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Quick good morning!

Oh, Stacy- I feel so bad for Eva!! And I'd be calling the doc first thing this morning!! Good luck on the math make up- and in getting that book read. Is Thursday your last day? I know you can, I know you can, I know you can!


Beth- Good luck with fixing up the laptop. Like Stacy said, I'm confident you will be able to put it back together- it seems to me you can do anything --i'd never in a million years be able to fix my dryer!


Marisa- Good luck to your hairdresser! Loved the video - and I love your afghan!!! Devils are on tonight! Hope I stay awake!


LeeAnn- Hope all is going well with your training!


Well, girls, off I go for another fun-filled day in Paradise!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Last night I worked on my graph ghan. This morning I have a patient coming between 9-9:30 after dropping her son off at daycare. I should have 2 new patients later on today and then I'll be meeting my sister out at her hair appt.


Stacy - I sure hope you complain to the doctor!!!! That is unacceptable, if he wasn't sure he should have went to look it up before giving it to some with food allergies/sensitivities :angry At least a little extension could be a bit helpful, but I agree with the student that it's wrong to have been given it so late in the semester. I'm sure your math final and make up will go well :xfin:hug


Joanne - Thanks, how did the Devils do? I forgot to check :lol I hope work doesn't drive you too crazy today :hug


Be back a bit later

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Hi all, I went back to bed after sending off the hubby, I'm happy to say. I feel pretty darn good.


After all the hoop-la yesterday, my son was met at class today by a counselor who told him it wasn't the right class for him. He can take the right class for 8 weeks in the fall, then take the biology class he really needs in the second 8 weeks of the fall semester. That will be tight. He says he has a new favorite counselor, though. The man must have been very good at giving bad news.


Marisa, gorgeous afghan! Nicely done, Dear! Good luck with the new patients. It sounds like your business is growing! Congratulations.

Joanne, I hope you are awake enough to enjoy your hockey game.

Stacy, big hugs to Eva. Is she feeling any better today?

LeeAnn, missing your posts. Can't wait until you're home. I hope your training is going well.


Have a great one!

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Hi all, I went back to bed after sending off the hubby, I'm happy to say. I feel pretty darn good.


After all the hoop-la yesterday, my son was met at class today by a counselor who told him it wasn't the right class for him. He can take the right class for 8 weeks in the fall, then take the biology class he really needs in the second 8 weeks of the fall semester. That will be tight. He says he has a new favorite counselor, though. The man must have been very good at giving bad news.


Marisa, gorgeous afghan! Nicely done, Dear! Good luck with the new patients. It sounds like your business is growing! Congratulations.

Joanne, I hope you are awake enough to enjoy your hockey game.

Stacy, big hugs to Eva. Is she feeling any better today?

LeeAnn, missing your posts. Can't wait until you're home. I hope your training is going well.


Have a great one!


That counselor sounds like he chose the right profession :lol Thanks about the afghan. Lets hope the growth continues :xfin

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Good morning!


I am going to an art museum with my dd, my friend, and her dd. Should be a fun day! I'm so looking forward to it.


Joanne, I hope Paradise treats you well today. Happy Almost-Friday- weekend will be here very soon.


Marisa, How goes your quick afghan? Did you get much done on it?


Stacy, I see you are done with the math on-line homework. Congrats on that. The end of your school year is near! How is Eva feeling?


LeeAnn, I'm thinking of you, missing you. I hope you will be back soon.

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Good morning!


I am going to an art museum with my dd, my friend, and her dd. Should be a fun day! I'm so looking forward to it.

I know you will have a great time!!! I love going to art museum's too!!!!

Joanne, I hope Paradise treats you well today. Happy Almost-Friday- weekend will be here very soon. Big meeting early this afternoon, so I"m heading in early to prepare. It'll be downhill from there once this meeting is over.

Marisa, How goes your quick afghan? Did you get much done on it?


Stacy, I see you are done with the math on-line homework. Congrats on that. The end of your school year is near! How is Eva feeling?


LeeAnn, I'm thinking of you, missing you. I hope you will be back soon.


I was hoping to beat Beth on here this morning, but she's up as early as me----so let me just say



Have an awesome Birthday Beth!!!!!

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Forgot to mention that my Devils beat the Rangers last night!! They now lead the series 3-2 and if they can win tomorrow night they'll be in the Stanley CuP Finals!!! Let's Go Devils!!!!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I just had a webinar online for the updates on my computer software....it was pretty boring :lol BUT, I did learn a couple little tricks.


I feel like I've been running all day already since this morning. Old Navy has tank tops on sale today through Monday for $2!!!! So yep, I had to run to the mall :shrug Tonight I have another PYP event to go to, sneak some marketing in :heehee


Beth - :birthday I already saw on FB that you enjoyed the museum :manyheart


Joanne - I hope your meeting goes smoothly and the days over befor you know it :hug


Can I just say that I love seeing you ladies in my news feed on fb now.....I feel so much more connected :lol I guess I should've warned you though that I don't really post much of anything. Maybe every other week or so I try to put up an article on my office page :think

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:hi all!


First off- :bday to you, Beth! Glad to see you had so much fun at the museum. Hope those inventions spoil you rotten tonight!


Joanne, congrats to your Devils! I'm not a hockey fan, but I'm from MI, so I know how avid you all are! :rofl Good luck to them tomorrow night.


Marisa, good luck at the event. :cheer


Leeann, hope your training went well! Miss you, girl!


It has been a roller coaster of the day. Woke up to dog vomit on the carpet and child-poo on the sofa (where Eva slept last night. She's like a nomad when it comes to sleeping.) But I did get a 100% on my math re-test. :clap Which brings my average up to 85% before the final. If I study my badorkus off this week, hopefully I can pull that up to an A. Finished my paper late last night, my part of it ended up being 3 pages, single-spaced. :eek Guess I have a lot to say. :lol Anyway, when I arrived to class, my partner showed me the finished paper and it ended up being 10 pages! :eek

After class I had to run to Michael's for Isabella's costume. Her Jackie Robinson presentation is tomorrow, so I bought a plain blue t-shirt and the iron-on sports lettering. After homework, we are going to my old store to see if they have white leggings, and she has some black tall socks that should work to complete the outfit. :tup

Oh! And as for Eva's problem- I went to pick her up today and the teacher took me aside and told me rather sternly that Eva had problems using the bathroom today and she just doesn't know what do anymore. So I am keeping her home tomorrow. I put in a call to the ped., who insists she did not know there was lactose in the vaccines. :ohdear So now we just wait it out, I guess. :(


I better scoot and do some cleaning while they are doing homework. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hi:hi:hiHello there my dearest friends!!! oh how I have missed you all!


Beth-:flower:birthday:bday:cakeHappy Happy Happy Birthday to you my friend! I so hope that your day was filled with great company, delicious food and fun! you sure deserve it! So glad that your ds college class is all worked out and that he has a new counselor. Awesome!:hug



Stacy-your poor dd..:blush Is she feeling a teeny tiny bit better? Sure hope so! Good luck on your tests as well as finishing up the last of your classes.:hug


Marisa-your ghan is stunning! So pretty! Has it found a home? Yippee for networking, before we know it, you will be expanding. :hugAny big plans for the holiday weekend?


Joanne-so sorry to hear that you missed cc on Monday but glad you were able to rest. Whatcha working on? How's your little gs? and last but not least HAPPY TGIF! I thought of you yesterday morning, I missed your Happy Hump Day!


It has been a loooong week. Trainings were a bit long. Monday and Tuesday we had a webinar..about 7 hours each day! uggghhh a little boring..actually ALOT boring. Wed and today were much better. The evenings were fun. The gals and I had dinner, laughed, chatted, worked out..and did our nails. Almost like a sleep over. So much fun! They are all so funny and sweet. Now if I can just remember everything to implement with our employees. Work starts on Tuesday, then it will be a mad dash of training, both for our employees, myself and also giving trainings..something new this year.


I also missed my family soo much! Will post more in the a.m. I am beat..but wanted to pop on here to check in with all of you.


Hugs n extra squishes!!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Quick stop in- running late here- but TGIF!!!


Welcome home, LeeAnn- missed your posts!!!


Will post later if I get home in time before the Devils game, otherwise,'see you' in the AM


Hugs to you ALL!!!

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Happy TGIF to one and all


Joanne, good luck with the Devils game. I hope Paradise goes well. Are you looking forward to your long weekend?


LeeAnn, welcome home! I'll bet your family missed you more than we did! Welcome to the busy time of year for you.


Stacy, any plans for your summer vacation? Did you already sign up for classes for the fall? What will you take then?


Marisa, Enjoy your PYP meeting. Sounds like fun group.


Well, I will be at the ballet studio this evening helpin with the in-house recital for our preballet students. Most of them are 4 years old. We have a few older kids, though, that just started. It should be a lot of fun. I'm doing the pizza night thing, and I hope to trim back a bush in our front yard that's trying to take over.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, I didn't get home last night until 10:30, my friend and I went to the Cheesecake Factory after the event and ending up sitting and chatting a while after we were done :shrug I'm not making much progress on my ghan since the last 2 days were super busy, but did get a few rows done this morning while watching Wednesday's Americal Idol and I'm super excited that Phillip won :bounce:yay I have to take Steph and Bean to the airport this afternoon and then I'm driving about an hour to our neighbors cabin where they're going for the holiday weekend. I'm taking my ghan with me since tonight should just be us and relaxing. Then coming back tomorrow for my date to the Pirates game, back to the cabin on Sunday and overnight into Monday....back here on Monday for a patient in the morning, but will check my messages in the morning just to make sure she doesn't cancel. Then I'll have the whole day to crochet, do laundry, and spring clean my room :whew


OK, I didn't really take notes but:


Stacy - I sure hope Eva is doing better, I have bathroom issues and it's not fun :no I can't believe your paper turned out to 10 pages :eek Great job!


LeeAnn - Is your training over now? Glad to hear it wasn't too bad :D


Joanne - Enjoy the long weekend....I'm assuming you have Monday off!!!


Beth - Have fun at the studio with the little kids :D The PYP group is fun and a great way of meeting people :yes


I will probably not be around much over the weekend, just for the heads up :lol

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TGIF!!! 3 day weekend!!!! Yipee!!!!!!


Devils game coming on in about 15 minutes! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!!! Tomorrow I'm heading to a shop where I had bought a Vera Bradley bag last weekend- they had a raffle and I won! There were three prizes- not sure which I won, but can't wait to find out!!!

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Woot!!!! Devils are going to the Stanley Cup Finals!!!!!


Great game, and great chat last night on FB with Stacy, Colleen, Shannon, LeaAnn, Vicki, Mary---


Hope you all have an awesome Saturday!!!! I'm psyched about the Devils win and I'm doubly psyched to have 3 days off!!!!

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-so happy that your Devils won and that you have a 3 day weekend! Awesomeness! Can't wait to hear the details about what you won?:D


Marisa-cheescake sounds delicious! You are going to have a busy fun filled weekend. Hope you get hook time in, your deadline is coming up. :lol Sometimes I work better under a deadline.


Beth-any big plans for the weekend? How are your inventions?


Stacy-is it over? I sure hope so! Bet you are already planning summer activities.


Yesterday was another whirlwind. Had to open up shop, had a customer call first thing in the morning and ask if she could come over to see what I had whipped up, she needed them for graduation gifts. :manyheart Then had to run errands, grocery shop and back home to work on a few goodies. I was running low on bubble bath. Have a few more whipped up as well as lotion bars, but sold some too..whew!


We are planning a relaxing weekend. Tomorrow is dh's birthday. We are going to the in-laws for lunch then plan on just vegging.


Going to try my hand at Body Sprays today, will let you know how they turn out.


hugs n squishes!

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Hey all!


Joanne, can't wait to hear what you won! The chat last night was fun. And yay for your Devils win! :cheer


Leeann, busy as usual, I see! :lol Congrats on all of your new orders. Do you officially start the position on Tuesday? Or will it be more training? Happy early birthday to your dh. Have fun with the IL's!


Beth, what's shakin' bacon? How cute to see all of those little 4- and 5- year olds in their little ballet outfits. :manyheart Did you trim the bushes in your yard?


Marisa, your weekend sounds wonderful. How nice of you to go in on Monday to help a patient. :xfin that she doesn't cancel.


Last night I read about 5 chapters of The Boxcar Children to the girlies. Then I fell asleep on the couch while crocheting. :lol It's SO awesome to not worry about homework, etc. I had planned for us to read 1 'chapter' a night, but Mia is dying to hear the rest of the book so I have a feeling it's going to go quickly.

This morning Isabella had swim lessons, then we went grocery shopping. We came home and I made blueberry muffins, banana bread, and carrot-apple-flax muffins. I love the carrot ones, and am trying to get Eva to eat one, but so far, it's a no-go.

We are off to the park in a few minutes. The girls also want to go for a bike ride, so I had dh bring home the bike trailer, since it was stored at his office. Then I realized that my bike was stolen last year. :think So I'm not sure what I'll do- probably rollerblade.

Well I need to get going. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,

LeeAnn- Congrats on more and more orders!! Hope that you can keep up when you return to work!!! You'll have two full time jobs- plus being a mom and selling a house-Whew- I'm tired!!!


Stacy- I won a Vera Bradley tote, matching lunch tote, matching beach towel, lanyard and ID case!!! So exciting!!!! the tote is perfect for crochet projects!!! My daughters loved the Boxcar children series!!!! Its amazing how some books span generations!!! Hope you all had a fun day outdoors riding bikes (and rollerblading)!


Marisa- Thinking of you on your date- and i'm watching the Sixers/Celtics game for you!


Beth- Hope you are having a great Saturday


Oh, before I forget :birthday tomorrow to LeeAnn's DH!!!!

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Joanne, that's an awesome package that you won! :clap I loved the Boxcar Children series, also. :yes I had to coax Isabella into sitting down for it, but once we started to read, she was hooked. I even read an extra chapter to her after the other two fell asleep.


Beth, :hug:hug:hug Hope the rest of your weekend goes well.


We went to the park but not for the bike ride. We may do that tomorrow. It is crazy-windy here. It is popcorn and movie night now. :D

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Good morning!

It's raining! Why oh, why is it raining again? Oh, well, I guess that means I'm indoors with hooks and books!! On a positive note, there shouldn't be any traffic if I take a trek to Trader Joe's (no one will be headed to the beach today).


A popcorn/movie night sounds like a good way to wind down the day, Stacy!


Beth- We still didn't open our pool yet- and today doesn't look good either. Looks like maybe next weekend- weather permitting. I remember one summer it rained every weekend- so mid July we decided not to even bother opening it! Enjoy your day by the pool if the weather is good by you. Is this the pool where your son works?


LeeAnn- I'll say it again- Happy Birthday to your DH! Hope its an awesome RELAXING day for you and your family!!!!


Marisa- How was the date? The Sixers lost but not without a valiant effort. It was a good game.


Coffee is ready- and time to pour a cup and may as well start the laundry!

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Joanne, if I go to the pool, it will be the outdoor pool where my son works. He also works at the YMCA indoor pool. We aren't members there, though. AOdd it's raining there but not here -- we are pretty close to each other. Beautiful, cloudless sky out the window right now. Oh, congrats on the items you won. That's quite a nice gift!


Stacy, your day sounds great. I'm sorry the bike ride didn't work out, but a popcorn movie night sounds awesome. What movie did you see? It's been so long since my whole family sat down to watch one thing -- we have way too many tv's.


Marisa, can't wait to hear about your date. I hope you had a good time.


LeeAnn, I hope you aren't working too hard.

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Morning friends!


Joanne-that was a great gift that you won! :clap:cheerSorry to hear that it is raining. Perhaps you can send it this way? What crochet project are you working on? The children in our program do not start until June 28, we have teaching training, CPR, First Aide, Orientation and an EQ (Infant & Toddler Training) as well as Center Aides, and Bus Monitor training..whew! The training that we attended was a mini version of the actual trainings. We are part of ALL of the staff trainings..too much if ya ask me..but I am along for the ride. :lol


Beth-swimming does sound like fun, will you get to go often?


Stacy-we love reading! Are your girls in a summer reading program? I love family movies!


Marisa-details girl! Can't wait!


Yesterday was a very productive day..yuppers! Soaping, lip balms, body spritz. Did all of the labeling too..whew! Just have to finish adding everything to my etsy shop. Had a few orders of lip balms to fill so figured I would make extra to have on hand. I am really hoping to relax today..my family has been great about helping keep the house clean. I had to run around like a chicken last night cleaning up after myself. Have everything put away except for the items on my table in my craft corner..will get to that in just a few.


here are a few pics of the new soapies, Goats Milk & Honey Lotion and body spritz, I hope that you all like them and that they sell sell sell.


Thank you for all the birthday wishes for dh, he said, "what a bunch of sweeties, tell them thank you":manyheart


hugs n squishes my friends!





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Love the projects, LeeAnn!!!!! Beautiful!!!! I'm partial to the football, of course!


Happy Memorial Day- and thanks to all those who have served, are serving and have friends/family who served!


Heading to DD's for a Bar-B-Que early this afternoon and thankfully the sun is shining!!!


Enjoy the day everyone

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!!!!


Well, the date went well....at least I think so anyways. We went for a bite before the game, then the game, and then to the bar until about 2 AM! I must say he was very nice and we did have a lot of fun. So, now to see what happens I'm going to Tampa on Thurs til Tues and he's going to Vegas Fri to Mon


The river house was a lot of fun. I got up there Friday afternoon and the pool was freezing, they were pumping up the heat to warm it up. Brad's parents and sister came down a while after I got there and they put 2 boats in the water at the dock, so we went for a boat ride but it was getting late and starting to cool off a bit. It was just Brad, Cynthia and me staying over night. So in the morning we went out on the boat and they took turns water skiing, so I attempted it but I couldn't even get up!!! It was pretty funny, but I had fun trying anyways Then Cynthias other friend came up for the day with her dh and dd. We did some boating and tubing and then I left to head home to get ready for my date. I went back to the river house Sun morning and Cynthias parents were there with her sister and niece. We did more boating and tubing, them water skiing and just hanging out. In the afternoon more of Brad's family came down too (it's his family's house) since they decided to have a day with everyone and it started to storm so we had to cover the boats and get undercover. We used that time to cook dinner and then the rain stopped but there was still intermittent thunder and lightening so we started a fire and roasted marshmallows (julie I hope you don't miss that when you get back ) Anyways don't get too excited, all the guys in attendance were already taken or just teenage kids!!! But we did have some smores. Everyone left as Brad's cousin and his wife got there and they stayed the night so we hung out by the fire until about midnight chatting and telling stories. I got up and left before anyone else had surfaced yet and came to work to see 2 patients this morning. They are both returning patients and the second called on Sat, I checked my messages Sun and called him back. He was quite excited when I told him I'd be in today :yes


Now I'm super tired and need to get home to do some laundry, shower, and crochet.....I'm pretty sure at this point that the afghan is not getting done


I'm meeting a friend for dinner later on and we're trying to decide what to get


Tomorrow I have tix for the Pirates game again and am going with Bob, the last guy I went out with that I met at the opening game and we just decided to be friends. Oh boy what else?!?! That's all I can think of right now and I'm going to skip out on individuals so I can get moving, but I'll be back tomorrow I hope you all have a wonderful holiday

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