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Morning friends!:morcoffee:tired

I am so very sorry that I have been MIA, I just can't keep up. Feels like I am spinning my wheels and not getting all things done. I am home sick today..went to be feeling achy and tired, woke up feeling like someone ran me over and have a headache to boot. I am more than happy to stay home.


Joanne-so happy that you had a great weekend. Your BBQ sounded just fantastic! Did you get hook time in while watching your game? Have fun at craft club tonight!


Beth-so sorry to hear about your ds's car and your dryer. that is the pits. Laundry sure has a way of backing up huh? Seems like I have not been able to catch up since the guys went camping, they brought back at least 6 extra loads. Have you had time to play with hook and yarn?


Marisa-how was your weekend? did you do anything exciting? The tunisan class sounds like fun, what will you creating?


Stacy-you are on the ball! I bet mornings are hectic at your house with all of you getting out the door. Have your gals already picked out Halloween costumes?


This weekend went by in such a blur. I did get the custom order for the 40 bottles of bubbly, I worked on them last week and mailed them out on Friday. Saturday I worked at one of the shops where my goodies are consigned-it's a new thing that she is trying, we all take turns working a day for a lower consignment fee. It was a bit scary, but I did it. Then after that, my mom came over and we pilled, diced and bagged two sacks of green chile. It took us until 8:00 at night. Yesterday I got up early to work on laundry and soapies. This weekend I am attending another festival-I know that I am burning myself out but now is my busy season. Time to get things sold.


Today is Early Release, I guess I should at least make my bed and toss another load of laundry to wash.


hugs n squishes dear friends!



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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert


I'm running a little behind now. I went swimming this morning and had a patient scheduled for 9:30, but she called and canceled due to another appt that she forgot about that cannot be easily rescheduled :shrug So then Ingrid text to see if I wanted to meet for coffee, so I went and I joined her for her grocery shopping. Picked up a few things for myself just to have at the office :yes Plus, now all the pumpkin stuff is out and I can't resist :blush


I went over her house Friday night and hung out while Steph and Bean went to the Pirates game. Saturday I went over to my chiro in the morning (my roommate from our last year of school :lol ). We treated each other and then went out for lunch and an afternoon cocktail :eek When I got back Steph was cooking chickens on the grill and we prepped a sausage/egg casserole to make for this week. They had the game Sat night, but Bean is now working 7 days a week/10 hours a day :eek So I went down with Steph for a drink with her before the game so Bean would have some peace getting ready and then when she went into the game I walked back home and passed Bean along the way. I cooked the casserole so it would be done and then I made some apple muffins and although I put in more apple than it called for, I think it still needed more :think


Sunday I went to the Pirates game with Steph in the afternoon and then they went out last night for dinner and just to spend some time together. I watched the EAGLES game and crocheted, sorry Joanne, but this week your loss is my gain :devil


Joanne - Glad to hear that football friday went well. Your Sat sounds just wonderful spending time with Ryan and dd shopping and then the engagement bbq :clap Have fun at craft club tonight. Oh, and BTW, I'm glad that field goal resulted the way it did. I thought it was gonna go in watching it from the angle the tv showed....it was centered well :yes


Stacy - I find that in general they start the kids younger and younger with the orthodontist :sigh I hope all turns out well. I have a reg dentist appt today for a checkup and cleaning. Trying out another new guy, so :xfin that it ends well.


Beth - Wow, went it rains, it pours! Sorry your having so many mechanical problems right now :hug :hug I hope dd is able to fix her computer :xfin


LeeAnn - I think you should make the bed with you in it!!!!! Your body is telling you to rest :yes I hope you feel better as the day goes on :hug WTG on last weeks custom order.


We learned one tunisian stitch and I like the way it looks. I didn't get to practice with it over the weekend, but think I'll make a dishcloth to practice :yes

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hi everybody,


Marisa, how nice that you can reschedule your patients so easily. My son has to miss a class next week for a dermatology appointment that we scheduled months ago, before he registered for classes. The tunisian stitch is definitely on my to-learn list. Bean is working so much. I'll bet your sister misses him.


LeeAnn, big hugs! Here's the (retired) mom in me sneaking out! Stay in bed as much as you can! You have to be exhausted. It sounds like business is booming for you. I hope you feel better soon. Can your kids help with the laundry? They sound so mature and capable. Try to let them take care of you for a bit.


Stacy, I'll bet your house is busy busy busy. How is school going? Doesn't seem possible that it's midterm time already.


Joanne, did you have craft club yesterday? I met with my one of my friends yesterday for our version. I didn't want to go, but once I got there, it was great. What are you working on?


Well, I still haven't solved the dryer issue. I washed sheets yesterday, put them on the line, pulled them off the line in the rain, spread them all over my house to dry.... Lots of fun. My son's car is at home (thanks to our neighbor the tow truck driver.) He says there is something broken in the steering column, and it may be keeping the ignition switch from freeing up. My son is going to a Pick and Pull - a salvage yard where you find what you want and remove it from the car yourself -- on Friday when he doesn't have school or work. So for the rest of this week, I don't have a car (most of the time.) Speaking of which, I need to get ready to hit the grocery store when it opens, so I can grab the few things we need. I hope you all have a great day! Big hugs.

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HI all,

Quick stop in as it is late and I've got to get ready- Had fun at craft club--just what I needed after a long day- the days are pretty hectic right now- and crazy busy!


Hugs to you all---and I'll try and stop in again tonight!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on around here today. I'm sitting on hold with Highmark :sigh So, figured I may as well check in since you never know how long it will be. Thankfully, I can put it on speaker while I wait :yes I have my patient authorized for care and they rejected the bill because it needs authorization :think It's this whole new program they just started Sept 1.


Beth - Bean does work alot and usually always picks up extra when he can :yes They are both taking tomorrow off though for the last home Pirates game :lol I'm liking this tunisian stitch and can see myself continuing to use it and expand with it. It's bitter sweet that I can easily reschedule patients. I can do it because I'm not very busy yet :lol But one day, it may not be so easy.


Joanne - I hope your day goes well at work :hug


Stacy and LeeAnn - take it easy :hug

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Joanne - cut and paste alert!


So I forgot last week (what else is new :lol )


I tested a change purse for a fellow viller Hui Lian and the pattern is called Round Relief Flower Coin Purse....I don't think she has it quite finalized yet and am not sure if it's available yet. It called for thread but I didn't have any. So, I used some left over Steeler sock yarn for the flower part and I had some sport weight black I used for the body and got a wonderful little surprise gift for Steph.....and might I add, she was super excited :bounce


Oh, and I had her change on me from the bread store....so I put it in there :lol Well, I've always been told it's back luck to give a wallet item as a gift with nothing in it.....I just wonder if it makes a difference that it was already hers that I put in it :devil:rofl


So with Hui Lian's permission, I share my finished product with you.....




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Marisa- What a great job you did on that change purse--and how perfect that you made it in Steeler's colors!:lol


Beth- I hope that your appliance/laptop/car issues are resolved quickly--They say everything happens in threes, so hopefully nothing else breaks down!! Sure hope that you were able to fix the dryer and that DD had time to work on the laptop. Glad you got to meet up with a friend to crochet. It's fun to hook with others! (oops, that doesn't sound very good does, it?:lol:lol


LeeAnn- Your body is telling you to slow down- it always knows when we do too much--something goes out of whack. I'm concerned about how much you've been doing and understand it's your busy season--please take some time to rest when you can:hug:hug


Stacy-I got two free cards in the mail for the Bux- one for earning 15 stars and one because it's my birthday month. Guess what I'm going to get with both of them?--and the first two guesses don't count :lol:lol Hope all is well with the girls and with you and keeping up with school!!!


Off to watch the Yankees- it's drizzling so I'm hoping they get the game in ..they can clinch the AL East title tonight:clap

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Marisa, love the change purse! I think it's funny that you put your sister's change in it. I don't think it matters where the change came from, as long as you aren't giving an empty wallet. I'm making my sister, the Steelers fan, a hat, scarf, and mittens set in those colors for Christmas. Got the scarf mostly done. I'm thinking of adding more fringe to the ends, so it will look less like I just didn't work in the ends. Which right now is the case...

Joanne, How did the Yankees do? Did you get to the Bux for your hmmm, could it have something to do with pumpkin? lol

Stacy, How is California? Is it cooling off there yet?

LeeAnn, I hope you are feeling better. Are the kids and hubby staying healthy?

I was up til 11:30 tutoring son #2 in math. He is tired, working lots, still trying to play hard, but keeping up with his full-time school schedule. He is kind of grumpy, too. It wasn't a fun evening.

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!!!!


Beth- The Yankees won!!!! In extra innings!!! They were losing but tied it in the bottom of the 9th and then won it in the 12th inning!!! Tonight should be a fun one too--all down to the 162nd game...if they lose and the Baltimore O's win, they play a tiebreaker on Thursday!


I didn't get my pumpkin spice latte--How did you know that's what I would want?;):lol


Hope that #2 is less grumpy today!


Off to get ready for a day full of meetings! :( It just makes for a crazy day, when you have so many meetings-----but tonight it's all about :crocheting and the Yankees!!!!


Hugs to you all!!!:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here today. Last night I got some hooking time in. I practiced a few rows of the tunisian stitch before I worked on the mystery ghan, which I'm a bit behind on now :sigh I also volunteered to test a sock pattern so need to get started on that. Tonight though I'm going out for another PYP event to a Mexican restaurant :drool


Joanne - Glad your team won, but sad the sox lost :lol I hope all your meetings go well. I know I asked you before, but I totally just don't remember the answer. Did you try your pumpkin VIA packets? Did you like it? If so, I still have mine sitting here that I'll give you.


Beth - I agree, just add some more fringe to make it work and look like that was the intention....anything to avoid weaving in ends :yes Sorry son 2 is being grumpy, he probably has himself all worn out with all his running between work, school and being social.


Stacy and LeeAnn - Sending you both positive thoughts for your hectic week :hug

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Marisa, you crack me up with all the PYP events you attend! :lol But I'm sure it is great for networking. :yes Sounds like you had a fun-filled weekend. The change purse is adorable! I agree with Beth- I don't think it matters that the change was hers. :wink


Beth, sorry to hear son #2 is grumpy. Sure sounds like he is on the go! Sorry to hear about the dryer, car, and laptop still not being fixed. :hug:hug :xfin that your wonderful inventions can get their respective devices up and running again.


Joanne, good luck with your long day of meetings. And enjoy those two free drinks! :drool I missed out on my birthday drink this year because I forgot to change the address on my Bux card. :blush What are you working on in craft club?


Leeann, lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug to you! Sounds like you are really running yourself ragged. I know it's your busy season but please try to take care of yourself. How much longer do you have at the migrant position?


Things are about to pick up here. Dh and I have midterms this week, and the girls start up their Y classes again on the 15th. They are SO very excited. This session, Isabella is doing tae kwon do, Mia is taking gymnastics, and Eva is sticking with tap. And dh starts training for the marathon 3 days a week. Oh! AND Isabella is starting this awesome program at her school called Marathon Kids, and basically they run 1/4-1/2 mile per week, and by March it should add up to 26.2 miles, which is a marathon. They also receive classes nutrition and healthy eating, which I am most excited about because she is BY FAR my most picky fruit/veggie eater.

My nutrition midterm went really well- I scored 29 out of 30. :clap My stats one went pretty well, too, I think, though I probably won't know the results for another week or so. I feel much more confident about it than I did the last one. :yes And my philosophy one is due between tonight at 6 pm and 9 pm tomorrow.

I found out the ants in our bathroom are carpenter ants. And they bite. So yesterday I ran to Lowe's for diatomaceaous earth, which I have been told will keep them away for good. Well Lowe's and the garden center didn't have it in food grade form, so I bought some other natural stuff that smells like rotting pumpkins. :yuck And it did not work. I also bought caulk, so after I get done here, I am off to clean and caulk the bathroom. Which I am secretly excited about. :blush:lol Well, the caulking part, anyway. Not so much the cleaning. :eek



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Marisa, you crack me up with all the PYP events you attend! :lol But I'm sure it is great for networking. :yes Sounds like you had a fun-filled weekend. The change purse is adorable! I agree with Beth- I don't think it matters that the change was hers. :wink


Beth, sorry to hear son #2 is grumpy. Sure sounds like he is on the go! Sorry to hear about the dryer, car, and laptop still not being fixed. :hug:hug :xfin that your wonderful inventions can get their respective devices up and running again.


Joanne, good luck with your long day of meetings. And enjoy those two free drinks! :drool I missed out on my birthday drink this year because I forgot to change the address on my Bux card. :blush What are you working on in craft club?


Leeann, lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug to you! Sounds like you are really running yourself ragged. I know it's your busy season but please try to take care of yourself. How much longer do you have at the migrant position?


Things are about to pick up here. Dh and I have midterms this week, and the girls start up their Y classes again on the 15th. They are SO very excited. This session, Isabella is doing tae kwon do, Mia is taking gymnastics, and Eva is sticking with tap. And dh starts training for the marathon 3 days a week. Oh! AND Isabella is starting this awesome program at her school called Marathon Kids, and basically they run 1/4-1/2 mile per week, and by March it should add up to 26.2 miles, which is a marathon. They also receive classes nutrition and healthy eating, which I am most excited about because she is BY FAR my most picky fruit/veggie eater.

My nutrition midterm went really well- I scored 29 out of 30. :clap My stats one went pretty well, too, I think, though I probably won't know the results for another week or so. I feel much more confident about it than I did the last one. :yes And my philosophy one is due between tonight at 6 pm and 9 pm tomorrow.

I found out the ants in our bathroom are carpenter ants. And they bite. So yesterday I ran to Lowe's for diatomaceaous earth, which I have been told will keep them away for good. Well Lowe's and the garden center didn't have it in food grade form, so I bought some other natural stuff that smells like rotting pumpkins. :yuck And it did not work. I also bought caulk, so after I get done here, I am off to clean and caulk the bathroom. Which I am secretly excited about. :blush:lol Well, the caulking part, anyway. Not so much the cleaning. :eek




Thanks and yep, the PYP events are good for networking and plus just meeting people.


Great news on your exams and the girls with all their activities! Have fun in the bathroom :devil I kinda like the caulking job too :blush:lol

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here today. Last night I got some hooking time in. I practiced a few rows of the tunisian stitch before I worked on the mystery ghan, which I'm a bit behind on now :sigh I also volunteered to test a sock pattern so need to get started on that. Tonight though I'm going out for another PYP event to a Mexican restaurant :drool


Joanne - Glad your team won, but sad the sox lost :lol I hope all your meetings go well. I know I asked you before, but I totally just don't remember the answer. Did you try your pumpkin VIA packets? Did you like it? If so, I still have mine sitting here that I'll give you.


Beth - I agree, just add some more fringe to make it work and look like that was the intention....anything to avoid weaving in ends :yes Sorry son 2 is being grumpy, he probably has himself all worn out with all his running between work, school and being social.


Stacy and LeeAnn - Sending you both positive thoughts for your hectic week :hug


:lol:lol I haven't tried the Via packets yet:eek Every time I think to make it, we're low on milk (like tonight) and you have to make it with milk. I'll definitely let you know when I try it!

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Joanne, good luck with your long day of meetings. And enjoy those two free drinks! :drool I missed out on my birthday drink this year because I forgot to change the address on my Bux card. :blush What are you working on in craft club? I brought the Sunny Spread to work on- it's done in squares and I'm doing 4 different shades of Vanna's Choice greens and bordering them in lamb. It's a pretty square to do and I don't have to really pay attention once I start the square. At home I'm working on yet another RR- in Charisma yarn-- nice and soft --and I think it'll be for my youngest DD since she asked for a warm blanket! Love when they ask me to make them something!!:manyheart



Things are about to pick up here. Dh and I have midterms this week, and the girls start up their Y classes again on the 15th. They are SO very excited. This session, Isabella is doing tae kwon do, Mia is taking gymnastics, and Eva is sticking with tap. And dh starts training for the marathon 3 days a week. Oh! AND Isabella is starting this awesome program at her school called Marathon Kids, and basically they run 1/4-1/2 mile per week, and by March it should add up to 26.2 miles, which is a marathon. They also receive classes nutrition and healthy eating, which I am most excited about because she is BY FAR my most picky fruit/veggie eater. This is all very good news!!! I love for kids to be involved in some activities- especially physical activity- so many kids have become video couch potatoes!!! Love that program- Marathon Kids- maybe she and your DH can run a marathon together some day--how cool would that be?

My nutrition midterm went really well- I scored 29 out of 30. :clap My stats one went pretty well, too, I think, though I probably won't know the results for another week or so. I feel much more confident about it than I did the last one. :yes And my philosophy one is due between tonight at 6 pm and 9 pm tomorrow. You are doing so awesome in school!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!

I found out the ants in our bathroom are carpenter ants. And they bite. So yesterday I ran to Lowe's for diatomaceaous earth, which I have been told will keep them away for good. Well Lowe's and the garden center didn't have it in food grade form, so I bought some other natural stuff that smells like rotting pumpkins. :yuck And it did not work. I also bought caulk, so after I get done here, I am off to clean and caulk the bathroom. Which I am secretly excited about. :blush:lol Well, the caulking part, anyway. Not so much the cleaning. :eek




Good luck getting rid of the carpenter ants- isn't this something the landlord should take care of? They can do some damage--like termites:eek


Off to watch the Yankees:cheer:cheer

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It is something the manager should be taking care of. Her only suggestion is to fumigate, since they keep returning. I am concerned about the girls and pets breathing in those fumes. :ohdear So I figured I'll try this and see if it works. If it doesn't, then I will consider fumigating. :think (Also, she agreed to let me try a different way first- so maybe she is not aware that they do that type of damage?) :shrug

Your afghans sound gorgeous. :manyheart Can't wait to see them. That Charisma is SO soft.

I also love kids being involved in physical activities...Isabella really needs it. I limit their tv/iPad time, but she is very uninterested in exercise (she would much rather read or draw.) But is very excited about the Marathon Kids program. She would love to run a marathon with Jorge one day! The youngest age to run is 13, so she has a few years yet.

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Stacy, I do not like to caulk. I'm glad you find it fun. Can you put the stuff for killing the ants under the house where your kids and pets wouldn't get into it?


Joanne, how goes the RR in Christmas colors? How was yesterday's game? How was the meeting-filled day?


LeeAnn, I hope you are doing OK. Lots of good thoughts headed in your direction.


Marisa, I love how busy you stay. I wish I had some of your positive energy. Was the Mexican restauarant any good?


Today my hubby has another dental appointment. I am taking him in, then we need to pick up the new motor for the dryer, and try to get it put back together. it looks like a huge 3-D puzzle right now.

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Good morning! Yankees are the AL East Champions!! Now on to the Play offs!!!!


Beth- The RR is not in Christmas colors--did I post that they were?:think The way my brain has been taxed, it wouldn't surprise me:lol It's actually being done with Navy Blue, Royal Blue, off white and the variegated called Lakeside that has blue/brown/ in it. I'm liking the way it is turning out...very soft/snuggly feeling!


Running very late here- so must go, but wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thursday!!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here today. I really don't need to be here early today, but decided to come in to feel like I'm doing something since I just didn't feel up to working out today :no


Joanne - I can't wait to see your sunny spread in the different colors. I've only seen the pic in the magazine that's all yellow/mustard and I like that you're using the different colors :yes OK, let me know on the VIA packets because I'll bring them with me at the end of the month if you want them.


Stacy - I agree with Joanne that it's great the kids are doing physical activities :yes I hope your caulking worked. Do they eat the wood and structure like termites do? I don't know much about them. But my suspicion is that if they do you'll need to do something to kill them and I fear the caulking will just 'redirect' them :think But again I'm not certain :shrug


Beth - The mexican restaurant was good, but we were there forever :sigh The group was large, but some people kept filtering in late and the waiter waited for everyone until he had the chef start cooking. But, overall he did a great job considering we were a group of about 22ish and all with separate checks :eek


LeeAnn - I hope you're holding up well this week and taking care of yourself :hug

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Good morning! Yankees are the AL East Champions!! Now on to the Play offs!!!!


Beth- The RR is not in Christmas colors--did I post that they were?:think The way my brain has been taxed, it wouldn't surprise me:lol It's actually being done with Navy Blue, Royal Blue, off white and the variegated called Lakeside that has blue/brown/ in it. I'm liking the way it is turning out...very soft/snuggly feeling!


Running very late here- so must go, but wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thursday!!!!

:blush you said "Charisma yarn" and I read "Christmas yarn." Do you see where my brain is? Your colors sound beautiful together. I can't wait to see a picture.


Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here today. I really don't need to be here early today, but decided to come in to feel like I'm doing something since I just didn't feel up to working out today :no


Joanne - I can't wait to see your sunny spread in the different colors. I've only seen the pic in the magazine that's all yellow/mustard and I like that you're using the different colors :yes OK, let me know on the VIA packets because I'll bring them with me at the end of the month if you want them.


Stacy - I agree with Joanne that it's great the kids are doing physical activities :yes I hope your caulking worked. Do they eat the wood and structure like termites do? I don't know much about them. But my suspicion is that if they do you'll need to do something to kill them and I fear the caulking will just 'redirect' them :think But again I'm not certain :shrug


Beth - The mexican restaurant was good, but we were there forever :sigh The group was large, but some people kept filtering in late and the waiter waited for everyone until he had the chef start cooking. But, overall he did a great job considering we were a group of about 22ish and all with separate checks :eek


LeeAnn - I hope you're holding up well this week and taking care of yourself :hug

Marisa, so glad to hear the restaurant was good. Well, the wait may have been long, but at least you had more time for networking, right?


Guess what? I'm planning a road trip with a friend and our daughters to the nearest Hobby Lobby, which is about an hour and a half away. I am so excited. We will go on the 12th, if the weather is nice. (It's also a leaf-looking trip.) Happy dance! I love this yarn! I love this cotton! I can't wait to get there!!!


I finished the hat and scarf for my sister in Steelers colors. I am working on mittens now. She'll have a complete set!

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Hello hello there friends!


Joanne-your new projects sound fantastic! I bet you are happy that it is TGIF. :cheer:clap what will you be doing with yourself this weekend?


Beth-oh my! Hope your dryer part fits and that it is up and running. I know how much laundry we have at the end of the week, it's a LOT! Are you going to share pics of your latest scarf?


Marisa-Mexican food sure is delish! Networking is always fun and good for business. I loved your coin purse too. How funny that you shared your sister's change with her..too cute!


Stacy-biting ants? ouch! I sure hope that your natural ingredients work and that you do not have to fumigate. We have never had a problem with bugs, ants, insects of any sort..I think it is too cold for anything to survive our winters. :lol


I have had an icky week. Remember the order for the bubble bath that I had? I shipped them out last week in two boxes. My customer received the first box ok, the second box was delivered in a bag..it had been lost, then found then bounced around...I packaged it well using lots of packaging peanuts..anyhow, a few bottles of bubble bath were crushed and spilled over the entire box. The box was delivered in a plastic bag dripping bubble bath.:angry:angry:angry My customer was upset, really upset...so had to create another set for her last night and re-package, insure and mail out all for FREE. I know it is the name of the game, but really? I called the USPS and their response was, you should have insured it..of course I should have..I really didn't think about it since I mailed it in a Priority Mail Box and individually sealed each bubble bath. When I went to refill the order, I noticed that I had ordered the bottles and forgot to order the matching lids..oh my! Luckily I had lids from lotion bottles that fit..whew! and if things couldn't get worse..I have been working in the classrooms all week..not that I mind but one teacher in particular has been a real pill...she disappeared for over 3 hours which left me to work all day without a lunch break or break of any sort..then at the end of the day while I was helping out in another classroom..a child had a seizure and fainted..oh my!


We also had a showing of our house yesterday..no sale, they thought our house was too small. :blush


But on the bright side, I am almost finished with work...about two more weeks. Today was our 16th wedding anniversary. After work I went in and had my nails done and then we went out to dinner. Felt wonderful.


Going to work for a teeny tiny bit on my website, take a bath and call it a night. Thank you all for the kind words, I really do need to slow down. I am happily awaiting for the end of my work season.


hugs n squishes!:hug:hug:hug


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TGIF!!! Especially for you LeeAnn!!! Oh, my, I can't believe the week you have had!!! I'm glad that you and DH got to go out to celebrate your 16th!!! Congrats!!! Two more weeks- you can do it- and then it will be a distant memory! There's light at the end of the tunnel!


Beth- A trek to HL sounds like so much fun- and glad you get to do it with your friend and both of your daughters! Love to look at the leaves this time of year!!! I'm trying to practice restraint and NOT go by the HL on my way home from work! I'm glad they finally put one in NJ though!!! And I Love this Yarn and ILTC too!!!


Marisa- At least the food and networking was good- even if you had to wait. Still haven't tried the Pumpkin Spice via- but I did try Archer Farms Pumpkin Spice instant oatmeal (from Target). It was actually pretty good!


Stacy- Hope the carpenter ant issue gets solved--they can eat wood like termites!


Time is ticking- and I have another busy day, but after work I'm going to babysit for Ryan--Tomorrow my DD and I are going for a mani/pedi together---after I get my hair cut/colored----


Have a good day!

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Joanne, happy TGIF! ENjoy your Ryan time :heart And your pampering time with your dd. What fun!


LeeAnn, :hug You poor thing. What a week you've had. Oh, Happy Anniversary!!! 16 years -- that's a great accomplishment. So glad you got pampered a bit.


Stacy, any progress on the ant issue? How goes school?


Marisa, what fun things are you doing this weekend? Any progress on the socks you are making?


I started the mittens for my sister. I'm working both of them together, so they will be the same. I'm up to the part on the hand that decreases. I have to put on the thumbs after that, and they will be done. I should be able to do that today, I hope.


Took my hubby to work. My #2 son is going to Virginia Beach with a friend in my van today -- they are going to a "Pick and Pull" salvage yard (where you wrench out your own parts from the cars on the lot.) He has a list of parts he wants for his car. The friend is Shrimp Boy's older brother who enjoys that sort of thing. I need the car to exchange the dryer motor for one that actually fits our dryer. So my laundry is still piling up. I think I will do a couple loads and hang them today. There are so many dryer guts spread out over the floor in my laundry room, it's hard to walk down there. Things will get better.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, yesterday I kick my badorkus in gear and worked out while I was here since I didn't go to the gym in the morning. Then on my way home I ran in the market to get some ground beef to make stuffed peppers....I grabbed the peppers last weekend when I was out because they were just perfect for stuffing :lol When you're looking for them, you can never find good ones to stuff :think I did just a little hooking on a mystery square for the ghan, but I haven't finished even 1 of the 2 for this week and the new clue comes tonight. But, I'm really loving all the squares so far :yes


Beth - We have a salvage yard back in my hometown...Harry's you pull it :lol My dad's gotten many things out of there over the years, not so much now though. You have a whole week to build up your yarn list for HL :clap Can't wait to see your Steelers set :bounce


LeeAnn - Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry about the bubble bath :hug I'm having my own issues with the PO right now, but luckily nothing to be damaged :whew Only 2 more weeks.... you can do it :cheer :cheer Sorry your other teacher disappeared for 3 hours :eek That's horrible AND a kid having a seizure :hug Well, I'm glad you got a pampering in with your mani and a nice dinner with dh! Happy Anniversary :yay:cheer:clap:bounce


Joanne - I'm not a huge oatmeal fan but do enjoy it every now and again....maybe I should pick some up, I just love everything pumpkin :shrug Enjoy your Ryan time tonight and dd time tomorrow :wink

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Had fun with Ryan who is sleeping like a baby! LOL


Beth- I hope that your son was able to get the parts for his car and that you were able to get the dryer motor that fits! Can't wait to see pics of the set--(even if it is in Steeler's colors:lol)


Sure hope that you had a better day today, LeeAnn


Stacy- I saw your post on FB about the price of gas!!! INSANE!!! It's bad enough here at 3.69:eek


Off to watch the Orioles/TX game to see who the Yankees will be playing in the playoffs.



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Good evening!


Joanne, how fun that you are going with dd to get a mani/pedi! Enjoy. Your Charisma afghan sounds beautiful- can't wait to see it!


Leeann, lots of :hug:hug:hug for you!! So sorry to hear about your package. And the teacher leaving you, and the child having the seizure. :whew You have had a terrible week. Happy anniversary to you and your dh! Sounds like a fun night out together. :manyheart


Marisa, stuffed peppers are so yummy! I made some a while back using cauliflower instead of rice and it was so good. Dh couldn't even tell the difference. :devil


Beth, I hope your son found the parts he needed for his car. We have salvage yards here, too. The town where I'm from does not have them, so the first time dh said he was going to "pick your part," I had no clue what he meant. :think:lol Did your dd get her laptop working again? Did you finish the mittens?


Well, today I called the manager to see if she was sure I could caulk, and she told me to do what I needed to do. :shrug So I did. And it was LOTS of fun. :devil I'm weird like that. I also did laundry, which took 3 hours today, for some reason. :shrug Oh, and I made a pumpkin bread. :drool So yummy! Tonight I have to watch the documentary "Tapped," for nutrition. Tomorrow, dh has to meet his running team at 7, and Isabella has to be at school by 7:30 a.m. The younger girls want to go, too, but with gas prices the way they are...:think I really, really hate to say no, especially since the science center is right next door. We will see how I feel in the morning. :lol

I'm going to scoot and take a shower. Good night! :hug:hug:hug


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