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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert


I'm feeling a little foggy this morning, not sure why :shrug Last night was another PYP event and it was a social media panel discussion. I thought I was going to learn something, but came out with zero new knowledge :( All the people did was talk about who they are and what they do. I was anticipating them kinda going over the ins and outs of social media and how to link things together and use it efficiently....oh well :shrug Sue (the friend that goes to the events with me) and I had dinner after and it was wonderful! It was a new seafood restaurant opened by the guy who has a seafood retail shop a few blocks down :yes


Was in bed by 10 :eek early for me. Gym this morning for swimming and now here I am :yes


Let's see....my to-do list, well....it's kind of perpetual and never goes anywhere :shrug I've decided that it's vitually impossible to actually be caught up :think I did get a few things done though and crossed off for now but only to reappear in another week or 2 :lol


LeeAnn - Glad you had a good work day and got out for errands, making a stop for cappaccino was a genious idea :yes


Stacy - I just read The Bargain Marriage, I borrowed it on the nook from Maryann. It was cute and an easy read. I'm not a McD's person either but glad the kids had fun. How did your essay come along? I always did my best work with the pressure on too.


Joanne - WTG on your rr and I hear ya with the counting for the mghan, but it really wasn't bad after that first round because it was repetitive after that. Happy Anniversary....you'll have a wonderful day at the beach and out to dinner with dh after helping your friend in the morning :yes


Beth - How's everything going over in your neck of the woods?

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Hi all,

Looooong day in Paradise!!!! TG tomorrow is Friday!!! Just sat down and have Rutgers game on- and switching to the Yankees during commercials!!! Will work some more on the RR- since I can do that and pay attention to the games!!!!


Hugs to you all!

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Good evening!


Marisa, sorry to hear the event wasn't what you thought it would be. I Googled the book and it sounds cute. I'm really loving Debbie Macomber books right now. :yes How is Mary doing?


Joanne, sorry to hear about the loooong day. Saturday with be fun, I'm sure! You can't go wrong with a garage sale and the beach. :lol


Leeann and Beth- lots of :hug:hug:hug!!!


I got an A on the essay and the professor left a note saying it was very thoughtful. :yes I am not liking the philosophy class, to tell you the truth, which is why I think it is so hard for me to focus on those essays. It's all just a bunch of talk, to me. :shrug I am still enjoying the stats class. :yes It is statistics for social sciences...not sure if that differs from elementary stats? Anyway, we've been talking a lot about research methods and representation of data. Our first exam is on Tuesday. :eek I thought I would have Friday and Monday to study, but apparently the girls have Monday off. :think I'm hoping to get out on Sunday for a few hours, to study.

That's all the news from here. Gonna go get my hooks and relax for the rest of the night. :yes Love and hugs!

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Good morning and Happy Friday!!! Great wins for both Rutgers and the Yankees last night!!! And I'm nearing the end of the baby RR for my co-worker!!! All, in all, a good night!


Stacy WTG on the A!!! I chuckled about the Philosophy class being 'all talk'!!! I took a class similar to the stats class you are taking about research metholology and data collection- It wasn't called statistics and for the life of me I can't remember what the class name was- it'll come to me when I least expect it to! LOL


Beth- If you need a reference let me know- I saw your request on FB.


LeeAnn- Hope you were able to make arrangements for your DD for tonight- Good luck with the long day today!


Marisa- Any big plans for the weekend?


Off to get ready- have a wonderful day friends!

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Hi, remember me?

Joanne, thanks. If you would be so kind to e-mail me your contact information, I will use you for a reference. I appreciate it. :hug Happy TGIF. Happy Anniversary! How many years is it now? Enjoy your fun but busy weekend. I can't wait to see a picture of the new baby blanket.


Stacy, big hugs for the FA mess. I still have my fingers crossed that my son's will end up OK. He has a class that doesn't start until the second 8 weeks, which brings him to a full-time student. That may cause a bit of a problem. So far, it seems to be OK. How do you find time to do your school work with all the other things you need to get done? I am amazed by the energy I see from my friends on this list.


Marisa, congrats on the 8-patient week. I hope things continue to grow for you. I signed up for the mystery CAL, but the clues were never sent to me. I guess that's a good thing. I haven't been able to concentrate on any crochet projects lately.


LeeAnn, busy busy busy. I am very proud of you for taking the time to work out with everything else going on. I can't believe you weren't allowed to bring your dd with you to your family night.


I am having fits with the stupid security clearance form I have to fill out. They are asking for dates and locations of all the tickets I've gotten -- I've been driving for 32 years -- and all the accidents I've been involved in. I never kept those records. Didn't know I'd need them. They are also asking about family members that have been arrested. OK, how distant do I go? Do I include nieces and nephews, or do they just mean siblings, parents, children...???

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Good....almost evening ladies :eek:hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert


I had a busy day I guess :shrug Well, last night I watched tv and worked on the knit sweater and guess what.....I can officially tell you it is COMPLETE!!! I didn't get any pictures yet though. It's ok, definitely really good for being one of my first big knit projects (I was ambitious in choosing this to start with). I think it will be more of a housecoat :lol


Just got a text from my friend that just had Delany. Mom went home from the hospital on Tuesday. Last night was the first night they put Delany in a crib and out of the isolette. She did great and her body temp remained normal. She's eating well and assuming no more complications she is anticipated to be discharged on Sunday :clap:yay Thank you all so much for your prayers :hug


OK, back to my day.....Went swimming this morning and was cut short because my googles strap broke :( I had a family of 4 patients this morning (all repeats, but usually just the parents come). Did all that paperwork. Had to get paperwork together to extend the deferment on my student loans. Then ran to Dick's to get a new pair of googles, and the market. Back here and am just getting a moment to check in before I head out for the day. I have to stop in tomorrow morning, but not sure if I'll have time to check in or not.


Stacy - Mary is doing well. She's coming out to visit next weekend for the community day event I have a table at. I never much liked philosophy either :no Congrats on your A :clap Good luck finding study time :xfin


Joanne - We have the Pitt game tomorrow at noon and then on Sunday is the first home Steelers game so I'll tailgate with them, then my usual of hanging out at the bar during the game and meet up with them after.


Beth - Sorry you never got the mcal clues :think Maybe it was fate :shrug Sorry you're having trouble with your clearance form, I can't say that I know the answers you're looking for. Is that what you need references for? You can use me as well if you still need more. Let me know.


LeeAnn - Thinking of you and hoping you are going to have some 'me' time this weekend :xfin

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Marisa, enjoy tailgating at the Steelers game. My sister would love to be with you there. She's one of those Ohio girls with a thing for the Steelers. There's a lot of them.


Joanne, thanks for the reference. I got the paperwork done earlier than I expected. I get to go in early today to get it all turned in. What plans do you have for the weekend? Will there be any football involved? How is your weather? It is so beautifully cool here now. I love autumn.


LeeAnn, I hope you get to relax this weekend. So how did the family night go? Are your men off camping? Are you and dd going to do something special while they are gone?


Stacy, :cheeran A!!! Hooray!!! :cheer You are so impressive. I love having smart friends. It must be a challenge to keep up with all the school work going on at your house. I hope FA is fixed.


Well, I have my meeting at the police station to turn in the background check form, then I intend to plan my menu for next week, get my shopping list all ready, go buy more toner for my printer, and relax! I hope you all have relaxing days, too.

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Good morning friends!


Beth, are you applying for a job on base? :think All of this security clearance stuff would have me in fits, too. Good luck with submitting it- I hope all goes well! :hug I don't know how FA works out there, but ours is disbursed twice a semester. Last year I had a class for the last 8 weeks- the first half I only received my award for 3/4 of a semester, and the last half I received the full award. :xfin that your son's works out, too!


Joanne, hope you're having an awesome day with the yard sale and dinner/beach date with dh! :hug:hug:hug Was the class you had called sociological analysis? It is very similar to stats, but both are required for a social sciences degree here. :shrug Thankfully we haven't started using SPSS yet- some classes actually start out with it. :eek


Marisa, glad to hear Mary is doing well and will be visiting soon. :yes Woohoo for your 8-patient week! Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned.


Leeann, the crazy week is done! I hope you have a chance to relax this weekend. :hug:hug:hug


Well, yesterday I didn't study, either. :ohdear Mia spilled a half-gallon of milk on the carpet before school, so I had to steam-clean that, and afterward I ended up cleaning both bathrooms and my bedroom, and doing all of the laundry. BUT dh came home last night and said MIL asked for the girls to spend the weekend with them. :whew So it looks like I will have some study time this weekend after all. :yes

I baked blueberry scones this morning, and I need to pack the girls' clothes. Hoping to talk dh into going to the Cuban bakery for some coffee later. :yes:devil

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Evening friends!


Looks like I have survived the week but boy am I a bit tired.


Thursday dd stayed home sick, she has a cold. I had to take off from work as dh had taken off Friday and Monday. I took her to the dr because I thought she had strep..but no strep just a fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose and congestion and an ear ache.


Yesterday I had to leave work early to pick up her to take her to my parent's house as my aunt has sever arthritis and respiratory issued-I didn't want to share our germs with her. Then ran back to work, didn't get home until 8:45 then had an order to fill..and then up this morning to run some more. Got home awhile ago, made dd hot tea, gave her meds and sent her to bed. Think I will join her as I just do not have the energy to run anymore.


hoping all of you had the best day ever! Beth-I would love to be listed as a reference if you need me.


hugs n squishes dear friends! Will post more in the a.m.

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Good morning!

Up early- but think I'll be heading back to bed in a bed and try to catch a little more shut eye- but right now, wide awake so thought I'd pop in!


Yesterday was a busy day! But what glorious weather! It reminded me of my wedding day- the skies were blue, sun was shining and the humidity was low- just on the day I got married.


I went to my friends house to help her set up for the garage sale, and stayed till about 1. DH and I headed down to the ocean and walked around the shops and then went to early dinner. After dinner we walked along the boardwalk. There were tents set up on the beach for a wedding reception- and we saw the bride and groom having some photo shoots- it was beautiful. I really got a kick out of the bride who had on pink flip flops under her gorgeous wedding gown.


Today is football Sunday and I'm so glad that my Giants are playing the early game! I'm hoping to get a little crocheting in. I did finish the baby RR for my co-worker- will try and get pics later today when the sun is out. It's supposed to be a beautiful day again today.


LeeAnn- Gentle hugs for your DD! Sorry to hear she is under the weather. Hope your 'men' are having a good camping weekend and that you get to relax a bit!


Beth - How did it go yesterday? When do you find out if you interview (or was yesterday the interview?)


Stacy- Hoping that you were able to talk DH into going to the Cuban bakery! Enjoy the time getting your studying done without interruption from your DD's! I think it's a win-win- grandparents get to spend time with the kiddos and you and DH get your schoolwork done!


Marisa-How was the PITT game? Have fun at the tailgate today! Sounds like so much. Nothing like some football fun. I just love this time of year!


Well, that's about it from this neck of the woods. Have a great day!!!!

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Hope everyone had a spectacular day!! The weather was awesomenesss!!!! I went back to sleep for 2 hours after posting here this morning and then dh took me out to breakfast at I-hop! this afternoon went to DD's and watched the Giants game Ryan and her!! My SIL had to leave for work at 1:30 and let me tell you- it was hard for him- He loves the Giants.

Took a nice walk after the game to enjoy the gorgeous weather.


Off to finally pick up the hook-

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Hi all,

Mu dd's laptop is having hard drive errors, so she's using mine a lot, so I won't be on much until we get that fixed..


Big hugs to all of you.


Oh, the job at the police station did not pan out. I'm kind of glad -- the information desk is behind safety glass. All communication is through an intercom system. I would feel so confined. You cannot cage the wild Beth!

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Good morning!


Beth- Oh, that is not good that DD's laptop is having hard drive issues. Was everything backed up on an external hard drive? It's not difficult to replace the hard drive- DH replaced mine- but I had everything backed up on an external hard drive, so when he installed the new one, I hooked the external hard drive up to the laptop and all my things were then put back onto the laptop.


I chuckled at the 'can't cage Wild Beth"!!!! When the right position comes along, you'll know it. Too bad you had to spend all that time with that crazy application! Good practice though!


Marisa- Congrats on the Eagles and Steelers wins! And Pitt!!! My teams Rutgers and Giants won too---it's fun to win!!!


Stacy- Hope you and DH got lots of quality studying in while the kiddos were at your in-laws!


LeeAnn- I hope YOU got to relax----even if just for a little....and that your DD is feeling better!


Gotta run- clock is ticking----time to start another week in Paradise!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert! :wink


Well, when I left here Sat...Sloan and I made a pit stop at the bux and then I dropped him at his grandma's and got home just in time to walk down to the Pitt game with our neighbors. Steph was running late so I took the tickets for another couple friends of ours. We met them at the bar and then Pitt was doing so well that we decided we had to stay where we were and couldn't go to the game :eek They won against Virginia Tech, which was definitely an upset (Pitt never wins against them). When we came back I stopped at the neighbors for a little while, then headed home and crashed (probably about 7-8pm) and I didn't wake up unti 7am Sunday morning :eek


I tried to check in during my early morning hours awake alone, but my ipad won't load the pages anymore for this thread or the other....I think because they're too large of files :think I was able to load shorter threads though. Anyways, then I crocheted a bit and watched tv. Got myself together and we had friends coming over for noon to eat and we left the house at 1 for the tailgate (Steelers played at 4:30). The Eagles played at 1 so I told my friend to update me, but my fellow tailgaters had a tv set up for the game (and not because of the Eagles, but because of the Ravens who is the Steelers arch enemy) And the Eagles won :clap Another upset :D The Steelers also won....it was a good weekend for us :yes


I had a patient at 9:30 and she just left a few minutes ago. I have to find time to clean the house this week because my parents are coming out Thursday night (Mary too) and Steph won't have time this week. Her and Bean are not going to the Pirates game on Wed and asked if I want the tix, so am debating there :think


Oh, Delany got discharged from the hospital yesterday morning so was able to spend her very first evening in her new home with her parents :manyheart I got a picture of her in the car seat when they were getting themselves together and she sure is super tiny!!!!


Beth - Glad you got all your paperwork taken care of. Sorry the police station job is a no go, but you're right I'd feel confined too :yes You'll find the right place for you. I hope dd's computer gets fixed without any problems. One of the guys at our tailgate live in Cleveland. He's from here and we see his brothers often. He gets in for a handful of games a year, but he came yesterday.


Stacy - Sorry Mia spilled the milk, but at least you have super clean carpets now :devil I hope you got some good study time in while the girls were with MIL and I hope you talked dh into the Cuban Bakery :xfin


LeeAnn - I hope dd is feeling better :hug I also hope that this week goes a bit smoother for you!


Joanne - We both had a good weekend with our football :h5 Congrats on finishing the baby rr, can't wait to see it :bounce

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Come out come out wherever you busy ladies are- LOL---Just kidding around- life has a way of interfering with "ville time"!!!!


Hope you ALL had a great day- I'm off to craft club in a few- made it a point to leave work on time today!!!

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Good evening friends!


So sorry I was scarce this weekend. I finally took a day to relax. Yesterday I cleaned a bit in the morning but really just lazed around for the rest of the day. It was wonderful! I finished another scarf that I had been working on and made a batch of soap for an order.


Joanne-Happy Late Anniversary! I am so happy that you and your dh spent a wonderful afternoon together. Breakfast at I hop sounds delish! Mm mmm Did you have a great time at craft club this evening?


Beth-so sorry to hear that the job did not work out, but as you say, can’t keep you caged in. I loved it! Made me giggle. Thank you, I needed that. Have you met up with your IRL crochet buddies?


Stacy-did you get all of your homework done? How’s school going for your girls? My kiddos tend to make messes on the days that I am super tired and short in the patience department. Silly I know.


Marisa-you must have been tired, I am sure of it! WTG for your teams winning. That is also wonderful that your parents and Mary are going out to visit, exciting.


We finally had the Feds at work today, so glad. They will be there again tomorrow then we will have all of that over and done with. My dd is feeling better, she still has a cough but seems to be on the mend. She is so cute, she is running for student council. Last night she created a poster and fliers. I hope that she gets it because she is so very responsible. The men in our family had a great time camping, it was super cold 35F, they are exhausted too.


This evening I whipped up a batch of face soap. It is a new recipe. Shea butter base, oatmeal, kaolin clay and almond & honey fragrance oil. It is supposed to cleanse while not drying out your skin. I tried a bit and it worked wonderfully! Smells great too! I am going to test if for a week and have dh, ds and a coworker test before I whip up another batch to sell. I am thinking it will be better for my ds as Proactive is harsh. It makes him extremely sensitive to the sun-his face turned orange. Wish me luck!


Going to hop in the shower and call it an early night. I have continued with my workouts but do not feel energized. I think I just need more rest. I have lost 6 pounds of body fat, 3 pounds of weight and about 5 inches total. Woohoo!


Night friends. Hugs n extra squshers!

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Joanne, nothing was backed up on my dd's computer. This will be a learning experience for her which we may all benefit from watching.


Marisa, glad you are having fun and staying busy. I'll bet it will be great to see your parents. I hope you find time to get the cleaning done. You can come over here and clean more if you like.


LeeAnn, I'll bet you are tired. You push so hard. Congrats on the weight loss. Not an easy task. How do you know how much of the weight you've lost is fat? I'd like to know that if I ever get serious about my weight-loss.


Stacy, I hope school is going well for you and your family. It's nice that you will get some study time while the girls are at their grandparents.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I've been busy all day. I had a new patient this morning :clap and then I went to see my chiro :yes Then we went for lunch and discussed some insurance changes that happened this month. I just got back now and still need to run to the bank.


Not much last night, I did a little hooking, but not much. Oh, I still need to share the picture of my sweater I think :think


Joanne - I hope you had fun at craft club


LeeAnn - So glad to hear you finally had a somewhat relaxing day. Let me know how you're soap works. I used proactiv for years and just switched to something else just because I can no longer afford to spend that much :( WTG dd....sending her some prayers that she wins


Beth - I really dislike cleaning very much.....unfortunately, it's something that just NEEDS to be done.....esp when mom and dad are coming :yes:lol

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:hi friends!!


Leeann, glad to hear dd is feeling better. This weather is just crazy and causing all sorts of sickness. Your men went camping in 35F? That is nuts! Good luck with the face wash. I use Proactive also, it is seriously the only thing I can use, that will get rid of this darned acne. :xfin that dd wins her student council election!


Marisa, sounds like you had a fun weekend. Good luck getting your cleaning done. How long will your parents and Mary be staying? I love your housecoat/sweater. :yes


Joanne, sounds like you had a wonderful time with dh! :manyheart How funny that the bride was wearing flip-flops...but I suppose you can't really wear heels on the beach. :lol Glad to hear you made it craft club. What are you working on these days?


Beth, sorry you didn't get the job, but as everyone else said, it wasn't meant to be. I had a good chuckle at "can't cage the wild Beth." :lol Hope your dd doesn't lose too much from her laptop- I also learned that lesson the hard way. :ohdear


I got all of my stats homework finished this weekend- 4 chapters and a review sheet. :whew That never would have happened if the girls were here. Thank goodness for grandparents! I think that I did about average on the exam today. Most of the true/false and the written questions were easy, it's just the multiple choice that got me.

One of Isabella's fish died, so I ran out on Saturday to get that, then dh and I went to a new salad place called Chop Stop. It is SO yummy! Basically it is just salads (Greek, bbq chicken, cobb, Italian, etc...whatever type you can think of) and the ingredients are all chopped up really small and tossed together with dressing, right in front of you. I'm inspired to start making them at home for lunches and sides for dinners. :yes So, no Cuban bakery, but I suppose this was much healthier. :lol Then we went to the Bux to study, but there were no tables open, so we went to the other coffee shop and stayed for about an hour. It was way too noisy, though.

Other than that, nothing exciting. Dh and I started watching episodes of Breaking Bad on Netflix- not sure how I feel about it. Dh is really into it.

I need to scoot and take the dogs for a walk. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good day friends!


Stacy-that is wonderful that your inlaws were able to take care of your gallies while you and dh worked on schoolwork. I found it difficult to squeeze in study time when my kiddos were little, I remember getting up before them to work on projects and staying up into the wee hours of the morning.


Beth-how was your Tuesday? Did your dd get her computer problems fixed, hope she didn’t lose homework assignments. They measured my body fat by taking all of my measurements, weight and height. Then they redid everything and entered it into this little machine, I was so excited with the results.


Joanne-hope Paradise wasn’t too bad for you. Will you be doing anything exciting this winter?


Marisa-how’d that cleaning go? Get it all done? Our house is so small that it is fairly easy to clean and make messes in. Your sweater is beautiful! I adore the colors! what an awesome job you did!


Work was ok, we finally had our Fed review, seems like it went well..so glad that it is over and done with. The guys are at Scouts, and dd is relaxing. I just finished taking pictures of the new lip balms that I made, some tarts and a sugar scrub. Not sure if I will get to adding it tonight, I may just take a break and relax.


Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning! Happy Hump Day!!


I had a busy day yesterday. The weather here was quite interesting. After days of gorgeous, what I call near perfect weather, we had rain, wind, and tornado watches all day! Luckily, no bad storms/tornadoes where I am. I couldn't wait to get home from work and be in the safety of my own home. I figured if a tornado was going to come, I'd much rather NOT be in my car!


Marisa- What a beautiful sweater!!! I love it, and you did such a great job knitting it. I'm duly impressed!!!!


LeeAnn- Glad that the inspection is over with and hope that your DD is on the mend. I chuckled at your question about whether I had any exciting plans for the winter! It's still officially 'summer' here for another couple of days, and then we have my favorite season, fall! I'm wondering if you meant if I had any exciting plans for the weekend?:) My GS is finally getting baptized on Sunday so it will be a nice weekend ahead. My oldest is his godmother so she'll be coming down from Boston on Saturday. :manyheart. I'll also get to see my brothers and my middle DD- it'll be a nice family day on Sunday. It'll be so good to see my DD on Saturday- I can't wait- although I think she won't get here till late afternoon. I did laundry last night (that didn't get done last weekend) and I plan on doing a little cleaning tonight and tomorrow night.


Stacy- That Chop Stop sounds like a fun place. I love salads and often bring salads to work for lunch. We have a place around here called Salad Works- and sometimes, I'll treat myself to one of their salads. I'm sure you did fine on your Stats exam! I forgot to answer your question the other day about the soc class I took- I think it WAS Sociological Analysis. ;)


Beth-I love those pics you put on FB of the beautiful fall foliage!! I usually try every fall to take a trek to Boston- just to enjoy the beautiful foliage on the trip up. Unfortunately I won't get to this fall since we have stepdaughter's wedding in AL in October and I am taking a few days off work for that.


I'm up very early- and know that I will pay dearly for that later on today- but I'm wide awake and will only feel worse if I go back to sleep for another 45 minutes or so. I'm working on a white baby blanket to have here in reserve and it's almost done, so may just work on that for a bit.


Hope you all have a good day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste yet again :lol


Hmmm, I got home pretty late last night so just watched a show while I ate and crocheted just a little. Then read a chapter and a half of my book. Up and to the pool this morning. Got the sheets washed and beds almost made :D Since we couldn't remember the last time we washed the sheets in the guest room, we decided they need done for my parents visit :eek My brochures that I ordered should be delivered this morning. I have an early afternoon patient and then another at 5, so hoping to run a few errands in between. Possibly make it back to the gym for an aerobics class tonight. Then need to clean between tonight and tomorrow morning. Tomorrow I have to make sure I have everything together for the community day event on Saturday so I don't have a whole lot to do on Friday while our company is here :whew


Stacy - Great job on getting so much stats homework done and doing well on your exam....multiple choice always get me, I'm horrible at them :blush In chiro school I learned to cover all the answers and to come up with my answer first and then choose it if it was there. Otherwise, I could literally rationalize every answer given even if it was completely ridiculous :shrug The chop stop sounds awesome, I used to go to a deli by my school's clinic while I was in long island and they did salads like that :yes My parents and Mary are all staying until Sunday :yay


LeeAnn - I haven't done the cleaning yet :eek I'll start this evening and finish in the morning. Steph's house is fairly large so it takes a while :sigh Glad to hear the fed review is over and that you made some more goodies and getting some relaxing time :hug


Joanne - the weather here has been rainy and stormy for the past couple days, no tornados though :whew I see the sun peeking out now though :yes I also don't always like to lay back down when I get up early either for that same reason.

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Hi all,

Quick run by -- my dd's computer is still down, and my son started his math class, so all 3 need tutoring time now, so I am finding myself with little computer time. I am glad I am getting to help the kids with their math. My dd and I laughed so much today while she was working on hers... Good times.


Stacy, The salad place sounds like a lot of fun. I want to start eating more salads, too. Yum Sorry the cafe was too loud for studying.


Marisa, congrats on the new patient. Good luck getting the cleaning done for the parents' visit. Your sweater is unbelieveable. I love it. How does it feel to have it finished?


Joanne, your weekend sounds busy, but so wonderful. What a nice thing to look forward to enjoying.


LeeAnn, can't wait to see all the pics of the new items. I am amazed at what you can make. I hope your dd is doing better.


Well, I need to call it a night. Good night!

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Hi friends!


Beth, I'm glad you are still able to tutor your inventions with their college classes. :manyheart I'm sure they really appreciate it, too! Hmmm...how good are you with statistics? :devil:lol I hope your dd's laptop gets straightened out soon. Btw, I am loving the photos you post on FB of Virginia. So pretty! :hug:hug:hug


Marisa, how's the cleaning going? I despise cleaning, also- and completely rationalize it as "the kids are going to mess it up again anyway..." Too bad my dh doesn't see it that way. :blush:lol Yay for a new patient! :cheer


Joanne, I had to chuckle at Ryan "finally" getting baptized. I'm quite sure that is *exactly* how my MIL feels, since Eva still isn't. :blush How wonderful that all of your dd's will be together and you will see your brothers! :clap


Leeann, how's it going? Glad to hear the Fed. review is over with, hopefully the head tacos will relax a little now. :hug:hug:hug My MIL has 100% arthritis in both knees, so she can only watch my girlies every so often, and usually only if FIL is there with her. They are always wonderful about taking the girls on a weekend when we have a test, though. :yes I am very blessed in that aspect. Is dd recovered from her cold by now?


I am frustrated with Olive. :sigh Yesterday she went to the bathroom indoors twice (we keep a plastic sheet on the carpet while we are gone for this very reason, so at least it didn't soak in.) She ate a pencil, a box of crayons, and chewed the stuffing from a couch cushion. Today, she went to the bathroom yet again, and ate an entire bag of bread. :eek I've been taking her for long walks, and also in the car when I don't have to get out (like last night when I had to take and pick up dh from school.) This is really frustrating because I really can't do more than I am already, and she didn't do any of these things in the summer, so I know it's separation anxiety. Also, I leave the hamsters' cage on the table in the mornings because they have to stay in the a/c. I'm very worried about coming home to find them gone. :(

Let's see...we did not get our test results today. The instructor said it can take at least a week, sometimes up to 3 weeks (!!!) if all of her classes have exams.

That's all the news from here. I have a couple assignments to finish before picking up the girls. Love and hugs! And TGI-almost-F! :lol


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