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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- The harvest soaps are so nice! All of your 'soapie' work is great!! Good luck to your kiddos today as they embark on another school year. Hope your son has a great day back in public school!!


Stacy- Good luck to you and DH today! Fingers/toes crossed, and positive thoughts that someone drops and you are able to get a morning stats course! How much longer does your DH have until he is finished with school? Glad to hear that the weather has cooled down and that you are able to keep windows open!!


Beth- The purple shawl is finished!:clap I'll get a pic sometime this week. I then started a Queen Ann Lace scarf to replace one that I had taken out of my pile of Christmas gifts to give to a friend at work for her birthday. Had totally forgot it was her birthday- thank goodness some co-workers were decorating her cubicle before i left work the night before her birthday!


Craft club tonight-:hook do you have yours also, Beth?


Have a good Monday!

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LeeAnn- Love the soapies- and the scarf- oh so pretty!!!


Stacy- Hope your first day back to school went well! Any luck getting a morning stats class?


Marisa- Thinking of you relaxing and enjoying fun times at OC!!!


Beth- Did you have crafts last night? There were only 4 of there last night- several ladies on vacation- and probably getting ready for back to school which is the day after Labor Day around here.


Running late as usual--having a harder and harder time getting my badorkus in gear to start another work day.

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Hey ladies.....I'm baaaaaaack! :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I got back home Sunday night and was in the office yesterday. Sorry I didn't get to check in while I was away, but it surely was a relaxing week :) We spent alot of time on the beach, eating, and drinking :lol I put some pics up on fb that some of you saw and commented on. The weather was pretty good....overcast and low 80's mostly, which kept the beach comfortable and bearable. It only rained on Saturday so that wasn't bad. Steph and Bean are leaving OC now and will be home this evening.


Last night I was watching tv and crocheting and someone starting knocking on the back door....well it was more of a banging :think It kinda scared me and since I was the only one home I only had a nightie on :eek So I ran up to the 3rd floor to put on clothes and they rang the bell out front. I peeked out the window and saw the top of some guys head and by the time I got downstairs he was gone :shrug Not that I would've opened the door anyways, but I'm super curious as to who was there just after 10 last night :think


Averie and Sloan started school yesterday and it went well. They just had a half day and another half day today. Full days start tomorrow.


Stacy - Glad to hear school started well for the girls, aside from the composition notebook escapade :think Sounds like you had a blast at the 311 show :clap I hope your dad's visit goes well :xfin


Joanne - How nice to enjoy a manicure :D I love a good PB&J sandwich myself. Ryan is a lucky little guy to spend so much time with you :yes


Beth - That was Averie and Sloan with Ingrid in that picture :D What did you decide to do with the shawl? Glad your kids came to an agreement on traveling to and from classes :whew


LeeAnn - They are just driving you crazy at work :eek I love your new harvest and halloween soaps, as well as the scarf :manyheart DD is just beautiful :yes

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Hey all. Sorry I haven't been in. I'm not doing much but worrying, but it's keeping me busy! My nephew was playing football (in Ohio) on Sunday, and blew out his knee, pulled some ligaments, I guess. He was supposed to have surgery to fix it Monday, but the insurance company denied it, even though he was covered for it. Even though my sister wrestled with them, and got them to admit it was their fault, he still hasn't had the surgery, and he's miserable, poor kid.

Today I found out the van is part boat. My son needed a ride home from work, and the road we have to go through had probably 7 or 8 inches of water on it. It was frightening, but I made it through, and eventually back, and got everybody home safe and sound.

Marisa, welcome back! I'm so glad you had a great time. I'm glad you didn't open the door for the unknown man at 10 p.m. How frightening was that?

Joanne, glad you made it to craft club. The other two ladies cancelled for ours, so I just stayed home. Suited my mood better any way.

LeeAnn, I love you soapies. The scents for the first two sound out of this world! What scents are the bats and skulls? They are so cute.

Stacy, It sounds like Fruit Ninja is a hoot and a half. I'm glad your feet feel better. No fun walking all over campus with sore tootsies.

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Hiya friends!


I am going to try this again.


Beth-wow! That is great that your van made it thru the water and out the other end. I feel for ya, driving back and forth is exhausting! Glad that your inventions are giving you a slight break. Sorry to hear about your nephew, ouch! He must be in pain. Poor guy, hope he can have surgery soon. The bat soaps are fragranced with Grape Soda and the skulls are fragranced with Fruity Delicious..I still need to package them up and list them but that will have to wait until tomorrow.


Joanne-your hook is smoking! Can't believe that you finished with the purple shawl, fast! How was Paradise? Happy Hump day to ya early. Any big plans for the weekend?


Marisa-scary about your visitor, that would have freaked me out. Happy to hear that your vacation was WONDERFUL!:cheer:clap Are you tired from having fun?


Stacy-saw that you were able to get into the class that you wanted. woohoo! What a relief!


Things over here are hectic, crazy and just starting to hit INSANE! We have had a lot of teachers out due to summer colds..seems like we have an icky bug that just will not leave our center, had me running today.


The kiddos are liking school, ds said it is a bit intimidating and a little lonely-he is so shy but he is trying. I am so proud of him, it takes guts to start something new.


This weekend I will be having another sale. Labor Day sale at the park in a town about 40 minutes away..I have never sold there before, should be interesting and it is outside..praying for good weather.


haven't had a chance to relax as I came home fixed dinner and made two loaves of zucchini bread mmmm..the kiddos have attacked it.


Going to hop in the shower may even take a bath..that is my new favorite thing to do after a long day.


hugs n squishes my friends!

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LeeAnn, sorry to hear that your school is being attacked by that mean old bug. I hope you stay healthy, so you can continue being super substitute! And you're still supposed to do all your administrative duties, too, right?

Joanne, happy Hump Day to you! Is the new scarf flying off your hook? I don't know how someone who works as hard as you do manages to get so much crocheting done, too. You are an amazing person!

Stacy, congrats on the morning class. I'm sure that's a relief - having your child care straight.

Marisa, welcome back! I am glad everyone had such a good time. I missed you, and look forward to hearing from you regularly. I frogged the shawl. It was not making me happy. Wasn't the right yarn for the job.

Not sure if I want to stay home today or play chauffeur for the kids, so they don't have to spend all day at school. I guess I'll see what the kids have to say about it.

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HI all,

Quick fly by on Hump Day!!! Stayed up too late last night and as usual running behind this morning. I have an 8AM meeting so better get a move on here.


I'm going to try and get back on later after work.


Hugs to you all!

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Good morning!


Beth, glad to hear your van is amphibious. Good luck figuring out the kiddos' schedules. :hug:hug:hug :xfin that your nephew receives the treatment that he needs quickly.


Marisa, sounds like you had a blast at the beach! I love the photos on FB. How scary that a man was at your door at 10 pm! I wouldn't have answered it, either, especially since he went to both doors. Stay safe!


Leeann, your soapies are so adorable! :xfin that you don't get sick. Pack yourself with plenty of vitamins! Good luck to your ds this year. :hug:hug:hug


Joanne, happy hump day! Can't wait to see your purple shawl. I'm with Beth- I don't know how you put in so many hours in Paradise and still crank out the projects! :nworthy


I got into a morning stats class, although I think all of you have read that by now. :lol It is a huge relief. It meant dropping two other classes, but they were electives anyway. Also, last night was back to school night. So I went to meet with the girls' teachers. I caught up with Eva's teacher right as she was leaving, and she let me into the class to get the papers I needed. She was very understanding of going to the other girls' classes first, since I hadn't met their teachers yet. She is so sweet. I also love Isabella's teacher. The jury is out on Mia's teacher- but Mia likes her and that's what matters. :yes

Today I don't have class, but am going to hang out at the coffee shop for a few hours after I drop off the girls, to catch up on one of my online classes.

Time to get the troops ready. Happy hump day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I had a good night last night. Painted my toes, watched tv, and started a book book during commercials :) I picked up dinner from a little restaurant near here that Steph and Bean wanted to order from when they got home, which worked out well since I was still here. I had a new patient yesterday afternoon too, someone I know from our neighborhood :clap I have 2 regular visits scheduled for today too.


I have to run out in the afternoon to meet my sister so she can take Bean's car to the garage, take her home and then back here for my later appointment. They are going to the Pirates game tonight so I should get in some crochet time I think :xfin


Beth - Sorry to hear about your nephew and the problems with the insurance :angry Sending him some prayers :hug Glad to hear that your car made it through the 'river' :lol So what is your new plan for the shawl yarn?


LeeAnn - Wow, keep yourself healthy while that bug is going around :hug Maybe there's a club or activity ds is interested in that he can join up with to help him meet other kids? Good luck at your labor day sale. I love zucchini bread too :drool


Joanne - I hope your morning meeting goes well and is uneventful :wink


Stacy - :yay for getting the morning stats class that you wanted! Glad to hear that you like the girls teachers for the most part and than Mia likes hers :yes

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Had a decent day- and I wish all meetings were early- I'm dragging by the end of the day.


Beth- I decided to knit a little last night- slowly but surely- this scarf is growing- I could have made about 10 crochet ones!:lol I'll try and remember to get pics of the purple shawl this weekend in the daylight! And seriously, I don't really get that much done crochet -wise- I could get lots more done if I had more time. Have a few wips going--the sunny spread and some 4 row squares with leftover yarn from my Granny stripe that I'm practicing join as you go.


I'm also starting a Mystery Afghan on Sat- it's on Ravelry- Vanna's Choice Fan Club- I saw a pic of the designers last mystery afghan and also some of her other designs and I liked them. Plus I have a bunch of stash that I really need to start using.


I've given up on the "Bestie Shawl" for now- it just wasn't "speaking to me"- -I may pick it up again in a few months- or next spring! LOL


I have 2 baby blankets to make as well- but have till Dec for both- I don't want to wait too long to start them because just as quick as summer is over, we'll blink and it'll be Christmas time:eek


Stacy- So happy that you got the morning Stats class. Did you pick up any other electives in lieu of the ones you had to drop? Glad you got to meet all three of the teachers- it's tough on back to school night when you have to meet more than 2-


LeeAnn- Hope your day went better than yesterday- and that you are not coming down with whatever is going around. Drink LOTS of water and take your vitamins-


Off for the night!

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Joanne, it sounds like the knitting is coming along. Two baby blankets in one month: sounds like something is contagious... LOL Can't wait to see the pics of your purple shawl.


Stacy, congrats on getting the morning class. So nice to have the child-care issues straight. Will you be able to get different electives?


Marisa, so glad your business is growing! Hopefully, you'll be able to hire Ingrid soon.


LeeAnn, I hope your week is going well. Is the zuchini bread all gone? That's something I haven't made in a while. I made oatmeal raisin cookies yesterday. They are gluten free, but my hubby helped me eat them any way.


I get to take his royal hubbiness to the dentist again today to get some serious work done. If he's up for it later, we will go see the Batman movie.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I didn't do anything again last night. Just layed like a lump on a log watching tv and reading at commercials :shrug Finished the book I started the night before, it was a short one :lol I got about 9 hours sleep last night and still feel tired. :think I think I'm getting sick :(


Joanne - Ooo, I'll have to go check out the mystery ghan :bounce I can't even tell you the last time I went over to ravelry :think


Beth - Ouch, I hope dh does well with his dental work :hug I'm sure you're cookies were awesome :drool

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Marisa- Hope you are feeling better and not getting the summer cold thing like I had- it just drags and drags and drags. Finally starting to feel better!!! The sign up for the Mysteryghan is 8/31- you have to email the designer your email address. Clues will be emailed weekly- once the mysteryghan is over, the pattern will be for sale on Rav- it's all on the thread called Mystery Afghan starting Sept 2012 in the Vanna Choice Fan Club Forum. I like that the clues will be sent out weekly- and if I fall behind, I fall behind- not stressing about it!


Beth- Hope that His Royal Hubbiness dentist appt wasn't too bad and that you got to go to the movies.


Had sad news today- The mom of a good friend of mine at work passed away very suddenlty around 4AM this morning. They lived together and were very close. Her Mom was about my age- or a few years older. My friend is in her early 40's, single and an only. Please keep her in your prayers.


See you in the AM

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Evening ladies!


Meant to post yesterday but time just got away from me. Been running like a chicken and still trying to manage to get things done, seem like I am way behind.


Joanne-two baby ghans? Awesome! What colors are they going to be? New babies are always exciting! I bet the mommies to be are super duper excited.


Beth-the two loaves of bread are justa bout gone, I tried a different recipe, pretty easy too. It has been nice to have a small homemade snack. Did you get to go to a movie with your dh? What crochet projects are you working on?


Marisa-did you get a bit of hook time in last night?


Stacy-how’s it going? I am positive that you are super duper duper busy. How’s school going for everyone?


Tomorrow is the end of the work week…so excited to have 3 days off! Saturday will be busy with the sale, but Sunday and Monday are going to be spent relaxing and cleaning of course..perhaps a few loads of laundry.


This evening I am working on candle tarts, I have been selling the tart warmers like crazy. I am having a sale, buy a tart warmer get a free package of tarts. Seems to be doing the trick.



Best get those tarts poured. Hugs n squishes!


LeeAnn's Heaven Scent Creations


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:bday:birthday:cake:bday:birthday:cake STACY!!!!!!


Hope you have a wonderful day and that DH and your beautiful DD's spoil you immensely!!!!!!!


Good luck with the sale LeeAnn! That sounds like a great marketing tool- buy a warmer get tarts free--you are surely turning into quite the entepreneur!!!


Beth- What's on the menu for tonight? I need some new ideas- last night was turkey bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches- which were very good DH is actually liking turkey bacon which is a plus!


Marisa- Hope this day finds you feeling a little better and not worse- are you taking zinc? Drink lots of water too!!!


Off to get ready. TGIF!!!!

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Joanne, sorry to disappoint you, but tonight's dinner is Pizza! And Happy Friday to you! Enjoy your long weekend.


Stacy, :bday I hope you get properly spoiled today, you certainly deserve it. So are you getting one of those special cakes from your dd?


LeeAnne, you have been pushing so hard, and not feeling well. I hope you get some rest so you can get over it. Good luck with the sale tomorrow. The spcial with the tarts sounds awesome.


Marisa, I hope you aren't getting sick. Do you get a long weekend, too, or do you have patients coming in on Monday?


I would have prefered staying home to watching the Batman movie. It was so very violent. I would have left in the middle, if I was closer to the aisle. My dh said he didn't like the story line that much. I don't think the violence bothered him like it did me. Oh well. We will try something again next Thursday, since he goes back to the dentist for a recheck. It's kind of a neat system -- reward him with a movie when he is a good boy and goes to the dentist.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


Thanks everyone, I still feel like I'm dragging and don't really think I can relax any more than I've been :think Last night I layed down and was doing some searching on my ipad and the time got away. But I was in bed by 11 and slept until 8:30, then layed down for another half hour before I actually got up. I stopped at Sheetz on my way in and let them make my breakfast for me :devil They're advertising a chocolate banana mocha and I wanted to try it. I got it iced only because I didn't see the hot option. It's not too bad though....I'm just not a cold coffee kinda person :shrug Now I can't wait to go back (another day) and try a hot one :drool I always just feel like my coffee sat out too long and got cold on me


I have some paperwork to do here, run to the bank, target and I'm going to stop at the mall too. I need a new pair of exercise pants for the aerobics classes I go to. Mine keep falling down and I have to keep pulling them up :eek And I still have a giftcard with some $$ on it :bounce


Tonight Steph and Bean are going to ribfest that's in town for the weekend and I'm not sure if I'm invited too or if it's a 'date night' for them. I'll just wait and see. I don't like to encroach on their alone time together. If I'm invited, I'll go....if not, I might ask her to bring me something back :devil But then again, we may get food there tomorrow before the first home Pitt football game. I'll have to wait to see what her plans are and go from there. I don't have any patients scheduled for today, but saw 6 and have a new one scheduled for tomorrow morning :clap


Stacy - :bday:bday:cake Enjoy the whole weekend!!!!!


Joanne - Instead of the cold coming and dragging on...it's kind of lingering it's way in :think:shrug So sorry to hear about your friend's mom, definitely sending her some much needed prayers :hug I'm going to check on the mysteryghan when I'm done here :yes


LeeAnn - I didn't do any hooking since Monday :eek But only because I've been lazy all week, not that I didn't have the time in the evenings. Enjoy your 3 day weekend and good luck at your sale :xfin


Beth - I have a patient coming tomorrow morning, but none for Monday. How cute to reward dh for going to the dentist :devil:lol I want to see the batman movie, but only because they filmed right by our house :yes I can't say I have any interest in the movie itself for any other reason :no

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Hey ladies, now I'm back to ask for more prayers...it's a busy day for that.


I just heard from my friend who is pregnant that lost one of the twins that she's at the hospital because the 2nd baby didn't grow as much as she should have since her last ultrasound so she'll be staying overnight for monitoring. I think it actually sounds positive, but you can never underestimate the power of prayer. The heartbeat is good and strong. She's at 35 weeks now and they'd like her to hit 36 before delivering. My thoughts are since the first baby that didn't make it was unable to be removed, she's taking up the extra space and is prohibiting this baby from growing futher. I'm guessing they'll be doing a c-section once she reaches the point they want her at :think But, that's not my area of expertise....any thoughts???


Thanks everyone :hug

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Good morning!


Marisa- OB is not my area of expertise either. Prayers that all is well with the baby- Did you end up going out or staying home last night? Have fun at the football game!


Beth- I forgot it was Pizza night at your house!!! LOL I ended up going over to my friend's house after work with a few others to help our friend whose Mom just passed. I didn't get home till after 10 last night! I am planning to spend some time with her again this afternoon since her out of town family is not due to arrive till tomorrow. Hate thinking of her all alone-


LeeAnn- Hope the sale is a success!!! AND that you then get to take some time to relax a little!


Stacy- I sure hope that you had a spectacular birthday!!!

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