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Some good clean fun?!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, I got a text this morning from my friend's dh in his scrubs ready to go into the operating room for the c-section. It was scheduled for 9. I just saw a pic on FB that her sister posted a few minutes ago!!!! :yay:cheer:clap Her name is Delany and she's only 3 lbs 15 oz, so I'm sure some prayers can still be helpful for her. However, in the pic she was not attached to any tubes or anything.


I did 2 rows on the edging of my knit sweater that I stated....oh, about 2 years ago. When I finally finish it I'm not sure what I'll do with it. It's not the best for giving as a gift or even wearing out and I was probably close to 50 pounds heavier when I started it :eek


I hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful weekend :hug

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Back again!


I found this link over at Ravelry and thought you ladies would be interested (not necessarily to participate, but just to see) I know we're all short on time lately. But I think I'm going to make a panel and I may have talked Maryann into it too :devil


They are planning on covering the 7th street bridge here in Pitt next spring! So I just had to share the news



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I'm getting ready to head out and yep....I just wanna be home. But wanted to drop in to tell you that both Delany and her mother are doing well :clap:yay She is in nicu for a precaution due to size and all the complications, but so far so good :xfin


Not sure I'll check in over the weekend, I think it's going to be busy so if not, I'll see y'all on Monday

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I'm getting ready to head out and yep....I just wanna be home. But wanted to drop in to tell you that both Delany and her mother are doing well :clap:yay She is in nicu for a precaution due to size and all the complications, but so far so good :xfin


Not sure I'll check in over the weekend, I think it's going to be busy so if not, I'll see y'all on Monday

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


Football weekend here-- college tomorrow and NFL Sunday- and lots of :crocheting

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, I got a text this morning from my friend's dh in his scrubs ready to go into the operating room for the c-section. It was scheduled for 9. I just saw a pic on FB that her sister posted a few minutes ago!!!! :yay:cheer:clap Her name is Delany and she's only 3 lbs 15 oz, so I'm sure some prayers can still be helpful for her. However, in the pic she was not attached to any tubes or anything.


I did 2 rows on the edging of my knit sweater that I stated....oh, about 2 years ago. When I finally finish it I'm not sure what I'll do with it. It's not the best for giving as a gift or even wearing out and I was probably close to 50 pounds heavier when I started it :eek


I hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful weekend :hug

Congratulations to your friend. My twins were 3 lbs. 15 oz and 3 lbs. 8 oz, and they are now tall, gorgeous, athletic, beautiful adults, so tell her that it's a great size. I am glad Delany and her mom are doing well. Big hugs!

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Hello all.

Joanne, enjoy your football weekend. There will probably be a lot of that going on here, too. I hope to drag my daughter to the local Chesapeake Bay festival (called Bay Days.)


Marisa, good job, picking up the sweater you've been working on for so long. I am going to change my original plans for my sister's Christmas present, just get her a scarf and hat (and maybe mittens) that match her puppies sweaters.


LeeAnn, congrats on the new orders.


Stacy, how are classes going?


My kids seem to be doing pretty well with school. They are all taking this semester very seriously. I am so glad we got everybody laptops over the last couple years. They are being used constantly. I've seen several papers come home with high marks -- I am very proud. How are your girls doing with school?


Well, I haven't had my coffee yet -- better get going on that before I get the headache.

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Good morning!

Beth- I hope you got your coffee-- nothing worse than a lack of coffee headache!!! I don't think you can survive in college without a laptop or at the very least an iPad or netbook. Glad to hear that all 3 of yours have one! I miss college- can't believe it'll be 4 years next month since I earned my bachelor's. I can't wait for this afternoon- Rutgers first home game- I won't be going but it's on TV (and truthfully, it's too hot/humid to be there in person) DH said this morning that he'd like to go to game this year, so we'll plan on going to homecoming I think. I've gone the last few years with DD- but now with Ryan- not so sure that'll work out- at least not yet--maybe in a few years!!!


Got up early with intentions of starting the clue#2 of the mysteryghan- but then decided it would be better to get the cleaning out of the way first. Now I'm heading to the grocery store- and then this afternoon will be play time!!!


Hope you ALL have a good weekend-- and LeeAnn- I'll be thinking of you at the Potatoe Festival and Beth at Bay Days!!!

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Hey ladies :hi


Just a very quick check in since I had to stop by the office in my travels. Eye exam this morning, market, and staples....AND since the bux is in between I got a coffee too. Also picked up the pumpkin via packets to try, but I'll leave them here :devil


I hope you're all having a great weekend so far and I'll see you tomorrow or Monday.

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Good morning!


I ventured out yesterday to do grocery shopping in between the rain/storms! And I stopped at the Bux too! But I forgot to look for the pumpkin spice VIA packets. Marisa- let me know how you like them! I did treat myself to a pack of the Sedona Dark Coffee K-cups for my Keurig though!


Crazy weather yesterday- with a tornado touch down in Brooklyn, NY- which is kind of unheard of. But today, it is BEAUTIFUL!!! Sunny, low humidity- touch of fall in the air!!! I love it!!! Definitely going to spend some time outside today! I'm going to see if DD wants to take Ryan to Rutgers Gardens to walk around today- it's such a nice place and we talked about going there when the weather cooled down. Not sure what her plans are for the day, though!


Hope the potato festival was a success, LeeAnn!


Beth- did you get the Bays Days? Or was the weather has awful there as it was here?


Stacy- What have you and the fam been up to? Bet you are very busy with school and generally running the household. The beginning of the school year always seems a little crazy with all the forms to fill out, and just generally getting back into the routine of things.


Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

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Good Morning friends!


Joanne-I tried the pumpkin spice coffee...delish! Mmmm mmm m soo good. Your Sunday sounds wonderful! How is your daughter feel? Is she tired? I remember those days of exhaustion when I was preggers with both of my kiddos. Did you get in lots of hook time while watching the games?


Beth-how was your weekend? Sounds like your inventions are having a wonderful college year. Good job helping them. :manyheart


Marisa-I forgot what your plans were for the weekend but am positive that you are having the most awesome of times. :hug:hug


Stacy-I hear ya on the back to school business, seems like I just can't catch a breath.


This last week was rough, I worked a 10 hour day on Friday then it was home to pack for the harvest and clean. We were supposed to have a house showing yesterday but they cancelled. :( but on the flip side our house is nice and sparkly. :devil


The Potato Harvest was fun, cold and chilly. It was raining when we left the house by the time we got to Monte Vista it had stopped raining but it was seriously overcast and chilly. I don't know what I was thinking wearing capris and sandals but I felt like a little Popsicle. Dh drove with me to help me set up the canopy but then had to rush back home to pick up the kiddos. Ds had his first day of bowling. Parents had to be there to sign paperwork and help choose teams. After they were done bowling they drove back to Monte Vista to sell chocolate bars. Dd has a school funcion that they are raising money for. She sold 60 bars in two days! done!


Dh left early this morning to go haul wood. His parents needed help, ds was supposed to go but he is not feeling well.


this week is going to be one of those hairy weeks that you just want to skip.

Mon-early release-still need to figure out what to do with our kiddos.


Wed-confirmation classes begin-parents have to meet to fill out paper work and such

Thurs-can't remember but know it is something..

Friday-the men in our house are leaving on a three day camping trip, I have Family Night at work till 8..have to figure out what I am going to do with my dd..hoping they will let her go to the family night with me as it ends at 8.


Sat-have to pick up furniture for my mom and peel chile as we do this every year.


Uggghhh getting tired thinking of it. Today I am working on laundry and bathrooms then I plan on just watching the tube and calling it a day.


best get my chores done. hugs n squishes!


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Monday morning- and here we go again!


LeeAnn- Hoping that the 'hairy week you want to skip' goes by quickly- did you figure out what you are going to do with DD?


Marisa- Did you watch the Steelers/Broncos? I fell asleep in the 3rd quarter! I was working on the bubbles baby blanket---and felt my eyes growing sleepy! I think it was the nice long walk I took with DD, Ryan and Belle! It felt good to walk in pleasant temps--


Stacy- Love the pics you posted on FB. Did you get in any hook/yarny time yesterday?


Beth- How was your weekend? Now that Amanda is in college, does she still help you with the volunteering with the kitties?


Since it was so nice out yesterday, I made meatloaf and potatoes- -I haven't wanted to turn the oven on in a while. I added cheddar cheese to it (my son-in-law does that) and it was delicious.


Off I go as the clock is ticking!


Have a good Monday----and extra 'hugs and squishes' to LeeAnn!

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Good morning ladies :hi


It was a good weekend over here :yes Let's see after the rain stopped on Saturday, it was gorgeous out. It's supposed to warm up a bit this week and then cool off again! Sat after I got back from my errands I got some crochet time in with this weeks clue for the mcal Joanne and I are doing. Then we went out with the neighbors to celebrate her 30th birthday from last week :clap It was a late night but we did have a lot of fun and there was a large group of us :yes


Yesterday I ran a couple errands to get some dough for making stromboli for the game and the bread store for our regular weekly loaf of bread. I spend the afternoon hooking and watching football. The Eagles won :clap I wouldn't say they exactly played well, but they pulled out the win. Then I watched Green Bay/San Fran game.....WTG Ackers with your 63 yard field goal to tie for the record :clap (I always loved him and am still sad he's no longer with my Eagles :( ) The neighbors came over and we made our stromboli and grilled a flat bread, Bean grilled some shrimp :drool They stayed for the first half of the game. I went upstairs for the 2nd half to finish up my mcal clue. I'll post a pic later if I don't get sidetracked :lol


This morning I slept in, yet again, and didn't get to the gym swimming so will go tonight for the turbo kick class :xfin


Joanne - Well, I'm trying a pumpkin spice VIA packet as we speak....and I find it gross :yuck Only because it's still sweet :( Just what I was hoping to avoid. Will have to stick to other brands for the pumpkin spice :yes


LeeAnn - Glad you had fun at the potato harvest. I can't imagine they'd say dd can't come to family night....it's family night and she's family! WTG to dd selling all that candy in 2 days :clap How is ds liking school?


Beth and Stacy - :hi there, how are ya?

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Evening friends!


Joanne-how is Monday night football? I heard about it on the radio as I was driving in to work this morning and thought of you. Hope you are enjoying it.


Marisa-your weekend did indeed sound fun and busy. Do you have lots of patients this week, sure hope so. :-)


Beth-miss ya, hope all is well.


Stacy-how's it going?


Today was pretty slow..so happy about that. I left work an hour early so that I could work out and still pick up the kiddos at a decent hour. I have to flex my time as Head teacher's do not get over time but teachers do..silly actually but oh well. I asked if I could bring dd with me on Friday night, my boss said no..ugghhh will have to see if my great aunt will watch her, I am sure that she will it is just going to be a long day.


other than that, nothing juicy..I have continued to work out 3 days a week, I was going 4 days but just can't seem to fit it all in.


going to take a hot bath as my wrists and elbows are really hurting..


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning!

Good for you, LeeAnn- taking time to work out among everything else you do!! I really need to start getting into a routine again! Trying to walk when I can- and it's so much more fun when DD and I go together with Ryan! She likes to walk fast like me so we get a nice 'walk-out' in! LOL


Marisa- I ended up buying the pumpkin spice VIA yesterday on my way home- wish I had waited for your review of it. Wonder if there is any way to make it less sweet? Not use the entire packet???


Beth and Stacy- How are you doing?


I went to craft club last night- and had a blast. Worked on the RR for a bit and then pulled out my knitting. No Monday night football for me- unless it's a team I have an interest in.


Off I go to get ready for another day in Paradise.


Can't believe it's 11 years since the tragedy of 9/11. It seems like yesterday. Never forget!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert :wink


Last night I made it to the aerobics class. After dinner I watched tv upstairs and did 2 rows of the edging to my knit jacket :D One more row and then the cast off. I think then it's just the pocket edging :think


I went to the gym this morning too for a class (it's kind of annoying that the classes I like are mon night and tues morning :sigh And then again on wed night. They are canceling the thurs morning and adding a fri afternoon (but that one will always be hit or miss....not so sure I can get to that one).


I went this morning to see a guy about making some shirts for the community day event. Now I have to fill in Steph and my parents with the info.


LeeAnn - I don't have many patients this week. Last week I think I had 8 for the week though :clap It seems to bounce back and forth. So for 8 is my busiest week and that's happened twice :D:lol Glad you had a slow day yesterday :whew Sorry that dd can't come on Friday night :angry


Joanne - When I used the VIA packet, I started with a little and kept adding until the whole packet was in there.....I just didn't like it :yuck But let me know if you enjoy it, if you do I'll mail you the extras I have here. Otherwise I'll suffer through them just because I don't like to waste :shrug


I remember on 9/11, I was sitting in chiropractic school orientation that Tuesday (classes were beginning on Wed). They came in after the first hit to inform us, after the 2nd they dismissed us for the day until the evening dinner and made phones available for students to use. Since we were in upstate NY, we had alot of students from the area with families there. On a lighter note, we were a mess for our 1st day....everyone was walking in circles and we had no clue where classrooms were or anything :shrug


Beth and Stacy - Thinking of you hoping all is well :hug

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Hey all!


Marisa, sorry to hear you didn't like the VIA. I read the ingredients label while waiting in line this morning and I guess it still contains sugar and milk. Boo! Good for you going to the classes at the gym. Good luck getting the shirts!


Leeann, it stinks that the head taco won't let you take dd to Family Night. :xfin that your aunt can watch her. Good for you on working out even with your crazy schedule.


Joanne, glad to hear you had a great time at craft club! Walking-out with dd and Ryan sound like fun to me! How is your dd feeling?


Beth, what's shakin? Do you still volunteer with the kitties? Hope you had fun at Bay Days.


Yesterday, dh stayed home from work and we went for a nice, long walk in the morning. I really need to get moving and add exercise to my daily routine. :yes

My classes are going well. I only have on-campus classes on Tuesday/Thursday, so I have plenty of time to study this semester. It's the girls' homework that makes me crazy- Mia seems to be struggling with hers this year. Isabella is in the advanced class, so she has extra work on certain days, and it is above her grade level so she needs help with that. Yesterday after school, I had 3 kids to help with homework, and trying to do my own, then dh decided to ask me to look over an essay for him...:thair So I think I will just try to do as much of mine as possible so I don't have to work on any when the girls are home.

Well, that's all from here. I need to scoot and get dinner started and some laundry in the wash. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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I'll let you know about the Via, Marisa! I'm low on milk and it says to boil milk to make it- so it'll have to wait for another day!


Stacy- Did you get things straightened out with FA? I saw the post on FB--oh, how I don't miss the FA days!!!! Finally down to under 1,000 on student loans to pay off!!! Yipee!!!


Beth and LeeAnn- Hope you had a good day- I'm off to work on the mystery'ghan!

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All this talk about coffee makes me want another! This morning I made a 'Bux stop. They ran out of venti cups, so I received a trenta iced caramel macchiato (which I understand is one of the drinks NOT supposed to be made in a trenta size.) And only charged me for a grande. So, no- I do not need more coffee! :lol

The FA didn't get straightened out- I am so frustrated, and ready to just call it quits for this year. I know I can't- just tired of dealing with it. I had taken my W-2's in March, was told they are not required in paper form this year, that I had to link my FAFSA to the IRS online. Well, I went on Friday to see what was going on and the girl I spoke with moved my application to the top of the list since I've been registered since May. I made sure to ask if there was any paperwork I was missing and she said my file was complete and there were no other forms to submit. Well, this morning I received an email that I never submitted my W-2! I was seriously shaking...I went back to the FA office and the woman who helped me said it is now up to the counselor who reviews the file, if the W-2 needs to be submitted. I told her how long I've waited and that it really stinks that I tried to submit it before, and she said that if I bring it back by tomorrow morning, I should have a FA package put together by the end of next week. I sure hope so, because my books were so expensive this semester! I had to use the money I put away for Mia's soccer and Isabella's swimming for the fall. :(


Under $1000 on your loans! Oh my...I'm sure you'll do a major happy dance when you have that all paid off. :yes

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Praying that it all works out Stacy--FA can be so frustrating. I think it is a conspiracy to teach you 'the real world'---:lol:lol I know that one of my co-workers has been on the phone every day- dealing with some mishap with her son AND daughter's FA!!


Happy Hump Day everyone--time for me to get ready --

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here. Last night I just read, didn't even turn on the tv nor hook at all. This morning I went swimming at the gym and saw a patient already :D Just finished breakfast and here I sit trying to figure out what else needs to be done today. I make myself a to-do list, but I always manage to forget to put things on it :sigh:(


Stacy - I hope your financial aid gets figured out quickly! :xfin You sure do have a lot of homework...yours, dh's, and 3 kids :whew


Joanne - I shudder at my student loans :eek I just checked it yesterday because I need to extend my deferment...I think I'm still eligible for another 6 months before I need to use forbearance :think But 8 years later and it's still the same! IMO, education is highly overrated. I could have bought a nice house with my student loans :yes

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Good evening friends!


This week sure has been busy..but the weekend is almost here. woohoo!


Joanne-how was your day? Did you get to go for a walk?


Marisa-did you get your to do list done?


Stacy-did you get all of your FA stuff straightened out?


Just got home from Confirmation class, lots to do..I know if we take it one day at a time we will get to it all, just feels overwhelming.


Had a good day at work, we had to run a few errands, it was fantastic to get out of the center, we stopped for a cappuccino while we are running around town..delish!


off to watch Big Brother. Hugs n squishes!


Beth-miss you, hope all is well



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Hey all!


Leeann, good thinking to just take one day at a time and tackle that first. :yes You also just reminded me that I need to call about communion classes for two of my dd's. :blush Glad to hear you had a good day at work, and that cappuccino sounds :drool!


Joanne, I really feel for your coworker who is dealing with FA for two children! :eek Hope Paradise was good to you today, also.


Marisa, whatcha' reading? Did you get anything done on your to-do list? I'm great at making lists, but equally as great at leaving them at home or losing them. :blush:lol


Beth, how's it going? :hug:hug:hug


I dropped of my W2's bright and early, to a very abrupt woman who said she didn't know where it would go from here. Great. :sigh All I can do is wait and see, I guess.

The girls' school had a fundraiser at McDonald's, so we went there for dinner. Well, they did, anyway- I'm not a McD's fan. They had fun seeing their friends, and the teachers served the food. :lol We did a bit of grocery shopping afterward, then dh headed off to class.

Well, that's all the news from here- rather uneventful day. I have a philosophy essay due in 2 hours, so I should probably get moving on that. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- Glad to read that you are hanging in there and taking it one day at a time- that's all we can do, really! Happy that you were able to have some time to watch a little tv and relax!


Stacy- FA is such a necessary pain in the badorkus! Fingers crossed that all goes well with it. Did you get your philosophy paper done? I always worked best under pressure- it kind of gives you the adrenaline rush that you need to get it done! Are you liking the class? How's stats going?


Marisa- I still haven't finished the clue #2 on the mystery'ghan. I really need to have quiet to concentrate and have to have a 'fresh mind" if that makes sense. I can do mindless after work without a problem. I'm hoping to finish up clue 2 on Sunday and then tackle clue #3. (which will be out Friday night). This Saturday, my friend who just lost her Mom is having a garage sale (her town has a a town-wide garage sale this weekend). A few of us are going early Saturday to help her out. Then in the afternoon DH and I are going down to the beach and out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary. So Sunday is looking like the earliest I'll be working on the mystery'ghan. In the meantime, I'm making great progress on the baby RR for my co-worker's baby!!


Off to get ready-I have a few meetings today- and then tonight we'll be watching the Rutgers game!!


Beth- Miss you- hope all is well!!!


Have a good day!

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