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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello Hello!


Joanne-sounds like you have a very busy weekend. Fun filled I am sure. It will be great for you to spend time with your family.


Beth-that is great that you are able to tutor your inventions. I am sure they appreciate it. Care to help? I am afraid that math is not my favorite subject-dd had a few questions and I kinda stumbled thru it..she said, “I will wait for dad to get home.” Gotta love that girl.


Marisa-enjoy your visit with your parents and Mary!

Stacy-sorry to hear about Olive, that would be tough. I bet you did well and on your assignment.


Dd is still trying to kick her cough but is feeling lots better. She did not win the election for Student Council..heartbreaking for sure. We are all being supportive as it took courage and confidence to get up In front of her peers to deliver her speech. Ds is doing well, he has been more talkative and seems to really enjoy hanging out with kiddos his own age.


Other than that, nothing too exciting. This weekend I will be attending our local Farmers Market, I will have a booth set up, must get organized and packed for that. Also signing up for the winter bazaars and such, can’t wait till our season at work ends..i miss my craft time.


Back to work I go. Hugs n squishes!

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Quick pop in to wish you all a TGIF!!!!!

Good luck at the farmer's market, LeeAnn!!! When does your season at work end?


Beth- that's great that you can tutor your kiddos? I'll bet if you put signs up at their college, you might get some paying students...just a thought!


Marisa- WTG on the mystery'ghan--i'm woefully behind- I need to concentrate on those squares- and between work, and watching my sports- haven't had the time. I'll get it done, just won't be on time- LOL


Stacy- Oh, my---do you think Olive is only having separation anxiety? Or could it be something more? As if you didn't have your plate full enough already!!!


Gotta scoot---it was a late night- but worth it since the Giants won!!! WOOT!!!

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Hello, and Happy Pizza Day! Well, at least it is at our house.


Joanne, enjoy your busy, fun weekend. I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing all your girls.


LeeAnn, good luck at the Farmer's Market. Can't wait to hear about it. I'm glad your kids are enjoying school.


Marisa, I hope you are having a good weekend. When do your parents come in?


Stacy, I'm sorry to hear about Olive. I hope she adjusts to the changes soon.

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It's the weekend!!! YAY!!!!!


Was going to start cleaning tonight- but after working all day- and an hour meeting at the end of the day, the only cleaning I'm doing is running the dishwasher! LOL- Oh, and I emptied the wastebaskets- LOL


Figure I'll be up bright and early in the AM and will tackle what needs to get tackled. DD arrives around 3 so I have plenty of time to get things done before picking her up at the station! Can't wait to see her.


I hope you all had a great Friday- and that you enjoy your Pizza Night, Beth!!! DH brought home dinner which was nice treat! No cooking tonight which suits me just fine!

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Good morning!


Cleaning this morning- and DD arrives around 3!! While i was downstairs cleaning, I took out the camera and took pics of the latest 2 baby blankets--it's cloudy out, so pics are not great, but here they are. Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!



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Joanne, those baby blankets are just beautiful! Nice work, as always. Enjoy your weekend with your lovely daughters. What fun! Ryan should get baptised more often, so you can all get together. LOL


I don't have much planned for today -- I am so close to finishing the body of the dog sweater I'm making for my sister's doxie for Christmas, I think I'll do that last few stitches, get it tied off, and take it with me to PetCo when my dd and I volunteer with the kitties. I need to compare it to a size small dog sweater, see if it's the right size. Hard to tell, when I have a german shepherd mix and a gaggle of cats. The guinea pigs are probably not quite the right size, either.... :think The big one might be close...


LeeAnn, good luck at the farmer's market.


Stacy, do you have a lot of homework to do this weekend?


Marisa, enjoy your time with your family.

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Good morning!


Looks like everyone must have had a busy weekend! Yesterday was a picture perfect day- sunshine, blue skies, 70 degrees and wonderful day with family and friends!!! It was an awesome day!


DD will be heading back home this morning- it was great having her here for the weekend! I won't see her again probably until the day after Christmas! She doesn't think she'll be coming home for Thanksgiving because it always takes such a long time- with all the crowds traveling on that day! She hasn't made her final decision, but I'm fine with whatever she decides.


Well, it's time to get ready for another week in Paradise. Heading to a wake tonight so no craft club. In fact, I didn't pick up a hook/yarn since Friday night-- think I'm having some withdrawal- LOL

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Hi all!


Joanne, glad to hear Ryan's special day was awesome! :cheer:manyheart


Beth, I saw on FB that you have new mice friends! How are they as pets? Can you handle them as with rats or hammies? Hope your doxie sweater was the correct size. :clap


Marisa, how was your weekend with your parents and Mary? I'm sure you had tons of fun! :yes


Let's see...on Saturday the girls had a birthday party at a kids' gymnastics center. I got almost all of my homework finished in the 2 hours they were gone. :whew Yesterday we just stayed home, since dh and I both had work to finish. We went swimming in the afternoon.

Today I cleaned the girls room from 9:30 until 1:30, and I am still not finished. I really wanted to get into the cracks and corners, so I pulled everything away from the walls, etc. I am planning to steam-clean the carpets on Wednesday. We'll see if that actually happens. :blush:lol

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Good evening friends!


Joanne-your weekend sounded just perfect! I am so happy that you were able to spend time with all of your beautiful daughters. Are they excited to be aunties yet again? I haven’t crochet in soo long I may just forget how to do it.


Stacy-WTG on the homework completion and your test grade. You are doing an amazing job.


Beth-what’s a happening? Are you driving your inventions back and forth? How are your new pet friends?


Marisa-can’t wait to hear about your weekend.


Life here in our house is always a bit busy and hectic but I sure am ready for it to slow down. Friday evening I spent getting ready for the Farmer’s market as well as getting a few orders put together to mail out and some to deliver. Business is picking up, it is wonderful. I think I need an assistant. The Farmer’s Market sale went well, we were next to other crafters, what fun! After that, we picked up my great aunt. She came and spent the night at our house-she has college neighbors that are staying up late partying. She was in need of sleep. It was fun to have her. On Sunday, we got up early and fixed a huge breakfast, dishes and laundry. After she left, my inlaws came over..whew! more cooking and cleaning. Then last night we had church. Since ds is taking Confirmation Classes, they are required to go to the Youth mass..after that it was grocery shopping, then finally home to fill more orders then fall into bed exhausted. I woke up late this morning, work was busy, then off to work out, then back to my great aunts to pick up the kiddos-they have Early Release every Monday..thankfully she fixed us dinner. She said I look “worn out”. Got home awhile ago to put more laundry to wash as I washed the kiddos laundry but didn’t get to mine. I have a possible order for 40 of the bubble baths. I am keeping my fingers crossed that my customer orders it, as I ordered a lot of supplies and could use the extra business.


Let me think what else..oh Homecoming will be here soon, ds is going with his friends. Dd did not win the election for her Student Council, she was bummed but ok with it.


Back to laundry and such. Hugs n squishes my dear friends!

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Good morning,


LeeAnn, Hooray for lots of sales! I hope the bubble bath sale goes through. So sorry your dd didn't win the student council election. I'm glad your son is going to homecoming with his friends. Sounds like a good year for him.


Stacy, I love the mice! They wrap their velvet tails around your fingers when you hold them. Minnie sat with me to watch tv for quite some time. She kept running from one side to the other, and my hubby laughed, saying how I would react if it were a wild mouse... They have different personalities. Minnie is the most snuggly one I have. Misty is the least -- it's hard to catch her to hold her. We put paper towel tube in the cage, and she stays in there most of the time. My cats are thrilled. They sit and watch the mice for hours. We call it the kitty entertainment center. So glad you got so much work done while the girls were at the party. :think you are supposed to clean corners???


Joanne, so happy your weekend was so wonderful. I'll bet spending some quiet time alone with hook and yarn will be nice. Sorry you didn't have your craft club. I did meet up with one of my friends yesterday. I enjoy my small group, but some times, I think it would be fun to be part of something bigger, too.


Marisa, hope your weekend was fabulous!


Gotta go back a birthday cake -- my oldest is 20 today. Don't know how that's possible, but it happened.

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Good morning,


This will be quick since I'm running a little late. Attended the wake of my co-workers's husband last evening so I didn't go to Craft club.


LeeAnn- Good luck with the bubble bath sale! Fingers/toes crossed that it works out. I'm exhausted reading all that you are doing- so can only imagine how exhuasted you really are! That must be tough on your great aunt living close by to partying college students.


Beth- Happy Birthday to your son!! It's funny how they start to catch up to our ages isn't it? They get older, and we get younger!!!! I still can't believe I have a 33, 30 and almost 29 year old! And my SIL just turned 30 last week. Now how did THAT happen? LOL Enjoy your new pets--Love the name Minnie for a mouse!


Stacy- Congrats on the Stats exam!! Be proud of yourself- an 80 is passing and you have a ton on your plate between the girls, the household and going to school! Statistics was not one of my strong suits and I'm duly impressed with your grade!!


Marisa- How's things in your neck of the woods. Hope you had a great weekend with your parents and MaryAnn!!!


Off to get ready for another wonderful day in Paradise.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I can't believe I haven't been here since last Wednesday :eek Well, Thursday morning I cleaned the house, came to the office for a few hours, and then went out with a friend to a PYP event. My parents and aunt got in around 8:30ish and we visited for a bit. Maryann's bus got in a half hour late at about 1 am.


Friday we went out to breakfast and then my dad and I fixed Steph's recliner. We went to the office to finish up some last minute things and a couple errands. In the evening Ingrids family came over to hang out and we had an enjoyable night. Saturday morning we went over to the event to put up my sign and take the stuff over. Back to the house to get ready and have breakfast. The event was 2-9 and it was super busy. I think we got quite a bit of awareness out there :yes By the end of the day, my voice was getting a little raspy.


Sunday, my voice was gone!!! I'm now on day 3 without it :( We went for breakfast, took Maryann to catch her bus and then my parents and I ran over to the office to unload everything from the day before and then they headed out as well. We went to Bettis' for the Steeler's game and to celebrate a friends birthday (which is actually today).


Yesterday was busy. I had 4 patients by noon, one of which was new :clap Then I had lunch with one of them who is also a friend. I came back here to do paperwork and another patient called to see if she could come in too :yay I made it to the gym for the night class and went back this morning for that class. And finally I have a chance to check in and get back in here :whew


I read through all the posts and breezed quicker and quicker as I got to todays. I've seen some awesome pictures :manyheart Sounds like everyone had a pretty great weekend overall.


Beth - How is dd's computer? How is the dog sweater coming along? :birthday to your oldest


Stacy - Sorry to hear about Olive :hug Glad to hear you got so much of your homework done while the girls were out.


LeeAnn - Awesome news about selling more and more :clap:yay


Joanne - Both of your baby ghans are great :manyheart I'm behind this week on the mysteryghan myself :eek

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Good morning, and happy hump day!


Joanne, I missed seeing your morning post today. I hope everything is well with you. Have a good day at work -- soon you'll be watching your team play football again.


Stacy, As I watch my kids juggle school work and social lives and work, I am in awe that you have that mom and wife thing (and pet mom) thrown in on top of it all, and you seem to be staying sane. I am proud of you for what you are accomplishing, and for staying so positive through it. You are an inspiration!


LeeAnn, I can't beleive how much you are getting done, and managing to work out and tone up at the same time... You rock. Big hugs to you.


Marisa, Hooray for new patients! Sounds like you stay so busy. Did you get your voice back?


Wish me luck. I get to clean bathrooms and litter boxes today! What fun! :no

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Hi friends!


Leeann, you are always on the go! I can't imagine how tired you must be. :hug:hug:hug Take care of yourself! Sorry to hear about your aunt's college neighbors- is there a noise ordinance where she lives? Here it is 10 p.m. and then the cops will come out. Maybe she could look into that?


Beth, your mice sound so cute! :manyheart I love the names, too. Did you get the bathrooms and litter box cleaned? Thank you so much for the words of affirmation. I feel so discouraged today- just found out that for RD license, I must do surgical rotations. :sigh I have NO interest in the medical field (no offense, Joanne! :wink) So I will probably just stick with sociology. I am really disappointed, though, because I do so love nutrition.


Marisa, sounds like you had a whirlwind weekend! I'm sure it was a blast having your parents, aunt, and Mary all together, though! :yes And a big :h5 for 4 patients by noon. Awesomeness!


Joanne, Happy Hump Day! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. I bought the pumpkin spice coffee at Trader Joe's and I *think* I have figured out how to make a PSL in my own kitchen. :cheer Oh, and your afghans are gorgeous, which I completely forgot to mention earlier. :hug:hug


Not much going on here today. The girls had the day off (school said it was a furlough day, but apparently it is also a Jewish holiday) so we just bummed around. My brakes need to be fixed, so I didn't want to venture too far from home. I cleaned a ton this morning, made some origami with Isabella, then we went to the bookstore and toy store. The little two had gift cards from their birthdays, and Isabella has been practically begging to go to the bookstore. How can I say no to that? :shrug:lol Dh has class tonight, and the girls want to go swimming. I'm still fighting this cough so I will not be going in.

Tomorrow is a lab day for stats, and we have another exam on Tuesday! :eek I almost cried when the prof said that...she said it could be put off until next Thursday, but the class took a vote and most wanted it on Tuesday. So I will have a ton of homework and studying this weekend. :eek She is holding a tutoring session on Friday, which I WILL be attending. :lol


Gotta scoot and get ready to take dh to class. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Stacy, the mice make me smile, and keep the cats entertained. Sorry your homework is so much. Most of the students probably aren't full time moms. Are you sure about changing your major? Even if you don't like the medical side, couldn't you grin and bear it so you could do what your heart desires?


Marisa, how many patients yesterday?


Joanne, happy TGIF-eve. I hope your day goes well.


LeeAnn, Got any sales this weekend? What are the kids up to? Did your son go to homecoming already, or is that later?


My bathroom is mostly clean -- gotta do the tub and tiles, but the floor, toilet, and sink are sparkly. I was interrupted by my dryer dying -- again. I took the usual culprit, a thermal fuse, in to be tested, and it is working, so I have to figure out what else it could be. I'm afraid it's the dial. When I pull it out, it works. When I release it, it stops. Sigh. That's not a cheap part, and I'll have to wait for it to come in. Oh well, it's cheaper than a new dryer.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne, cut and paste alert :wink


Well, yesterday I ran to Sam's to pick something up for Steph to take to work today....I think they're short staffed so they all decided to have a little potluck. Unfortunately it was short notice and we didn't have time to actually make something :(


I rested my eyes a few minutes and got to the gym for 2 classes I like. The one Mon night and Tues morn they do back to back Wed night....so I did them both! :clap This morning went swimming too :whew Now treating myself to a chocolate banana mocha from Sheetz :drool Oh well, that's why I work out :think


I have 2 patients scheduled for today, the first is early and the second is later. I brought a change purse pattern with me that I'm testing, so I'll work on that in down time since I think I have a lot of my paperwork actually taken care of for this week :xfin


Joanne - Did you try your pumpkin VIA's yet? And did you like them?


Stacy - I think you can grin and bear the rotations to do what you love. It's not that long and will be a small price to pay in the long run :think I suggest you rethink that through to be sure you really want to pass up your opportunity. It is an important part when dealing with nutrition to know that aspect as well, even if that's not the direction you want to take yourself. :soap Sounds like you and the girls had a great day yesterday hanging out. I hope stats lab goes well today :hug


Beth - Did you finish up the tub in the bathroom? Sorry your dryer is not working properly :hug You're right though, the dial would be cheaper than a new dryer :yes

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Hi all!!! TGIF!!!


Not much time too post---suffice it to say it's been a busy week and I've been sleeping till the last possible moment in the morning, which doesn't leave much time to post here. Just read through all the posts, and don't have time to respond individually!!!!


Enjoy the day!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here today. I ran to the bread store for Steph this morning and then stopped at Wendy's for breakfast :eek I had a coupon for a free sandwich with purchase of a drink and side, so got some OJ and an oatmeal bar :yes My voice is getting better, but still not 100%. In a bit I'll be heading down a few doors to get my eyebrows waxed and that's about all I have going on today :shrug


I signed up for the tunisian class that starts today so I'm heading over there next to check it out. It's a free class and since I've never done it before, this one week intro will let me try it out to see if I like it :yes


I hope everyone has a great day and weekend! I'll be back throughout the day, but probably not over the weekend. My iPad won't load this thread or the other I'm in, I think because they are sooooo long :think

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Hi all,


Great Friday at work- although i was busy it was fun to have "football Friday" with everyone (or most everyone in our dept) decorating their cubicles and wearing their favorite team shirt--We had a football party celebration at lunch time- with lots of typical 'watching football game type foods"- veggies and dip, chile, meatballs, salsa and chips, chicken and buffalo wings, and lots of deserts- it was fun!


Now I'm off to watch some baseball and crochet for a bit. I've been missing my hook and yarn!!! Not enough hours lately to do 'fun' things!!!


Hugs to you ALL!

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Hi all,


I haven't done any cleaning today- but instead brought bagels over to DD and SIL's and had breakfast there- and then we took Ryan and went to Target. I picked up some totes (to reign in my ever growing yarn stash) and some things for Ryan. I'm doing some laundry now before we head out to my DD's friends engagement party bar-b-que. She's like a member of the family-she's been friends with my middle and youngest dd since middle school.


I'm hoping to do a little cleaning- and relax with hook, yarn and football tomorrow!


With that being said, the wash is ready for the dryer and I guess I should get a few things done here before heading out.

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Good evening!


Joanne, your weekend sounds nice and relaxing. Hope the bbq was lots of fun! :manyheart


Marisa, glad to hear your voice is getting better. How was the tunisian class? :cheer


Beth, sorry to hear you're having dryer issues again. Hope it can be fixed quickly and cheaply. :hug:hug


Leeann, how was your weekend? I hope that you were able to relax a bit. :hug:hug


Thanks so much to all of you for the vote of confidence. I can still be a dietetic technician without the surgical rotations. It's not just that I don't much care for medicine, I absolutely cannot deal with blood. Isabella cut her hand a couple years ago, and I almost passed out when I saw the muscle pop out. :yuck

Yesterday I spent all day doing homework. We took a nice walk with the dogs at night and stayed up late watching a movie. Today we went swimming at the Y, then out to lunch. The older girls had ortho appointments this morning, and it looks like we will be starting treatment already, since they each have 2 teeth that are being pushed to the back. I didn't expect it to start so young! :eek

Gotta scoot and get everything ready for the morning. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!

It was a late night- watching my Giants fall to Marisa's Eagles---if only the field goal attempt had gone in it would have been a different story! LOL


Thinking of you all and now it's time to get ready for another long week in Paradise! At least I'll get to go to craft club tonight!!!

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Good morning,

We had a rough weekend. The dryer still isn't working. I did a couple huge loads yesterday and hung them out to dry, but we're still behind on the laundry. I have hopes that the part we have ordered will come in today and will fix the problem. My son's car broke at Shrimp boy's house yesterday. There it sits. I'm waiting for 8:30 to call my neighbor the tow truck driver to fetch it for us. It is good to have friends with tow trucks! My daughter's computer is still not working, but she is confident she can fix the problem today. She needs a stretch of time to work on it.

Joanne, I'm glad Friday at work was a good day. I hope this week isn't as demanding as last week was. How was the Barbeque? So cool that your daughters shared a friend.

Marisa, How do you like the tunisian class?

Stacy, Love the picture of your puppy you posted on Facebook. So what does a dietetic technician do?

LeeAnn, I hope you had a fun, relaxing weekend. What's on your agenda for this week?

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