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Some good clean fun?!

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:hi Shannon, I'm sorry we missed you. I love the graduation pics of your "little" girl on FB. She's so pretty!


Stacy, congrats on the health extra credit and the math exam. The end has to be getting close now. Sorry you don't have the day off with your honey for his birthday. Happy Birthday, Jorge!


Marisa, I'm so proud of your growth. Isn't it nice to hear from a professional that you are spending your money well? Way to go!


Joanne, sounds like a great evening yesterday. So what is Ryan doing now? They grow so fast the first year, learn so many things. The museum in Philly sounds like fun. I hope you have a great time.


LeeAnn, what's shaking? Has anybody come to look at the house yet? Any interest? is it hard to keep up all the cleaning to keep it show-ready?

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Good morning!!!


Happy Birthday to Stacy's Jorge!! Sorry you have a busy day today and can't just chill and celebrate with him! Have fun at the graduation!


Beth- Beautiful "senior" pics of your three inventions!!! You must be so proud!!! Hope you don't have to work too hard at the studio today although it does seem you will be very busy based on your post on FB! Hang in there- it's almost over!!!


Marisa- So happy for you with the expanding growth of your practice!! What fun things are on tap for you this weekend?


LeeAnn- Is this your last weekend before heading back to the Migrant position. Good luck with the sale of your home. When we had ours listed, it was such a chore to keep it always picture perfect! Hopefully, it will sell quick!


Shannon- Good to hear from you here- and on FB last night. Congrats on Janna's kindergarten graduation- the pics looked great and she's getting so big!


Off to do a little of my Saturday morning chores (while I wait for DD to get here around 10) Then it's off to Philly for the day!!!

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Top of the morning dear friends!


Joanne-I am so happy that you get to spend the day with your dd. Thank you for sharing the link, the yarn bomb is pretty cool! :hugThe colors that she uses are so bright and cheery. I would feel kinda sad leaving all that yarn behind, but hopefully they can recycle it and use it for something else. Having the house on the market is extremely stressful. I am trying to keep it all together, but it is a struggle. We find that we can keep the house pretty tidy, it’s me that makes the biggest mess. Soaping and candling are difficult. I have to create then hurry up and clean up, put everything away..but hopefully we will sell sell sell.


Beth-sounds like your day is going to be busy busy busy. Oh my! How is the ballet mistress doing? The new and old one? Hope the new one can help. Your pictures on FB of your inventions are lovely! They are so grown up.


Stacy-happy birthday to dear Jorge!:birthday You are going to be whizzing back and forth today as well. Good luck my friend!



Marisa-like the other ladies, what’s on the agenda for the weekend? I am sure something spectacular.:manyheart


Today is going to be hectic. My in-laws are having a wedding renewal of their vows tomorrow. Tonight is rehearsal..yikes! Dh and I have to each read a passage for the church ceremony. Then tomorrow we have to help decorate the church, set up the reception area..and then take everything down and clean up after..come on coffee! I am making two deserts..a pecan pumpkin torte and a cherry desert..must get those whipped up this morning.


Ironed everyone’s clothing, just need to go out and buy ds dress shoes..he has outgrown his! Oh my! I tried to convince him to squeeze his feet in..but no go.:devil


I leave for training in Lajunta at 6 a.m. on Monday morning and will not be back until Thursday evening…uggghh! Going to put my etsy shop on vacation as I can’t fill orders or answer questions while I am away..I think I can..I think I can…


Best get my tush in gear and start baking. Talk to you all soon! Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Y'all keep talking about pics on fb, I need to go find y'all on there :think


Last night I watched American Idol and during the 2nd half started the last round of my mcal ghan border :clap Didn't get very far since after Idol went outside for 'stoop night' with the neighbors just hanging out and chatting until 11:45 :eek I learned that one of the neighbors recently had a seizure this week WHILE driving to work. She was somehow able to make it to safety and as she was getting to the parking lot of her job (at a school) there was an officer there and she just stopped, told him she needed help and passed out. It is truely a miracle that nobody was injured. Nothing has been diagnosed but a brain tumor has been ruled out. Prayers for her would be greatly appreciated :ghug They are going to be working on medications/doses for her and she will be restricted from driving for 6 months.


I had the patient scheduled this morning, but he called and left a message that something came up and he would have to reschedule. So I called back and got his machine and said that I hoped everything was alright and to see what days/times are good for him to reschedule. So now we're playing phone tag :lol I do have some errands to run today. I want to look for a bathing suit for lap swimming since I won the membership to the Y last weekend. And I got rid of my good ones when I moved since I had lost weight anyways. My new suit that I got last year fits nice, but has a sporty dress type cover attached....not good for laps :no And my goggles are packed too :lol Also need to stop at the bank, staples, office max, and target :think I think that's it :lol


Joanne - :bounce Oh boy, oh boy....I so wish I was in Philly today!!!! I'm so glad you posted the link in this thread because I thought I was going to have to go search for it. I already called Maryann immediately and she's hoping to go tomorrow morning since she has to work until 6 today. If she was anywhere near there, I'd tell you to pop in to say hi but the office is out of the way from there :shrug Take lots of pics


Shannon - Great to 'see' you!!! Sorry your keyboard is acting up though :hug


Stacy - WTG on your math exam and you should get credit for the work you did if it's correct :yes Awesome for the extra credit too. Wish DH :birthday from us


Beth - It is good to hear the professional tell me that I'm not misusing my money :yes Granted, if I had money to misuse...I probably would :lol


LeeAnn - Hope all is well in the crafting world over there :wink

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Top of the morning dear friends!


Marisa-like the other ladies, what’s on the agenda for the weekend? I am sure something spectacular.:manyheart


Today is going to be hectic. My in-laws are having a wedding renewal of their vows tomorrow. Tonight is rehearsal..yikes! Dh and I have to each read a passage for the church ceremony. Then tomorrow we have to help decorate the church, set up the reception area..and then take everything down and clean up after..come on coffee! I am making two deserts..a pecan pumpkin torte and a cherry desert..must get those whipped up this morning.


Ironed everyone’s clothing, just need to go out and buy ds dress shoes..he has outgrown his! Oh my! I tried to convince him to squeeze his feet in..but no go.:devil


I leave for training in Lajunta at 6 a.m. on Monday morning and will not be back until Thursday evening…uggghh! Going to put my etsy shop on vacation as I can’t fill orders or answer questions while I am away..I think I can..I think I can…


Best get my tush in gear and start baking. Talk to you all soon! Hugs n squishes!


I had my post open for a while, while I was on the phone with Maryann :lol So I missed your post.


I forgot to address my weekend. Well, I had volunteered for a walk tomorrow and tried to make several contacts and have not heard back so I guess I'm not needed there. In that case, the neighborhood is having our front area cleanup so will make an appearance out there. Also Steph and Bean are staining the decks so I'll be helping them now that I'll be around. Surely not a very exciting weekend for me this time :shrug:lol


I hope everything for the church ceremony goes smoothly. Wow, you have a few days training away from crafting :eek At least you can take yarn with you :devil

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Joanne and LeeAnn - I sent you both a friend request on fb...so don't let the pic of my motorcycle throw you off :lol


Beth - I went to your page, but there was no button to make the friend request for some reason :think Feel free to send me one. It's just Marisa Pancheri :D


Stacy - I wasn't sure of your last name in order to be able to find you, so you can either request me or feel free to just PM me your last name so I can find you.


I feel out of the loop missing out on everyone's pics that you guys are always commenting on :blush:lol

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Marisa- Cut and paste alert;)

I had an awesome day today!!! The weather was PERFECT!!!! We got to Philly, parked the car and then walked around for a bit and stopped and had lunch at a cafe. Then we went to the Museum- and it was amazing! Craft exhibition and let me tell you, some amazing things. They also had a craft lab with yarn, hooks, fabric, button maker, pompom maker, embroidery hoops, embroidery thread and canvas. It was really cool and DD and I decided to do a little crafting. I made a granny square and got to try LionBrand Cashmere yarn- so soft!! DD made us two fabric buttons and then she did a small embroidery piece freehand based off a picture she had painted. We had such a relaxing FUN day!!!!!

My DD took pics with her camera- and I took a few on my phone- will try and upload in the morning. DD said she'd email me some of the pics, too.


LeeAnn- Hope all goes well tonight and tomorrow! And it's a great idea to put your Etsy shop on vacation while you are away at training! Please try and take a little time for you!!!:hug


Marisa- Hope that MaryAnn gets a chance to see the museum. It was great that today was International Museum Day so admission was free:clap Parking in the garage was $10.00 for 4 hours w/museum admission (and even though it was free, it still counted) So parking, and admission for 2 of us cost $10.00!!! I so thoroughly enjoyed my day today!!!!


I friended you BTW!

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Awesome Joanne, glad you had an awesome time.


Now my cut and paste (just the one paragraph) :wink


my hair salon burned down yesterday!!! :eek It was a decent size building with 3 floors and several businesses. The salon was on the ground floor and the fire started in the 3rd. They were doing prom yesterday too, but everyone got out safely :clap Dan and his mom own the business together and they are 2 very strong willed people. They finished their customers in a nearby parking lot. And they plan to be working out of a temporary spot by Tuesday! Alot of nearby salons are offering some space at their places to help them out :hug He's gotta feel some way inside, but he's showing a very strong game face and is ready to "come back bigger and better" So I'd appreciate some prayers for them.


I gotta run to home depot so best get moving or my sister will wonder what happened to me :think:lol

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Oh, wow, so sorry about the hair salon- but it seems that the owners are determined to be up and running again in no time


Had a great day at the baby shower- it was outside at her mom's house and the weather is picture perfect today!!! Couldn't have ordered better weather!!! Actually heading back outside- and think we'll head down by the water. It's simply too nice of a day to stay inside!

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I'm really tired, and my brain isn't quite where it needs to be yet. I send my greetings, and hope you all have a great Sunday. I will come back after I get some rest and talk to all of you. :hug

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-get some rest my friend, perhaps you can take it easy today. :hug:hugYour pics on FB were awesome! Your dd looked beautiful and like she is having a great time. So happy for all of you.


Joanne-how fun to have a baby shower outdoors. Perfect! Wow! $10 for parking?? here in the San Luis Valley, I have never paid for parking, we do not have meters:devil that would be soo different. Small town for sure here.:lol Hope you have a relaxing day on hand.:hug


Marisa-ouch! Those poor salon folks! That is amazing that they finished the hairstyles out in the street and are so optimistic. WTG! Do your sis and bean finish the deck?


Stacy-it is almost over! How was your weekend?


The wedding anniversary was soo special! I could just cry thinking about it. All of the little details were so fantastic! My brother took lots of pics of it all. I want to blog about it..just have to squeeze in time. The reception was fun too! They had a small band singing, the in-laws were able to dance to their special songs as well as guests. I am overjoyed for them. 44 years of marriage is not easy. They decided to have their renewal early because the priest will be leaving their parish soon. They adore him, he has become a friend of the family.


Have to get all of my weekly chores done today, laundry and pack..I feel a bit tired but am hoping that I can get with the program.


BBL! hugs n squishes my dear friends :hug:hug:hug

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Hey ladies,


We finished the deck this morning and we all got some good sun :)


The salon will be back open on Tuesday from their temporary location and since they're already closed on Sunday and Monday, they really only missed a day and a half from this. I liked the little video clip he did on fb so you might be able to see it from there. He is such an amazing person with a great attitude. My sister was happy because she had an appt for this we'd before her vacation on Friday and thought she was going to have to make other arrangements somewhere else. I told her wait and I'd call Dan yesterday and ask, she felt insensitive to ask, but I didn't have a problem with it :lol. Just because I know him and that he didn't want to lose the business.....he's a go getter and I knew he'd work something out quickly.


Anyhow, I feel like I meant to say something else, but don't remember now :think

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Hi all!


Beth, :hug:hug:hug to you, my friend. I know you are thrilled to hand over your studio duties, but it must be difficult after so many years. Your pics on FB are great- Amanda and her fellow dancers are beautiful!


Joanne, the baby shower sounds wonderful! Must be refreshing to spend the entire day outdoors. :manyheart


Marisa, so sorry to hear about the salon! They sure sound determined to get back up on their feet right away, though. I can't believe they finished the hairstyles in the parking lot! :lol Hope you got to all of your errands today.


Leann, the wedding anniversary sounds wonderful. :manyheart It's funny that you have never paid for parking- I never did, either, when I lived in MI. But out here, we have to pay to park everywhere- museums, amusement parks, theatres, some restaurants (we don't go to those ones! :lol) even the beach.


We've had a long weekend and I still have lots of cleaning and studying to do. Dh is off with a study group at school, Isabella is working on her presentation that is due tomorrow, and the younger two are off making a mess somewhere. :lol I better get going, too, just wanted to drop in and say happy Sunday!


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Good evening friends! Wanted to drop in to tell you all that I will miss you while I am gone and look forward to getting back to all of you as well as my family.


hugs n squishes! Have a great week!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning- Welcome to Monday- and it's raining here- all the more reason to wish I could stay inside and not have to venture out to Paradise!


LeeAnn- Hope all goes well this week- and "see you" when you return!!! The reception sounds wonderful!


Beth- The pics on FB of your DD (and fellow dancers) are lovely- Your DD is so beautiful!


Stacy- Sounds like another busy weekend!! But you're almost done with school!!


Marisa- I couldn't find the link to the video, but it sounds like your hairdresser has a great attitude. WTG on finishing the deck! Hope you wore some sunscreen!!!


Off to get ready- lots to catch up on since I was off Friday- so may as well not prolong the inevitable and just get a headstart on the day.

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Head still stuffed with cotton... How long does it take a 48 year old to catch up on a weekend with too little sleep? Marisa would be all over this without skipping a beat, I've been dragging since Saturday.


Joanne, I hope Paradise is good to you. Do you get Memorial Day off next week?


LeeAnn, I hope your time away from home goes quickly, and you enjoy your training.


Marisa, Congrats on finishing the deck. It sounds like your hairdresser has a great attitude. I hope he can make a lot of improvements when he gets his new place. How nice of the community to give him temporary places to work.


Stacy, I understand about the long weekend. I hope you got your studying and cleaning done. How is Isabella's presentation coming along?

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Good morning- Welcome to Monday- and it's raining here- all the more reason to wish I could stay inside and not have to venture out to Paradise!


LeeAnn- Hope all goes well this week- and "see you" when you return!!! The reception sounds wonderful!


Beth- The pics on FB of your DD (and fellow dancers) are lovely- Your DD is so beautiful!


Stacy- Sounds like another busy weekend!! But you're almost done with school!!


Marisa- I couldn't find the link to the video, but it sounds like your hairdresser has a great attitude. WTG on finishing the deck! Hope you wore some sunscreen!!!


Off to get ready- lots to catch up on since I was off Friday- so may as well not prolong the inevitable and just get a headstart on the day.



Let me know if this works :D

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm about to head out to Hobby Lobby this morning. I've decided to make my cousin a University of Alabama graph ghan for her graduation since that's where she's going to college. I have less than 2 weeks to complete it!!! :eek Wish me luck and I'll be back this afternoon :hug

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Marisa, Good luck with the quick afghan. Enjoy shopping. Will you use ILTY? I had the opportunity to use it once, and I love that yarn! Roll Tide! Congrats to your cousin.


My son was not allowed to take his summer college class. The college lost his high school transcript, and had him marked as a high school student taking college courses. I had to dig through my file cabinets to find the emergency back-up copies of his transcripts and give him one so he could take it back to the college and get that fixed. He cannot re-enroll in the class until tomorrow. At least he should only miss one class.

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Quick good morning!


Beth- I hope that DS is able to register for his class today! Gotta love when colleges lose things- NOT!!!!


Marisa- Thanks for the link- it worked. It's amazing and if I lived closer, I'd support their salon!!!


Stacy- Love Isabella's 'angry birds' on FB!!!


LeeAnn- Thinking of you!


I missed craft club last night because I got home from work around 5:30 and had an hour before CC. Sat down in my chair with laptop and the next thing I know it was 7:30 and DH walked in and woke me up! Yup!! Fell asleep in the chair. So, needless to say, I missed CC!! Oh, well, guess I was tired and needed the sleep!


Time to get ready for another fun day in Paradise!!!

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Good morning.


Joanne, you must have been tired. I hope you feel rested today after your unplanned cat nap.


Stacy, Isabella's artwork is amazing. She has talent. Love the advice about getting to see the doctor sooner, too.


Marisa, What an upbeat video! That is great PR


LeeAnn, thinking of you, hoping things go well.


I made bun covers years ago for the ballet company to sell as a fundraiser. They had some of them available for sale at the recital this past weekend. One of our dancer's teacher bought a bunch of them, wants a LOT more, and got in touch with me (through the mom of the daughter) about it. I can't wait to get more details so I can start.

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We are taking my laptop to the Geek Squad today to get a broken hinge fixed. So if you don't see me for a while, assume everything is ok, but I'm going through serious withdrawal from the 'ville and from fb.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, after my trip to HL yesterday I played a video game.....many times over and kind of lost the day :blush:shrug Oh well, I guess it happens sometimes :lol Then last night Steph and Bean went to the Pirates game and before the game we met up with my aunt, cousin and his son for dinner and a drink at Bettis' right by the ballpark. My cousin is being deported in a couple weeks and my aunt is hear helping to get the house ready to go on the market June 1st. We won't see my cousin again for about a year-ish. He and his wife recently got divorced and I think if they knew he was going to be deported she would've stayed at the house. The marriage didn't end badly at all, I think they just grew apart and had enough sense to realize it before it turned into a bad situation :think


After I got home I took my shower and sat to watch some tv and start my ghan before bed. I got 6 whole rows done :lol I'm doing it in hdc.


Beth and Joanne - Dan is super amazing and such a strong willed person. I would've been in shambles for a few days before I got my act together :think My sister has a haircut tomorrow so I'll see him and check out the temporary spot. He put a new video up today that they're reopening and wanted to thank everyone and :blah :blah AND then said 'who do we not want to thank? ..... Verizon' :rofl I guess they're having issues getting their phones back on and working so are still using the cell phone. I'm going to bring them all a gift certificate tomorrow when we go for a visit here to help 'destress' and hopefully I can turn some into regular patients :xfin I'm just amazed at his strength to take his lemons and make that proverbial lemonade!!!!


Beth - Sorry about your sons college class :( At least he'll only miss the one class and should be able to get right on track, thankfully you had the backup copies :h5 I did get ILTY, I love it too and am happy to have one closer to me than when I was in Philly :bounce Exciting news about the bun covers :yes


Joanne - I'm glad the link worked out. Sorry you missed craft club, but sounds like you needed the rest.....especially if you were to see the hockey game :wink


Be back in a bit....I have a pic of my mcal ghan to share because I finally finished it :yay

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Hi all!


Marisa, your afghan is gorgeous!! How cute that the hairdresser put up a video to thank everyone, but Verizon. :lol So sorry to hear about your cousin being deported. :( Hopefully it won't take too long to get his paperwork straightened out, so he can come back (if he plans to.)


Joanne, sorry to hear you missed craft club, but sounds like you needed the rest. :hug Oh, I picked up a container of Peaberry coffee at TJ's this weekend- the flavor is excellent as regular coffee, but I made a huge mistake when grinding it for the espresso machine. :yuck


Beth, thanks for the compliment on Isabella's partwork. She is a pretty great artist, if I may say so. And to think her teacher said she's not artistic. :think Anywho- I was happy to see that you got the part for your laptop- good luck putting it back together! You're handy like that, though, so I'm sure you'll zip through it in no time. I mean, it HAS to be easier than putting the dryer back together, right? :lol Did you find the back-up files you needed, for your son's class?


Leeann, I hope your training is going well!


Yesterday, Eva had her kinder check-up. She needed 4 vaccines- I made sure to ask if they contained fish/lactose, and the pediatrician assured me that they did not. In the middle of the night, my poor girl woke up crying from pain and could not go to the bathroom. I Googled the ingredients in the vaccines, and 2 of them contain lactose. I am not a happy camper. She has been terribly sleepy all day and the teacher said she was having potty problems. :angry

Today we had review for our math final. I am taking a make-up test on Thursday, wish me luck! The final grade is the one she keeps- so if we do badly on the make-up, that is the one that sticks with our class grade. Also...I guess my health professor got some bad feedback from a student who was not pleased to be given the book assignment so close to finals. The professor made no apologies, only telling us that the information was vital to our overall health, and extended the due date to Thursday (which is our last day of class.)


Well, I better get going. Isabella is dying to show me something on the iPad. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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