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Heya ladies!


Beth, hope you got the cake baked. What kind is it? Have an awesome honeymoon!


Joanne, you are really on fire with that granny stripe! Can't wait to see it.


Marisa, hope you are working hard with lots of patients!


Leeann, your strawberry soapies are adorable, as always! I love the creative ideas you come up with. I have also heard that kaolin clay is good for removing impurities from the skin, like in a face mask. They sound interesting! Hey, how's work going? You're completely finished with training, right?


Well, my BIL called first thing yesterday to say they ended up getting a hotel in San Diego and staying the night! :eek So they didn't get home until noon yesterday. The kids were so bored by then...they brought me Starbucks, though. And later when they came over again after dh was home, they bought Chinese for everyone. They left this morning but will be back in 2 weeks to celebrate my niece's birthday.


Today I took the girls to the Autry museum, which is all about Western U.S. history. It was free to the public today, but I'm thinking of renewing our membership because it's close by and the girls love it. There was a film crew taking up most of the parking lot today- so when we entered, I asked what was being filmed, and the docent said it was Rizzoli and Isles! So of course I was all excited because Joanne watches it. :lol I tried to take some phone pics but they didn't come out well. We did see both of the women, though, and a couple detectives and cops. I don't get all starstruck, but it was really neat.

I swear, my kiddos somehow ate about 20 lbs of sugar on the way home or something, because now they are out of control. :eek I am making bean burritos for dinner, then we will take a dip in the pool.


Gotta scoot and make the tortillas. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug





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Good morning!


Beth-The day has arrived--the one you have waited 21 1/2 years for---your honeymoon!!! Have an awesome time!!!!


Stacy- How neat that you got to see some filming of Rizzoli and Isles yesterday! The Autry Museum sounds neat and that's so cool that your kiddos love going to museums!! The granny stripe is coming along- but last night did some work on the shawl- the one that I posted the link to. I'm going to alternate between working on the two. I think I may give the shawl to my boss whose birthday is coming up in a few weeks.


LeeAnn- Hope you had a good day yesterday! Have you had a chance to do any crocheting or is all your 'free' time (notice the quotes around the word free- LOL) going into making your soaps and lotions?


Marisa- Missing you and hope to hear from you soon!


Have a good Hump Day everyone!

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Hey ladies :hi I'm back.


Well, I've been back since late Saturday night and then everything has been busy. I logged in on Monday while I was here, but then got sidetracked with things that needed to be done :sigh


Averie and her dance school did awesome at their competition. The competition went from Mon through Fri with about 900 entries and then the top 50 got invited back for a separate overall competition on Saturday. Of that 50, 22 were Averies school and 3 of the 4 she's in went as well. The studio got 2 of the 3 top overall trophies and should've had the 3rd too, but I think they did want the school to sweep :think They also took alot of category first places, as well as the studio excellence award :clap


We took Steph's car and on Thurs she called me that someone broke into my car. The garmin was stolen with the power cord and my change purse. They left the ez pass though and there wasn't any damage either, so that's good. Also, that same morning, my sister's email was hacked and she no longer has use of it.


This weekend is my parents anniversary party, so we're super busy with getting things done for that. We'll leave here on Friday and stay there until Tues, so I'll be back at the office on Wed. But hopefully this time, I'll be able to check in since I'll be at my parents house.


I haven't done any crocheting since last week and not sure that I'll get to at all this week either :sigh


Beth - Waving to you as you pass through Pitt :hi Enjoy your vaca!!!! And happy birthday to dh :yay


LeeAnn - The desert you brought to your IL's sounds yummy :drool The strawberry looks awesome! Glad to hear that the lip scrubs work so well :yay


Stacy - The picnic sounds like a bunch of fun :yay Sorry your sister has such restrains on what you can do with her daughter :think Glad you had fun at the science center and how awesome to see a filming of Rizzoli and Isles.


Joanne - Glad you had a great vaca and time to relax! You definitely needed it. It sure would be awesome to split living in different places for summer and winter to have great weather all year :yes Glad you got to go to craft club and WTG on the granny stripe!

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Hi all,

Glad to see your post Marisa!!!! Sounds like a good week except for the garmin break in-


Thinking of all of you, but my stomach is growling and I'm hungry- it was a long day again and I'll be back in the AM to post more


Hugs to all---

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Good evening ladies!


Beth-Have a great, fantastic, fun filled time! You deserve it! Can't wait to hear about the details! Yes, I can make anything Strawberry for your sister, the scent is heavenly..smells good enough to eat!:hug


Joanne-I am so happy that you are able to have a bit of R & R in the evenings, bet you will finish your projects in no time. :hug


Stacy-trainings are finally finished, whew! They sure were painful. It is hectic, busy and a bit stressful at work..but I keep thinking of the time off and my sales and other fun things that I have going on. Your museum trip sounds like so much fun! It's great to get out and do things.:hug


Marisa-bet your parents are super duper thrilled about the upcoming weekend, :D What is a garvin?


I have been working out going on 3 weeks. I feel lots better, I joined Curves, I LOVE it! I stop 3-4 times a week on my way home. It has worked out perfectly. Have also been working like a busy bee on the new soapy/bath fizzy goodies for the sale. I am finally finished...going to take a lil break from all the crafting, I have quite a bit but I really needed to make lotion bars, fizzies and soaps...was running extremely low on all of those. I did not make new body sugar scrubs but did get the lip ones done..finally packaged and labeled..what a chore!


going to take a nice long bubble bath as I also came home and swept/mopped and washed dishes.


hugs n squishes friends!

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- What a whirlwind you have been on. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your nice, long bubble bath. That craft fair/fiber festival that you are going to this weekend (saw the pic of the poster on FB) looks like so much fun!!!


Oh, I'll answer for Marisa (Hope you don't mind, Marisa)- a garvin is a Garmin(as in GPS) I think the 'v' was a typo.


Marisa- That stinks that someone broke into your car and took the garmin and stuff, but glad that there is no damage to your car!! Have a wonderful time this weekend at your parent's party!!!


Stacy- What 'fun' activities have you been up to with your kiddos? I love the pic of Eva with the sunflower on FB--such an adorable pic!!!


I fell asleep early last night -I guess getting back into the swing of work has me more tired after enjoying a wonderful relaxing vacation.


Off to get ready! Have a good day!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I got to bed late last night and then turned my alarm off this morning and missed the class I like at the gym :( But, did get 2 loads of laundry done. Boiled potatoes last night for the potato salad that I need to finish tonight and I'm making the baked beans tonight. Both will be better on Saturday with some time to sit and absorb flavors :yes


I think we'll be leaving late morning tomorrow. My sister has errands to run, if it was up to meet, I'd be out by 6:30ish :shrug At least I'll have company though :bounce


Joanne - Thanks for answering LeeAnn and of course you're right.....garvin was a type :lol


LeeAnn - My parents are excited for the weekend and WTG on working out. I haven't been to good last week and this week, but still not bad either :shrug

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Evening ladies!


Marisa-have a great weekend! fill us in when you get back.


Joanne-thank you for clearing that up for me. :D Do you feel more rested today? I had to laugh when I read your posts, I agree completely...meetings do actually take you away from your duties.


Had a rough day at work..had to do a coaching...uggghhh so stressful and icky. Had to be firm while remaining calm. What a tough job! I was shaking from head to toe..my co worker said you couldn't tell...guess that is a good thing but I still feel sick over it.


off to just sit. Hugs n squishes!

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Hi friends!


Leeann, sorry you had to deal with that. :hug:hug:hug I agree with Joanne- You have been on a whirlwind. I hope the bubble bath helped. WTG with the working out! :h5


Marisa, glad to hear your car wasn't damaged. I would be lost without my Garmin! Will you replace yours? Have a fabulous weekend! Can't wait to hear all about it.


Joanne, sorry to hear going back to work is so tasking. I'm sure it's difficult to get back into the swing of things after such a wonderful vacation. :hug:hug How is Ryan? Is he walking? Does dd have big plans for his first birthday? I think you mentioned before about helping her with invitations.


Today we went to the laundromat, ran to the grocery store for a few things, and then came home. The girls were begging to go swimming, but it is so hot and humid, and the weather man called for possible dry lightning, so I had to say no. We have a beach trip planned for tomorrow, so I am :xfin hoping that the weather clears up. Our backup plan is to go bowling. I think we are planning on going to Knott's either Saturday or Sunday.


I better scoot. I am working on the bell-sleeve shrug and it is taking forever, since I am using my Knook. It is really cute so far, though. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug



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Happy Friday!!!!


LeeAnn- Oh, what a rough day you had! I can surely empathize with that! Sure hope that today is a much better day for you! Did you get to relax last evening?


Stacy- Good idea not to go swimming- esp if there was 'dry' lightening in the forecast. I sure hope that today is a good beach day!- But I like the option of bowling in case it isn't. Ryan isn't walking yet- he walks around tables and and anything he can hold on to--but I don't think it will be long before he is walking on his own. DD and SIL are having a party next Saturday- very casual- bar-b-que at their house. I still can't believe it's almost a year since I became a grandma!!! The time sure flies by!


Marisa- Safe travels and enjoy your weekend. I'm sure your parents are so appreciative of the fact that you are all throwing them a party to celebrate their anniversary! Have fun!!!


Beth- Thinking of you and hope you are enjoying your honeymoon!!!


It's Friday the 13th- so wishing you all only GOOD things today!!! Hugs!

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Good morning!


I stayed up after dh left, and am having an egg-wich and coffee before the girls wake up. I am also working on an emergency-food list- we are terribly unprepared. :blush

We received very unexpected rain showers late last night, and it is overcast again today. I checked the beach forecast and it is calling for showers all day. I didn't much feel like going, anyway :blush but the girls will be disappointed. The plan now is to go bowling, do some grocery shopping at Costco, and get a pizza for lunch.


Joanne and Leeann- hope work passes quickly for you!


Marisa, have a great weekend!


Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,


LeeAnn- Have fun at the festival/craft fair!!!


Stacy- How did bowling go? I love that you have eye's everywhere---and what Eva said was PRICELESS!!! You must write that down in a memory book or something!!! How is the shrug coming along? I've never used a Knook- how do you like it?


Marisa- Have a blast at your parents party!!! Congrats to them on their anniversary!


Beth- Saw your post on FB- glad you had a nice visit with your family - and are now officially enjoying your 'honeymoon'


I have to get my car inspected this morning- thankfully only have to do it every 2 years! I want to get their early and then get back to the usual Saturday routine. This afternoon I'm heading to DD's mother-in-laws where she is hosting a party for her Dad's 90th ! Hopefully the drizzly rain is gone by then!


Have a good day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


We're getting moving here, so I'm going to be quick. The drive back yesterday was rainy the whole way, although more like a constant drizzle :( We got back around 4, dropped stuff off at my Aunts house and then to my parents for dinner.


I passed on the anniversary wishes to my parents from CV and they said thank you to everyone :lol


Stacy - I have gps actually built right into my car, but I think my dad has his old garmin here so I might take it since I feel like it gives me better directions :think We'll see.

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Glad you made it safe and sound, Marisa!!!


I went to TJ's this morning and stocked up on fruits/veggies/yogurt/coffee/ and a few other healthy things. Time to get out of vacation mode and back into healthy eating!!!

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Hi all!


Marisa, glad you arrived safely, despite the constant drizzle. How cool that you have a GPS built into your car! I'd be lost without my Garmin- but it's just the one you mount to your window. How was the party?


Joanne, I had a :heehee at "coffee and a few other healthy things." Coffee is a must! I ran to TJ's yesterday and their sample coffee was the Terrazu, I think it's called. It had a slightly coconut-ish flavor. :think Hope you're having a nice, relaxing weekend.


Leeann, good luck and have fun at that fair! The poster sure looked like fun!


Nothing much going on this weekend. The girls were howling to go to the beach yesterday so we packed up around 1 and went. And guess what? The weather was sunny and 80! Gorgeous, perfect beach weather. We only stayed a couple hours but they had fun and I got a bit sunburned. :blush


Today Isabella and I ran to Target for a few things. She is addicted to Cake Boss, and has decided she wants to start making cakes. So tomorrow she is starting with an "anniversary cake" for some of Mia's stuffed animals. :lol If it goes well, she may make my niece's birthday cake. We'll see. :think


Well, I'm going to scoot and work on the shrug. It is slow-going. I'm on the fence about the Knook- the stitches are gorgeous, but it takes much longer than crochet- I imagine around the same as knitting.

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Good evening friends!


Joanne-How was your inspection? Get it done early so that you could have the afternoon to relax at the party? Sure hope so. :hug


Marisa-Happy Anniversary to your wonderful parents! Hope everything is running smoothly. :hug


Stacy-your lil gallies say the cutest, funniest things!:manyheart:hug


The sale was very SLOW...my whole family went with me. We sat and chatted for most of the day, the weather started off perfect then turned to wind and then rain..ugghh! I do not think I will be attending another outdoor function..too much work setting up a canopy and to not have really good sales, kinda disappointing. Hoping that tomorrow is better.


Yesterday was one of the first really bad days at work..actually the week wasn't all that great. Had a meeting with the head tacos in the education dept...not a good meeting..but one good thing came of it, I am no longer assigned to the classroom with the naughty teacher...had my tush chewed out..but guess it was worth it.:blush after a walk and a few tears..don't know why I am so dern sensitive but I am..and another sleepless night, I have come to terms with everything and can accept that I can only control my actions and not others and am not responsible for the actions for teachers under my supervision or what I see as inappropriate behavior.


going to relax for a few as tomorrow we must get up bright and early.. hugs n squishes!

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Hugs, LeeAnn!! Sure sounds like you could use a few!!! Sorry the sale was disappointing- and on top of it to have had an awful day at work!


I was going to go into work today for a few hours- because I am so behind. But then decided- they are paying for 40hrs/week- I routinely give about 10 more and i wasn't going to go in and ruin my weekend. I was talking to DDs MIL today- and she loves her job- says it;s the easiest one shes had. Wish i could find one like that!


Had a great time- and got a great pic of DD, SIl, GS and SIl's grandpa. Let me tell you, I can only HOPE to be in as good shape as he is if I'm lucky enough to reach 90. The pic is on my DD's phone- so I have to get her to email it to me.


Now I'm going to crochet for a bit!

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Quick stop in to say Good morning. I want to start the obligatory laundry. Planning on a Sunday of not doing much!!!


Have a good day! And LeeAnn- I hope your today is better than yesterday- and that you have some sales.

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Evening ladies!


Joanne-so hoping that today was relaxing for you. Glad to hear that you had a great time at the party. :hug:hug:hug I can't believe that your Ryan will be one! :cheer:clap How exciting!


The sale went a tad better today, seems like it was long. I did stop on the way home at walymart and found a new crochet book to make headbands...so excited! I had been wanting to make them since last year..they are the thicker ones that can worn during the winter months to keep your head/ears warm but are soo pretty too. Can't wait to start on one..hopefully a quick fix. :lol


Going to hop in the shower as I was outdoors in the wind, rain, sand and sun...feel burnt and icky.


hugs n squishes dear friends! Hoping you all have a Fantastic Monday!

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- I was in Wally World yesterday and I saw that headband book. I almost bought it too, but I was there to buy Ryan's first birthday present- a little tikes bar-b-que grill so he can grill just like his Dad. I practiced restraint and curtailed my buying to presents for him. I also picked up a fisher price camera so he can take pictures! LOL Have fun with the headbands- there were some cute ones in there.


Beth- Thinking of you and missing you- but know that you are having a blast with your DH!!!


Marisa- Can't wait to hear how wonderful your parents anniversary party was!


Stacy- How did Isabella's cake come out? I was watching Cupcake something or other last night on Food Network- and I thought of you and Isabella baking up a storm.


Off to begin another week in Paradise...and craft club tonight!!! Bringing my pointy sticks to try my hand at knitting again. And of course the granny stripe- 42 stripes and going strong!

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Good morning!


Leeann, sorry you had your tush chewed out, and for the yucky sales! :hug:hug:hug:hug Lots of hugs to you! Can't wait to see your new headband creations. There is a chunky ear-covering headband in one of my crochet magazines that I am dying to try, but never got around to it. I'm sure yours will be fantastic!


Joanne, glad you had an awesome time at the party. Can't believe Ryan will be 1 already! They grow so quickly. Have fun at craft club. Good luck with your pointy sticks.


Marisa, hope your week is off to a great start!


Yesterday we went out for breakfast, then dropped the two little girls off to MIL's house. They are staying until BIL and fam arrive on Thursday. Afterward, we stopped for coffee, came home to take the dogs for a potty break, then took Isabella to the observatory. I love that place! She really enjoyed it, too, I think. It was quite cloudy, though, so we didn't see much in the way of stars. Just looked at all the exhibits. There is one where you can see how much you would weigh on each planet- she enjoyed that one the best.

This morning I woke at 3 a.m. in a panic attack. :( I could not get back to sleep. So stayed up after dh left and started cleaning. I need to work on the girls' room while they're gone, and purge some other things that are just lying around. Also I need to throw in a load of laundry. Isabella wants to go rollerblading this afternoon,too. So I better get a move on. Love and hugs!

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Howdy ladies!


Joanne-that is soo funny that we were looking at the same book. I read some of the patterns last night just have to get the energy/time to work on one. So excited tho. It has been awhile since I have bought a crochet booklet with new patterns. How was your craft club? the two needle thing? did you get it?:lol


Stacy-your littlies are just adorable! Did you finish your project? I love love love eating out! How did your baker do? Did she like the process?


Had a super busy day. The main tacos have added more duties to my full load..I ran like a crazy girl all day! Doesn't seem possible...but I am trying to keep up. We made two trays of lasagna and huge salad for tomorrow night. Cristopher has a friend that is earning his Eagle Scout badge. Big celebration, we all had to take something Italian. The kiddos helped out so much, they were my choppers and cleaners. Gotta love em. :manyheart


Marisa & Beth-sure miss you both around here. :hug:hug


Going to get ready for bed early. hugs n squishes!

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Good morning,


I had fun at craft club and worked on knitting- the knit stitch and doing good. I'm liking it, although crochet will be my first love- it's so much quicker!!!!


LeeAnn- Congrats to your DS's friend on earning his Eagle Scout award. My nephew who is now going to be a jr in college, is also an Eagle Scout as his his dad (my brother). It's quite the accomplishment! Sounds like the main tacos are really giving you a lot to do. Sounds like the main tacos at paradise. I really like that phrase, too, BTW- it puts a smile on my face!


Stacy- Enjoy the one on one time with Isabella- sounds like she had a good time at the observatory.


Beth- Hope you are having the 'honeymoon' of a lifetime!


Marisa- Loved the pedicure pic you posted on FB!


Off to get ready for another busy day. At least I'm inside in AC all day-we are in the midst of heatwave #4 (according to the weatherman) and supposed to be 100--plus it's humid- not my kind of weather by any stretch of the imagination!

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Hello everybody, I'm Back! It is so good to be home. It's a lot hotter than it was in Chicago, but it is still good to be here.


The game was perfect! We were so close to the field. And the Cubs won! It was a great game. The skies opened up afterwards, and we got drenched walking to the train to go home. I enjoyed our time in Chicago. I'm not used to panhandlers, walking everywhere (and I just bought a new pair of shoes that rubbed, so I got a blister) and the prices and traffic -- I am not a city girl! but it was an experience, and I'm really glad we went.


The time with my family was great. Strangely enough, when my sister and I were shopping in WalMart, she picked up a book on crocheting headbands. So I looked at it, too! That's too funny. I had a blast "teaching" her to crochet -- I actually just taught her to read a pattern. She did great. Quite fast already.


The kids survived. They are still speaking to each other. The animals are doing fine. It was good.


I'm not going to send individual greetings right now -- I need to get my mind wrapped around everything you've been doing. Just lots of hugs to you all -- I missed hearing from you!

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Hi all!


Beth, so happy to see your writing again! Glad to hear you had a great time at the game and that the Cubs won. :cheer Did you do any other sightseeing? I :manyheart Chicago- never been a small-town gal, despite where I grew up. :lol Yay for the kids still speaking to each other and all the animals accounted for. I'm sure it was wonderful just to be with your hubby for that time. :hug:hug:hug


Joanne, yikes @ another heat wave! My mom just called and said the same thing. This weather is something else. Enjoy the a/c, even if it is at Paradise. Did you have success with the pointy sticks last night?


Leeann, sorry to hear the head tacos added more duties. Have fun at the Eagle scout ceremony- that is such an accomplishment! My little baker greatly enjoyed the process, and she is making another one for BIL and SIL this weekend. She wants to do 3 tiers this time- it's gonna be a doozy. Thankfully my mom used to be a cake decorator, so I can call her if we need help with anything.


This morning we took the doggies to the dog park. It is nice, having just Isabella. It's not often that I only have her. Yesterday we went rollerblading. She wants to go swimming today. I am impatiently waiting for a Scentsy delivery, though- so it will have to wait until after the UPS man arrives. :lol

Love and hugs!

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