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Some good clean fun?!

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Welcome home Beth!! Missed you here, but so happy that you had such an awesome time. How fun to go to Wrigley and have the Cubbies win!!!!!!


HOT, HUMID here- can't stand it and just keeping fingers crossed that the power stays on because inside in the AC is very nice!!


Stacy- It's great to have one on one time! I used to try and make time for each of my DD's for something I would do one on one with them. I still try to do that!! LOL

I'll be heading to Beantown in a couple of weeks for my cousins surprise party and will be staying with my oldest---and my middle DD will be there too- so it'll be 2 out of the 3 on 1 time! LOL


LeeAnn- hope your day went better today. Tomorrow I'm working till 8:30 or so- and going in regular time- have to deploy an upgrade into production and it has to be done after hours. I'm working with the IT person who is deploying- and I have to test. But the upside is that my boss agreed that since I am working a long day tomorrow I can leave at 1 on Friday!!!


Marisa- Hope you had a blast with the family!!

Off to watch my Yankees

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Joanne, that's a long day! I'm glad you will get to leave early on Friday, and get a few extra hours of weekend in!


Stacy, I like my one-on-one time with my kids, too. I get more with my dd than with my sons, but when we manage to get some time together, it is very nice. I love that your dd is such a baker. How much fun!


LeeAnn, so sorry to hear that your bosses are adding more responsibilities to your already-busy day. Do your kiddos help around the house while you are so busy at work?


Marisa, looking forward to hearing from you. How was the anniversary party?


Well, I need to hit the grocery stores today. What fun!

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Good morning!


Joanne, good luck with your very long day! :hug:hug:hug


Beth, have fun grocery shopping. :wink


Marisa and Leeann, hope your day is off to a good start! :hug:hug



Last night, dh and I went running while Isabella rode her bicycle. I only ran for a mile and a half before my asthma kicked in, and I walked the rest of the way. My legs are so sore today. :blush

After we came home, I noticed Eva's sunflower drooping- a lot. So I went out to water it, and there are tons of ants all over it. Looked it up on Google, which lead me to find aphids all over it, too. :( I feel so bad. This morning we are going to make a quick trip to the nursery to buy garlic, chive, and basil plants. They are aphid repellents, according to everything I've read. And they will be tasty, too. :lol Sure hope I can save the sunflowers!

Also we need to run to the cake supply store for BIL and SIL's cake. Isabella has grandiose ideas of very layered, decorated cakes. I told her we need to keep it plain and simple. So we will see what she comes up with.


Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good afternoon ladies


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I went swimming at the gym today, which felt great since I didn't work out at all while at my parents.....well, unless you count lifting all the beer to my mouth?


The party was a huge success on Saturday and we were partying through to Monday! We got home Friday, and that was really our only relaxing time. Saturday morning was spent getting ready for the party, which was at 1:30.....we had people there all day until about 1AM! Sunday was my cousins graduation party, which was at a catering hall, so we all went there and then stopped by their house after. We had people coming back to our house around 6 so had to be home by then. Well, then we had people over until after midnight. It was funny, my one Aunt works for a company that makes crackers....Westminster in Vermont and she had 2 sample packages with her so we did blind tastings. She wanted to see if we could identify the flavor of them as part of their research and we had a ball!!! We made everyone taste and write their guesses down so as not to be swayed. She took them back to her boss this week and he just loved it....he gave her 5 more to do


Well, then on Monday we ran errands and I got to ride my motorcycle....I met my mom and Steph everywhere We had pedicures in the afternoon....6 of us (all family) at the neighbors who has a nail business in her house and who we grew up with and then everyone gathered again at our house and it was more partying! We did call it an early night though since Steph and I were driving back yesterday/Tuesday.


We went for a late breakfast yesterday morning with our parents and then hit the road....got back into town around 4-4:30is, unpacked and got some crochet time in. Incidentally, we were so busy all weekend that I never even got to pick up my yarn and hook


Catching up paperwork today from while I was away. I was supposed to have a patient this afternoon, but she text to let me know that she wasn't going to be able to get it in today.....she has to drive about 30-40 minutes each way


That brings us to now It's pouring outside....an hour ago it was sunny, now it looks like 9PM with thunder and rain!


Joanne - I hear ya on having to get back into the healthy eating after being away.....I think we ate one big meal all weekend long :eek Good idea not to work on the weekend, since you don't get paid extra and need to keep your sanity :shrug


Stacy - Glad to hear you had a great day at the beach. I hope Isabella does well with the cake, I enjoy decorating cakes too....maybe if she enjoys it you can take her for the class at Joann's or something :think We'll be waiting for a picture.


LeeAnn - Sorry the sale was slow and rainy, but glad the next one was a bit better :D And sorry to hear about the tushie chewing :eek But glad that you're no longer in the 'nasty' classroom. Great news about Christopher getting his badge :clap:yay


Beth - Glad to hear that you had a great trip and the Cubs won! I love Chicago :manyheart Have fun at the market.

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Good evening friends!


Woohooo! Hump Day is over and the weekend is almost here. :lol


Beth-your vacation/honeymoon sounded wonderful! So happy that you were able to spend time with your dh and come home to a happy household with all of your inventions still talking. :D Did you get to the grocery store? Seems like that is a never ending task at our house.


Joanne-oh my! You sure are working a super LOOOOONNNNGGG day! That just can't be good, but glad that you are getting off early on Friday. Do you have big plans for the weekend?


Marisa-dang, you sure were busy this weekend! What a blast! I bet your parents were over the moon with all the company and great friends and wonderful kiddos. :manyheart:manyheart


Stacy-a mile run? wow! I can not run to save my life. :lol:lol I bet you are sore. That is soo adorable, your little cuttie baking cakes. I do not mind the baking as much as the clean up..:devil


The ceremony yesterday was nice, very speedy but wonderful. The celebration was great too! Lots of yummy food. :)


Work was busy like really busy..feels like I just can't catch a break..but guess that is how it goes. Going to sit and eat dinner, leftover and then work on an order.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning


Another late night tonight since we ran into a 'glitch' last evening and had to stop the upgrade. I got home around 7:30! Hope all goes well this evening because I've got my heart set on leaving early tomorrow!


LeeAnn- The big plans for this weekend are to celebrate Ryan's 1st birthday! (His birthday is actually on the 24th, but party is Saturday) That's why I don't mind working late so i can leave early on Friday and help DD with the preparation!


No time for any more individuals right now- but read through the posts! Hope you all have a good day today! Probably won't be back till tomorrow. Hugs!

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Good evening ladies :hi


I logged in this morning and am just getting to post now :eek I did have a new patient this morning, but since I finished with her I don't really know what I did because I swear nothing got done :think My sister has a guy coming to give her an estimate for the patio, and it's a patient of mine. She's been having a hard time getting people in to do the estimates :think Doesn't seem to make much sense, you'd think they'd be happy to have the work :shrug


Not much going on, but I do have some things I'd like to finish up before heading out so off I go



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Hi all,

Had a decent day today and didn't have to work late since the programmer was out sick. She emailed and asked to do it Fri after 6 or this weekend and I told her no, it'll have to wait till Monday and I'll stay late then!


Marisa- Yay for a new patient!!!


Beth- are you settling back in to the routine at home?


LeeAnn- Hope the 'big taco's' are treating you well.


Stacy- What did you and Isabella do today? Did you do any baking?


Marisa- cut and paste alert-

Good news! Oldest DD is coming down for Ryan's birthday party on Saturday! She decided to come even though she has plans to attend a concert Sunday night. So it will be a quick turn-around visit. She'll get in around 11-12 on Saturday and middle DD will meet her at the train station and they'll drive down to the party together. She hasn't decided if she is going to take the bus back home Saturday night and then sleep in on Sunday or stay here and leave really early Sunday. I'm just so happy that she is going to be here!!!

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How awesome that your oldest dd will be at the party, Joanne! :clap I can't believe the programmer wanted to come in after 6 on Friday or the weekend! :eek That's insane. Good for you to tell her wait until Monday.


Marisa, :cheer for new patients!


Leeann, what's shakin, bacon?


Beth, are you getting settled into your routine again? What are the inventions up to these days?


This morning the girlies and I ran around like crazy! I went to UPS to pick up my Scentsy order (they "tried" to deliver it twice- didn't ring the bell or leave a note), Target to pick up some groceries, the grocery store to pick up things Target didn't have :lol, and of course to the Bux. Came home and baked the cakes (will ice them and pop them in the freezer tonight), made fresh lemonade and vegetable juice, cleaned up a bit and went swimming. :whew Now BIL and his fam-bam are here again. SIL went...somewhere :shrug and dh and BIL are playing video games. I might run out to get some chocolate soon. It's been a long day of running. LoL


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How awesome that your oldest dd will be at the party, Joanne! :clap I can't believe the programmer wanted to come in after 6 on Friday or the weekend! :eek That's insane. Good for you to tell her wait until Monday. Unfortunately, I forgot Mon night is craft club, but I'd still rather have to test the upgrade on Mon night than on Fri night or the weekend:eek


This morning the girlies and I ran around like crazy! I went to UPS to pick up my Scentsy order (they "tried" to deliver it twice- didn't ring the bell or leave a note), Target to pick up some groceries, the grocery store to pick up things Target didn't have :lol, and of course to the Bux. Came home and baked the cakes (will ice them and pop them in the freezer tonight), made fresh lemonade and vegetable juice, cleaned up a bit and went swimming. :whew Now BIL and his fam-bam are here again. SIL went...somewhere :shrug and dh and BIL are playing video games. I might run out to get some chocolate soon. It's been a long day of running. LoL


Whew- I'm tired Stacy--you sure did get a lot done. And fresh lemonade and vegetable juice sounds delish. Oldest asked for a juicer for her upcoming August birthday. Do you have one? Hope you got your chocolate fix. I had one yesterday afternoon-and it was great!



I couldn't believe it when I read about a shooting in CO at a midnight screening of the movie Dark Knight. Crazy! There were people killed and many injured. What is wrong with some people? Prayers to all the families affected by this random senseless act of violence.


Not the news I like to read when I first get up and turn on the computer. So sad and tragic.


On a lighter note- TGIF!!! Hoping to leave early since I'm staying late Monday- I guess time will tell. I'd like to get a mani/pedi before heading over to help DD get ready for the party!

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Good morning!


I am watching the news right now- such a sad and senseless event. I also what is wrong with some people. :(


:xfin that you get out early, Joanne. And I agree- better to miss craft club than to spend your weekend at work!

I do have a juicer- the Jack LaLanne power juicer pro. LOVE it! The fruits/veggies can be added whole (no peeling or seeding) with the exception of pitted fruits, of course. Yesterday, I juiced the lemons with the rind on, and the flavor was unbelievable. :drool The set-up and clean-up are very quick and it comes with its own bristle brush to clean out the blades. :manyheart Probably start to finish, including washing the produce, was about 20 minutes. :yes


So, Mia has hives on her thighs. And I can't figure out why. I know they're hives because about 6 months ago she had them, except they looked like welts across her thighs. Well, I put some hydra-cortisone on them but asked SIL if she had Benadryl because it didn't seem help. And my SIL has never seen hives! :eek:think:shrug She called me at 10:30 last night to say keep an eye on them because she could go into septic shock. :sigh Funny that she's more worried than I am- isn't it usually the parents who freak out? :lol


Well, dearies, I'm off to get some breakfast. Love and hugs!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert (I've been doing this alot lately :think )


Well, I got some crocheting in last night while catching up on Master Chef from earlier in the week. Steph and Bean went out for a bit, just because since he wasn't able to go with us they really haven't spent time together since last week :( Tonight they are going to the game, so I'll get more crochet time in with the tv and I'm going to make some croutons with last weeks bread before we have to throw it away :yes Can you tell I don't like to waste :think


This morning I went swimming although I really didn't feel up to it. But as I hit snooze for the 3rd time :eek I told myself I'll feel better if I get up and go.....so I got up and went.....and I'm glad now because I wouldn't have worked out today otherwise. I was supposed to have 2 patients just after 10, but she called and said her dh's flight gets in a bit later than she thought and asked when I'd be here until today. So if they don't make it in today, then they may come tomorrow....I gave her my cell # to catch me tomorrow if need be. It's the couple from Long Island in town with the twin daughters taking a ballet camp. They're have an appointment to look at a condo this afternoon :think So, I'm guessing the girls really, really like this school :think But, this is the last week of the camp. The mother stayed here with them while the father traveled back and forth on the weekends. I guess we'll see what happens after next week. But if they stay here.....I'll have some ongoing regular patients :clap And the mother took some cards out to the ballet studio too :yes


Tomorrow morning the pirates are having a run/walk for Epilepsy and I volunteered to help. They have me on the registration table from 7:30-9:30, so that won't be bad and I'm hoping to get out a few business cards while I'm there :devil


Joanne - People in this world are just plain crazy!!! :eek I will never understand such events :( But on the upside, I'm so proud of you standing up for yourself to not work late tonight or go in on the weekend :clap Have fun at Ryan's party tomorrow and how great you'll have your girls all there :D


Stacy - Wow, you got alot done :yay How did the cakes come out, did Isabella decorate them yet? I'm guessing that sil is more worried than you about Mia's hives because you just experienced them with her about 6 months ago....you're now a veteran to the situation :think:lol I hope she's feeling better :hug

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I got out early and went for a manicure. Going over to DD's in a bit to help her out (and sneak in some Ryan hugs) LOL


Thanks for the info on the juicer, Stacy There were a few of them on Amazon--which one do you have? You can pm me the link if you don't mind.


Marisa- I hear you about the 'cut and paste" Sometimes I forget- and think to myself, now why didn't I just copy that? LOL


Beth and LeeAnn- Hope you are having a good Friday

It's raining and cool- high 60's. Sure hope the rain clears up by tomorrow afternoon

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Good evening friends!


TGIF is all I can say! Whew! Another looong week off my list.


Joanne-so glad that you were able to leave work early..woohooo! Enjoy your early weekend! I haven't heard anything about the news in CO guess I will have to listen to the news. How's lil Ryan? I bet all of your are super excited for his Birthday party.


Stacy-I have never juiced before, sounds fun tho. :lol Fresh lemonade would sure hit the spot. Hope the hives go away soon.


Marisa-that is awesome that you can network tomorrow while helping out. Great idea. :D


Beth-hope your day was fantastic!


going to figure out what to fix for dinner. hugs n squishes!

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Went over to DD's and fed Ryan and played with him a bit while DD was finishing up cooking up some things for tomorrow. Then her friend who is a hairdresser came over and gave Ryan his first haircut! He was so good while his hair was cut!!


Hope you get a little "me" time this weekend, LeeAnn!!

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Happy Saturday, everyone!


Had a whirlwind of a morning getting to some overdue cleaning. Feels good to have it done and out of the way and I still have a full day ahead!!! Still some things to do, but it can wait till tomorrow!


Heading out in a few to do the grocery shopping for the week- not too much on the list but do need some fruit/veggies/milk--you know the usual basics!


Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday- I'm so looking forward to spending time with all 3 girls although it will be a short visit from my oldest. She's taking the bus down this morning and heading back home tonight. Glad I'll see her again in 2 wks!!!

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Hello all,


Joanne, enjoy the party. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun.

Stacy, wow, you wear me out. I hope you have a good Saturday.

LeeAnn, sounds like work is a little too insane. I hope things won't always be such a whirlwind for you.

Marisa, I hope the Epilepsy walk is good for you. I think it's great that you volunteer for so many things.


Nothing much going on here. I will be meeting with my IRL crochet friend this morning for coffee and crochet.

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HOwdy friends!


Beth-ohh laaa laaa crochet meet up sounds like perfect fun! What are you working on? How was your week?


Joanne-I bet lil Ryan is adorable with his new haircut. :manyheart Is the party today/tomorrow? A mani sounds wonderful too! I have never gone in for one, but next week when we go to Wyoming I am going to get my nails done. So excited!


Stacy-devastating news on the radio, sad sad sad. what is on your agenda for the day? Bet you will be doing something fun!


Marisa-how'd the event go? did you get a lot of networking in? What else do you have planned for the weekend?


I went to bed early, like 9 and slept till 9 this morning. :eek I feel lots better, it's a good thing cuz I have lots of cleaning to do and also need to work on my etsy. I had a few orders this week, gosh I missed filling orders. :lol Guess I had better hop to it as I do not think the family will start cleaning without me.


Next week we are going to Wyoming. We bought tickets for the Journey concert for a festival called Cheyenne Days. We took my mom a few years back. My sister lives about 1 1/2 hours away from Cheyenne so we will be staying with her. So excited as I took Thursday and Friday off from work...woohoo! And we get to see the twin babies, they sure are growing.


hugs n squishes!


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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Last night I did not crochet at all, just layed on the couch doing NOTHING while watching tv :eek I usually need to have something to do, guess I just needed a break :think


I went to the walk/run this morning and passed out several cards while there and met some really nice people. There was a 'tailgate' party after and I had a piece of pizza and a hot dog and boy were they yummy :D They also had coffee and donuts for bfast, but I ate before I left so skipped the donut. Then there was an ice cream company giving out 16 oz milkshakes that were still frozen like ice cream. I passed on that too, just because it was too much....if they were smaller I would've indulged but since I knew I wouldn't be able to finish it and didn't want to waste it...... :shrug


Then I had to run up to the bank and was over near the office, so decided to jump in while I was over here. Plus, I'm going to make a 'to do' list for Monday....I always seem to forget what I need to do until the end of the day when it's not ideal to make phone calls to other offices :think:oops


Joanne - :yay for getting out of work early AND getting a manicure! WTG getting your cleaning done. Enjoy the day with Ryan and your girls :manyheart


LeeAnn - I did get out quite a few cards today, I try to be overwhelming or pushy....just put it out there where it fits :yes How long will the trip to Wyoming take for you? Good luck with getting your orders done and I'm glad to hear you got some much needed sleep :clap


Beth - I do like to volunteer and help out AND with adding in some networking it's a win-win :D Plus, I get to meet people so make that win-win-win :wink

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We had an awesome day yesterday!!!! So much fun- and Ryan was his usual happy-go-lucky smiley self!!! It was wonderful being with all my DD's, and my niece and nephew were also there. My nephew is the one that will be headed off to college and they had an orientation for the freshman last week so he filled me in. He really sounds very excited about attending college in Philly! (St. Joseph's). I'm so happy for him-He said they took a trek to downtown Philly.


I have to upload pictures later and will try and post one later on today. But for now, I must start laundry because I don't want to spend the day indoors. It's another beautiful day today--and we know how that goes- you have to take advantage when they are here!



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Hi All,

Joanne, the party sounds great! How nice to spend a lovely day with so much family, and of course, your little guy. Can't believe it's already been a year.


Marisa, I love win-win-wins! I do believe that good things come from volunteering. That's why I made my kids all start at 13.


LeeAnn, sounds like your body demanded some rest after a hard work week. I hope you get everything done this weekend without wearing yourself out. Sounds like your etsy shop is doing well.


Stacy, What's new in your neck of the woods?


I am currently working on the lace weight shawl and an octagon afghan. Both are completely mindless, and I've been losing interest very quickly. I think I need a more complicated pattern to keep me going.


I have a new resolution, if you will. I am trying one new recipe every week, something different, to see if I can increase my family's list of food they like. This week, in honor of the recent trip, we are trying a Chicago Beef Sandwich (crock pot version) recipe. Last week, we had Swedish meatballs. If anybody has a family favorite that you wouldn't mind sharing, I'd love to hear it.

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Beth- What a great idea- to try a new recipe every week. Although I'm not much of a cook, one of the favorites of my family now is eggplant lasagne. I used to make regular lasagne every year for Christmas, and then middle DD became a vegetarian so I tried Eggplant lasagne. Everyone likes it better than regular lasagne. I use the pre-cooked lasagne noodles to make it easier too!


8 ounces lasagna noodles I use the pre-cooked ones.

1 cup dried breadcrumbs

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 eggs 1 medium eggplant, cut in 1/2 inch slices

1/4 cup salad oil

1 (16 ounce) mozzarella cheese

1 (29 ounce) jar meatless spaghetti sauce (I usually use marinara sauce)

1/4 cup parmesan cheese

Ricotta Cheese



Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Prepare noodles and drain. (if you don't use the pre-cooked noodles

While noodles are cooking (if not using pre-cooked):

Place bread crumbs and 1/2 teaspoon salt on waxed paper.

In small dish, beat eggs with 2 tablespoons water.

Dip eggplant into egg mixture then in crumbs.

Cook eggplant in hot oil ( I use olive oil) a few at a time.

Take 2 eggs and mix it with the Ricotta cheese ( I think I use 8 oz, may 16?) and some basil.

In a greased 13 X 9 inch baking dish, layer noodles, then eggplant slices, then ricotta cheese mixture, some shredded mozzarella cheese, then sauce.Repeat layers. Sprinkle top with parmesan cheese. 12 Bake 30 minutes, uncovered.


Off to eat breakfast This talk of food has me hungry--and no wonder- it's almost 10AM!


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Good morning-


Hope you all have a good Monday- I won't get home until late tonight--glad I put my foot down and didn't do this Friday night or the weekend, but still would rather not have to do it at all. But it is what it is.......


At least the weekend was a fun one! Yesterday DD and I took Ryan for a nice walk- it was about 2 1/2 miles I'm guessing, and I slept like a baby!! I see it's now after 6 so I'd better get moving here.


Hugs to all

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste :devil


I'm running in slow motion today :eek Well, yesterday I got some crocheting done and I need to finish this baby blanket by thursday evening since I'm driving out to Palmyra/Hershey on Friday to see my friend for the weekend. She's having a get together to see the nursery on Sat and my parents will be going down too :D My friend is super excited that they are coming for a bit :yes Plus, they're going to switch cars with me so we have the van in a few weeks for the trip to Ocean City, MD.


Let's see, today? :think Well, my alarm went off for going to swim at the gym, I hit snooze twice and when I got up had a throbbing headache, so I took some motrin and crawled back into get for another hour and a half, when I hit snooze for another half hour after that :eek Still feeling sluggish....hope I'm not getting sick and it's just allergies :xfin


My hair dresser had his appt this morning and we took a pic of him on the table, some of you may catch it on fb :lol When he comes back in 2 weeks we're going to do the video we've been talking about for a while now :think I've already got 2 patient's lined up to come in and give a testamonial for it :bounce Well actually 3, we're going to have Averie give one too from a kids perspective :yes


Joanne - Great pic of Ryan and also the ones on fb with all 3 dd's :manyheart I hope work doesn't keep you too late with your update/upgrade tonight :xfin Your eggplant lasagna sounds great, I printed it off for future use :drool


Beth - I surely do enjoy volunteering :yes Great idea about the recipes and trying new things. Ummm, I guess we have a few things. One that's easy and is always a big hit is SLOP!!! :lol Yep :yes It's just pasta, anything short....like ziti, penne, twists, bowties, whatever floats your boat.....mix it up with already cooked up pepperoni and beef, with sauce, and mozzerella cheese. Once mixed, top with some more cheese and toss in the oven a few minutes to melt (everythings really already cooked).....so yummy :yes And I recommend scooping with a throw away spoon :idea

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