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Some good clean fun?!

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Super projects Marisa!!! That afghan is stupendous!!! And the sweater is just soooo pretty!!!! Thanks for sharing that video on how to cast off! I'll need to view that again when I get to that point!


Beth- I'm glad you had your own craft club- it's fun crocheting with others---I haven't gotten to the binding off part yet---this scarf is taking forever--but that 's because I have other crochet projects in the works too!!! I bought a coffee in the morning and with my treat receipt I got an iced caramel macchiato- YUM!!!!


Stacy- Great pics of the girls on their first day! Hope they ALL had a good one!


LeeAnn- Hope today was a good one for you. I had a long day- didn't get home till 7- put in about 10 hours today, so off I go to relax for a bit!!!

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Joanne-that is a super duper long day! Wooa, hoping that you were able to relax for a bit before calling it a night. I think I had forgotten to answer your question, we still have our house on the market, so far nothing..but we are still keeping our fingers crossed. Thank you so very much for sharing the Queen Anne scarf pattern, I really do love it!


Beth-how was your day? your crochet meet up sounds :c9 even tho one of them turned to the dark side "quilting" did you hear me whisper? :devil


Marisa-that is terrible to have things taken :angry I would be upset. Your poor sissy, bet it will take a while to figure out what is gone. On another note, your afghan is AMAZING! Wow! I have never done a graph ghan..too much counting for my wee lil brain. The dress is super cute too.


Stacy-your dd's teacher sounds like such a ham. How was the first day? My kiddos are both going to public school this year. Cristopher has decided that he wants to try, he misses socializing and school events. I am hoping and praying that all goes well...worried sick.


Today was another icky day..guess those days just seem to be happening more often. I did get two Etsy sales tho. :lol Going to soak in the tub before calling it a night, since I had made all of those bath fizzies, I might as well use them:devil:devil


night all! hugs n squishes!

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!


Funny thing, when I woke up for a split thing I thought it was Saturday! Is that wishful thinking or what?:lol


LeeAnn- Hope you enjoyed your relaxing bath! When do your kiddos go back to school? Positive thoughts that all goes well for your DS and his return to public school! It's a tough market out there still to sell a house- hang in there! I'm hoping that the economy improves so we can try again in a couple of years. I'm ready to downsize!!


Beth- I forgot to mention that my craft club is at the library as well and consists of multi-crafting women. Maybe your library will let you have a weekly 'craft club' like ours does- it's really been fun. We just found out that the smaller branch of our library is going to start a craft club on Saturday mornings- so I may get to go twice/week!


Marisa and Stacy----have a good day today!


Off to get ready for a busy day- too many meetings, not enough time for both today and tomorrow. Hoping to stop by to see Ryan after work!

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Joanne, Happy Hump Day!!! You are more than half-way to the weekend!

Two craft clubs sound twice as nice!


Marisa, :drool I love both your projects. You did an amazing job. I didn't know what to think when you said you were doing a graph-ghan, but WOW!!! It is wonderful. And the sweater is so cute! Oh, thanks for the you-tube video. She makes casting off look really simple. Maybe there's hope for me yet. Too many crochet projects going on to pick up the knitting, though.


Stacy, did you survive the first day OK? When do you go back to college?


LeeAnn, Lots of big hugs :hug ;hug :hug to help you through the work week. I'm glad your Etsy sales are still going strong. Your products are fantastic, your prices are great, and your service can't be beat.


My son and I were at the bookstore 10 minutes before they opened, and had to wait in line, but 15 minutes after they opened, we were on our way home. Not bad at all! I am so glad we got that done. Classes start so soon. I'm getting worried about the twins' books. We have to wait for the financial aid to be approved, and it's cutting it too close for my comfort.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I feel like I've been running all morning, but have yet to do anything :think I've had a headached the past few days and am going to see my friend for my adjustment tomorrow :yes Steph's driving me crazy as we get ready for the beach, she worry's about things that just need not be worried about :think I should have a new patient coming in later tonight though :clap:xfin


Joanne - I'm glad the video will help you too :yes I hope your meetings go well and maybe not as long as anticipated :think


LeeAnn - You're right on the counting. I do enjoy the graphs though because it helps to keep it interesting :lol WTG on your etsy orders, did you ever get the situation straightened out with the person who hijacked all your stuff? I hope you enjoyed your bath :hug


Beth - I have much faith in you to cast off your knitting when your ready :yes Basically it's a graph ghan because it's just the picture of what you want with a grid overlay and then each box is a stitch. Many times I've had to wait until the first or second week of classes to get my books because of financial aid :(

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Howdy friends!


Beth-that is a quick turnaround! you were in and out of the book store super fast. :cheer:clap Thank you for the nice compliment, I really do strive to have the best prices at affordable prices.


Joanne-did you have a good day? Sure hope so! The Journey concert was awesome! That is the one we went to while in Cheyenne. I like that you are knitting and crocheting, one of these days I will get back to knitting or at least trying.


Marisa-your poor sissy, maybe she is feeling a bit overwhelmed. Did your new patient make it in?


Both of my kiddos start school on the 27...still keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well.


Work was much better today, I went out on a few Home Visits and Parent Teacher conferences since we are down two teacher-we have to do their work as well. :blush It was fantastic to get out of the center. :c9


The lady that was using my photos removed them, she stated that since she makes the similar products and that since we are an Etsy community she saw no harm in using my photos. I was grateful that she removed them, as I am positive that her products will not look exactly as mine.


going to try to finish the scarf..it's getting closer to being done. wohoo!


night all hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, I'm assuming her items don't look as nice as yours, so she's using your photos. I'm glad she took them down. I'm also glad you had a better day at work. Enjoy the last bit of the kiddos' summer vacation. Any weekend plans?


Marisa, I hope your headache is better. I hope the adjustment helps.


Stacy, How is school going for the girls? What classes will you be taking this semester?


Joanne, Good morning. Did you get to see Ryan last night? I'll bet he is just growing and getting more adorable every day!


Well, I just realized, since I don't do the facebook chat, that the CAL for the shawl started already. I guess I know what project I'll be picking up. :blush

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Hi all,

Didn't get to see Ryan- it was storming last night on my way home (late again) and I just wanted to get home. Hoping to see him tomorrow night since DD works today or else this weekend.


I forgot all about the Shawl CAL too Beth- I was working on my current shawl WIP. Hoping to start it tonight


LeeAnn- glad that yesterday was a better day.


Hope the adjustment helped, Marisa and that your new patient showed.


Stacy- Hugs!


Gotta run- I'm behind schedule (again) Hugs to all!

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Happy Friday!!!!


Good luck today with the financial aid stuff Beth! Oh, I don't miss THOSE days at all!!! And pretty soon I'll be done paying off student loans! Yipee!!!!


I started the shawl CAL last night and so far so good. So now I've added yet another WIP to my ever growing pile!


Marisa- Hope you are feeling better and are already some relaxing time at the beach!!! Are you leaving today or tomorrow?


LeeAnn- It's Friday!!!! Bet you'll be as happy as I am when the work day part of Friday is done and then it's 2 days off!!! Now if the magical cleaning person could clean my house. I really have to devote a few hours (or more) tomorrow to cleaning. Waiting to see which day of the weekend is supposed to have the best weather and will adjust plans accordingly on when I'm stuck inside cleaning!


Stacy--How's the first week of school going for the kiddos? Do they all like their teacher? When do you start back?


Well, time to get the 'party' started- Have a wonderful day!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


Well, I never made it to the office yesterday :eek Wed night, well....I just don't remember it so can't tell you what I did :think


Yesterday I did my laundry in the morning and then headed over to my friends office and we went for lunch and then adjusted each other :D Then we were just hanging out and chatting a bit and time got away. I had another friend picking me up at quarter to five for a pyp event. I didn't get home until about 10.


This morning I got up and put my sheets and towels in the wash. Got them into the dryer and headed out. Stopped in here quick to get Ingrid's member card for the market that she dropped off yesterday. The market gives fuelperks with the card, so the more you shop the more you can get off a gallon of gas. Hers are expiring at the end of the month so she told me to run down the van and then use that to fill it up. She had $3.50 off so I filled the tank for 25 cents a gallon :clap:yay So now we're ready to head to the beach tomorrow.


Then I ran to Sam's, Steph asked me if I could run up there to get some feta so we can bring to the beach. Then to the post office to get the baby sweater and afghan in the mail. Then I stopped at the bagel shop for an egg sandwich....since it was right next to the PO and I had a coupon for a free coffee :D


That brings us to now.....tonight I volunteered to help at a run so they have me tied up from 5:30-8 and then I'll have to finish packing. While at the office I'm going to 'prep' the van. Fold down the rear seats and fuss with the dvd player.


We're leaving early tomorrow and I don't know if we have internet at the condo so not sure if I'll get in. I can always do a quick check on the phone, but that always seems so time comsuming :think I think we need an app for the phone to make it easy :yes


LeeAnn - The new patient did not show up :( Steph surely is stressed right now and probably won't get out of work until after 6 tonight. Glad your work day went well with your home visits :clap I'm sure the kids will have a great time in school :yes How could that chick think there's no harm in stealing your pics?? That's false advertisement on her part as well as some type of infringement against you :think If she didn't think it was any harm, she should've asked!


Beth - Sorry your starting the shawl CAL late, but I know you'll catch right up :yes Good luck with financial aid and at the bookstore :hug


Joanne - Glad you started your shawl last night, did you make a dent in it getting started? I'm leaving bright and early tomorrow morning :clap


Oh boy, I still have to decide what project to bring :think Decisions, decisions.....

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Good morning, besties!


Marisa, sorry to hear your sister is stressing. How did it go with the new patient? Has your headache gone away? I had one for quite a few days in a row, can only attribute it to the crazy weather. :think Have a blast at the beach!


Leeann, glad to hear you had a better day at work. enjoy the weekend with the kiddos!


Joanne, it's too bad you weren't able to visit Ryan. Has the storm passed or is it still raining?


Beth, I hope you got the financial aid stuff straightened out! There was some kind of mix-up with mine, too, and now I probably won't receive anything until October. Dh's isn't enough to cover both of our books because he's only going half-time. So we will see what happens.


School went well for the older girls. They both love their teachers, and have many friends from previous years in their classes. Isabella had two hours worth of homework right off the bat, so I think this is going to be a busy year for her. Eva, however...is a different story. She says she has lots of fun in her class and has made a few friends, but every morning as we head to her class, she cries. I know she will get over it- it will just take some getting used to.

Yesterday, I cleaned the living room, steam-cleaned the carpets, etc. It looked nice- then everyone came home. LoL! We went swimming and watched part of Night at the Museum 2. I started the shawl and am on the row 12.

Today I am meeting dh and a friend for lunch. :cheer We are having Thai, which I am not a huge fan of, but the company will be nice. I am a teeny bit bored without the girls here.


I better scoot and jump in the shower. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!

It's a rainy day here in NJ- the perfect "cleaning' weather! Not that I want to clean- but really have to- and what better weather than a rainy day! Got up early- and have bedroom done already- and sheets changed. Have one bathroom done. 2nd load of laundry in washer.


Won't stay on here long now- or I'll lose my cleaning 'mojo'!!! LOL



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Joanne, good luck getting the cleaning done so you can enjoy your weekend.


Stacy, I'm glad the older girls are enjoying school, even with the heavy workload for your oldest. Eva will come around. You know that gifted children do not like change.


Marisa, have fun at the beach! I hope you have great weather for it. I can't wait to hear all about it. It's great fun to read about your adventures. Makes me feel young.


LeeAnn, happy weekend! Do you have any fun plans? I'm glad you get a couple days off from Paradise.


I feel like I was so busy yesterday. The bookstore is done, all taken care of with no problems at all. I will not be ordering on line ever again, though. Took my son who wears contacts in for his annual eye exam. No changes, so it was pretty easy, and I had my shawl with me to keep me out of trouble. I tried a different gluten free pizza recipe, and it receives highest marks. The flour is very expensive, so I won't be having it every week, but it was certainly nice to have a pizza that was actually good.

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Top of the morning friends!


Thank goodness it is the weekend! :cheer:clap:cheer:clap


Beth-so glad that you were able to take care of the book situation rather quickly and the shawl..oh my! :hug I need to start...what kind of yarn are you using? Your new pizza sounds delish! Mmm mmmm I love pizza, haven't made it in a looong time. Really haven't cooked all that much, we have been eating pb&J's alot and cereal...,not good but I just haven't had the energy to keep up.


Stacy-I bet it is so different now that your kiddos are all in school full time. Do you find yourself a little lonely? :hugI love being alone but also like being with my family.


Joanne-yippee for the weekend. :hug I need your motivation to clean..think I will finish my cup of coffee and get to it. Thank you again for sharing the Queen Anne scarf, I finished two scarves, also shared the pattern with the ladies at work, they love it too.


Marisa-have a great time at the BEACH! Can't wait to hear about all the fun you will have had. Great times for sure. :hug


Thursday was a fun but exhausting day. I worked in the preschool 2 room..talk about busy..whew! I came home and collapsed, yesterday I worked in the same room but had just a teeny tiny bit of energy. My father in-laws b-day was yesterday, they stopped over for cake and coffee. What a great way to end a stressful week.


This morning I got up early and watched a lifetime movie..relaxed got a bit of hook time in, now it's time to start the cleaning and laundry. This evening my friend Kathy is having a get together, have to figure out what to take...hmmm....a salad of some sorts.


best get my tush in gear. Talk to you all soon. Hugs n extra squishes!

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Had a good day- the sun ended up coming out just as I was finishing up my cleaning-didn't get everything done, but enough to be satisfied!


I ran some errands, went to get a manicure and then went over to DD's and spent the rest of the afternoon/evening with her and Ryan! We had a great time- and let me just say- he is a bundle of energy! Go-Go-Go- so different than little girls!!


DH spent the day with his oldest GS who turns 18 tomorrow- He just got home a little bit ago and said they had a great time together!!


LeeAnn- I also shared the pattern with a few of my co-workers who also crochet- I told one of them that i gave the pattern to that I've already planned on giving some as Christmas gifts to other co-workers. I didn't want her making them too for the same people! LOL


Beth, Stacy and Marisa- Hope you had a wonderful Saturday!

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Happy Sunday.


Joanne, I hope you enjoy today, get some good relaxation in. Do you have any plans? So cool that your hubby's grandson enjoys time with him, even at 18.


LeeAnn, how was your get-together with Kathy? What kind of salad did you end up making?


Stacy, are you doing anything special with the girls this weekend?


Marisa, how is the beach?


Gotta run -- it's grocery day, and I haven't made a menu for the week yet.

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Happy Sunday friends!


Beth-thank you for the reminder about the list and grocery shopping, I am going to give that a whirl. :lol Dd received her package yesterday, thank you! Thank you! She was soo excited, she had to put on her basketball shorts to take a pic. She wore them all day, only took them off to go to bed. Thank you also for the extra pair, of course she shared. :cheer:clap:cheer:clap nice and comfy and oh so soft and cuddly. :hug:hug:hug


Joanne-that is awesome that both of you get to spend time with your grands, how sweet! that is so funny about the scarves, I am addicted to making them! I didn't get very far on the third one, I noticed that I am using 3 ply yarn I think I should have used this yarn for socks because it is taking forever to work up.


Stacy & Marisa-hope your weekend is going well.


We didn't go to Kathy's yesterday, dh caught a cold and was achy and sick. I felt drained, instead we took a nap and went to bed early. I am hoping that we both have more energy today.


Other than that, nothing juicy. Going to work on my etsy shop, still have items created that I haven't listed,...seems I will never get caught up.


have a good Sunday my friends! hugs n squishes!


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LeeAnn, Your dd is adorable! I'm so glad she likes her slippers. In case you're wondering, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the soap you sent to me. I promise, I won't send a picture of me using it... :eek:blush:devil


We're supposed to get a big storm here today. I hope it drops the temp a bit.

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Hi all,

I had a very nice Sunday! DH and I went to the grocery store and Walmart early in the morning- and I got Ryan some "NY Giants" Onesies!!! One set of short sleeved- and one set of long sleeved. He's all set for football season!!! Go Giants!


We then went out to breakfast. DH wanted a case for a gadget he bought--I forget what it's called- so I 'whipped' up one for him before heading over to DD's to watch Ryan while DD took over selecting the fantasy football team for my SIL when he left for work. When I arrived, Ryan was napping, so I crocheted on the first shawl I'm making until he woke up. Then once he did,I gave him lunch and then we played. When DD was done, we took a walk with Ryan and Belle and then headed to my house to have dinner- we picked up Outback to go!


Oh, LeeAnn- Your DD is so cute in the pose with her new Converse slippers!!! Beth- great job on them!!!!


Stacy and Marisa-Hope you both had a good Sunday, and Marisa- hope you are enjoying the beach.


Time to wind down since Monday AM will be here WAY sooner than I want!!!! Probably won't be back in the AM- so let me wish you all a Good Monday---I'm not looking forward to the working part of Monday- but I am looking forward to craft club tomorrow night!!!

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I'm leaving in 20 minutes to take two of my kids to early-morning classes at the college today. So the next phase is here. Let's see what excitement comes with this one.


Joanne, enjoy your craft group tonight. My group meets, too. I will probably just work on what I'm calling the Besties CAL. How is yours coming?


LeeAnn, I hope you have an enjoyable day today. How long does the season last?


Marisa, I hope you are enjoying your time on the beach. I love the pic you posted on facebook. Those are gorgeous children.


Stacy, how long until school starts for you? What are you taking this semester?

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I'm leaving in 20 minutes to take two of my kids to early-morning classes at the college today. So the next phase is here. Let's see what excitement comes with this one. Ah, the next phase- bittersweet moment I'm sure!:hug Hope they had a good first day!


Joanne, enjoy your craft group tonight. My group meets, too. I will probably just work on what I'm calling the Besties CAL. How is yours coming? I'm on row 18 and worked on the purple shawl. I need to get that done by Saturday so the "bestie CAL shawl" is on hold right now- I'll pick it back up when I'm finished with this one! Hope you enjoyed your group! I had fun - it was a small gathering tonight- several people are on vacation- but it was nice none-the-less. We are trying to see if it will work for everyone to meet on the Wed the week of Labor Day since the library is closed on Labor Day


LeeAnn, I hope you have an enjoyable day today. How long does the season last?


Marisa, I hope you are enjoying your time on the beach. I love the pic you posted on facebook. Those are gorgeous children.


Stacy, how long until school starts for you? What are you taking this semester?


Hope everyone had a great day- Work was super busy as usual- and I had a meeting from 4-5- but at the beginning of the meeting I said, we have a 'hard stop" at 5- it gave me enough time to get home, have a quick cup of java- not enough time for dinner- and head out to craft club! I'm having a PB&J sandwich right now- Nutritious dinner, huh?:lol

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Joanne: PBJ - Peanut butter is protein, Bread is grains, Jelly is fruit, did you have cream in your coffee for your dairy? Sounds rather well-rounded for a quickie meal. I had egg salad on corn bread... I think you beat me, actually. I hope your craft day was fun. Ours was odd. We reserve a meeting room at the library, but the library's human resources department took the room, and nobody told us, so we just sat in the middle of the reference department and tried to chat quietly.


LeeAnn, Stacy, Marisa, and Vicki, I hope you are all having a great time, and today is awesome.


The kids enjoyed their classes yesterday. I hope today goes as well.

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