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Good morning ladies :hi


Figured I'd check in while waiting for my new patient to arrive :D I did go with my sister and bf to the rib fest last night and one of the local bands played a show (they do every year there and it's free) We also met another friend and her husband there. Steph and I shared some ribs for one place, which were good.....until I tasted one of Bean's. They spot he got his at was WAY better! LOL But the brisket from there wasn't so hot :shrug The bad part is that every year we can never remember which we liked from the year before :think

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Marisa, the rib fest sounds great. I love some good ribs. Congrats on the new patient.


Joanne, I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Isn't it great to watch football again? And the "real" season will be here very soon. I hope the situation with the officials won't cause problems.


Stacy and LeeAnn, I hope you are enjoying your weekend, and getting some rest time in!


I got the meall planning and shopping done for the week. I am doing some items that I know aren't liked -- one son doesn't like chicken, the other doesn't like pork, but we are having both this week.

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Hi all!


Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! :hug:hug:hug We had a fantastic time at Knott's. :manyheart My dad stayed home, claiming a headache...but later it changed to an earache. :think Anyway, it was really fun- almost no one was at the park since it was a weekday (our school district had off for a furlough day.) So the rides had no lines and we tried a new restaurant for lunch, that we all ended up liking. :yes Dh got me a fancy new camera, and I promptly lost the manual. :eek So I have no clue how to use it, except for the 'auto' setting. :lol


Marisa, sounds like the rib fest was yummy! Prayers for your friend with the baby. I have a friend who was pregnant with triplets, one of them miscarried, but she delivered the other two, and the one that was still alive was very small due to the one that died but didn't miscarry. Of course, I'm not sure if that's the case for all of them, though. Please keep us updated!


Beth, I think your reward system is great. :lol Good luck with the menu. :lol Did I tell you we tried the BLT salad? It was so yummy! I may make it again very soon.


Leeann, how did the kiddos first week of school go? Hope you're having a relaxing long weekend. :hug:hug:hug


Joanne, I'm sure you are enjoying your long weekend, also! Do you have any Ryan-time planned? It's very sweet of you to spend time with your friend until her family arrives. :manyheart


It's been a long weekend already! On Friday we went to Knott's. Yesterday I was up early to do laundry, then we had Eva's party at dh's aunt's house. It was just a small family party, but it is tiring to have parties there. Today, dh is hunting with a friend from work. I have lots of cleaning to do, and thankfully my girls are content to relax and watch a movie or two. We may go to the park later, but I think we've been so busy that it's best we all just relax today. :yes


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Good morning and Happy Labor Day!

(Marisa-cut and paste alert)

I ended up going to DD's yesterday to watch Ryan- DD was going to prep some food for the bar-b-que so I volunteered to play with Ryan so she could get that done. Her MIL called - she had a procedure done last Mon and thought she had an infection- she had called her Doc and he told her to meet him at the ER --so DD took her there and I stayed with Ryan. I didn't get home till 10:30! She's ok, on antibiotics but my crocheting plans were out the window since I didn't plan on being over there so long. Hopefully this morning I can get a :crocheting time in before heading to the bar-b-que this afternoon.


Stacy- Your birthday celebration sounds great!!! It's always a plus when there are no lines at amusement parks! Maybe your Dad had an earache And a headache??? How long is he in town for?


Marisa- Hope you are enjoying the weekend- sounds like alot of fun plans -and congrats on another new patient!!! Can't believe it's a year since you left Philly!!!


Beth- That's great that you have been planning your meals- I should get back into that- I just feel like I do so much planning for things at work, I don't want to plan here at home too!! LOL Nice pic, BTW of you on FB!


LeeAnn How did the sale go? Are you spending today relaxing? I sure hope so- you have been on overdrive lately!


Hope you all have a good Monday!!! (and I will too since it's no work)

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Hi all. Have a great Labor Day!

Joanne, it was great that you were there when your dd needed you to help her mil. I'm sorry you missed out on crochet time.


Stacy, the time at Knotts Farm sounds perfect. Sorry your dad wasn't feeling well. That's a lot of birthday in a short time, in your family.


Marisa, So how many patients do you have now? We are still :cheer:cheer:cheer for you.


LeeAnn, I hope you are getting some fun and relaxation in this weekend.


Today we will be grilling burgers and chicken, if the weather permits, or cooking burgers and chicken inside if the weather doesn't. It's been very wet end of the summer here!

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Good morning and happy labor day!


Joanne, cut and paste alert!


Our parties were great and relaxing yesterday. Steph and bean had to head out this morning for the labor day parade, beans in the union and they walk. Then they have the pirates game this afternoon. I'm thinking I'll walk down to the rib feat for some brisket since I didn't get any the other might and that's what I really wanted. Also hoping for hook time to work on a mystery than that Joanne informed me of that just started on Saturday by a lady on ravelry.


Just spoke with my friend and she's still in the hospital, it's been confirmed she will be there until she has the baby. Between sat and sun the baby's heart rate keep dropping about 3-4x/day, but they always get it back up alright. They're really trying to hold her off to the 36 week mark. I think they're scheduling her c-section for Friday unless something more drastic happens. Wanted to keep you posted.


Joanne, you hit it exactly.....this is the weekend I moved out here last year!


Beth, I now have 42 patients, which is great but they don't all come regularly and the ones that do are about once a month for maintenance. So it just doesn't yet amount to the volume I need to be at least self sufficient. But I'd say overall I'm progressing at about what I expected :yes


Stacy, my friend did lose one of the twins at 6 months, but didn't miscarry so she's still carrying that one too.

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Happy Labor Day friends and good morning!


Marisa-keeping my fingers crossed that your friend can hang in there one more week. It is so difficult on the body/spirit to carry multiples. Your weekend sounds just perfect! My dh loves brisket too. :hug


Joanne-like Beth said, that was so great that you were able to help your dd out with Ryan, it is hard juggling everything-good thing she had a great example. :hug


Beth-burgers and dogs sounds perfect! Will be right on over. :lol


Stacy-lots of fun times with your family for sure. Awesome! What crochet project did you get to work on yesterday?


It hasn't exactly been the relaxing weekend I was hoping for. The sale went fairly well. They had music, it was nice to sit if only for a few minutes. We packed up early because it was threatening to rain. Then we bought lunch at one of the local restaurants and ate outside while listening to the music, trying to avoid the rain. :D Right next to the restaurant was a town library-they had books on sale. Bought two-one of these days I will get a chance to read. Then it was off to the in-laws to pick up the kiddos. They had met us at the event to pick up Cristopher & Celine. We visited for awhile then it was home again. I did get to relax Saturday evening but yesterday woke up and decided our house needed a thorough cleaning. The guys helped us out a teeny tiny bit but had to go pick up the furniture. My in-laws bought new furniture, they gave us a bedroom set and two dressers...wonderful actually! But now the house is a mess again. We are re-arranging..have most of my clothes away, but still have dd's room. She is a bit of hoarder-I am trying to convince her to donate some of the items she no longer uses ie. play dishes, dolls, toys. Ds has his room all organized again, still have to put attach the head board to our bed and then tidy up.


Also unpacked what I didn't sell at the sale,...adding more goodies to my etsy and still have more to shrink wrap, label, pic and add..seems like it will never be done, can't wait for work to be over and done with so that I can catch my breath.


best get back to work, the laundry is calling my name.


hugs n squishes!



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Quick pop in to say that Ryan was wearing a shirt at my DD and SIL's bar-b-que today.


The shirt said "I'M GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER!!!":clap:clap


Ryan will become a big brother in March and I'll have a second grandchild to spoil!! :manyheart

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Quick pop in to say that Ryan was wearing a shirt at my DD and SIL's bar-b-que today.


The shirt said "I'M GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER!!!":clap:clap


Ryan will become a big brother in March and I'll have a second grandchild to spoil!! :manyheart



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Good morning!


LeeAnn- Sorry that the weekend didn't bring you much time to relax! I was happy to read that the sale went well, though.


Beth- Did the rain hold out for you yesterday? We had a few spritzes, but for the most part, the bar-b-que was held outdoors and burgers, chicken and hot dogs were made on the grill! DD made a taco salad too- which I have to look up- she got it off of Cooks.com I believe- she told me to search Doritos taco salad.


Stacy- Enjoy your morning stats class (that seems like an oxymoron to me, since math was never my strong suit) LOL


Marisa- How's the mystery ghan coming along? I finished both motifs for the week and it was the first time I ever made bobbles.


Off to get ready! The service for my friends mom is this morning, so I'll go to work, leave to attend the service and then come back to work. It'll be a somewhat crazy day.


Have a good one!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert (it really just saves so much time :yes )


Well, the weekend was busy, but yesterday was relaxing. Yesterday, I just watched tv and crocheted. Took a walk down by the stadium for the rib fest to get some brisket. Uncle Kracker was having a free show at 4 and I was going to stay but it was so humid here yesterday and with all the stands having a flaming pit for cooking....I was dripping sweat and just wanted to get back home :shrug Ate my dinner, took a 2nd shower for the day, and crocheted more :lol Steph and Bean had to be out early and then went to the Pirates game in the afternoon so it was a wonderful, 'lonely' day :yes


They have a Pirates game tonight too, so I think I'll clean the living room. We did the kitchen on Saturday but ran out of time before we needed to get ready to go out so I said I'd do the living room this week. May as well get it over with. I'm also planning on cleaning the office today too. It's not a good sign if I can't remember the last time I did it (aside from the bathroom) :eek Just dusting and vacuuming really.


I'm chatting with my friend via text, trying to keep her company & laughing. But she said there weren't any major drops in the baby's heart rate last night and she'll be having an ultrasound today. So, that sounds good considering it was dropping a few times a day for a few days there. I told her I'll be waiting to hear about the ultrasound. :xfin


LeeAnn - Glad to hear the sale went well, at least for as long as you were there. Some relaxation is better than none and having a freshly clean house is so satisfying :yes Congrats on the furniture from your in-laws, that's awesome!


Joanne - :yay:cheer:bounce for becoming a grandma AGAIN, I feel like you just told us about Ryan :lol Time sure flys! I hope the service for your friends mom is a nice one and I'm glad you can leave work to go and be there :hug I did my motifs for the ghan and finished them yesterday. I have to go post the pic on ravelry.....just have to remember how. Then I'll come back here to share it with the rest of the ladies :yes

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The service for my friend's mom was nice- and I'm glad I was able to go! It was hard focusing on work afterwards though! I left around 4:35 today and didn't get home till 5:45--traffic was horrific!!!!!


I'm kind of tired-it was pretty draining gong to the funeral service- my heart is aching for my friend who was so close to her mom.


Glad to hear that your friend is hanging in there Marisa- prayers continue for a successful remainder of pregnancy and delivery!

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Evening Ladies!


Whew! It sure was a MonTuesday. 


Joanne-I am so very sorry for your friend, how is she holding up? Prayers headed her way. I bet you are super duper excited to be a grandma again. The kiddos will be close in age, that is wonderful! My kiddos always wished they were closer in age, especially for school things. I would have liked them to be about a year and a half apart..but no dice. The autumn motifs are pretty, I like the colors.


Stacy-how was your day? Hopefully well!


Beth-did you have an enjoyable BBQ? Did you get to run your inventions around town today?


Marisa-you always have the funnest, busiest of weekends. Did you get your office cleaned? Love your motifs, cool colors! I love using up stash yarn. :-)


I had an ok day, it is finally starting to wind down..but I feel a bit frazzled. The men are at scouts and dd is taking a shower. We fixed dinner, dishes, washed a load of laundry and ironed everything for tomorrow. Going to call it a night as I just can’t seem to move.


Hugs n squishes!

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Happy Hump Day!


LeeAnn- I worry about you and how much you have on your plate. Not surprised you are feeling a bit frazzled. Hopefully you got a good nights rest!!! My friend is hanging in there as best as can be expected. Family will be leaving today to head back home. One of my friends is going over tonight after work. A couple of us are taking her out to dinner on Friday.


We are having a make up craft club tonight - and I'll be leaving a bit early from there to get home since it's FOOTBALL time tonight (really?? On a Wednesday night???) I much prefer the Sunday games!! But, anyway, GO GIANTS!!!


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning, and Happy Hump Day!


Joanne, I am glad you got to go to the funeral service. I hope your friend is doing OK. It must be hard to lose a parent. I love the fall colors. Your afghan will be gorgeous!


Marisa, love the colors on your afghan, too. Usually, you pick yarn in colors you like, so they all kind of match. I hope your mom-to-be friend is doing OK. It is nice that you try to help entertain her.


LeeAnn, you busy bee you! When does your school end? I know it's a seasonal thing. It seems like it's really stressful this year. Do you think the big tacos are making it more stressful than it needs to be?


Stacy, I hope school is fun for you and the girls this year. My kids seem to be doing well, though my middle child complained about going to class yesterday. He had to work Labor Day, so he wanted another day off.


I am starting on Christmas presents! I decided to make my widowed sister a hooded scarf and her two dachshunds matching hooded doggy sweaters. I may be making me one, too, since I have a lot of this yarn, and I'm really enjoying the pattern (and because I made a mistake a long time ago, and don't want to frog the whole thing through 6 color changes with fuzzy yarn that fights being pulled out.)

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert


I still have to finish up my vacuuming here at the office this morning. I never finished yesterday because I'm moving everything out to get in the corners and all with the hose so a little time consuming. And had a few patients yesterday too :yes Didn't clean the living room at the house either last night. Steph & Bean were home and he was watching tv in there and I didn't want to kick him out :lol If they go to the Pirates game tonight, I'll get it done and if they stay home I'll do it in the morning :think


Didn't hear from my friend yet today, but I know they have the c-section scheduled for tomorrow at 9 (I'm assuming AM, but she didn't specify :lol ) The baby's heart rate didn't drop as many times yesterday as it was the couple days before that, so I figure that's a good sign. OK, strike that....just talked to her and there weren't and major heart rate drops since yesterday, a couple minor ones that didn't last long at all...so that's progress. BUT, last night she got phlebitis for her IV and that caused her a lot of pain....it's sore and red yet today, but getting better (and without infection).


Joanne - love your autumn colors :manyheart Glad to hear the service was nice. Let's go Giants! And you're right....it's Wednesday :think I was in the other thread trying to figure you why you said you were going to be tired at work on Thursday....you couldn't tell me today wasn't Thursday and you should be tired on Friday! :eek:blush:rofl Thanks for the reality check!


LeeAnn - You need some serious R&R!!!!! I also worry about you and your plate! I don't want you to push yourself too hard and burn out :hug Please take care of yourself :soap


Beth - Oh wow....christmas!!! I guess it is kinda right around the corner :think:eek

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Hi friends!


Joanne, how exciting that Ryan will be a big brother! :cheer:clap:woo I bet you are over-the-moon excited! It is so thoughtful of you and your co-workers to keep your friend company. :manyheart Oh, I stopped by the 'Bux today- not only is the pumpkin spice back, they are selling it in the VIA packets, too! I thought of you and Shannon as soon as I saw them. :lol


Marisa, you are on a cleaning spree! After you're done...well, you can come here and clean! :lol I deep-cleaned every room the week before school, but somehow every single one is messy again. :shrug Yikes @ your friend having phlebitis- that is scary! Sending prayers that her c-section goes well tomorrow! :hug:hug:hug


Leeann, I hope you have a chance to relax very soon. :hug:hug:hug You sure have a lot to juggle.


Beth, glad to hear your inventions are having a good year so far. Christmas gifts already! :eek I have to say, though, I've thought about it. Especially with all of the UFO's in my closet. :lol My classes are going well. I am secretly enjoying statistics- although we have only studied research methods so far. No math yet. So we will see how my attitude changes. :lol


We have been sleeping with the a/c on, and dh forgot to turn it off the other night. I got sick and spent all day today lying in bed. I have to admit- it was nice. :devil Isabella also stayed home, with a stomach ache. Her teacher said it is going around already this year! :eek:xfin that the other girls don't catch it.

Well, that's all the news from here. I have an online assignment to finish, then I am going back to bed. Love and hugs!

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Good evening friends!

Thank you all for caring about me, that just made my day. :manyheart:manyheart

Joanne-that is so sweet of all of you to be so caring and thoughtful, hoping that this transition time is less heartbreaking. How is the Giants Game? I have never sat thru a football game, going to have to try that someday.:hug

Beth-Christmas gifts? Oh my! :hug You are so very smart to start since now. I have lots of ideas floating thru my head for gifts, just have to take the time to do it. You are so very right, the head tacos are making it way more difficult than it needs to be. They are stressing everyone out to the point of sickness, it is all I can do to drag myself into work every day…seems like I always have an email of all the things I need to get done just as soon as I log on. Today we had a meeting after hours, was a super long day.

Stacy-hope you feel better soon. :hug Does your dd feel better?

Marisa- you sure are on a cleaning spree. :hug I sure could use you at work. :devil We are tearing down classrooms..spent all day washing toys, manipulative's and furniture.

This weekend I am attending a Potatoe Harvest Festival..why I do these things to myself I will never know. Ds has bowling this Saturday as well…he also starts Confirmation classes next wed. I know that I can juggle everything but I need a few days of rest.

Best get to eating dinner, dh is cooking since I picked up the kiddos from school, took ds to run a scout errand and for a haircut. He felt a bit sorry for me.

Hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,

I will have to catch up on the goings on later after work- just wanted to stop in quick before getting ready to wish you all a good Thursday!!!


I had my first pumpkin spice latte of the season yesterday- stopped on my way home from work and treated myself (It was free - my free reward had come the day before which was perfect timing). Let me just say it was delicious!


My Giants lost the season opener- and I'm dragging after staying up late.


"See you later"

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


First of all, I lied about my friend's c-section...it's tomorrow (Friday) not today :( I really kept thinking that yesteray was Thursday :blush So, one more day to go yet.


I think my subconscious wanted Starbucks for a reason, but I just didn't get there this morning :( I went to the gym and them continued my cleaning spree (BTW....I HATE cleaning! ) Anyways, I did laundry and while it was drying I cleaned the 3rd floor and the 2nd, minus my sister's bathroom, but everything else is done and up to date.


Stacy - I'll have to try the VIA packet for the pumpkin spice :yes I drink my coffee black, no cream/milk or sugar so when I want a flavor I rarely go to the bux because they add the syrup and even if it's sugar free, it's still too sweet for me :( But maybe the packet won't have any added sweetness, more like a brewed flavor :think Glad to hear your classes are going well and that you're 'secretly' enjoying stats so far. I hope you and Isabella are feeling better :hug


LeeAnn - Oooo, a potato harvest festival sounds like such fun! I'm glad dh cooked yesterday so that was one burden lifted after having run around all day :hug


Joanne - Sorry the Giants lost!

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Hi all,

How did I miss the post about pumpkin spice latte in a VIA packet??? I must buy it to bring to work. (they have free coffee at work, but it is LOUSY)


I am going to ask for your prayers yet again. The 5 year old daughter of one of the execs at my company (who I attend meetings with for the project) has been diagnosed with a brain tumor- and it is a rare tumor- only 200 worldwide. He wanted everyone to know- and a memo was sent out yesterday. I'm still trying to process how difficult this must be for him and his wife (who is pregnant with their 2nd child).


Marisa- WTG on the cleaning!!! I really need to do a good Fall cleaning- Saturday may be the day if it rains as predicted. If not, well, then it'll wait! With fall coming (and winter not far behind) if it's nice outside I want to be outside and not stuck inside cleaning. A crochet hook, a cup of coffee and sitting on my deck is my idea of a wonderful way to spend the afternoon.


LeeAnn- Hope your day went ok and that your kiddos had a good first day of school. How did DS do?


Beth How are the inventions adjusting to college life?


Stacy- Is everyone settling into the routine of school/homework at your house? Hope everyone is on the mend!!!!

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