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Some good clean fun?!

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Joanne, enjoy the high school graduation party. How nice to see your two nieces after so long.


Marisa, LeeAnn, and Stacy, I hope you have an amazing day!


I don't have much planned -- did some of my work yesterday so I could do less today. I got a crochet book from my sister for my birthday(Love of Crochet Summer 2012.) She hinted about one of the patterns. I may play with it a bit, see if I can get it down pat, and possibly teach her when I see her on my way to Chicago in July.

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-have a great time this afternoon at the graduation. :D It is wonderful to visit with family members. Bet you are glad that it is the weekend.


Beth-a new crochet book :c9 what kind of project was your sister hinting about?


Marisa-what's on the agenda for the weekend?


Stacy-you can toot your own horn, we all know how difficult it can be to be a mommy, wife and student. I am extremely happy for you!


Have my to do list created now just have to get to it. :manyheartLast night I was burnt out..couldn't motivate myself to do anything. I went to bed early and feel better. Next weekend I am attending The Roots Festival. I will actually have a booth...scary! Have more orders to fill and goodies to make before then.


The men in our house are leaving early tomorrow morning, we will miss them but my brother will be coming to stay with us for the week.


Let me see what else is new...oh new lip balms and lip scrubs will be added to my shop just as soon as I can..


guess I better get my tush in gear.


love, hugs n squishes!

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Leeann, what are lip scrubs? They sound interesting! Have fun with your brother this week! How did your dd like her garden camp?


Joanne, hope the graduation party was fun-ness! I'm sure it was wonderful to see your nieces.


Beth, :xfin that the tests come back just fine. :hug:hug Have fun with the new pattern.


Marisa, sorry you are having such IT problems. It is insane that you pay so much for a program and they charge even more for tech support. :angry:angry Hope you can get everything straightened out.


Today was the usual soccer and swimming. Mia's team has only won one game, and tied for another. Next week are the playoffs, then the championship. I'm slightly relieved that this season is done- I made a mistake by enrolling her in the 7-8 division. Next season I'm going to see if she can register for the 6 y/o division again- it was more suited for her skill level.

I'm slightly disappointed because today was my day to register for the work-study program, and I completely forgot until about an hour ago. Which means I'm on the wait-list. I spoke with the people in the FA office a couple weeks ago, and they basically said if you don't register immediately at your appointed time, you will not get a position. Oh, well.


I'm kind of grumpy tonight- so I think I'm going to put on my pj's and go to bed. Good night! :hug:hug:hug

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:tired :grump Where's my coffee? :morcoffee


My hubby stayed up late watching the Celtics and the Heat play. It was definitely an exciting game. I am fond of the Celtics from the Larry Bird days. I was playing with the pattern from the book my sister gave me that she was hinting about. It's a shawl with a strip of flower motifs on each end, and two strips attached to each other in the mniddle. I do not like the middle strips. And the pattern is wrong. Not impossibly wrong, just it-would-be-very-hard-to-figure-it-out-if-you-weren't-mathematically-inclined-and-an-experienced-crocheter wrong. And I'm wondering why there are 81 stitches in the border on the bottom of the motif and 80 on the top. Doesn't quite sound symmetrical to me.


Stacy, :hug So sorry you are on a waiting list. I hope you get in any way. If you school is like ours, a lot more people sign up than actually pay for and take their classes.


LeeAnn, enjoy your busy weekend. I hope you get lots done for the festival next weekend. You will rock, I promise! So excited for your new products.


Joanne, I hope the graduation is a lot of fun -- so nice to get together with family. Have safe travels.


Marisa, I hope you are catching up from your time in Florida. Are things going well?

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Good morning!!

I woke up at the usual time and then decided I should go back to sleep for a bit!! When we got home last night, we watched the 3rd period of the Devils Hockey Game--and they are still in it!! Game 6 tomorrow night- and they are down 3-2, but you never know! Then we watched the end of the Heat/Celtics game and sorry to see the Celtics lose.


We had an awesome time at the party and it was great to catch up with my nieces and nephews!! What amazing young adults they all are!! My sibs did good with their kiddos!!!


I'm off to babysit Ryan in a little bit and am looking forward to spending some time with him


Hope you have a great day and let me not forget::bday:bday:cake:bday:birthday:cake LeeAnn!!!! Enjoy your day and hope it is everything you want it to be!!!

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Top of the morning my friends!


Thank you all for the birthday wishes. They made me smile and grin and feel so loved. :c9:c9:c9 I truly am grateful to have met each and every one of you. :hug:hug


Stacy-will cross my fingers and my toes that you will be able to get into the work study program. How long does summer vacation last for your kiddos? my dd loved the garden program. she absolutely loves gardening. She has a garden that she planted here at the house. Every week they eat some of the fresh produce, learn something new about gardening and work the actual garden. I am so happy for her. This week may be tricky to figure out..how to get here there, but I am determined to make it happen.


Joanne-that is so awesome that your nieces and nephews are all doing so well. It is amazing to see how fast everyone grows. How was lil Ryan today?


Beth-complicated patterns make me crazy! did you get it all figured out? what color is it going to be?


Marisa-how's it going?


yesterday after finishing all of our chores..we did them all. :eek We got dolled up and went out to dinner at Chili's...super yummy! Then shopping for a bit. Back home to work on the new lip balms and soaps. The lip scrubs are a sugar based scrub with sugar and cranberry butter blend (it has shea butter, palm butter, jojoba seed oil and the cranberry) To use, you gently rub lip scrub over lips to help remove dead skin, rinse off with warm water and follow with a moisturizing lip balm. I had heard of the lip scrubs before, Mary Kay sells them but I noticed they had lots of other ingredients that were not as natural.


So..going to add them to my line along with new lip balms in Papaya and Lip Smacking Sweetness. We will see how they sell.


Today dd and I are going to lunch with my mom and brother..guess I had better get cracking..have a few candle orders to fill.


hugs n squishes!

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Hi All,


LeeAnn, sounds like you've got a good but busy week planned. I hope you can find someone to take your dd to her garden club. So glad that she likes it. It's a great skill to have. Will you hear from your men while they are camping, or not until they show up at home?


Stacy, I hope you had a fun weekend. Do you have anything special planned for summer vacation?


Joanne, I hope your time with Ryan was adorable. He must be growing so much now. Amazing how fast it's flying by.


Marisa, Enjoy your Monday. I know that sounds like a weird thing to say, but you have a great boss -- you should love your work!

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-how are you today? What is on the agenda? The guys will call when ever they can but do not have telephone service on the mountain top...we miss them but know they are doing what they enjoy. :-) yes...garden camp is a must.


Stacy-how ya doing?


Joanne-are you recovered from watching little Ryan, I bet he is one busy boy. :-)


Marisa-how was your weekend?


Yesterday we had a great day~! My mom took me shopping for new work clothes..she bought me 3 outfits..so excited! Then we went out to lunch, back home to visit and have cake and ice cream..and of course I was able to soap in the morning. Will upload pics just as soon as I can.


best get a move on it, have to stop to renew my drivers license before heading to work. I am expired.


hugs n squishes! Have a great Monday!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


:birthday belated to LeeAnn....but at least I got you fb yesterday :yes


It was yet another busy weekend. On Friday night I went with Ingrid to Sloan's baseball game and those kids are just to cute playing. Then back to her house for a while where me, her, and Averie watched Tooth Fairy 2...it was cute.


Saturday, I got up and went to the Y for an aerobics class which kicked my quads from here to oblivion :lol Then ran errands with my sister to get everything for a cookout Sunday. Saturday afternoon we headed into town for the Arts Festival and were out all day then until about midnightish. We hung out at several bars along with way and at the last one some neighbors even joined our group.


Yesterday, they went to the Pirates game after my sister and I spent the morning prepping all the sides for our cookout. Ingrid and the kids got there before they got back from the game. Then we were hanging out until about 9, again some neighbors came over too, the ones that we hang out with often (it was them I went to the River House with over Memorial Day weekend when I attempted water skiin :eek )


This morning I headed back over the Y for a morning class and then soem swimming, which I haven't done in years and it felt great to get back into it :yes


Joanne - Glad to hear you had a great time at the graduation party and got to spend time with Ryan :manyheart


Beth - I hate when patterns don't quite make sense :think Good luck on figuring it out and I wouldn't have your sister work on that one as a beginner :no And I must agree....I have an awesome boss :wink


LeeAnn - That's funny about the lip scrubs, I didn't ever hear of them but I can tell you that I rub off the dead skin every day in the shower....maybe I need to look into those :think Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and I hope the boys are having fun! I'm sure you'll spend the whole week getting ready for the Roots Fesitval :yes


Stacy - Keeping my fingers crossed for you to get the work study program....I always did it through school, but it never seemed to be an issue with having to register at a particular time :think Hopefully you'll be able to sign Mia up for the more appropriate soccer league next year :xfin

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on since I was in yesterday. Happy Tuesday back at you LeeAnn and Beth......and to Stacy and Joanne too :wink


I got a few rows done on my graph ghan last night and finished up the book I was reading. This morning I rolled over when I woke up at 7 and then slept until almost 8:30 :eek I feel great now though :yes


I have a lady calling me at 10:30 to go over something in my computer software that I couldn't figure out how to do :shrug Other than that, not much here either.

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Hi again ladies


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I come with horrible news. I just found out that my friend lost one of the twin girls :( She just sent a text to let me know they just found out and she didn't feel like talking, but wanted to keep me posted since I was involved from the beginning with all the fertility stuff. Of course I understand she doesn't feel like chatting right now. They're being referred to a specialist and don't currently have any answers as to what happened yet. I would appreciate extra prayers for them and the remaining baby to continue healthy and strong :ghug

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Marisa, such heartbreaking news! Sending lots of thoughts and prayers for your friend! :hug:hug:hug


Leeann, glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday!


Beth and Joanne- hope your week is off to a break start.


I need to print some things for Mia to help with her homework, so I will be back. Love and hugs!



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Marisa, big hugs to your friend. What devastating news. Did you get your software straight?


Stacy, Did the homework get done? Wow. they are getting assignments right to the wire, aren't they? This is the last week of public school here.


LeeAnn, so how are you adjusting to working, keeping up with all the candles and soaps, getting ready for a show this weekend, and your men being away? Sounds like a crazy busy week to me.


Joanne, Happy Hump Day!!! I hope your work week is flying by, so you get to enjoy a weekend soon. Is the pool open?


It's registration week at the ballet studio. I was asked to man the desk for a few hours this morning. I expect this to be some crochet time for me. I won't be working on the new shawl pattern that's messed up. I was just playing with it, making sure I could do it in case my sister really wants to learn how to make it. At least I understand how it works now.

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Good morning,


Marisa- I'm so sorry to hear about your friend!! Prayers that all stays well with the the other twin---Hugs!!


Beth- I thought you were done with the Ballet studio? Anyway, at least it's time to get in some crochet. I would love it if I could crochet a little while at work!


Stacy- I hope you get into the work study program!! Fingers crossed!


LeeAnn- How are you and DD enjoying time with the "men' gone? And how is your brother enjoying his visit? Any potential sellers for your house? I remember when we had our house listed- it was such a pain to keep it looking 'perfect' all the time. We'll probably list again in another year or so- we're waiting for the housing market to improve a little before trying again. Good luck getting ready for the show this weekend!


I have been super busy at work this week- and actually fell asleep last night around 9:30- but then was up at 12:30 and again 2:30- 4 and now up for the day. Not a good night's sleep at all....oh, well, time to get ready....


Have a good day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Thank you so much for the extra prayers :hug I'm taking this pretty hard so I can only imagine how my friend is feeling. I'll fill you in on any info as I get any, but I'm thinking it'll be a bit before she feels like talking.


Last night I didn't get in any hooking, but did pin up some tank tops to try to take in so I don't have to get rid of them :xfin Also a couple pair of my scrub pants. I skipped out on working out yesterday so can't skip out today :lol Just not sure if I'll do the eliptical here or take a class at the gym later, which is what I'd rather do but just hate that it's at 7pm.


Stacy - WTG with getting Mia's homework done :D I can't believe she's still getting homework. When is school done?


Beth - I did get my software figured out yesterday and if I forgot to say so last week, I also got the Quick Books figured out. Glad to hear you figured out the shawl pattern. Have fun hooking at the studio this morning :D


Joanne - Sorry to hear you didn't sleep so well, hopefully tonight will go better :xfin


LeeAnn - I hope your keeping your head about you during this crazy week :hug

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Hey ladies,


Joanne - cut and paste alert update!


Just a quick update on my friend. I still havent spoken to her yet but got a little tidbit through text when I asked her when her appt with the specialist would be. She already saw him/her and they said that because she had no symptoms it was probably due to a blood, developmental, or genetic disorder and this was the bodies way of protecting itself. The 2nd baby is currently right on target and they will not remove the other since it risks the healthy one to be harmed, so nothing will really be done at this point....just moving forward.

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Good evening friends!


Marisa- I am so very sorry to hear about your friends baby. How traumatic. and extra prayers. So proud of you, getting your work outs in. yipee! I need motivation to start exercising again, just feel a lil overwhelmed and stretched thin.


Stacy-how are things going in your neck of the woods? getting ready for the summer fun?


Joanne-hope that you get a better night's sleep. It is difficult to function when you are tired.


Beth-that is awful nice of you to figure out the pattern ahead. How was the ballet studio?


Life has been a bit hectic. It finally dawned on me to ask if I could work on crocheting while listening...the presenter's today said "YES" So much better! I have an order for a baby ghan. I also finished the other one that I had started a while back. Been meaning to post pics but just haven't had a chance. Sorry. Things have been hectic to say the least. Trainings have drug on forever this year. Today was my 13th day of sitting!


On the house front, that is proving to be such a pain. The realtor just came out to put signs near the highway by our street. Since we are in a rural area, this will help passerby's. keeping the house tidy is exhausting, but I am hoping that it will pay off.


My dd and bro are having a great time! They have been playing lots of board games and hanging out.


The men in our family are doing ok I think. Their is a forest fire near that area that they are camping in...I am trying to remain CALM and not panic but it is difficult because we have no way of contacting them.


going to take the kiddos to Pizza Hut and the park for dinner. BBL! hugs n squishes!

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Joanne, I hope you slept very well last night, and feel rejuvenated today.


Marisa, lots of hugs for your friend. If she's been undergoing fertility treatments, she has already been through a lot for this pregnancy. I wish her and her hubby the best.


LeeAnn, forest fires! :eek Just remember that your men are smart enough to avoid trouble. I'm glad your dd and brother are having fun. Nice to have a close family relationship like that.


Stacy, when is the last day of school for the girls? Are they ready for it to be over?


Well, I wish I could tell you everything that is going on at the ballet studio. I figured out why I don't want to leave: I'm no longer a home school mom, or a ballet mom, or a swim mom. In a matter of 2 months, I lost a lot of my identity. Also, most of my reasons to leave the house, and since we are down a car, it's like I need to schedule a chance to get out of the house. And without a reason, I don't do that. Any way, while I was at work, I got a text from my mom that my dad had a stroke (it turned out to be a TIA or mini-stroke) and he's in the hospital in Ohio. Insert a rant about hospitals not feeding diabetics for 18 hours because they are waiting for tests...

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Good morning!

Beth- Prayers for your Dad- and glad it was only a TIA--hope they are are monitoring him closely! It's hard to 'lose your identity' in a span of 2 months.- To go from doing everything to not having enough to do so to speak is a shock! I look back on the days when I was trekking 3 kids to 3 different activities and helping with homework and working and I wonder how I did it!


Marisa- Prayers for your friend and the twin!


LeeAnn- I'm sure your DH and DS will be fine! He sounds like an experienced camper and will keep safe!


Stacy- I'm enjoying the last of my peaberry coffee this morning- cheers!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, I didn't do any hooking last night. It was pretty late until I got home. I watched last weeks Royal Pains, had dinner and then Steph and I watched this weeks Royal Pains. I read a bit before turning in for the night though. Started a new book and got in 2 chapters.


This morning I got up to go to the 7-8:30 class at the gym, which was a goodie and then swam a half mile :eek Showered, had breakfast and watched the Food Network Star from last Sunday. Now voila....I'm here :lol


LeeAnn - thanks :hug I'm sure the guys are just fine, they'll be paying attention to their surroundings :yes Congrats on the baby blanket order :clap Getting back into exercising will probably give you some more energy to keep up with the crazy life you lead....only probably is finding the time :kick Get moving girl (I'm trying to be motivational for you :wink )


Beth - thanks :hug So sorry to hear about your dad, praying for him to make a speedy recovery :hug


Joanne - Peaberry coffee?? :think I don't even know what that should taste like :blush

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the peaberry coffee is from Trader Joe's- a limited edition variety- it's a good coffee http://www.traderjoes.com/fearless-flyer/article.asp?article_id=107


Beth-Continuing to think positive thoughts for your Dad and am keeping him in my prayers!!


Marisa- Never watched Royal Pain! What's it about?


LeeAnn- Hope you had a good day---you too STACY!!!

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