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Some good clean fun?!

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-hope your day goes well. How was tutoring? Did you get to relax with hook in hand and last of all, I bet your ds is still over the moon happy about his new ride. Sooo sweet of him to call your dd.


Joanne-mmmm! Lip smacking good, your peach desert that is..yummy! That is fantastic that you were taken care of. Very nice indeed for your dh to fix dinner for ya all. Hope Paradise goes well. Do you have craft club this evening?


Stacy-how sweet! breakfast in bed!:c9 What lil sweeties. How fun! The countdown is officially on...almost finished with Spring semester.


Marisa-:clap:cheer for a Y membership. Awesome! And two new patients? yippyy skippy! Your practice is growing and growing. I knew it would. So happy for you. :hug


This last weekend was just wonderful. :c9:c9:c9 The family made me breakfast yesterday. They were soo sweet. They all sent me back to bed until it was ready. Homemade pancakes, eggs, hash browns, sausage, coffee and apple juice. All of my favorites. They were all so sweet. My dd set the table with flowers and a mint next to my spoon. :manyheart So thoughtful. They gave me the loveliest card and a Starbucks gift card.:cheer:cheer:cheer My heart was filled to the brim. After breakfast..we just vegged the entire day...yuppers! It was heavenly. No where to go, only hopped on the computer for a few minutes..no work. I loved it! And best of all I needed a day to do absolutely nothing. They also bought a lovely chocolate cake with cherries on it for desert with pizza for dinner. Oh my! What a great day! During the evening, I read aloud to dd for an hour. She was trying to finish her reading book to turn it in today. Since I love reading, it all worked out. Also helped ds with his last English assignment and sat and visited with dh while he made a dream catcher. What a great weekend!


I am ready to tackle the week! Starting with today, dd has her Honor Choir Concert this evening. Wed I have the sale and Friday we have rehearsal. My inlaws are renewing their wedding vows with a big ceremony on Saturday..have to make two deserts. I also start work on Monday:eek I will be adding the last of my goodies to my shop and then call it good for awhile. I have an order for Crazy Monkey Hemp Lotion..will get to that today and then list the last of the supplies on hand.


best get my tush in gear. hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


It sounds like everyone had a great day yesterday :clap


I did get my workout in and then showered. I sat and watched tv and worked a round of border onto my mcal ghan :D After Steph and bean got back from the game, which ran a bit late due to the rain delay, we made dinner and sat at the table chatting until 10 :eek


Joanne - It sure will be fun having your pool now with Ryan around :manyheart The peach pie sounds delish :drool The glitter party?! Well, it was so much fun. They moved everything out of the salon and lined up the chairs outside under a huge tent. They had an area set up with a red carpet for pictures. 2 open bars inside, one was the reception area and the other was in the back. A DJ and dance area was also set up in the back. Basically it was a huge party and everyone was very shiney :lol I bought a cute sequined shirt from Charlotte Russe (reasonably priced) and let Ingrid put some makeup on me and we glittified (I might've made that up) ourselves :lol I'm paying for it now as I already knew I would but didn't want to pass on the glitter. My arms were breaking out like crazy but I started lubing them up with cortisone yesterday and they are already much better today :yes:shrug And since they were raising money for cystic fibrosis, there was also a very nice, moving, and heart warming presentation :manyheart


Stacy - How sweet to get breakfast in bed :manyheart Sounds like a lovely day at the park with your family :yes


Beth - I hope your Monday goes better than your late start :wink


LeeAnn - You also got breakfast :manyheart I'm so glad you were all able to relax the day away :yay I hope dd's concert goes great tonight :xfin

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Good morning!


I'm supposed to be doing homework, so this will have to be quick. :lol


Marisa, the glitter party sounds so fun! Yikes @ breaking out from the glitter, though. :eek Glad to hear the cortisone is helping!


Leeann, your Mother's Day sounds fantastic! :manyheart Can I say how impressed I am that your dh makes dream catchers? Artistic men rock! :yes (Mine is a musician- I think that counts. :think:lol) Does he sell them or make them just for hobby? Good luck to your dd with her choir concert! Are you closing up shop while you work? Or will you still make things here and there? Oh! Your chill-pill soapies are awesome, by the way! As are the Fourth of July ones. The scent combo sounds delish. :c9


Joanne, good luck in Paradise! Hope you make it to craft club tonight!


Beth, how sweet of your son to call your dad for car advice. :manyheart Hope the rest of your day is on-time. :hug:hug


Guess what I received in my email this morning? The book. :eek It's about 300 pages- I will see what I can do but I don't anticipate finishing it in time. I have a math exam this week, one next week, and one the following week (which will be the state test, and counts as our final exam.) So I hope that whatever assignment we are given for it will not be too difficult. She's now saying that we will only have to answer some questions about it. :shrug

After class, I need to order Eva's graduation cake, then the older two have orthodontist appointments this afternoon. They each have an extra tooth on top where the new one is coming in behind it, so the dentist referred them to have some kind of spacer put in that pushes out the extra tooth. :think This ortho isn't covered under our insurance (dentist referred us to the wrong one,) but dh is adamant about at least getting the consultation. :shrug It's macaroni Monday, so dinner should be quick and easy, at least! :lol


Have a great day, besties!! :hug:hug:hug

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Stacy, 300 pages, is she insane? Though I have met a couple of college professors in my ballet-studio duties, and while they are all very very smart, some of them just don't understand how things work in the real world. I do love the weekly menu. I may just have a family meeting, and come up with something for here. Good luck with the Ortho appt.


Marisa, I love that you sat around chatting too late. It means you enjoy each other's company. The sparkle party sounds like a blast. Sorry you had skin problems from it. I'm glad the cortisone worked.


LeeAnn, your family can cook! How was the Honor Choir performance? So cool that your dd has made it into that. Do you have any last-minute fiddling to do to get ready for the sale tomorrow?


Joanne, the peach pie sounds so goood. I'm so happy for you that your family sounds so loving, so connected. You did a great job raising those girls.


Yesterday was kind of crazy busy at work, and I couldn't go to sleep after. I stayed up, took care of some of the paperwork hanging over my head. I finished the financial aid forms for the kids. I finished the twins' transcripts (since their grades came in.) Today I need to get my oldest son's grades, and go to our insurance agent. From what I've been told, both boys qualify for the good student discount, and I will take it!

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Good morning!

Not a lot of time here so suffice to say I read up on all of your comings and goings!!


Will try and post more tonight after Paradise.


Devils lost their game last night--but still lots of hockey left to play. Wednesday night is the next game so should have time to 'play' on the computer a bit tonight!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not too much going on. I did go to a presentation last night and it was about selling amway products. They have different lines such as cosmetics, household cleaners, vitamin/supplements and you would sign on for whatever your interests are. They set you up with a website through them and then your clients order straight from there instead of having to go through you. I said if anything the vitamins would be my interest, BUT not sure how I feel about selling anything and having a second business under my name. Since it would be income I'd need a whole second business structure and everything that goes with it. On another hand I'd get a kickback from any order placed through my site. I told them that I really don't know how I feel about it, but that I would look over the product book/information and compare it to the lines I already use that are exclusively available to doctors. One thing I liked was that they were not pushy about it at all :no


Other than that, when I came home I watched some tv and started another round of border on my mcal, which I still have one side to go on that round and then I'm going to do 2 more rounds yet.


Stacy - Your professor is crazy :eek But on the upside, at least you'll only have to answer questions now instead of writing a report :think I hope the orthodontist appointments go well :hug


Beth - We do enjoy each others company and lately we haven't really spent much time together :shrug I always took my grades to my insurance agent too for the discount....all the way through college :yes And an extra discount for taking driving lessons :yes


Joanne - Sorry your Devils lost :hug Did you go to craft club?


LeeAnn - I hope your sale goes well :xfin:hug:bounce

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Good Morning friends!


Joanne-so sorry that your team lost..is this the end for them? Tomorrow will be Wed:eek can you believe that? I was just thinking of the SBT..and thought of you. Have you whipped any more up?


Beth-good driver discounts and good grade discounts are awesome! How exciting for your teaching mommy job to come to an end. Are you excited?


Stacy-yupperss.your prof. is a bit delusional..hopefully you can skim thru the pages and find the info you need without having to sit and read the entire book. That is great that your dh is a musician! John plays guitar as well..he used to be in a band.:lol I will take a pic of the dream catcher to share, he really does a good job. I am trying to convince him to let me sell them.:devil


Marisa-I have heard of Amway, but have never purchased anything from them. How awesome that they set everything up for you. Are your arms feeling better?


Today I am whipping up another set of the Chill Pill soapies and a new set of children's soap.."footballs" hopefully they turn out well, the little details are difficult. Also have to pack up for the sale tomorrow. I am going to keep my Etsy shop open while I work, just won't have as much time to promote (treasuries and such) but am hoping to keep the fire going. Had a small sale today.:cheer It's been a little slow on Etsy but I will take it. Hoping to make it to 100 sales by the end of June.


Last night's Honor Choir concert was soo sweet. My dd sang and danced her heart out...she is too cute!


guess I had better move my tush and get started on my chores so that I can SOAp.


hugs n squishes!

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Good Morning friends!

Marisa-I have heard of Amway, but have never purchased anything from them. How awesome that they set everything up for you. Are your arms feeling better?


Today I am whipping up another set of the Chill Pill soapies and a new set of children's soap.."footballs" hopefully they turn out well, the little details are difficult. Also have to pack up for the sale tomorrow. I am going to keep my Etsy shop open while I work, just won't have as much time to promote (treasuries and such) but am hoping to keep the fire going. Had a small sale today.:cheer It's been a little slow on Etsy but I will take it. Hoping to make it to 100 sales by the end of June.


Last night's Honor Choir concert was soo sweet. My dd sang and danced her heart out...she is too cute!


guess I had better move my tush and get started on my chores so that I can SOAp.


hugs n squishes!


My arms are doing a bit better. At first I was thinking what's wrong with my arms :think:eek I'm wearing long sleeves although it's supposed to be pushing 80 today. But, I find that having the fabric against them makes them itch less. I've also noticed that yesterday it seemed to flare up at the end of the day :( They do look pretty darn good right now though :yes

Have fun soaping :devil Glad to hear that dd did great at the concert last night :manyheart:clap

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Was hoping to have time to play on the computer tonight and catch up with everyone, but alas, my macbook of 7 years has died. Needs a new hard drive and I knew it was coming- but didn't want to believe it!!


Read up on the posts, but am on my ipad, and I really don't like typing so much on that especially when I'm tired and it keeps trying to auto correct my spelling


Hugs to you all

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Joanne, so sorry about the death of your computer. Will you get a new computer, or repair the old one?


Marisa, I'm glad your arms are better. How long does it take to get over something like that? Are you sensitive to a lot of things?


LeeAnn, It's a little exciting that I'm not homeschooling any more, but mostly it's sad. My kids are all adults now. They will be moving away, starting their own families, their own lives, and I will miss them so much. I loved home schooling because of the extra time we got to spend together. I will miss having them around all the time.


Stacy, how is the reading coming? How long do you have to finish that particular assignment?


The last ballet performance is this weekend. Things are crazy at the studio. Good thing I'm there to keep things sane!:loco

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!

Beth- It's an adjustment for sure when your children are adults! But it's a great chapter in life- I love spending time with my DD's now - it's not the same, but it's all good!!

I'll be replacing the hard drive in the laptop. Since I had everything backed up on an external hard drive, I should have my 'old' computer back once I get the hard drive replaced. DH said he'd stop and get one today for me. I'm hoping this will work and come August, I'll probably go for a new macbook. The reason I want to wait is Apple doesn't put the computers on sale, but in August for back to school, there is usually some sort of promotion when you buy a macbook. When I got the one I have now, I was able to get a free ITouch (after rebate) with purchase.

Good luck during this last crazy week before recital this weekend.


Stacy- Good luck with that book- it sounds kind of bogus to me that you have to read it.


LeeAnn- Enjoy your last week before going back to work- and rooting for 100 by end of June! Would love to see a pic of the dreamcatcher!


Marisa- I didn't go to craft club because the Devils in the 3rd round of hockey playoffs doesn't happen all that often! Especially Devils vs Rangers! Quite the buzz around the office with this round- I'd say people I talk to are pretty evenly divided between Devils fans and Rangers fans. I have my hair cut appt tonight and should make it home in time for faceoff!!! Go Devils!!!


Have a great day- it's raining here- but better now than the weekend!!

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Good morning!


Joanne, sorry to hear about your MacBook. Good thing you have everything backed up!!


Beth, I want to give you a big hug right now! :hug:hug:hug Good luck with the performance this weekend. Maybe you could use some yarn to tie down unruly parents/teachers/students. :devil


Marisa, :clap for your rash being cleared up!


Leeann, what's on the agenda for today? Your chill-pill soaps are seriously too cute for words. My mom would get a kick out of them. I'm thinking of sending her a package- just because. :manyheart Do you have any more of the pina colada tarts? I will message you on Etsy.


So, we received our book assignment yesterday- we must read 2 chapters, summarize them, and answer several questions about each chapter. We can do it with a partner, but it must be 4-6 pages long and due next Tuesday. :eek This woman is insane. Plus, there is a vision board due next Tuesday, for extra credit. I might not do that, simply because I won't have time. I have a math exam for each of the next 3 weeks. :eek And Isabella has a project due on Monday about Jackie Robinson, so we will be sharing my computer. (The girls have one, but it is not equipped with MS Word.) Throw in Eva's graduation and dh's birthday on Friday, Mia's soccer game and dh's/MIL's b'day party on Saturday- and I've got one crazy weekend. :loco <~~~I might start looking like Beth. :lol:devil


Well, I must scoot off to class. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I didn't really do much of anything last night. This morning I had a new patient and then a regular patient after that and then we went to lunch together. I got back a little bit ago and wanted to check in before starting up on my paperwork for them.


Joanne - Sorry you're having computer issues and the iPad annoys me at times when I try to abbreviate something and I don't catch it. Like when I play words with friends and chat in the game, I often abbreviate have with 'hv' well the iPad always makes it 'HIV' :lol And I never remember until the message is sent.


Beth - Hopefully you'll settle down a bit after this last performance :xfin I'm sensitive to everything....lotions, soaps, detergents, perfumes, and metals. Even if it says hypoallergenic, it doesn't matter. So when I find something that works, I stick with it. I knew the glitter was going to be a problem since it little pieces of different types of metal BUT I wanted the glitter for the glitter party :shrug I can wear jewelry if it's gold, white or yellow doesn't matter. We found that out when I got engaged years ago and we were all just waiting to see if my finger was going to blow up :lol If I wear perfume I put it on my clothes and not me.


Stacy - I'm sending you some energy for the weekend!!! I was reading your post thinking at least it's only 2 chapters now instead of the whole book...that's a bit better! And then I get to the 4-6 page paper part PLUS questions :eek That's just crazy! But I know you'll pull through like a champ. Keep your eyes on the finish line.....and maybe make yourself a schedule to set time aside for everything that needs doing???

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I'll be replacing the hard drive in the laptop. Since I had everything backed up on an external hard drive, I should have my 'old' computer back once I get the hard drive replaced. DH said he'd stop and get one today for me. I'm hoping this will work and come August, I'll probably go for a new macbook. The reason I want to wait is Apple doesn't put the computers on sale, but in August for back to school, there is usually some sort of promotion when you buy a macbook. When I got the one I have now, I was able to get a free ITouch (after rebate) with purchase. !
I'm so glad you won't lose anything. I think it's great to plan ahead for a purchase so you get some free goodies with it. Shows great restraint, too.


Beth, I want to give you a big hug right now! :hug:hug:hug Good luck with the performance this weekend. Maybe you could use some yarn to tie down unruly parents/teachers/students. :devil What? Waste yarn on them???? NEVER!

I've got one crazy weekend. :loco <~~~I might start looking like Beth. :lol:devilThere's plenty of room at crazy for all of us!


Well, I must scoot off to class. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

Good luck with the book assignment. I'm glad you don't have to read all 300 pages.
This morning I had a new patient and then a regular patient after that and then we went to lunch together. I got back a little bit ago and wanted to check in before starting up on my paperwork for them. congrats on the new patient! I am enjoying watching your business grow.

Beth - Hopefully you'll settle down a bit after this last performance :xfin I'm sensitive to everything....lotions, soaps, detergents, perfumes, and metals. Even if it says hypoallergenic, it doesn't matter. So when I find something that works, I stick with it. I knew the glitter was going to be a problem since it little pieces of different types of metal BUT I wanted the glitter for the glitter party :shrug I can wear jewelry if it's gold, white or yellow doesn't matter. We found that out when I got engaged years ago and we were all just waiting to see if my finger was going to blow up :lol If I wear perfume I put it on my clothes and not me. Born to wear gold!


LeeAnn, I hope your Wednesday was awesome, like you!

Tonight was really long and kind of difficult at the studio. We were advertised to be there between 10 and 12 a.m. then 3 and 8:30 p.m. to hand out recital costumes, and my new boss's brother is not well, so she went to be with him, so I was there all that time. I got the body of the crocodile stitch purse done -- the moms in the studio think it'd make an awesome clutch, so I may just get it lined and zippered, and call it quits.

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Good Evening my friends!


Beth-you have had a long day, your crocodile clutch I am positive, is just AWESOME! I bet you miss home schooling but bet you can still help tutor your kiddos as they go thru their college years.


Joanne-you are showing very good restrain not buying a new mac until they go on sale. We are thinking of purchasing a new laptop too..that's a great idea to wait until school starts in the fall. Thank you for sharing.


Marisa-happy to hear that your arms are doing so well and also Fantastic news about the new patient. You go girl! So happy for you!


Stacy-I sold the Pina Colada tarts today but can whip some up for you tomorrow. I will be replenishing what I sold as well as adding a few more goodies..more soapie ideas to come.:devil


Today was GREAT! The sale was for a Women's Conference. So cool! I met lots of different women that are all so powerful and full of energy and life. I sold quite a bit too..already deactivated what I sold in my Etsy shop. However tomorrow I will be adding new soapies..more goodies and hopefully creating a new batch of "girlie" soapies.:devil Other than that, nothing too exciting, just trying to keep up. I am pretty worn out. think I will work on my shop for a few and then call it a night.


talk to ya all in the a.m. Hugs n squishes!


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Quick stop in to let you all know I have my macbook back!! DH got me a new hard drive for it and by the time I got home from the hair appt at 8PM it was already installed and he had downloaded everything from my external hard drive onto the macbook!!


Can't stress enough if you have a laptop how important it is to back everything up onto an external hard drive! It's just like it never died and I have all my favorites still bookmarked, photos, patterns- everything!!


Gotta get ready- it's late already- but wanted to pop in and wish you all a good day---


and oh yea, the Devils won last night and tied the best of 7 game series --now it's 1-1!!!


So it was a good night all around--hair done, macbook back and the Devils won!!! Doesn't take too much to make me happy!!!

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-I am soo happy for you! Your dh is just a sweetie to get everything installed and uploaded for you. :cheer:clap I so need to back up everything as I would be in a world of hurt with my business info/pictures and such. thank you again for the reminder.


Got up feeling a bit better..the sale events sure take a lot out of me. But with a bit of sleep and lots of coffee..hopefully I can get moving on things today.


I am doing Spot cleaning today. The house is clean just have those areas that need attention. Trying to get it looking sparkly clean so that I do not have to worry about it over the weekend.


Have a great day friends! BBL! hugs n squishes!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I started reading posts about 2 hours ago :eek Anyways, last night I worked more on my border and now only have the last round of reverse sc to do :clap:yay


This morning I worked out at home. One of the girls I met from a PYP event that works for a financial group stopped by today at 1 (well, she was a bit late) and did her little sales pitch spiel. She wasn't pushy at all and of course asked if she could leave out some business cards and brochures. We went over my finances and she quickly realized that I'm not spending anywhere that can be readjusted. It's all neccessary since it's all bills and not being spent on clothes and fun stuff :lol (That's because Steph and Bean pay for me to go out) so the only time I spend money going out is to the PYP events which are marketing/networking anyways and it's not much I spend at those either.


She then wanted to be treated so now I have 22 patients :clap I have one scheduled at 4 too (a returning patient) :D


Beth - Can't wait to see your new clutch :bounce Wow, you had a full day yesterday!


LeeAnn - Glad to hear the event went well and was successful for you :clap They do take alot out of you :yes


Joanne - :yay for your mac being fixed, your hair being done, and the Devils winning....it was a good day for you :wink

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Hi all,

Had a good day (after work that is- LOL) Watched Ryan and now I"m home watching Grey's Anatomy and getting ready to work on my shawl.

Off tomorrow to go to the Museum of Art in Philly!!! Sure wish Marisa still lived in PHilly. Middle DD and I are having a mother-daughter day!!!

Here's a pic of the museum with the yarn bombing


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Oh my! I realy ned to update my litle profile


ugh. my keyboard's not working right.

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Joanne, how fun!! I looked at some of the photos on the blog and it is so colorful and happy. :cheer And you got to watch Ryan today- sounds like the perfect ending to the week. :hug:hug:hug Have lots of fun tomorrow!


Marisa, :clap for a new customer! You are on a roll! Any fun plans for the weekend?


Leeann, I'm happy to hear you feel better today. :clap How nice to only do spot-cleaning. Will you have a restful weekend before going back to work?


Beth, :hug:hug so sorry to hear you had to stay at the ballet studio the entire time. Can't wait to see your new clutch! And I love the pics of your inventions on FB. :manyheart


My math exam went well, I think. There were only 2 that I was really stumped on (1 that I didn't even finish) but after :blah with everyone after class, it seems like I was on the right track to solving them. :xfin that I get some points for that. I also got extra credit in health today, as our prof had a surprise extra credit quiz. My dh's meeting was cancelled for tomorrow, so he is taking the day off. Poor guy- it's his birthday and I have my day cut out for me. :( In the morning, I'm helping set up for the graduation, then going to get the oil changed, picking up the cake, and taking Eva to get her hair cut after school. :whew Then the graduation starts at 4:30, and we are going out to dinner afterward with dh's family.


I better scoot and get the girls all ready for bed. Isabella wants to stop before school and get Subway, so we have to be up EARLY.


Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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