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Some good clean fun?!

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Hey ladies!


Leeann, your fizzies are so cute! I hope the testing went well. :manyheart I am a huge wimp when it comes to coasters, too- but Eva really wanted to go on it, so I figured if my 4 year old can, so can I! :rofl It's amazing how much courage I can muster when I think of my littles doing these things. Anyway, she ended up hating it, too. The worst part was the end, because you go up slooooowwwwlyyy, and can see the very top- there is a heavy waterfall, which you go through before suddenly dropping! And then, of course, the straight-down drop ended with a huge splash, because we were right in front! :eek:lol


Marisa, so sweet of you to offer to return the t.v. The tailgating sounds awesome! How sad that you and your sis hated each other growing up. Are you getting along much better now, or is it still a bit rocky as you are older?


So, this afternoon dh came home and surprised us by telling the girls to get ready. After everyone had shoes, etc, we took a drive through the mountains and ended up at the beach! :manyheart I wasn't prepared, though, because I figured being so late, the water would be cold and the girls would only wet their feet. Boy, was I WRONG! LoL!! They all got fully soaked, even Eva! I was so surprised. The water was kind of warm for the time of day, but I didn't bring extra clothing, either, so I only put my feet in. :lol Going to post some pics on FB maybe tomorrow.


Gotta scoot! Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,

Having a very nice relaxing vacation! Went to the beach after dinner yesterday and there were a lot of surfers out- full moon makes big waves it seems. Beautiful sunset too! Today we are meeting up with my cousin and her hubby and spending the day/evening with them. I'm looking forward to catching up with them!


Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday. BTW, I read through all the posts, but DH is chomping at the bit to get a move on. Really? It's only 6:45~~ LOL



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Good morning ladies :hi


I got to work on my graph ghan some last night. Steph and Bean ran to Sam's themselves and exchanged the tv, so I just watched Gordon Ramsay all night :lol I think I'll take the baby blanket I have going and look for a baby dress pattern to take with me when I go tomororw :think


Today I have errands to run. I wanna go to the market and target to get some snacks for us to have in our room and other things I need. I'm first taking what I can from here since I always have stuff around :lol


LeeAnn - Great job on the fizzies :D And yep, my patient came and he was a super easy one since he doesn't have any complaints and just gets maintenance care :D


Stacy - How exciting to get a surprise day at the beach :clap As for me and Steph, we started getting along a bit when she went away to school and we were able to get in small doses of each other. She even invited me out to see Bryan Adams (one of my favorites) in concert back when she was still in school. I've made many trips out here and as we both got older everything got much better between us. It wasn't until, hmm I know exactly....2003 when she went with me and a friend of mine on a trip to Aruba that we actually spent any lengthy time together without my mom there to intervene if need be. Mom was a bit nervous, but the trip went well and we've continue to grow closer and now we're like best friends and get along super well. Although, I must admit that all 3 of us were nervous with me living with her when moving out here and I've been in her house since September and we're doing well :yes I think when we were younger, the 6 year difference was just too big for us to really be friends then :think


Joanne - Glad to hear your getting some relaxation in :hug Have fun visiting with your cousin today :D


Beth - I hope you're having a great Tuesday :hug

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:firecrackHello Everybody, and happy Independence day! Anybody have any plans to celebrate? We're probably grilling, but just staying home this year.


Joanne, hope your vacation is awesome!


Stacy, The things we'll do for our little ones. The surprise trip to the beach sounds just wonderful! How sweet of your dh to think of it. :heart


Marisa, How is the baby blanket coming? Have fun shopping for the baby dress.


LeeAnn, love the bath fizzies. Just curious, could you add color to them?


Yesterday I took the young cat to the vet to get neutered, poor dude. He is doing fine today. He's actually sleeping on my bed right now. My goal for today is to do some crocheting, but I can't with him in the room. He LOVES the yarn!!!

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:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrack:firecrackHappy Independence day to you all as well! Hope it is filled with great company and yummy food.


We are headed out the door to the in-laws. We are having a bbq. got up early to prepare a desert. An Oreo cookie, cool whip, cream cheese,...full of calories desert. :lol


Have a great day! BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon!


Leeann and Beth, I'm happy to see you both had fun yesterday!


We had a fun-filled day, too. We had a picnic at the park with dh's whole family, including aunt, uncle, Isabella's godfather, and BIL. We stayed for hours...just relaxing and enjoying the company. Then we came home, dropped off the doggies, and went to the fireworks. We went to the roof of the building where FIL works, and could see fireworks shows from all over the valley. The main one we went to see, though, was in a park right across the street from the building. We took snacks and the girls really enjoyed them.


Today I am babysitting. SIL went to get a tattoo and didn't think my niece would hold out for that long, so she is hanging with us. So far, we've had pudding, painted our nails, made popcorn, and now watching Night at the Museum.

I'm off to crochet a bit. Also gotta figure out something for dinner. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,

(Marisa- cut and paste alert- LOL)


What an awesome vacation I'm having. The weather has been beautiful (except for some showers yesterday morning). We had a marvelous time with my cousin and it was great catching up with them. The day was a 10/10 weather wise and company wise!! We had lunch here- http://www.stonewallkitchen.com/yorkstore.html. We then went here: http://www.ogunquitmuseum.org/index1.html. What a nice small museum, with some beautiful art- but the real art was outdoors with the gorgeous gardens and the view of the water!!!


Yesterday we took a ride to Newburyport, Mass:



A beautiful town and lovely beach!


Today we took a ride to York, Maine and went to the Nubble lighthouse and sat and read for a while there. Simply a beautiful place. (Also stopped at a LYS while there and treated myself to some yarn)


I am really enjoying myself and this is just what I needed!

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Joanne, love the links, so we can share in your vacation. It looks lovely. I'm so glad you are getting a chance to unwind. It sounds wonderful.


Stacy, your visit with your niece sounds like a lot of fun, and oh, so girly!


LeeAnn and Marisa, I hope you are having a good Friday.


Today I take the van in for an alignment, go through my clothes to plan for my trip, and possibly go buy some new clothes to take with.

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Home sweet home- to the heat and humidity- LOL I miss the beautiful New England weather- which was perfect!!!!


Hope you have an awesome vacation, Beth- and that you also bought some new things to wear!! It's a great excuse to buy new things- plus the summer sales are great right now!!


Will post more in the AM!

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Good morning!


I went and visited with DD and Ryan yesterday after unpacking and had such a great afternoon playing with him. I missed him and the smile on his face when I walked in the door just warmed my heart!!


Laundry is going and it's going to be a hot, humid, day- the perfect day to stay inside with the Air Conditioning. Oh, how I could live in a New England seacoast town with the lower humidity and the wonderful breezes-- my Cousin doesn't even have AC- fans do the trick!! Of course the winters are another story with the snow- but like she told me, they know what they are doing up there when it comes to snow removal. DH said it would be perfect to be able to live in NH or Maine in the warm weather months and go to North Carolina (where we loved the town of Matthews when we went there a couple of years ago) in the winter. Ah, to dream!


Off to TJ's to be there when they open (and before it gets too darn hot)


Stay cool everyone and enjoy the day!!

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Heya girls!


Joanne, thanks for posting the links! The lighthouse looks absolutely gorgeous. So glad you had a fabulous vacation and a fun visit with Ryan and dd! Hope you made it to TJ's early enough. :hug:hug


Beth, good luck getting everything packed! :hug:hug


Leeann, what's shakin'? How's it going without the kiddos? Have you worked on anymore soapie goodies? :hug:hug


Marisa, how are you? How's the blanket coming along? :hug:hug


Yesterday, we went to the Science Center, then out to dinner. The girls had tons of fun. I ate way too much :blush and ended up going to bed early.


Today is a lazy one. Dh and his brother are taking a class to receive their hunting licenses, so it's the just me and the girls. We lazed around this morning, then made a quick trip to the bank and TJ's. I ran out of coffee on Thursday but we've been so busy this week that today is the first day I remembered. :lol)


We are going to MIL's tonight for dinner, so I need to scoot and get the lasagna put together. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Stayed indoors after getting home from TJ's (and a stop at Starbuck's to cash in a free drink card that came in the mail while I was away)


Worked on my granny stripe while watching the first of the two Yankee/Red Sox games today- The Yankees won!


We're supposed to get some T-storms and I wouldn't be surprised- it's so darn hot/humid outside! Here's hoping the power stays on, because inside it's nice and cool.


Enjoy your dinner at MIL's and your day at Science center sounds like a good time, Stacy!


Beth- Not sure, but you may have left on vacation already?


LeeAnn- How's things in CO? Have the fires died down yet? How did the fizzies work out?


Marisa- Hope you are having a good time in OH!


Off to figure out dinner- I'm thinking it's going to be left over chicken on a salad tonight. Even though it's cool inside, just knowing how hot it is outside makes me not want to cook!

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Good evening friends!


So very sorry that I have been MIA..been working like a busy bee. Last night we had Family Night, it was a super looong day. This morning I woke up early to get a head start on the new soapy goodies.. Am finally getting a chance to take a break. Made lots of new goodies for the sale next weekend. Tomorrow I will shrink wrap and label..the not so fun part.


Joanne-I am so glad that you had an awesome vacation. Spending time with your Ryan must've felt great:manyheart Is your granny strip in lots of colors? I hope that it rained and that the humidity let up. We have had rain!!!:cheer:clap I read that some of the fires are contained..whew! It was devastating. It has been raining off and on today. I love it! It has been so long since we have had moisture.


Beth-how's it going? Can you install as window unit for cooler air? How are your inventions doing? Hopefully all is well. The fizzies would have looked better had I colored them properly. :lol I added color but really wasn't sure what I was doing. :devil They do work great tho! I am going to try to make another batch to sell. My testers said they worked great..:D


Marisa-how's it going? what's a happening this weekend? :P


Stacy-your evening out sounded wonderful. I would be lost without my coffee...especially in the morning. your girlies sound like they are enjoying their summer. It is my favorite part of the year.


My kiddos are doing well at the in-laws. I miss them, but know that they are having so much fun.


Back to soaping, still have to update my blog, website..and and and...


hugs n squishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!!


LeeAnn- Wow- you have been one busy lady! I forgot that you had mentioned that your kiddos were with their grandparents! I'm sure they are having a great time- and it's good for them to spend time away. I always loved going to my grandmas in the summertime for a week- she lived in the city and didn't drive and I thought it was so neat to go everywhere on the bus or subway. It was such a different environment from where I grew up!


Planning on a nice relaxing easy day today again for my last official day of 'vacation'!!!


The temps came down somewhat after a few thunderboomers last evening. Only supposed to hit 90 today--which is much better than 100+ degrees!!!!

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Joanne, I agree. So nice not to see the triple digits in temp. We were walking through a parking lot, and saw a sign that said 111, flipped to 112. My hubby asked if that was the temperature or the time -- It was 2:30 in the afternoon... Miserably hot!


LeeAnn, I am really proud of you, making so many different types of products. Do the bath fizzies have scent? I'm not sure how they work.


Stacy, are you managing to stay cool and keep the girls occupied?


Marisa, are you having any fun adventures? Listen for me on Wednesday. I'll wave on my way through Pittsburgh to Ohio.

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Beth- So I take it you are still home? I wasn't sure when you were leaving--Have a safe trip and have fun at Wrigley Field. I hear it's an awesome old ball park!! I'll bet it's as neat as Fenway Park in Boston!


Went out to breakfast- my absolute favorite meal to go out to eat for!! It's definitely still humid, but I can tell it's not as bad as this time yesterday! Happy for that!!!!

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Hi all!


Beth, that is miserably hot! Hope it cools down for you soon. When do you leave for your vacay?


Leeann, you have been a busy bee! Good luck with the label and shrink wrap.


Joanne, :woo for breakfast out!


We are babysitting again today, thankful though that dh is here to help. My niece is usually well-behaved, but she is very dramatic. My SIL did not leave a car seat, she is not allowed to use a booster (even though she's bigger than 2 of my kids) and they don't want her to go in the pool. *sigh* The kiddos have been good about playing games and coloring, but I can tell they are restless.

I saw a bell-sleeved shrug on a tv show the other day and I am trying to figure out how to do it. I think I've got it, just hope it works out. Other than that, I am still trying to finish up the solarium blanket- I guess I'm keeping it for us. Dh doesn't like the idea of giving it away. :devil


Gotta scoot. Love and hugs!

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Had a good day! Worked on my granny stripe for a bit, then started a shawl that I found here: http://engineeredcrochet.blogspot.com/search/label/Shawl


Then I made a dishcloth that I found here: http://ambassadorcrochet.com/2010/02/08/stitch-of-the-week-ripple-stitch/


My DD and GS came over and just left a little while ago. A perfect way to end my vacation!!!!

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Good morning! And the fun begins again! Well, not really, but trying really hard to not be too sad that it's back to paradise today! Glad that I have craft club tonight to look forward to!!!

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Been alternating between running around, trying to get ready for the trip, and trying to stay cool. It is overcast today -- it looks cooler out there. We leave on Wednesday. I am getting so excited.


joanne, it is tough to go back to work after a vacation. I hope this week goes smoothly. Craft club sounds like so much fun.


Stacy, what exactly are you supposed to do with the child if you can't take her anywhere or allow her to swim? That certainly puts a damper on what YOU can do with your girls, too. So unfair. I hope she and your dds enjoy themselves today, and don't drive you nuts.


Marisa, I hope you've been busy, and having fun. I've missed hearing from you. Your posts are so full of energy.


LeeAnn, What will you be selling in the sale coming up? Will we get to see any pictures? I know you do holiday-themed soaps, do you do seasonal ones as well?


Off to clean out the car! Then I think I'll start packing...

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Good evening friends!


Beth-can't believe that it has been sooo hot in your neck of the woods. Wowza! Our temps here in the San Luis Valley rarely hit past 98F. I bet you are super duper excited for your trip, me too! I know you will have the best time. The bath fizzies dissolve in the shower/tub. You just pop one in as you are showering or bathing, the fragrance oils release creating a mist of yummy goodness. The baking soda, kaolin clay help you to relax. I will be adding more to my products just as soon as I can get a chance. Also have new goodies that I created especially for this sale. Strawberries! They are super duper cute! I thought I had uploaded the pics but can't find them will have to get to that so ya all can take a looksie. Did create the lip sugar scrubs..can I say they are wonderful! Your smackers feel so soft and clean...love love love.


Joanne-how was Paradise? Craft club? Hope both went well. That is fantastic that you were able to spend yesterday evening with your dd and dear Ryan..fun fun fun! I am wanting to make dishcloths for x-mas. Thank you for sharing the links. :hugHow far along are you on your granny stripe?


Stacy-How was your day? did you get to do anything fun? sure hope so! How long will you be babysitting?


Marisa-how's it going?


guess I had better get my tush to bed..morning gets here way too soon! hugs n squishes!



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Good morning!

Had a good time at Craft Club and added 4 more stripes to the granny stripe (8 rows). Now I have 38 stripes. I'm having fun randomly picking a color for each stripe and so far so good. Paradise was busy because i had so many emails to go through, plus 2 meetings. Today is a day full of meetings- so another day to fall behind again. IMO, Meetings take away from actual getting something done time!


LeeAnn- Love the strawberries- they look good enough to eat!! You make such nice things!! Have a good day today!


Beth- You must be getting super excited! One more day till you hit the road for your vacation!!! Are you packed yet? Are all the kiddos coming or is it just you and DH? you probably mentioned, but my mind is not as sharp as it once was (plus it's on overload from all the stuff I have to remember at work):lol


Stacy- How did it work out with having your niece (who is not allowed to do fun things). Hope it wasn't too draining!


Marisa- Hope you are having a good time- miss you around here too!


Off to get ready for work. Have a good day!!!

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Joanne, This is my honeymoon trip, 21 years late. It's just the two of us. All the kids are adults now, so we don't mind leaving them at home. I am very excited.


LeeAnn, I hope the strawberries will be available later. My sister LOVES all things strawberry, and I'd love to buy some for her. They are gorgeous, like everything you make. Thanks for explaining the bath fizzies for me.


Stacy, how did the babysitting go? How are all the girls doing?


Marisa, I miss hearing from you. I hope you are busy with work, and everything is going great.


Today is my hubby's birthday. I need to bake a cake before it gets too hot.

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Beth- Happy Birthday to your DH!! And safe travels and have fun on your belated honeymoon!!! Enjoy your time together!!!!


Marisa- Missing you around here too!


LeeAnn and Stacy- Hope you both had a good day. I worked by badorkus off today and didn't get home till 7!!!


Time to de-stress with hook and yarn!

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