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Good morning!

Wow, Beth, that was nice of your friend to give you yarn and pattern books!! Fun!!!! Do you have any other plans on what to make with your new stash other than the gauntlets for DD?


Stacy- Sounds like a fun time was had by all at Knotts! I love the picture on FB of Isabella with her new glasses!! Your kiddos go back to school early! The kids around here don't go back till around Labor Day in September. Enjoy the last two weeks of summer vacation!


LeeAnn- Sounds like you must have had a good time if you stayed another night. How are the twins doing?


Marisa- Did you have a piece of chocolate for me?


Gotta run- I'm running behind- I stayed up late watching the Olympics and didn't get up till the alarm went off!!!

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Morning. This will be quick, gotta leave to care for kitties soon.


I got a small ball of very scratchy wool yarn in purple, so I'm playing with felting with it. I made it into a circle (about 14 inches in diameter.) I'm going to wash it after the kitty thing, and see how small it gets. It may be a pet mat or a hot pad, depends how it turns out.


Joanne, enjoy craft club tonight!

Stacy, sounds like you had a great time at Knotts. I hope the allergy testing goes well.

Marisa, Vicki, and LeeAnn, have a good Monday



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Good evening my friends!


Joanne-Craft club sounds like soo much fun! I bet you will finish your GS? Can you believe that I have not had a chance to watch anything Olympic related? Hope paradise wasn't too stressful. :hug


Beth-:clap:cheeryipppeee for new yarn! Love love loving it! The wool yarn sounds interesting. Can't say I like wooly yarn but is pretty cool to felt with. How were the kittens today?


Stacy-wow! School is right around the corner for you, do you only get off about 6-8 weeks? I bet your girlies are excited.


Marisa-how was your day? Did you see lots of patients today? sure hope so.


Vicki-so nice to read your post, hope you will hop on here some more, missed ya. :hug


The weekend was a whirlwind of business. The twin gallies are adorable.:manyheart I really would love to bring them home with me..soo sweet! But lots of work. I stayed up Wed, Thur and Sat night with my sister. By the time we got home yesterday, I was tuckered out. My older nephews are doing well, very helpful. The concert was fantastic! My kiddos had such a good time. I also bought a whole bag full of yarn. HL had a clearance sale..couldn't pass it up..lots of new yarn to play with. Going to use it for scarves/mitts for my winter sale. If I can just get the time to crochet.


Also had my nails done, what a treat! This weekend I am attending another festival called Glory Days..going to have an outdoor booth, must get ready for that some time soon...Friday we have Family Night..another long week.


Going to go pour soap, have a special order from the owner at Curves..:lol


hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, you wear me out!!! I am sure your sister really appreciated the help while you were there. How sweet that her big boys are helping, too. I hope your long week at work goes quickly. Did you get the soaps poured? When is the outdoor festival?


Joanne, how was craft club? Do you have any plans to see Ryan soon?


Stacy, did your girls recuperate from the long night at Knotts? I'll bet they slept GOOD that night. Any more fun plans for your family for the rest of your brief summer vacation? How long will you have between them starting school and you starting? My kids go back Aug. 20th.


Marisa, I hope you are having a wonderful trip. How is your friend?


Vicki, How's your dd doing? Are you getting any of your stash busted?


The felting was a fun experiment. I ended up with a pet mat. It didn't shrink as much as I expected, but the texture improved so much. The dye bled really bad, though. I'm glad I decided to wash it in my sink, not in my washing machine with a load of our clothes. Nobody here is crazy about purple. I already used it as a blankie for my cat after I gave her a bath last night. I finished my dd's gauntlets. I'm planning to do a hat for my son next, even though it has (shudder) sewing involved. Crochet Today! page 64. I'll look for a link. See if this works -- it's the hat, not the child's wrap.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne- cut and paste alert


Well, I keep getting side tracked with the olympics :shrug I got back yesterday afternoon, came to the office to get in some of Friday's paperwork. Then to the house to unload the car and met a friend for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory because yesterday was National Cheesecake day and they had half price pieces :drool


Watched the Olympics so got to bed late, but was up to go swimming myself this morning. Now I'm watching the good people swim :lol Men's US basketball should be today for game 2, but I'm not sure what time....better go look it up :think


I have a haircut tonight and am excited since my hair is starting to annoy me because it's getting longer than I'd like it. I have some errands to run during the day and 2 patients later on :D


Joanne - WTG on the granny stripe :clap The only chocolate I had was the brownies my friend made for the party :think


Beth - Good luck on the stash busting idea :xfin Pics of the gauntlets? :devil


Stacy - Yes, I'd get Mia tested....she just got over hives recently too right? Glad they had a great day despite her rash.


LeeAnn - You are like the energizer bunny :lol Sounds like a great haul at HL :wink

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Marisa, enjoy your haircut. Mine is starting to irritate me, but it will wait. I may trim the bangs a little. How is the salon's renovations coming along? Will they be moving back soon, or are they already there?


Joanne, I hope Paradise is doing well. Happy Hump Day to you!


Stacy, are you enjoying your last few days with the girlies before they go back to school? Are they all at the same school this year?


LeeAnn, How is work going? When do your kiddoes go back to school?


Yesterday, I made something I saw on Food Network for dinner: grilled cheese with pulled pork (with bbq sauce) and carmelized onions in it. It was universally liked, except I couldn't eat it. But that's OK.

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Hi ladies!! How is everyone doing?? Thing here are going along. Brianna has a doctor's appointment in a little while. She was getting a lot of headaches, so I made an appointment with the neurologist before school starts again (oh such a horrible thought!!), but I think the problem was fixed when we got her eyes checked. Turns out she needed glasses again. She is having both far and near point vision problems so bifocals it is! Her glasses look really cute on her thought. She always picks the cutest frames!


My stash busting hasn't started yet. I'm in the middle of a blankey for a friend of mine at school. She lost her dad at the beginning of the summer. I wanted to make her something because she has really helped me out a lot in the last year when I was having a very hard time. So I'm doing that. But I do have ideas for stash busting!!


What I really need right now is motivation to get off my butt and work on my paper! I've been so bad and haven't picked it up in way too long! I've proven what I needed to prove, now I just need to add some information into it.


Hope everyone has a great day! Off to the doctor's office!!

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Marisa, enjoy your haircut. Mine is starting to irritate me, but it will wait. I may trim the bangs a little. How is the salon's renovations coming along? Will they be moving back soon, or are they already there?


Yesterday, I made something I saw on Food Network for dinner: grilled cheese with pulled pork (with bbq sauce) and carmelized onions in it. It was universally liked, except I couldn't eat it. But that's OK.


My hair is surely cut now!!! :eek They had to demo what was left of the building and they are now doing some work at the site to rebuild. The anticipation is January :xfin That being said, they are still in their temporary location for now. Your dinner sounds wonderful :drool Right up my alley :lol


Hi ladies!! How is everyone doing?? Thing here are going along. Brianna has a doctor's appointment in a little while. She was getting a lot of headaches, so I made an appointment with the neurologist before school starts again (oh such a horrible thought!!), but I think the problem was fixed when we got her eyes checked. Turns out she needed glasses again. She is having both far and near point vision problems so bifocals it is! Her glasses look really cute on her thought. She always picks the cutest frames!


My stash busting hasn't started yet. I'm in the middle of a blankey for a friend of mine at school. She lost her dad at the beginning of the summer. I wanted to make her something because she has really helped me out a lot in the last year when I was having a very hard time. So I'm doing that. But I do have ideas for stash busting!!


What I really need right now is motivation to get off my butt and work on my paper! I've been so bad and haven't picked it up in way too long! I've proven what I needed to prove, now I just need to add some information into it.


Hope everyone has a great day! Off to the doctor's office!!


Well Vicki :kick:kick Get your badorkus to your paper! :wink I hope the doctor's appointment goes well and that Brianna got some new glasses which helped with the headaches. When I have patient's complaining of headaches on a regular basis, I always ask when they last had their eyes checked :yes

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Good morning!


Vicki, it's so good to see your name around here again! :hug:hug:hug Sorry to hear about Brianna's neuro appointment- I'm sure it is difficult to take her while she is still so young. Glad to hear the glasses did the trick, though! :cheer My Isabella has had glasses since first grade, but "forgets" to wear them.


Marisa, can't go wrong with half-price cheesecake! :devil Although, I have to say that the cheesecake is the only item I like from that place. Hope you enjoyed your haircut! How is your stylist doing since the fire? Are they rebuilding yet?


Joanne, what's shakin, bacon? WTG on finishing the granny stripe! :cheer I'm sure you had tons of fun with Ryan and dd when they came over. I hope Paradise is treating you well. :hug


Leeann, as always, you are a whirlwind of activity! Sounds like you had much success at HL! :lol When do your kiddos go back to school? Has your ds decided if he's going to school this year, or homeschooling again?


Yesterday we met up with some friends at the beach. Although I applied sunblock every hour, I am crispy. Only in certain places, though. :think Next time, I will take one of my long, flowy skirts to cover up with. Anyway, the girls had a blast. Then last night, Mia's rash showed up again. All over her arms and legs this time. :think:eek I thought it might be due to the sunscreen, but the rash doesn't show up until we are indoors.


Anywho...I better scoot and get breakfast ready. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Marisa, can't go wrong with half-price cheesecake! :devil Although, I have to say that the cheesecake is the only item I like from that place. Hope you enjoyed your haircut! How is your stylist doing since the fire? Are they rebuilding yet?


Yesterday we met up with some friends at the beach. Although I applied sunblock every hour, I am crispy. Only in certain places, though. :think Next time, I will take one of my long, flowy skirts to cover up with. Anyway, the girls had a blast. Then last night, Mia's rash showed up again. All over her arms and legs this time. :think:eek I thought it might be due to the sunscreen, but the rash doesn't show up until we are indoors.


Anywho...I better scoot and get breakfast ready. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug


I actually like a lot of their things there. They have a 'skinny' menu with some great rolls, I just can't remember which rolls it was that I liked :blush I love the eggplant sandwich although it's super messy. I also love the bbq ranch chicken salad :drool I had the cuban this time which was good too. My favorite cheesecake is the carrot cake cheesecake :drool


They are starting work on the building and are doing well. I drove past it yesterday and things are under way :wink I tend to be sensitive to detergents, deodorants, perfumes, lotions, metals, etc. And they don't affect all areas the same either. Some areas are worse than others, ie. usually my underarms and chest/neck will break out first and even then it's usually later that day or the next day :eek While my legs don't usually seem to have a problem :think There's almost no rhyme or reason to it :shrug

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Evening friends!


Beth-your new kitty project sounds cool! Can't believe that you finished one gauntlet..you sure are fast! Your new recipe...:manyheart:manyheart I will be right over for leftovers...delish!


Joanne-I bet you are enjoying the Olympics, they sure are addicting. I stayed up way past my bedtime watching the men's swimming and gymnasts.


Stacy-my kiddos go back to school on Aug 27? I think. :think My ds has decided that he is going to try High School, he will be a freshman. Praying for a good year. My dd will be going to the 6th grade.:D I am trying to put off thinking about it..hurts my heart.


Marisa-you are right, I have been like the energizer bunny, afraid that I am puttering out. Between work, family, and my business...I am wearing myself out. So happy that you were able to get in and get your hair cut. :cheer always feels good.


Vicki-hope your dd's new glasses helps. welcome back!


Last night I finished the order for Curves, worked on another gift basket custom order and filled 2 more other orders....all after work, an eye appt, dinner, dishes,, and played a few games with the kiddos. The outdoor sale is this Saturday.:eek


Going to relax for a few as ds and dh are at Scouts. hugs n squishes!



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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on around here, which is a good thing :yes I got several rows of my graph ghan done last night :clap Went swimming this morning and now am here :D


I have a few things to take care of and people to call while it's early so I'll be back later.

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Hi ladies!

I had such a migraine this morning! UGH! It took all day to go away! I hate migraines!

Brianna's appointment went well. The doctor said she doesn't have to go back until next year. So yes, we actually made an appoinment for NEXT AUGUST!! I actually have appoinments scheduled for next year already! Lord help me! I had to go buy a new calendar so I could write all my appointments for the new year! But her new glasses seemed to do the trick with her headaches. She was funny when she first put them on and wore them on the way home. She said to me "Wow, mom, everything is so clear!" I actually wanted to laugh at her, but she reminded me too much of me when I first go glasses, so I really couldn't laugh :lol.

I'm going to go print out a pattern I found on here called the Luna Lovegood Scarf. It looks so pretty! I will do that after I finish the blanket I'm doing and the wrap we are going to start on the 15th. Marisa, LeeAnn, you want to join us? Some of us are going to do a little CAL that we are going to start on the 15th. Not sure I'm smart enough to get the pattern to link. Maybe Stacy or Joanne will help me out here? It's a wrap pattern that I found! It's pretty!

Have a good night all and talk to you tomorrow!

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Hey ladies!


Vicki, sorry to hear about your migraine! :hug I had a headache this morning, but realized around 11 that it was because I hadn't had coffee yet. :blush I had to giggle at buying a new calendar for next year. I set an ortho check-up for next May and forgot to write it down. I feel so silly calling back to ask what the day is! LoL


Joanne, hope Paradise wasn't too bad for you today. :hug:hug:hug


Leeann, I hope you have a chance to take a breather soon. :hug:hug:hug


Marisa, an eggplant sandwich sounds yummy! Ours doesn't have sandwiches. Just lots of pastas (hot and cold) and salads. Dh's friend came over and apparently he knows a lot about allergies. He thinks Mia has a sun allergy- seems that depending on the reaction, it shows up after the person is indoors after prolonged sun exposure. :think So I will just keep her covered when we go out, rather than going 'round with the ped. to have her tested again. :shrug


Beth, what's shakin? What classes are your inventions taking this semester? I am taking two online classes, and looking into going back to work. Dh and I have talked for a couple years about the day when all of the girls would be in school. Now that it's finally here, I am very sad. :( They will all be at the same school this year. :yes Do we get to see pics of your kitty bed? :devil


It is very hot today, and I am :grumpy. Dh went to bed right after dinner, and the girls are wound up and ready to go back to school. Also, I made a double batch of scones for breakfast tomorrow, and I came out of the bathroom to find that the dog had eaten all but 4 of them. :angry I should probably just go to bed. :lol

Love and hugs!!


Oh! Here is the link to the shawl pattern. :cheer



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I had internet issues and cable co had to come not once, but twice. Thankfully, the guy that came the second time appears to know what he was doing and traced the issue to the cable on the pole up the street.


Will try to catch up later tonight after work, but for now, running late and must get ready!


Good to see posts from Vicki!!!! Happy FRIDAY all!

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Sorry to hear about the internet issues, Joanne! Isn't this the second time they've traced it to the wires or pole down the street? I hope they fixed the problem for good this time. Hope Paradise goes quickly for you today. TGIF! :hug:hug


Leeann, Marisa, Beth, Vicki- :wave :hug Hope your Friday is off to a great start!


I am so tired this morning. :yawn Lots of loud noises last night. Then when I finally did fall into a good sleep, the a/c kicked on and scared the beejeebies out of me. :eek Time to get some coffee and get moving. We have to do the laundry and go to the library. Then I think we will pack a picnic and head to the park. Hopefully it's not too hot by the time we get there.


Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I logged on here before noon :eek I get sidetracked way too easilly :sigh


I got 4 more rows on my graph ghan last night, then counted out the rest of the rows for stitch #'s per color for each row. It makes it go quicker than trying to count as I go, this way I only have to follow the #'s and rarely the actual graph :lol Swam this morning and came in a little later than usual. We're going out for wings tonight for a little birthday celebration for our neighbor :yay


I hope the weekend stays quiet :xfin


Vicki - Sorry to hear about your migraine and hope it's feeling better :hug Glad to hear that Brianns's glasses helped her headaches. :yay Thanks for the invite on the wrap, but I think I'm going to pass. Right now I need to finish up this graph ghan, then the baby dress that just needs sleeves and edging for my friend. Plus, I'm not much of a shawl person and don't feel like I know people that are :think


Stacy - Those menus are pretty thick, have you looked through it all. The eggplant sandwich is on the page with the burgers and for some reason the sandwich page is after all the pastas and such closer to the end :think I'm pretty sure that they'll all the same, but I guess I could be wrong :eek Good luck figuring out Mia's allergies. All that hard work with the scones :eek Have fun at the library and the park.


Joanne - I hope they got your cable taken care of now for real :xfin Enjoy your weekend!!!!

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Internet is working and I've noticed that it is much quicker- so I've got my fingers crossed that it IS actually fixed. The first guy that came out replaced the cable that goes that is in a box outside by the sidewalk- he didn't do anything about the cable box up the street on the pole. Fingers crossed it's really truly fixed but I'm optimistic this time around. DH said this guy really seemed to know what he is doing- he was a quality guy- checking things out since I had already had the service guy out a few days earlier and it was 'supposedly fixed'


I've got to get packing- so my car is ready to leave bright and early.


I'll check in from Beantown!

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Howdy friends! quick post before bedtime..had the longest day ever.


Would love to join the CAL, would be nice to work on something new, maybe it would motivate me to crochet more. Count me in!


night all! Hugs n squishes!

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Vicki, I do hope you will be posting the CAl info here, as well as on Facebook. I can't read all the posts the next morning, just the last 4 or so. I'm so glad the glasses fixed your dd's headaches.


LeeAnn, you are so busy. I hope your sale today goes really well.


Marisa, The closest Cheesecake Factory is 30 minutes away (if traffic is good, hours if the tunnel traffic gets evil.) I've never eaten there. It sounds like you are taking advantage of the membership to the gym. Are you still working out at work, too?


Joanne, have a great time in Beantown!


Stacy, so sorry to hear about the rashes on your baby girl. It does take a while for the reactions to show up some times. It could be the sun, or the sun screen. They do grow up fast, don't they?


My kids are taking basic classes, like math and English and a required class that takes them on tours of the campus, shows them the library, the study center, the place to go for tutoring, etc.. Then a class or two in their majors, as well. My dd is taking an on-line class about the materials and processes in Manufacturing. Sounds like a zzzzzz-fest to me, but she is looking forward to it. The longer I'm around them, the more I'm aware that I didn't create three mini-me's, I gave birth to three individuals.

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LOL about the three individuals, Beth!! Isnt' it great? Mine are too!!!


Made it safe and sound to Beantown around 9:45 this morning. No traffic, but did have some fog, but nothing that was too terrible.


My DD's are at the farmer's market now and when they get back we're heading out. Sure hope I don't wilt in this heat!!! LOL


Have a good Saturday!

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I spent the morning at vet offices (yep, two of them.) My cat that has seizures wrapped herself in the computer wires (probably falling from the back of the computer desk) and was hanging there when I went looking for her. She wasn't breathing right, and started having some pretty bad abdominal symptoms. My vet was scratching his head, so he sent me to the emergency clinic. I didn't think I'd be able to bring her home, but the vet wants me to try to take care of her this weekend, see how she's doing on Monday. I already think she's better. She is moving around more, acting a lot more normal. Let's see if she'll eat -- bought her some easy to digest moist food.

Joanne, I hope you don't wilt. I'd like to melt a bit, if I can pick what parts melt... I was driving around in a car with no a/c, cause my son took the van to the city swim meet in the next city.

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Good morning friends!


Beth-hoping and praying that your kitty friend is ok and feeling much better. :hug:hug Yippeee for a new Michaels! Did you get lots of goodies?


Joanne-your day with your dd's sounds :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart Enjoy it! Will you be back this afternoon?


Stacy-what's a happening? Getting ready for school I am sure, do your gals start this week?


Marisa-how's it going? what's on the agenda for the week?


Vicki-how was your weekend? did you get your paper done?


The sale yesterday went well, better than the last. It was outdoor, they had a band playing, made it nice to sit and relax in between customers. Today is CLEANING day. Our house looks like a tornado hit! woa! The kiddos have been helping this last week, but the nitty gritty needs to be done. They are at the in-laws, dh will be picking them up later on today. I am going to stay home and work on all the cleaning, and unpacking and of course laundry. Also have a big order for 1 of everything that I carry in a particular fragrance..:) lots to create as is it fairly new and I special ordered the fragrance for a customer. Off I go! hugs n extra squishes!

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LeeAnn, congrats on the sale! Good luck with that big order. Is it hard to make a single item in a fragrance? Did you get your house clean?


Joanne, hope all is going great for you. Looking forward to hearing about your trip.


Marisa, did you have a good weekend? When are you going to the beach? I am already looking forward to hearing about it.


Stacy, what are you and the girlies up to? Any fun plans for the rest of their vacation?

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