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Quick Dad update: It was a "real" stroke -- small blood clot in the left side of the brain, over the ear. There is some bleeding there, but nobody is telling me that it is serious. He is staying in the hospital one more day. He seems to be more himself now.

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Hiya friends!


Joanne-your Pearberry coffee sounds delish! mmm..is it sweet? Happy TGIF!


Beth-how's it going? How's your papa doing? Hope he is recovering well. I bet it is hard to have so many changes all soo soon, hang in there my friend. We are always here for you.:hug


Marisa-ohh laaa laaa reading!:cheer I have three books that I want to read..the Girl with Dragon Tattoo series, my boss gave them to me..she said they were good..one of these days.


Today was another General Orientation training..pretty much a little of the same thing..kinda frustrating as all of the trainings are blending into each other, they are repeating everything.. Tomorrow I have the EQ training..it is a new Infant & Toddler class that they are offering. I have an Infant & Toddler endorsement on my degree..not too thrilled to be taking it again..but I am learning a bit more and it is pretty fun. The company where I work is not conducting this training..yippee! We get a break from the head taco's and have new presenters.


On another note, I am not creating anything new for the sale on Saturday, just going to take what I have..:lol since I have 4 shelves full of product, I think it will be enough.


Going to get to bed early. hugs n squishes!

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Good morning~

LeeAnn- I think 4 shelves worth of product should be enough! Good luck tomorrow!!!! :)I'm sure you'll do well! Any word from DH and DS? Do they come home today? I see the fires are still going on in CO.


Beth- Glad to hear your Dad is only staying one more day even though not happy to hear it was a 'real' stroke. But if he gets to go home already, that's a great sign! Continued prayers!!!!:hug

I think you had asked a few days ago about my pool- today is the day it gets opened- and then the fun begins. I know DD is anxious to get Ryan in the pool, but it'll be a few more days cause we have no clue what will be once the cover gets removed. A few days of getting it ready at least--and it hasn't been too warm this week so it'll be cold.


Off to get ready- just looked at the clock:eek

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Good morning, my coffee is brewing and I stayed up late last night, so :tired Here, coffee coffee coffee...


Joanne, how nice to have a pool in your own yard. I do hope you'll have some pics of Ryan playing in the water, once it is up and running and warm enough (not that I'm rushing the hot weather -- I love this cool stuff!)


LeeAnn, 4 shelves of product! WOW!! That's a lot. I hope your sale goes very well, and that you survive training. It's odd they'd make you take training for something you are certified in.


Stacy and Marisa, Happy TGIF to you! Any fun plans for the weekend?


I have some work to get done around here, then I intend to play hard all weekend.

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I'm super sore today from the aerobics class yesterday, didn't realize it then, but I guess it kicked my badorkus :lol I'll surely return to that class though. I have to take my car to get checked on Monday morning, it's rattling when I go over the bigger bumps. Hopefully not a big issue :xfin


Tonight Steph and Bean are having date night, so I'll be getting some alone time. I'm planning on laundry and hooking :xfin Tomorrow is Averie's dance recital that I'm going to and Sloan has a baseball game at the same time so Steph and Bean are going to take him to his game since they haven't gotten to any all season yet. Other than that, I hope that's it :lol


Joanne - :yay on getting the pool open today, I hope it's not too icky under that cover :xfin Thanks for the peaberry info....I was thinking sweet and fruity :rofl Royal Pains is a sitcom in the Hamptons about concierge medicine. It's almost stupid funny in it's plots...so it's a 'mindless' show. The new ones are on Wed nights at 9 (USA I think), but they do show repeats pretty regularly too.


Beth - :hug :hug Sorry to hear your dad's stroke was more severe than initially anticipated, but like Joanne said it's good he can go home so quickly because that shows improvement from him :hug


LeeAnn - The Girl who series is very addicting and very good. Once you get going, you'll be in it til the end. The only caution I'm going to give you is the first book, it takes a few chapters to grab you since it starts a bit slow, but stick it out :yes I started it several times over a few months. Then when I initially heard they were planning on making it a movie, I made myself stick to it and then I couldn't put it down :think Think of your training as more of a continuing education situation, maybe that will make it more bearable. Good luck at the sale tomorrow, I think the 4 shelves of product should be enough :D

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Good morning!

Well, my DH didn't tell me, but he cancelled the pool opening!:eek Came home from work and the pool was still covered. When he got home i asked him about it and he said that he cancelled--cause he doesn't want to take care of the pool- I was pretty bummed about it. I can't take care of it by myself, nor did I expect him to take care of it by himself.


DD is disappointed- as am I--but even if I get the pool opened, with my long hours and if DH is going to help, it's too much for me.


Marisa- cut and paste alert!

My DD's sis-in-law had the twins on Thursday and mom and babies doing well. They were early- and are in the NICU- but we're all happy that they have arrived! After being on bed rest for the last 2 months- I'm sure she is happy too!! DD is going to visit today, so I will watch my GS--:manyheart


Good luck today at the sale LeeAnn!


Stacy- I saw on FB that you are looking for a job--good luck!


Marisa- Enjoy your 'quiet' weekend!


Beth- Continued prayers for your Dad!!!

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Hi all!

Sorry i havent been around- we've been having issues with the internet and the company hasn't been too helpful in figuring it out.They are supposed to be here between 8 and noon today. I sure hope they are on time, because my kids are going stir-crazy without Netflix. LoL

Beth,I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. As Joanne said, its a good sign that hes going home so soon. sending prayers for a quick recovery for him. And lots of hugs for you, dealing with this and your identity loss. Im sure it is a difficult transition.


Well, my phone has no edit feature, and keeps jumping to the top of the page, mid-sentence, so that is all i can comment on for now. Love and hugs! Hope to be back soon.

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Just a quick fly by to say hello. I stopped by the office after Averie's dance recital, which she did a great job at :yes But, it was 5 hours long!!!! :eek:sigh


Oh well, the day's gone now and I'm going to head home to hopefully relax for the evening :xfin

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Good morning, and happy Father's Day to the fathers in your lives!


I tried to post yesterday, and had some issues with Internet Explorer. Oh well, I didn't have much to say, any way.


Joanne, so sorry about the pool. Will it be opening later, or is it closed for the year? I know you were looking forward to watching Ryan splash and play in it.


Stacy, I hope your internet service is fixed. How frustrating that they haven't been helpful. Did your kids get their Netflix?\


Marisa, Dance recitals are SO long!!! And it seems like the child you are there to see is on stage for 30 seconds! It is really neat when you know all the kids, though. The last recital I went to was magical.


LeeAnn, I hope your sale went wonderfully, and you are resting today. Are the men home yet?

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Good morning and Welcome to Monday~


Beth- I don't think the pool will be opened which kind of bums me out- but I can't take care of it by myself- and if DH isn't going to help--well, that kind of puts the kabash on it. Oh, well-- Hope your Dad is continuing to do ok---


LeeAnn- How did the show go? Hope that it went well. Are you still in training this week?


Stacy- Is this the last week of school for the kiddos?


Marisa- Yay for another new patient!!


I had a nice relaxing weekend- and had a lovely day yesterday- the weather here was gorgeous!


Now it's back to the grind--but I'm determined to make it to craft club tonight!!!


Have a good one!

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Wish me luck! I have to tell somebody today that I don't intend to work at the ballet studio for free, and see if I get paid for it, or if I'm done with that, too. I'm just not really sure who I should tell. The ownership/operation is confused with the retirement of the old mistress. I hope they get it straight soon.


Joanne, I hope Paradise does well for you, and you get to enjoy craft club this evening.


LeeAnn, I'm excited to hear about the sale. I hope it went well for you.


Marisa, Did you get a nice, relaxing evening after the recital?


Stacy, I hope your internet is straight. What your phone does sounds like what my facebook does when I try to read a bunch of messages, like when the besties are posting and I'm trying to read it all. It keeps putting me at the bottom, so I don't know what anybody is talking about.


Have a good one! I get to go to the financial aid office with my daughter today. Hooray???

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well I went to have my car looked at this morning and there was a rock wedged in my control unit which is where my rattling noise was coming from :eek They removed it and didn't charge me anything and even washed the car :D


Yesterday we went to Bean's sisters house for father's day so of course his dad and gf were there. Ingrid and the kids didn't make it since they already had other plans for her dh, the kids father. We got back just in time for the food network star so I watched that and crocheted :yay


Beth - I typically don't mind recitals much and Averie was in 7 numbers (out of 64) and they were all spread out from 12 to 64. But of the 64 there were 0 ballet on point :( That's what I really wanted to see since I danced ballet 12 years. The only ballet were a handful of little kids, who were of course just super cute. There was a handful of tap, I'd say about 10-15 that were more jazzy and/or hip hop and the rest was all contemporary. I did get to sit and get some hook time that night though :clap Good luck at the studio today, I would think it's the owners you need to tell. Oh, and have fun at the financial aid office too!


Joanne - I sure hope you make it to craft club tonight :xfin Sorry to hear you won't be opening the pool :( Glad you had a great time with Ryan this weekend.


LeeAnn - I hope your sale went well on Saturday and that you now need to make items to replenish 4 shelves at home :devil:wink


Stacy - I hope all is well, I'm assuming you're still having internet issues since you haven't stopped by in a while :hug

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Hiya friends! Quick fly by.. I have been MIA since Friday...my sister called Friday evening, they had to do an emergency C-Section Saturday morning, will give you all the details in a few have to get a few things done as I just got home. babies and mama are all doing great! hugs n squishes!

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Congratulations LeeAnn, I'm glad everybody is ok. Did you get to go see them?


Marisa, so glad your car's rattling wasn't anything serious, and I love the price!!! You have an awesome garage!


Stacy, I hope your summer vacation is full of fun. Can't imagine anything else with you and your girls! <3


Joanne, Did you make it to craft club?


I tried to call the owner of the ballet studio yesterday, and couldn't get through. I talked to my hubby last night, and we think I should send her a letter. She is an old-school type of person anyway, so letters appeal to her.


Oh, the dermatologist's office called. The moles they removed were benign. Happy dance! :dance

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Good morning!

Beth- Wonderful news about the tumors being benign!!!! Good luck with the letter- you may be right- that may be the way to go. How did it go at financial aid? That's always a fun time- NOT!!! LOL


LeeAnn- Glad to hear that your sis and twins are doing ok. My DD's Sis-in-law's twins are on cpap in the NICU- but doing well. I didn't get a chance to talk to my DD yesterday since she was working 11a-11p but I think her sis-in-law was supposed to be discharged yesterday. The twins will be in the NICU a while longer.


Marisa- Good news on the car!! It's always such a welcome relief when something turns out to be a minor thing- and when it's free- all the better!! And a car wash to boot! That's great!


Stacy- Hope the internet issue is getting taken care of. Amazing how dependent we all become on our technology, isn't it?


Well, I did make it to craft club- even though I had work I should have finished, I decided my CC time was way more important. LOL



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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here today. Last night I went to the gym for a class. I was going to try to go this morning too, but when my alarm went off I decided to sleep in when my eyes just didn't want to stay open :lol I'll try to workout while I'm here today, just need to motivate myself :sigh Tonight we're having hot dogs for dinner before Steph and Bean head out to the Pirates game. So I'll be home alone. I'm planning on making some croutons with our 'old' bread, laundry, and hook with the tv....master chef and hell's kitchen :yes


LeeAnn - Glad to hear that sis and the babies are doing well after the emergency c-section, will send them some prayers :hug


Beth - I go to the dealership. The first one I went to out here, which is closer to the office, I didn't really like. Then I went to this one once before and really liked it there, so that's where I'll continue to go :yes I think a letter is probably better, that way you can make sure you get all your thoughts into it. Like outlining all of the duties you do and how you're an asset to the studio and therefore 'deserve' to be a PAID employee :yes Awesome news on the moles being benign :yay:clap


Joanne - Oh, I'm so glad you left work to make it to craft club. I figure it this way, the work will always be there and although it's nice to get it finished, it's at the expense of your sanity and then the more you do the more that piles up :think So you definitely need to make that 'me' time because in essence....the work will never be all done :think:lol

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Good evening friends!


My oh my! Have I been busy! But am making it a point to hop on here and chat with all of you.


Joanne-bummer about the pool. Is there somewhere nearby that your gs can go swimming? What projects are you working on? Glad that you made it to CC last night, Marisa is right-you need to take time for yourself.


Beth-a letter is great idea, takes the nerves out of it and you can really get your point across. How is you family btw?


Stacy-Internet problems are no fun, did you get it up and running? How's summer going?


Marisa-I sure do need a kick in the badorkus to work out..just can't seem to squeeze it in. Did you ever finish the cal that you and your sissy were working on?


It sure was a whirlwind of a weekend. Thursday night ds text me that they were being evacuated and that they would let me know as the fire had jumped across the river/lake. When I finally was able to talk to dh he shared that they were going to Denver to spend the night, however they ended up in CO Springs sleeping on someone's lawn because they wanted to keep the troop together. They didn't get settled in till 2 a.m. then on Friday they made the trek home. Friday evening at 6 my sister called hysterical. They had scheduled the surgery for Sat morning. She was extremely swollen and had a small case of toxemia. We packed up and drove the 5 1/2 hours to her house that night. We arrived at 1:30 a.m...whew! Then it was up Saturday morning to the hospital. Dh and ds stayed at my sister's house with her boys and Celine and my brother. My mom and my brother followed us up. Whew! The babies were delivered without a hitch. Soo precious! Little Isabella was firstborn. She weighed in at 6 lbs. 1 oz and Savannah was delivered one minute after at 5 lbs. 8 oz. Both of them are happy and healthy. I am just in love. My sis on the other hand is feeling slightly better but was really a trooper. Her legs and ankles are the worst..swollen completely. She was released from the hospital today but I am worried. Her feet look squishy as do her legs..I have never seen anything like it.


Sunday dh and ds drove back home. Dd and I stayed to help one more night as well as my mom and brother. I spent the night on Sunday with my sister and the babies..I was soo happy! I had them all to myself! All of the infant training that I have had really kicked in. What a blessing. I was able to give Isabella her first bath, oh she is adorable! Lil Savannah is too. Yesterday after another long day at the hospital we drove back. I did most of the driving because my mom was tired. While we were at the hospital she and the "troops" cleaned my sister's entire house from top to bottom and washed every bit of clothing that she found. No easy task in my sister's BIG house. I was sad to leave but hope that I can drive back up sometime soon. While at the hospital I lost my camera...yup! my new one! I was soo sad, I lost all of the pictures that I had taken-good thing my brother in law took lots and lots of pics as well as his mom..so I should be good. I thought I had lost all of my pictures that were on my chip..but came home to find that I had downloaded some of them onto my computer!!!!! I was so upset..feel soo much better! It wasn't the camera that I was soo worried about, it was the pics..so happy that I will be able to print at least a few of them.


Today was another training however I was able to work on things in my office instead..what a relief!


Also working on my etsy shop. Being that I wasn't able to make the sale on Saturday..have lots to promote.


Other than all that, trying to keep myself together..uggghh. Guess I had better get to work. Dh took the kiddos grocery shopping since he had the day off.


hugs n squishes!

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Hi friends!!


Feels like it has been SO long since I posted! But it's been- what? A week? :lol You are right, Joanne- we have become so dependent on technology. :yes


Leeann, I'm happy to hear your sis and the twins are doing well. How exciting that you got to give Isabella her first bath! :manyheart I'm sure it was so wonderful to have those itty-bitty darlings all to yourself. Hey- are those wildfires near to you? They sound serious, but I wasn't sure if that was your area.


Beth, :whew:cheer that the moles were benign! Good luck with the ballet situation- I hope the ballet mistress responds well to your letter- with that sort of thing, 'old school' is probably the way to go. :yes


Joanne, sorry to hear about the pool. :cheer for making it to craft club!


Marisa, we had hot dogs tonight, too! :lol My dh had some when he was in Seattle, with sauteed potatoes and onions, so that's how we have them now. My kids just like ketchup and mustard. Glad that the thing with your car wasn't serious.


The internet is still messed up- the tech was not helpful at all, but he did take some of our old equipment that I had forgotten to return when we upgraded our speeds.

We are going to watch The Muppets, and then i will be back. Love and hugs!

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LeeAnn, one of those babies is as big as both of mine were! They are beautiful little girls! I hope your sister is doing well. How frightening to be all swollen like that. I hope she has a lot of help at home so she can rest and elevate those extremities. It sounds like your men had quite an adventure. I'm so glad they were OK, and got evacuated. What fun to finish a camping trip on a front porch!


Stacy, Grrrrrr for non-helpful techs. I hope the issue gets fixed soon.


Marisa, Good job with all the exercising. Sounds like you picked a good dealership to maintain your car. Did you manage to convince yourself to work out at the offrice?


Joanne, I'm glad you went to craft club. As Marisa said, the work will always be there. You need to keep yourself fresh, motivated, and not burned out. Any update on the dd's sil's twins?


Well, I am writing a letter of resignation, but mentioning that I need a job that pays as part of the reason I am stepping down. I really don't want to work there. The evening hours interfere with time with my husband and family. The amount of stress is incredible, and about to increase astronomically. And for running the front desk at a ballet and dance studio, I really don't know much about ballet or dance. I am so relieved since I decided to quit. Now I need to find a real job.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Let's see, what's going on in my neck of the woods :lol Last night I did just as planned...laundry, made croutons, and crocheted in front of the tv. I didn't feel like bringing the graph ghan downstairs so I worked on the baby ghan instead. I'm using the join as you go method which I've never done before and am not sure I'm doing right either :shrug BUT, it doesn't look bad so I'll just go with it. I've watched a few videos, but it still just doesn't seem conclusive to me :think


Steph brought me a coffee this morning from the shop down the street, which was a nice treat this morning :manyheart But I fear she's anticipating a rough day because she rarely drinks coffee :eek


Woohoo!!! I just got a call for a new patient coming at 2!!! :clap:woo


LeeAnn - I did finish the mystery CAL and I thought I posted a pic of it but I can repost it for you? So glad to hear that dh and ds were safely evacuated from a dangerous area, some trip for them that they'll never forget I'm sure :yes The twins are just adorable and I'm glad to hear that they and mom are doing well :manyheart How nice of the 'troops' cleaning the house for her. Did you call the hospital, maybe they found your camera :xfin


Stacy - I had my hot dog with onions, peppers, and cheese :lol There's a place in Newark, NJ though that does fried potatoes on their hot dogs too....my dad saw it on either the Food Network or Travel Channel so the next time after that I went to visit my friend Kathy in Newark, we had to go check it out :lol


Beth - I did NOT work out yesterday :eek I decided that I really wasn't feeling into it and I had a good workout monday evening so :shrug I think you sound at peace with your decision to leave the ballet studio completely and that it's the right decision for you :hug


Joanne - I hope you have a good day at work today :hug

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HI all,


Beth- Good luck with the job search! I think you are making the right decision!!


Marisa- So happy that you have some more new patients


LeeAnn and Stacy- Hi!


Will be back later tonight- DH keeps talking now and I've got to get ready for work


Hugs to all! Stay cool and hydrated!

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