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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning friends!


Joanne-how'd that cleaning go? And the shopping? I was thinking of you yesterday, how did all of your meetings go? What crochet projects are you working on? I will try to carve out a little me time. I have been trying to do Sudoku to sharpen my thinking skills...I told my coworkers that my "tack needs to be sharpened"


Beth-how romantic!!! I will think of it as alone time. :rofl You are too cute! Have you been crocheting at all? Our season will end the beginning of November.


I went to bed last night, couldn't sleep..guess I was thinking about work and everything..ugghh just hate when that happens. Anyhow, woke up to another Etsy sale.:clap:cheer Going to package the two orders both up and run to the post office in just a few.


other than that, nothing too exciting. I need to run over to the tanning salon that has some of my goodies, she has sold a little bit. I want to take over some of body spritz.


guess I had better get my tush in gear. hugs n squishes!

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Here are some of the projects that I've recently finished:

The baby blanket for my DD's sister-in-laws twin girl to be, a blue shawl for me that I made out of the Queensland Rustic DK yarn I bought in Boston, a purple shawl made from Valley Yarns Superwash (I used the York Shawlette pattern by Anastacia Zittel for both ) and the Stash Basket out of good ole' RHSS. (pattern by Purl Soho)





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Afternoon friends!


Back home, ran to the post office this morning, came back fixed lunch, cleaned up the kitchen then went back in to town to walk around a festival that we had here at one of our parks. I was originally going to sell today but figured with work just staring that it would have been too much..so glad I didn't! It rained and rained..then we went grocery shopping..lots of groceries needed..back home. Going to relax with hook and yarn.


Joanne-oh my gosh! I love love love the shawls..beautiful work! The bag is fantastic too! and the baby ghan?? precious! Great work!


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


Hope you all had a chance to do some relaxing yesterday!


Beth- Sorry you and DH had to miss the movies and I chuckled at your 'romantic' evening! Glad that no-one was hurt in the storms that moved through!!!


LeeAnn- Did you get in any hook time? I hope that today you get to relax and re-group a little for the upcoming week!:hug


Stacy- WTG on the A in Health:clap:clap I think you had mentioned Peaberry Coffee from Trader Joe's so I bought some yesterday. Enjoying a cup right now and it is delish!


Marisa- Hope you are having a great time!


My Devils lost last night:( The game was a good one- very close all the way- actually they were tied 1-1 in regulation. Then the game went to overtime just like the first one, and unfortunately the Kings scored so my Devils lost 2-1:( They head out to LA for Game 3 tomorrow night and as much as I hate to admit it, I think the Kings are going to be the Stanley Cup Champs:(


Hope you all have a great day!

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Joanne, beautiful projects!!! I'm so glad you shared your pics. My mental image never matches the final product. Good luck to the Devils.


LeeAnn, Your Etsy sales are keeping you busy! I don't imagine a festival in the rain would be a good place to sell. I am glad you decided to visit that one, rather than work it.


Stacy, How is summer vacation? I hope you are enjoying yourself. Are the big girls out of school yet?


Marisa, can't wait for you to get home to update us on your trip. I hope it is exciting and fun.


Well, I actually scrubbed out the refrigerator yesterday. I had been procrastinating -- it was smelling funny, and I wasn't looking forward to finding the culprit. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Glad to have it cleaned out. We have so much more room in there, now

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Top of the morning my friends!


So happy that it is Sunday-I love Sundays! A bit of cleaning, crafting and relaxing for us. :cheer


Joanne-so sorry to hear that your Devils lost. Bummer:manyheart What will you be whipping up today? Your Pearberry coffee sounds :c9:c9


Beth-cleaning the fridge is a tough job,...this last week I had put a soda in the freezer for dh and forgot all about it. Uggghhh cleaned the entire freezer one day after work, it's all sparkly and clean but boy oh boy was I upset with myself. Did you finish your crocodile purse?


I did get to crochet last night, I am not sure how big the baby ghan will be, going to look up the pattern to see what the standard size is. Any ideas?


off to catch a bit of hook time before the family gets up. BBL! Hugs n squishes :hug:hug

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Good morning and welcome to Monday- my least favorite day of the week!


LeeAnn- Glad you got in a little relaxing time! Here's a link to some sizes



Marisa- Loved the pic you posted on FB- you look nice and relaxed and I'm sure you are having a great time!


Beth- Did you and DH get to see MIB over the weekend? I read that Snow White out scored MIB at the box office this past weekend.


Stacy- Hope you and the family had a great weekend!


I've got to run- make it a good day--hugs to all!

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Hi friends!


Joanne, your projects are beautiful! :manyheart Is the shawlette pattern a free one? I'm thinking of frogging the cardi from the CAL and making something else instead- it is just too thick. I'm glad you are enjoying the Peaberry coffee! It is so yummy. Sorry to hear your Devils are losing.


Marisa, loved your FB pics! Everyone looks so relaxed and happy. :manyheart Is it terribly hot there yet?


Leeann, glad to hear you got to relax this weekend! You deserve it after all the running around you have been doing! :hug


Beth, :clap for cleaning out the fridge. That's one job I always put off- I don't like the way it looks when it's empty afterward. :lol Did you get to see MIB after all? Hope the inventions had fun at the birthday party.


Well...I had planned to stay in bed for a nice, long time yesterday, since the girls were at the IL's. Dh got up early and went to throw the trash (I guess he forgot that I had done it the night before.) He called to me that a few ants had come back, only about 3 or 4, though. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen, and quickly realized that he should have said 3 or 4 hundred! They were everywhere! :eek:eek:eek There was a line 5-6 deep going up the pantry wall, across the counter, around the espresso machine, across and down into the sink. Oh my...well, I ended up spending 4 hours just cleaning and re-organizing everything in the kitchen. I bleached everything, and even got the queen ant! So I'm :xfin that they will not return. On a side note- my kitchen looks so nice and sparkly, I smile every time I go in there. :D


Today Eva and I are just puttering around. She is so happy not to have school today. She stayed in her pajamas and is watching Strawberry Shortcake. The older girls were not thrilled that they still had to go to school. :lol Their last day is June 19.


Well, I better scoot and clean up a bit. I am planning to :hook, but need to find a pattern first. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Evening friends!


Joanne-how was Paradise? Hope it wasn't too stressful. Did you get to go to craft club tonight?


Stacy-you are always so busy! Cleaning up after ants must have been tough, do you know where they are coming in from? I wish you luck my friend. My in-laws had them a few years ago, can't remember what they used to get rid of them, but they sure are little stinkers.


Beth-hope you are doing well.


Marisa-loved the pic of you on fb, you look very happy and tan. :hug


Work was ok...more meetings and trainings and such. Going to relax with hook in hand. Should be working on my shop but am going to take a break.


hugs n squishes!

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Leeann, you sure have a lot of trainings! :eek Enjoy your hooky time. What are you working on?


Joanne, hope you got home at a decent hour today! :hug:hug:hug


We have no clue where the ants are coming from- below that part of the apartment is just the entrance to the building. We only have neighbors under the bedrooms toward the back. :think They seem to be coming in through the back of the pantry, though- I'm thinking of getting a caulking gun to seal up the cracks back there. :devil Right now, I have the traps down there- don't want to put them up by the food, even though they claim to be non-toxic. Also I am keeping everything extra clean, washing and putting away dishes/pots/utensils immediately, not keeping trash in the basket overnight, etc.


Well, I am going to get the girls into bed and find something to work on. Love and hugs!



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Good morning!


Busy, busy day on tap and for the rest of the week. My brain is tired thinking about all the work we have to accomplish this week! LOL


On a happier note, I DID make it to craft club last night and had a wonderful evening of crocheting and chatting and relaxing!!!


Stacy- Hope you got rid of those pesky ants! I do like the Peaberry coffee and I'm glad you recommended it! Having a cup right now!!!


LeaAnne- Hope you had a relaxing night last night- but I'll bet it was hard not to work on your shop!


Beth- Cleaning out the refrigerator is one of my least favorite jobs!!It does feel good once it's done though!!!


The Ville server is going to be down sometime this morning (board announcements)--they are switching to another server.


Marisa- Safe travels home


Off to pour another cup of coffee and get this busy, busy day started.

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Nothing new to report other than it was a very busy day- but actually that really isn't new now is it?:lol:lol


Got chinese food for dinner since I didn't get home till 7!! Thank goodness, DH decided to order out so the delivery man came about 5 minutes after I got home.


I think tonight it's all about mindless crochet:crocheting

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Joanne, :hug:hug:hug Yay for dh ordering chinese!


Nothing new to report here, either. I need to finish up my swap package. I am keeping the girls home today- yesterday Eva had a tummy bug and Isabella and I picked it up. I'm secretly glad because I didn't feel like driving to school today. :blush:lol


I am going to scoot and lie down for a little while. Love and non-germy cyber hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Evening all!


Joanne-so sorry to hear that you have been soo busy. Hopefully the weekend will get here fast! What crochet projects are you working on?


Stacy-do any of you feel better? It is tiring driving back and forth, glad you were able to relax.


Beth & Marisa-missing you to wonderful gals!


Things over here on my end are back to a feverish pace. Had a few etsy sales and then orders from the ladies at work/trainings. Also signed up for another sale next Saturday.:eek Going to get ready for that this weekend as I am sure I will not have much time during the week..let me think what else. After work we took the kiddos bowling. Had pizza while we were there then it was back home to unload our kinda new couch. My great aunt is getting new furniture, we adopted her sofa as ours is pretty but not comfy. Dh and ds unloaded it now to get rid of our old set...oh and both men in our family are going camping this weekend. 7 days!:eek:eek So...we are getting them ready for that...tomorrow dd starts Garden Camp. Dh is taking her but then I will have to figure out how to get her there next week..

oh my! Too much to do! best get my tush in gear and finish printing labels and getting orders ready.


hugs n squishes!

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Hello Ladies,

Sorry I didn't pop in yesterday. I am on vacation, in my mind, any way. The kids aren't going to school right now, my dd is done dancing, and the ballet studio is closed for a week. I am getting in R&R Time. The twins finished all their paperwork for college. They both got e-mails saying they needed to verify their financial aid submission. It might be the twin thing, or that neither one worked enough to file taxes the year before.

Joanne, hooray for Chinese food! It is great to take a break after a busy day. I hope you got a little hook time in.

LeeAnn, you sound super busy. I'm glad your Etsy shop is doing so well. You have great products at reasonable prices. Have you reached 100 yet?

Stacy, the end of school is near! I'll bet the older two didn't like going to school when Eva stayed home. I hope everyone feels better today.

Marisa, I need to pop over to facebook to see this picture you are talking about. Sounds like you are looking good!

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Good morning,


Been so busy at work and I've been falling asleep around 9:30 or so- and then waking up round midnight and then falling back asleep. Can't wait for the weekend! My brain is on overload!!!


The Devils won last night to avoid a sweep so they play again Sat night. It'll be a miracle for them to have to win the next 3 games, but it's nice that at least they will be able to say they won a game in the Stanley Cup Finals.


Off to get ready for another intense day. I just keep telling myself, this too shall pass!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert :wink


I'm baaaaccccckkk!!! My flight came back on Tuesday and after the delay on the 2nd flight, I got in around 7. My sister was getting about around 11, so I went to my cousins house to hang out in between since he lives close to the airport. We had cake for his son who's birthday is Friday because my cousin was leaving for Texas yesterday until the end of the month and then gets deployed to Kuwait on July 6th.


My trip was awesome and I totally didn't want to come home I got in Thursday afternoon and met my mom at the airport and we had our cousin pick us up. After we got back to the house, we all went out for lunch and then did some errands getting stuff for Friday's party. My sister and bean got in on Thursday night from Phoenix late. Friday was the graduation and then the party was later. The ceremony was very nice, but could have been a bit better organized IMO. The party was awesome. I love being with family and there were alot of kids too....we kept joking that we were the old people group My cousin wanted a photo booth, so they rented one and it was really fun. They had all sorts of props to take the pics with and each strip of pics were put into a scrapbook for the graduate and we were able to write notes in it for her, plus we got a copy of our strips too that we were in. It was a late night and then they had quite a bit of other parties to attend on Saturday so while they did what they had to do, we went to their beach house in Madiera Beach (right by St. Pete) and my other cousin and her girlfriend had a condo for a week that they had just checked into so we went out to dinner that night. Bean left Sunday morning and then we hung on the beach all day and had dinner out again with our relatives. Spent Monday on the beach too and headed back to Tampa...my cousin cooked dinner for everyone and we had fun hanging out yet again. My mom left early Tuesday, then we went for lunch before it was my turn to leave.


Beth - Glad to hear you have the cat situation under control. Sorry about the power outage, but great to make it into an enjoyable evening for you and dh. WTG cleaning out the fridge. Enjoy your 'vaca' :wink


Joanne - How's it looking for the pool? I hope all your meetings are going well. Your projects are beautiful :manyheart I'm glad to hear you finally made it in to craft club.


LeeAnn - No real sightseeing or shopping. Our relatives have lived there forever, so it's usually not that type of trip :lol Glad to hear you and the fam are adjusting to your working. WTG on all your orders....did you hit 100 yet? I spent just a couple days in the sun, but my skin absorbs it soo quickly it's insane :sigh Pizza and bowling sounds like alot of fun :yes


Stacy - Horrible to hear about all those ants, I sure hope you finally have them under control :xfin Did you have the landlord send out an exterminator? I hope everyone is feeling better from the tummy bug :hug

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Welcome home, Marisa!! Missed you and I am sooo happy that you had such an awesome time!!!! I love hearing about all your fun adventures!!!


Stacy, LeeAnn and Beth- Will post more in the aM- but I want to take advantage of the gorgeous weather outside right now and get some fresh air and a walk!!



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Evening friends!


Breezing thru as I haven't had a chance to sit and relax.


Marisa-soo happy to have your back! And even happier that you had a great getaway!


Joanne-sunshine and a walk is a great idea!


Beth-how was your appt? hope it went well.


Stacy-WTG on the A's!!! you go girl! So happy and proud of you.


just finished packing up sale 100!!!!! woohoooo!!!! soo happy! I made it! Now on to my next goal, 150. Going to sit and relax for a bit. hugs n squishes!

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Hi friends!


Leeann, you are always a whirlwind! Hope your dh and ds have a wonderful camping trip, and dd enjoys garden camp. That sounds fun!


Joanne, enjoy your walk and fresh air!


Marisa, sounds like you have a fabulous time!


Beth, enjoy your vacation! Will you still be working at the ballet studio even though your dd isn't taking classes?


So, not to brag or anything, :blush:devil But I got an A in math! :whew You don't know how relieved I am. Aside from that, nothing new here. Everyone is feeling better, so the older girls went back to school today. Eva and I did laundry, and I crocheted some. I started a scrubby using the crocodile stitch, but I'm not sure if I'm understanding the instructions. :think We'll see how it turns out.

Gotta go get dinner. Love and hugs!




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:lol:lol Thanks, Leeann! Now it really sounds like I'm tooting my own horn. But I've had this window open for the past hour while I made dinner. I swear! :rofl


And you got sale 100!!! Awesome!! :woo Congrats! :h5

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Congratulations to Stacy and LeeAnn! I'm very happy for both of you.


Marisa, welcome home! I am glad your trip was a lot of fun. Love the idea of the photo booth. That is such a great idea. I've never heard of it at a party before.


Joanne, Happy TGIF to you! I hope your day in Paradise goes quickly, and you get to come home, relax, and enjoy the weekend soon.


My dermatologist took 2 slices to send to the lab. I don't want to post it on Facebook -- it seems melodramatic, since the doc is extra cautious with my history of melanoma. I will know something in 2 weeks.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - I hope you enjoyed your walk and that you get out of work at a decent hour again today :xfin


LeeAnn and Stacy- :yay:clap:cheer:bounce:jumpyay:woo


LeeAnn - Great job getting to 100, it seemed to have come quickly after 90 :think Now come on 150! :wink


Stacy - Great job with all the A's, and I think we do understand since we know how stressed you were :yes Glad to hear that everyone is feeling better.


Beth - I sure hope the labs come back clean :xfin I'll be saying some prayers for you :hug


Well, last night I did the spring cleaning in my room and moved out all the furniture and stuff. Then I showered up, did a little reading and hit the hay :lol This morning I went over to the YMCA to claim my free membership that I won last month. It's a nice facility for being in such an old building :yes


Then I stopped at the market on my way here to get some stuff for the office, plus for breakfast and lunch today. I feel like I got quite a bit of stuff for only $14 :clap Definitely a few meals and snacks.


Today I'm wearing my IT cap at work! :eek My quick books stopped working last week on wednesday before I was leaving and didn't have time to deal with it then or this wed when I got back. So I started looking at it yesterday after dealing with an insurance company....I just didn't know I had to submit extra stuff with the claim for this one since this was the first time with them.


So anyways, I call tech support and they won't help me because I don't have the support plan, which costs an extra $250/year in addition to the almost $200 for the program!!! :eek My dad said we won't be getting that program again! So I tried something yesterday which didn't work and I would've stayed until I've exhausted my knowledge of what I could do with it, but my sister had a dinner meeting and I didn't want Bean to sit down to dinner alone :shrug So I let it for today and now I'm just procrastinating because I just want it to work :(


Wish me luck :xfin

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I did get a walk last night, but didn't tonight. I got home around 6:45- and just finished dinner. Getting ready to watch the Yankees vs Mets Subway Series game and then crochet for a bit.


LeeAnn- Congrats on #100!!!


Marisa - Congrats on #25!!!!!

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Good morning and welcome to the weekend!!!


This afternoon is party time-celebration for my nephew's HS graduation--and will get to see two of my nieces that I haven't seen in a while!! One of them was living overseas for a year and the other just graduated college and starts her career in a month in CT.


On that note, I better get another cup of coffee and start my weekly 'must do chores' then it's off to celebrate and have fun!


Make it a good day everyone!

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