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Some good clean fun?!

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Evening friends!


quick pop in. Hope all of you had a great day! Been cleaning, organizing and adding the last of the new goodies to my shop..whew! I am done. Going to sit and relax for a bit. Still have to pack my lunch..oh the joys of returning to work. :-)


hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,

After a wonderful relaxing long weekend, it's back to Paradise time!


Yesterday's bar-b-que was so much fun with family and friends! It was a little too Hot for my liking- but the sun was shining and the company was good- and there was AC on inside!!!


Marisa- Sounds like a great weekend! Glad the date went well. Time will tell if it's meant to be. Happy for you that you had 2 patients yesterday! Are you going to Tampa for fun or work?


LeeAnn- Good luck back to work today!


Stacy- What are you going to do with all your free time now that the semester is over? Anything on your hooks?


Beth- How was the rest of the weekend? Did you spend each day by the pool?


Off I go--the clock doesn't want to stand still!!:lol

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, yesterday after I got home I showered, did 3 loads of laundry, some crocheting, then met a friend for dinner, and more crocheting while watching the Boston/Miami basketball game :D Now today I'm going to crochet while I'm here and I'm heading over to my friends office around 11:30 to get adjusted. Then I have a patient this afternoon and the Pirates game tonight :whew


LeeAnn - WTG getting all of your cleaning and organizing done and getting your shop together too. What did you pack for lunch? I just brought my leftovers from PF Changs from last night :D


Joanne - Glad to hear you had fun at the bbq and were able to relax a bit :hug I have relatives that live in Tampa and my cousin is graduating high school on Friday and they're having the party that night. My sister and bean went to Vegas last Friday and were supposed to come back today, but decided to change the flights and since they're already over there are going to Phoenix today until Thursday to see my bro and his family. They'll fly to Tampa Thursday and my mom is flying in as well. I think her flight gets in a half hour before mine so she'll just wait for me and we'll come in together. We decided to make a little trip of it :yes


I'll be popping back in

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It's stinking hot here again. I don't do well in the heat.


Joanne, we didn't make it to the pool after all. I managed to get a little done around the house, but I got glutened at the family party, and spent the next day detoxing. It wasn't pretty. I'm glad your get-togethers were nice. Hooray for a/c!


LeeAnn, love the new products. You make some wonderful things.


Marisa, sounds like you will be having a good time. enjoy the graduation and party. I hope your flight goes well.


Stacy, I hope you are enjoying your summer break.


I took the new cat to the vet, found out he has feline leukemia. I'm hoping the others don't have it, so we can get them vaccinated against it. Then again, if they have it, I won't have to worry about keeping the little guy seperate. He sure loves to play. Came home from that, got a phone call from my bank. Someone used my debit card fraudulently. So they cancelled that number. it's a bit inconvenient, but I'm still very happy they caught the problem before it became a BIG problem.

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It's stinking hot here again. I don't do well in the heat.


Joanne, we didn't make it to the pool after all. I managed to get a little done around the house, but I got glutened at the family party, and spent the next day detoxing. It wasn't pretty. I'm glad your get-togethers were nice. Hooray for a/c!


LeeAnn, love the new products. You make some wonderful things.


Marisa, sounds like you will be having a good time. enjoy the graduation and party. I hope your flight goes well.


Stacy, I hope you are enjoying your summer break.


I took the new cat to the vet, found out he has feline leukemia. I'm hoping the others don't have it, so we can get them vaccinated against it. Then again, if they have it, I won't have to worry about keeping the little guy seperate. He sure loves to play. Came home from that, got a phone call from my bank. Someone used my debit card fraudulently. So they cancelled that number. it's a bit inconvenient, but I'm still very happy they caught the problem before it became a BIG problem.


I hope you're feeling better now :hug I don't like the heat either, nor does it like me :lol But thunder storms started here about 2 hours ago and the temp dropped about 20 degrees :clap Still a bit humid, but not so bad. Lost power for a while too, so I ran to Boston Market to grab some lunch and Target for a couple cards and when I got back, the powers on. I'll have to keep an ear out for the Pirate game for tonight, thankfully my seats are covered :D So as long as they don't postpone the game, I'll still go :yes


Glad they caught the fraud quick enough to deter a BIG problem :hug :hug

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Hoping we get some rain to cool of the temps- Still hot as Hades here and I don't do heat well either. I'd never make it living in FL except maybe in Jan and Feb!!!


Beth- Happened to me once and my bank called right away and prevented a BIG problem also- it was inconvenient. I couldn't imagine how it happened, but I'm so reluctant to buy things online- They suggested another debit card with no overdraft and just small balance (over 50 acct has no fee). So I have another debit card that I use for all online purchases- I transfer funds into it to cover the purchase. I'm thinking I should do that for when I go shopping too ???


Marisa- Sounds like a fun trip planned. Congrats to your cousin! My niece just graduated from Carnegie Mellon this past weekend- I was hoping to go, but wasn't in the cards! My DD went to a Bo-Sox game yesterday. They always sit in the 'covered' seats- it's great --that's where I've always sat when I go with her- if it's hot, it shields you from the sun- if it rains, it keeps you dry- Perfect


Stacy and LeeAnn- hope you had a great day!

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Hi friends!


Beth, I'm sorry to hear about the new cat, and also the debit card. It is a pain, but at least they caught it! Mine wasn't caught until I tried to withdraw money from the ATM, and by then, hundreds had been used. Hope the weather cools down for you soon, also!


Marisa, sounds like you had a great weekend. Glad to hear the date went well. Have fun in Tampa!


Joanne, how's Paradise treating you? Has it slowed down any? Glad you had a great time at the bbq, despite the heat. Seems it is hot everywhere now!


Leeann, your new products look awesome! :h5


Yesterday we had a bbq and went swimming. It was nice to have dh go with us this time. This morning I cleaned a bit and studied for the math exam on Saturday. There are a couple of things I still need to review (like those stinkin' logarithms!) Other than that, I am ready, I think. I would like to crochet tonight, but I'm thinking more of cleaning out my big mess of yarn in the closet. We'll see, I'm feeling kind of blah so I don't really know what I'm going to do.


Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi friends!


Beth, I'm sorry to hear about the new cat, and also the debit card. It is a pain, but at least they caught it! Mine wasn't caught until I tried to withdraw money from the ATM, and by then, hundreds had been used. Hope the weather cools down for you soon, also!


Marisa, sounds like you had a great weekend. Glad to hear the date went well. Have fun in Tampa!


Joanne, how's Paradise treating you? Has it slowed down any? Glad you had a great time at the bbq, despite the heat. Seems it is hot everywhere now!


Leeann, your new products look awesome! :h5


Yesterday we had a bbq and went swimming. It was nice to have dh go with us this time. This morning I cleaned a bit and studied for the math exam on Saturday. There are a couple of things I still need to review (like those stinkin' logarithms!) Other than that, I am ready, I think. I would like to crochet tonight, but I'm thinking more of cleaning out my big mess of yarn in the closet. We'll see, I'm feeling kind of blah so I don't really know what I'm going to do.


Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

Whenever I feel blah I pull out the :crocheting

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Good evening ladies!


Joanne-Your weekend sounded wonderful except for the hot weather, afraid I am not good in heat either. How was Paradise? tomorrow is Happy Hump Day! wohooo! The week is almost over.


Beth-do you feel better? are you detoxified? Get rest and drink plenty of fluids.


Stacy-it's almost over! Then what will you do?


Marisa-another busy weekend and week on tap for you. Do you ever feel burnt out?


today was hectic..going to fix my lunch for tomorrow. The cooks in our program always fed us but they are cutting back expenses..no food for us. Had a sandwich, salad and fruit today..thinking tomorrow may be the same as I have EQ training..not sure if they have a microwave.


hugs n squishes dear friends! night

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Happy Hump Day! Love when that happens so soon after returning to work!!!


LeeAnn- I bring lunch most days- easier on the wallet that way!!! Hope the EQ training goes well today


Running behind (again) and I have an early morning meeting.


:cheerHeading to DD's after work so we can watch the 1st game of the Stanley Cup Finals together!!!GO DEVILS!!!!! :cheer

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Morning, all!


Beth, are you feeling better? :hug:hug


Joanne, hope you made it to your meeting on time. Enjoy the game!


Leeann, hope your training goes well today.


Marisa, how's it going?


Last night, I started a market bag. It is brown, pink, and pink/green variegated, and super-duper cute! Too bad it's for a swap, or I'd keep it for myself. :lol


Today is the first day I have been alone since school finished. :cheer:clap I ran to the store for brownie ingredients :devil, but when I came home, I was greeted with a mess from Olive. :angry We've been blocking off her old "bathroom" spot in the hallway, and now she has decided that the middle of the living room is a dandy place to go. :thair Anyway, so I steam-cleaned the carpets (thank goodness I vacuumed last night, so I didn't clog the cleaner with hair!) I made myself a small breakfast burrito, with fresh berries on the side. After I'm done here, I will go off and make those brownies. :drool I am also going to toss something in the crock pot for dinner. Isabella and Mia have their "Night at the Museum" fair at school, so I won't have much time to cook.


Have a great hump day! :hug:hug:hug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, I feel like I've been busy all day so far but haven't gotten anything done :think


There was a 2 hour rain delay at the game last night so we just hung out chatting and running into people :lol I left in the 8th when it was 8-1....not in favor of the Pirates :( My friend that came with me left a little before that when he realized that the parking lot he parked in for work during the day closed at 11 :eek Definitely wasn't expecting the delay since it cleared up beautifully after the afternoon storms. When I met him at the train station that comes from downtown it was gorgeous out, it was still a bit early so we went to the bar for a drink and when we came out the sky was black!!!


I still have some things to get done here today and I have a new patient scheduled at 3:30, but I'm honestly not expecting this one to show up....but we'll see :shrug


Beth - I forgot to tell you yesterday how sorry I was to hear about your cat :hug :hug


Joanne - Good luck to your Devils tonight :yay


Stacy - :yay for dh getting to enjoy the bbq and swimming with the family :manyheart Can't wait to see your market bag and have a brownie for me please :drool Good luck on your math test.


LeeAnn - I usually pack my lunch as well :yes Have fun at your training.


Well, since today is my Friday and I'm leaving tomorrow....I'm not sure how much I'll be able to pop in over the weekend while I'm away :hug

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hello everbody,


Joanne, Happy Hump Day! Enjoy watching the game with your dd. GO DEVILS!


Marisa, sorry the game delay made you miss the end of the game. I hope you had a good time with your friend. Have a safe trip!


Stacy, how does it feel to be alone? My kids have a birthday party invite for Friday, and I can't tell you how excited I am for some alone time with my hubby. Enjoy the brownies.


LeeAnn, your lunch sounds good and healthy. I hope your training goes well.


Well, I took two of our other cats to the vet today to be tested, see if they have Feline Leukemia, (they don't!) and got them vaccinated, though they will need a booster in 3 weeks. I already made that appointment. For now, the active adolescent kitten has to stay in my dd's small room. He REALLY wants out. When the other cats are vaccinated, he can mingle. For now, we are letting him out with supervision. I need to take Bear cat to HIS vet tomorrow. He had the first vaccination, but I never made it back for his booster. I will probably have to have him retested, then get his booster, and he'll be OK for a year.


Besides that, things are going OK today. I will be at the studio. Hopefully it will be a short night -- I'm thinking 6:30 at the latest.

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Quick stop in!

Marisa- Safe travels and have a great time in Tampa


Beth- Good news about the cats!!


Stacy- Oh, bad Olive!!! But Yum Brownies


LeeAnn- Hope you had a good hump day!


Off to DD's---Go Devils!!!

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Evening all!


Marisa-have a great weekend! How exciting, will you get to do any site seeing? shopping? was the ghan for this weekend?


Stacy-how did the brownies turn out? mmm...that would be delicious right about now.


Joanne-you are right, Paradise sure doesn't wait..seems like the morning just flies by.


Beth-did you get all of your debit stuff worked out? so glad that your other furry friends are healthy.


today was busy..work in the early morning then training..whew! Glad that it is over. Going to work on my etsy shop before getting ready for bed.


night all! hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,

Quick post since i was up late watching my Devils game--unfortunately they lost in overtime 2-1! Looking forward to game 2 Saturday when hopefully they can bounce back. I'll bet LA is happy today that their Kings won (Stacy)


Off to get ready for a day full of meetings!!! Hook and yarn await my arrival home!!!


Hugs to all!

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Hi all!

I chuckled when I saw that I was the last to post yesterday morning!


Hope everyone is doing well- and know that you are all busy, busy, busy!!!


Thinking of you Marisa on a mini-vacation!!! Hope it's not toooo hot in Tampa!


Off to get ready for FRIDAY!! woo-hoo!!!

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Happy Friday, everybody,


Joanne, I hope your day in Paradise flies by, and you get to enjoy your weekend. Any Ryan time in your plans?


LeeAnn, sounds like a very busy day for you. How are you and your family adjusting to working again?


Stacy, congrats on the A in health. First time I read your fb post, I was thinking first grade, like the year after kindergarten... Oh well. I haven't had enough coffee lately. Love your pics. You have an adorable family. The pic of the little rodent turned out really well.


Marisa, I hope you are having a good time in Florida. Be safe!


It may not be pizza night -- my kids have a birthday party tonight, and my hubby and I are going to see Men in Black 3. But we'll probably have pizza for an afternoon snack. Can't send my kids anywhere hungry.

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I see that Beth and I were posting at the same time! Enjoy the movie Beth!!!

I will see Ryan sometime this weekend- can't let a weekend go by without!!:manyheart


Not sure what else is on the agenda for the weekend. Still waiting to hear if DD and her BF and his brothers can make it over this weekend to help open the pool- if not, we have a back up plan to have it opened on the 15th! Next weekend we have a graduation party to go to for my nephew!


Off I go--the clock is ticking---and I've procrastinated getting ready for work long enough- At least it's Friday and 'dress down' day!

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Hi all!


Beth, you're so funny. :lol Enjoy your date night with dh! I've heard MIB 3 is awesome- can't wait to hear your review.


Joanne, :xfin your dd can come to help you open the pool. Is it very hot there yet?


Leeann, how's it going? Are you ready for a weekend off after your first week back to work?


Hope Marisa is having a great time in Tampa!


The brownies were okay...very chocolate-y but since I used whole wheat flour they were kind of grainy. Sure didn't stop me from eating them, though. :devil:lol


I am kind of sad today. It is Eva's last day of preschool. She has been there for 2 years with some of the same children and I know she is going to miss them terribly, because she doesn't understand they're not going to kinder with her. I stayed to help the kiddos make masks, and for story time, then took off to get a coffee and clean up a little around here. I will go back early to say goodbye to her teachers, and hopefully get some phone numbers for summer play groups.


Anyway, I need to scoot and put away the laundry that I washed on Wednesday, but is still in baskets in the living room. :blush Love and hugs!

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Good evening friends!


Now where oh where did the week go? Work sure has been BUSY...in between trainings, we are back at the center trying to get ourselves organized for a new season..a bit stressful.


Beth-pizza for lunch sounds :c9 That is great that all of your inventions are going out and about, leaving you and dh time together...:manyheart


Joanne-oh my gosh! I would love to take a dip in a pool right now. :lol Is it hot hot hot in your neck of the woods?


Stacy-those chocolate y brownies sure would hit the spot! mmm mmm sounds perfect!


Marisa-have a great weekend, keep up posted.


I can't believe how fast the week has gone by! Seems like I am running running running..also feel a little tired this evening. My family is doing very well adjusting, I think they are doing better than me. :D have to work on my shop a bit. I was featured in a few treasures, need to spread the word. Also had 2 sales this week brings me up to 90..come on 100! I am waiting not so patiently.


best get to work. Hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,

LONG day in Paradise!!! Didn't get home till 7:30! Next week will be intense with tons of meetings and the vendor will be in town all week! Oh, well, now it's Friday night and I don't have to think about till Monday morning!


It's not HOT here at all- LOL---actually quite cool- and looking like rain- I think we'll hold off on opening the pool this weekend!


Stacy- I know how hard it is when your baby hits a milestone!!! Glad you got to spend her last day of pre-school with her!!!! Can't believe MY baby is going to celebrate her 4th wedding anniversary next week!


LeeAnn- Glad your fam is adjusting- but hope that you are taking a little time for you. I know how hard it is to keep on going---I make it a point to carve out 'me' time all the time now. Of course, my children are adults so it makes it a lot easier to do that! C'mon 100!! You'll hit it in now time


Beth Hope you are enjoying date night with DH at the movies


Marisa- Wishing I was in Tampa- much more of a Paradise than Paradise! LOL

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Good morning and Welcome to the Weekend--my favorite two days of the week!!!


Got to do some cleaning - which I'll be doing as soon as I finish my coffee and log off the computer. Also making a trek to TJs today and the grocery store. Pickings are pretty slim at my house right now!


Hope you all have a good day! Now to get it in gear and stop procastinating!

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Hello everybody,

We had a BIG storm last night -- after the kids left for their party, we lost power. We stayed home, didn't go to the movie, and just enjoyed being at home in the dark together -- boy, that sounds a lot steamier and romantic than the reality, but we'll act like it was steamy and romantic, K?

The kids heard we had a tornado in our neck of the woods, so they were texting every 5 minutes to make sure we were OK. How sweet is that! Then today I got 2 phone calls and a couple of texts from other people checking on us. My son's pool is closed today because the pump house flooded. The nearby yacht club lost all their windows. The ballet mistress's house lost a tree. I think we fared pretty well.


Joanne, I hope you have all your cleaning done by now, so you can relax and enjoy your weekend.


LeeAnn, Please don't work too hard. It is a big adjustment. How long does your program run?


Stacy, I know it's hard when kids hit those milestones. I had a dance instructor tear up when she told me she was taking her son in for his 6 month checkup, and signing up her daughter for preschool. They do grow up. Eva will make new friends in Kindergarten very quickly. Your dd's are so sweet!


Marisa, I hope you are having a great time in Florida. Be safe coming home!

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