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Some good clean fun?!

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Evening all!


Quick fly by..had my LAST day of training! wohooo! Beat, going to rest a bit..too much going on .


hugs n squishes! We have had a teeny tiny bit of rain..praying for more. :-)

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Hey ladies!


Leeann, just popped in to check if you had posted, actually. A friend from Black Forest posted a photo on FB and it looked like Alamosa was completely surrounded by the wildfires. But I see that you have posted...stay safe! Do you have a place to go, if you need to evacuate?


Marisa, hope you had fun at the dinner/birthday celebration. As for your poll, I have never heard of quiverfull. :think


Joanne, sorry to hear you're having long work hours. Yay for a color/cut, though! I'm sure that is refreshing.


Beth, how's it going today? How did Amanda do, driving around with her twin?


Well, I just popped in quick...it's almost bedtime here. The littles are camping out in the living room, watching Angelina Ballerina. Dh gave them 'control' of the Xbox for the night, and they think they are hot stuff. :lol Love those crazy kids.

Good night! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning,


LeeAnn- I was wondering how you guys were faring with the CO wildfires, too. Stay safe! Glad to hear training is finally done!!!


Stacy- Bet your girls had fun with full control of the x-box! And also sleeping in the LR- it's the little things that make for great memories!!!


Beth- I didn't realize that your DD didn't have her drivers's license yet- that must have been something having her bro take out for some practice driving!


Marisa- I never heard of Quiverful but did look it up last night after signing off. Interesting.


Another busy day today- our vendor for the project has been onsite since Tuesday so it makes for a day full of meetings and then I still have other work to get done-sometimes I wish I could split myself in two!!!


Have a good one- temps supposed to rise here- which I'm not liking- but I guess when it's summer, can't expect the temps to remain gorgeous with low humidity- at least not here in NJ!

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Good morning ladies :hi


We had a great dinner last night and a nice time just sitting around chatting for a while :D This morning I got up and went to the gym for the PIYO class. Now I'm at the office, I have a patient coming at 10 and one at 5 today :clap


Well, as for the whole quiverfull thing....we think this is the thought of the church my brother belongs to since it fits them perfectly :think My sister and I have been trying to figure him out for a long time now and he's gotten really bad over the past year. He's always liked having control over the kids and all, but it's gotten worse and you can almost see him trying to transfer that control onto us and my mom. Anyways, they are surely in the mindset that if it's God's will for them to have more kids then it will be and are not using any contraception against getting pregnant again. Now I love kids and I'm all for people having as many as they want.....when you can afford them. But when you already have 4 and can't afford 1 :think I just don't get it and I don't understand how they don't view this as selfish to continue having kids if you can't actually provide for them. My brother still has not found a job since he lost his over a year ago and he won't allow my sil to get a job :think Although she had a degree in marketing/advertising and would be able to actually get a 'good' job :shrug Sorry to complain more about him, but he made me very mad last week when I called for my oldest nephews bday that I was extremely stressed about calling back yesterday for my 2nd nephew's bday :sigh


Anyways, I started this message about a half hour ago, but my mom called....my uncle went to the hospital last night (nothing new really, he has alot of problems so he takes a monthly trip to the ER about) but he got a good nurse this time. Everytime he goes, he goes for the same pain and this nurse ran the tests which were all fine as they always seem to be, they did a CT scan and then the nurse told my mom and aunt that she'd like them to stay so they can retest the enzymes after 4 hours because sometimes that's when it'll show up :think (not my area of expertise Joanne :wink ) and so they did and the levels were jacked which pointed to the heart. They admitted him to the hospital then (it's about a half hour from where they live since the hospital in our town is just horrible) so they got home between 5-5:30 and my aunt was supposed to work at 7, but my mom just told her to call off and so she did. And she's glad she did because she got a call a bit ago that they moved him into the ICU, giving him a catheterization and they think he had a heart attack...not sure if it was minor or major though. So after my patient is done on the therapy table and leaves I'll call my sister to fill her in.


Oh boy, it's going to be one of those days I think :sigh

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Oops :oops I forgot my individuals


Joanne - I hope your meetings go well today and then by the time you get this, you'll only have 1 day before vaca :yay Do you have any plans???


LeeAnn - :woo for the last day of training. I hope you keep safe. I have a friend near Golden and I checked on her yesterday. They're ok, but have the RV prepped for evacuation if they get a call. They've been cutting alot of the branches around their house too :yes


Stacy - How cute with the kids and the xbox, it's adorable the things that make them feel 'powerful' :lol

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Beth, you can come over and do mine when you're done! I seem to have lost lots of steam over the past week or so...:think Hey, isn't your big Chicago trip coming up soon?


Marisa, I'm sorry to hear about your brother being so controlling and set in his beliefs. It stinks that you had to feel so uncomfortable calling your nephew on his birthday. :hug:hug:hug My dh works with a guy who firmly believes that no matter how many children you have (even if you can't afford to have many)- the Lord will provide. So maybe that is your brother's way of thinking? :think Sending prayers for your uncle. I wonder if this was the source of the pain all along. How scary!


Leeann, sending lots of positive thoughts that the fires don't affect you! :hug:hug


Joanne, sounds like Paradise is keeping you on your toes. TGI-almost-F! :lol Any fun plans for the weekend? Or will it just be relaxing since you've been so busy?


It is so hot here. :sweat The girls wanted to go to the park, but by the time we finished with groceries and a quick side-trip to Michael's :blush, it was already about 90. So we went swimming instead. Dh came home about an hour ago and thankfully he isn't hungry because I don't even feel like cooking. So it will just be cereal for the girls and me.


Well Eva wants to paint my nails so I'm going to scoot. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good Evening friends! So happy that I finally have a chance to email properly. :lol


Joanne-that is great that you had your hair cut and colored! :cheer:clap Wohooo! What will you be doing while on vacation? Anything exciting?


Stacy-your girlies are just too cute! :c9 The fires are not near Alamsoa thank goodness. But we have had a little bit of rain, however our beautiful state feels like it is being gobbled up by smoke and fire debri…makes me feel sad. We were planning a camping trip but are going to forgo it as we can not build a fire or have open flames, totally understandable. I am hoping that all of the families affected get to safety.


Marisa-wow! :hug It can be difficult dealing with family members that are different, hoping your nephews can come out unscathed or with little repercussions due to your brother’s values and beliefs. I have been working out..two days this week. Going to try to get in at least 3 days and I have also been walking during my lunch break..hoping to shed some of my winter weight.


Beth-how’s it going? Did your chickens all get to where they were going? How are you feeling? I know how much fun chores can be..hope you get a little bit of time for R & R


Work was busy..but I LOVE it! Love love love running like a chicken..it’s what I do best. J going to sit and read for a bit. Hugs n squishes! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Leeann, you crack me up! Running like a chicken is what you do best. :lol I'm so glad to hear the fires are not near you. It is so sad to see how much has burned already. Reminds me of the ones we had here a few years ago. WTG to you for working out! :cheer


I need to get my badorkus moving, too. :blush I've gained a ton of weight in the past few months...I can really tell in my arms for some reason. :( Just can't seem to get motivated.



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Glad to see posts from all of you this morning, but now that I've read through, I'm out of time to post--skies are darkening, which means thunderstorms are on the way- not the way I like to start the day---but at least it's Friday and after today, I don't go back to Paradise till the 9th



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Joanne, no Paradise 'til the 9th?! :woo:cheer:clap Any fun plans?


Beth, I saw your post on FB about the ballet studio. How are you feeling about that? It must be bittersweet. :hug:hug:hug


Leeann and Marisa, happy Friday!


I've been up since dh left at 5:30, trying to think of things to do with the girlies today. I wanted to see Madagascar 3, but Mia doesn't want to go without Isabella. :manyheart So sweet. The beaches and museums are kind of far, and they don't want to do Universal without her, either. We will probably just do some grocery shopping, then swimming, and find something fun to do on the weekend when she comes home.


Happy Friday!



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Good afternoon ladies :hi


It took me about 45 min to post in my other thread, hopefully I do better here :xfin


I went swimming this morning :D I have a noon patient who's running late, thought she'd be here by 12:30 but called again and traffic is horrible and she's just having one of those days. She wasn't sure if she could still come or should reschedule. I told her it's not a problem that my next appt isn't until 3:00 anyways. And BTW, he just called for him and his wife to come in today for an adjustment. They're from Long Island and brought their daughters out for a ballet camp at the Pittsburgh Ballet. So they won't be long term patients, but they still count :clap


The new one scheduled for tomorrow called to reschedule and wanted next sat, but I'm going with Ingrid and the kids to Sandusky, OH to keep them company. Averie had dance competitions there. So I got him to come in Monday evening instead....I think he just wanted Saturday because he didn't know that I worked late too :think


And the guy that cuts my hair called for an appt for Mon. I called back but now I have to wait for him to call me back again and he's usually super busy on Fridays :eek


What else :think We talked to my aunt yesterday and it sounds positive for my uncle. They put a balloon in an artery that was too small for a stent, but I'm not sure which one. He also has something going on with his shoulder that needs to be taken care of, but not sure what that is either :sigh It's hard to get specific info from them :shrug


Beth - Did you finish your cleaning yesterday? No pizza for me today, but have fun making yours. And I saw your fb post about the ballet studio :clap How do you feel?


Stacy - Well, yes my brother says the lord will provide....unfortunately, I think my parents fall under that category and my brother just doesn't see it :shrug I don't want to come across as not be religious or faithful because I surely am....but my brother has somehow gone extreme and is missing the reality. I sometimes have cereal for dinner too and yesterday was a good day for it :yes How did Eva do with your nails?


LeeAnn - :yay:clap for walking ..... and in this heat. You should probably wear a pedometer since you probably get alot in throughout the day....running around like a chicken and all :think:devil:rofl


Joanne - Are you getting those storms? By the time you check back in you'll officially be on vacation :clap When do you leave for NH?

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:woo for all of those patients, Marisa! :h5 Sad to say but your brother may not see the errors in his thinking unless your parents stop providing for them. Which, of course they won't want to do that because of the kids. There's a huge difference between being religious, and extremist. :shrug And Eva didn't get around to my nails yesterday- I ended up going to the grocery store, then the girls took a swim in the tub :heehee They had cereal for dinner, and I had ice cream. :blush


I must get moving and finish up the girls' room. BIL and his family will be here next week and I need to put some things away that I don't want to be broken. Also need to make up a grocery list. We ran to TJ's for essentials this morning, but Eva has been throwing attitude around lately and I didn't want to deal with that at the store. I'd rather go alone later. :yes

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Marisa, sounds like you are staying busy! I'm glad to see your patient number rise.


Stacy, One day you'll be like me: if I can't take one of my offspring to the store with me, I'd rather not go. They are so much better at remembering what I need, and going back and fetching the items that I need to complete a spur-of-the-moment idea (like tacos that weren't on the list, but would be good on the menu, but I need lettuce to go with...) Sorry you didn't get your manicure. Maybe today?


LeeAnn, I hope you are doing well, and aren't pushing too hard. I know you are working, but what things are your family doing during summer vacation?


Joanne, happy Vacation!!! I hope you are relaxing (after getting the normal house work done) and having a great time.


It is triple-digit weather here -- I do not like 100 degree days! It would be so much nicer if we had central air. I have been hiding in my bedroom most of the time.

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Good morning!

Vacation time!!:clap


Started to do the usual Saturday routine, and now taking a break to check in along with having another cup of coffee!


Looking forward to getting away and relaxing. The hardest decision when it comes to packing is which yarn and what projects!:lol I started my 5th Queen Ann Lace scarf last night, so may just bring yarn with me to work on some more of those and get my co-workers's Christmas gifts done. Definitely not bringing the granny stripe since I'm using about 17 different colors. This is absolutely a project to work on at home!


Beth- Stay cool if you can- going to be in those temps here today also, but i am fortunate that I have central AC--just hope power stays on! Good luck with the search for a 'real' job- I saw that you handed in your keys to the ballet studio- one chapter closes and another one will be opening.


Stacy- That's so cute that your DD doesn't want to do some things without having her sis there too! It's great that your kiddos are close to each other. I'm fortunate that my girls all get along and even though they all don't live near each other, they are close to each other!


LeeAnn- Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend doing what you want to do.


Marisa- Glad to hear it worked out that you can go to Ohio with Ingrid. And yes, you are right- a patient is a patient, even if they are only visiting the area! They all count!!!!


Well, I'd better get back to what needs to be done around here!

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-3 digit temps? wow! Stay cool today. :hug Is it too hot to crochet? Are all of your chickens running today?


Joanne-Happy Vacation my friend! You deserve it! How fun to be packing and getting ready for a trip.:hug


Stacy-your littlies are too sweet. But I sure do remember those days of attitude..we still have them but thankfully they have drizzled down to perhaps one day every month. What fun things are on your list?


Marisa-:clap:cheernew patients and returning patients are great! Glad to hear that your uncle is slightly better, will he be in the hospital for an extended period of time?


I am sorry I have been MIA, I feel soo tired. I thought working out would help, my energy level toward the evening is 0..it's all I can do to get myself to bed. Today we are taking the kiddos swimming at a local hot springs then tomorrow we are going shopping and hanging out. On Wed. we are going to the in-laws for the day. The kiddos will be staying with them for about 10 days.:eek They are soo excited! I am happy for them, they really enjoy spending time with their grandparents. While they are gone, I am hoping that I can get ready for a new festival, replace goodies that are in the 3 shops that I have consigned with and create new items that I have jostling around in my head.


Great news! Some one turned in my camera to the hospital where my nieces were born..:clap:cheer I called to check in with their Lost & Found and they had just had someone turn it in..so relieved! They mailed it to me..best part was my chip was still in it...oh yeah! Happy Dance! What a relief!


Oh my! Better get my tush in gear, dh and ds just called they are on their way home to pick us up.


hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, so glad you got your camera! That's awesome! So nice to know people are honest. Sounds like you will be busy as usual while you kids are with their grandparents. Don't miss them too much.


Joanne, when is your trip planned? I hope you are enjoying your vacation so far. We had a good thunderstorm, and it's cooler now. Big difference between low 90's and triple digits.


Mairsa, Say "hi" to my folks when you are headed west.


Stacy, enjoy the girls while they are young. They sound like such sweethearts. I love your stories. Is Jorge feelinb all better yet?


Today I need to go to the grocery store. Since it's the beginning of the month, and since it's the weekend before the 4th of July, I'm expecting it to be kind of insane. Luckily, I have lots of insanity myself, so I can deal with it. :devil Oh, I started another project, like I didn't have enough UFO's floating around. I have some Loops and Thread Impeccable yarn: a variegated in purples and green, then dark purple, light purple and green solids. I am making an octagon, big stripes!

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Evening friends!


Beth-how was the grocery shopping? Did you make it out sanely? he heee loved your joke!


Joanne-hope vacation is treating you well. :-)


Stacy-how's it going my friend?


Marisa-can't wait to hear all the juicy details about your weekend.


Well....I decided I was going to try to make bath fizzies..after lots of work and redoing and grunting and mixing..I finally have a set I am happy with! wohoo! Going to take pics to share with all of you. hugs n squishes!

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Quick stop in to let u know we made it safe and sound!!


I finished the scarf and made a red white and blue cozy for my venti sized iced coffee cup from Starbucks. It's hot but not as humid as home and there is a breeze


Have a good evening everyone

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Good morning, all. Had a bit of a computer issue this morning, couldn't get on-line until now. My dd and I took care of the kitties -- they are all doing so well. We ran to a couple of grocery stores, stocked up on sales items -- love the holiday specials! Now to find a place to store all those sodas...


Joanne, have a lovely, lovely vacation. You deserve it!


LeeAnn, waiting (im)patiently to see the pics of the new items...


Stacy, hope you and the girls (and Jorge) are having a good summer.


Marisa, Did you have a good time at the dance recital?

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Hi friends!!


Joanne, hope your vacation is off to a wonderful start. :hug:hug


Leeann, can't wait to see the fizzies! How fun that your dk's are going to visit their grandparents! I have fond memories of staying with my grandma during the summer. I'm sure they will have a blast!


Marisa, can't wait to hear about your adventures!


Beth, glad you made it through the market! How wonderful that the kitties are doing so well. :manyheart I'm sure they soak up the attention from you and your dd. :yes


On Saturday, dh fixed up Isabella's bike, and we went for a ride around the park. Then yesterday, we went to Universal Studios. I checked in at the backlot tour on FB, and for some reason it showed I was in NY! :lol The girls had a ton of fun, though- there is a Nickelodeon water playground, and we took their suits and stayed there for about half the day. Oh, and I sucked up my roller coaster fear and went on the Jurassic Park ride- the drop at the end was so steep that I couldn't even scream! LoL Don't think I'll be doing that again.


As for taking my kiddos to the store- I know lots of people who will not take their children with them at all, because they are afraid to say no, or that their kids will have tantrums, etc. I am NOT one of these people. LoL! I can count on one hand the number of incidents in the store because my kids know how to behave (usually!) They also know that I don't mind saying 'no' and have been known to leave a cart of groceries to take a tantrum out to the car. But Eva is in the "I don't want to do/eat/go" phase, and it is driving me :loco:thair!! I would seriously rather deal with a full-on tantrum, than with hearing the same thing 50 times in a row. It's some sort of sensory dysfunction, I guess. :shrug


That said...I have to deal with my dysfunction today! :lol BIL and his fam are coming tomorrow for the week, so I need to run out to the store to stock up. I really need to get off my badorkus and make a list- haven't been doing that lately, and as a result, end up going 3 times as often as usual. :blush Isabella wants to make a flag cake, so we have to get ingredients for that, too. Oh, and I have to return library books. Busy day, late start! Hope I get it all finished. :lol Happy Monday! (Is that an oxymoron? :think:lol)

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I had a patient at noon and have another one later at 5:15 :D Let's see, what did I do this weekend..... Well, Saturday Steph and I did some shopping (well I window shopped, she purchased :lol ) and then we went out in the afternoon to tailgate at the Kenny Chesney concert (didn't go to the show), got home around 10ish :think Sunday we did more running around and went to Sam's for a tv and when we got it home it had a knick in the screen so Bean put it right back in the box and will take it back tonight. I told them I'd take it for them so they could still go to the Pirates game tonight so we'll see :think


Stacy - That's nice that the girls are so close :manyheart When we were kids, my sister and I hated each other so badly that we couldn't even be in the same room :eek We'd be fighting unbelievably by the end of dinner :blush I hope you get all your errands done today in good time :xfin


Beth - I'm always busy! :yes I'll surely say hi to your folks on my way out Wednesday...hopefully they see me waving :wink It's always exciting to start new projects :yes


Joanne - Glad to hear you made it to NH safely....have a great vacation and get lots of R&R :hug


LeeAnn - :yay on the bath fizzies, looking forward to your pics! And awesome news on the camers :clap:yay

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Gooda evening friends!


Stacy-did you get all of your shopping done? That is so awesome that you conquered your fear and rode the Jurrasic Park ride:hug:hug I am a BIG chicken and would never have done it..the thought kinda makes me queasy. Did you get your shopping done as well?


Joanne-I can't wait to hear all the juicy details about your vacation. :clap:cheer:hug


Beth-ohhh laaa laaa Taking care of the kittens must have been fun. WTG hitting all of the sales. Does your family drink a lot of soda? We try not to, but it is my one coping device when I work..gotta have a bit of caffeine to keep me motivated. :devil


Marisa-did your patient show? Kenny Chesney would have been wonderful to see/hear..woohoo! Bummer about the knick on the t.v. smart to take it back.


Today was another crazy day, worked out after work and then came home to fix breakfast for dinner, tidy up the kitchen, package up an order...going to go hop in the tub,...gotta test out the new fizzies. Two of my co-workers are testers as well. Hopefully I did everything correctly. :P

Here are two pics of them..not puurttty but it's a start.


hugs n squishes!



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