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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste altert :eek



Friday night we went out for wings with a group of people to celebrate our neighbors birthday. Then Saturday morning I watched the men's USA basketball game. They play today again, but I won't get it here at the office :( Then I ran errands with Steph. We all went over to Ingrid's for dinner Sat night. And, yesterday was a completely lazy day. I didn't even leave the house, which was good because it was super ugly and pouring like crazy all day :yes Steph and Bean went out for a nice dinner together though since they have a couple super busy weeks ahead.


I made a lot of progress on my graph ghan and now only have 19 rows left to complete, plus the border :clap


Today I went swimming and then I came home and got myself ready for the day. Ran to the market for stuff to make pasta sauce since my sister was out of what we needed. Threw that together in the crock pot and got here just on time to meet my hair guy who was coming at 11 for his appt and to make a video for me :clap:yay We had a lot of fun with it. His mom came in as a new patient for the video to kinda show what happens in a visit. Ingrid and the kids came by too to offer some testamonials :lol He headed out a bit ago and now I have to do up their paperwork, but wanted to stop by here while I ate my lunch. It'll be about 3 weeks or so til the video is edited and ready for viewing :bounce


Joanne - Glad your internet is working better and that you made it safe and sound to Boston :clap


LeeAnn - I'm sure you whipped the house into shape :yes Congrat's on another order :clap


Beth - Not working out at work too much anymore now. If I don't make it to the gym in the morning, I try to do it here then. I sure hope your cats are doing better :hug Glad to hear the kids are being individuals :wink Awesome about your Michael's :clap We leave on Aug 18 and come back on the 28th :yay

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Good morning!


Joanne, glad to hear you're having fun in Beantown! :cheer I hope it's not too :sweat for you.


Beth, hope your kitty is feeling better! Enjoy that new Michael's. Sounds like your dd is really into the manufacturing! It must be so interesting to watch your inventions taking their own paths. :manyheart


Leeann, congrats on the sale! Good luck getting everything straightened up.


Vicki, how's it going? :hug


Marisa, wtg on that graph 'ghan! You are really hauling on that one. :yes The video and testimonials sound awesome! :cheer I must've missed that you are going to the beach. That will be so fun!


Not much going on here. The girls are playing games on the Kinect. They started with Disneyland, and are on to Wipeout. They want to test every game we have (which is only 5 or so.) :lol We'll see. Normally I don't like video games, but they are having lots of fun and being very active. I am supposed to take Isabella to MIL's at some point today. We will also go swimming, I'm sure, since it's going to be 105 all week. :eek

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I'm home!!!


I started getting a scratchy throat on Friday night- but figured it'd go away- NOT!!! By Saturday afternoon, I was sneezing, runny nose, feeling kind of lousy. Summer cold!! Started taking cold-eeze and drinking lots of water.


On Sunday morning, I was still very congested, kept taking cold-eeze and opted not to go the party. I really had no energy. Napped in the afternoon and my DD made me awesome chicken soup. We decided to come home today, since my middle DD has ceramic class tonight and originally she was going to miss it, but because I didn't feel great, we decided to come home so she wouldn't have to miss it. I came home, took a nap and am starting to feel better.


So my weekend didn't turn out as I had planned, but at least I had some time with my DD's! Oh, and the ice-cream she made was delish- although I only had a spoonful- I really had no appetite and didn't want to eat anything 'creamy'. Last evening, they went to the local ice-cream shop and brought me home a mango sorbet-- yum!


Time to go unpack now!

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Good morning!


Marisa, wtg on that graph 'ghan! You are really hauling on that one. :yes The video and testimonials sound awesome! :cheer I must've missed that you are going to the beach. That will be so fun!


Not much going on here. The girls are playing games on the Kinect. They started with Disneyland, and are on to Wipeout. They want to test every game we have (which is only 5 or so.) :lol We'll see. Normally I don't like video games, but they are having lots of fun and being very active. I am supposed to take Isabella to MIL's at some point today. We will also go swimming, I'm sure, since it's going to be 105 all week. :eek


Well, it's been getting tossed to the side a lot lately after I knew it wouldn't be done for the grad party at the start of June :eek So now that the baby ghan got finished for last weekend, I vowed not to start anything else until this is finished. Altlhough I did start a baby dress for my friend too, but that was while I was there for my 'take along' project since the graph ghan isn't really a travelable project :think


I like the kinect and wii just because they are more interactive and can really give a workout :yes Well, if you pick the right games anyways :wink


I'm home!!!


I started getting a scratchy throat on Friday night- but figured it'd go away- NOT!!! By Saturday afternoon, I was sneezing, runny nose, feeling kind of lousy. Summer cold!! Started taking cold-eeze and drinking lots of water.


On Sunday morning, I was still very congested, kept taking cold-eeze and opted not to go the party. I really had no energy. Napped in the afternoon and my DD made me awesome chicken soup. We decided to come home today, since my middle DD has ceramic class tonight and originally she was going to miss it, but because I didn't feel great, we decided to come home so she wouldn't have to miss it. I came home, took a nap and am starting to feel better.


So my weekend didn't turn out as I had planned, but at least I had some time with my DD's! Oh, and the ice-cream she made was delish- although I only had a spoonful- I really had no appetite and didn't want to eat anything 'creamy'. Last evening, they went to the local ice-cream shop and brought me home a mango sorbet-- yum!


Time to go unpack now!


Sorry you're not feeling well and that it interrupted your vacation :hug But, at least you did get some time with your dd's :hug Now you still have 2 more days to rest up

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Good evening friends!


Joanne-hope you feel better soon! It is not fun at all to have a summer cold, I think they are the worst. Get well soon! Glad that your dd made you chicken soup, it's the little things.


Beth-my big order is alot of work, but I am loving it! Just wish I had more time to devote to my business and on line stuff..but oh well. It is time consuming to make just one of every fragrance as it is difficult to cut some of my recipes in half. The soaps, candles and bubble bath are fairly easy but the Hemp lotion is extremely time consuming as are the bath fizzies and body spritz. I made all of the soaps, bubble bath and am waiting for my candle wax to melt to pour. Tomorrow I will work on the hemp lotion and then Wed the spritz and fizzies.


Marisa-sounds like you had a fun filled day, I bet it is wonderful working for yourself.


Stacy-Kinect games sound fun, except I just can't get into them...my kiddos love them tho! Fun fun fun!


Vicki-hope you are doing well.


I finished cleaning yesterday about 6..wow! The whole house..all of it..but boy was it a workout. Going to try to keep up.



Today was another busy day, I really am counting down the days for our season to end as this year has just been too much. Guess I had better check on the wax. Hugs n squishes!

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Quick pop in- still feeling blah but at least I'm off work till Thursday- so can rest up!


I'm thinking of heading down the beach for a little bit- just to get some fresh air and enjoy the lovely weather we have today.



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Good morning ladies :hi


I got more of my graph ghan done last night while watching the olympics. I only have 10 rows to go, then the border :clap It's amazing how much you can get done with one day on the weekend free :think:shrug:lol


I didn't like my alarm this morning when it went off, so rolled over and didn't go swimming :eek Hopefully I'll find a half hour or so to work out here today, which just means that I need the motivation to get my butt moving :lol


LeeAnn - WTG with the house cleaning and order filling. Would it be easier to make full batches instead of just one and then keep it in your 'stock'??


Joanne - Enjoy the day breathing in the fresh salt water air, it'll do you good :yes


Beth, Vicki, and Stacy - Hope you have a great day :hug

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Back from the beach- the day started out nice with blue skies and now you can tell the humidity is back because the sky is not so blue. I walked along the boardwalk for a bit and then sat and read for a while. Now I'm inside watching the Olympics--laundry is on and I'll probably end up taking a nap!!!

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Hi all,

The kitty is doing better -- not good, but she has a little more energy. We are feeding many small meals through the day with extra vitamins and moisture added in (turned the canned food into a brothy food.) The kids are getting geared up for college to start. I'm fighting a major case of the blah's. I just don't want to do anything.

Joanne, feel better soon, sweetie! I'm glad you have some time off to recuperate. I hope you enjoyed your beach time.

Marisa, did you manage to get motivated and work out? I am proud of you!

Stacy, your girlies sound so cute. Did they find a game they like the most?

LeeAnn, that order sounds like a lot of work. It's good that you know how to break it into manageable pieces to get it done. Good luck keeping up your house.

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Hello besties!


It is :hot and :sweat today! The weather reports are calling for 105+ all week- and the beaches are rainy with thunderstorms, so that's no help. :eek


Joanne, :hug:hug:hug Sorry that you had to cut your trip short. I'm glad you are feeling better. A walk on the beach and reading sound wonderful. :manyheart


Marisa, WTG on only 10 more rows! :cheer


Beth, glad to hear your kitty is feeling a bit better. My kiddos each have favorite games- Mia's is Just Dance 2, Eva's is Disneyland, and Isabella's is Wipeout. I'm not a big fan of the games, either, but I am pretty good at Fruit Ninja, in which *I* happen to hold the high score. :lol


Leeann, sorry to hear you're having such a rough year with work. :( Good luck getting all of your soapie goodies done. I mis-read and thought you needed one of each item in a particular fragrance. It must be a little brain-twisting to figure amounts for just one item, rather than a batch.


FIL picked up Isabella yesterday afternoon, so it's just me and the littles. We made a quick trip to the doctor today for Mia's ear- slightly red but the wax is completely gone. :think The ped. still thinks we should see the ENT, though, because she shouldn't have ear problems with tubes in place.

We dropped off books to the library and made quick trip to Trader Joe's. BLT's for dinner tonight- no cooking here! :lol I have to venture out one more time because the pharmacy didn't have her prescription ready. The girls want to go for a swim. That *should* be it for us today.


Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Beth- Glad to hear the kitty is doing better- I'm sure it's all the TLC you are giving it.

Can relate to the blah's- must be something in the air!!! LOL


I started a shawl today- Romantic Lacy Shawl- by Redheart- easy, peasy- and I had the Red Heart Soft Yarn that the pattern called for in my stash- and it was waiting for a project - and this is it.


Stacy- I would get Mia's ear checked by the ENT- especially since she had tubes put in- Enjoy your time with the littles! Love how you refer to them as such! I also went to TJ's today- stopped on my way back from the beach. Stocked up on some fruit and veggies- and of course coffee!!


Marisa-Welcome to the "blah's club" LOL---WTG on the graph ghan, though!!!!


LeeAnn- Any luck with the house? It must be hard working so much and having to keep the house up for selling- (been there done that, and then took it off the market) We're hoping that the market will improve over the next couple of years so we can re-list.


Back to beach volleyball!

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Marisa, Are you feeling any less blah today? I made a BLT pasta salad the other day as one of my new recipes I'm trying. My dd and I loved it (I had everything but the pasta in mine.) Everybody else was a little hesitant. So that's not a keeper for us, sadly. Nice to have a cool meal on a hot day. Are you feeling any less blah today? I finally got some motivation yesterday around 2 in the afternoon, and got the kitchen clean. I also made Italian meatballs in the crock pot. They were a new recipe. Very good. Today is swiss steak. Wish me luck. My husband doesn't want to like it because it has (shudder) vegetables in it.


Stacy, if it's that hot out, that squirrel on facebook was probably just trying to stay cool. I can't believe how much you managed to do in that kind of heat. I would love to be one of your girls. It sounds like you have so much fun! :manyheart I agree with Joanne about the ENT.


Joanne, I hope you are feeling better today. I am glad you get another day to rest. Will you be going back to the beach? What are you reading? A romantic lacey shawl sounds beautiful. Is it an on-line pattern?


LeeAnn, what's going on? Happy Hump Day! How is the big order coming? That is pretty cool. I've always thought of saying "I'll take one of everything" in some places. Someone actually did that! I love it.

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Joanne, is this it?

That's it, Beth! Very easy, and it's coming along nicely!


I'm feeling much better today (of course, i return to Paradise tomorrow:lol)


Today is HH&H- Hazy, hot/humid- very cloudy- not a good beach day. I'm going to go to Kohl's today-- I got my flyer and for once I got 30% off!! We need a new set of sheets so I'm going to take a look around and see if I can find a good deal. Other than that, not much on the agenda.


I'm reading The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs- someone at work had leant it to me a while ago-


DH is going to take me out to breakfast for my last vacation day! Then he'll go off to work and I'll head to Kohls


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


Well, I finished my graph ghan last night and the first base round of the border :clap Now I just have to decide on a border to do :think But, for tonight I'm going to the Pirates game....so there will be no hooking for me. I got the ticket for free for volunteering for an event a couple weeks ago and also got one for Sunday as well. Also going on Sat with a huge group that my sister organizes for her work every year and since all the tix didn't sell (150), she opened it up to friends and what was left I think she bought and is selling on stubhub :think Anyways, Sat is also a fireworks night and Styx is playing too :yay


I managed to get my badorkus to the pool this morning, but found I didn't feel like it again today and was in slow motion the the whole time :shrug I'm thinking it's because of the olympics since I keep staying up watching it :idea Hopefully I'll be better after its conclusion :xfin I'm excited for the women's beach volleyball tonight.....USA vs. USA for the gold, I guess we can safely say we have a gold and silver 'in the bag' :lol So, I set the dvr to tape tonight while we're at the game. I'll watch it in the morning.


I need to run some errands for Steph this afternoon. Boy, she is super stressed and although she often makes her own stress.....she really is getting hit with a phase of 'anything that can happen, WILL happen' right now. :sigh


Beth - I'm still feeling blah today :sigh I said above, I think it's because I'm staying up a bit later with the olympics right now :think Glad you got some energy at least in the afternoon yesterday, WTG on the cleaning and the italian meatballs :cheer


Joanne - WTG on your shawl :clap Enjoy your breakfast and your trip to Kohl's :hug

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Had a great breakfast out- went to IHOP and had pancakes and turkey bacon. I'm still full. I found sheets at Kohls' plus 2 tops that were on clearance!!


WTG on finishing the graph ghan, Marisa! Have fun at the Pirates game tonight!


Stacy- Hope you aren't melting out in that heat out in LA! I've got no plans on going out -it's too darn humid--and the AC is mighty nice- plus I have the Olympics to watch and hooking to do- and a nap sounds like a nice way to spend the afternoon.


LeeAnn- Hope you are doing ok- and that you were able to get the things made that you needed to. Remember, to try and take care of you. I'm sure that I got this nasty cold, because my job is so stressful and stress does wear down your immune system. I haven't had a cold in almost 4 years- until this one!!!


Beth- Swiss steak sounds good- and I chuckled about your Dh and the veggies. tonight I'm just having a salad since DH won't be home for dinner. No cooking for me today!! YAY!!!

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Good morning!


Marisa, sorry to hear you're so tired. We have been watching the Olympics, too- and I have been going back to bed after dh leaves in the morning. I wonder if that's why, also. :think:lol Have fun at the games!


Joanne, sounds like you found some great deals! Good idea to stay inside, away from the heat and humidity. Ihop sounds yummy! The grain and nut pancakes are my fave. :manyheart The shawl pattern looks pretty- can't wait to see yours!


Beth, you have some yummy recipes on that menu! Would you mind sharing the BLT one? Swiss steak is good, too- :xfin that your dh likes it. Thank you for the compliment about what the girls and I do- I try to make the summers fun for them. Isabella is getting to the age where nothing is as fun as I think it will be, though. I checked to see if the squirrel was back on the branch today- guess he found another place to keep cool.


Leeann, :hug:hug:hug hope you're taking care of yourself, too.


Well, when it rains, it pours, I guess. Dh called me yesterday and said his truck broke down on the freeway. Thankfully he made it to the off-ramp before it completely stopped. :ohdear It is at the shop right now, something to do with the spark plug blowing out of the head gasket. Not good.

He has my car today, so the girls and I will have to walk to the bank. Thankfully it is only 2 blocks away. Then I think we will make a quick stop at the grocery store for doughnuts. They definitely deserve a reward for walking anywhere in this heat. And of course, we will go swimming later.


Better get moving. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug



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Back to Paradise for me! Glad it's only for 2 days, then it's the weekend!


Last evening, DD and I went to Panera's for dinner and then walked around the mall a bit and got Ryan a pair of shoes. I was telling Ryan as we were walking that I took his Mom walking at the mall the night before he was born and that she went into labor a few hours later and and he started laughing- it was so funny!


No use putting this off any longer- time to get ready!


Oh, and I started another project last night- the Sunny Spread by Ellen Gormley- been on my "to do" list for a long time. Definitely have some Crochet ADD going on I'm afraid!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert :lol I'm getting good at this


The game was fun last night and my ticket was not near Steph's seats so I made friends with the people next to me, there's was a large group together. I tried to watch the olympics from last night that I taped, but was falling asleep so gave in. This morning I slept in and still didn't want to get up, but Ingrid was bringing the kids for 9:30 to the office. I told her she can leave them here while she goes on an interview. She doesn't like where she's currently at and they keep 'jerkin' her around :( And I can't afford to hire her yet, but when I can afford to pay an employee, she'll be working here.


So, I took the kids to Denny's for breakfast and boy they give you too much food and I just got the basic breakfast :eek The kids were talking about our beach trip nonstop, they are too excited :yay


Joanne - How cute about Ryan :lol I like that spread you chose, I have the book....what color are you using? And just in case you weren't' sure.....you already had crochet add!!! :devil:rofl Right along with the rest of us.


Beth, Stacy, LeeAnn, and Vicki - Have a wonderful day :hug

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Stacy, I'm sorry to hear the truck broke down. I hate being down a vehicle. I'm glad the girls are such big troopers that you can get your errands run. They definitely deserve doughnuts after that! The BLT Pasta Salad recipe is good for a hot day. I hope you like it.


Joanne, the shawl pattern is gorgeous. The projects you've finished are delightful. I love the bright colors of the granny stripe. How long did it take to work in all those ends? I tihnk it's well worth any effort made. It is so beautiful! Nice job picking the colors for it.


Marisa, Hooray for making new friends at the game! I hope you had a good time. I can see how changing your sleep patterns for the Olympics can leave you tired and "blah." I hope you feel more energetic soon. Did you have fun with Ingrid's kids? It's great that they are excited about your beach trip.


LeeAnn, Happy Almost Friday to you! I hope your day went quickly. Do you have any plans for this weekend?


Vicki, I am getting excited for our CAL. Are you getting geared up for another school year? When do you start?


I am going to attempt to modify a pattern for baby slippers to an adult size for a friend. Wish me luck!

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Beth- those slippers are so cute- good luck adapting the pattern to adult size- I'll bet you can do it!!!

When I did the granny stripe I would work however many rows I was doing and then the next time I picked up the blanket to work on it, I didn't start crocheting until I had weaved in the ends from the time before. It worked well so when i was done, I wasn't facing a gazillion ends to weave. I'm doing that from now on with anything- crochet- and then if there are ends, I can't start crocheting until I take care of the ends first!


Marisa- I'm using Vanna's Fern, Lime and Sweet Pea and bordering each square with white as the last row.


Stacy- Any news on the truck? Hope it's not a goner!!!


Vicki- How were your Professional Development days?


LeeAnn- Missing your posts- but know how BUSY you are!!!

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