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Good morning all,


Joanne, happy Almost Friday to you! I hope Paradise goes smoothly today.


Marisa, :dance for your new patients!!! I am so happy for you!


LeeAnn and Stacy, I hope your day is wonderful, since you both deserve that!


not much going on today. My son the lifeguard is working a 10 hour shift, so I am going to take him lunch, then grab some things I need from the store, and I might be babysitting this evening, but I might not. My phone was out of juice when she called yesterday, and she may have arranged something else since she didn't hear from me.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Last night I worked on my baby ghan since it was so hot :eek Tonight I hope to work on the graph ghan, but then I'll have to stay upstairs in my room where the ceiling fan is since there's not one in the living room yet....so we'll see what later brings :lol This morning I got up and went to the gym for a PIYO (a mix of pilates and yoga) class (the one that kicked my butt last week) and there was a sub teaching so it was just straight Pilates but I quite enjoyed it :yes


When my new patient comes this morning I'll be at 28! :yay:clap


Joanne - I hope you manage to keep your sanity through the week :hug


Beth - Wow, that's a long shift for a lifeguard since you have to be alert the whole time :yes Good idea bringing him some lunch and throw in some snacks too :lol

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'Morning, friends!


Marisa- :cheer for 28! That is awesome!!


Leeann, the twins are precious!! how is your sis? Sorry to hear she was all swollen- that is scary! After my first c-section (which was emergency) my feet/ankles/legs were all swollen and hurt, also...it went down once I started to move again. Hopefully all your sis will need to do is start walking/moving around for it to go down. :hugI'm so glad your dh and ds were evacuated to safety! And that the troop stayed together.


Beth, good luck to you on your letter of resignation. :hug:hug Sounds like you already knew what to do. :yes:xfin that your ds made it through his 10-hour shift! I agree- that sounds like a lot of hours for a lifeguard.


Joanne, what's shakin' bacon? What's on your hooks these days? How is your dd's SIL?


Would you believe I started this reply about 4 hours ago? :lol The girls and I took the dogs to the dog park. It was fun, but then someone brought in a pit bull that kept nipping at the other dogs. Then when the other dogs (including mine) tried to defend themselves, the pit growled and the owner yelled at the other owners. So we packed up and left. I had the girls with me and I figured if the dog was going to nip other dogs, what's to stop it from doing it to the kiddos?

Afterward, we came home and cleaned a bunch, had lunch, then just lounged around watching Netflix. The girls are thrilled that it is working once again. :lol

Yesterday, we used our Kids Bowl Free passes for two free games. They had so much fun, and I found out that there is a kids' league on Saturdays. Once swimming is finished, we might try that. We also watched Dolphin Tale- and I cried for pretty much the entire movie. :lol What an amazing story.


Well, Jorge just came home, and he's sick, so it's going to be a long night. :blush Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug



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Hot, hot, hot- perfect weather I suppose for the first day of summer, but it can cool off anytime soon and I'll be happy!


Stacy- Hope that Jorge feels better quick!!!

I finished a ripple last night and started my 4th Queen Ann's scarf - I'm thinking I want to start another ripple or a granny stripe next


LeeAnn- The twins are adorable!!! My DDs sis-in-law was also very, very swollen- and haven't talked to DD in 2 days so don't know how she is doing yet. I'll find out tomorrow night since her MIL is having some sort of jewelry party and of course I said I'd go. (and bringing limited $) since I would so much rather be spending my $ on yarn and such- LOL


Marisa- WooT!!! Your patient list keeps growing- !!!!!!!


Beth- Hope your son did ok with a 10 hr day--and i agree with everyone else- 10- hrs seems a long time for a lifeguard since you have to be alert--of course for a young person it's a lot easier than it would be for me!!! I really feel my alertness going by the wayside after about 8 hours of work-


Off to figure out what I want to do with the rest of the evening- crochet or read?

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Evening ladies!


Marisa-:cheer:clap:laughrollYippee Skippy for 28 patients, I bet you are getting busier and busier.


Joanne-I am thinking of a new project as well. Finished the 2nd baby ghan and delivered it today..hmm:think What did you decide on doing? Crochet or reading?


Stacy-you had a busy day! whew! Bowling is so much fun, my ds loves it. He would go every day if we let him..just had a thought, maybe he could get a job at the bowling alley.


Beth-how's it going? Did your ds make it thru his long day? How was your day?


Today was hectic..glad that I can get ready for bed..:lol going to tuck myself in early as tomorrow is going to be another training day with work before and perhaps after.


night friends! Hugs n squishes!

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I got my baby fix yesterday!!!!! Oh, they were so sweet and adorable. The girl is 2 years old, so smart, potty trained (but still excited enough to show me what she did in the potty) talks up a storm, extremely helpful, and just pretty as can be. The boy is the happiest 6-month-old I ever met, but he will fuss when he is wet. He was very good. It was a blast!!!


On to other ballet company news (the mom that I babysat for is one of the teachers,) the new manager repeated that she isn't going to make much money for a while, and asked if I would continue working at the desk for "chicken scratch once in a while." I told her I'd think about it. I like feeling needed. I like the actual job, but there are some people there I'd prefer never to see again, and the hours don't work well for someone who gets up at 4 a.m. I am meeting the accountant this morning to help her gather the paperwork she'll need to do the final government forms (payroll taxes, income taxes) for the old owner. The new owner wants to show up while we are there to talk to the accountant. I will tell her how I'm feeling about working there.


My son's long day was a busy one. He got a bit too much sun, not too bad, though. He also got a save (where he jumps in the pool to pull someone out) and two assists (where he pulls someone to the side with an object like the flotation device he carries around with him while working.) There were a total of 3 saves, so it was a busy one. They had a group rent the pool in the morning, and those kids were horrible!!! My son didn't have a chance to put on the sunscreen he needs every hour. that's why he was crispy.


Joanne, Happy TGIF to you, my dear! I hope today goes quickly, and you are home relaxing before you know it! So, did you crochet or read last night?


LeeAnn, a job at a bowling alley sounds like a great idea! Particularly a nice, family-friendly bowling alley. So have you decided on your next project yet?


Stacy, sorry to hear that the pit ruined your time at the dog park, but I wouldn't want small children around an animal like that, particularly since the owner sounded like a horse's backside. I'm glad to hear the girls enjoy bowling. They are multi-talented young ladies. :heart Love to hear about them.


Marisa, Piyo sounds very interesting. I am contemplating joining a yoga class, but I know I'd do a horrible job. I have terrible body awareness, which is part of the reason I quit the pilates class at the dance studio. I think yoga is awesome, though. When my dd had physical therapy for her back, most of the exercises were yoga.


Busy day today: meet with the accountant, go to grocery store, tutor, go to game day, make pizza.... I was supposed to meet a friend at the pool, too, but she isn't feeling well. :( I was told my son's girlfriend is bringing her yarn to the game day!:D

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Good morning ladies :hi


Last night I just worked some sudoku puzzles while watching tv and didn't crochet at all :eek I pulled out my bucket with the graph ghan in, but then it just sat there :shrug This morning I got up and went swimming at the Y, did just over a mile I think. I met a guy there, who I saw once before there and we introduced ourselves and chatted for a minute. Then he randomly told me that I'd be married within 2 years, which he knows because I apparently have the qualities of a married woman :think:shrug A little weird.


I got here to find a message from my 10:00 patient that he'll call back later to reschedule for next week. He's one of the guys from my hair salon that had recently burned down and they just found out today is the last day they can go back there at all before it's demolished, so they were all meeting there at 9:30.


Tomorrow will be busy, It's Bean's grandma's 94th birthday and next week is his Aunt's birthday so we're all going out for lunch to celebrate for the 2 of them :yay Then I'm going to the Pirates game in the afternoon. My sister and I want to get invitations together for my parents 40th anniversary party we're throwing them in July...so we're a little later than we should be one that. We were trying to keep it a surprise and were going to rent a hall, but ultimately decided to just mention it to them and have a picnic at the house so it's more laid back and if extra people are around it won't be a problem having more than anticipated. But we made it very clear they're not allowed to do anything for this party and we're making them go out in the morning for us to set up and still pretend it's a surprise :lol Will run out in a bit looking for invitations.


Stacy - Sounds like the girls had a great day yesterday :clap Sorry the other dog had to ruin your time at the dog park :( I sure hope Jorge is feeling better :hug


Joanne - WTG on the ripple and scarf....can't wait to see pics :devil


LeeAnn - More training :eek Haven't you already been trained in everything....it seems to be taking forever :think


Beth - So glad you got your baby fix, it's great when they're good :yes My Y had a Yoga for Beginners class...maybe yours does too :think I'm not great with it, but if you don't do it then you CAN'T get good at it either :shrug You just do what you can and then keep building on it from there. I hope ds isn't too burned up.

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I left work on time for a change!!! So glad to leave and start the weekend!!

It looks like thunder storms will be starting up soon- and I'm supposed to head over to dD's MIL's for a jewelry party- (not that I want to buy anything, but will see what they have and maybe pick up a little something)


I worked on another Queen Ann's scarf last night- using Stylecraft Special DK yarn that I got from Deramore's in the UK (free shipping to the US). I love how the yarn works up- nice and soft!!


Angels have started bowling, so I better log off

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Good morning, and Happy Sunday! I hope everybody has a great day.


Joanne, how was the jewelry party? Did you see anything you liked? Did you buy anything?


Marisa, I have a friend who takes a yoga class at a nearby art museum. She says it is for all levels, and I could join in. I love the idea of a picnic for the parents' 40th anniversary. That's what we did for my parents' 50th. It was a surprise. We had it at my brother's house, and everybody who lived out of town showed up without my parents knowing we were coming.


Stacy and LeeAnn, I hope you are having so much fun, you don't have time to come in and say hi. :)


Well, if you checked facebook, you know we lost our oldest cat yesterday. I hate to say I'm relieved, but I am. She was 18, not in good health, not very mobile. the quality of life wasn't there. I wanted to have her Euthanized months ago, but my oldest son fought that decision. He was finally ready for that, and she went peacefully in her sleep, so he never had the guilt of making that decision. even when it's the best decision, it still isn't easy.

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Beth- Hugs for you- even though it was time for the cat to go to the Rainbow Bridge, it's never easy.

I did buy some earrings at the jewelry show- everything was very expensive, and quite honestly, I'd rather buy from a local artisan which is what I did when I was in Boston last time with DD. I went to the outlets yesterday and did very well and got great buys for myself and of course couldn't go home without a stop at the Oshkosh outlet and Gap outlet and got lots of stuff for Ryan for cheap!!


Last night I started a Granny stripe afghan with Stylecraft Special DK yarn from the UK- I had bought it about a year ago (was it that long?LOL) and I LOVE it!!!


I babysat for Ryan this morning early while DD and SIL went to church. He gets cranky (even in the nursery there) since he still takes a morning nap around 10:30- We had fun and today he is 11 mos old!!! And finally, last week got his first tooth-with 2nd one on the way-


DD and Ryan are coming over later after SIL goes to work and we're headed down to the swings at the waterfront. She's going to eat dinner here- simple- making chicken breasts and cutting them up in a salad and also having tomato slices w/mozzarella, basil and balsamic vinagarette -- nice summertime meal.


Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!


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Hey ladies :hi


Just a quick stop since I came into the office to print up our invitations. But I want to get moving so I have time to go to the mall and Joann's afterward :devil


I hope everyone's having a great weekend and I'll 'see' y'all tomorrow :hug


Oh Beth, so sorry to here about your cat :hug :hug You're right, it's not easy even when it's right.

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Lost my post...grrr


Beth-sorry to hear about your kitty friend, hugs n squishes!


Praying for rain as CO is getting hit hard by all of the fires..it is hot hot hot!


BBL! Hugs~

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Good morning, Happy Monday!


It's looking kind of cloudy out there- and we may get rain. Hope that some of the precip makes it's way to CO to help with those wildfires!!!


I had a wonderful Sunday with DD and GS- and he's just getting to be so much fun. Puts alot of things in perspective spending time with little ones.


Love the Queen Anne's scarf you posted on FB, Stacy! I'm almost done with my 4th- but spent time last night on the Granny stripe since that is not really a 'portable' project!


Marisa --Did you get the anniversary invites started? My DD and I printed out invites for GS 1st birthday yesterday- and then she left them here!!! Will have to drop them off on my way home from work today.


Off to get the work week started~

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Joanne, so nice to have a grandbaby for the baby fix. He's going to be a toddler before you know it. I'll bet it is fun to be around him.


LeeAnn, wash the car! That always makes it rain here, the few times I wash mine. LOL. I hope the wildfires get under control soon.


Marisa, Sounds like the 40th anniversary party is coming together well. So, did you get anything good at the mall and JoAnn's?


Stacy, it is melty hot here. How are things in California? What are you doing with your girls this summer?


Today I went to the mall to return some items -- it is really hard to find clothes for my younger son. Picky picky picky. He said he'll buy his own from now on. I got a call from the old ballet mistress. She got my letter, and said it was the sweetest letter anybody ever wrote to her. And I e-mailed the new one, told her I wasn't interested in working "for a bit of chicken scratch from time to time." (Her words, not mine) without having some clarity as to how often, what type of work, and how much and what type of chicken scratch. I am ready to let go. I suggested she find another dance mom and offer the deal I had: desk help twice a month or so for a discount on lessons. I am really glad that it's almost over.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - We did get the invites done and I brought them to the post office on my way to work this morning :clap


I went to the gym this morning too :D I have a patient coming at 4 this afternoon, not a new one but a returning one :clap


I'm chatting with Maryann on the phone while checking in so I didn't take notes :(


I hope you're all having a great Monday :hug

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Hello Hello!


Marisa-so happy for you! Your business is really taking off! I bet you are super duper happy and excited. J Your parents party sounds like so much fun! Are they pumped?


Beth-that is soo sweet of the ballet mistress to be so understanding. My kiddos are not that picky about clothing but my sister and mom are…uggh! It is such a chore finding things that they like.


Joanne-you are right, nothing like hanging out with little ones to put us in perspective. Funny how as adults we can worry about everything.


Work was busy today but so much fun! Much better than training. We are finally getting into the swing of things. Came home, fixed a large salad, had leftovers with that, made 15 Body Spritz and spent a teeny tiny bit of time with the kiddos..going to relax…just veg on the couch. They are outside with dh working on the yard.


Stacy-how are things going in your neck of the woods?



Hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,


I went to craft club tonight and finished the 4th Queen Anne's Lace scarf and started to weave in some of the tails on the Granny Stripe I had started.


Beth- I'm sure you'll be glad when it's over!! I think that it's good you are ready to let go of the ballet studio- and start the next chapter!!!! Your vaca is coming up isn't it? So is mine- next week- can't wait!!!


Marisa- Great that you had a returning patient today!!! So, inquiring minds want to know--what did you get at JoAnn's?


LeeAnn- Glad that you are enjoying work now that the training is over!!! Makes it so much better-- How are the fires?

We had thunder storms this morning- the sky got really black- and I made it into work, before the skies opened up. Then the sun tried to come out and another storm right before I left work for home! Temps are much lower in the 70's- I could get used to those temps!!!


Stacy- How's things in sunny CA?


Probably won't be on in the AM since I'm going in extra early- so Have A GOOD Tuesday!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I didn't really do anything last night. I left here late and got home just as Bean was finishing the Salmon on the grill :drool I just watched Master Chef and crocheted a bit. This morning I went to the gym for the 7:00 class and the girl called out :( So I just worked out on the elliptical and weight room since I was already there :lol


Tonight we're meeting my cousin out for dinner since he's back in town now for 3 days before leaving again. Just back from training in Texas and then he's off to Atlanta for all the final details before officially going to Kuwait on July 6th I think :think


LeeAnn - Glad to hear work was so much more fun than the training, at least it makes you feel like the training wasn't a waste :think:lol I really don't know if my parents are pumped or not, they don't really like people making a fuss over them....but 40 years is really something to celebrate! They're ok with it and I think they'll surely enjoy themselves. The hardest part will be keeping them from doing any of the work :eek


Joanne - So glad you got to craft club :clap WTG on the scarf and granny stripe, you're really getting alot done considering your current work project :h5 I just got 2 spools of sewing thread from Joann's. I have a bright yellow shirt (Pirates/Steelers color) that has a hole I'm going to attempt to fix, but it's right in the front and I'm not so sure I can do it and have it look alright. And I got a pale pink since that's the color of one of the tanks I recently pinned to take in. I haven't actually started that project yet, but the clothes are pinned and ready to go when the spirit moves me. I know it will be a several hour project and I'll have to be in the main area so I'd rather do it when Steph and Bean are out so I'm not in their way :shrug


Stacy and Beth - I hope you're having a wonderful day.


Well, my Quick Books stopped working again so now I have to go try to tackle that problem and I wasn't having any luck with it last night. :eek

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Hello Everybody,

I ran around with my sons this morning, got a few things done. It was nice hanging with the tall dudes for once. Shrimp Boy asked me to tutor tomorrow rather than today, since he couldn't get here on time. He is here now, though, hanging with my kids for the evening. I told him that he wasn't getting fed here tomorrow. He is super picky, and I would run out of menu ideas trying to feed him 3 times a week. I made beautiful salisbury steaks one day, and he didn't even taste them.


Joanne, so glad you have a vacation coming up. I think I'm a week behind you. I am ready for it. So glad you had a good time at your craft club. My friends haven't met lately. They've been busy. I am missing it a lot. I get so much more done at a meeting.


LeeAnn, I'm glad you had fun at work. Love the little ones!


Marisa, how much fun to plan a big party. I'm glad your business is growing. Good luck with the sewing. It certainly isn't my favorite.


Stacy, I hope you are having fun!


I am cooking the sides for dinner, hubby is grilling the meat. I'd best get going, pay attention to the stove. :blush

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Hi all!


Beth, sorry to hear SB is so picky. Glad to hear you got out with your tall guys today, and that you figured out what to do about the ballet studio.


Joanne, how fun to hang out with Ryan for the day! I bet he is really on the move these days. :manyheart


Marisa, :woo for returning clients! Just as exciting as new ones, I'd think. :yes Good luck with the sewing.


Leeann, glad to hear you're getting settled in now that all of the training is over. How are the fires? I have a FB friend who moved to CO and she posted photos of the smoke from her work- scary!


I haven't been posting because I've been feeling really :grump. Dh has been sick since Thursday and is a real bear. We pretty much stayed indoors all weekend. Isabella went with MIL yesterday- I think she is staying for a week. Today I took the little girls to the park so they could let off some energy. Then we stopped at McD's for an ice cream. On the upside, I have been :hook a lot! I'm about halfway finished with the afghan, and I finished my second Queen Ann's scarf this morning. :lol They're so pretty- and quick! Mia has asked for a headscarf so I'll probably work on that tonight.


Gotta scoot and finish dinner. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi all

I just got in about 10 min ago. What a day!!!

Wtg on finishing a second scarf Stacy. Welcome to the addiction!!!!


Beth. Sounds like a nice day with the tall ones


Marisa. Hope you enjoyed your dinner tonight


Leeann hope your day was a good one


I'm on my iPad as I am scarfing down some dinner so that is why the posts are so short

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!!


LeeAnn- Just read about the wildfires in CO Springs area- pretty scary stuff! Hope that you are safe from it and that mother nature decides to rain a little on the area!!


Stacy- Here's hoping that Jorge is feeling better soon. I'll bet that Isabella will love the one on one time with her grandma!!


Marisa- Hope you enjoyed dinner with your cousin! Glad to hear you are getting good use of the Y! And on the growing patient list. Did you get the Quicken issue figured out?


Beth- Your dinner sounded better than what I had last night- with grilled meat and sides! I had cereal and an English muffin! LOL


Make it a good day everyone! I have another busy day and then after work go for my hair appointment. I'll get out of work on time so even though I won't get home till about 7:30, it's for a good reason!

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Good morning ladies :hi


We went out for Hibachi and the guy we had was great fun and entertaining :D The food was delicious and of course too much so I have lunch today too :clap Ingrid is bringing the kids over for a couple hours this afternoon while work shifts overlap and then I think their grandma is picking them up :think Tonight me and Steph are meeeting her co-workers out for dinner to celebrate Stephs belated birthday from a month ago, but everything's been so busy that this was when worked for everyone :shrug


I have a question, my sister and I are taking some polls.... Have any of you ever heard of the religious movement 'quiverfull' and if so, what are your thoughts? It's something we just came across last weekend that's been around quite a while, but from what we gather nobody seems to have heard about it before :think


Beth - :yay for getting to spend time with the guys. Sorry shrimp boy is a picky eater :shrug We often do the sides at our house while Bean grills :wink


Stacy - Yes, returning patients are just as exciting as new ones :yes WTG on the ghan and scarves. I sure hope Jorge is starting to feel better after the past week :hug


Joanne - Dinner was very yummy. I decided to sleep in this morning instead of getting up and going to the gym :devil This time I had to completely uninstall Quick Books and then reinstall and run my backup files :sigh I hope you have fun at your hair appt tonight.


LeeAnn - Hope all is well and that you and your family are safe from the fires :hug


Off to my next thread before my 10:00 patient comes :yay He's the only one scheduled for today :lol But, I have 2 tomorrow, 1 Friday and a new one on Saturday :clap

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