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I got up at 4 with my dd, took her to meet her friend who drove her to DC. She had the best time. I got so many texts from her with big smiles in them =D I haven't seen her this enthusiastic about anything for a long time. She got to tour a facility that designs and tests things. I'm not sure what things, but the people who work there actually designed most of the machines used for testing. She got to talk to them, see how they made their designs, see the drawings, the models, and the actual machines. She is eager to jump into college now, to learn more in this field. I think they may have given her the nudge to go into engineering! I am very happy.

Her twin brother is buying a car. He's taking delivery on Saturday. We need to get the insurance and DMV paperwork done before then, so there goes my tomorrow. It's well spent, though. He is such an amazing person. He deserves a car. He worked to pay for it, and wouldn't get one until he had a job (actually 2 for the summer) to pay for insurance, gas and maintenance. And he's already perusing catalogs to find the parts to repair and improve it. It's a 1987 Pontiac Trans-am, dark blue. The interior is pretty much shot, but he has already helped his dad replace the interior on his 1968 firebird, so he knows he can fix it.

My oldest is hanging out with his girlfriend tomorrow. That's all the news I have about him. He has a brief break, about a week, before his summer class starts. He's taking Algebra.

Joanne, I hope it wasn't too hard going back to Paradise after your visit with your dd. I'm glad you got some grandson therapy after your first day back.

LeeAnn, once again, you wear me out, listening to all you do. I am very interested in what you like in houses, what's on your "Must-have" list, and what's on your "I would really like" list. I will be popping over to your Etsy store next, see what you have new.

Marisa, The day at the mall sounds like great advertising. i hope you have fun manning your table.

Stacy, almost done! Is there anyone you can complain to about the assignment from your prof?

My bed is calling me so loudly, I'm surprised Joanne can't hear it!

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Evening all!


quick fly by before calling it quits..


Joanne-may you have a Thursday filled with Sunshine and happiness.:hug


Beth-I am soo happy that your dd is happy:hug:hug:hug how exciting! I only have a few wants for another house..more space and a dishwasher...yuppers...I am pretty easy to please..my dream home would have a huge craft room and extra bedroom and lots and lots of updated appliances, a well manicured yard and a dog house with a dog run for our pets.:devil


off to bed with myself...I listed the new goodies but got another big order...Happy Dance! I will deliver it tomorrow with the other order as have everything in stock..I told dh "see, stockpiling does work" now if I could convince him that that applies to yarn and fabric.


night all! hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!!


Beth- That is great that your DD had such an amazingly good time!!!! My niece is graduating this month with both her bachelor's and master's in Engineering! She's already got a job all lined up. She amazes me! Engineering is a great field for a woman!! Sounds like a lot of fun for your DS with his new wheels!! He sure worked hard for it!!!


LeeAnn- Woo-hoo for another sale!!! You are really doing great and must have such a great feeling of accomplishment!!! Good luck with finding your new home- and I chuckled because the one thing that makes life so much easier is having a dishwasher!!


Stacy- Math is almost done- you can do this!!! How are the girls? Did you get to work on the cardi any more?


Marisa- Hope you got your brochures printed and folded and that your printer cooperated with you.


Off to get ready because I must, not because I want to!:lol

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Joanne, happy Hump Day for your short week, unless you'd rather celebrate happy Almost Friday day. I hope your day goes well.


LeeAnn, congrats on the new order. I would love to have a dishwasher. This house is so old the combination of plumbing problems and electrical shortcomings makes it impossible. I would really like to take a sledgehammer to the kitchen and baths.... :c9 But I'm not good at finishing projects, so that may not be a good idea!:devil You do seem quite easy to please.


Marisa, did you get everything printed and folded? Are you excited for the event at the mall?


Stacy, another week almost gone by -- you'll be through with that class before you know it.


I have paperwork, red tape, and financial fun to handle today. How do people who work full-time get all these things done?

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, I didn't leave the office until 10 pm last night :eek BUT I did get all the brochures printed and folded :clap Everything is done, now just to pack it up for transporting :D


Joanne - I also enjoy using mass transit, which is why I love New York and Chicago so much....I find them very easy to navigate (well, I prefer the subway/el :lol ) :yay for seeing Ryan and definitely understandable that it would be difficult to move away. I also understand DH for not wanting to move in Patriots territory. While I like the Red Sox, I do not like any of their other teams :eek:lol


Beth - :yay for dd finding some inspiration and getting so excited about this. Awesome that ds found a car that he can fix up, he sounds like a very responsible young man :yes I hope your other ds has funny hanging with his gf.


LeeAnn - Oh, you should go on House Hunters! Love that show :D:yay for another big order!!!

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Hi there Friends!


My oh my! Just not getting a chance to stop for a few minutes at least.


Beth-you and your hubby have raised such responsible young adults. Good job! I am excited for all of your kiddos to start their lives out with new adventures, places to go and people to see and most importantly fun to be had.


Marisa-will keep everything crosses that your evening goes great! You are prepared.


Joanne-it's almost the weekend, isn't that wonderful? Your dear little gs is soo sweet.


Stacy-hoping and praying that everything in your neck of the woods is great!


I got up early and got all of my orders together..no small task. they are awaiting delivery. This evening my dd has a school Spring Concert..yikes! I am feeling a bit frazzled..but know that all of this will soon pass.


Oh and thank you Beth! for sharing the link to your crocodile purse, what a great video. I started one of her projects called the Slanted Shell..I love it! A long time ago I had made an afghan using this stitch but couldn't remember how to do it..her instructions are perfect. Here's the link for the written pattern.



off I go to deliver. hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,

Quick pop in because dinner is ready!


Thanks for the link for the slanted shell. I used her you tube video's to learn how to crochet!!!


Will try and BBL, otherwise, will be back in the AM!!!

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Hi friends!


I started a post last night, but got distracted with online homework, then my computer died. I took that as a sign that it was time for bed. :lol


It has been hot the past few days, so I haven't felt like doing much. My math professor is really piling on the homework, now that we are in the home stretch. My health professor is still insisting that we have to read the book. It is in the syllabus, but the problem is that it is written by her and hasn't even been published yet. She has an email copy she is supposed to send out over the weekend. :shrug


Leeann, WTG on getting all of your orders finished. The slant-stitch pattern is super-cute, thanks for sharing the pattern. I hope you get some much-needed rest soon! :hug


Joanne, glad you had such a wonderful time with your dd in Boston, and got some Ryan-time after work. I had a slight little bout of sadness when I realized that my youngest dd will be in kinder next year. I called my mom, and she said, "How do you think I feel? My baby has babies!" :lol Oh! I stopped at TJ's today and had a sample of the Peaberry coffee- SO yummy! It has a tiny hint of sweet-and-tart. Odd combination, but very tasty. :yes


Beth, hope you got through the red tape and financial fun quickly. So happy to hear your dd had a wonderful time in DC- how awesome that she knows what she wants to go to school for already. :cheer And how exciting that your son is buying a car! You have raised such responsible inventions!


Marisa, how's it going? :clap for finishing up the brochures and having everything ready to go! Best of luck at the mall event!


I did some running today and got the papers needed to register Eva for kindergarten. Also found out that I don't have to re-register the girls for their school every year- since we were accepted for open enrollment last year, they are automatically re-enrolled every year. :cheer That was awesome news. And, of course, since the older two already go to that school, I should have no trouble getting Eva in. Also scheduled 2 ortho appointments, Eva's school physical, and took a walk with the girls. When we returned, we found that the dogs had eaten the wrapping from the Mother's Day gift Eva made for me at school. :eek This is the second year in a row. :think


Anywho- I better scoot and get things cleaned up. The girls want to have a movie night, but I can't concentrate on a movie when there is a mess. :blush Love and hugs!



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Good morning!

Stacy- You can do it---although I think it stinks that the prof hasn't even published the book yet and you have to read it! Oh, well--this too shall pass!! The peaberry coffee sounds good- I'm hoping to get to TJ's this weekend- most likely on Sunday.

I can totally relate to your Mom- I couldn't believe when my baby had a baby!


DD, GS, her MIL and I are going to Rutgers Gardens tomorrow morning for their annual plant sale. It's so beautiful there and they grow some really nice plants/flowers. There is a nice walking path there too. I'll pick up some annuals to plant and probably some herbs.


Marisa- Hope all went well last night!


LeeAnn- hope you get a little R&R in this weekend for Mother's Day! You've been working so hard and deserve to have a little down time!!! I'm so happy that your little business has taken off so well--but you do nice work, so I'm not surprised!


Beth- Hope you got all the red tape, financial aid stuff taken care of. It's not easy when you work FT and have to take care of that stuff- I know- been there done that! LOL


Clock is ticking- so I best get off the computer and get ready ---all I can say is TGIF!!!

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Joanne, The plant sale sounds great! I love fresh herbs. What do you think you'll get?


Stacy, If the book can be e-mailed, she should have alread sent it to everybody! Hopefully, it's a very short book. And why couldn't she send it out earlier, if it's an e-mail copy?


Marisa, glad you got all your brochures done. I can't wait to hear how the event goes. Any fun plans for the weekend?


LeeAnn, you are accomplishing great things, my friend, making awesome products, having top-notch customer service, and raising fine children! I do wish I had some of your energy.


Now I need to go check out LeeAnn's Etsy products and that slant-stitch pattern...

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Top of the morning friends!


It's morning? soo soon? Got dd and dh out the door, have to get ready as well but wanted to hop on here to check on my favorite friends.


Joanne-ohhh laaa laaaa the annual plant sale sounds like soo much fun and beautiful eye candy! I bet your sweet-pea GS will love looking at all the colors of the flowers and plants. Hoping today flies by in a blur and that you are home before you know it.


Beth-What's on your agenda for today? Hope you get time to veg. Pizza tonight? Why Yes! I will be right over. :devil


Stacy-the countdown is on! wooohoooooo!


Marisa-think I will try to create a sales flyer/brochure of some sort...perhaps this weekend. Have a great weekend, can't wait to hear about it. I look forward to your posts on Monday morning, your weekends always sound so awesome filled with you, great friends and lots of activities.


This morning my dd has her Fun Run..they have a mile long race around the school and school yard. Parents, families and friends are there to cheer them on. She has been practicing but is feeling a bit tired. She has been as busy as her mama. Then it will be back home to dust my product shelves..have to get them all gussied up as I have a customer coming over to pick up the pink afghan that she ordered and check out my products.


Thank you all for the lovely compliments, it means so much to me. It is so much fun creating all of these goodies but best of all sharing them with everyone.:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I signed up for an even next week..I know...what was I thinking? Kathi called and asked if I would like to set up at the college..they are having some kind of event on Wed..she was talking soo fast, I didn't catch everything she was saying. I am excited, I have enough products made but will be working on Fourth of July soapies..can you believe that? Someone asked if I had some soaps????:eek:eek:eek


Also have a new set of soapies that I will share with ya all later this afternoon whipped up..can't wait to hear what you all think?


best "Scoot" as Stacy would say (love that) BBL~! hugs n squishes!

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Do you ever stop LeeAnn? I so admire all your energy and enthusium!!! Oh, to be your age again!!!


Beth- I'll probably just get some basil and maybe some cilantro- all depends what catches my eye! Not going to get alot of flowers- I've been planting perennials the last few years and getting fewer and fewer annuals. Just want a few pops of color to jazz things up- the older I get, the more "maintenance free" the yard is the better!!


Stacy- Loved the pic of your DD with the flowers for her teacher--oh, so sweet!!!!

Looks like DD wants to go to TJ's tomorrow- I told her if she wanted to go before the plant sale, I was leaving at 7:30 so we could be there when they open at 8- she's going to call in the AM and let me know. Otherwise, I'll go alone and just pick up a few things for her


DH is going to cook for DD and me on Sunday!! My son-in-law works on Sunday's so DD will come here. Still waiting to hear if my middle DD can make it or not. She may have finals to study for- can't remember if they were this week or next week. If she can't make it, I'll just have another mother's day celebration next Sunday! LOL


Off to watch the Yankees and unwind!

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Joanne, how sweet of your dh to cook for you and dd! :manyheart Have fun shopping with your dd and her MIL- sounds like a nice, fun way to spend the morning!


Leeann, you are doing another show? :nworthy I do not know how you do it. Hope your dd had a great time at her fun run. Good luck getting everything ready for the customer. Can't wait to see the new products you've whipped up. It's funny that you should mention Fourth of July soapies, because my dds and I were at the store the other day and they had decorations for the Fourth out already! :eek It's my favorite holiday, but I have to admit that it is way to early to get ready for it.


Marisa, I also love Mondays, when we get to hear about all of the awesome activities you've done over the weekend. :D:D


Beth, is the slant-stitch pattern the one you used for the Steelers 'ghan? :think Is it pizza night? I stopped by Walmart earlier and they didn't have GF mixes this time. Oh, well, maybe next time. Any wild plans for the weekend? :lol


Nothing major here. Soccer practice for Mia, and 'anything goes' for dinner. My favorite! :blush:lol We have been working on "themes" to make dinner easier- so far we've come up with macaroni Mondays, taco Tuesdays, and tossed-together Thursdays. I'm thinking "forgot to make dinner Fridays." :rofl

Anyway...I'm going to work on the bag for the eco swap, then maybe have an early bedtime. The hot weather makes me :yawn. Love and hugs!

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Good morning

I love your menu planning ideas, Stacy!!! Whats on the menu for Wednesdays? How about Waffle Wednesday's? You know, breakfast for dinner;) I especially like Friday's choice:lol:lol Hope you have a good weekend!


LeeAnn, Beth and Marisa- Hope your Saturday is all you want it to be!!!


I'm getting ready to head out and get some bagels and then go to DD's. Then headed to Rutgers Gardens- It's a beautiful sunny day today!:clap

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Stacy, my dh's grandmother had one weekly menu planned that she repeated every week. I'm not sure about everything, but I think it was Spaghetti Tuesdays. it makes grocery shopping and meal preparing easier. I made that pizza mix last week, baked two empty crusts (it calls for prebaking) and froze one which I topped and baked this week. It was the thinner crust, and was better than the first one -- very crisp and crunchy. And yes, the slant stitch pattern (called the "Cross hatch" pattern in my book) is the one I used for the steeler ghan, and it's the stitch used in the diaganol stripes afghan, too.


Joanne, I'm ready to pull out all my bushes and my flower garden, and just mow everything, so I understand what you are saying about wanting a lower-maintenance yard the older I get. I have some basil in my tiny garden, too. Enjoy the plant show. That sounds like so much fun.


LeeAnn, Congrats to your daughter on her race today. I hope she enjoys it. How did the visit from the customer go? I'm glad you have enough product for the event next week. Good luck with that!


Marisa, like everyone else, I enjoy hearing what a young, single person does with a weekend. Of course, I don't think I've ever had the fun social life you have! It's invigorating to hear about it.


Today, my son and husband drive an hour to pick up the "new" car, and my son drives it back. My dd has ballet, and I will be tutoring the new ballet manager's son in algebra while she dances. I want to get my grocery shopping done today, so I don't have to do it on Mother's day.

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Howdy friends!


Stacy-I love your menu! Especially Friday's:rofl :lol I have discovered that I do not like cooking would much rather SOAP. :D I really should think of doing something like that now that I start work. Thank you for the idea.


Beth-thank you also for the menu idea. I find that I have run out of new recipes to try. I like whipping dinner up fast, no time to waste. :devil I bet your ds is soo excited to get his new ride today..happy happy happy! you are right, the slanted shell stitch was called something else when I had made it years ago. Good luck tutoring.


Joanne-how was your venture out to the plant shop? did your gs just love it?:tuphappy for new spices.


Marisa-have a great weekend!


My customer made it out here last night, her daughter loved the ghan. :danceshe was going to purchase it thru etsy but couldn't get her computer to work so she will be by today to drop off her payment. While she was here I showed her the new "Chill Pill" soaps..she wants them as well. I took pictures of them to share with you all. Also waiting for another set to harden so that I can add them to my Etsy shop. I think they will be a huge hit...hoping.


Also made the 4th of July soaps too..will share a pic of those as well. My ds picked out the fragrances red-strawberry, white-coconut and blue-blueberry..the combination is :drool


Ds and dh just left. They are delivering soil for scouts..poor guys. Never get a break. Dd is sore today. She is soaking in a hot bath with bath salts...so glad that I have those on hand.


other than that, going to work on my shop a lil bit then rest. I feel a bit tired today.


hugs n squishes!:ghug



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Very cute soaps!!! Love the chill pill!!!


We had a wonderful time at Rutgers Gardens- it's such a beautiful hidden gem!!! I got some perennials to put where we had a bush removed- and also bought some basil and a few geraniums to put in a big planter I have. DD's MIL joined us and we decided next year we are all going to take Friday before Mother's Day off and go to the Gardens, then out to lunch! DD surprised both of us by paying for the plants we had picked out- we both tried to tell her no- but she insisted--Gotta love that girl.


We went back to her house and my SIL was cooking hamburgers and hot dogs and his dad and one brother were there. We had a nice lunch, SIL had to leave for work, Ryan went for his nap and I came home and planted by 'gifts'!


It's such a beautiful, gentle breezy, sunshiny day! Going to sit outside on the deck for a while with a book and enjoy the day!!


Beth- Hope that DS loves his 'new car' --which I'm sure he will!!

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Happy Mother's Day!!!


My son is ecstatic about the car. He and his dad already resolved a few issues that needed to be sorted before the car went on the road. The horn wasn't working, the right turn signals weren't blinking (but they came on) and one side of the brake lights were out. They fixed them all. And my son asked my dad by phone what he thought the problem was with the turn signal, which made my dad's day. He feels very unneeded, unappreciated since he had his stroke, so he enjoyed giving advice.


I hope everyone has a beautiful day!

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Good afternoon ladies


I'm on the iPad so won't be super long here. I didn't get a chance to get in Friday. I had 2 new patients and was cleaning up from the mall event from Thursday and did my laundry in the morning, which I just now had time to fold this morning :eek


The mall event was a great success I think, well just have to wait and see if patients actually turn up from it. One of the new patients on Friday was another vendor that was at the event and complaining of spasms for 2 weeks. He should be back this week. The other new patient is one of our neighbors.


Yesterday I volunteered to help at a walk and I won a membership to the YMCA from the raffle :yay. It's only a few blocks from the house and has a pool which I'm excited about. I haven't gotten to swim since I was in new York :eek. But in Philly there wasnt anywhere close by with a decent pool for laps :( and I don't need to join a gym for the exercise equipment since I have my own :shrug


After that I went out for brunch with steph and beans family and then to Ingrid's. We went to the mall, I needed a shirt to wear out last night, and the market. Then I came home, showered and changed then back to Ingrid's. We went to a glitter party at our hair salon, which was to raise money for cystic fibrosis and we had an awesome time.


Now today I'm relaxing. Steph and bean just left for the pirates game. I'm debating on working out, which I really need to do since I only got in 1 day last week :eek. But it was busy! I am hoping to getting some hook time, it's been about 3 weeks!!!


Happy Mothers Day to you wonderful mothers :hug


Joanne, how nice of DH to make dinner today :clap


Beth, glad to hear all is working out with ds car and that he called your dad to ask questions...I'm sure it made his day :yes


Stacy, well, I'm guessing the teacher didn't want to send the copy in email, because then your not buying the book to boost her sales! :angry I think it's crazy and if the problem is not remedied, maybe bring the issue to the higher ups that you were given an assignment from a book that doesn't exist :(


LeeAnn, awesome new soaps, you really do great work! I think you should plan a relaxing day for the whole family. Just go to the park for a picnic or something :think. You all need a little break.


Ok, this was much longer than anticipated :lol


Catch y'all tomorrow

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Marisa-- I chuckled when you said it would be a short post from your iPad! That's awesome that you won a membership to the Y!!! DD was over today and asked when I was opening the pool since she can't wait to see Ryan in the water! I love the water too- so guess I better call the pool company and get the opening scheduled!


Bth- That's great that your Dad was able to feel helpful- that's one of the hardest things when you get old- the feeling that you can't help anymore! I'll be he was on cloud 9 when your son called him for advice!


Stacy and LeeAnn- Hope your beautiful children spoiled you today!!!


We had a lovely day- my middle and youngest were here and we watched the Yankee game then went to the waterfront park for a bit. Came home to dinner ready and then after dinner took Ryan for a walk. Middle DD and BF brought over a delicious Peach pie that taste like a peach cobbler- It was so refreshingly good!!!! Everyone has left, and now I'm going to hook for a bit before calling it a day!!


Hugs to you all!!!!

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Good evening!


Happy Mother's Day! Hope you all had a fantastic day with your inventions!


Joanne, sounds like a wonderful day. :manyheart The peach pie sounds delish. You are going to have such a fun summer with little Ryan and the pool, I am sure!


Marisa, as always- sounds like a great weekend. :cheer for 2 new patients! And how exciting to win a Y membership. :clap


Beth and Leeann, hope you were spoiled rotten today. :hug:hug:hug


The girls woke me up with breakfast in bed- Nutella toast, orange juice, and Ritz crackers-n-cheese. :lol It was sweet. They actually woke me up so that I could open my gifts, but I guess since I was so bleary-eyed, they decided breakfast was a better idea. Crazy kids. We chilled until about 2, then met my IL's at the park and had a picnic. The girls played baseball and soccer with dh and FIL, while MIL and I :blah :blah. We stayed for a few hours, got ice cream, then came home. I cleaned the hamsters' cage, did a bit of homework, and now I am thinking of going to bed.


Good night! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Love the breakfast-in-bed, Stacy!! How sweet!!! I remember my DD's being so excited about doing that for me- I'll bet yours were too. It sounds like you had a great day (that is until the hamster cage cleaning part:lol)


Beth- Did your inventions do anything special for you? Although it seems that everyday they treat you like a queen!


LeeAnn- I hope you took some 'me' time for yourself. When do start back up with the Migrant position?


Marisa- What do they do at a glitter party? Sounds interesting. Did you get in your workout? I really need to start going back to the gym- It felt so good after taking a nice long walk yesterday!


Off to get ready for another fun-filled week in Paradise;)

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