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Thanks for the recipes! I am supposed to try something from a crock pot this week, but keep forgetting to start it in the morning. I did get a lot done today, though. We took care of the kitties, did some shopping, took the van in for inspection (it passed!!!) and I made lunch -- my first try at a gluten-free fried chicken recipe. The kids who ate it said good things, but I think it needs improvement.

Marisa, I hope you will get to post the video (or at least a link to it) on Facebook. It sounds very exciting.

Joanne, so sorry you will miss craft club today. At least you'll get the testing over with.

LeeAnn and Stacy, I hope you are both having good Mondays!

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Evening all! Long day at work...feel extremely sluggish.


Marisa-your recipe sounds familiar...love the title! :-)) Hope you are feeling better.


Joane-your lil Ryan is one handsome fellow. I didn't realize that he shares a birthday with my son Cristopher. Tomorrow he will turn 15. yikes!


Stacy-hope you are doing well.


Beth-your new recipe idea sounds wonderful. I have a few family favorites..will get back to ya all on them as my brain may be a bit fried.


going to rest, hugs n squishes!

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The upgrade tonight was successful!!! I left work at 8:15- so it was a long day, but at least it is done!! Would have been way worse if we ran into problems. Had one little glitch but got it worked out. Very happy that is one more thing to cross of the list. I scheduled a meeting for 7:30-10 tomorrow so I go in early. There are a few more things that have to get done tomorrow- so I just told everyone it was either come in early or stay late, but we need to get these things done- so early it is!


LeeAnn- Happy Birthday to Cristopher:birthday:bday:cake That's something that he and Ryan share the same birthday- two great kiddos!!!!


Love your recipe, Marisa-- easy, peasy, the way I like em!!! And it sounds like something my DH would love since he loves pepperoni- I don't buy it often- high salt content, but it'd be a nice treat!


Stacy- Did you ever get your iced coffee??? Saw that you were craving it but ran out of ice:eek


Beth- Congrats on the van passing inspection- it's always a relief to get that done and to not have to get something fixed and take it back!!! I did have a wonderful time at the party- it's always a treat to spend time with my DD's- and of course it was great to be with the little guy!


We're going out to Friendly's tomorrow night for dinner to celebrate Ryan's Birthday...


Consider this my early morning post- so wishing you all a great Tuesday!!!

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Gah, my laptop died and I lost my entire post! Anywho...


Beth, I love your recipe idea! I have an awesome one called garlic chicken pasta, but it only uses the crockpot for the chicken, and the rest of the recipe is on the stove. Oh! I also have one for stuffed pepper soup, if you like soups...it actually turns out to be more of a stew, but it is really tasty. Also...I LOVE that you had your inventions start volunteering at 13. :yes


Joanne, so glad you got to spend time with all 3 girls, and your niece and nephew! How fun. The birthday boy is adorable (though I don't have to tell you that. :wink:lol) He is a very clean cake eater, too! :lol Oooh, and that eggplant lasagne sounds :drool. I'm going to try that one next week! :cheer for the upgrade going out without a hitch! I did get my iced coffee- I went out for ice and some cleaning supplies (Olive had an accident last night) and about 2 hours later as I was cleaning, dh called to say he was on his way home- I realized I had completely forgotten to make my coffee! :rofl So I had him pick one up anyway.


Marisa, I love the idea of the testimonials. Hope your headache has cleared up. :hug:hug:hug


Leeann, what's shakin' bacon? Happy early birthday to Christopher! Any fun plans with the birthday boy? The Journey concert sounds awesome. How exciting that you will see the twins! :cheer


BIL and fam have been here since Thursday. Friday was my niece's 6th birthday, so we had a party for her at MIL's house. Saturday we were supposed to go to Knott's, but they had some things to do for the wedding so we just puttered around and cleaned. Dh took the girls swimming. Sunday was the big day, BIL finally got married, although they have been together for 11 years. :lol It was a nice ceremony, and we had a reception at dh's aunt's house. Lots of fun! Even MIL was dancing and being silly. (She's usually very serious.) This afternoon we had a bbq. Lots of family time...also they are coming back NEXT weekend so we can go to Knott's. (It was supposed to be a birthday celebration for my niece.)

Oh...I took Mia to the doctor on Friday for the hives, and the dr. said there is nothing we can do besides give Benadryl and hydracortisone cream. Two of them are gone already- the huge one is still there. I mentioned that she feels like something is in her ear- the dr. looked and said it is full of wax, so much that she doesn't want to remove it herself, and suggested we go back to the ENT, because the amount of wax suggests that the tube may have fallen out. :( My poor girl. So I need to set up that appointment.

That is all the news from here. It is so hot and I am off to take a shower. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Waiting for my patient to arrive so figured I'd check in. Not much going on here today and not much to report. Worked on my baby ghan a bit last night but ended up leaving late because I waited for Ingrid to stop by to pick up some things and for some reason her key isn't working :think I have to get her a new one :yes Went to the gym swimming this morning :D


Beth - I should have a link for the video on fb when it's finished. Glad you're having fun with your recipes and :yay on passing the van's inspection.


LeeAnn - I hope you got a good nights sleep and that you're not so sluggish this morning :hug:birthday to Christopher


Joanne - Glad the upgrade is complete and over with. I hope your meeting goes well today and I know you'll have fun out to dinner with Ryan tonight :yes:birthday Ryan


Wow! 2 birthdays :D


Stacy - Glad to hear BIL's ceremony was a nice one and that everyone had such a great time. Sorry to hear about Mia and the ear escapade, but glad to hear the hives are starting to mend :hug

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Evening all! Quick post as I am trying to get a million things done. thank you all for the b-day wishes for Cristopher. we had a dinner here at our house..just finished cleaning up the kitchen, must get to packing since we are leaving after work tomorrow. Will post more later this weekend as I plan on taking my puter.


hugs n squishes! Happy Birthday to lil Ryan!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,

Ryan had a great first birthday- he did a lot- My DD and SIL took him to his first baseball game at a local minor league ballpark and then they went swimming. We met them for dinner along with my DD's MIL and we all had a great time. He was so well-behaved --and then promptly fell asleep on the way home from the restaurant!!!


Glad to hear Cristopher also had a good birthday LeeAnn- safe travels today!


Marisa, Stacy and Beth- I'm out of time- so just know I am thinking of you!


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I woke up early this morning before my alarm went off, I was surprised :yes Went swimming and here I sit. Last night I worked on my baby ghan and only have 3 more squares to attach 2 of which I still have to make. I think I'll do that while I'm here today :think


LeeAnn and Joanne - Glad to hear that Ryan and Christopher had great birthdays :yes


LeeAnn - Have a safe trip :hug


Joanne, Stacy, and Beth - See ya later :wink

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Hi everyone!

Marisa- did you get the baby blanket done?


Not much new here- same old, same old---except I did go over to DD's last night to go for a walk with Ryan and Belle.- it was beautiful out yesterday---but now the heat/humidity/T-storms will be back for the next 5 days or so.....


Thinking of all of you--and sending hugs....Oh, Beth- how is the new recipe idea going?

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Good morning ladies :hi


Should have copy and pasted, but I forgot today :shrug But last night I ended up driving into town for my networking event. I planned to walk, but it was just too hot and I would not have been able to dress appropriately. It went well and I met a lot of new faces and was greeted by some familiar ones too.


I did finish up the baby ghan. Although I wanted to put another round for the border, but don't have enough yarn to do so and am not going to buy any :no I think it looks fine as is. I still have to hide my finishing tail and I think I have my camera with me so I'll snap a pic to share.


I skipped the gym this morning and slept in :eek But plan to workout here instead today :xfin I also have some errands to run.


Joanne - :yay for a great finish to the day


Beth, Stacy, and LeeAnn - :hi I hope you're all having a great day

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So here is a pic of my baby ghan. I still have to cut the yarn and hide the final tail. I got the front and back for you and also a close up of the ridge made from the join as you go I did, but I don't think it's supposed to look like that....but no matter, because I like it :wink





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Marisa, that is gorgeous! :manyheart:cheer:clap:c9 Beautiful work!


Leeann, Joanne, Beth- :hug:hug:hug It's almost the weekend! Hope you're having a great day.


Well...I guess BIL and fam aren't coming back this weekend, so we are just taking the girls to Knott's alone. :devil


Yesterday the manager called to see which day would be best for the painter to fix the stairwell. I didn't get her call until bedtime since my phone battery had died. Anyway, I went downstairs to take the dogs out this morning, and the painter was already there! :eek Why did she call in the first place? So I packed up the girls quickly and we spent the day between the park and library. There was a grandparent volunteer, reading to the children, and she read to my girls for over an hour. :manyheart They really enjoyed it, and so did she. She kept telling them stories about when she was younger, etc. Then we ran to the store to get something for dinner, and came home. I have some laundry to put away, but I might lounge tonight- my stomach is upset.


Well, I'm off to read for a bit. I picked up a book at the library two days ago, and finished it last night. :eek So I got a new one today. Suggestions for good books are welcome! :devil Right now I'm reading one by Debbie Macomber- I haven't read anything since the HP series, since I tend to get sucked in and don't do much of anything else while I'm reading. :blush

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Hi, Remember me? I've been hiding in the a/c, avoiding the room the computer is in.

Joanne, It sounds like Ryan's birthday was a great celebration. He is so cute! Reminds me of my oldest when he was a baby. Handsome fellow.

LeeAnn, I hope your son had fun with his birthday. Doesn't the time just fly by?

Stacy, so sorry you didn't get your iced coffee when you wanted it. Sounds like lots going on with the wedding. I hope your family has fun at Knotts.

Marisa, Your blanket is beautiful! I like the ridge, myself. I think it adds a lot of character.

Thanks everybody for the recipe ideas. This week, I tried the gluten free fried chicken, which needs work, Chicago Italian Beef sandwiches (which were rather easy and very good) and I experimented with gluten free donut holes this morning. Let's just say that recipe is definitely a keeper! :D Thanks again for sharing your ideas! You are the bestest besties ever!!!

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Leeann, Joanne, Beth- :hug:hug:hug It's almost the weekend! Hope you're having a great day. WOOT for TGIF!!!!!!!


Well...I guess BIL and fam aren't coming back this weekend, so we are just taking the girls to Knott's alone. :devil OH, isn't that a shame;) Enjoy Knotts with just YOUR family! Bet the girls will have a blast!!!!


Yesterday the manager called to see which day would be best for the painter to fix the stairwell. I didn't get her call until bedtime since my phone battery had died. Anyway, I went downstairs to take the dogs out this morning, and the painter was already there! :eek Why did she call in the first place? So I packed up the girls quickly and we spent the day between the park and library. There was a grandparent volunteer, reading to the children, and she read to my girls for over an hour. :manyheart They really enjoyed it, and so did she. She kept telling them stories about when she was younger, etc. Then we ran to the store to get something for dinner, and came home. I have some laundry to put away, but I might lounge tonight- my stomach is upset.


Well, I'm off to read for a bit. I picked up a book at the library two days ago, and finished it last night. :eek So I got a new one today. Suggestions for good books are welcome! :devil Right now I'm reading one by Debbie Macomber- I haven't read anything since the HP series, since I tend to get sucked in and don't do much of anything else while I'm reading. :blush

I'll bet it was special for the grandparent volunteer to have such a rapt audience and she must have thoroughly enjoyed reading to your girls!:c9 Nothing like reading!!!!


Hope your tummy feels better. I am also like that with books- get sucked in and want to do nothing else! Someone at work gave me "fifty shades" to read- not sure if I'm going to or not. I also have a book called The Knitting Club that someone gave me to read.


Hi, Remember me? I've been hiding in the a/c, avoiding the room the computer is in.

Joanne, It sounds like Ryan's birthday was a great celebration. He is so cute! Reminds me of my oldest when he was a baby. Handsome fellow.

LeeAnn, I hope your son had fun with his birthday. Doesn't the time just fly by?

Stacy, so sorry you didn't get your iced coffee when you wanted it. Sounds like lots going on with the wedding. I hope your family has fun at Knotts.

Marisa, Your blanket is beautiful! I like the ridge, myself. I think it adds a lot of character.

Thanks everybody for the recipe ideas. This week, I tried the gluten free fried chicken, which needs work, Chicago Italian Beef sandwiches (which were rather easy and very good) and I experimented with gluten free donut holes this morning. Let's just say that recipe is definitely a keeper! :D Thanks again for sharing your ideas! You are the bestest besties ever!!!


Of course we remember you!:lol Don't blame you for staying in the room with the AC- that's the only place to be in heat/humidity!!! I can't imagine it is much fun cooking when it's so hot out, but seems that you've found some nice easy things to make!!


So here is a pic of my baby ghan. I still have to cut the yarn and hide the final tail. I got the front and back for you and also a close up of the ridge made from the join as you go I did, but I don't think it's supposed to look like that....but no matter, because I like it :wink

I like the ridge and the way it looks. I've never done that before, but just may have to sometime! I think it makes it look special!!!!


Looking forward to this day being over- because that means one thing! Weekend and two days off:D


Have a good one everybody

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert :wink


Shortly after I got home last night the power went out :eek So I sat an crocheted by the windows since it was still light out. When I started to get too hot and the yarn kept sticking to my hands, I went downstairs to get a snack and we decided to go out to eat. So we went to a tavern near my office for wings and the Pirates game. The power was back on before we got home, but it was still a while because our neighbor text us when it came back on since she didn't go out with us.


I went to the gym swimming this morning and then ran to the bread store to get my dad their specialty foccacia and a loaf of rye bread. I'm going to Palmyra (Hershey) today after I finish with my patients.....I have 3 in a row :clap ...... my parents are coming down to the party tomorrow so I'll see them there and then we'll switch cars so I have their van for the trip to the beach in a few weeks :yes I'll drive back Monday so not sure when I'll be back. I may or may not get a chance to check in during the weekend.


Stacy - Glad to hear the girls had a great time at the park and library. Hope you're feeling better :hug


Beth - Who are you again :think:wink:lol Great job with keeping up trying new recipes.


Joanne - Do you have any plans for the weekend? Enjoy your 2 days :yay

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Hi and Happy Saturday!


I tried to get on the internet last night and couldn't. The cable co is coming today since when we called they said it looks like we have some signal issues. They said the internet might come back up on its own before the tech comes, but they should come anyway and not to cancel since the diagnostics revealed an issue.


Tried this morning- and yippee!! Internet!!- but who knows for how long?? The tech is coming between 11-2- so during that time, I'll do laundry, crochet and watch the Olympics!

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Good morning ladies,


Joanne - cut and paste!


I'm on the iPad so will be short and didn't take notes. I hear people awake upstairs, but nobody has emerged yet soi decided to make a quick check in.


I left late yesterday.....another patient walked in as the 2nd 2 were leaving, his regular chiro is out of town. So of course I treated him too. So after that I didn't even finish up my paperwork. I was going to do some this morning, but my computer at work is not on, I'm guessing the powers out, so I cannot access it.


I met some of my friends here at the melting pot for dinner and it was the longest meal ever :eek


See y'all later.

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Good day friends!


Here at my sister's house, we were supposed to leave this morning but decided to spend another night.


Had a great time at the concert and even better time with my nieces, nephews and sister.


off to Hobby Lobby and Joann's. Hugs n squishes!

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Oh, LeeAnn- have fun at HL and JoAnn's!!!!


Marisa- Have a great time in Hershey- have a piece of chocolate for me! LOL


Beth- How's it going in your neck of the woods? Is it still hot/humid? We are having T-storms now- the rumbling has just begun.


Cable guy has been here and turns out there was an issue with the outside cable so he replaced it and made sure all connections are tight!!! YAY!!! I got my cleaning done since I had to be home and also worked some more on the border of my GS. 3 more sides to do and it's done.


Hoping these storms don't last too long- because I need to go and stock up on fruits/veggies!! But I don't like driving in T-storms- especially if I don't have too!

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Hi ladies! I finally found my way back to the 'ville! I finally rememebered my user name and reset my password and got back on!!


Hope everyone is having a good day! I've been sitting here watching the Olympics most of the day and I was crocheting earlier. DD has decided I need to stash bust. LOL!


Hope you're all having a great day!!



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Hi ladies! I finally found my way back to the 'ville! I finally rememebered my user name and reset my password and got back on!!


Hope everyone is having a good day! I've been sitting here watching the Olympics most of the day and I was crocheting earlier. DD has decided I need to stash bust. LOL!


Hope you're all having a great day!!



:clap Vicki is back!!!! I had to :lol about your DD saying you have to stash bust!!!! So do I!!! I'm almost done with the granny stripe. I'm on the last round of the border!!!! I did watch some of the Olympics today too and am now watching Beach Volleyball with Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh!

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Good morning ladies


Just a quick drop in as people are starting to emerge here. We've been watching the Olympics off and on. I enjoyed the gymnastics last night and am waiting for USA basketball today, at 9:30. Have soccer on in the meantime. My friends sister and brother are going to the park today, but I am not mostly because of money as well as the fact that I came to visit with my pregnant friend who's been have a rough pregnancy.


Welcome back Vicki! We've surely missed you around here :hug

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Good morning!


I finished the Granny Stripe!! Woo-hoo!!! Pics later-- it's stil kind of cloudy, dreary out and I need to make breakfast and DH and I will then be watching USA basketball.


DD and Ryan are coming over later on this afternoon, and sometime in there I need to get to the grocery store!


DH is walking around which means he's getting hungry and I promised I'd make breakfast this morning- pancakes and turkey sausage, so I'd better get off the computer.


Have a wonderful day!

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Hello everybody!


Marisa, hope you are having fun in the Hershey area. It is so nice that you are taking care of your pregnant friend. You are a sweetie, and I'm glad you're my friend!


Vicki, so nice to see you! So what are you crocheting to bust your stash?


Joanne, sounds like you spent the time waiting for the cable guy in a very productive manner. Nice to have the cleaning done. I hope you got your shopping done. I get to do that now. Congrats on finishing the granny stripe,. I can't wait to see it!


LeeAnn, I'm glad you are having a good time with your family. Are you getting lots of new baby time?


I met with two IRL crochet buddies, though one of them recently became a quilting buddy. She says crochet will always be her first love, but she needs to get rid of yarn stash to make room for fabric stash, so I carried home a BIG bag of yarn. So I REALLY need to stash bust. My dd picked a ball so I can make her new gauntlets. The ones I made her earlier went through the wash when they shouldn't have, and now they are odd-shaped dog toys. (Felted things are VERY good dog toys.) Any way, I have one done. She also gave me a stack of crochet magazines.

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Beth, sounds like you really made out! :cheer So sweet of your friend to share her yarn. Can't wait to see the gauntlets.


Marisa, hope you're having a great weekend.


Leeann, how fun that you stayed an extra day. :manyheart I bet you had an awesome time holding those sweet little nieces of yours. Have your sister's mood swings slowed since she's had the babies?


Vicki, :woo You're back!! I had a good giggle when I read that your dd said you need to stash bust! :rofl Did you figure out the poncho yet?


We had an awesome time at Knott's yesterday! We stayed from open to close- 9:30 a.m. until 10 p.m.! :eek The girls really held on though, and didn't even want to leave when it closed. :lol Mia got a rash all over her arms about halfway through watch the Snoopy on Ice show, so we went to the first aid office afterward. The RN said it looked like contact dermatitis, and gave us hydracortisone cream. She wanted to give her Benadryl, but that would have knocked her out, and it was only 6, so I refused. The rash was gone this morning. :shrug I'm going to call the pediatrician tomorrow and see if she can be tested for allergies again.

This morning I went grocery shopping, and we are just lounging around, watching the Olympics. The girls want to go swimming later, too. :think We'll see.

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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