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Some good clean fun?!

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Hello there friends! Remember me??? Soo sorry that I have been MIA...life is just too busy and hectic, I could cry.


Joanne-your scarves are beautiful! And your afghan just looks delicious! Super soft and cuddly. I love them all! Great work! How was your first day back to Paradise? Hopefully it wasn't too stressful. Your breakfast out with your dh sounded fantastic and yummy! And reading on the beach? What a fantastic way to spend the day?


Beth-Thank you so very much for sharing your new recipes.. yum yum yummy! I can't wait to try the BLT salad...mmmm mmm I love veggies. :manyheart Your crochet convers are awesome! Did you figure out the pattern? Bet your inventions are getting more excited as college is getting closer to beginning.


Marisa-WTG on finishing most of your ghan! Did you decide on a border? That is awesome that you are going to hire Ingrid when you can, I bet it will work out wonderfully. It is difficult to motivate myself to exercise, but so far...I have been going 3-4 days a week.


Stacy-sorry to hear about your dh's truck, was it fixed? That is so neat that you live so close to the bank, how was swimming? Bet school is going to start for ya all soon too.


Work has been UGLY! We had two teachers up and quit...and then the Main Taco's have been at our center as well...STRESS STRESS STRESS! On top of it all, we have had registration for both of our kiddos for school, scouts, bowling,...Garden Camp finished today for dd (she didn't get to go:() I forgot all about it..we also missed our craft club this week...just remembered when I go home that it was Wed..Also had eye appts..and working this big order. The order is for one of everything in Red Currant & Sandalwood fragrance. So far, I have the hemp lotion (took me over 6 hours to make as I goofed), the soaps, bubble bath, Goats Milk & Honey Lotion and that's about it..still need the fizzies and the body spritz.


Going to sit and watch a movie with the kiddos. Hugs n extra squishes!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug




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Hello there friends! Remember me??? Soo sorry that I have been MIA...life is just too busy and hectic, I could cry.


Joanne-your scarves are beautiful! And your afghan just looks delicious! Super soft and cuddly. I love them all! Great work! How was your first day back to Paradise? Hopefully it wasn't too stressful. Your breakfast out with your dh sounded fantastic and yummy! And reading on the beach? What a fantastic way to spend the day? Paradise just isn't very paradise-like- but right now, it is what it is. Breakfast out was very nice- and a nice way to end my vacation that really wasn't much of a vacation.


Work has been UGLY! We had two teachers up and quit...and then the Main Taco's have been at our center as well...STRESS STRESS STRESS! On top of it all, we have had registration for both of our kiddos for school, scouts, bowling,...Garden Camp finished today for dd (she didn't get to go:() I forgot all about it..we also missed our craft club this week...just remembered when I go home that it was Wed..Also had eye appts..and working this big order. The order is for one of everything in Red Currant & Sandalwood fragrance. So far, I have the hemp lotion (took me over 6 hours to make as I goofed), the soaps, bubble bath, Goats Milk & Honey Lotion and that's about it..still need the fizzies and the body spritz.


Going to sit and watch a movie with the kiddos. Hugs n extra squishes!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug




I think you need many extra hugs and extra-extra squishes:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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I think we all need some big hugs!!! :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug


The slippers are going great -- I have the first one done. It may be a bit too big, but when it's laced, I think it will be OK. I need to make the circles with stars in them for the sides and the laces, but thought it would be wise to finish the main part of the second slipper first, so I don't forget what I did for the first one. Having a huge blast with it. I haven't been this motivated to crochet in a long time. I haven't had a pattern that made me think for a long time, either.


Joanne, Happy Friday to you! It will be weekend time when you read this!

LeeAnn, I hope your weekend is relaxing and destressing. Good job with the exercising!

Marisa, I know it's hard to get out there and swim when you are tired, but you did it!!! Is this the weekend you leave for the beach?

Stacy, how is the truck? What do you have planned with the girlies?


Well, I am going to check FB real fast, then get back to my slipper.

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Good morning ladies :hi At least it's still morning :whew


Joanne - surprise, surprise....cut and paste alert :rofl


I toyed with some different border types last night on the graph ghan, but wasn't liking any so am just doing my signature simple reverse sc....it seems to be what I always resort to :think Even if I do something, I still always finish with that :shrug Hoping to get at that tonight :xfin


Well, as we know I've been sluggish all week and I was dozing off during the football game last night....Eagles vs Steelers :eek and the Eagles won :clap:yay So I went to bed right after which was before 11. I woke up at 7ish to use the restroom and then I crawled back into bed and slept until just after 10 :eek AND I still feel like I need sleep :think:shrug


I have some errands to run today for tomorrows tailgate and the beach, getting stuff together. Tomorrow we're going to the Pirates game and it's the one Steph organizes yearly for her job so she'll set up the tailgate around 4, games at 7. I think we should have about 100 people :eek Also going to the game on Sunday, but that's low key :lol


Beth - Ingrid's kids are good kids and not a problem to have around, we always have fun with them :yes And they just loved going out for breakfast :lol We leave for the beach next weekend, on the 18th. My sister and Bean are planning to leave at 9 and me and Ingrid think that's too late so we're leaving earlier to try to avoid to bulk of traffic....6AM for us! We both like to 'get up and go' :lol WTG on your slipper :yay:clap Good idea to do the 2nd before doing the accents :yes


Joanne - Good idea with your ends. With my graph ghan every time I ended a section and cut the yarn I hid those ends when I turned so I wouldn't be overwhelmed at the end. BUT when I attach it I try to just work the initial tail into my work so I really only have half the tails to hide anyways. I do that as much as possible! Because that's my least favorite part of crocheting :( I love the colors you picked :manyheart


LeeAnn - Oh boy, young lady :hug :hug :hug You need to stop and take it easy so you keep your sanity. You're doing better than me this week exercising....I only got to the gym 2 days this week! :eek AND didn't work out here either, oh well it happens like that sometimes :shrug Next week is a new week :yes:lol


Vicki and Stacy - I hope all is well :hug

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The slippers are done! I posted a pic on Facebook. I am happy with them. Can't wait to see if my friend likes them.


Happy Friday everybody! Have fun at the game, Marisa. It sounds like a lot of work, but a lot of fun, too.

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Beth- I LOVE those slippers!!! Can't believe how fast you whipped them up--they are so cute!!!! WTG!!!!


Marisa- Have a fun weekend at the games!


It is the weekend and I'm a happy camper--tomorrow morning I have my cut/color in the early AM- debating if I'm going to change my hairstyle or not. We'll see what tomorrow brings!!!


LeeAnn- Hope you get a little rest in this weekend!


Stacy- Any word on the truck? How's the temps out there- has it cooled off at all? It's very humid here- we had some storms this afternoon, but it didn't help the humidity. Sunday is supposed to be a nice day so I think tomorrow will definitely be my errands/cleaning day after my hair cut so I can enjoy Sunday!

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Good evening friends!


TGIF! wooohooo! I have never felt so happy for the work week to end. YIPPyy!


Joanne-can't wait to hear about your new haircut, will you go drastic?


Beth-love love love the convers. My daughter loves them as well, would you be willing to create a pair for her? I would gladly purchase them, she just oohhheed and ahhhhhdd.


Marisa-hope you are feeling more energetic, perhaps your body is burnt out. I like reverse sc as well.


Stacy-How's it going? Any big plans for the weekend?


we are waiting for dh to get home as we didn't watch a movie last night, I was just too tired. Going to relax this weekend, perhaps crochet a bit.


Thank you all for the hugs I needed them. :-)))) hugs n extra squishes!

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Good morning!

Happy Saturday!


LeeAnn- Hope that you have a nice relaxing weekend!


I'm off to get my hair cut in a bit- I like an early morning appt when I have to go on a Saturday- usually I try and go Wednesday's after work- Not sure yet what I'm going to do with my hair. Not sure Ill go too drastic- but I do feel like I need a change. We'll see- most times she talks me out of it. I'm thinking I may need to change hairdressers just to get another perspective, but I've been with this one for so long-

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Thanks for the nice comments about the converse shoes.


Joanne, i hope you get the 'do of your dreams. It would be hard dto change beauticians when you have a good relationship with one. And she does good work -- you are gorgeous! Enjoy having all your work done. I'm glad you will get the relax on Sunday. Do you feel completely recuperated from that cold?


LeeAnn, I hope you are getting some rest this weekend. Sounds like work has been very difficult this week. Mean old head tacos. I wonder if they realize how much strife and stress they cause?


Marisa, How was the game? Did you get all the running around done?


Stacy, Are you still down a car? How are things in California? What are you and the girls doing?

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Back from the hairdresser and errands. I went shorter than normal- and she did a great job IMO. It's more curly now and that's because there isn't so much weight pulling it down. It's really something how much my hair texture has changed now that it has more and more gray!!

I'm not completely recuperated, but feeling much, much better.


I'd better stop procastinating- time to do the necessary cleaning!

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Evening friends!


Joanne-a new cut and color does wonders. I am so happy that you were able to spoil yourself, you deserve it. :hug did you get your cleaning done? I thought of you when I woke up at 5 this morning, thought...hmmm "I bet Joanne is up and runnin":lol


Beth-how was your day? I really am soo in love with your slippers. :manyheart Seems like you whipped them up super duper fast. We are going to try your recipe the BLT salad this week, can't wait..delish! How was your steak? did your dh try the veggies? The Main Taco's are putting so much pressure on everyone because it is a Federal Review Year that it is insane to keep up with all the changes and expectations, their stress is transferring to all of us peanuts. I tried to explain to my boss about the pressure but she said that she is "raising the bar"...uggghhh


This morning I woke up early but forced myself to stay in bed till 7:30. I took dd for a haircut, she is too cute! She needed a new do for middle school. She had it cut to her shoulders and had them also cut side bangs, adorable. We stopped at the farmers market afterward, had to buy dh his favorite jam. Red Raspberry with Jalepeno. Sounds weird but it is pretty dern good. Then we went out to breakfast, ran to the store for last minute groceries then back home to work on laundry and my shop. Someone is using my photo's on their Etsy shop, can you all believe that? I was so upset, I convo'd her and told her to remove them as they are my personal photos, also reported her to Etsy. Normally I wouldn't mind as much, but for her to use my exact photos of my products really gets me as well as my descriptions...grrrr...


Did get a chance to add a few goodies and had two sales as well. :cheer:clap Eventually I will add all of the goodies that I have stocked up on, perhaps a little every day.


The kiddos are out walking the dogs, think I will put my jammies on and veg. Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


LeeAnn- that stinks that someone is using your photos on their etsy shop! Hope that the Etsy powers that be do something about it. Sounds like you had a nice day yesterday! And we can "wine" to each other about our days in our respective Paradises's!:lol:lol


Probably going to head to the county fair (last day) today with DD and GS- it's way less humid out there today- and DD had mentioned it yesterday. She and son-in-law took Ryan there yesterday morning before SIL had to go to work and she said she'd like to go back today. DH is more than content to stay home (I know he wants a day to veg on the couch with the remote in hand):lol


Off to get the day started!


(and didn't get as much cleaning as I wanted to since I spent the afternoon with DD and GS yesterday- but that's ok- it's way more important to spend as much time as I can with the little guy)

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Good Morning!


Joanne-your day with Ryan beats cleaning any time! :heart:heart:heart How fun! I have special memories of spending time with my grandparents-they were the best. My kiddos have the best grandparents too..it's the time spent with them that they love, not as much as the activity. Thank you for allowing me to whine..I have noticed myself becoming more negative, going to work on that.


Today I am working on my shop some more, going to create labels and tidy up. I really want to start a crochet project as I need to get some hook time in, sure miss it. Did I ever share a pic of the last baby ghan that I made? hmmm...will have to dig it out and take a pic.


back to work I go. Will be back later, hugs n squishes!


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Good morning, lovelies!


Beth, your Converse slippers are adorable! What else is going on? How is Shrimp Boy? We haven't heard much about him lately.


Marisa, sounds like you had a great weekend! I love to hear about your adventures. :yes


Leeann, sorry to hear about all the stress at work. Yikes @ someone using your Etsy photos! I hope it gets straightened out quickly. Glad to hear you forced yourself to stay in bed. :yes Did you get to have your movie night?


Joanne, how wonderful to start the weekend with a bit of pampering. I bet your cut is adorable. Have fun at the fair with Ryan and DD! You two do so many neat things with him. :manyheart


It's only 9 and already it is SO :hot!! The temp control on the a/c in my bedroom shows 90, and it is considerable hotter in the living room. :sweat Dh's truck was fixed on Friday, which is wonderful because the girls start school on Tuesday and I need my car. I spent most of Friday with a migraine. On Friday night, the girls and I went to a birthday party for a friend of Isabella's, which ended with all 3 of my kids in tears. The party went on for way too long, IMO, but the friend is not returning to the girls' school this year, so they wanted to spend as much time as they could together. Around 11 that night, as I was getting ready for bed, Isabella had a panic attack of sorts, about growing up. :( I sat up with her for almost an hour, before she calmed enough to go to bed.

Dh is having a "cousins" weekend, to celebrate his oldest cousin's birthday. Yesterday, the girls and I did some running and had fun keeping busy. We finished uniform shopping, then went to the dollar store for treats, and to see Madagascar 3. Then we came home and swam, and finished the night with a craft project. They made collages for dh's cousin (Isabella's godfather.)

I didn't sleep well last night, so I am tired and kind of crabby. But I still have grocery shopping to do. Need to stop at Costco for lunch supplies. I can't believe I will have 3 to pack this year. :eek Eva has kinder orientation tomorrow morning at 8, so it will be early bedtime tonight. Summer vacation is almost officially over!


I bet scoot and get ready. Love and hugs!

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Stacy- Wow seems like you were just starting summer vacation with the girls. Sorry about the migraine, but you sure did make it a fun weekend for the girls none-the-less!! Hope today is stress free!!! The kids out here still have about 3 weeks or so left of summer vacation!


Hope you get in some hooking time today, LeeAnn


I just finished watching the US Men's basketball game- USA wins the GOLD!!!! YAY!!!!! Also finished the QA lace scarf that was one of my wips!!!!


DD said we probably won't go until later. She is going to take a nap when Ryan takes his- so we'll see --may not be going until 4--so maybe I'll take a nap too- LOL

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Hello all,


Joanne, did you make it to the fair? I hope you are enoying a less humid day. We have lots of clouds here, but I think the sun is trying to poke through.


Stacy, so glad the truck was fixed quickly. It's too hot out there for walking everywhere. I love that your hubby's cousins are close enough to spend a special weekend together for birthdays. I love that your girls are making collages for their uncle, as well. Family is so important.


LeeAnn, I don't think you are negative. You are simply stating that it's a stressful year at work. I am glad you contacted the person using your photos, and you told Etsy about it, as well.


Marisa, I hope your weekend is lots of fun.


I made "Pizza joes" for lunch: Sloppy joes made with pizza sauce (and other things) and served on toasted bun with melted mozzarella. They were liked. I am having such a fun time experimenting with recipes. The family seems to like getting different food, too. And my hubby (who I thought was very hard to please) is surprising me by trying whatever I make. Even things I would think he'd dislike. I'm getting the majority of my recipes from food.com. They have a really neat feature that lets you add recipes to your shopping list, then print up the list. It sorts them by areas in the store, like produce, dairy, etc. Makes shopping a lot easier.

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Good morning!

Beth- We never made it to the fair. DD called and she was going to nap when Ryan did and his schedule was all off yesterday. I had a nice relaxing day none-the-less- I watched the Olympic BB game in the morning, Yankee game in the afternoon- did some grocery shopping in between and also some crocheting and a little knitting.


LeeAnn- Hope you and DS had a great time at the Journey concert. That was a great pic of both of you that you posted on FB! Hope the head tacos aren't too bad today and that your "paradise" goes by quickly.


Stacy- Enjoy the last day of summer vacation with the girls!


Marisa- Hope you had a blast this weekend! I'm sure you did. One more week and then you are off to the beach!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I've been sleeping in every day since last week :think But, tomorrow I'll be up early :yes I finished my graph ghan on Friday and after I finish here and check into my other thread I'll be back to post a pic :D Sat morning Steph and I ran a few errands to get the last minute items for the tailgate and food for dinners all this week since we'll all be busy. Now it's all cooked and ready to go. Last night was our only 'family dinner' for the week actually sitting at the table together :shrug


The tailgate was alot of fun and we had alot of people through there. We lost the game that night, but it happens....although I think that was the 3rd in a row :eek However, they redeemed themselves yesterday and won after scoring 9 runs in one inning :yay


I also almost finished a baby sweater for my friend that I started while I was at her house a couple weeks ago (since the ghan wasn't a 'travelable' project) :lol I should have a pic of that later in the week for you. We'll be spending the week getting ready for the beach, we leave on Saturday.


Thurday night I'm going to an event with pyp (the young professionals group) again and then on Friday night I volunteered to help with registration at another run. So, there's a lot to do this week on limited time.


I'm also waiting to hear from Steph, I have to meet the cleaning people to get their key back....but, she already cleared their code from the security system so if they try anything funny, we'll know. But that's another reason why she's just going with the story of me being there longer than expected and they need to readjust finances. It's difficult to make the accusations, without accurate evidence, and just peacefully get out of the situation. I don't think she recommended them to anyone, but she'll definitely tell anyone she knows looking to stay away from them :yes


Beth - The slippers are awesome! :manyheart Love the idea of pizza joes :drool I'm glad the recipe experiment is working for you :yes


Joanne - Sorry you didn't make it to the fair. Glad you love your new do....Steph and I colored yesterday. Hope you have a good day in paradise :wink


LeeAnn - Did you get your relaxation in over the weekend, and start a new crochet project? That jam does sound weird, but I bet it is good with the sweet and spicey elements together :think So sorry to hear about the Etsy fiasco, I hope it gets cleared up ASAP :xfin Whine as much as you want....it makes you feel better. I think negativity tends to come when we're running ourselves ragged and you've been going like crazy for weeks now :hug :hug


Stacy - How did Eva's orientation go today? And school tomorrow!?!? Wow :eek I hope your head feels better :hug

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Stayed up late, got up early, but I got a lot done.

Joanne, Sorry you didn't make it to the fair, but it sounds like you had a pretty amazing weekend, any way.

Marisa, sounds like you will have a busy week. The tailgate sounds like a hoot and a half.

Stacy, can't believe school starts so quickly. How did orientation go?

LeeAnn, i hope this week goes better. You do too much to have that much stress on top of it all. What are the school plans for your kids? is your son going back to public school?


Well, here's the shark hat, with my very big-headed son showing off for the camera.


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Evening friends!


Beth-love your new sharkie hat. Your ds looks so happy to be wearing it. :lol Cute cute cute! How was your day? Did you get to work with the kitties?


Joanne-how was Paradise? Hopefully not too stressful, do you get to walk during your lunch break? I find that sometimes it helps, other times I am too burnt out. Did you have craft club this evening?


Stacy-how was the first day of school for your girls? I bet they were super duper excited! What kind of uniform do they have to wear?


Marisa-your weekend sounded busy! That is funny that non of you will have a sit down meal together..we like to eat dinner at the table as well. Did your sister have a cleaning company that didn't work out? Wasn't sure if I missed something.


Paradise for me was....exhausting. Had 4 teachers missing today, definitely ran like a chicken. So glad to be home. I started the Queen Anne scarf last night and love the pattern! so much fun and looks pretty too. Going to work on it a bit before heading to bed.


hugs n squishes!

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:hi friends!


It's hot- again. :sweat We met Eva's teacher this morning- I love her already! She is fun, yet very no-nonsense. All of the kinder teachers are wonderful- but this is our first experience with her, and I am excited for this year. :yes Eva, not so much. She really misses her teacher Peggy, from last year. :( The older girls are looking forward to seeing their friends and finding out which teachers they will have.

This migraine will not go away, so I'm thinking it has to do with the heat. :think:shrug Dh and the kidlets had dental appointments this afternoon, and afterward I took Isabella backpack shopping. They went swimming when we got home, while I made dinner, then the girls and I played Clue before bedtime.



Joanne, sorry to hear you didn't make it to the fair, but sounds like you had a nice weekend anyway. Did you make it to craft club? Have you been to the Bux lately? I stopped on Sunday morning and got a drink with the treat receipt- so went back on Sunday afternoon. :drool It was my treat for the week. :lol


Leeann, sounds like you had a crazy-busy day! 4 teachers missing- yikes! Isn't the Queen Anne scarf fun? And mindless, yet pretty. Love that pattern! Our school uniform is dark blue or khaki bottoms with white, dark blue, or light blue tops. I love the uniform policy- although my kids are usually sick of it by Christmas break. :lol


Marisa, :cheer for getting ready for the beach- how exciting! Sorry to hear there were problems with the cleaning company. Good idea to change the alarm, even if you get the keys.


Beth, that hat cracks me up! :lol You did a wonderful job on it, and your invention is a great model. Sounds like you are really on a roll with the recipes. Thanks for the website, I will have to check it out.


Well, I need to take a shower and get to bed. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug



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Good morning!


Beth- Love that sharkie hat!!! Your son looks like he loves it!


Stacy- That's great that you are happy with Eva's teacher! Hope the girls have a wonderful first day of school! Try and keep a dry eye- it's tough when the youngest goes off to kinder! Treat yourself to something while they are in school! Hope the migraine goes away- and yes, I don't think the heat helps at all. Despite your migraine, you still seemed to pack in a full day with the kiddos! I think uniforms are great- and so much easier on the parents!

I did go to the Bux this weekend- once in the morning- got my treat receipt- and then back later on in the day to get another drink with the treat receipt---my treat to me, too!!!


LeeAnn- I can't imagine having 4 teachers out! Oh, my!!! Hang in there! How was the concert? Yes, I did go to craft club and worked on the shawl that I'm making and spent about 1/2 hour on the knitting. Slow and steady with this knitted scarf--hopefully it'll be done by the fall! LOL Glad you are enjoying making the QA lace scarf--it is a pretty one- no matter which yarn you use!


Marisa- Looking forward to seeing pics of the finished graph ghan---and the sweater! Will you be bringing yarn with you to the beach? Any plans to make anything in particular?


Well, the clock is ticking- so that only means one thing---time to get ready for paradise!


Have a good day all!

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Good morning, all.


I had my version of craft club, met two friends at the library. We used to crochet together, but one friend has gone on a quilting kick, and spent her time looking through quilt magazines, the other is multi-talented, and spent her time cross-stitching, and I sat and crocheted. And we talked. A lot. It was a good evening.


Joanne, I can start knitting, and do all knit or all purl across the row, but I get my yarn all tangled if I try to switch between the two, and I don't know what to do when I'm done. I guess I could wear a scarf with the needle hanging off the bottom... :think I think it's great that you are learning a new skill, and enjoying it. What treat did you get from Bux?


Stacy, they do grow up fast! Did you have any luck finding a good backpack for Isabella? How are your little fishies doing with all their swimming?


LeeAnn, wish I lived closer. I could be a substitute teacher for you! I'm glad you got some hook time in. It makes the stress melt away. Has your crafty daughter been up to anything interesting lately?


Marisa, Bet you are busy busy busy getting ready for your trip to the beach. Can't wait to see the pics of your finished project.

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Good morning housemates :hi


Joanne - cut and paste :wink


Well, I totally forgot to post my pics yesterday :blush:oops But on the upside I finished up the sweater last night so now I have 2 projects to share with you :D


Rolled over and slept in instead of hitting the gym this morning and missed that class I like, but probably because I was up in the middle of the night with a headache and it took a little bit for the motrin to kick in :think:shrug


Not much going on tonight so hoping to hook and watch tv. I've decided I'll do my laundry Thursday morning to wait until closer to leaving time. I have to make a trip to the post office, probably tomorrow, to mail out my graph ghan and the baby sweater :think


Beth - Awesome shark hat and great model, perfect for being eaten by a shark :rofl Casting off in knitting is quite easy and I pulled up a youtube video for you to check out.


LeeAnn - WTG on starting your queen anne scarf :yay Sorry, I may have forgot to mention it if I didn't cut and paste. But yes, my sister has had these cleaning people for 2 1/2 years and slowly over the past few months we've caught on to them taking things....small things that by the time you notice it we're all kind of asking each other if anyone touched it :think So slowly we've been trying to watch and take inventory of certain things on the days they come. It's hard to really gather evidence like this but regardless they weren't even doing a good job IMO and I told Steph that shortly after I moved in :shrug Anyways, last week I had my womenly cycle :lol And it happened to come on Tuesday, which is the same day they were coming (they came every other week and only did my 3rd floor every other visit and this wasn't one of those visits). Anyways, I knew that I need to stop at Target for some overnights so checked my tampons to see if I needed any because I knew they were getting low. So I wouldn't get through the week so picked some up as well. When I got home I went to combine the 2 boxes and my box at the house was completely empty :eek They had been the only people there and I had just counted what I had that morning when I left. But how stupid can you really be to empty the whole box????!!!!! It'd be different if they working and needed one and maybe even an extra for the road, but really!!!! AND, they didn't even have any reason to be on the 3rd floor this visit....let alone in my closet :angry Oh well, :shrug So that kind of confirmed that all the other things we suspected must have been them as well :think So, Steph fired them....they are independent, but she just kinda told them that with me living there and not knowing how long she had to reevaluate her finances and left it at that.


Stacy - How did the dentist go? Did you end up finding backpacks? Did the girls get off to school alright today? So many questions :lol How's your migraine? I hope you're feeling better :hug


Joanne - I was at the bux over the weekend but passed on the treat receipt because I knew I wouldn't get back in the afternoon AND because I don't really drink any cold drinks :eek I'm so boring with my plain black dark roast coffee :shrug I haven't even thought about what to bring to the beach to work on with me yet :think

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