, but about a 30-40 minutes from my parents. However, her parents live about 5 minutes from mine and she was going over there to adjust them yesterday so I asked if she'd mind stopping by to adjust my mom while she was in the area. And she did, my mom was quite excited :manyheart


Beth - Glad you had a great trip to HL and got some ILTC :yay WTG on your weeding and grocery shopping. I highly recommend trying the pumpkin coffee, I just get plain coffee and nothing exciting. But, I even prefer to get it somewhere that brews the flavored coffee beans instead of adding syrup to regularly brewed coffee. But pumpkin anything is right up my alley :bounce


Joanne - How sweet of dh to bring you the pumpkin spice latte, and organize a little belated get together for your bday :manyheart I'm sure SIL enjoyed his day too :yes I'd venture to say that yes, your coworkers sure do know what you like!


LeeAnn - I'm so glad you got to veg on friday night and that you had help from the family with the cleaning. No matter that they didn't WANT to, but they did anyways :manyheart I hope your wrist is feeling better.


Stacy - Hope you had a great weekend! :hug


Well, I can't remember who was talking about the pumpkin muffins, but Ingrid made some cakelike pumpkin cookies yesterday and they were super yummy. It was a 40 something calorie pumpkin cookie...maybe 42 or 48 :think But very tasty :drool

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Good morning!


You all sure have been busy bees! :yes


Leeann, sorry to hear about your wrist flare-up, hopefully it settles down so you can finish your last week without pain. :hug:hug I'm so happy that your family helped to clean the house- I know that was a huge help! I am thrilled for you that your shop is doing so well. :clap


Beth, the chocolate pie sounds :drool!! I hope it turns out wonderfully with your flour, too. How are the car/dryer/laptop situations? Your trip sounds fun, and very pretty! There is nothing like fall colors. :manyheart ILTC is the best!


Marisa, sounds like you had a fun weekend, as usual! It was sweet of your friend to stop by and adjust your mom. :xfin that she didn't get too tired going back to work.


Joanne, that was so sweet of your dd's and dh to have a belated birthday celebration. :manyheart And I would agree that your co-workers know you pretty well. :lol I am loving everything pumpkin this year- usually I only like the coffee. :think We tried pumpkin ice cream from Trader Joe's this weekend- dh loved it, but I wasn't impressed. Although it does have 20% pumpkin puree. Something about the flavor just seemed...off. :shrug


We stayed home all weekend- didn't even go out to eat once. That is a major accomplishment in itself! I know, that's bad. :blush I did take the girls to the park for a couple hours on Saturday night so dh could work on a paper. Yesterday they played the Kinect games for a few hours, so at least they got some exercise. Dh and I both had a boatload of homework. Also...we didn't do anything fun this weekend, because next weekend we are going to Disneyland! :clap:cheer The girls are SO excited. We had planned to go on Friday so the lines would be shorter, but they close at 7 and no fireworks or parades. Saturday they close at 11, with 2 parades in the evening and fireworks around 9:30. So we will all be sleeping in on Sunday, I'm sure! :yes

Let's see...this morning, I stopped at the Y to sign up for the girls' classes, then I went to the park to play tennis for an hour. Came home, paid some bills, had breakfast and took a shower. Now I need to get a head-start on homework so I don't have a ton to do on Sunday.

Hope Monday is off to a great start for everyone! :hug:hug:hug

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